ISO/IEC 8613-10:1991/Amd 3:1992
(Amendment)Information processing — Text and office systems — Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 10: Formal specifications — Amendment 3: Formal specification of the character content architectures
Information processing — Text and office systems — Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 10: Formal specifications — Amendment 3: Formal specification of the character content architectures
Traitement de l'information — Bureautique — Architecture des documents de bureau (ODA) et format d'échange — Partie 10: Spécifications formelles — Amendement 3: Spécifications formelles des architectures de contenus de caractères
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information processing -Text and Office
Systems - Office Document Architecture (ODA)
and interchange format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
AMENDMENT 3: Formal specification of the
Character content architectures
Traitement de I ’information - Bureautique - Architecture des documents
de bureau (ODA) et format d ’kchange -
Partie 70: Sptkifications formelles
AMENDEMENT3: Spkifications formelles des architectures de contenus
de caractkres
Reference number
ISO/iEC 8613-10:1991/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
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ISO/IEC 8613-10: 199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized System for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established by
the respective organization to deal with particular fields of* technical activity. ISO and
IEC technical committees collaborate in Gelds of mutual interest. Othcr international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also
take part in the work.
In the Geld of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint
technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting
a vote.
Amendment 3 to International Standard ISO/IEC 8613-10: 199 1 was prcpared by Joint
Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, hjb-twtiu/z tec/zwloyy.
general title I~~fi)rm&m
ISO/IEC 8613 consists of the following Parts, under the
processirzg - Text ud o~ke systetns - O#ice Documer~t Arci~itecture (ODA) urd
interchufzye fortnut :
- Pur-t 1: IfitrodL~ctiolz and gemrul yrimiples
- Pur-t 2: Docwzerlt stmctwcs
- Pur-t 4: Doc.mmt yrofile
- Pur-~ 5: Ofice Docww~t hterdmge Fonmt (ODIF)
- Pur-t 6: Chrncter coiiterit urchitectitres
- Pur-t 7: Ruster- gruphics contmt utd~itecturzs
- Pur-t 8: Geom~tric gruphics coiiteiit ur-chitectur-es
- Pur-t IO: Fond specijicutims
Annex C forms an integral part of ISO/IEC 86 13- 10.
0 lSO/lEC 1992
All rights reserved. No p-t of this publicntion may be reproduccd or utilized in any ferm or by auy
rneans, electronie or tnechmicd, including photocopying and microfihn, without ptxmisssion in writing
frotn the publisheï.
International Organization fm- Stadmiization
Gase postale 56 l CH-121 1 Gen&ve 20 . Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC/IEC 8613~10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
Information processing - Text and Office Systems -
Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange
format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
AMENDMENT 3: Formal specification of the Character
content architectures
Insert a new annex C as follows:
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ISO/IEC 8613=10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
Annex C
Formal specification of the Character content architectures
C.l Introduction
This annex gives a formal specification of the Character content architectures as described in ISO 8613-6. This
annex is composed of 6 clauses:
Clause C.l provides a general introduction, including a list of all definitions which are given in C.2, C.3, C.4 and C.5.
Clause C.2 provides the interface to the document Profile - by giving a formal specification of those attributes which
may be included in the document Profile attribute ’ document application Profile defaults’ .
Clauses C.3 and C.4 provide the interface to the document architecture by giving a formal specification of Character
content Portion presentation attributes; and any associated content Portion attributes applicable to the Character
content portions.
Clause C.5 provides a description of the elements of the Character content information. In particular, the following
general rules on the syntactic and semantic usage of control functions are formally specified:
1. GCC-0 shall be followed by 2 or more graphic characters (see ISO 8613-6, clause 11.1.2).
NOTE: ISO 8613-6, clause 11.1.2 states implicitly that 2 or more graphic characters tan follow a GCC-0 but
only the 2 yruphac churcr.cters immediately following the MC-0 are concatenat,ed (if they are not Split by a line
break which would introduce control function characters).
