Information and documentation — International library statistics

ISO 2789:2006 specifies rules for the library and information services community on the collection and reporting of statistics for the purposes of international reporting, to ensure conformity between countries for those statistical measures that are frequently used by library managers but do not qualify for international reporting, to encourage good practice in the use of statistics for the management of library and information services, and to specify data provision required by ISO 11620.

Information et documentation — Statistiques internationales de bibliothèques

L'ISO 2789:2006 fournit des règles à la communauté des bibliothèques et des services d'information pour la collecte et la présentation de statistiques en vue de l'établissement de synthèses sur le plan international, pour assurer la conformité entre pays de mesures statistiques fréquemment utilisées par les gestionnaires de bibliothèques mais sans pour autant servir à l'établissement de synthèses internationales, pour encourager une bonne pratique des statistiques dans la gestion des bibliothèques et des services d'information, et pour définir les données exigées par l'ISO 11620.

Informatika in dokumentacija - Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice

Ta mednarodni standard določa pravila za knjižnice in skupnost informacijskih storitev za zbiranje in poročanje statistike – za namene mednarodnega poročanja, - za zagotavljanje skladnosti med državami za tiste statistične ukrepe, ki jih pogosto uporabljajo vodje knjižnic in ki ne ustrezajo mednarodnemu poročanju, - za spodbujanje dobre prakse pri uporabi statistike za vodenje knjižnic in informacijskih storitev, ter za določevanje zbiranja podatkov po ISO 11620.

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Fourth edition

Information and documentation —
International library statistics
Information et documentation — Statistiques internationales de

Reference number
ISO 2789:2006(E)
ISO 2006

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
3.1 Libraries. 1
3.2 Collection. 4
3.3 Library use and users. 10
3.4 Access and facilities. 15
3.5 Expenditure . 15
3.6 Library staff . 16
4 Uses, benefits and limitations of statistics. 16
4.1 Background . 16
4.2 Developments in library practice . 17
4.3 Selection of statistics for the library. 17
5 Reporting statistical data. 18
5.1 General. 18
5.2 Time period to which data refer . 18
5.3 Data estimated by sample. 18
6 Collecting statistical data . 18
6.1 Libraries. 18
6.2 Collection. 21
6.3 Library use and users. 28
6.4 Access and facilities. 33
6.5 Expenditure (during the reporting period) .35
6.6 Library staff (at the end of the reporting time period) . 37
Annex A (normative) Measuring the use of electronic library services . 39
Annex B (normative) Recommended categories for further statistical analysis. 52
Annex C (normative) Grossing up. 58
Bibliography . 59
Alphabetical index . 60

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 2789 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Qualitiy — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 2789:2003), which has been technically revised
to identify and overcome problems in the practical application of ISO 2789:2003 and to take account of the
rapid developments in electronic library services.
iv © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
This International Standard provides guidance to the library and information services community on the
collection and reporting of statistics.
Clauses 3 and 6 form the core of this International Standard. Clause 3 provides definitions for most of the
elements which constitute a library service; these are for statistical purposes only. Clause 6 recommends how
each of these elements should be counted. Users will need to consult both clauses for the complete picture.
In addition to the original purposes of giving general guidance on the keeping of library statistics for the
compilation of national statistics used for international reporting, there is a particular requirement to specify
data provision required by ISO 11620.
This International Standard includes definitions and counting procedures for electronic resources and services.
With regard to those clauses of the body of this International Standard that concern such electronic resources
and services, readers should particularly bear in mind the important explanations and guidelines of Annex A.
The form of an annex was chosen as it allows a more detailed description of methods and problems in
measuring use of electronic library services.
It is recognized that not all measures specified in this International Standard can be collected by libraries of
different type and size. To give greater completeness, several additional measures (important for some
sectors only) are described in Annex B. The aim is to ensure that, where a particular statistic is collected, the
same definitions and methods are used.
All the annexes are normative. Annex C is important for the compilation and publication of national statistics
so that they can be truly comparable between countries and over time.
The strong requirement to describe and publicize library activities can only be satisfied if data collection in
libraries follows the lines of this International Standard. As far as possible, libraries should collect all data
named in this International Standard that concern their activities.
The presentation and publication of statistics always need careful attention but are considered to be beyond
the scope of this International Standard.
This International Standard will be maintained by a Working Group that will monitor developments and
incorporate additional statistical measures as needed.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved v

