Information technology — Text Communication — Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) — Part 7: Interpersonal Messaging System — Amendment 1

Technologies de l'information — Communication de texte — Systèmes d'échange de texte en mode message — Partie 7: Système de messagerie de personne à personne — Amendement 1

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ISO/IEC 10021-7:1990/Amd 1:1994 - Information technology — Text Communication — Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) — Part 7: Interpersonal Messaging System — Amendment 1 Released:8/4/1994
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Standards Content (Sample)

First edition
1990-1 2-01
Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems
Part 7:
interpersonal Messaging System
1: Minor enhancements: Fil
body part and auto-submission indication
Technologies de l'information - Communication de texte - Systèmes d'échange
de texte en mode message -
Partie 7: Système de messagerie de personne à personne
AMENDEMENT 1: Améliorations mineures: Partie du corps de transfert de dossier
et indication d'autosoumission
Reference number
ISO/IEC 1002 1-7: 1990/Amd. 1 : 1994(E)

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ISOflEC 10021-7:1990/Amd.l:1994(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the Inter-
national Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the
development of International Standards through technical committees established
by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity.
IS0 and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other
international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with
IS0 and IEC, also take part in the work.
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint
technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the
joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication
as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national
bodies casting a vote.
Amendment 1 to International Standard ISODEC 10021-7: 1990 was prepared by
Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee 18, Document processing and related communication.
O ISO/IEC 1994
A11 rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-121 1 Genève 20 Switzerland
in Switzerland

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ISO/IEC 10021-7 : 1990/Amd.l: 1994 (E)
Information technology - Text Communication -
Message-Oriented Text Interchange Systems (MOTIS) -
Part 7:
Interpersonal Messaging System
AMENDMENT 1: Minor enhancements: File transfer body part and
auto-submission indication
Page 2
Clause 2
Add the following new subclause to the end of clause 2:
2.7 File Transfer
This part of ISODEC 1002 1 cites the following File Transfer specifications:
OIS0 8571-1 : 1988, iiformation processing systems - Open Systems interconnection - File Transfer, Access and
- Part I: General introduction.
IS0 8571-2 : 1988, Infornlation processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access and
Management - Part 2: Virtual Filestore Definition.
IS0 8571-2 : 1988/Amd.l : 1992, Information processing systems - Open Systems interconnection -File Transfer, Access
and Management - Part 2: Virtual Filestore Definition - Amendment 1 : Filestore Management.

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ISOBEC 10021-7 : 1990/Amd.l: 1994 (E)
Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access and
IS0 8571-4 : 1988,
Management - Part 4: File Protocol Specification.
IS0 8511-4 ; 1988lAmd.1 : 1992, Information processing systems - Open Systems Interconnection - File Transfer, Access
and Management - Part 4: File Protocol Specification - Amendment I : Filestore Management.
Page 53
Annex A
Add the following new subclause to the end of Annex A:
A.3 Auto-submitted
The Auto-submitted heading extension indicates whether the IPM was submitted without human intervention, and if so
whether the message was auto-generated, or auto-replied.
If this heading extension has the value not-auto-submitted, the message-submission is under direct or indirect contsol of a
auto-submitted IPMS-EXTENSION
VALUE Autosubmitted
::= id-hex-auto-submitted
Autosubmitted ::= ENUMERATED {
not-auto-submitted (O),
auto-generated (l),
auto-replied (2) )
The auto-forwarded heading field may also indicate that the message has been submitted without human intervention. The
absence of both this heading extension and the auto-forwarded heading field indicates that no information is available as to
whether the message-submission involved human control.
Page 55
Annex B
Add the following new subclauses to the end of Annex B:
B.3 File Transfer
A File Transfer body part represents an information object used to convey the contents, and optionally the attributes, of a
stored file. The file transfer body part is based on the file model defined in IS0 8571-2. It has Parameters and Data
file-transfer-body-part EXTENDED-BODY-PART-TYPE
PARAMETERS FileTransferParameters IDENTIFIED BY id-ep-file-transfer
DATA FileTransferData
. ,.- .- id-et-file-transfer
FileTransferParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
related-stored-file [O] RelatedStoredFile OPTIONAL,
contents-type [l] ContentsTypeParameter DEFAULT document-type { document-type-name
{iso standard 8571 document-type (5) unstructured-binary (3)) 1,
environment [2] EnvironmentParameter OPTIONAL,
compression [3] CompressionParameter OPTIONAL,
file-attributes [4] FileAttributes OPTIONAL,
extensions [5] ExtensionsField OPTIONAL )

