ISO 14004:1996
(Main)Environmental management systems — General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques
Environmental management systems — General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques
Contains guidelines on the development and implementation of environmental management systems and principles, and their coordination with other management systems. The guidelines are intended for use as a voluntary, internal management tool and not to be used as EMS certification criteria.
Systèmes de management environnemental — Lignes directrices générales concernant les principes, les systèmes et les techniques de mise en oeuvre
La présente Norme internationale donne des lignes directrices concernant la mise au point et la mise en oeuvre des systèmes de management environnementaux et de leurs principes, en indiquant comment les coordonner aux autres systèmes de management existants. Ces lignes directrices sont applicables à tout organisme, indépendamment de sa taille, de sa nature ou de son niveau de maturité, désireux d'élaborer, de mettre en oeuvre et/ou d'améliorer un système de management environnemental. Ces lignes directrices sont d'application volontaire et constituent un outil de management interne. Leur utilisation n'est pas prévue comme critère de certification/enregistrement d'un SME.
Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem - Splošne smernice o načelih, sistemih in podpornih tehnikah (enakovreden ISO 14004:1996)
General Information
Buy Standard
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Environmental management systems -
General guidelines on principles, systems
and supporting techniques
Systkmes de management environnemental - Lignes directrices
g&&ales concernant /es principes, /es systgmes et /es techniques de
mise en ceuvre
Reference number
IS0 14004: 1996(E)
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1 Scope .
............................................................. 1
2 Normative references
3 Definitions .
4 Environmental management system (EMS) principles and
41 . Commitment and policy .
4.1.1 General .
4.1.2 leadership .
Top management commitment and
4.1.3 Initial environmental review .
4.1.4 Environmental policy
42 . Planning .
4.2.1 General .
4.2.2 Identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of
associated environmental impacts .
................................................ 9
4.2.3 Legal and other requirements
.................................................. 10
4.2.4 Internal performance criteria
4.2.5 Environmental objectives and targets
........................... 12
4.2.6 Environmental management programme
...................................................................... 13
4.3 Implementation
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Ensuring capability .
- Human, physical and financial . 14 Resources
.............................................. 14 EMS alignment and integration
Accountability and responsibility .
............................. 16 Environmental awareness and motivation
0 IS0 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Suisse
Printed in Switzerland
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0 IS0 IS0 14004:1996(E)
................................................ 17 Knowledge, skills and training
4.3.3 Support action .
................................................ 18 Communication and reporting EMS documentation . 19
20 Operational control .
Emergency preparedness and response . 20
4.4 Measurement and evaluation .
4.4.1 General .
4.4.2 Measuring and monitoring (ongoing performance) . 21
........................................... 22
4.4.3 Corrective and preventive action
EMS records and information management . 22
4.4.5 Audits of the environmental management system . 22
4.5 Review and improvement .
.................................................................................. 23
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Review of the environmental managemc nt system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.5.3 Continual improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guiding principles . . . 25
A Examples of international environmenta
Al . The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development . . . . . . . .
A.2 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Business
Charter for Sustainable Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. 31
B Bibliography
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@ IS0
IS0 14004:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented
on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard IS0 14004 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISOnC 207, Environmental management, Subcommittee SC 1,
Environmental management systems.
Annexes A and B of this International Standard are for information only.
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@ IS0 ISO14004:1996(E)
0.1 Overview
As concern grows for maintaining and improving the quality of the
environment and protecting human health, organizations of all sizes are
increasingly turning their attention to the potential environmental impacts of
their activities, products or services. The environmental performance of an
organization is of increasing importance to internal and external interested
parties. Achieving sound environmental performance
organizational commitment to a systematic approach and to continual
improvement of the environmental management system (EMS).
The general purpose of this International Standard is to provide assistance
to organizations implementing or improving an EMS. It is consistent with
the concept of sustainable development and is compatible with diverse
cultural, social and organizational frameworks.
It should be noted that only IS0 14001 contains requirements that may be
objectively audited for certification/registration purposes or for self-
declaration purposes. Alternatively, this International Standard includes
examples, descriptions and options that aid both in the implementation of
an EMS and in strengthening its relation to the overall management of the
An EMS provides order and consistency for organizations to address
environmental concerns through the allocation of resources, assignment of
responsibilities, and ongoing evaluation of practices, procedures and
This International Standard considers the elements of an EMS and
provides practical advice on implementing or enhancing such a system. It
also provides organizations with advice on how to effectively initiate,
improve or sustain an environmental management system. Such a system
is essential to an organization ’s ability to anticipate and meet its
environmental objectives and to ensure ongoing compliance with national
and/or international requirements.
Environmental management is an integral part of an organization ’s overall
management system. The design of an EMS is an ongoing and interactive
process. The structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes
and resources for implementing environmental policies, objectives and
targets can be coordinated with existing efforts in other areas (e.g.
operations, finance, quality, occupational health and safety).
princip lies for managers mplementing or e nha ncing an envi ronmental
nt system include, but are not limited the following.
man ageme to,
ntal management is amon g the hig hest
- Recognize that envi ro nme
corporate p riorities.
---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
ISO14004:1996(E) as0
- Establish and mainta .in communication with i I and external
- Determine the legislative requirements and enviro nmental as pects
associated with the organization ’s activities, products or services.
- Develop management and employee commitment to the protection of
the environment, with clear assignment of accountability and
- Encourage environmental planning throughout the product or process
life cycle.
Establish a process for achieving targeted performance levels.
- Provide appropriate and sufficient resou rces, includi ng training, to
achieve targeted performance levels on an ongo ng bas IS.
- Evaluate environmental performance against the organization ’s
environmental policy, objectives and targets and seek improvement
where appropriate.
- Establish a management process to audit and review the EMS and to
identify opportunities for improvement of the system and resulting
environmental performance.
Encourage contractors and suppliers to establish an EMS.
Organizations can consider the following different uses of the EMS Inter-
national Standards.
Environmental management systems -
- Using IS0 14001:1996,
Specification with guidance for use to achieve third-party
certification/registration, or self-declaration of an organization ’s EMS.
- Using this International Standard, or parts of it, to initiate and/or
improve its EMS. It is not intended for certification/registration
- Using this International Standard as a guideline or IS0 14001 as a
specification for second-party recognition between contracting parties,
which may be suitable for some business relationships.
- Using related IS0 documents.
The choice will depend on factors such as:
organization policy;
- level of maturity of the organization: whether systematic management
that can facilitate the introduction of systematic environmental
management is already in place;
- possible advantages and disadvantages, influenced by such things as
market position, existing reputation and external relations;
- size of the organization.
This International Standard can be used by organizations of any size.
Nonetheless, the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) is being increasingly recognized by governments and business.
This International Standard acknowledges and accommodates the needs
of SMEs.
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0.2 Benefits of having an environmental management
An organization should implement an effective environmental management
system in order to help protect human health and the environment from the
potential impacts of its activities, products or services; and to assist in
maintaining and improving the quality of the environment.
Having an EMS can help an organization provide confidence to its
interested parties that
- a management commitment exists to meet the provisions of its policy,
objectives, and targets;
emphasis is placed on prevention rather than corrective action;
- evidence of reasonable care and regulatory compliance can be
provided; and
- the systems design incorporates the process of continual
An organization whose management system incorporates an EMS has a
framework to balance and integrate economic and environmental interests.
An organization that has implemented an EMS can achieve significant
competitive advantages.
Economic benefits can be gained from implementing an environmental
management system. These should be identified in order to demonstrate to
interested parties, especially shareholders, the value to the organization of
good environmental management. It also provides the organization with the
opportunity to link environmental objectives and targets with specific
financial outcomes and thus to ensure that resources are made available
where they provide the most benefit in both financial and environmental
The potential benefits associated with an effective EMS include
- assuring customers of commitment to demonstrable environmental
- maintaining good public/community relations;
- satisfying investor criteria and improving access to capital;
- obtaining insurance at reasonable cost;
enhancing image and market share;
- meeting vendor certification criteria;
improving cost control;
reducing incidents that result in liability;
- demonstrating reasonable care;
conserving input materials and energy;
- facilitating the attainment of permits and authorizations;
fostering development and sharing environmental solutions;
improving industry-government relations.
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Environmental management systems - General guidelines
on principles, systems and supporting techniques
1 Scope
This international Standard provides guidance on the development and implementation of environmental
management systems and principles, and their coordination with other management systems.
The guidelines in this International Standard are applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type, or level of
maturity, that is interested in developing, implementing and/or improving an environmental management system.
The guidelines are intended for use as a voluntary, internal management tool and are not intended to be used as
EMS certification/registration criteria.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references at present.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply.
cbntinual improvement
process of enhancing the environmental management system to achieve improvements in overall environmental
performance in line with the organization ’s environmental policy
NOTE - The process need not take place in all areas of activity simultaneously.
surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans,
and their interrelation
NOTE - Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization to the global system.
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IS0 14004:1996(E)
e;lvironmental aspect
element of an organization ’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment
A significant envi is an environmental aspect that has or can a significant environmental
NOTE - ronmental aspect have
ehironmental impact
any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization ’s
activities, products or services
e;lvironmental management system
that part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities,
responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing
and maintaining the environmental policy
ekironmental management system audit
systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine
whether an organization ’s environmental management system conforms to the environmental management system
audit criteria set by the organization, and for communication of the results of this process to management
e;vironmental objective
overall environmental goal, arising from the environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve, and
which is quantified where practicable
e;lvironmental performance
related to an organization ’s control of its
measurable results of the environmental management system,
environmental aspects, based on its environmental policy, objectives and targets
e;lvironmental policy
statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance
which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets
environmental target
detailed performance requirement, quantified where practicable, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that
arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives
interested party
individual or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance of an organization
company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated
or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration
NOTE - For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization.
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IS0 14004: 1996(E)
0 IS0
prevention of pollution
use of processes, practices, materials or products that avoid, reduce or control pollution, which may include
recycling, treatment, process changes, control mechanisms, efficient use of resources and material substitution
NOTE - The potential benefits of prevention of pollution include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts,
improved efficiency and reduced costs.
4 Environmental management system (EMS) principles and elements
The EMS model (see figure 1) follows the basic view of an organization which subscribes to the following principles.
Principle 1 - Commitment and policy
policy and ensure commitment to its EMS.
An organization should define its environmental
Principle 2 - Planning
An organization should formulate a plan to fulfil its environmental policy.
Principle 3 - Implementation
For effective implementation, an organization should develop the capabilities and support mechanisms
necessary to achieve its environmental policy, objectives and targets.
Principle 4 - Measurement and evaluation
An organization should measure, monitor and evaluate its environmental performance.
Principle 5 - Review and improvement
An organization should review and continually improve its environmental management system, with the
objective of improving its overall environmental performance.