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Information and documentation — International library
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies rules for the library and information services community on the collection
and reporting of statistics
⎯ for the purposes of international reporting,
⎯ to ensure conformity between countries for those statistical measures that are frequently used by library
managers but do not qualify for international reporting,
⎯ to encourage good practice in the use of statistics for the management of library and information services,
⎯ to specify data provision required by ISO 11620.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 11620:1998, Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
ISO 11620:1998/Amd. 1:2003, Information and documentation — Library performance indicators —
Amendment 1: Additional performance indicators for libraries
ISO/TR 20983:2003, Information and documentation — Performance indicators for electronic library services
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Libraries
administrative unit
any independent library, or group of libraries, under a single director or a single administration
NOTE 1 The term “independent” does not imply legal or financial independence but only that the library is a
recognizably separate unit, typically within a larger organization.

1) ISO/TR 20983 and ISO 11620:1998/Amd. 1 will be incorporated into the second edition of ISO 11620.
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 2 Typically, the administrative unit is an organization containing a central/main library, branch libraries and
administrative functions. See the Example in 6.1.1.
branch library
part of a larger administrative unit providing, in separate quarters, a service for a particular user group (e.g.
children, faculties) or for a locally defined clientele
NOTE Institute, departmental and other affiliated libraries are included. Mobile libraries are excluded.
central library
main library
usually that part or those parts of an administrative unit where the main administrative functions and the
important parts of the library collection and services are located
NOTE An administrative unit comprising several branch libraries does not necessarily include a central library.
external service point
point away from library premises at which a certain service is regularly offered to users
NOTE 1 This includes places within a locality at which library material is deposited for informal circulation to a restricted
group of users but without other library services, for example, old peoples' homes, community centres, collections for
hospital patients, etc. Mobile libraries are excluded.
NOTE 2 The points at which mobile libraries stop are not counted as external service points.
NOTE 3 A simple PC connection to a place outside the library (e.g. in a students' home) is not counted as an external
service point.
organization, or part of an organization, the main aims of which are to build and maintain a collection and to
facilitate the use of such information resources and facilities as are required to meet the informational,
research, educational, cultural or recreational needs of its users
NOTE 1 These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and services
incidental to its main purpose.
NOTE 2 Where a library has more than one function (e.g. school library and public library), it generally either decides
what is its primary function or, in extreme cases, divides its functionality and report data accordingly.
library of an institution of higher education
library whose primary function is to serve students, academic and professional staff in universities and other
institutions of education at the third (tertiary) level and above
NOTE It can also serve the general public.
mobile library
library, sometimes a division of a public library, using transport means and furnished to provide documents
and services directly to users as an alternative to access on library premises
NOTE Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.16.
national library
library that is responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all relevant documents in the country in which
the library is located; it may function as a legal deposit library
2 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.02.
NOTE 2 A national library will also normally perform some or all of the following functions:
⎯ produce the national bibliography,
⎯ hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature including documents about the
⎯ act as a national bibliographic information centre;
⎯ compile union catalogues;
⎯ supervise the administration of other libraries and/or promote collaboration;
⎯ coordinate a research and development service.
NOTE 3 The definition of “national library” allows for more than one national library in a country.
public library
general library that serves the whole population of a local or regional community and is usually financed, in
whole or in part, from public funds
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.15.
NOTE 2 A public library can be intended for the general public or for special groups of users, such as children, visually
impaired persons, hospital patients or prisoners. Its basic services are free of charge or available for a subsidized fee. This
definition includes services provided to schools by a public library organization and services provided to public libraries in
a region by a regional organization.
school library
library attached to all types of schools below the third (tertiary) level of education whose primary function is to
serve the pupils and teachers of such a school
NOTE 1 A school library can also serve the general public.
NOTE 2 This includes libraries and resource collections in all educational institutions below the third level, which can
be described as “Colleges”, “Colleges of Further Education”, “Vocational Institutes”, etc.
special library
independent library covering one discipline or particular field of knowledge or a special regional interest
NOTE 1 The term special library includes libraries primarily serving a specific category of users, or primarily devoted to
a specific form of document, or libraries sponsored by an organization to serve its own work-related objectives.
NOTE 2 The statistics of special libraries are generally collected and presented separately for those in the areas given
in to (differentiated according to funding institutions).
government library
library maintained to serve any government service, department or agency, or parliament, including both
international, national and local (regional) government organizations
health-service library
medical library
library which serves health-service professionals in hospitals or elsewhere, whether in the private or public
NOTE Pharmaceutical company libraries are generally included under
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 3