2. GCC-1 shall be followed by 2 or more gra.phic characters followed by GCC-2 (see ISO 8613-6, clause 11.1.2).
NOTE: ISO 8613-6, clause 11.1.2 states implicitly that at least 2, but possibly more, graphic characters tan
follow a GCC-1 but only the graphic churacters immediately following the GCC-1 and which are terminated
by a GCC-2 are concatenated (if they are not Split by a line break which would introduce control function
3. LF is only permitted: (a) at the beginning of a Character string, (b) after a CR and (c) after a LF (see ISO
8613-6, clause 11.1.4).
4. The number of PLUS shall be complemented exactly by PLDs before any LF is encountered and at any Position
in the string the following condition is applicable; 1 #PLU - #PLDI < 1 (see ISO 8613-6, clauses 11.1.5 and
NOTE: For rules 4. and 6., the # means nunaber 05 For rule 4. the 1 x - 1/ 1 represents the mathematical
5. SRS-1 shall be followed by one or more characters except, CR LF and followed by SRS-0 (see ISO 8613-6, clause
6. The #PLU = #PLD between SRS-1 and SRS-0 (see ISO 8613-6, clause 11.1.11).
7. The effects of VPB and VPR shall be cancelled (see 8. for details). wit)hin any SRS-1 and SRS-0 (see ISO
8613-6, clause 11.1.11).
The effects of all VPB-n;s and VPR-mjs shall be cancelled (i.e., xTz1 VPB-n; = ‘& VPR-rnj where
e ore the control functions CR LF are encountered (see ISO 8613-6, clauses 11.1.15
(i,j,Y,Q,ni,~j E N)) b f
a#nd 11.1.16).
PTX-1 shall be followed by a Character string which shall be followed by PTX-3 followed by a Character string
followed by PTX-0 ( see ISO 8613-6, clause 11.3.3).
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
10. SOS is followed by a Character string followed by ST (NOTE: Nesting is not forbidden). (See ISO 8613-6:
clause 11.4.2).
Clause C.6 is an index to the terms (definitions, Operators, attribute names) used in clauses C.2, C.3, C.4 and C.5.
Any time a clause number is specified in the semi-formal descriptions this refers to a clause number in ISO 8613-6.
What follows is the outline of the formula which specifies the Character content architectures. The dots indicate
formal text fragments which have been left out for the sake of readability. The full formula tan be obtained by
replacing each line (apart from the und) with the definition which is referenced by the superscript of the predicate
Symbol or Operator Symbol, respectively. The variables used in the definition of the predicate have to be replaced
by those appearing in the outline (if they are different).
NOTE: A definition is a formlila, hence it may never yield an undefined result, whatever value has been inserted
for the variable.
. . . IsProfileDefaultableCharacterContentArchitectureAttrib~~te~. ’(att) . . .
IsProfileCharacterCodingSpecification6*2(v) . . .
- *--
IsProfileCharacterPresentationFeature ”3(z) . . .
- ***
ur-1 d . . . SatisfiesCharact,erContentArchitectureConstraints6.4(yrof, Ctoby) . . .
und IsProcessableCharacterDescriptior?” (cont) . . .
- ***
IsProcessableCharacterContent6*6 (cont) . . .
- **-
IsFormattedCharacterDescription6e7(cont) . . .
- ***
IsFormattedCharacterContent?(cont) . . .
- .’
und IsFormat tedProcessableCharacterDescription ’*9 (cont)
- *-* . . .
Q n d . . . IsFormat,tedProcessableCharacterContent ”. ’”(co~t) . . .
und IsCharacterContentPortionDescription ”.ll(cont) . . .
- *-*
und IsCharacterContentPresentationAttribute6.12(ntt) . . .
- **-
und . . . IsCharacterContentCodingAttribute ”.13(&t) . . .
und . . . IsCharacterContentPortionAttributeSetY4(~~s) . . .
IsAlignmentValue6* “(v) . . .
- -**
and ., IsCl~aracterFontsValue ”~l” (v) . . .
a n Cl IsCharacterOrientationValue6*17(v) . . .
- .’
and ., IsFormat tingIndicatorValue ”*18( v) . . .
und I . . . IsCharacterPathValue6*1g(~) . . .
und . . .
IsCharacterContentTypeOfCodingValue6.2 ”( v) . . .
and . . . IsCharacterSpacingValue ”.21 (v> . . .
u n d IsFirstLineOffsetValue6*22(u) . . .
