Thermal containers — Safety standard for refrigerating systems using flammable refrigerants — Requirements for design and operation

This document describes the design of the mechanical refrigeration unit (MRU) and operation of container refrigerating systems in all anticipated operational modes and locations. It describes the industry's best practices for the safe operation of flammable refrigerants in refrigerating systems used in thermal freight containers operated on board ships, in terminals, on road, on rail and on land. This document addresses the use of flammable refrigerants with classifications defined in ISO 817, defined as 2L, 2 and 3, except R717 (Ammonia). This document describes an operational mode risk assessment (OMRA) which uses methods such as HAZOP (Hazard and operability analysis), FMEA (Failure mode and effects analysis), or FTA (Fault tree analysis) or combination of methods. This document specifies requirements for the validation and consideration of possible safety concepts and protective devices within the OMRA process, including charge release tests, simulation, and function tests of the associated protective equipment. It defines test requirements for shock, impact, and vibration. A validation procedure is given to demonstrate that risks from hazardous events are investigated and their severity and frequency are meaningfully reduced, with the aim of achieving tolerable risk values. The obligations of the manufacturer, the container owner as well as the responsible operator are described, as well as how stakeholders can investigate and mitigate risks associated with the use of flammable refrigerants. Finally, this document describes the requirements of service and maintenance when working with flammable refrigerants. This document is restricted to refrigerating systems integrated with or mounted on ISO thermal containers according to ISO 1496-2. It provides minimum requirements for reducing the risk associated with the use of flammable refrigerants. The scope is limited to container refrigerating systems operated in conjunction with the carriage of refrigerated cargo as operating reefer (OR) or when used as a non-operating reefer (NOR) or when empty for positioning — while in intermodal transit. Static land-based continuous operations are excluded.

Conteneurs thermiques — Norme de sécurité pour les systèmes réfrigérants utilisant des fluides frigorigènes inflammables — Exigences de conception et de fonctionnement

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ISO 20854:2019 - Thermal containers -- Safety standard for refrigerating systems using flammable refrigerants -- Requirements for design and operation
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REDLINE ISO 20854:2019 - Thermal containers — Safety standard for refrigerating systems using flammable refrigerants — Requirements for design and operation Released:10/23/2019
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
Thermal containers — Safety
standard for refrigerating systems
using flammable refrigerants
— Requirements for design and
Conteneurs thermiques — Norme de sécurité pour les systèmes
réfrigérants utilisant des fluides frigorigènes inflammables —
Exigences de conception et de fonctionnement
Reference number
ISO 2019
© ISO 2019
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting
on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address
below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Fax: +41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland
ii © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms . 9
5 Safety requirements for the design of container refrigerating systems .9
5.1 General . 9
5.2 Significant hazards of the refrigerating system . 9
5.3 Safety concept for container refrigerating systems .10
5.3.1 General.10
5.3.2 Operational mode risk assessment .10
5.3.3 Tolerable risk .12
5.3.4 Flammable refrigerants .13
5.3.5 Protection against hazards .14
5.3.6 Validation of safety concept and protective devices .15
6 Design and construction of the refrigerating system .15
6.1 General .15
6.2 Components and piping of refrigerating systems with flammable refrigerant .16
6.2.1 General.16
6.2.2 Components .16
6.2.3 External fire relief device .16
6.3 Assemblies .16
6.3.1 General.16
6.3.2 Components and joints . .17
6.4 Interior of the thermal container .17
6.4.1 General.17
6.4.2 Ventilation inside the container .17
6.4.3 Refrigerant detectors .17
6.4.4 Protection against hot surfaces .17
6.4.5 Electrical components . .18
6.5 Outside electrical cabinet .18
6.6 Refrigerant charge .18
6.7 Alarm system .19
6.7.1 General.19
6.7.2 Alarm system power .19
6.8 Testing .19
6.8.1 General.19
6.8.2 Protective device test .19
6.8.3 Vibration type-test .20
6.8.4 Shock and impact type test .20
6.8.5 Production test .20
6.9 Marking and documentation .21
6.9.1 General.21
6.9.2 Marking .21
6.9.3 Manuals and documentation .22
6.10 Certification .23
7 Design related requirements of the MRU manufacturer for safe service,
maintenance, repair .23
7.1 Education and training .24
7.2 Safety instructions .24
7.3 Testing before operation .24
7.4 Maintenance and repair .24
8 General recommendations at operating sites .25
9 Safe operation at different operating sites .26
9.1 General .26
9.2 Operating sites .27
9.3 Significant hazards .28
9.4 Ventilating condition at operating sites .29
9.4.1 Requirements for operation in open air .29
9.4.2 Requirements for operation in well-ventilated areas .29
9.4.3 Requirements for operation in non-well-ventilated areas .30
9.4.4 Container operation in non-ventilated areas .31
9.5 Requirements for opening of container door and for packing and un-packing of goods .31
9.6 Electrical installations at operating sites .32
9.7 Operator instruction for handling of alarms .32
9.8 Accidents .33
9.8.1 Measures for accidents prevention .33
9.8.2 Measures after accidents .34
9.9 Operating instructions, manuals, guidelines at operating sites .34
9.10 Information in the manual related to operating sites .34
10 Servicing recommendations and requirements at operating sites .35
10.1 Operating sites with service activities .35
10.2 General .35
10.2.1 Instruction of personnel .36
10.2.2 General failure prevention .36
10.3 Repair and maintenance on the container structure .

