Information technology — Multimedia service platform technologies — Part 1: Architecture

ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013 specifies the MPEG-M architecture that is made accessible through the set of MPEG-M middleware APIs, elementary services and service aggregation specified in ISO/IEC 23006-2, ISO/IEC 23006-4 and ISO/IEC 23006-5 and as a software implementation in ISO/IEC 23006-3, respectively. The elements of the MPEG-M Architecture are: 1. MPEG-M Engines: collections of specific technologies that are meaningfully bundled together to provide a specific functionality requested by applications; 2. MPEG-M Engine APIs: APIs that can be used by applications to access an MPEG-M Engine functionality; 3. MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine: a special MPEG-M Engine capable of creating chains of MPEG-M Engines to execute a high-level application call such as "Play" that typically requires the activation of multiple engine functionalities; 4. MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine APIs: APIs that can be used to access the MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine; 5. MPEG-M Device: a device equipped with MPEG-M Engines; 6. MPEG-M Application: an application that runs on an MPEG-M Device and makes calls to the MPEG-M Engine and MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine APIs.

Technologies de l'information — Technologies de la plate-forme de services multimédia — Partie 1: Architecture

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STANDARD 23006-1
Second edition

Information technology — Multimedia
service platform technologies —
Part 1:
Technologies de l'information — Technologies de la plate-forme de
services multimédia —
Partie 1: Architecture

Reference number
ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013

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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)


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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
Contents Page
Foreword . iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 3
5 Namespace conventions . 3
6 System overview . 4
7 MPEG-M Architecture . 7
7.1 Introduction . 7
7.2 MPEG-M Engines . 8
7.3 MPEG-M Elementary Services . 8
7.4 MPEG-M Aggregated Services . 10
7.5    MPEG-M Conformance and Reference Software . 11
Annex A (informative) MPEG-M Based Advanced Multimedia Platform . 12
A.1 Introduction . 12
A.2 Requirements . 13
A.3 An MPEG-M Based Solution . 13
A.4 Engines employed by the Platform . 18
A.5 Conclusions . 19
Bibliography . 20

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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are described
in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the different types of
ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the
ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of any patent
rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or on the ISO list of
patent declarations received.
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29,
Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 23006-1:2011) which has been technically
ISO/IEC 23006 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Multimedia
service platform technologies:
 Part 1: Architecture
 Part 2: MPEG extensible middleware (MXM) API
 Part 3: Conformance and reference software
 Part 4: Elementary services
 Part 5: Service aggregation
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 23006 is a suite of standards that has been developed for the purpose of enabling the easy design
and implementation of media-handling value chains whose devices interoperate because they are all based
on the same set of technologies, especially MPEG technologies, accessible from the middleware APIs,
elementary services and aggregated services.
ISO/IEC 23006 was referred to as MPEG Extensible Middleware (MXM) in its first edition, and it specifies an
architecture (Part 1), an API (Part 2), a conformance and reference software (Part 3) and a set of protocols
which MXM Devices had to adhere (Part 4).
ISO/IEC 23006 is referred to as Multimedia Service Platform Technologies (also abbreviated as MPEG-M) in
its second edition, and it conserves the architecture and design philosophy of the first edition, while stressing
the Service Oriented Architecture character. It also specifies how to combine elementary services into
aggregated services (Part 5).
This second edition has been specified to address the demand of service specification for an advanced IPTV
terminal (AIT). It also aims at leveraging on advanced technologies to bring into IPTV services the buoyancy
of new exciting initiatives – sometimes assembling millions of users in a fortnight – that pop up almost every
day with new features such as open APIs and the possibility for third parties to provide applications to those
The scope of the MPEG-M is to support the service providers’ drive to deploy innovative multimedia services
by identifying a set of Elementary Services (ESs) and defining the corresponding set of protocols and APIs to
enable any user in an MPEG-M value chain to access those services in an interoperable fashion. Note that an
MPEG-M value chain is a collection of users, including creators, end users and service providers that conform
to the MPEG-M standard.
In many real-world MPEG-M value chains, service providers would not be able to exploit the potential of the
standard if they were confined to only offer ESs. Therefore service providers typically offer bundles of ESs,
known as Aggregated Services (ASs). In general, as shown in Figure 1, there is a plurality of service providers
offering the same or partially overlapping ASs. For example, an SP offering User Description Services may
offer Content Description Services as well.

