Ships and marine technology — Navigation and shallow-water engineering vessels — Anchor winches

ISO 18289:2014 specifies requirements for the design, construction, operation, safety, performance, and inspection rules of anchor winches. ISO 18289:2014 is applicable to anchor winches, with hydraulic or electric drive, installed at the stern of seagoing transport ships. It can be used as a reference for shallow-water engineering vessels and inland ships. ISO 18289:2014 is only applicable to anchor winches with wire ropes used for anchor handling.

Navires et technologie marine — Vaisseaux d'ingénierie de navigation en eau peu profonde — Treuils d'ancres

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ISO 18289:2014 - Ships and marine technology -- Navigation and shallow-water engineering vessels -- Anchor winches
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First edition
Ships and marine technology —
Navigation and shallow-water
engineering vessels — Anchor winches
Navires et technologie marine — Vaisseaux d’ingénierie de navigation
en eau peu profonde — Treuils d’ancres
Reference number
ISO 2014
© ISO 2014
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
3.1 Technical terms. 1
3.2 Types of winches . 2
4 Design and operation . 2
4.1 General requirements . 2
4.2 Strength requirements . 2
4.3 Material stresses . 2
4.4 Steel wire ropes . 3
4.5 Drum design . 3
4.6 Warping-ends . 4
4.7 Brakes . 4
4.8 Safety and protection . 4
4.9 Speed control . 4
4.10 Operating devices . 4
4.11 Drive equipment . 5
5 Detailed specification . 5
5.1 Performance specifications of anchor winches . 5
5.2 Overload pull . 7
5.3 Working load . 7
5.4 Nominal recovery speed . 8
5.5 Light line speed. 8
5.6 Holding load . 8
6 Acceptance tests . 8
6.1 General . 8
6.2 Type test . 8
6.3 Individual test . 9
7 Designation system .10
7.1 Designation of product models .10
7.2 Nameplate .10
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Ships and marine technology — Navigation and shallow-
water engineering vessels — Anchor winches
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction, operation, safety,
performance, and inspection rules of anchor winches.
It is applicable to anchor winches, with hydraulic or electric drive, installed at the stern of seagoing
transport ships. It can be used as a reference for shallow-water engineering vessels and inland ships.
It is only applicable to anchor winches with wire ropes used for anchor handling.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 2408:2004, Steel wire ropes for general purposes — Minimum requirements
ISO 3828, Shipbuilding and marine structures — Deck machinery — Vocabulary
ISO 4413, Hydraulic fluid power — General rules for the application of equipment to transmission and
control systems
ISO 6482, Shipbuilding — Deck machinery — Warping end profiles
ISO 7825, Shipbuilding — Deck machinery — General requirements
IEC 60092 (all parts), Electrical installations in ships
IEC 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3828 and the following apply.
3.1 Technical terms
nominal size of anchor winches
represented by 1/10 of the weight (kg) of the ordinary stockless anchor applicable to anchor winches
working load of anchor winches
maximum pull measured at the drum exit as the winch anchors at the nominal recovery speed with a
rope wound on the drum in a single layer
nominal recovery speed
recovery speed measured when the pull of the anchor winch is the working load with a rope wound on
the drum in a single layer
light line speed
recovery speed measured when the winch is bearing the pull not less than 25 % of the working load with
a rope wound on the drum in a single layer
overload pull
maximum anchoring pull that the drum of the winch can bear for a short period of time
Note 1 to entry: Such pull is measured with a rope wound on the drum in a single layer.
3.2 Types of winches
left-hand anchor winch
winch where the reduction gear or drive of the drum is on the left-hand side of the drum, in relation to
an observer situated on the side of the motor, power supply, or controller
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 1.
right-hand anchor winch
winch where the reduction gear or drive of the drum is on the right-hand side of the drum, in relation to
an observer situated on the side of the motor, power supply, or controller
Note 1 to entry: See Figure 2.
Figure 1 — Left-hand anchor winch Figure 2 — Right-hand anchor winch
4 Design and operation
4.1 General requirements
Anchor winches shall meet the general requirements for deck equipment in ISO 7825.
NOTE Attention is drawn to the existence of safety regulations in certain countries and organizations
affecting anchor winch controls.
4.2 Strength requirements
The strength of the component parts of the winch shall be capable of withstanding all loads of the
respective nominal sizes of anchor winches as specified in Table 1 and Table 2.
4.3 Material stresses
4.3.1 The allowable calculated stresses of any drive part under the working load, based on simple elastic
theory, shall not be greater than 0,4 times the upper yield strength (R ) or the 0,2 % proof strength, non-
proportional extension (R ) of the material.
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

4.3.2 With the maximum torque of the prime mover or set pressure of the safety valve, the allowable
stresses of any affected part shall not be greater than 0,9 times the upper yield strength (R ) or the 0,2 %
proof strength, non-proportional extension (R ) of the material.
4.3.3 The allowable calculated stresses of any affected part under the holding load shall not be greater
than 0,9 times the upper yield strength (R ) or the 0,2% proof strength, non-proportional extension
(R ) of the material.
4.4 Steel wire ropes
4.4.1 Construction of steel wire ropes
Steel wire ropes shall have the construction of applicable use. For design purposes, the drum shall be
2 2
based on 6 × 36WS-IWRC or 6 × 41WS-IWRC steel rope manufactured from 1 960 N/mm or 1 770 N/mm
tensile grade wire in accordance with of ISO 2408, C.9. The above requirement does not preclude the use
of other types of rope in service.
4.4.2 Minimum breaking strength of steel wire ropes
The minimum breaking strength of steel wire ropes is 9~10 times the calculated value of the
overload pull in 5.2.
4.5 Drum design

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