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
library of professional and learned institutions and associations
library maintained by professional or trade associations, learned societies, trade unions and other similar
bodies whose primary objective is to provide services to the members and practitioners of a specific trade or
industrial and commercial library
library in any industrial enterprise or business firm, maintained by the parent organization to serve the
information needs of its staff
NOTE The term “industrial and commercial library” includes libraries maintained by information and management
consultants, manufacturing and service industries and libraries of commercial legal practices.
media library
library serving media and publishing firms and organizations, including newspapers, publishers, broadcasting,
film and television
regional library
major library serving a particular region whose primary function cannot be described as that of a public, school
or academic library nor as part of a national library network
other special library
any library not included elsewhere, etc.
EXAMPLES Library within voluntary organizations, museums, religious institutions.
storage library
repository library
library whose primary function is to store less-used material from other administrative units
NOTE 1 Storage or repository libraries that are part of or administrated by another library (e.g. national or regional
library) are excluded.
NOTE 2 Libraries whose stock remains the possession of the storing libraries are excluded. The collections and their
use are counted with the proprietary libraries.
3.2 Collection
abstract and indexing database
collection of bibliographic references analysing and presenting, on a continuous basis, periodical and/or other
titles that usually relate to a common discipline or geographic area
NOTE This includes electronic reference and indexing tools which, in print form, would be counted as periodicals.
Databases primarily containing full text are excluded.
access rights
rights for reaching or using the library collection
NOTE For the electronic collection, this implies that the library has secured permanent or temporary access for its
users by law, license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement.
4 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
document or item added to a collection during the reporting period
NOTE Additions can be obtained, for example, by purchase, licensing, legal deposit, digitization, donation or
audiovisual document
document in which sound and/or pictures are prominent, and which requires the use of special equipment to
be seen and/or heard
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 2.1.19.
NOTE 2 This includes audio documents such as records, tapes, cassettes, audio compact discs, DVDs, files of digital
audio recordings; visual documents such as slides, transparencies, and combined audiovisual documents, such as motion
pictures, video recordings, etc. Microforms are excluded.
NOTE 3 The use of networked audiovisual documents is counted in accordance with Annex A.
non-serial printed document in codex form
cartographic document
conventional representation, on a reduced scale, of concrete or abstract phenomena which can be localized in
space and time
NOTE 1 Adapted from map in ISO 5127:2001, definition
NOTE 2 This includes documents such as two- and three-dimensional maps, globes, plans, topographic models, tactile
maps and aerial representations, but excludes atlases and any other cartographic documents in codex, micro, audiovisual
and electronic form.
compact disc read-only memory
computer-based information storage and retrieval medium based on laser technology that contains data in text
and/or multimedia formats
NOTE CD-ROMs are counted according to their contents as database, digital document, or electronic serial.
computer file
data or software program, e.g. computer game, language course and other application software that is
available on computer-readable disks, tapes or other storage media to users for loan or in-house use
NOTE Adapted from ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004.
content unit
computer-processed uniquely identifiable textual or audiovisual piece of published work that may be original or
a digest of other published work
NOTE 1 Adapted from item in COUNTER code of practice, Release 2:2004.
NOTE 2 Descriptive records are excluded.
NOTE 3 PDF, Postscript, HTML and other formats of the same content unit will be counted as separate items.
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 5

