Road vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of human vehicle interactions — Taxonomy for the classification of adaptive interactive vehicle systems

This document provides a taxonomy to classify the type of adaptivity within vehicle systems. The taxonomy includes five types ranging from no adaptation (type 0) to adaptations based on interpreted user characteristics and context data (type 4). This document provides definitions of the five types of adaptation and explains adaptation in a consistent and coherent manner. By offering definitions and descriptions of the five types, this document can be used to classify the adaptivity within vehicle systems according to the types. This document is intended to be applied to all components of vehicle systems that the driver and/or other occupants interact with either while driving or while parked. This includes vehicle information systems, communication systems, for example, navigation systems or mobile devices connected to the vehicle infrastructure, traffic and travel information (TTI) systems, as well as vehicle comfort systems, for example, climate control, massage, or ambient lighting. The taxonomy is also applicable to third-party software provided by third-party suppliers that is displayed and/or operated in the vehicle. The taxonomy can also be applied to interactive exterior elements, like windscreen wipers or pedestrian communication devices and non-driving-related functions that are novel to future vehicles in the context of automated driving, such as playing a video. The information and communication vehicle systems described in this document exclude driving-operation or driving-assistance systems. Consequently, safety-related functions governed by Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) specifications (ISO 26262) are not addressed. Implementation and validation of data collection/detection are also beyond the scope. Additionally, priority handling, as well as varying legal regulations across countries, are not covered in the taxonomy.

Véhicules routiers — Aspects ergonomiques des interactions homme-véhicule — Taxonomie pour la classification des systèmes interactifs adaptatifs pour véhicules

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ISO/PAS 8235:2024 - Road vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of human vehicle interactions — Taxonomy for the classification of adaptive interactive vehicle systems Released:11/27/2024
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ISO/PAS 8235
First edition
Road vehicles — Ergonomic aspects
of human vehicle interactions —
Taxonomy for the classification of
adaptive interactive vehicle systems
Véhicules routiers — Aspects ergonomiques des interactions
homme-véhicule — Taxonomie pour la classification des systèmes
interactifs adaptatifs pour véhicules
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Application . 4
5 Classification of the type of adaptivity for vehicle systems . 4
5.1 General .4
5.2 Type 0 – no adaptation .5
5.2.1 General description . .5
5.2.2 Example .5
5.3 Type 1 – saved adaptation .5
5.3.1 General description .5
5.3.2 Example .6
5.4 Type 2 – predefined adaptation .6
5.4.1 General description .6
5.4.2 Example .7
5.5 Type 3 – Adaption based on real-time learning .7
5.5.1 General description .7
5.5.2 Example .8
5.6 Type 4 – Adaptation based on real-time learning and interpretations .8
5.6.1 General description .8
5.6.2 Example .9
5.7 Summary .9
Annex A (informative)  .11
Bibliography . 17

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 39,
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
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With increasing technical feasibility of artificial intelligence (AI), more companies are integrating AI-based
adaptivity and personalization into vehicle systems to adapt their behavior and/or content to the needs
or expectations of individual users or groups of users. This enables vehicle systems to match individual
user preferences and assist and ease execution of non-driving related functions. For the driving context,
this offers the potential to reduce workload and distraction by helping users to handle large amounts of
information within road vehicles. Nevertheless, there is no uniform classification for the capacities and
characteristics of the type of adaptivity for vehicle systems.
This may lead to several risks of misunderstandings and unmatched expectations for different stakeholders
as well as for the end user. If the type of the adaptivity is not clear to the end user, it can lead to uncertainty
and a lack of transparency, predictability, algorithmic awareness, and understanding of the vehicle
system’s capacities and limits. Developers as well as the manufacturers as stakeholders also bear the
risks of misunderstandings or unmatched expectations within all phases of the development process
(ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148).
The ISO 8235 was developed to classify vehicle functions regarding their type of adaptivity and parameters
used to achieve the adaptations.
Standardizing the types of adaptation of vehicle systems serves the following purposes:
a) enables end users to assess the extent and limitations of adaptation specified by the manufacturers,
suppliers and researchers,
b) provides an unambiguous framework for the specification of adaptive vehicle systems and the technical
differentiation of the respective types of adaptivity in the requirement phase,
c) provides clarity and transparency in communication on the topic of adaptive vehicle systems for
manufacturers, suppliers as well as researchers,
d) reduces uncertainty about the capacity and limitations associated with non-transparent black box
technology solutions for the manufacturers,
e) prevents misunderstandings and deviating expectations between development partners of adaptive
vehicle systems and therefore,
f) prevents unnecessary effort, duplicate work and costs in the development and evaluation of adaptive
vehicle systems.
Publicly Available Specification ISO/PAS 8235:2024(en)
Road vehicles — Ergonomic aspects of human vehicle
interactions — Taxonomy for the classification of adaptive
interactive vehicle systems
1 Scope
This document provides a taxonomy to classify the type of adaptivity within vehicle systems. The
taxonomy includes five types ranging from no adaptation (type 0) to adaptations based on interpreted user
characteristics and context data (type 4). This document provides definitions of the five types of adaptation
and explains adaptation in a consistent and coherent manner. By offering definitions and descriptions of the
five types, this document can be used to classify the adaptivity within vehicle systems according to the types.
This document is intended to be applied to all components of vehicle systems that the driver and/or other
occupants interact with either while driving or while parked. This includes vehicle information systems,
communication systems, for example, navigation systems or mobile devices connected to the vehicle
infrastructure, traffic and travel information (TTI) systems, as well as vehicle comfort systems, for example,
climate control, massage, or ambient lighting. The taxonomy is also applicable to third-party software
provided by third-party suppliers that is displayed and/or operated in the vehicle.
The taxonomy can also be applied to interactive exterior elements, like windscreen wipers or pedestrian
communication devices and non-driving-related functions that are novel to future vehicles in the context of
automated driving, such as playing a video.
The information and communication vehicle systems described in this document exclude driving-operation
or driving-assistance systems. Consequently, safety-related functions governed by Automotive Safety
Integrity Level (ASIL) specifications (ISO 26262) are not addressed. Implementation and validation of data
collection/detection are also beyond the scope. Additionally, priority handling, as well as varying legal
regulations across countries, are not covered in the taxonomy.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
adaptable vehicle system
interactive system within a vehicle that can change its behaviour and/or content triggered by configurations
from the user
[SOURCE: Reference [8]]
proactive changes in the system behaviour and/or content based on user configurations, pre-defined rules
or self-learned system rules
adaptive vehicle system
interactive system within a vehicle that can proactively change its behaviour and/or content triggered by
certain events without intervention from the user
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from Reference [7].
black box
idealized mechanism that accepts inputs and produces outputs, but is designed such that an observer cannot
see inside the box or determine exactly what is happening inside that box
Note 1 to entry: This t

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