- ***
und t . . . IsCharacterSetsValue6*23( v) . . .
und . . . IsGraphicCharacterSubrepertoireValue6*24(v) . . .
IsIS06ß37SubrepertoireId6.2 ”(v) . . .
- ***
u n d . . . IsCharacterContentArchitectureClassvalue~.2~ ’(~) . . .
IsGraphicRenditionValue6*27( v) . . .
- ***
IsWeightValue ”.2 ”( v) . . .
- ---
IsPostureValue ”2g(v) . . .
- ***
and . . . IsUnderliningValue ”30 (v) . . .
und IsBlinkingValue6.31 (v) . . .
- *--
und . . . IsImageInversionValue6*32 (v) . . .
IsCrossingOutValue ”*33( v) . . .
- -**
and . . . IsIndentationValue654 (v)
. . .
und . . .
IsCharacterInitia10ffsetValue6.3 ”( v) . . .
an (1 ) . . . IsKerningOffsetValueG*36 (v) . . .
un Cl IsOrp hanSizeValue6*37( v)
. . .
- ***
a n d ) . . .
IsCodeExtensionAnnouncersValue ”.3 ”( v) . . .
und IsPairwiseKerningValue6.3” (v) . . .
- -*-
und IsWidowSizeValue6*40( v)
. . .
- ---
u n d
IsProportionalLineSpacingValue ”*41 (v) . . .
- ***
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
und . . .
IsLineLayoutTableValue ”*42 (v) . . .
und . . .
IsTabReferenceString ”.43 (v)
. . .
und . . . IsLineSpacingValue6*44 (v) . . .
an d . . . IsCliaracterLineProgressionValue6.4” (v) . . .
an d . . .
IsItemizationValue6.46 (v) . . .
u n d . . .
ContainsFormattedElements6*47(v) . . .
u n d . . .
Cont ainsProcessableElements6*48( v)
. . .
und . . .
ContainsFormattedProcessableElements6*4g(v) . . .
u n d . . . IsValidFormat tedContentSyntax6. “( v)
. . .
und . . .
IsValidProcessableContentSyntax6*51(v) . . .
u n d . . .
IsValidFormattedProcessableContentSyntax6*52(v) . . .
und . . . IsFormattedContentElement6. “3(v) . . .
an (1 . . . IsProcessableContentElement6*54( v)
. . .
n n d . . .
IsFormat tedProcessableContent Element? (v)
. . .
u n d . . . IsCommonContentElement6*56(v) . . .
und . . .
IsValidFormattedContentSemantics6*57(v) . . .
nnd . . .
IsValidProcessableContentSemantics6*58(v) . . .
cr.?r.d . . .
IsValidFormatt,edProcessableContentSemantics6.~~(v) . . .
and . . .
IsValidCommonContentSemantics ”. “”( v)
. . .
a n d . . . IsValidLogicalControlSemantics6.61 (v) . . .
u n d . . .
IsValidDelimiterControlSemantics6~~2 (v)
. . .
u n Cl . . .
IsValidSharedControlSemantics ”. “3(v) . . .
u n d . , .
IsValidGCC06* “4 (v) . . .
n n d . . . IsValidGCC12 ”““(v) . . .
und . . .
IsValidGCC12End ”*“” (v) . . .
und ,.
IsValidLF ”- “7( v) . . .
and . . . IsValidNext LFO ”. ‘“( v)
. . .
un d . . . IsValidNextLFIG. ““(v) . . .
und . . .
IsValidPLUD6-70( v) . . .
u n. d . . .
IsIncompletePLU6*71(v) . . .
und . . . IsIncompletePLD ”*72(v) . . .
u n cr! . . . IsValidSRSG.73( v)
. . .
an cr! . . . IsValidSRSEnd ’*74(v) . . .
u n d . . .
IsValidSRSNest ”*7 ”(v, vr) . . .
n n d . . .
IsValidPLUDInSRS6~76(v) . . .
u ri< d . . . IsValidPLUDInSRSEnd ’*77(v) . . .
u n (IT . . .
IsIncompletePLUInSRS ’+78(v) . . .
u n d . . .
IsIncompletePLDInSRS6*7 ’(v) . . .
n ri d . . . IsValidVP
(v) . . .
uns d . . .