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
collection of electronically stored descriptive records or content units (including facts, full texts, pictures, and
sound) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data
NOTE 1 The units or records are usually collected with a particular intent and are related to a defined topic. A database
can be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct-access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or
via the internet.
NOTE 2 Licensed databases are counted separately even if access to several licensed database products is effected
through the same interface.
NOTE 3 A common interface providing access to a packet of serials or digital documents, usually offered by a
publisher or vendor, is also to be counted as database. Additionally, the single serials or digital documents need to be
counted as serials or digital documents.
NOTE 4 For further subdivision of databases, see B.2.1.7.
descriptive record
computer-processed bibliographic or other individual record in a standard format that references and/or
describes a document in any physical form or a content unit
NOTE 1 A collection of descriptive records is usually published in the form of a database.
NOTE 2 The record can include elements such as title, author, subject, abstract, date of origin etc.
digital document
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part
of the library collection
NOTE 1 This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g.
reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints, etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 Items incorporated in databases are covered by 3.2.10.
NOTE 3 A digital document can be structured into one or more files.
NOTE 4 A digital document consists of one or more content units.
recorded information or material object, which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process
[ISO 5127:2001, definition 1.2.02]
NOTE Documents can differ in their physical form and characteristics.
digital versatile disk
a type of optical storage medium of the same size as a compact disk, but with significantly greater recording
electronic book
digital document, licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a
print book (monograph)
6 © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 The use of eBooks is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing
NOTE 2 eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the
user's PC for a limited time period.
NOTE 3 Doctoral dissertations in electronic format are included.
NOTE 4 Documents digitized by the library are included.
electronic collection
all resources in electronic form in the library collection
NOTE The electronic collection includes databases, electronic serials, digital documents, and computer files. Free
internet resources which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database need to be counted
separately (see 6.2.16).
electronic serial
serial published in electronic form only or in both electronic and another format
NOTE 1 Comprises serials held locally and remote resources for which access rights have been acquired, at least for a
certain period of time.
NOTE 2 Serials digitized by the library are included.
NOTE 3 Open access journals are regarded as free internet resources (see 3.2.18)
free internet resources
internet resource with unrestricted access
full-text database
digital collection of original texts (monographs, reports, journal articles, etc.), printed music, cartographic or
graphic documents
NOTE 1 Patents and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 A database with a mixture of full texts, moving images or sound and other items need to be counted as a
full-text database.
government document
document published at government expense or as required by law or by an international agency (e.g. United
Nations, European Union and UNESCO)
NOTE Patents are dealt with in 3.2.32. Other government documents are counted in accordance with their format
(see B.3.3.).
graphic document
print document in which pictorial representation is the most prominent feature
NOTE This is pictorial rather than linguistic, musical or cartographic in form. It includes art prints, art originals, art
reproductions, photographs, posters, study prints, technical drawings, etc., but excludes graphic items in codex form or in
microform, audiovisual and electronic form.
library collection
all documents provided by a library for its users
© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved 7

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 Comprises documents held locally and remote resources for which permanent or temporary access rights
have been acquired.
NOTE 2 Access rights can be acquired by the library itself, by a consortium and/or through external funding.
NOTE 3 Acquisition is to be understood as deliberately selecting a document, securing access rights and including it in
the online catalogue or other databases of the library. Interlibrary lending and document delivery are excluded.
NOTE 4 Does not include links to internet resources for which the library has not secured access rights by legal
agreements (e.g. legal deposit right), license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement. Free internet resources
which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database need to be counted separately
(see 6.2.16).
original document that is handwritten or in typescript
NOTE Bound volumes and other units (fragments, rolls, autographs, etc.) can be counted separately.
photographic document requiring magnification when used
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition
NOTE 2 Microfiche and microfilm are included.
NOTE 3 Slides and simil