Figure 1 — Typical devices in a media-handling value chain
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
Starting from ISO/IEC 23006 elementary services, the aggregation of services can put together a certain
amount of services generating a complex ISO/IEC 23006 value network, having different topologies and
associating services in several ways. For example, the Payment and Cashing and Rights Negotiation ESs are
aggregated to create AS#4, while Content Delivery and License Provision ESs are both shared between AS#6
and AS#7.
Thanks to the ISO/IEC 23006 suite of standards, aimed at facilitating the creation and provisioning of vastly
enhanced IPTV services, it is envisaged that a thriving digital media economy can be established, where:
 developers can offer MPEG-M service components to the professional market because a market will be
enabled by the standard MPEG-M component service API;
 manufacturers can offer MPEG-M devices to the global consumer market because of the global reach of
MPEG-M services;
 service providers can set up and launch new attractive MPEG-M services because of the ease to design
and implement innovative MPEG-M value chains;
 users can seamlessly create, offer, search, access, pay/cash and consume MPEG-M services.
The MPEG-M suite of standards extends the devices capabilities with advanced features such as content
generation, processing, and distribution by a large number of users; easy creation of new services by
combining service components of their choice; global, seamless and transparent use of services regardless of
geo-location, service provider, network provider, device manufacturer and provider of payment and cashing
services; diversity of user experience through easy download and installation of applications produced by a
global community of developers since all applications share the same middleware APIs; and innovative
business models because of the ease to design and implement media-handling value chains whose devices
interoperate because they are all based on the same set of technologies, especially MPEG technologies.
The ISO/IEC 23006 suite of standards is subdivided into five parts:
Part 1: Architecture (the present document): specifies the architecture that can be used as a guide to an
MPEG-M implementation;
Part 2: MPEG Extensible Middleware (MXM) Application Programming Interface (APIs): specifies the
middleware APIs;
Part 3: Conformance and Reference Software: specifies conformance criteria and a reference software
implementation with a normative value;
Part 4: Elementary Services: specifies elementary service protocols between MPEG-M applications; and
Part 5: Service Aggregation: specifies mechanisms enabling the combination of Elementary Services and
other services to build Aggregated Services.