6*81(v, n) . . .
u n d . . . IsValidPTX
(v) . . .
u rit d . . .
IsValidPTXNext? ““( v)
. . .
u n d . . .
IsValidPTXEnd ”.84 (v) . . .
u n d . . .
(v) . . .
und . . . IsValidSOSEnd6.‘” (v) . . .
u n d . . .
IsVaklSOSNest6*87( v, q )
. . .
u n d . . .
IsValidVPInSRS ’.@( v)
. . .
an. d . . . IsValidVPSumInSRS ’*“” (v, n) . . .
und . . . IsValidVPSumInSR.SEnd6* ‘o( v)
. . .
n n d . . .
IsCodeExtensionCon trolFr? “‘( v)
. . .
un,d . . .
IsIS02022String ”. “2(v) . . .
u n d . . . IsIS02022Character6* ‘3(v) . . .
und . . .
IslS06429String ”.g4(v) . . .
und . . . IsISO6429Character ”““(v) . . .
u n d . . .
IsSharedControlFn ’*““(v) . . .
und . . .
IsParameterlessSharedControlFn ”. ”7( v)
. . .
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ISO/IEC 8613=10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
and . . . IsParameterizedSl~aredControlFnName6~98( v)
. . .
and . . .
IsParameterizedSharedControlFr?* ”( 72, y)
. . .
und . . . IsLayoutControlFnG-lOO(v) . . .
and . . . IsParameterlessLayoutControlFn6-101 (v) . . .
und . . . IsParameterizedLayoutControlFnName6.102(v) . . .
and . . . IsParameterizedLayoutControlFn6.103(n, p) . . .
und . . .
IsLogicalControlFn6104(v) . . .
und . . .
IsParameterlessLogicalControlFn6~105 (v)
. . .
and . . .
IsParameterizedLogicalControlFnName6*10” (v)
. . .
and IsParameterizedLogicalControlFn6.107fn, p) . . .
- *-*
IsDelimiterControlFn6*108( v)
- l ** . . .
and . . .
IsSpaceControlFn6*10g(v) . . .
IsEscapeControlFn6*1 ‘O(v)
- l ** . . .
and . . .
IsCharacterContentInformationValue6* ”’(v) . . .
an (1 , . . . IsGraphicCharacterStrin$.’ l2 (v)
. . .
tmd IsGraphicCharacterG1 13(v) . . .
- -**
NOTE: Other predicates or Operators which are used here, but are defined in clause 6, are not listed here.
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
C.2 Interface to the Document Profile
1 Semiformal Description 6.1 1
Predicate “is a Profile defaultable Character content architecture attribute” (clause 7)
A profile defaultable Character content architecture attribute corresponds to the set of Character presentation at-
NOTE: This predicate is used in annex B.
Definition 6.1
1 v dt
2 (, IsProfileDefaultableCharacterContentArchitectureAttribute(~~tt) #
IsCharacterContentPresentationAttribute ”.12(att),)
r Semiformal Description 6.2 1
Predicate 9s a Profile Character coding specification” (clause 8.1)
A Character coding specification is a nomination where each element-, is a Character content coding attribute.
NOTE: This predicate is used in annex B.
FDefinition 6.2 1
1 vv
2 ([, IsProfileCharacterCodingSpecification(v) ifl
3 IsNom(v) and
4 V b E -v. (IsCharacterContentCodingAttribute ”*13(C b)),,)
Semiformal Description 6.3
Predicate “is a Profile Character presentation feature” (clause 7)
A Profile Character presentation feature is a nomination where each element is a Character content presentation
NOTE: This predicate is used in annex B.
1 Definition 6.3 1
1 vv
2 (,, IsProfileCharacterPresentationFeature(v) #
3 IsNom(v) and
4 V b f -v l (IsCharacterContentPresentationAttribu~.12(C b))J
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:1991/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
C.3 Interface to the Document Architecture
Semiformal Description 6.4 1
Predicate “satisfies Character content architecture contraints” (clauses 4.8 and 15)
A document Profile prof and a document body doby satisfy the constraints imposed by the Character content
architecture if the following holds for all constituents and associated content portions:
If the attribute * content architecture class’ of the constituent has the value ’ 2 8 2 6 1’ then the content Portion con-
and ’ initial offset’ are not specified for
tains processable Character content (6), the attributes ‘formatting indicator *
this content (7) and the value ’ 2 8 2 6 1’ is an element of the document Profile attribute ‘content architecture classes’
If the attribute ‘ content architecture class’ of the constituent has the value ’ 2 8 2 6 0’ then the content Portion
contains formatted Character content (ll), the attributes ‘widow size’ , ‘orphan size’ , ’ proportional line spacing’
and the value ‘2 8 2 6 0’ is an element of the document
and ’ indentation ’ are not specified for this content (12,13)
Profile attribute ‘content architecture classes’ (14).