With this in mind, the EMS is best viewed as an organizing framework that should be continually monitored and
periodically reviewed to provide effective direction for an organization ’s environmental activities in response to
changing internal and external factors. Every individual in an organization should accept responsibility for
environmental improvements.
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IS0 14004:1996(E)
Continual improvement
Commitment and policy
(Environmental policy)*)
Review and improvement
(Management review)*)
Measurement and evaluation
(Checking and corrective
*:) Terms used in IS0 14001.
Figure 1 - Environmental management system model for this International Standard
4.1 Commitment and policy
Principle 1 - Commitment and policy
An organization should define its environmental policy and ensure commitment to its EMS.
4.1 .l General
The organization should begin where there is obvious benefit, for example, by focusing on regulatory compliance, by
limiting sources of liability or by making more efficient use of materials.
As the organization grows in experience, and its EMS starts to take shape, procedures, programmes and
technologies can be put in place to further improve environmental performance. Then, as the EMS matures,
environmental considerations can be integrated into all business decisions.
4.1.2 Top management commitment and leadership
To ensure success, an early step in developing or improving an EMS involves obtaining commitment from the top
management of the organization to improve the environmental management of its activities, products or services.
The ongoing commitment and leadership of the top management are crucial.
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IS0 14004:1996(E)
0 IS0
4.1.3 Initial environmental review
The current position of an organization with regard to the environment can be established by means of an initial
environmental review. The initial review can cover the following:
- identification of legislative and regulatory requirements;
- identification of environmental aspects of its activities, products or services so as to determine those that have
or can have significant environmental impacts and liabilities;
- evaluation of performance compared with relevant internal criteria, external standards, regulations, codes of
practice and sets of principles and guidelines;
- existing environmental management practices and procedures;
- identification of the existing policies and procedures dealing with procurement and contracting activities;
feedback from the investigation of previous incidents of non-compliance;
- opportunities for competitive advantage;
- the views of interested parties;
- functions or activities of other organizational systems that can enable or impede environmental performance.
In all cases, consideration should be given to the full range of operating conditions, including possible incidents and
emergency situations.
The process and results of the initial environmental review should be documented and opportunities for EMS
development should be identified.
Initial environmental review
Practical help -
An important first step is to develop the list of areas to be reviewed. This can include organization activities,
specific operations or a specific site.
Some common techniques for conducting a review include
- questionnaires,
- interviews,
- checklists,
- direct inspection and measurement,
- record review,
- benchmarking ’).
Organizations, including SMEs, can consult a number of outside sources such as:
- government agencies in relation to laws and permits;
- local or regional libraries or databases;
other organizations for exchange of information;
- industry associations,*
- larger customer organizations;
- manufacturers of equipment in use;
- business relations (e.g. with those who transport and dispose of waste);
- professional help.
1) Benchmarking is a technique for studying best practice, whether within the organization, in a competitor ’s organization or in
a different industry, to enable the organization to adopt or improve on it.
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IS0 14004: 1996(E) 0 IS0
4.1.4 Environmental policy
An environmental policy establishes an overall sense of direction and sets the principles of action for an
organization. It sets the goal as to the level of environmental responsibility and performance required of the
organization, against which all subsequent actions will be judged.
A growing number of international organizations including government, industry associations and citizens’ groups
have developed guiding principles (see annex A for two examples). Such guiding principles have helped
organizations define the overall scope of their commitment to the environment. They also help to give different
organizations a common set of values. Guiding principles such as these can assist the organization in developing its
policy, which can be as individual as the organization for which it is written.
The responsibility for setting environmental policy normally rests with the organization ’s top management. The
organization ’s management is responsible for implementing the policy and for providing input to the formulation and
modification of the policy.
An environmental policy should consider the following:
- the organization ’s mission, vision, core values and beliefs;
requirements of and communication with interested parties;
continual improvement;
prevention of pollution;
guiding principles;
- coordination with other organizational policies (e.g. quality, occupational health and safety);
- specific local or regional conditions;
- compliance with relevant environmental regulations, laws and other criteria to which the organization
Some issues to be considered in environmental policy
Does the organization have an environmental policy that is relevant to its activities, products and services?
2 Does the policy reflect the organization ’s values and guiding principles?
3 Has the environmental policy been approved by top management and has someone been identified and given
the authority to oversee and implement the policy?
4 Does the policy guide the setting of environmental objectives and targets?
5 Does the policy guide the organization towards monitoring appropriate technology and management practices?
6 What commitments are embodied in the environmental policy, for example, support for continual improvement,
support for the prevention of pollution, monitoring, meeting or exceeding legal requirements, and consideration
of the expectations of interested parties?
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@ IS0 IS0 14004:1996(E)
Practical help - Environmental policy
All activities, products or services can cause impacts on the environment. The environmental policy should
recognize this.
A detailed review of the guiding principles in annex A can help in drafting an appropriate policy. The issues
addressed in the policy depend on the nature of the organization. In addition to compliance with environmental
regulations, the policy can state commitments to
- minimize any significant adverse environmental impacts of new developments through the use of the
integrated environmental management procedures and planning;
- development of environmental performance evaluation procedures and associated indicators;
- embody life cycle thinking;
- design products in such a way as to minimize their environmental impacts in production, use and disposal;
- prevent pollution, reduce waste and the consumption of resources (materials, fuel and energy), and commit
to recovery and recycling, as opposed to disposal where feasible;
- education and training;
- sharing environmental experience;
- involvement of and communication with interested parties;
- work towards sustainable development,*
- encourage the use of EMS by suppliers and contractors.
4.2 Planning
Principle 2 - Planning
An organization should formulate a plan to fulfil its environmental policy.
4.2.1 General
The environmental management system elements relating to planning include
- identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of associated environmental impacts;
- legal requirements;
- environmental policy;
- internal performance criteria;
- environmental objectives and targets;
- environmental plans and management programme.
4.2.2 Identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of associated environmental impacts
An organization ’s policy, objectives and targets should be based on knowledge about the environmental aspects
and significant environmental impacts associated with its activities, products or services. This can ensure that the
significant environmental impacts associated with these aspects are taken into account in setting the environmental
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@ IS0
The identification of the environmental aspects is an ongoing process that determines the past, current and potential
impact (positive or negative) of an organization ’s activities on the environment. This process also includes the
identification of the potential regulatory, legal and business exposure affecting the organization. It can also include
identification of health and safety impacts, and environmental risk assessment.
Some issues to be considered in identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of environmental impacts
I What are the environmental aspects of the organization ’s activities, products and services?
2 Do the organization ’s activities, products or services create any significant adverse environmental impacts?
Does the organization have a procedure for evaluating the environmental impacts of new projects?
4 Does the location of the organization require special environmental consideration, for example sensitive
environmental areas?
5 How will any intended changes or additions to activities, products or services affect the environmental aspects
and their associated impacts?
How significant or severe are the potential environmental impacts should a process failure occur?
7 How frequently will the situation arise that could lead to the impact?
8 What are the significant environmental aspects; considering impacts, likelihood, severity and frequency?
Are the significant environmental impacts local, regional or global in scope?
Practical he/p - Identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of associated environmental
The relationship between environmental aspects
SIST ISO 14004:2001
Environmental management systems -- General guidelines on principles, systems and
supporting techniques
Systèmes de management environnemental -- Lignes directrices générales concernant
les principes, les systèmes et les techniques de mise en oeuvre
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 14004:1996
13.020.10 Ravnanje z okoljem Environmental management
SIST ISO 14004:2001 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
SIST ISO 14004:2001
First edition
Environmental management systems -
General guidelines on principles, systems
and supporting techniques
Systkmes de management environnemental - Lignes directrices
g&&ales concernant /es principes, /es systgmes et /es techniques de
mise en ceuvre
Reference number
IS0 14004: 1996(E)
---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
SIST ISO 14004:2001
1 Scope .
............................................................. 1
2 Normative references
3 Definitions .
4 Environmental management system (EMS) principles and
41 . Commitment and policy .
4.1.1 General .
4.1.2 leadership .
Top management commitment and
4.1.3 Initial environmental review .
4.1.4 Environmental policy
42 . Planning .
4.2.1 General .
4.2.2 Identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of
associated environmental impacts .
................................................ 9
4.2.3 Legal and other requirements
.................................................. 10
4.2.4 Internal performance criteria
4.2.5 Environmental objectives and targets
........................... 12
4.2.6 Environmental management programme
...................................................................... 13
4.3 Implementation
4.3.1 General
4.3.2 Ensuring capability .
- Human, physical and financial . 14 Resources
.............................................. 14 EMS alignment and integration
Accountability and responsibility .
............................. 16 Environmental awareness and motivation
0 IS0 1996
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Suisse
Printed in Switzerland
---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
SIST ISO 14004:2001
0 IS0 IS0 14004:1996(E)
................................................ 17 Knowledge, skills and training
4.3.3 Support action .
................................................ 18 Communication and reporting EMS documentation . 19
20 Operational control .
Emergency preparedness and response . 20
4.4 Measurement and evaluation .
4.4.1 General .
4.4.2 Measuring and monitoring (ongoing performance) . 21
........................................... 22
4.4.3 Corrective and preventive action
EMS records and information management . 22
4.4.5 Audits of the environmental management system . 22
4.5 Review and improvement .
.................................................................................. 23
4.5.1 General
4.5.2 Review of the environmental managemc nt system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.5.3 Continual improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
guiding principles . . . 25
A Examples of international environmenta
Al . The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development . . . . . . . .
A.2 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Business
Charter for Sustainable Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. 31
B Bibliography
---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
SIST ISO 14004:2001
@ IS0
IS0 14004:1996(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of
preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which
a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented
on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-
governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. IS0
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting
a vote.
International Standard IS0 14004 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISOnC 207, Environmental management, Subcommittee SC 1,
Environmental management systems.
Annexes A and B of this International Standard are for information only.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
@ IS0 ISO14004:1996(E)
0.1 Overview
As concern grows for maintaining and improving the quality of the
environment and protecting human health, organizations of all sizes are
increasingly turning their attention to the potential environmental impacts of
their activities, products or services. The environmental performance of an
organization is of increasing importance to internal and external interested
parties. Achieving sound environmental performance
organizational commitment to a systematic approach and to continual
improvement of the environmental management system (EMS).
The general purpose of this International Standard is to provide assistance
to organizations implementing or improving an EMS. It is consistent with
the concept of sustainable development and is compatible with diverse
cultural, social and organizational frameworks.
It should be noted that only IS0 14001 contains requirements that may be
objectively audited for certification/registration purposes or for self-
declaration purposes. Alternatively, this International Standard includes
examples, descriptions and options that aid both in the implementation of
an EMS and in strengthening its relation to the overall management of the
An EMS provides order and consistency for organizations to address
environmental concerns through the allocation of resources, assignment of
responsibilities, and ongoing evaluation of practices, procedures and
This International Standard considers the elements of an EMS and
provides practical advice on implementing or enhancing such a system. It
also provides organizations with advice on how to effectively initiate,
improve or sustain an environmental management system. Such a system
is essential to an organization ’s ability to anticipate and meet its
environmental objectives and to ensure ongoing compliance with national
and/or international requirements.
