Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information — Part 4: Conformance testing

ISO/IEC 13818-4:2004 specifies how tests can be designed to verify whether coded data and decoders meet requirements specified in parts 1, 2, 3 and 7 of ISO/IEC 13818. Characteristics of coded data and decoders are defined for parts 1, 2, 3 and 7 of ISO/IEC 13818. The capabilities of a decoder specify which coded data the decoder can decode and reconstruct, by defining the subset of the standard that may be exploited in the coded data. Coded data can be decoded by a decoder if the characteristics of the coded data are within the subset of the standard specified by the decoder capabilities. Procedures are described for testing conformance of coded data and decoders to the requirements defined in parts 1, 2, 3 and 7 of ISO/IEC 13818. Given the set of characteristics claimed, the requirements that must be met are fully determined by parts 1, 2, 3 and 7 of ISO/IEC 13818. ISO/IEC 13818-4:2004 summarizes the requirements, cross references them to characteristics, and defines how conformance with them can be tested. A set of conformance test sequences implemented according to those guidelines are provided as an electronic annex to ISO/IEC 13818-4:2004.

Technologies de l'information — Codage générique des images animées et des informations sonores associées — Partie 4: Essais de conformité

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ISO/IEC 13818-4:2004 - Information technology -- Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information
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STANDARD 13818-4
Second edition
Information technology — Generic
coding of moving pictures and
associated audio information —
Part 4:
Conformance testing
Technologies de l'information — Codage générique des images
animées et des informations sonores associées —
Partie 4: Essais de conformité

Reference number
ISO/IEC 2004
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Contents Page
Foreword. v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references. 1
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms. 14
4.1 Arithmetic operators. 14
4.2 Logical operators. 15
4.3 Relational operators. 15
4.4 Bitwise operators. 16
4.5 Assignment. 16
4.6 Mnemonics. 16
4.7 Constants. 17
5 Systems. 18
5.1 System bitstream characteristics. 18
5.1.1 General system bitstream characteristics. 18
5.1.2 Transport Stream specific characteristics . 18
5.1.3 Program Stream specific characteristics . 19
5.2 System bitstream tests. 19
5.2.1 Tests of Transport Streams . 20
5.2.2 Tests of Program Streams . 34
5.2.3 Tests of timing accuracy. 37
5.2.4 Buffer overflow/underflow tests for Transport Streams . 40
5.3 General system decoder capabilities. 40
5.3.1 Handling of decoder discontinuities. 41
5.3.2 Presentation timing. 42
5.3.3 Presentation synchronisation. 42
5.3.4 Support of variable bitrate within a program . 42
5.3.5 General capabilities for program acquisition. 43
5.3.6 Private data handling. 43
5.3.7 Support of trick modes. 43
5.3.8 Systems decoder requirements for forward compatibility. 44
5.4 Procedures to test system decoder conformance . 45
6 Video. 45
6.1 Definition of video bitstream compliance. 46
6.1.1 Requirements and restrictions related to profile-and-level. 46
6.1.2 Additional restrictions on bitstream applied by the encoder. 46
6.1.3 Encoder requirements and recommendations . 46
6.2 Procedure for testing bitstream compliance. 47
6.3 Definition of video decoder compliance. 48
6.3.1 Requirement on arithmetic accuracy (without IDCT) . 49
6.3.2 Requirement on arithmetic accuracy (with IDCT).49
6.3.3 Requirement on output of the decoding process and timing . 50
6.3.4 Requirement for compatibility with ISO/IEC 11172-2 (MPEG-1 video) . 50
6.3.5 Requirements for compatibility between various profile-and-level combinations . 50
6.3.6 Requirement for forward compatibility of future extensions . 51
6.3.7 Requirements related to zero byte stuffing, user data and reserved extensions . 51
6.3.8 Recommendations. 51
6.4 Procedure to test decoder compliance. 52
6.4.1 Static tests. 52
© ISO/IEC 2004 – All rights reserved iii

6.4.2 Dynamic tests.52
6.4.3 Specification of the test bitstreams.52
6.4.4 Implementation of the static test .60
6.4.5 Implementation of the dynamic test.61
6.4.6 Decoder conformance.61
6.5 Conformance of scalable bitstreams and decoders.64
6.5.1 Definition of scalable video bitstream hierarchy compliance .65
6.5.2 Procedure for testing bitstream compliance.65
6.5.3 Definition of video decoder compliance .65
6.5.4 Procedure to test decoder compliance.66
7 Audio.67
7.1 Audio bitstreams.67
7.1.1 Extension of ISO/IEC 11172-3 audio coding to lower sampling frequencies.67
7.1.2 Low bit rate coding of Multichannel Audio.67
7.2 Audio bitstream tests.68
7.2.1 Extension of ISO/IEC 11172-3 audio coding to lower sampling frequencies.68
7.2.2 Low bit rate coding of Multichannel Audio.69
7.3 Audio decoder characteristics.71
7.3.1 Extension of ISO/IEC 11172-3 audio coding to lower sampling frequencies.71
7.3.2 Low bit rate coding of Multichannel Audio.71
7.4 Audio decoder tests.73
7.4.1 Calculation for RMS .74
7.4.2 Descriptions of the audio test bitstreams .75
8 Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) .78
8.1 Introduction.78
8.2 Scope.78
8.3 AAC bitstream characteristics .78
8.4 Decoder characteristics.79
8.4.1 Profile specification.79
8.4.2 Decoder modifications.80
8.4.3 Decoder buffer requirements.80
8.5 Procedure to test bitstream conformance.81
8.5.1 Profile specification.81
8.5.2 ADIF and ADTS.81
8.5.3 Bitstream payload.82
8.5.4 ics_info().82
8.5.5 tns_data().84
8.5.6 extension_payload().87
8.5.7 dynamic_range_info().87
8.5.8 excl

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