has the value ‘2 8 2 6 2’ t,hen content Portion contains formatted
If the attribute ’ content architecture class’
processable Character content (17) and the value ‘2 8 2 6 2’ is an element of the document Profile attribute
‘content architecture classes’ (18).
NOTE: This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of ISO 8613.
1 Definition 6.4 1
2 (o Sat,isfiesCharact,erContentArchitectureConst,raint,s(~~rof, doby) ifl
3 V cst , cont E doby
4 escribesContPortOf2*1 ”3(cst) und
(1 (2 (3 (cont)D
5 c ncst. ‘content architecture class’ = ‘2 8 2 6 1’ J impl
6 (4 IsProcessableCharacterDescription ’*5 (cont) nnd
7 IsEmptyCo11*4( [ ‘formatting indicator ’ ; * initial offset ‘1 n NAMS1*l ’(Cst)) und
8 ’ content architecture classes’ J2) and
‘2 8 2 6 1’ E C -prof.
9 (, (, (cont)DescribesContPortOf2*153(&) and
10 c -cst. ’ content architecture class’ = ’ 2 8 2 6 0’ G) impl
11 (,IsFormattedCharacterDescription “*7(cont) c~nd
12 IsEmptyCo11*4( [’ widow size ’ ; ’ orphan size ’ ;
13 ’ proportional line spacing ’ ; ’ indentation ‘1 IT NAMS1* “(cst)) und
14 ‘2 8 2 6 0’ f C -Prof. ’ content architecture classes ’ J J und
15 (A (L) (cont)DescribesContPortOf2*153(Cst) and
16 c -cst l ’ content architecture class’ = ’ 2 8 2 6 2’ ,J impl
(10 IsFormat,tedProcessableCharacterDescription~. ’(~ont) and
’ content architecture classes ’ ,,,) ,) ,),)
18 ‘2 8 2 6 2’ E C -Prof.
Semiformal Description 6.5 ]
Predicate “is processable Character description” (clause 15)
Content is processable if it, is a Character content Portion description and the Character content is processable.
Definition 6.5 1
1 V cont
2 (0 IsProcessableCharacterDescription( cont) ifl
3 IsCharact,erCont,ent,PortionDescription ’. ”~ont) and
4 IsProcessableCharacterContent ’*6 (cont) ,,)
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
1 Semiformal Descrintion 6.6 1
Predic;tte ‘5s processable Character content” (clause 15.2 and table 6)
A processable Character content Portion is a catenation containing a processable Character string.
Definition 6.6
V cont
2 (,, IsProcessableCharacterContent( cont) ifl
3 Va C Yont.
a= * content information ’ impl ContainsProcessableElements6*4 ’(C a)) ,)
Semiformal Description 6.7
Predicate “is formatted Character description” (clause 15)
Content is formatted if it, is a Character content Portion description and t,he Character content is formatted.
1 Definition 6.7 1
1 v cont
2 (,, IsFormattedCharacterDescription(cont) ifl
3 IsCharacterContentPortionDescription ’*’ycont) impl
4 IsFormattedCharacterContent6*8( cont) J
1 Semiformal Descrirjtion 6.8 1
Prediwte “is formatted Character content” (clause 15.1 and table 6)
A formatted Character content Portion is a catenation containing a formatted Character string.
1 Definition 6.8 1
1 (clause 15)V cont
2 (,, IsFormattedCharacterContent(cont) i#
3 v (1 (& -cont 0
4 CL = ’ content information ’ impl ContainsFormattedElements
(N s47(c 4 0)
1 Semiformal Description 6.9 1
Predi&e “is formatt,ed processable Character description” (clause 15)
Content is formatted processable if it is a Character content Portion description and the Character content is for-
matted processable.