Environmental management is an integral part of an organization ’s overall
management system. The design of an EMS is an ongoing and interactive
process. The structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes
and resources for implementing environmental policies, objectives and
targets can be coordinated with existing efforts in other areas (e.g.
operations, finance, quality, occupational health and safety).
princip lies for managers mplementing or e nha ncing an envi ronmental
nt system include, but are not limited the following.
man ageme to,
ntal management is amon g the hig hest
- Recognize that envi ro nme
corporate p riorities.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
ISO14004:1996(E) as0
- Establish and mainta .in communication with i I and external
- Determine the legislative requirements and enviro nmental as pects
associated with the organization ’s activities, products or services.
- Develop management and employee commitment to the protection of
the environment, with clear assignment of accountability and
- Encourage environmental planning throughout the product or process
life cycle.
Establish a process for achieving targeted performance levels.
- Provide appropriate and sufficient resou rces, includi ng training, to
achieve targeted performance levels on an ongo ng bas IS.
- Evaluate environmental performance against the organization ’s
environmental policy, objectives and targets and seek improvement
where appropriate.
- Establish a management process to audit and review the EMS and to
identify opportunities for improvement of the system and resulting
environmental performance.
Encourage contractors and suppliers to establish an EMS.
Organizations can consider the following different uses of the EMS Inter-
national Standards.
Environmental management systems -
- Using IS0 14001:1996,
Specification with guidance for use to achieve third-party
certification/registration, or self-declaration of an organization ’s EMS.
- Using this International Standard, or parts of it, to initiate and/or
improve its EMS. It is not intended for certification/registration
- Using this International Standard as a guideline or IS0 14001 as a
specification for second-party recognition between contracting parties,
which may be suitable for some business relationships.
- Using related IS0 documents.
The choice will depend on factors such as:
organization policy;
- level of maturity of the organization: whether systematic management
that can facilitate the introduction of systematic environmental
management is already in place;
- possible advantages and disadvantages, influenced by such things as
market position, existing reputation and external relations;
- size of the organization.
This International Standard can be used by organizations of any size.
Nonetheless, the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SMEs) is being increasingly recognized by governments and business.
This International Standard acknowledges and accommodates the needs
of SMEs.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
0.2 Benefits of having an environmental management
An organization should implement an effective environmental management
system in order to help protect human health and the environment from the
potential impacts of its activities, products or services; and to assist in
maintaining and improving the quality of the environment.
Having an EMS can help an organization provide confidence to its
interested parties that
- a management commitment exists to meet the provisions of its policy,
objectives, and targets;
emphasis is placed on prevention rather than corrective action;
- evidence of reasonable care and regulatory compliance can be
provided; and
- the systems design incorporates the process of continual
An organization whose management system incorporates an EMS has a
framework to balance and integrate economic and environmental interests.
An organization that has implemented an EMS can achieve significant
competitive advantages.
Economic benefits can be gained from implementing an environmental
management system. These should be identified in order to demonstrate to
interested parties, especially shareholders, the value to the organization of
good environmental management. It also provides the organization with the
opportunity to link environmental objectives and targets with specific
financial outcomes and thus to ensure that resources are made available
where they provide the most benefit in both financial and environmental
The potential benefits associated with an effective EMS include
- assuring customers of commitment to demonstrable environmental
- maintaining good public/community relations;
- satisfying investor criteria and improving access to capital;
- obtaining insurance at reasonable cost;
enhancing image and market share;
- meeting vendor certification criteria;
improving cost control;
reducing incidents that result in liability;
- demonstrating reasonable care;
conserving input materials and energy;
- facilitating the attainment of permits and authorizations;
fostering development and sharing environmental solutions;
improving industry-government relations.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
Environmental management systems - General guidelines
on principles, systems and supporting techniques
1 Scope
This international Standard provides guidance on the development and implementation of environmental
management systems and principles, and their coordination with other management systems.
The guidelines in this International Standard are applicable to any organization, regardless of size, type, or level of
maturity, that is interested in developing, implementing and/or improving an environmental management system.
The guidelines are intended for use as a voluntary, internal management tool and are not intended to be used as
EMS certification/registration criteria.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references at present.
3 Definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following definitions apply.
cbntinual improvement
process of enhancing the environmental management system to achieve improvements in overall environmental
performance in line with the organization ’s environmental policy
NOTE - The process need not take place in all areas of activity simultaneously.
surroundings in which an organization operates, including air, water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans,
and their interrelation
NOTE - Surroundings in this context extend from within an organization to the global system.
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IS0 14004:1996(E)
e;lvironmental aspect
element of an organization ’s activities, products or services that can interact with the environment
A significant envi is an environmental aspect that has or can a significant environmental
NOTE - ronmental aspect have
ehironmental impact
any change to the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organization ’s
activities, products or services
e;lvironmental management system
that part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities,
responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing
and maintaining the environmental policy
ekironmental management system audit
systematic and documented verification process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence to determine
whether an organization ’s environmental management system conforms to the environmental management system
audit criteria set by the organization, and for communication of the results of this process to management
e;vironmental objective
overall environmental goal, arising from the environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve, and
which is quantified where practicable
e;lvironmental performance
related to an organization ’s control of its
measurable results of the environmental management system,
environmental aspects, based on its environmental policy, objectives and targets
e;lvironmental policy
statement by the organization of its intentions and principles in relation to its overall environmental performance
which provides a framework for action and for the setting of its environmental objectives and targets
environmental target
detailed performance requirement, quantified where practicable, applicable to the organization or parts thereof, that
arises from the environmental objectives and that needs to be set and met in order to achieve those objectives
interested party
individual or group concerned with or affected by the environmental performance of an organization
company, corporation, firm, enterprise, authority or institution, or part or combination thereof, whether incorporated
or not, public or private, that has its own functions and administration
NOTE - For organizations with more than one operating unit, a single operating unit may be defined as an organization.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
IS0 14004: 1996(E)
0 IS0
prevention of pollution
use of processes, practices, materials or products that avoid, reduce or control pollution, which may include
recycling, treatment, process changes, control mechanisms, efficient use of resources and material substitution
NOTE - The potential benefits of prevention of pollution include the reduction of adverse environmental impacts,
improved efficiency and reduced costs.
4 Environmental management system (EMS) principles and elements
The EMS model (see figure 1) follows the basic view of an organization which subscribes to the following principles.
Principle 1 - Commitment and policy
policy and ensure commitment to its EMS.
An organization should define its environmental
Principle 2 - Planning
An organization should formulate a plan to fulfil its environmental policy.
Principle 3 - Implementation
For effective implementation, an organization should develop the capabilities and support mechanisms
necessary to achieve its environmental policy, objectives and targets.
Principle 4 - Measurement and evaluation
An organization should measure, monitor and evaluate its environmental performance.
Principle 5 - Review and improvement
An organization should review and continually improve its environmental management system, with the
objective of improving its overall environmental performance.
With this in mind, the EMS is best viewed as an organizing framework that should be continually monitored and
periodically reviewed to provide effective direction for an organization ’s environmental activities in response to
changing internal and external factors. Every individual in an organization should accept responsibility for
environmental improvements.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
IS0 14004:1996(E)
Continual improvement
Commitment and policy
(Environmental policy)*)
Review and improvement
(Management review)*)
Measurement and evaluation
(Checking and corrective
*:) Terms used in IS0 14001.
Figure 1 - Environmental management system model for this International Standard
4.1 Commitment and policy
Principle 1 - Commitment and policy
An organization should define its environmental policy and ensure commitment to its EMS.
4.1 .l General
The organization should begin where there is obvious benefit, for example, by focusing on regulatory compliance, by
limiting sources of liability or by making more efficient use of materials.
As the organization grows in experience, and its EMS starts to take shape, procedures, programmes and
technologies can be put in place to further improve environmental performance. Then, as the EMS matures,
environmental considerations can be integrated into all business decisions.
4.1.2 Top management commitment and leadership
To ensure success, an early step in developing or improving an EMS involves obtaining commitment from the top
management of the organization to improve the environmental management of its activities, products or services.
The ongoing commitment and leadership of the top management are crucial.
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0 IS0
4.1.3 Initial environmental review
The current position of an organization with regard to the environment can be established by means of an initial
environmental review. The initial review can cover the following:
- identification of legislative and regulatory requirements;
- identification of environmental aspects of its activities, products or services so as to determine those that have
or can have significant environmental impacts and liabilities;
- evaluation of performance compared with relevant internal criteria, external standards, regulations, codes of
practice and sets of principles and guidelines;
- existing environmental management practices and procedures;
- identification of the existing policies and procedures dealing with procurement and contracting activities;
feedback from the investigation of previous incidents of non-compliance;
- opportunities for competitive advantage;
- the views of interested parties;
- functions or activities of other organizational systems that can enable or impede environmental performance.
In all cases, consideration should be given to the full range of operating conditions, including possible incidents and
emergency situations.
The process and results of the initial environmental review should be documented and opportunities for EMS
development should be identified.
Initial environmental review
Practical help -
An important first step is to develop the list of areas to be reviewed. This can include organization activities,
specific operations or a specific site.
Some common techniques for conducting a review include
- questionnaires,
- interviews,
- checklists,
- direct inspection and measurement,
- record review,
- benchmarking ’).
Organizations, including SMEs, can consult a number of outside sources such as:
- government agencies in relation to laws and permits;
- local or regional libraries or databases;
other organizations for exchange of information;
- industry associations,*
- larger customer organizations;
- manufacturers of equipment in use;
- business relations (e.g. with those who transport and dispose of waste);
- professional help.
1) Benchmarking is a technique for studying best practice, whether within the organization, in a competitor ’s organization or in
a different industry, to enable the organization to adopt or improve on it.
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
IS0 14004: 1996(E) 0 IS0
4.1.4 Environmental policy
An environmental policy establishes an overall sense of direction and sets the principles of action for an
organization. It sets the goal as to the level of environmental responsibility and performance required of the
organization, against which all subsequent actions will be judged.
A growing number of international organizations including government, industry associations and citizens’ groups
have developed guiding principles (see annex A for two examples). Such guiding principles have helped
organizations define the overall scope of their commitment to the environment. They also help to give different
organizations a common set of values. Guiding principles such as these can assist the organization in developing its
policy, which can be as individual as the organization for which it is written.
The responsibility for setting environmental policy normally rests with the organization ’s top management. The
organization ’s management is responsible for implementing the policy and for providing input to the formulation and
modification of the policy.