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ISO/IEC 10021-7 : 199û/Amd,l: 1994 (E)
FileTransferData ::= SEQUFnCE OF EXTERNAL
-- This conve s a sequence data values representin file contents:
-- The rulesfo, generating s sequence are implied B y the value of the contents-type parameter
B.3.1 Related Stored File Parameter
The related stored file parameter indicates to the recipient any intended relationship between the file in this body part and any
file(s) held by the recipient. Stored files may be identified either by pathname or by reference to previous MHS messages
sent. Explicit relationships with stored files that may be indicated include:
- unspecified,
- a new file may be created using the contents in this body part;
- the contents of an existing file may be replaced by the contents in this body part;
- an existing file may be extended using the contents of this body part.
0 The syntax for this parameter is:
RelatedStoredFile ::= SET OF SEQUENCE (
file-identifier FileIdentifier,
relationship Relationship DEFAULT explicit-relationship unspecified }
FileIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
pathname-and-version [O] Pathnameandversion,
cross-reference [l] CrossReference 1
Pathnameandversion ::= SEQUENCE {
pat hname [O] Pathname-Attribute,
file-version [l] Graphicstring OPTIONAL}
CrossReference ::= SEQUENCE (
application-cross-reference [O1 OCTET STRING,
message-reference [l] MessageReference OPTIONAL,
body-part-reference [2] INTEGER OPTIONAT., 1
MessageReference ::= SET {
user [O] ORName OPTIONAL,,
-- Defined in 8.5.5 of [Rec. X.4IlIISOIIEC I0021-4]
user-relarive-identifier [l] Printablestring )
Relationship ::= CHOICE (
explicit-relationship [O] ExplicitRelationship,
descriptive-relationship [l] Graphicstring }
ExplicitRelationship ::= ENUMERATED (
unspecified (O),
new-file (11,
replacement (2),
extension (3) 1
The pathname option is intended for use in a manner consistent with IS0 8571-2, as amended by Amendment 1. It is a
sequence of elements, each of which represents a name component. When more than one element is encoded, the first element
shaii be the file name and the remaining elements shall be concatenated to represent the file name prefix.
NOTE 1 - IS0 8571-2 Amendment 1 renamed the "filename" attribute in IS0 8571-2 to the "pathname" attribute.
-4 message reference has the following components:
User (C): Identifies the user who originated the referenced message. One of the user's O/R names. This conditional
component shall be present unless the reference is an PM identifier which does not contain a User component.

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ISO/IEC 10021-7 : 1990/Amd.l: 1994 (E)
User-relative-identifier (M): Unambiguously identifies a message, distinguishing it from all other messages that
the user who is identified by the User component originates. A Printable String of from zero to a prescribed number
A length of zero is discouraged.
of characters.
NOTE 2 -The MessageReference shares the same value set with the IPMIdentifier, EDIMIdentifier and VMIdentifier. Hence a file transfer
body part is capable of referencing IPM, EDIM or VM messages.
A body part reference uniquely identifies a body part within a message. It is for use when referencing a message with a
content type which includes body part references.
B.3.2 Contents Type Parameter
The contents type parameter indicates the abstract data types of the contents of the file and the structuring information which
is necessary if the complete file structure and semantics are to be maintained during the transfer of the flle.
ContentsTypeParameter : := Contents-Type-Attribute
Contents-Type-Attribute ::= CHOICE {
document-type [O] SEQUENCE (
document-type-name Document-Type-Name,
parameter [O] ANY OPTIONAL I,
-- The actual types to be used for values of the parameter field
-- are de$ned in the named document type.
constraint-set-and-abstract-syntax [il SEQUENCE {
constraint-set-name constraint-Set-Name,
1 }
abstract-syntax-name Abstract-Syntax-Name
Document-Type-Name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
Constraint-Set-Name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
Abstract-Syntax-Name ::= OBJECT IDENTIFIER
The value is either a document-type name (optionally with parameters of type ANY) or a pair of abstract syntax name and
constraint set name, Each of these names is an Object Identifier.
The concepts of document-type and constraint set are described fully in IS0 8571-1 and IS0 8571-2. Examples of document
types which may be used in this body part are:
a) unstructured text file (FTAM-1)
b) unstructured binary file (FTAM-3) e
c) sequential binary file (FTAM-4)
B.3.3 Environment Parameter
The environment parameter describes the environment (e.g., machine, operating system, and application) from which the file
originated. It has the following syntax:
EnvironmentParameter ::= SEQUENCE {
application-reference [O] GeneralIdentifier OPTIONAL,
machine [il GeneralIdentifier OPTIONAL,
opera t ing - system [2] OBJECT IDENTIFIER OPTIONAL,
user-visible-string [3] SEQUENCE OF Graphicstring OPTIONAL I
GeneralIdentifier ::= CHOICE {
registered-identifier [O] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
descriptive-identifier [l] SEQUENCE OF Graphicstring