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ISO TC 104/SC 2 N496
Thermal containers — Safety standard for refrigerating systems using flammable
refrigerants – Requirements for design and operation
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved i

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© ISO 2019, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or
utilised otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be
requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH‐1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
ii © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

Deleted: /FDIS
Foreword . 6
Introduction. 7
1  Scope . 1
2  Normative references . 1
3  Terms and definitions . 2
4  Symbols and abbreviated terms . 11
5  Safety requirements for the design of container refrigerating systems . 11
5.1  General . 11
5.2  Significant hazards of the refrigerating system . 11
5.3  Safety concept for container refrigerating systems . 12
5.3.1  General . 12
5.3.2  Operational mode risk assessment . 12
5.3.3  Tolerable risk . 14
5.3.4  Flammable refrigerants . 16
5.3.5  Protection against hazards . 17
5.3.6  Validation of safety concept and protective devices . 17
gn and construction of the refrigerating system . 18
6  Desi
6.1  General . 18
6.2  Components and piping of refrigerating systems with flammable refrigerant . 18
6.2.1  General . 18
6.2.2  Components . 18
6.2.3  External fire relief device . 18
6.3  Assemblies . 19
6.3.1  General . 19
6.3.2  Components and joints . 19
6.4  Interior of the thermal container . 19
6.4.1  General . 19
6.4.2  Ventilation inside the container . 19
6.4.3  Refrigerant detectors . 20
6.4.4  Protection against hot surfaces . 20
6.4.5  Electrical components . 20
6.5  Outside electrical cabinet . 20
6.6  Refrigerant charge . 21
stem . 21
6.7  Alarm sy
6.7.1  General . 21
6.7.2  Alarm system power . 21
6.8  Testing . 22
6.8.1  General . 22
6.8.2  Protective device test . 22
6.8.3  Vibration type-test . 22
6.8.4  Shock and impact type test . 22
6.8.5  Production test . 23
6.9  Marking and documentation . 23
© ISO 2019 – All rights reserved iii

Deleted: /FDIS
6.9.1  General . 23
6.9.2  Marking . 23
6.9.3  Manuals and documentation . 24
6.10  Certification . 25
7  Design related requirements of the MRU manufacturer for safe service, maintenance,
repair . 26
7.1  Education and training . 26
7.2  Safety instructions . 26
7.3  Testing before operation . 27
7.4  Maintenance and repair . 27
8  General recommendations at operating sites . 28
9  Safe operation at different operating sites . 29
9.1  General . 29
9.2  Operating sites . 30
9.3  Significant hazards . 31
9.4  Ventilating condition at operating sites . 32
9.4.1  Requirements for operation in open air . 32
9.4.2  Requirements for operation in well-ventilated areas . 32
9.4.3  Requirements for operation in non-well-ventilated areas . 33
9.4.4  Container operation in non-ventilated areas . 34
9.5  Requirements for opening of container door and for packing and un-packing of
goods . 34
9.6  Electrical installations at operating sites . 35
9.7  Operator instruction for handling of alarms . 35
9.8  Accidents . 36
9.8.1  Measures for accidents prevention. 36
9.8.2  Measures after accidents . 37
9.9  Operating instructions, manuals, guidelines at operating sites . 38
9.10  Information in the manual related to operating sites. 38
10  Servicing recommendations and requirements at operating sites . 38
10.1  Operating sites with service activities . 39
10.2  General . 39
10.2.1  Instruction of personnel . 39
10.2.2  General failure prevention . 40
10.3  Repair and maintenance on the container structure . 40
10.4  Repair and maintenance on the MRU including opening of the refrigerating system . 40
10.4.1  General . 40
10.4.2  Instruction of personnel . 40
10.4.3  Work area requirements . 41
10.4.4  Inspection . 41
10.4.5  System failures . 42
10.4.6  Actions and procedure for repair and opening of the refrigerating system . 42
10.4.7  Tools and equipment . 45
10.4.8  Testing after repair . 46
10.4.9  Failure prevention for repair and opening of the refrigerating system . 46
10.4.10  Documentation .

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