An environmental policy should consider the following:
- the organization ’s mission, vision, core values and beliefs;
requirements of and communication with interested parties;
continual improvement;
prevention of pollution;
guiding principles;
- coordination with other organizational policies (e.g. quality, occupational health and safety);
- specific local or regional conditions;
- compliance with relevant environmental regulations, laws and other criteria to which the organization
Some issues to be considered in environmental policy
Does the organization have an environmental policy that is relevant to its activities, products and services?
2 Does the policy reflect the organization ’s values and guiding principles?
3 Has the environmental policy been approved by top management and has someone been identified and given
the authority to oversee and implement the policy?
4 Does the policy guide the setting of environmental objectives and targets?
5 Does the policy guide the organization towards monitoring appropriate technology and management practices?
6 What commitments are embodied in the environmental policy, for example, support for continual improvement,
support for the prevention of pollution, monitoring, meeting or exceeding legal requirements, and consideration
of the expectations of interested parties?
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SIST ISO 14004:2001
@ IS0 IS0 14004:1996(E)
Practical help - Environmental policy
All activities, products or services can cause impacts on the environment. The environmental policy should
recognize this.
A detailed review of the guiding principles in annex A can help in drafting an appropriate policy. The issues
addressed in the policy depend on the nature of the organization. In addition to compliance with environmental
regulations, the policy can state commitments to
- minimize any significant adverse environmental impacts of new developments through the use of the
integrated environmental management procedures and planning;
- development of environmental performance evaluation procedures and associated indicators;
- embody life cycle thinking;
- design products in such a way as to minimize their environmental impacts in production, use and disposal;
- prevent pollution, reduce waste and the consumption of resources (materials, fuel and energy), and commit
to recovery and recycling, as opposed to disposal where feasible;
- education and training;
- sharing environmental experience;
- involvement of and communication with interested parties;
- work towards sustainable development,*
- encourage the use of EMS by suppliers and contractors.
4.2 Planning
Principle 2 - Planning
An organization should formulate a plan to fulfil its environmental policy.
4.2.1 General
The environmental management system elements relating to planning include
- identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of associated environmental impacts;
- legal requirements;
- environmental policy;
- internal performance criteria;
- environmental objectives and targets;
- environmental plans and management programme.
4.2.2 Identification of environmental aspects and evaluation of associated environmental impacts
An organization ’s policy, objectives and targets should be based on knowledge about the environmental aspects
and significant environmental impacts associated with its activities, products or services. This can ensure that the
significant environmental impacts associated with these aspects are taken into account in setting the environmental
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@ IS0
The identification of the environmental aspects is an ongoing process that determines the past, current and potential
impact (positive or negative) of an organization ’s activities on the environment. This process also includes the
identification of the potential regulatory, legal and business exposure affecting the organization. It can also include
identification of health and safety impacts, and environmental risk assessment.
Some issues to be considered in identification of environmental as
Premihre edition
Systgmes de management
environnemental - Lignes directrices
g&Wales concernant les principes, les
syst&mes et les techniques de mise en
Environmental management systems - General guidelines on principles,
systems and supporting techniques
Num&o de rbfkence
IS0 14004: 1996(F)
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IS0 14004:1996(F)
Sommaire Page
1 Domaine d’application ~.,. 1
References normatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .s. 1
3 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Systeme de management environnemental (SME): Princi-
pes et elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.1 tngagement et poijrrque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .*.*.
4.1.1 Generalites . . . . . . . . . . . . .*.
4.1.2 Engagement et leadership de la direction a son plus haut
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .“.
4.1.3 Revue environnementale initiale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .m.
4.1.4 Politique environnementale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Planification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~.
4.2.1 Generalites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2.2 Identification des aspects environnementaux et evaluation
des impacts environnementaux associes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2.3 Exigences Iegales et autres exigences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO
4.2.4 Criteres de performance internes
4.2.5 Objectifs et cibles environnementaux . 11
4.2.6 Programme de management environnemental . 12
4.3 Mise en ceuvre .
G&&alit& . 13
4.3.2 Garantir les moyens . 14
14 Ressources humaines, physiques et financieres .
..................................... 14 Integration et harmonisation du SME Responsabilites technique et personnelle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
0 IS0 1996
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Organisation internationale de normalisation
Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Suisse
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0 IS0 IS0 14004:1996(F) Sensibilisation aux questions d’environnement et
............................................................................... 16 Connaissances, competences et formation
........................... 17
4.3.3 Actions supports . 18 Communication et rapports .
18 Documentation du SME . 19 Controles d’exploitation
.......................................................... 20 Prevention des situations d’urgence et capacite a reagir . 21
4.4 Mesurage et evaluation . 22
Generalites .
4.4.1 22
4.4.2 Mesurage et surveillance (performance permanente) . 22
4.4.3 Action corrective et preventive . 22
4.4.4 Gestion des enregistrements et des informations relatives
au SME . 23
4.4.5 Audits du systeme de management environnemental . 23
4.5 Revue et amelioration . 23
Generalites .
4.5.1 23
4.5.2 Revue du systeme de management environnemental . 24
4.5.3 Amelioration continue 24
A Exemples de principes guides internationaux relatifs &
I’environnement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Declaration de Rio sur I’environnement et le developpement 25
Al .
A.2 Chambre de Commerce International (Ccl): Charte des
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
entreprises pour un developpement durable
B Bibliographie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
. . .
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IS0 14004:1996(F) 0 IS0
L’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation
mondiale d’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de
I’ISO). L’elaboration des Normes internationales est en general confiee aux
comites techniques de I’ISO. Chaque comite membre interesse par une
etude a le droit de faire partie du comite technique tree a cet effet. Les
organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouvernementales,
en liaison avec I’ISO participent egalement aux travaux. L’ISO collabore
etroitement avec la Commission electrotechnique internationale (CEI) en
ce qui concerne la normalisation electrotechnique.
Les projets de Normes internationales adopt& par les comites techniques
sont soumis aux comites membres pour vote. Leur publication comme
Normes internationales requiert I’approbation de 75 % au moins des co-
mites membres votants.
La Norme internationale IS0 14004 a ete elaboree par le comite technique
ISO/TC 207, Management environnemental, sous-comite SC 1, Systkmes
de management environnemental.
Les annexe s A et B de la presente Norme internationale sont donnees
uniq uement a titre d’informat ion.
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@ IS0
IS0 14004:1996(F)
0.1 Vue d’ensemble
De plus en plus soucieux du respect et de I’amelioration de la qualite de
I’environnement, ainsi que de la protection de la Sante humaine, des
organismes de toutes tailles attachent une importance croissante aux
impacts environnementaux potentiels de leurs activites, produits ou
services. Les parties interessees, qu’elles soient internes ou externes, ont
tendance B considerer comme prioritaires les performances en matiere
d’environnement d’un organisme. Une bonne performance
environnementale implique que tout I’organisme s’engage dans une
approche systematique doublee d’une volonte d’amelioration continue du
systeme de management environnemental (SME).
La presente Norme internationale a pour principal objectif d’aider les
organismes a mettre en ceuvre ou a ameliorer un SME. Elle est compatible
avec le concept de <(developpement durable)> et s’adapte a differents types
d’organisation, de societe et de culture.
II convient de noter que seul I’ISO 14001 contient des exigences qui
peuvent etre objectivement auditees a des fins de certification/
enregistrement ou d’autodeclaration. D’un autre tote, la presente Norme
internationale contient des exemples, des descriptions et des options qui
aident B la fois a mettre en place un SME, mais aussi a consolider son
articulation avec le management global de I’organisme.
Un SME fournit a des organismes ordre et coherence pour traiter leurs
preoccupations en mat&e d’environnement B travers la distribution des
ressources, la repartition des responsabilites et une evaluation continue
des pratiques, des procedures et des procedes.
La presente Norme internationale prend en compte les differents elements
d’un SME et donne des conseils pratiques pour la mise en ceuvre ou
I’enrichissement d’un tel systeme. Elle donne egalement aux organismes
des conseils relatifs au Iancement, a I’amelioration et au suivi d’un systeme
de management environnemental. Un tel systeme conditionnne I’aptitude
d’un organisme a anticiper et a repondre a ses objectifs environnementaux,
ainsi que I’aptitude a garantir la conformite aux exigences nationales et/au
internationales en vigueur.
Le management environnemental fait partie integrante du systeme global
de management d’un organisme. La conception d’un SME resulte d’un
processus dynamique et interactif. La structure, les responsabilites, les
pratiques, les procedures, les procedes et les ressources necessaires a la
d’objectifs et de cibles en matiere
mise en oeuvre de politiques,
d’environnement peuvent etre coordonnes avec les efforts existant deja
dans d’autres domaines (comme I’exploitation, les finances, la qualite,
I’hygiene et la securite du travail).
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IS0 14004:1996(F) 0 IS0
Considerer le management environnemental comme une priorite
majeure de I’organisme.
Crber et e ntretenir des conta cts entre les parties inter-es&es, qu’elles
rnes ou externes.
soient inte
Determiner les exigences Iegales et les asp lects environ
associes au x activites, prod uits ou services de I’org anisme.
Developper I’engagement de la direction et du personnel pour les
questions de protection de l’environnement, en precisant clairement le
partage des responsabilites techniques et personnelles.
Encourager la plan ification nem
environ entale sur toute la duree du
cycle de vie du prod uit ou du proces sus.
Etablir un processus d’atteindre
permettant les niveaux de
performance fixes.
- Prendre des moyens suffisants et appropries, y compris la formation,
pour atteindre les niveaux de performance fixes et s’y maintenir dans
la duree.
- Evaluer les performances environnementales par rapport a la politique
environnementale de I’organisme, aux objectifs et ci bles
environnementaux et chercher, le cas echeant, a les ameliorer.
- Etablir un processus de management permettant d’auditer et de
passer en revue le SME, ainsi que d’identifier les opportunites
d’amelioration du systeme et des performances environnementales qui
en resultent.
Encourager les sous-traitants et les fournisseurs a etablir un SME.
Les organismes peuvent utiliser les Normes internationales de SME
suivantes de differentes man&es.
- Utiliser I’ISO 14001 :I 996, Systkmes de management environnemen-
tal- Spbcifica tion et lignes directrices pour son utilisa tion, pou r
la certification/l’enregistrement par tierce partie ou
I’autodeclaration du SME d’un organisme.
- Utiliser tout ou partie de la presente Norme internationale pour lancer
et/au ameliorer leur propre SME. La presente Norme internationale
n’est pas prevue a des fins de certification/enregistrement.
- Utiliser la presente Norme internationale comme guide ou I’ISO 14001
comme specification pour une reconnaissance par seconde par-tie
entre les parties contractantes, ce qui peut convenir a certaines
relations contractuelles.
Utiliser des documents IS0 couvrant des sujets voisins.
Le choix va dependre de facteurs tels que:
- la politique de I’organisme;
- le niveau de maturite de I’organisme, lie a I’existence prealable d’un
management systematique qui peut faciliter I’introduction d’un
management environnemental systematique;
- les avantages et les inconvenients possibles, qui sont fonction de la
position sur le marche, de I’image existante de I’entreprise et des
relations avec I’exterieur;
- la taille de I’organisme.
