Gas cylinders — Specifications and testing of LPG cylinder valves — Manually operated — Amendment 1

Bouteilles à gaz — Spécifications et essais pour valves de bouteilles de GPL — Fermeture manuelle — Amendement 1

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ISO 15995:2021/Amd 1:2024 - Gas cylinders — Specifications and testing of LPG cylinder valves — Manually operated — Amendment 1 Released:22. 08. 2024
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO 15995
Third edition
Gas cylinders — Specifications and
testing of LPG cylinder valves —
Manually operated
Bouteilles à gaz — Spécifications et essais pour valves de
bouteilles de GPL — Fermeture manuelle
Reference number
ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en) © ISO 2024

ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en)
© ISO 2024
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Published in Switzerland
ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through
ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee
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The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described
in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular, the different approval criteria needed for the different types
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ISO draws attention to the possibility that the implementation of this document may involve the use of (a)
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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 58, Gas cylinders, Subcommittee SC 2, Cylinder
fittings, in collaboration with the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Technical Committee CEN/
TC 286, Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories, in accordance with the Agreement on technical
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Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
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ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en)
Gas cylinders — Specifications and testing of LPG cylinder
valves — Manually operated
Normative references
Add the following normative reference:
MIL -STD -810G: 2008, Department of Defence Test Method Standard, Environmental Engineering Considerations
and Laboratory Tests
Add the following new subclause:
4.2.5  Adhesives
Where used, adhesives shall be proven compatible with LPG in accordance with recognized international,
regional or national standards.

4.3.1, last paragraph
Replace paragraph with the following:
All valves shall close when turned clockwise and open when turned anti-clockwise. The hand wheel shall
be visibly marked with a portion(s) of circle terminating by an arrow for each direction. One arrow shall be
marked with “–" or "close” (closure) and the other arrow with “+” or "open" (opening) to indicate the result
of the rotation.
4.3.3, first sentence
Replace sentence with the following:
Valve inlet connections shall conform to an international, regional or national standard or proprietary
designs that have been qualified to an acceptable industry standard.

4.3.3, NOTE
Replace NOTE with the following:
NOTE 1 Valve inlet connection standards are, for example, ISO 11363-1 and ISO 15245-1.
NOTE 2 Qualification procedures for proprietary valve inlet connection designs are, for example, given in
ISO 10692-2.
ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en)
4.3.3, third paragraph
Replace the reference "Table 3" with "Table 4".

4.3.4, first sentence
Replace sentence with the following:
Valve outlet connections shall conform to an international, regional or national standard or proprietary
designs that have been qualified to an acceptable industry standard.

4.3.4, NOTE
Replace NOTE with the following:
NOTE 1 Valve outlet connection standards are, for example, ISO 5145 and EN 15202.
NOTE 2 Qualification procedures for proprietary valve outlet connection designs are, for example, given in CGA V-1.

Add the following paragraph at the end of the subclause:
Where threaded joints are used within the valve, an anaerobic sealant may be used if proven compatible
with LPG in accordance with recognized international, regional (e.g. EN 751-1) or national standards.

Add the following indents to the end of the list:
d) There shall be sufficient thread engagement between the vent screw and the fixed liquid level gauge to
allow metal to metal contact in the event of absence of the seal.
e) The dip tube shall be securely fitted to the valve to ensure that it does not disassemble during installation
or operation.
EXAMPLE Using adhesive, press fitting or any other mechanical means.

Add the following paragraph at the end of the subclause:
The sediment tube shall be securely fitted to the valve to ensure that it does not disassemble during
installation or operation.
EXAMPLE Using adhesive, press fitting or any other mechanical means.

Delete subclause numbering "5.1.1" and retain text as normal style.

ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en)
5.1, third paragraph
Replace the reference "Table 1" with "Table 2".

Add the following text as new fifth paragraph:
For valves designed to incorporate pressure relief valves, their ports shall be plugged or sealed, or their
setting shall be adjusted to allow applying the test pressure without activating the pressure relief valve.

Delete subclause numbering "5.1.2" and replace paragraph and list with the following text and Table 1:
Changes or variations to the valve configuration which can adversely affect valve performance shall require
additional inspection and tests in accordance with Table 1, using the number of test samples quoted in
Table 2.
ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en)
Vibration including subse-
quent external and internal
leak tightness
Non-return valve
Excess flow valve
Examination of disassembled
External and internal leak
tightness at low, high and
room temperature
Endurance – Part 1 and Part 2
External and internal leak
tightness at room tempera-
Excessive torque tests includ-
ing subsequent internal/ex-
ternal leak tightness
Impact including subsequent
internal leak tightness
Hand wheel fire exposure
Valve stem including subse-
quent external and internal
leak tightness
Hydraulic pressure includ-
ing subsequent external and
internal leak tightness
Table 1 — Inspections and tests required after changes or variations to the valve configuration

Repetition of any tests to be decided on a case by case basis depending on
Changes of the material of the valve body
changes of chemical composition and mechanical properties.
Changes of the material of the handwheel  x x x x x
Change of the handwheel diameter of a regular valve design No tests required.
Increase of the handwheel diameter of a special valve design
in accordance with Annex A
Change of configuration from special valve design to regular
x x x x
valve design
Changes of the basic design dimensions of the internal valve
Repetition of a test to be decided on a case by case basis, depending on the
components [e.g. spindle diameter, spindle thread pitch, seat
diameter, dimension of o-ring(s)]
Changes of metallic material of the valve operating mecha- Repetition of a test to be decided on a case by case basis, depending on the

nism components (e.g. spindle, springs) change.
Change of non-metallic material with regard to composition
or hardness of internal valve components [e.g. seals, o-ring(s) x x x x x x x x x
and lubricants]
Changes of the thread and/or any dimensions of the valve
a a a
x x x
inlet connection
Changes of the thread and/or any dimension of the valve
outlet connection
Repetition of a test to be decided on a case by case basis, depending on the change.
Repetition of a test to be decided on a case by case basis, depending on the change but in open position only.
If the strength of the inlet connection in shear and/or torsion is reduced.
Only with the valve operating mechanism in the open position and the outlet not plugged.
To be decided on a case by case basis depending on the configuration.

ISO 15995:2021/Amd.1:2024(en)
Vibration including subse-
quent external and internal
leak tightness
Non-return valve
Excess flow valve
Examination of disassembled
External and internal leak
tightness at low, high and
room temperature
Endurance – Part 1 and P

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