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Information technology — Multimedia service platform
technologies —
Part 1:
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 23006 specifies the MPEG-M architecture that is made accessible through the set of
MPEG-M middleware APIs, elementary services and service aggregation specified in ISO/IEC 23006-2,
ISO/IEC 23006-4 and ISO/IEC 23006-5 and as a software implementation in ISO/IEC 23006-3, respectively.
The elements of the MPEG-M Architecture are:
1. MPEG-M Engines: collections of specific technologies that are meaningfully bundled together to provide
a specific functionality requested by applications;
2. MPEG-M Engine APIs: APIs that can be used by applications to access an MPEG-M Engine functionality;
3. MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine: a special MPEG-M Engine capable of creating chains of MPEG-M
Engines to execute a high-level application call such as “Play” that typically requires the activation of
multiple engine functionalities;
4. MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine APIs: APIs that can be used to access the MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine;
5. MPEG-M Device: a device equipped with MPEG-M Engines;
6. MPEG-M Application: an application that runs on an MPEG-M Device and makes calls to the MPEG-M
Engine and MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine APIs.
The second edition of this part of ISO/IEC 23006 has been developed with a focus on advanced IPTV
terminals. It preserves the architecture and design philosophy of the first edition, but stresses the Service
Oriented Architecture character.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 23006-2, Information technology — Multimedia service platform technologies — Part 2: MPEG
extensible middleware (MXM) API
ISO/IEC 23006-3, Information technology — Multimedia service platform technologies — Part 3: Conformance
and reference software
ISO/IEC 23006-4, Information technology — Multimedia service platform technologies — Part 4: Elementary
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 23006-5, Information technology — Multimedia service platform technologies — Part 5: Service
OMG BPMN 2.0, Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Version 2.0, Object Management Group,
January 2011,
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
combination of hardware and software or just an instance of software that allows a user to perform actions
set of devices sharing a set of common properties such as ownership
Inter-MPEG-M Protocol
protocol that enables communication between MPEG-M Devices
MPEG-M Application
application that runs on an MPEG-M Device and makes calls to the MPEG-M Application API and MPEG-M
Engine APIs
MPEG-M Device
device equipped with a selected set of MPEG-M engines
MPEG-M Engine
collection of specific technologies that are bundled together to provide a specific functionality that is needed
by MPEG-M Applications
API of a single MPEG-M Engine
MPEG-M Orchestrator API
API of the MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine
MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine
special MPEG-M Engine capable of creating chains of MPEG-M engines, i.e. to set-up a sequence of
connected MPEG-M engines for the purpose of executing a high-level application call such as Play.
MPEG-M Technology
technology that is required to implement (a profile of) MPEG-M
any entity making use of an MPEG-M device
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms
BBL Bitstream Binding Language
BPMN Business Process Model and Notation
DIA Digital Item Adaptation
DID Digital Item Declaration
DIDL Digital Item Declaration Language
DII Digital Item Identification
DIS Digital Item Streaming
ER Event Report
ERR Event Report Request
IPMP Intellectual Property Management and Protection
REL Rights Expression Language
RTP Real Time Protocol
RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
5 Namespace conventions
Throughout this part of ISO/IEC 23006, Qualified Names are written with a namespace prefix followed by a
colon followed by the local part of the Qualified Name.
For clarity, throughout this part of ISO/IEC 23006, consistent namespace prefixes are used. Table 1 gives
these prefixes and the corresponding namespace.
Table 1 — Namespaces and prefixes
Prefix Corresponding namespace
mpegm urn:mpeg:mpegM:schema:02-service-NS:2011
mpegmb urn:mpeg:mpegM:schema:01-base-NS:2011
dia urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2003:01-DIA-NS
erl urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2005:01-ERL-NS
fru urn:mpeg:mpegB:schema:FragmentRequestUnits:2007
mpeg7 urn:mpeg:mpeg7:schema:2004
mpeg7s urn:mpeg:mpeg7:systems:2001
cel urn:mpeg:mpeg21:cel:contract:2011
bbl urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2007:01-BBL-NS
dii urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:01-DII-NS
mpqf urn:mpeg:mpqf:schema:2008
mpeg4ipmp urn:mpeg:mpeg4:IPMPSchema:2002
ipmpdidl urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2004:01-IPMPDIDL-NS
ipmpmsg urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2006:07-IPMPMESSAGES-NS
ipmpinfo urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2004:01-IPMPINFO-NS
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
Prefix Corresponding namespace
didl urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:02-DIDL-NS
didl- urn:mpeg:mpegm:2011:12-DIDL-NS
didmodel urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:02-DIDMODEL-NS
didl-msx urn:mpeg:maf:schema:mediastreaming:DIDLextensions
dii urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:01-DII-NS
rel-r urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2003:01-REL-R-NS
rel-sx urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2003:01-REL-SX-NS

6 System overview
The MPEG-M Platform is an end-to-end platform populated with MPEG-M Devices.
Figure 2 shows a rather general configuration of a media value chain with the explicit indication of MPEG-M
devices with specific functionalities. The figure also highlights some protocols that are used by different
MPEG-M devices to communicate with one another.

Figure 2 — Typical devices in a media-handling value chain
A general architecture of an MPEG-M Device is given in the figure below where MPEG-M Applications running
on an MPEG-M Device call the Engines in the Middleware via an Application-Middleware API.
In general an MPEG-M Device can have several MPEG-M Applications running on it (there may be other
applications but these are not relevant here). Some may be “resident”, i.e. they have been loaded by the
MPEG-M manufacturer and some may be temporary, i.e. they have been downloaded for a specific purpose.
Engines are of two types: Protocol Engines (specified in ISO/IEC 23006-4) and Technology Engines (specified
in ISO/IEC 23006-2).
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)

Figure 3 — Generic MPEG-M Device architecture
Two Applications running on networked MPEG-M Devices communicate by executing service protocols as
depicted in the figure below.