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@ IS0 SO 14004:1996(F)
La presen te Norme internationale peut etre utilisee
par tout organisme,
independa .m ment de sa taille. Les gouvernements et
les milieux d’affaires
accordant une importance croissante aux petites et moyennes entreprises
(PME), la presente Norme internationale en tient compte et s’adapte a
leurs besoins.
0.2 Avantages d’un systkme de management
II convient qu’un organisme mette en place un systeme de management
environnemental efficace, de facon a proteger la sant6 humaine et
I’environnement des retombees possibles de ses activites, produits ou
services. II contribue ainsi au maintien et a I’amelioration de la qualite de
La mise en place d’un SME peut aider un organisme a donner confiance
aux parties interessees sur le fait
- qu’il existe un engagement du manage ment pour satisfaire aux
dispositions et ci bles;
de sa politique, de ses objectifs
que I’accent est mis sur la prevention plutot que sur I’action corrective;
- qu’il peut faire la preuve de I’importance qu’il accorde aux questions
environnementales et de sa conformite aux exigences en la matiere; et
- que la co nc eption des systemes inclut le processus d’amelioration
conti nue.
Un organisme dont le systeme de management comprend un SME a une
structure qui permet de peser et d’integrer les interets economiques et
environnementaux. La mise en oeuvre d’un SME peut se traduire, pour
I’organisme qui en a fait le choix, par un gain de competitivite significatif.
La mise en oeuvre d’un SME peut engendrer des benefices du point de vue
economique. II convient que ces benefices soient identifies de facon a
demontrer aux parties inter-es&es, et surtout aux actionnaires, I’avantage
que represente pour un organisme la mise en place d’un bon systeme de
management environnemental. Ce dernier offre egalement a l’organisme la
possibilite de lier les objectifs et cibles environnementaux & des resultats
financiers specifiques et, ainsi, de garantir I’affectation des ressources
disponibles aux endroits ou leur exploitation assure une rentabilite
maximale en termes economiques et environnementaux.
Les benefices potentiels degages par la mise en place d’un SME efficace
sont, entre autres,
- I’assurance apportee aux consommateurs de I’engagement a un
management manifeste de I’environnement;
le maintien de bonnes relations avec le public et les instances locales;
la satisfaction aux criteres des investisseurs et la facilitation de I’acces
aux emprunts;
I’obtention d’assurances au meilleur prix;
I’amelioration de I’image de marque et de la part du marche;
- le respect des criteres de certification du vendeur;
I’amelioration du controle des depenses;
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IS0 14004:1996(F) 0 IS0
- la limitation des incidents qui impliquent les responsabilites;
- la preuve de I’importance accordee aux questions environnementales;
- la preservation des matieres premieres et de I’energie;
- la simplification des demarches d’obtention des permis et des
- I’encouragement de solutions de type environnemental et leur partage;
- I’amelioration des relations entre industrie et pouvoirs publics.
. . .
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IS0 14004: 1996(F)
Systemes de management environnemental - Lignes directrices
g&x$rales concernant les principes, les systhmes et les techniques
de mise en oeuvre
1 Domaine d’application
La presente Norme internationale donne des lignes directrices concernant la mise au point et la mise en oeuvre des
systemes de management environnementaux et de leurs principes, en indiquant comment les coordonner aux
autres systemes de management existants.
Ces lignes directrices sont applicables a tout organisme, independamment de sa taille, de sa nature ou de son
niveau de maturite, desireux d’elaborer, de mettre en oeuvre et/au d’ameliorer un systeme de management
Ces lignes directrices sont d’application volontaire et constituent un outil de management interne. Leur utilisation
n’est pas prevue comme critere de certification/enregistrement d’un SME.
2 References normatives
II n’y a pas de references normatives pour le moment.
3 Definitions
Pour les besoins de la presente Norme internationale, les definitions suivantes s’appliquent.
31 .
am6lioration continue
processus d’enrichissement du systeme de management environnemental pour obtenir des ameliorations de la
performance environnementale globale en accord avec la politique environnementale de I’organisme
NOTE - Le processus ne nkcessite pas d%tre applique dans tous les domaines d’activite simultahment.
milieu dans lequel un organisme fonctionne, incluant I’air, I’eau, la terre, les ressources naturelles, la flore, la faune,
les etres humains et leurs interrelations
NOTE - Dans ce contexte, le milieu &tend de I’intbrieur de I’organisme au systgme global.
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IS0 14004:1996(F)
aspect environnemental
&ment des activith, produits ou services d’un organisme, susceptible d’interactions avec I’environnement
NOTE - Un aspect environnemental significatif est un aspect environnemental qui a ou peut avoir un impact environnemental
impact environnemental
toute modification de I’environnement, nirgative ou b&Gfique, &sultant totalement ou partiellement des activitks,
produits ou services d’un organisme
&me de management environnemental
la composante du systhme de management global qui inclut la structure organisationnelle, les activitks de
planification, les responsabiIit&, les pratiques, les procedures, les pro&d& et les ressources pour elaborer, mettre
en oeuvre, kaliser, passer en revue et maintenir la politique environnementale
ahdit du systgme de management environnemental
processus de vkification systbmatique et document6 permettant d’obtenir et d’haluer, d’une manhe objective, des
preuves afin de determiner si le systkme de management environnemental d’un organisme est en conformit avec
les crithes de l’audit du systkme de management environnemental dbfinis par I’organisme, et afin de communiquer
les rhultats de ce processus & la direction
objectif environnemental
but environnemental g&&al qu’un organisme se fixe, r&uItant de la politique environnementale, et quantifik dans
les cas oti cela est possible
pkrformance environnementale
rksultats mesurables du systeme de management environnemental, en relation avec la maitrise par I’organisme de
ses aspects environnementaux, sur la base de sa politique environnementale, de ses objectifs et cibles
pblitique environnementale
dklaration par I’organisme de ses intentions et de ses principes relativement B sa performance environnementale
globale qui fournit un cadre B I’action et B I’ktablissement de ses objectifs et cibles environnementaux
cible environnementale
exigence de performance dktailke, quantifiee si cela est possible, pouvant s’appliquer & I’ensemble ou B une pat-tie
de I’organisme, qui r&uIte des objectifs environnementaux et qui doit etre fixbe et r6alis6e pour atteindre
ces objectifs
partie int&ess&e
individu ou groupe concern6 ou affect6 par la performance environnementale d’un organisme
compagnie, soci&, firme, entreprise, autoriti, ou institution, ou partie ou combinaison de celles-ci, B responsabilitk
limitke ou d’un autre statut, de droit public ou priv(t, qui a sa propre structure fonctionnelle et administrative
NOTE - Dans les organismes constituk de plusieurs unites opkationnelles, une unit6 isolee peut 6tre dkfinie comme un
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0 IS0 IS0 14004:1996(F)
prkvention de la pollution
utilisation de procedes, pratiques, materiaux ou produits qui empeche, reduit ou controle la pollution, qui peut inclure
le recyclage, le traitement, les changements de procedes, les mecanismes de controle, I’utilisation efficace des
ressources et la substitution de materiaux
Les b&l&es potentiels de la prevention de la pollution incluent la reduction des impacts environnementaux nkgatifs,
I’amblioration de I’efficacitk et la reduction des cofits.
4 Systgme de management environnemental (SME): Principes et Wments
Le modele de SME (voir figure 1) illustre le principe fondamental d’un organisme souscrivant aux principes suivants:
Principe no 1 - Engagement et politique
II convient que I’organisme definisse sa politique environnementale et garantisse l’engagement a son SME.
Principe no 2 - Planification
II convient qu’un organisme etablisse un plan qui lui permette de satisfaire a sa politique environnementale.
Principe no 3 - Mise en oeuvre
Pour une mise en ceuvre efficace, il convient qu’un organisme mette au point les moyens et les mecanismes de
support necessaires pour realiser sa politique environnementale, ainsi que les objectifs et cibles qu’il s’est fixes.
Principe no 4 - Mesurage et bvaluation
II convient qu’un organisme mesure, surveille et evalue ses performances environnementales.
Principe no 5 - Revue et amelioration
II convient qu’un organisme passe en revue et ameliore constamment son systeme de management
environnemental, en se fixant pour objectif d’ameliorer sa performance environnementale globale.
Gardant cela a l’esprit, le SME se presente alors comme une structure organisationnelle qui fait I’objet d’une
surveillance continue et d’une revue periodique, afin de diriger efficacement les activites d’un organisme en matiere
de protection de I’environnement, en reponse aux changements de facteurs internes ou externes. II convient que
chaque membre de I’organisme accepte sa responsabilite quant aux progres a realiser en matiere de protection
de I’environnement.
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IS0 14004: 1996(F)
Amitlioration continue
Revue et am@lioration
(Revue de direction)*)
*:) Termes utilish dans US0 14001
le de systeme de management environnemental pour la prksente Norme internationale
Figure 1 - Mod&
4.1 Enga gement et politique
Principe no 1 - Engagement et politique
II convient que I’organisme dhfinisse sa politique environnementale et garantisse I’engagement B son SME.
4.1 .l G6n6ralitb
II convient que I’organisme commence par construire le SME 18 oti ii en retirera un b&Gfice evident, par exemple en
concentrant ses efforts sur la conformit aux rkglements, en limitant tout ce qui peut engager sa responsabilitk ou
en utilisant de man&e plus efficace les matkiaux.
L’organisme acqukant de I’expkrience et son SME commeyant A prendre forme, il pourra alors se doter des
pro&dures, des programmes et des techniques qui lui permettront d’amkliorer encore sa performance
environnementale. Puis, la maturite du SME aidant, toutes les dkcisions d’affaires vont pouvoir 2?tre prises en tenant
compte des pr6occupations environnementales.
4.1.2 Engagement et leadership de la direction & son plus haut niveau
Le succ&s d&s les premikres 6tapes de la construction ou de I’ami!iioration d’un SME implique I’engagement de la
direction de I’organisme B son plus haut niveau afin d’amkliorer le management environnemental de ses activitk,
produits ou services. Son engagement et son leadership permanents sont essentiels.
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0 IS0
IS0 14004:1996(F)
4.1.3 Revue environnementale initiale
Le positionnement d’un organisme par rapport a I’environnement peut se determiner en procedant a une revue
environnementale initiale. Cette revue peut inclure
- I’identification des exigences Iegales et reglementaires;
- I’identification des aspects environnementaux de ses activites, produits ou services, de facon a determiner ceux
qui ont ou qui peuvent avoir des impacts environnementaux significatifs et impliquer des responsabilites de
I’organisme vis-a-vis de I’exterieur;
- I’evaluation de la performance par rapport a des criteres pertinents internes ou externes, des reglements, des
codes de bonnes pratiques, des principes et des lignes directrices;
- les pratiques et les procedures existantes en matiere de management environnemental;
- I’identification des politiques existantes et des procedures en matiere d’approvisionnement et de sous-traitance;
- les retours d’experience suite a des incidents precedents lies a des non-conformites;
- les occasions d’ameliorer la competitivite;
- les points de vue des parties interessees;
- les fonctions ou les activites d’autres systemes d’organisation qui peuvent ameliorer ou penaliser la
performance environnementale.