1 Definition 6.9 1
1 V cont
2 ((, IsFormattedProcessableCl~aracterDescription(co~~~t) ifl
3 IsCharacterContentPortionDescriptior?(cont) i&
4 IsFormattedProcessalleCharacterContent ’. ’O(Co~2t) ,J
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ISO/IEC 8613910:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 6.10 I
Predicate “is formatted processable Character content” (clause 15.3 and table 6)
A formatted processable Character content is a catenation containing a formatted processable Character string.
I Definition 6.10 I
1 V cont
((, IsFormattedProcessableCharacterContent(cont) @
3 Vw C Yont.
4 a= ’ content information ’ impl ContainsFormattedProcessableElements649(C a)),)
1 Semiformal Description 6.11 1
Predicate “is Character content Portion description” (clauses 8.1 and 8.3)
A Character content Portion description is a set of Character content Portion attributes.
NOTE: This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of ISO 8613.
1 Definition 6.11 1
1 V cont
2 (o IsCharacterContentPortionDescription(cont) iff
3 IsCharacterContentPortionAttrib,~teSet ”.14(~o~)~)
1 Semiformal Description 6.12 1
Predicate “is Character content presentation attribute” (clauses 4.3 and 7)
A Character content architecture presentation attribute is one of the attributes ‘alignment’ , ’ Character fonts’ ,
’ Character orientation I, ’ Character path ’ , ’ Character spacing’ , ’ code extension announters’ , ‘first line offset ’ ‘form-
atting indicator ‘, ’ graphic Character sets ’ , ‘graphic Character subrepertoire ’ , * graphic rendition ‘, * indentation’ , ’ init-
ial offset ’ , * itemization ‘, * kerning offset * , ’ line layout table’ , * line spacing’ , * line Progression *, ‘orphan size’ , ’ pair-
wise kerning’ , * proportional line spacing * or ’ widow size ’ with corresponding value( s).
NOTE: This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of ISO 8613.
1 Definition 6.12
1 v att
2 (, IsCharacterContentPresentationAttribute(att) ifl
3 3n,c
4 (, ntt = [n : c] und
5 ’ Character orientation ’ ;
n E [ * alignment’ ; ’ Character fonts * ;
6 ’ Character path ’ ; ’ Character spacing ’ ; ’ code extension announters * ;
7 * first line offset ’ ; ’ formatting indicator * ; * graphic Character sets ’ ;
’ graphic Character su brepertoire * ;
8 * graphic rendition ’ ; ’ indentation * ;
9 ’ initial offset ’ ; * itemization * ; ’ kerning offset * ;
10 ‘ line layout table ’ ; ’ line Progression ’ ; ’ line spacing ’ ;
11 ‘orphan size’ ; ’ pairwise kerning * ; * proportional line spacing ’ ;
12 * widow size ‘1 und
13 ,n = * alignment * impl
14 (3 IsPlaceholde? (c) m IsAlignmentValue6*1 ”(c),),) and
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ISO/IEC 8613=10:1991/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
15 ,n = ’ Character fonts’ irq~Z
16 (5 IsPlaceliolder1~19 (c) 0 IsCharacterFontsValue6~l ”(c),),) ~UJN~
17 ,n = ’ Character orientation ’ impl
18 (7 IsPlaceholderl.l” (c> fl IsCharacterOrientationValue G-17(c) &)
19 &n =
‘Character path * impl
(,IsPlaceholder ’*‘~- IsCharacterPathValue6.190,),) und
21 n= ’ Character spacing * impl
( 10