Figure 4 — Communication between two MPEG-M Devices
When the MPEG-M Device on the right hand side (e.g. a “client”) communicates to the MPEG-M Device on
the left hand side (e.g. a “server”) the following happens:
1. A client Application makes a Service request (e.g. an Elementary Service such as Create Licence) using a
Protocol Engine
2. The corresponding server-side Protocol Engine, upon receiving the request, calls the appropriate
Orchestrator Engine’s API functionality (e.g. REL Orchestration) or chain of Engines
3. The Orchestrator Engine on the server, if required, sets up a chain of Engines: in the REL example just
one Technology Engine (the REL Engine) creates the requested licence
4. The server-side Protocol Engine returns the Licence to client-side Protocol Engine.
The same happens if the client Application makes an Aggregated Service request. In this case the
Orchestrator Engine sets up a more complex chain of Technology and Protocol Engines.
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
When an MPEG-M Application is executed, “low-level” calls may be made directly to some MPEG-M Engines
using the MPEG-M Engine APIs of each specific Engine, and “high-level” calls like, say, “Play
(GovernedContent)” which will be handled by the Orchestrator Engine. This is depicted in the figure below:

Figure 5 — MPEG-M Device architecture
Making reference to the above figure, the following possibilities exist for an App:
1. It calls a PE which in its turn calls a TE
2. It calls a PE which in its turn calls a plurality of TEs
3. It calls a combination of PEs which call a single TE
4. It calls a PE
5. It calls a TE
6. It calls the Orchestrator Engine APIs

The MPEG-M Orchestrator, by calling the MPEG-M Engine APIs of specific engines, is capable of setting up
chains of MPEG-M engines for handling complex operations, orchestrating the intervention and send/receive
data to/from the particular chain of Engines that a given high-level call will trigger, thus relieving MPEG-M
Applications from the need to carry the logic of handling them. Each MPEG-M Engine will contain a specific
set of MPEG-M Technologies accessible by an MPEG-M Application, the MPEG-M Orchestrator and any
other MPEG-M Component in MPEG-M, by means of its own MPEG-M Engine API.
For instance, in the case of “Play (GovernedContent)” the Orchestrator engine could set-up the following
a) MP21 File engine (e.g. open the file and extract the Digital item)
b) DI engine (e.g. extract metadata and rights information)
c) REL engine (e.g. verify if the right to play is granted)
d) IPMP engine (e.g. set up IPMP Tools to decrypt protected resources)
e) Security engine (e.g. initialise the IPMP Tools with decryption keys)
f) Metadata engine (e.g. present content metadata to the user)
g) Media Framework engine (e.g. demux, decode and render audio-visual resources)
and possibly others.

NOTE Only the APIs of an MPEG-M Engine are mandatory; how each Engine handles the operations needed to
carry out a request is dependent on the specific software or hardware MPEG-M Engine implementation.
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
Figure 6 depicts the general case of an aggregated service implemented by the aggregation of three PEs (PE ,
PE and PE ), the first calling a single TE, the second three TEs and the third two TEs.
b c

Figure 6 — Engine aggregation and orchestration
Examples of MPEG-M Applications include:
 Video Viewer – a program to view videos
 Photo Player – a program to view still pictures
 Content Creator – a program to create content with audio-visual resources, metadata and rights
 MPEG-J applet
 Licence server – a remote service issuing licences upon request
7 MPEG-M Architecture
7.1 Introduction
MPEG-M specifies an architecture containing MPEG standard multimedia technologies whose purpose is to
enable the easy design and implementation of media-handling value chains whose devices interoperate
because they are all based on the same set of technologies exposed through standard APIs.
The elements of the MPEG-M Architecture are:
1. MPEG-M Engines: collections of specific technologies that are bundled together to provide a specific
functionality that is needed by MPEG-M Applications
2. MPEG-M Engine APIs: APIs that can be used to access MPEG-M Engine functionality
3. MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine: a special MPEG-M Engine capable of creating chains of MPEG-M
Engines to execute a high-level application call such as “Play”
4. MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine APIs: APIs that can be used to access the MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine
5. MPEG-M Device: a device equipped with MPEG-M Engines
6. MPEG-M Application: an application that runs on an MPEG-M Device and makes calls to the MPEG-M
Engine API and MPEG-M Orchestrator Engine APIs