Dans tous les cas, il convient de tenir compte de toutes les conditions d’exploitation, y compris les incidents et les
situations d’urgence possibles.
II convient de documenter le processus et les resultats de cette revue environnementale initiale et d’identifier les
opportunites de developpement du SME.
Conseils pra tiques - Revue environnemen tale initiale
La premiere &ape importante est d’etablir la liste des points a passer en revue. Celle-ci peut inclure /es activites,
les operations specifiques ou un site p&is de I’organisme.
La liste ci-dessous enumere certaines techniques courantes a mettre en owvre pour conduire une revue:
- des questionnaires,
- des entrevues,
- des listes de verification,
- des mesurages et controles directs,
- une revue des enregis trements,
- du referencementl ).
Les organismes, y compris les PME, peuvent consulter un certain nombre de sources de references exterieures
- les agences gouvernementales relatives aux lois et aux permis;
- les bibliotheques ou bases de don&es locales ou regionales;
- les autres organismes charges de &change d’informations;
- les associations industrielles;
- les principaux organismes de defense des consommateurs;
- les constructeurs des equipements utilises;
- les relations d’affaires (par exemple avec les organismes charges du transport et du traitement des
- Iassistance professionnelle.
1) Le rbfkencement (en anglais: benchmarking) est une technique permettant d’btudier la pratique la plus adaptee, soit au
sein de I’organisme, soit dans un organisme concurrent, soit dans une industrie diffkente, afin de permettre B I’organisme de
faire son choix ou de I’amkliorer.
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IS0 14004: 1996(F)
0 IS0
4.1.4 Politique environnementale
Une politique environnementale fixe pour un organisme un sens general de direction a suivre et etablit ses principes
d’action. Elle a pour objectif de presenter le niveau de responsabilite vis-a-vis de I’environnement et de performance
environnementale requise. Ce niveau sert ensuite de reference pour evaluer toutes ses actions ulterieures.
Un nombre croissant d’organismes internationaux incluant des gouvernements, des associations industrielles et des
mouvements de citoyens ont adopte des principes de base (voir deux exemples dans I’annexe A). Ces principes ont
permis aux organismes de definir le domaine general de leur engagement pour la defense de I’environnment. Ils
permettent egalement de doter des organismes differents d’un certain nombre de valeurs communes. De tels
principes aident les organismes a mettre au point leur politique, qui est aussi unique que l’organisme pour lequel elle
est definie.
La mise en place d’une politique environnementale releve ordinairement de la responsabilite de la direction au plus
haut niveau de I’organisme. La direction de I’organisme est responsable de la mise en ceuvre de la politique et de la
mise a disposition des donnees qui permettront de la formuler ou de la modifier.
II convient qu’une politique environnementale tienne compte des points suivants:
mission de I’organisme, sa vision, ses valeurs et ses convictions essentielles;
exigences des parties interessees et communication avec elles;
amelioration continue;
prevention de la pollution;
principes fondamentaux;
coordination avec les autres politiques de I’organisme (par exemple en matiere de qualite, d’hygiene et de
securite du travail);
conditions locales ou regionales specifiques;
conformite aux reglementations, lois et autres criteres environnementaux pertinents auxquels I’organisme a
Quelques questions a considerer pour definir une politique environnementale:
I L’organisme s’est-il dote d’une politique environnementale qui est pertinente vis-a-vis de ses activites, produits
et services?
2 Cette politique reflete-t-elle les valeurs et les principes fondamentaux de I’organisme?
3 Cette politique a-t-elle ete approuvee par la direction au plus haut niveau? Quelqu’un a-t-il ete designe et investi
de I’autorite necessaire pour surveiller et mettre en cwvre cette politique?
4 Cette politique conduit-elle a fixer des objectifs et des cibles en mat&e d’environnement?
5 Cette politique implique-t-elle une veille sur les technologies appropriees et les pra tiques de management de
6 Quels son t les engagements
S L O V E N S K I SIST ISO 14004
prva izdaja
september 2001
Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem - Splošne smernice o načelih, sistemih in
podpornih tehnikah (enakovreden ISO 14004:1996)
Environmental management systems - General guidelines on principles, systems
and supporting techniques
Systèmes de management environnemental - Lignes directrices générales
concernant les principes, les systèmes et les techniques de mise en œuvre
Deskriptorji: okolje, varovanje okolja, ravnanje z okoljem, ustvarjanje, uporaba, uskladitev,
splošne zahteve
Referenčna številka
ICS 13.020.10 SIST ISO 14004:2001 (sl)
Nadaljevanje na straneh od 2 do 36
© Standard je založil in izdal Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo.
Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 14004 : 2001
Standard SIST ISO 14004 (sl), Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem - Splošne smernice o načelih, sistemih in
podpornih tehnikah, prva izdaja, 2001, ima status slovenskega standarda in je enakovreden
mednarodnemu standardu ISO 14004 (en), Environmental management systems - General guidelines
on principles, systems and supporting techniques, 1996.
Mednarodni standard ISO 14004:1996 je pripravil tehnični odbor Mednarodne organizacije za
standardizacijo ISO/TC 207, Ravnanje z okoljem. Slovenski standard SIST ISO 14004:2001, Sistemi
ravnanja z okoljem - Splošne smernice o načelih, sistemih in podpornih tehnikah, je prevod
mednarodnega standarda ISO 14004:1996.
Slovenski standard SIST ISO 14004:2001, je pripravil tehnični odbor USM/TC UZO Upravljanje z
okoljem. Ob morebitnem sporu glede besedila slovenskega prevoda v tem standardu je odločilen
izvirni mednarodni standard v angleškem jeziku.
Ta slovenski standard je dne 2001-07-13 odobril direktor USM.
- Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “mednarodni standard”,
v SIST ISO 14004:2001 to pomeni “slovenski standard”.
- Nacionalni uvod in nacionalni predgovor nista sestavni del standarda.
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SIST ISO 14004 : 2001
1 Namen .8
2 Zveza z drugimi standardi.8
3 Definicije .8
4 Načela in elementi sistema ravnanja z okoljem.9
4.1 Zavezanost in politika .11
4.1.1 Splošno.11
4.1.2 Zavezanost najvišjega vodstva in voditeljstvo .11
4.1.3 Začetni okoljski pregled .11
4.1.4 Okoljska politika.12
4.2 Načrtovanje.13
4.2.1 Splošno.13
4.2.2 Prepoznavanje okoljskih vidikov in vrednotenje z njimi povezanih vplivov na okolje .14
4.2.3 Zakonske in druge zahteve.16
4.2.4 Notranja merila učinka.16
4.2.5 Okvirni in izvedbeni okoljski cilji.17
4.2.6 Program(i) ravnanja z okoljem.18
4.3 Izvajanje.19
4.3.1 Splošno.19
4.3.2 Zagotavljanje sposobnosti .20 Viri - človeški, materialni in finančni.20 Uvrstitev in vključitev sistema ravnanja z okoljem.20 Moralna in druga odgovornost.21 Okoljsko zavedanje in motivacija.22 Znanje, veščine in usposabljanje.23
4.3.3 Podporne dejavnosti.24 Komuniciranje in poročanje .24 Dokumentacija sistema ravnanja z okoljem .25 Obvladovanje delovanja .26 Pripravljenost in odziv na izredne razmere.27
4.4 Merjenje in vrednotenje .27
4.4.1 Splošno.27
4.4.2 Merjenje in spremljanje (stalnega učinka ravnanja) .27
4.4.3 Korektivni in preventivni ukrepi.28
4.4.4 Zapisi sistema ravnanja z okoljem in obvladovanje informacij .28
4.4.5 Presoje sistema ravnanja z okoljem.29
4.5 Pregled in izboljševanje .29
4.5.1 Splošno.29
4.5.2 Pregled sistema ravnanja z okoljem.29
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SIST ISO 14004 : 2001
4.5.3 Nenehno izboljševanje .30
Dodatek A: Primeri mednarodnih okoljskih vodilnih načel.31
A.1 Deklaracija Rio o okolju in razvoju .31
A.2 Poslovna listina za zagotavljanje sonaravnega razvoja Mednarodne trgovinske zbornice (ICC) .34
Dodatek B: Bibliografija .36
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SIST ISO 14004 : 2001
0 Uvod
0.1 Pregled
Z naraščanjem skrbi za ohranitev in izboljšanje kakovosti okolja ter varovanje zdravja ljudi organizacije
vseh velikosti svojo pozornost čedalje bolj usmerjajo k morebitnim vplivom svojih dejavnosti,
proizvodov ali storitev na okolje. Zainteresirane stranke, tako notranje kot zunanje, pripisujejo učinkom
ravnanja z okoljem v organizaciji čedalje večji pomen. Organizacije pa lahko ustrezen učinek ravnanja
z okoljem dosežejo le z zavezanostjo sistematičnemu pristopu in nenehnemu izboljševanju sistema
ravnanja z okoljem.
Glavni namen tega mednarodnega standarda je pomagati organizacijam pri uvajanju ali izboljševanju
sistema ravnanja z okoljem. Usklajen je z zasnovo sonaravnega razvoja ter ne nasprotuje različnim
kulturnim, socialnim in organizacijskim okvirom.
Poudariti je treba, da samo ISO 14001 vsebuje zahteve, ki jih je mogoče objektivno presojati za
pridobitev certifikacije/registracije oziroma izdajo lastne izjave o izpolnjevanju zahtev standarda. Ta
mednarodni standard vključuje primere, opise in možnosti, ki pomagajo tako pri uvajanju in izvajanju
sistema ravnanja z okoljem kot pri krepitvi povezav s celotnim vodenjem organizacije.
Sistem ravnanja z okoljem omogoča organizacijam da s primerno porazdelitvijo sredstev, določitvijo
odgovornosti ter stalnim vrednotenjem ravnanja, postopkov in procesov vzpostavijo red in doslednost
pri reševanju okoljskih vprašanj.
Tako ta mednarodni standard obravnava elemente sistema ravnanja z okoljem in ponuja praktične
nasvete pri njegovem uvajanju in izvajanju oziroma izboljševanju. Organizacijam svetuje, kako
učinkovito začeti uvajati, izboljševati ali vzdrževati sistem ravnanja z okoljem. Tak sistem je namreč
bistven, da organizacija lahko predvidi in doseže okvirne okoljske cilje ter da nenehno zagotavlja
skladnost z nacionalnimi in mednarodnimi zahtevami.