22 (c) ~f IsCharacterSpacingValue6*21(c) J ,,) und
(11 IsPlaceholderl*lg
23 ’ code extension announters ’ impl
(c) x IsCodeExtensionAnnouncersValue6.38(c) J 12) und
24 l2 n d, IsPlaceholderl*lg
25 = ’ first line offset * impl
l4 n (,, IsPlaceholder ’*‘~~ IsFirstLineOffsetValue6*22(c) J 14) und
27 = ‘formatting indicator * impl
28 lG n (17 IsPlaceholderl*lg (c) m IsFormattingIndicatorValue6.1 ”(c) J J und
29 J2 = ’ graphic Character Sets’ impl
30 (,, IsPlaceholderl*lg (c) E IsCharacterSetsValue6*23(c) ,,) ,,) und
31 = ’ graphic Character su brepertoire * impZ
32 20 n (21 IsPlaceholderl*lg (c) or IsGrapl~icCl~aracterSubrepertoireValne~~24(c)2,)2,) und
33 n= ‘graphic rendition * impl
( 22
- -- /. c.-
34 IsGraphicR.enditionValue ”*’ ‘(c) 23) 22) crd
(23 IsPlaceholderl*lY(c) m
35 ’ indentation ’ impl
36 G, IsPlaceholder~c) m IsIndentationValue ”. “4(C) 25)24) and
24 n
= ‘initial offset * impl
38 26 n (27 IsPlacellolderl*lg(c) 0 IsCharacterInitia10ffsetValue6*3” (c) 27) 2c)
’ itemization ’ impZ
IsItemizationValue ”*4 ”(c) 2c)) 28) 0nd
40 28 n G9 IsPlaceholder ’* ‘“(c) (lr
41 ’ kerning offset * impl
42 30 n G, IsPlaceholder ’.l ”(c) m IsKerningOffsetValue6.3 ”(c) 31)30) und
43 ’ line layout table * impl
44 IsLineLayoutTableValue6*42( c) 33) 32) und
32 n 6, IsPlaceholder ’* ‘“(c) a
45 = ’ line spacing’ impl
46 34 n (35 IsPlaceholderl*lg(c) ~f IsLineSpacingValue6*44( c) 3,) 34)
47 = ‘line progression’ impl
48 3G n (37 IsPlaceliolderl~lg(c) E IsCharacterLir~eProgressionValue ”~4 ”(c)3,)3~) und
49 ‘orphan size * impl
50 IsOrphanSizeValue6. “7( c) 39) 38) u-nd
38 n T39 IsPlaceholder~c) o
51 n= ’ pairwise kerning ’ impl
( 41)
52 (41 IsPlaceholderl*lg(c) m IsPairwiseKerningValue6*39(c)4J4J and
53 - ’ proportional line spacing’ impl
54 42 n T43 IsPlaceliolderl~lg (c) fl IsProportionalLineSpacingValue~~41(c)43)42) und
55 ’ widow size’ impl
56 44 n C, IsPlaceholde~(c) ~f IsWidowSizeValue ”*4 ”( c) 45) 44) J ,,)
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
I Semiformal Descrintion 6.13 1
Predicate “is a Character content coding attribute” (clause 8.1)
* type of coding’ with its corresponding value.
A Character content coding attribute consists of the attribute
I Definition 6.13 1
1 v att
2 (0 IsCharacterContentCodingAttribute(utt) ifl
3 3n,c
(1 att = [n: c] und
5 n= ‘type of coding * impl IsCharacterContentTypeOfCodingValue6*20(c) JO)
C.4 Attributes of the Character Content Architecture
Semiformal Description 6.14
Predicate ‘5s Character content Portion attribute Set” (clause 8)
A Character content architecture Portion attribute set contains the listed attributes with corresponding attribute
Definition 6.14
1 v us
2 (<’ IsCharacterContentPortionAttributeSet( cis) ifl
3 (1 IsNeNom ’-2(as) and
4 vn c 21s.
5 = ’ type of coding’ impl
6 2 (3 ILZPlaceholder”” (C (L) E IsCharacterContentTypeOfCodingValue6*20(C n) 3) 2) und
7 CL = ’ content information ’ impl IsCharacterContent~InformatlionValue6~111(C n),) &)
(N 4
1 Semiformal Description 6.15 1
Predicate “is an alignment value” (clause 7.1 .l)
The value of the attribute ’ alignment * is * start-aligned ’ , ’ end-aligned * , * centred ’ or ‘justified ‘.