The MPEG-M Engine APIs are divided in three categories. The first two categories include those recurring for
more than one engine, while the latter category includes those APIs which are specific for one Engine. The
terminology for the three categories is given below:
 Creation APIs: these include APIs to create data structures, files, elementary streams, etc. conforming to
the respective standards
 Access APIs: these include APIs to parse data structures, files, decode elementary streams, etc. in order
to retrieve the information contained within
 Engine-specific APIs: these include specific APIs of an MPEG-M Engine
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
7.2 MPEG-M Engines
The list of MPEG-M Engines is provided in the table below.
Table 2 — MPEG-M Engines and classification of their APIs
No. Engine Creation Access Engine-specific
1 Digital Item Y Y
2 MPEG-21 File Format Y Y
 Validation
 Authorisation
 IPMP Tool Instantiation
 IPMP Tool Initialisation
5 Media Framework Y Y

6 Metadata Y Y
7 Event Reporting Y Y
 Register Events
 Transmit Event Reports
8 Security Y Y  Authentication
 Integrity
9 Search Y Y
10 CEL Y Y
11 Overlay Y Y  Store/Retrieve messages
 Propagate message
NOTE Where no engine-specific API is defined the corresponding MPEG-M Engine has no Engine-specific API
7.3 MPEG-M Elementary Services
For ease of reference the list of MPEG-M Elementary Services is provided below:
Elementary Service Description
Authenticate Content Allowing Users to confirm the identity of a Content item in an MPEG-M value chain
Create Content Allowing Users to create a Content remotely
Deliver Content Allowing Users to transfer Content between Users of an MPEG-M value chain
Describe Content Allowing Users to associate metadata to Content in an MPEG-M value chain
Identify Content Allowing Users to assign Identifiers to Content in an MPEG-M value chain
Package Content Allowing Users to make Content ready for delivery
Post Content Allowing Users to let other Users access their Content
Process Content Allowing Users in an MPEG-M value chain to perform operations on Content
Request Content Allowing Users to retrieve a Content
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
Elementary Service Description
Revoke Content Allowing Users to revoke availability of a Content
Search Content Allowing Users to search for a Content
Store Content Allowing Users to save Content for later use
Transact Content Allowing Users to transact a Content
Authenticate Contract Allowing Users to confirm the identity and signers of a Contract in an MPEG-M value
Check With Contract Allowing Users to verify if a usage request matches with the content (e.g.,
obligations, prohibitions) expressed in a Contract
Create Contract Allowing Users to generate a Contract in an MPEG-M value chain
Deliver Contract Allowing Users to transfer Contract between Users of an MPEG-M value chain
Identify Contract Allowing Users to assign Identifiers to Contract in an MPEG-M value chain
Negotiate Contract Allowing Users of an MPEG-M value chain to achieve an agreement on the terms
and conditions of use e.g., obligations and prohibitions, with respect to a Content
item, a Device or a Service
Present Contract Allowing Users to understand Contract
Request Contract Allowing Users to request for a Contract in an MPEG-M value chain
Revoke Contract Allowing Users to discontinue the validity of a Contract
Search Contract Allowing Users to search for a Contract
Store Contract Allowing Users to save Contract for later use
Verify Contract Allowing Users to check the integrity of a Contract in an MPEG-M value chain
Describe Device Allowing Users to associate metadata to Devices of an MPEG-M value chain
Identify Device Allowing Users to assign a unique Identifier to Devices of an MPEG-M value chain
Request Device Allowing Users to request for a Device in an MPEG-M value chain
Search Device Allowing Users to search for a Device
Verify Device Allowing Users to check the integrity of a Device
Request Event Allowing Users to request the creation of an Event Report for one or more Events
that have occurred or are to occur
Store Event Allowing Users to store an Event
Authenticate Licence Allowing Users to confirm the identity and issuance of a Licence in an MPEG-M
value chain
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ISO/IEC 23006-1:2013(E)
Elementary Service Description
Check With Licence Allowing Users to obtain authorization of a usage request according to Rights
expressed in a Licence
Create Licence Allowing Users to generate a Licence in an MPEG-M value chain
Identify Licence Allowing Users to assign Identifiers to Licence in an MPEG-M value chain
Negotiate Licence Allowing Users to achieve an agreement on the terms and conditions of use e.g.,
rights and conditions, of a Content item, or a Service
Present Licence Allowing Users to understand Licence
Process Licence Allowing Users to change the content of a Licence
Request Licence Allowing Users to reque

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