Ravnanje z okoljem je sestavni del celotnega sistema vodenja v organizaciji. Načrtovanje sistema
ravnanja z okoljem je stalen in interaktiven postopek. Strukturo, odgovornosti, delovne tehnike,
postopke, procese in sredstva, potrebne za uvajanje politike in doseganje okvirnih in izvedbenih
okoljskih ciljev, je mogoče usklajevati z obstoječimi prizadevanji na drugih področjih (na primer:
obratovanje, finance, kakovost, zdravje in varnost pri delu).
Ključna načela za vodstvene delavce, ki uvajajo, izvajajo ali izboljšujejo sistem ravnanja z okoljem, so
navedena v nadaljevanju, vendar je ta načela mogoče razširiti in se ni treba omejiti le na našteta:
- spoznanje, da je ravnanje z okoljem med najvišjimi cilji organizacije,
- vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje komunikacij z notranjimi in zunanjimi zainteresiranimi strankami,
- določitev zahtev, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje, in okoljskih vidikov, ki se vežejo na dejavnosti,
proizvode ali storitve organizacije,
- razvijanje zavezanosti vodstva in zaposlenih k varovanju okolja z jasno določitvijo celovite
- spodbujanje k okoljskemu planiranju za vso življenjsko dobo proizvoda ali procesa,
- vzpostavitev postopka za doseganje ciljnih ravni ravnanja,
- zagotovitev primernih in zadovoljivih sredstev, vključno z izobraževanjem, da bi ves čas dosegali
ciljne ravni ravnanja,
- ovrednotenje učinka ravnanja z okoljem glede na okoljsko politiko organizacije, okvirne in
izvedbene okoljske cilje ter iskanje izboljšav, kjer je to primerno,
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SIST ISO 14004 : 2001
- vzpostavitev procesa vodenja za presojo in pregled sistema ravnanja z okoljem ter za
prepoznavanje priložnosti za izboljšanje sistema in s tem tudi učinkov ravnanja z okoljem,
- spodbujanje pogodbenikov in dobaviteljev k vzpostavitvi sistema ravnanja z okoljem.
Organizacije lahko razmišljajo o naslednjih različnih vrstah uporabe mednarodnih standardov za sistem
ravnanja z okoljem:
- o uporabi standarda ISO 14001:1996, Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem - Razčlenitev z navodili za
uporabo (ISO 14001:1996) za pridobitev certifikacije/registracije pri tretji stranki ali za izdajo lastne
izjave o izpolnjevanju zahtev standarda,
- o uporabi tega mednarodnega standarda oziroma posameznih delov standarda za vzpostavitev
oziroma izboljšanje obstoječega sistema ravnanja z okoljem; ta standard pa ni namenjen pridobitvi
- o uporabi tega mednarodnega standarda kot smernice ali standarda ISO 14001 kot specifikacije, v
skladu s katerima lahko zainteresirana stranka v pogodbenem odnosu preverja način ravnanja
druge stranke, kar je lahko primerno v nekaterih poslovnih odnosih,
- o uporabi sorodnih dokumentov ISO.
Izbor bo odvisen od dejavnikov, kot so:
- politika organizacije,
- stopnja zrelosti organizacije; ali obstaja sistematično ravnanje/vodenje, ki lahko olajša uvedbo
sistematičnega ravnanja z okoljem,
- morebitne prednosti in slabosti, na katere lahko vplivajo položaj na trgu, obstoječi sloves in zunanji
- velikost organizacije.
Ta mednarodni standard lahko uporabljajo organizacije vseh velikosti. Ne glede na to pa se vlade in
poslovni svet čedalje bolj zavedajo pomena majhnih in srednje velikih podjetij (MSP). Ta standard
pozna in izpolnjuje tudi zahteve teh podjetij.
0.2 Koristi sistema ravnanja z okoljem
Organizacija naj uvede učinkovit sistem ravnanja z okoljem, da bi varovala zdravje ljudi in okolje pred
morebitnimi vplivi svojih dejavnosti, proizvodov ali storitev ter da bi pomagala pri vzdrževanju in
izboljšanju kakovosti okolja.
Organizacija s sistemom ravnanja z okoljem zainteresiranim strankam zagotavlja, da:
- je vodstvo predano doseganju zahtev, ki izhajajo iz politike in tudi okvirnih in izvedbenih ciljev,
- daje poudarek preprečevanju in ne korektivnim ukrepom,
- obstaja dokazilo o razumni skrbi in izpolnjevanju zahtev zakonodaje,
- je sistem postavljen tako, da vključuje proces nenehnega izboljševanja.
Organizacija, katere sistem vodenja vključuje sistem ravnanja z okoljem, ima tako podlago, na kateri
lahko uravnava in vključuje ekonomske in okoljske interese. Organizacija, ki je uvedla sistem ravnanja
z okoljem, lahko dosega občutne konkurenčne prednosti.
Z uvedbo sistema ravnanja z okoljem je mogoče pridobiti ekonomske koristi. Te naj organizacija
prepozna zato, da lahko zainteresiranim strankam, še posebej pa delničarjem, prikaže pridobitve, ki jih
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organizaciji ponuja dobro ravnanje z okoljem. Organizaciji pa sistem tudi omogoči da okvirne in
izvedbene okoljske cilje poveže s finančnimi učinki in s tem zagotovi, da so sredstva na voljo tam, kjer
prinašajo največ koristi, tako na finančnem kot na okoljskem področju.
Mogoče koristi, povezane z učinkovitim sistemom ravnanja z okoljem, vključujejo:
- zagotovilo kupcem o predanosti dokazljivemu okoljskemu ravnanju,
- vzdrževanje dobrih odnosov z javnostjo/skupnostjo,
- zadovoljitev investitorskih meril in izboljšan dostop do kapitala,
- pridobitev zavarovanja po sprejemljivi ceni,
- večji ugled in večanje deleža na trgu,
- doseganje certifikacijskih meril kupcev (prodaje),
- boljše obvladovanje stroškov,
- zmanjšano število prekrškov in odškodnin zaradi njih,
- izkazovanje primerne skrbi,
- zmanjšan vnos materialov in energije,
- olajšanje pridobivanja dovoljenj in pooblastil,
- spodbujanje razvoja in delitev okoljskih rešitev,
- izboljšanje odnosov med industrijo in vlado.
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Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem - Splošne smernice o načelih, sistemih
in podpornih tehnikah
1 Namen
Ta mednarodni standard podaja smernice za razvoj in izvajanje sistemov ravnanja z okoljem in načel
ter njihovo usklajevanje z drugimi sistemi vodenja.
Smernice v tem mednarodnem standardu lahko uporablja vsaka organizacija ne glede na svojo
velikost, vrsto ali raven zrelosti, ki želi razviti, izvajati oziroma izboljšati sistem ravnanja z okoljem.
Te smernice so prostovoljno orodje notranjega vodenja in se ne uporabljajo kot merilo za
certifikacijo/registracijo sistema ravnanja z okoljem.
2 Zveza z drugimi standardi
Standard se ne navezuje na noben drug standard.
3 Definicije
V tem standardu veljajo naslednje definicije.
3.1 Nenehno izboljševanje
Proces stopnjevanja sistema ravnanja z okoljem, tako da se celoten učinek ravnanja z okoljem
izboljšuje v skladu z okoljsko politiko organizacije do okolja.
Opomba: Ni nujno, da proces poteka na vseh področjih dejavnosti hkrati.
3.2 Okolje
Okolica, v kateri organizacija deluje, ki zajema zrak, vodo, tla, naravne vire, rastlinstvo, živalstvo, ljudi
in njihove medsebojne odnose.
Opomba: Okolica se v tej zvezi razteza od notranjosti organizacije do svetovnega sistema.
3.3 Okoljski vidik
Element dejavnosti, proizvodov ali storitev organizacije, ki lahko součinkuje z okoljem.
Opomba: Pomemben okoljski vidik je tisti okoljski vidik, ki pomembno ali ki lahko pomembno vpliva na okolje.
3.4 Vpliv na okolje
Vsako spreminjanje okolja, bodisi neugodno ali ugodno, ki v celoti ali delno izvira iz dejavnosti,
proizvodov ali storitev organizacije.
3.5 Sistem ravnanja z okoljem
Tisti del celotnega sistema vodenja, ki vključuje organizacijsko strukturo, planiranje dejavnosti,
odgovornosti, delovne tehnike, postopke, procese in sredstva za razvoj, izvajanje, doseganje,
pregledovanje in vzdrževanje okoljske politike.
3.6 Presoja sistema ravnanja z okoljem
Sistematičen in dokumentiran verifikacijski proces, s katerim se nepristransko pridobijo in ovrednotijo
dokazi za ugotavljanje, ali sistem ravnanja z okoljem ustreza presojevalnim merilom, ki jih je postavila
organizacija, ter za obveščanje vodstva o rezultatih tega procesa.
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3.7 Okvirni okoljski cilj
Celovit okoljski cilj, ki si ga zastavi organizacija na podlagi okoljske politike in se izrazi v kvantitativnih
vrednostih, kadar je to izvedljivo.
3.8 Učinek ravnanja z okoljem
Merljivi rezultati sistema ravnanja z okoljem, povezani z obvladovanjem okoljskih vidikov, ki temeljijo
na okoljski politiki ter okvirnih in izvedbenih okoljskih ciljih organizacije.
3.9 Okoljska politika
Izjava organizacije o njenih namerah in načelih o celotnem učinku ravnanja z okoljem in je okvir za
delovanje in postavitev okvirnih in izvedbenih okoljskih ciljev.
3.10 Izvedbeni okoljski cilj
Podrobna zahteva v zvezi z učinki, kvantificirana, če je to izvedljivo, ki jo je mogoče navezati na celotno
organizacijo ali njene dele in izhaja iz okvirnih okoljskih ciljev ter jo organizacija mora postaviti in
izpolniti, če želi doseči te okvirne okoljske cilje.
3.11 Zainteresirana stranka
Posameznik ali skupina, ki se ukvarja z učinkom ravnanja z okoljem organizacije ali je zaradi tega
učinka ravnanja z okoljem prizadet(a).
3.12 Organizacija
Družba, korporacija, firma, podjetje, upravni organ ali ustanova ali njen/njegov del ali njihova kombinacija,
ki je lahko povezana ali ne, javna ali zasebna, ki ima svoje lastne naloge in administracijo.
Opomba: Pri organizacijah, ki imajo več kot eno delovno enoto, se lahko tudi posamezna delovna enota šteje za organizacijo.
3.13 Preprečevanje onesnaževanja
Uporaba procesov, tehnik dela, materialov ali proizvodov, s katerimi se je moč izogniti onesnaževanju
ali ga zmanjšati ali obvladovati, in lahko zajema reciklažo, obdelavo, spremembe procesov,
mehanizme obvladovanja, učinkovito izrabo virov in zamenjavo materiala.
Opomba: Morebitne koristi preprečevanja onesnaževanja so zmanjšanje škodljivih vplivov na okolje, izboljšanje
učinkovitosti in zmanjšanje stroškov.