1 Definition 6.15
1 vv
2 ([’ IsAlignment Value( v) i-f
3 v E [ ‘start-aligned * ; ‘end-aligned ’ ; ’ centred ’ ; ‘justified ‘1 ,,)
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
Semiformal Description 6.16
Predica,te “is a Character fonts value” (clause 7.1.2)
The value of the attribute ’ Character fonts’ tan contain up to ten pairs of Parameters (3) named ’ primary font * ,
‘first alternative font’ , I second alternative font ’ , * third alternative font ’ , ‘fourth alternative font * , ‘fifth alternative
font ’ ) * seventh alternative font * , ’ eighth alternative font ’ and ’ ninth alternative font’ (4-Q
’ sixth alternative font ‘,
each with sub-parameters ‘font size’ and ‘font identifier’ (lO), both having a positive integer value (11).
Definition 6.16
1 vv
2 (,IsCharacterFontsValue(v) ifl
3 (,IsNom(v) und CARD(v) < 10 und
4 NAMSl ”(v) E [ * primary foG * ; ’ first alternative font * ;
’ second alternative font ’ ; * third alternative font ’ ;
6 ‘fourth alternative font * ; ‘fifth alternative font ’ ;
7 ’ sixth alternative font ’ ; ‘seventh alternative font’ ;
8 ’ eighth alternative font ’ ; ’ ninth alternative font ‘1 cr.rr.d
vncg 3.
10 (,IsNom(C CL) und NAMSl*l ’(C CL) = [ ‘font size ’; ‘font identifier ’] und
Vb c ^(C a).IsNat(C b),),),)
Semiformal Description 6.17
Predicate “is a Character orientation value” (clause 7.1.3)
The value of the attribute ’ Character orientation ’ is ’ 0’ ’ , ’ 90’ ’ , ’ 180’ ’ or ’ 270’ ’ .
Definition 6.17
1 vv
2 ( ‘, IsCharacterOrientationValue( v) ifl
3 VE [ ‘O ”‘; ‘900 ’; ‘1800 ’; ‘2700 ’1,)
Semiformal Description 6.18
Predicate “is a formatting indicator value” (clause 7.2.1)
The attribute ’ formatting indicator ’ has the value ’ yes’ or ‘no ’.
Definition 6.18
1 v 2)
2 ( ‘, IsFormattingIndicatorValue( v) ifl
v E C ’yes ’; ‘no ’],,)
Semiformal Description 6.19
Predicake “is a Character path value” (clause 7.1.4)
The value of the attribute * Character path ’ is ‘0’ ’ , ’ 90’ ’ , ’ 180’ ’ or ’ 270’ ‘ .
Definition 6.19
1 vv
2 (oIsCliaracterPatliValue(v) ifl
3 v E ['Oo1;'900';'1800';'2700'1,)
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ISO/IEC 8613=10:199l/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
1 Semiformal Descrintion 6.20 1
Predicate “is a Character content type of coding value” (clause 8.1)
The value of the attribute ’ type of coding‘ is an ASN.l Object indentifier * 2 8 3 6 0' .
I Definition 6.20 1
1 vv
2 (” IsCharacterContentTypeOfCodingValue( v) ifl
8 3 6 O',,)
3 v= '2
I Semiformal Description 6.21 1
Predicate “is a Character spacing value” (clause 7.1.5)
The value of the attribute * Character spacing * is any positive integer.
1 Definition 6.21 1
1 vv
2 (0 IsCharacterSpacingValue( v) ifl
1 Semiformal Description 6.22 1
Predica,te “is a first line offset value” (clause 7.1.7)
The value of the attribute ’ first line offset ’ is any integer.
1 Definition 6.22 1
2 (0 IsFirstLineOffsetValue(v) iI
3 IsInt (v) ,,)
I Semiformal Descrintion 6.23 1
Predicate “is a Character sets value” (clause 7.1.8)
is a string of escape sequences (in accordance with ISO 2022 and
The value of the attribute ‘graphic Character Sets’
ISO 2375) found in the ISO International reyister of coded churucter sets to be used with escupe sequences (held by
the Europeun Computer Munufuctwers Associution (ECMA) - the registration authority). These escape sequences
are used to designate one or more graphic Character Sets, and any locking shift functions needed for their invocation.
NOTE: This predicate is used in annex B.
1 Definition 6.23 1
1 vv
2 (,, IsCharacterSetsValue( v) ifl
3 .-IsIS02022String6.g2(~j,j -
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ISO/IEC 8613~10:1991/Amd. 3:1992 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 6.24
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