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ISOhEC 10021-7 : 1990/Amd.l: 1994 (E)
The application-reference field is intended to be used for identifying application programs and versions. The machine field is
intended to be used for executable code modules to indicate hardware platforms. The operating-system field is intended to be
used to identify the operating system of the processor from which the file originated.
B3.4 Compression Parameter
The compression parameter describes the compression type if the file is transferred in a compressed mode.
CompressionParameter ::= SEQUENCE (
compression-algorithm-id [O] OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
compression-algorithm-param [l] ANY DEFINED BY compression-algorithm-id ]
B.3.5 File Attributes Parameter
The file attributes parameter conveys values of any of a set of optional file attributes. When the recipient is to create a new
to be used in establishing the initiai file attributes.
file, these values are
0 NOTE - Transfer of an attribute value to a recipient should be interpreted as a request only; no particular recipient behaviour is guaranteed
as a result.
The file attributes are technically aligned with IS0 8571-2. The semantic descriptions of these attributes in IS0 8571-2 take
be conveyed in this parameter are:
precedence over the abbreviated descriptions given below. The file attributes which can
permitted actions
storage account
date and time of creation
date and time of last modification
date and time of last read access
date and time of last attribute modification
identity of creator
identity of last modifier
identity of last reader
identity of last attribute modifier
object size
future object size
access control
legal qualifications
private use
The syntax for the file attributes parameter is as follows:
FileAttributes ::= SEQUENCE {
pat hname Pathname-Attribute OPTIONAL,
permitted-actions (11 Permitted-Actions-Attribute OPTIONAL,
storage-account [31 Account-Attribute OPTIONAL,,
date-and-time-of-creation [4] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL,
date-and-time-of-last-modification (51 Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL,
date-and-time-of-last-read-access [6] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL,
date-and-time-of-last-attribute-modification [7] Date-and-Time-Attribute OPTIONAL,,
ident ity-of -creator [8] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL,
identity-of-last-modifier [9] User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL,
identity-of-last-reader [lo] User-Xdentity-Attribute OPTIONAL,
identity-of-last-attribute-modiiier 1111 User-Identity-Attribute OPTIONAL,
obj ect -availabi li ty [I21 Object-Availability-Attribute OPTIONAL,
object-size [131 Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL,
future-object-size [14] Object-Size-Attribute OPTIONAL,
access-control [151 Access-Control-Attribute OPTIONAL,
legal-qualifications [161 Legal-Qualification-Attribute OPTIONAL,,
private-use il71 Private-Use-Attribute OPTIONAL,
attribute-extensions [221 Attribute-Extensions OPTIONAL }

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ISOAEC 10021-7 : 19901Amd.l: 1994 (E)
The types of all the above components are defined below or imported from IS0 857 1-4,
B.3.5.1 Pathname Attribute
The pathname attribute provides a file name.
Pathname-Attribute ::= CHOICE {
incomplete-pathname [O] Pathname,
complete-pathname [23] Pathname 1
B .3.5.2 Permitted Actions Attribute
The permitted actions attnbute indicates the set of actions that can be performed on the file,
B.3.5.3 Storage Account Attribute
The storage account attribute identifies the accountable authority responsible for accumulated file storage charges.
Account-Attribute ::= CHOICE {
no-value-available [O] NULL,
-- Indicates partial support of this attribute
actual-values Account )
Account ::= Graphicstring
B.3.5.4 Date and Time Attributes
The date and time of creation attribute indicates when the file was created.
The date and time of last modification attribute indicates when the contents of the file were last modified.
The date and time of last read access attribute indicates when the contents of the file were last read.
The date and time of last attribute modification attribute indicates when the attributes of the file were last modified.
B.3.5.5 Identity Attributes
The identity of creator, identity of last modifier, identity of last reader, and id

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