4 Načela in elementi sistema ravnanja z okoljem
Model sistema ravnanja z okoljem (glej sliko 1) sledi osnovnemu pogledu organizacije, ki upošteva ta
1. načelo - zavezanost in politika
Organizacija naj določi svojo okoljsko politiko in zagotovi zavezanost sistemu ravnanja z okoljem.
2. načelo - načrtovanje
Organizacija naj izdela plan za izpolnitev svoje okoljske politike.
3. načelo - izvajanje
Za učinkovito izvajanje naj organizacija razvije sposobnosti in podporne mehanizme, potrebne za
doseganje okoljske politike ter okvirnih in izvedbenih okoljskih ciljev.
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4. načelo - merjenje in vrednotenje
Organizacija naj meri, spremlja in vrednoti učinek svojega ravnanja z okoljem.
5. načelo - pregled in izboljševanje
Organizacija naj pregleduje in nenehno izboljšuje svoj sistem ravnanja z okoljem, da bo tako izboljšala
celostni učinek ravnanja z okoljem.
Ob upoštevanju naštetega si je sistem ravnanja z okoljem najbolje predstavljati kot organizacijski okvir,
ki naj ga organizacija nenehno spremlja/nadzoruje in periodično pregleduje, da zagotavlja učinkovito
usmerjanje okoljske dejavnosti organizacije kot odziv na spreminjajoče se notranje in zunanje
dejavnike. Vsak posameznik v organizaciji naj sprejme odgovornost za izboljševanje okolja.
*Izrazi iz ISO 14001.
Slika 1: Model sistema ravnanja z okoljem za ta mednarodni standard
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4.1 Zavezanost in politika
1. načelo - zavezanost in politika
Organizacija naj določi svojo okoljsko politiko in zagotovi zavezanost sistemu ravnanja z okoljem.
4.1.1 Splošno
Organizacija naj začne uvajati sistem tam, kjer je to očitno koristno, na primer, osredotoči naj se na
izpolnjevanje zahtev, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje, omeji vire morebitnih odškodninskih zahtev ali
učinkoviteje izrablja materiale.
Medtem ko organizacija pridobiva izkušnje ter začenja oblikovati sistem ravnanja z okoljem, lahko
postavi (določi) postopke, programe in tehnologije za nadaljnje izboljševanje učinka ravnanja z
okoljem. Z dozorevanjem sistema ravnanja z okoljem pa lahko okoljska načela vključi v vse poslovne
4.1.2 Zavezanost najvišjega vodstva in voditeljstvo
Da bi bil uspeh zagotovljen, mora biti najvišje vodstvo organizacije že na začetku razvijanja ali
izboljševanja sistema ravnanja z okoljem predano izboljšanju okoljskega vodenja svojih dejavnosti,
proizvodov ali storitev. Nenehna zavezanost in voditeljstvo najvišjega vodstva sta odločilna.
4.1.3 Začetni okoljski pregled
Trenutni položaj organizacije glede na okolje je mogoče določiti z začetnim okoljskim pregledom.
Začetni pregled lahko vključuje:
- prepoznavanje zahtev, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje in predpisov,
- prepoznavanje okoljskih vidikov dejavnosti, proizvodov ali storitev organizacije, da se določijo
tisti, ki pomembno vplivajo na okolje oziroma so lahko vir odškodninskih zahtevkov,
- ovrednotenje učinkov v primerjavi z ustreznimi notranjimi merili, zunanjimi standardi, predpisi,
industrijskimi pravili za tehniko dela ter nabori načel in smernic,
- obstoječe delovne tehnike in postopke ravnanja z okoljem,
- prepoznavanje obstoječe politike ter postopkov nabave in sklepanja pogodb,
- pridobitev povratnih informacij iz preiskovanja predhodnih primerov neustreznosti,
- prepoznavanje priložnosti za konkurenčne prednosti,
- stališča zainteresiranih strank,
- naloge ali dejavnosti drugih organizacijskih sistemov, ki lahko omogočijo ali ovirajo učinek
ravnanja z okoljem.
V vseh primerih naj organizacija pretehta celoten obseg obratovalnih pogojev, vključno z morebitnimi
nezgodami in načinom ravnanja v nujnih primerih.
Proces in izsledke začetnega okoljskega pregleda naj organizacija dokumentira in prepozna možnosti
za razvoj sistema ravnanja z okoljem.
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Praktična pomoč - začetni okoljski pregled
Prvi pomemben korak je izdelava seznama področij, ki jih je treba pregledati. Ta seznam lahko
vključuje dejavnosti organizacije, posamezne operacije ali posamezno lokacijo.
Splošne tehnike za izvajanje pregledov vključujejo:
- vprašalnike,
- pogovore,
- kontrolne sezname,
- neposredne preglede in meritve,
- pregled zapisov,
- zgledovalno primerjanje .
Organizacije, tudi MSP, se lahko posvetujejo z zunanjimi viri, kot so:
- vladne agencije v zvezi z zakoni in dovoljenji,
- lokalne ali regionalne knjižnice ali baze podatkov,
- druge organizacije, kjer se izmenjujejo informacije,
- industrijska (panožna) združenja,
- večje organizacije porabnikov,
- izdelovalci uporabljane opreme,
- poslovni stiki (na primer s tistimi, ki prevažajo in odstranjujejo odpadke),
- strokovna pomoč.
4.1.4 Okoljska politika
Okoljska politika določa splošno usmerjenost in načela ravnanja organizacije. Glede na stopnjo
okoljske odgovornosti in učinkov ravnanja z okoljem določa cilje, ki so merilo za presojanje vsega
nadaljnjega ravnanja.
Naraslo je število mednarodnih organizacij in tudi vladnih organizacij in industrijskih združenj ter skupin
državljanov, ki so razvile vodilna načela (dva primera sta navedena v dodatku A). Takšna vodilna
načela pomagajo organizaciji določiti celotno področje zavezanosti okolju. Pomagajo tudi različnim
organizacijam določiti skupni nabor vrednot. Takšna vodilna načela lahko pomagajo pri oblikovanju
politike, ki je lahko tako individualna, kot je individualna organizacija, za katero je napisana.
Okoljska politika naj upošteva:
- poslanstvo, vizijo, temeljne vrednote in prepričanje organizacije,
- zahteve zainteresiranih strank in komunikacije z njimi,
- nenehno izboljševanje,
- preprečevanje onesnaženja,
- vodilna načela,
- usklajenost z drugo politiko organizacije (na primer kakovost, zdravje in varnost na delovnem mestu),
- posebne lokalne ali regijske razmere,
- izpolnjevanje ustreznih okoljskih predpisov, zakonov in drugih meril, ki jih organizacija mora upoštevati.
Zgledovalno primerjanje je tehnika, pri kateri se proučijo najboljše delovne tehnike ne glede na to, ali obstajajo znotraj lastne
organizacije, v organizaciji poslovnih tekmecev ali v drugi industriji, z namenom prevzeti jih ali jih zboljšati.
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Ob okoljski politiki je treba pretehtati nekaj vprašanj:
1. Ali okoljska politika organizacije ustreza njenim dejavnostim, proizvodom ali storitvam?
2. Ali politika odraža vrednote in vodilna načela organizacije?
3. Ali je okoljsko politiko potrdilo najvišje vodstvo in je nekdo imenovan in pooblaščen za nadzorovanje in
uvajanje sprejete politike?
4. Ali politika usmerja postavitev okvirnih in izvedbenih okoljskih ciljev?
5. Ali politika usmerja organizacijo k nadzorovalnemu spremljanju ustreznih tehnologij in vodstvenih praks?
6. Kako je zavezanost organizacije vgrajena v okoljsko politiko, na primer podpora nenehnemu
izboljševanju, podpora preprečevanju onesnaževanja, nadzorovalno spremljanje, doseganje ali
preseganje zakonodajnih zahtev in upoštevanje pričakovanj zainteresiranih strank?
Praktična pomoč - okoljska politika
Vse dejavnosti, proizvodi ali storitve lahko vplivajo na okolje. To naj bo razvidno iz okoljske politike.
Dodatek A vsebuje podroben pregled vodilnih načel, ki lahko pomagajo pri snovanju primerne
politike. Problematika, zajeta v politiki, pa je odvisna od narave organizacije. Poleg izpolnjevanja
okoljske zakonodaje lahko politika izraža zavezanost:
- zmanjšanju kakršnihkoli pomembnih neugodnih vplivov na okolje zaradi nadaljnjega razvoja z
uporabo integriranih okoljskih postopkov vodenja in načrtovanja,
- razvoju postopkov za oceno učinka ravnanja z okoljem in z njim povezanih kazalcev,
- vključitvi razmišljanja o življenjskih ciklih,
- načrtovanju proizvodov tako, da se čimbolj zmanjšajo vplivi na okolje med njihovo proizvodnjo,
uporabo in pri končnem odstranjevanju,
- preprečevanju onesnaževanja, zmanjšanju količin odpadkov in porabe virov (materialov, goriva in
energije) ter ponovni uporabi in reciklaži v nasprotju z odlaganjem, kjer je to izvedljivo,
- izobraževanju in usposabljanju,
- izmenjevanju izkušenj na tem področju,
- vključitvi zainteresiranih strank in komuniciranju z njimi,
- delovanju v smeri sonaravnega razvoja,
- spodbujanju uporabe sistemov ravnanja z okoljem pri dobaviteljih in pogodbenikih.
4.2 Načrtovanje
2. načelo - načrtovanje
Organizacija naj izdela plan za izpolnitev svoje okoljske politike.
4.2.1 Splošno
Elementi sistema ravnanja z okoljem, ki so vezani na načrtovanje, vključujejo:
- prepoznavanje okoljskih vidikov in vrednotenje z njimi povezanih vplivov na okolje,
- zahteve, ki izhajajo iz zakonodaje,
- okoljsko politiko,
- notranja merila učinka,
- okvirne in izvedbene okoljske cilje,
- okoljske plane in program ravnanja.
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4.2.2 Prepoznavanje okoljskih vidikov in vrednotenje z njimi povezanih vplivov na okolje
Politika ter okvirni in izvedbeni cilji temeljijo na poznavanju okoljskih vidikov in pomembnih vplivov na
okolje, ki izhajajo iz dejavnosti, proizvodov ali storitev organizacije. To zagotavlja, da so pomembni
vplivi na okolje, povezani s temi vidiki, upoštevani pri postavljanju okvirnih okoljskih ciljev.
Prepoznavanje okoljskih vidikov je stalen proces, ki določa pretekle, trenutne in morebitne vplive
(pozitivne in negativne) dejavnosti organizacije na okolje. Postopek vključuje tudi prepoznavanje
morebitne izpostavljenosti organizacije zahtevam predpisov, zakonodaje in poslovnim zahtevam.
Vključuje lahko tudi prepoznavanje vplivov na zdravje in varnost ter ocenjevanje
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