SIST ISO 2789:2010
Informatika in dokumentacija - Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice
Information and documentation - International library statistics
Information et documentation - Statistiques internationales de bibliothèques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 2789:2006
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
SIST ISO 2789:2010 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 2789:2010

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SIST ISO 2789:2010

Fourth edition

Information and documentation —
International library statistics
Information et documentation — Statistiques internationales de

Reference number
ISO 2789:2006(E)
ISO 2006

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SIST ISO 2789:2010
ISO 2789:2006(E)
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Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20
Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11
Fax + 41 22 749 09 47
Published in Switzerland

ii © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 2789:2010
ISO 2789:2006(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
3.1 Libraries. 1
3.2 Collection. 4
3.3 Library use and users. 10
3.4 Access and facilities. 15
3.5 Expenditure . 15
3.6 Library staff . 16
4 Uses, benefits and limitations of statistics. 16
4.1 Background . 16
4.2 Developments in library practice . 17
4.3 Selection of statistics for the library. 17
5 Reporting statistical data. 18
5.1 General. 18
5.2 Time period to which data refer . 18
5.3 Data estimated by sample. 18
6 Collecting statistical data . 18
6.1 Libraries. 18
6.2 Collection. 21
6.3 Library use and users. 28
6.4 Access and facilities. 33
6.5 Expenditure (during the reporting period) .35
6.6 Library staff (at the end of the reporting time period) . 37
Annex A (normative) Measuring the use of electronic library services . 39
Annex B (normative) Recommended categories for further statistical analysis. 52
Annex C (normative) Grossing up. 58
Bibliography . 59
Alphabetical index . 60

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO 2789:2010
ISO 2789:2006(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 2789 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Qualitiy — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 2789:2003), which has been technically revised
to identify and overcome problems in the practical application of ISO 2789:2003 and to take account of the
rapid developments in electronic library services.
iv © ISO 2006 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 2789:2010
ISO 2789:2006(E)
This International Standard provides guidance to the library and information services community on the
collection and reporting of statistics.
Clauses 3 and 6 form the core of this International Standard. Clause 3 provides definitions for most of the
elements which constitute a library service; these are for statistical purposes only. Clause 6 recommends how
each of these elements should be counted. Users will need to consult both clauses for the complete picture.
In addition to the original purposes of giving general guidance on the keeping of library statistics for the
compilation of national statistics used for international reporting, there is a particular requirement to specify
data provision required by ISO 11620.
This International Standard includes definitions and counting procedures for electronic resources and services.
With regard to those clauses of the body of this International Standard that concern such electronic resources
and services, readers should particularly bear in mind the important explanations and guidelines of Annex A.
The form of an annex was chosen as it allows a more detailed description of methods and problems in
measuring use of electronic library services.
It is recognized that not all measures specified in this International Standard can be collected by libraries of
different type and size. To give greater completeness, several additional measures (important for some
sectors only) are described in Annex B. The aim is to ensure that, where a particular statistic is collected, the
same definitions and methods are used.
All the annexes are normative. Annex C is important for the compilation and publication of national statistics
so that they can be truly comparable between countries and over time.
The strong requirement to describe and publicize library activities can only be satisfied if data collection in
libraries follows the lines of this International Standard. As far as possible, libraries should collect all data
named in this International Standard that concern their activities.
The presentation and publication of statistics always need careful attention but are considered to be beyond
the scope of this International Standard.
This International Standard will be maintained by a Working Group that will monitor developments and
incorporate additional statistical measures as needed.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved v

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SIST ISO 2789:2010

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SIST ISO 2789:2010

Information and documentation — International library
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies rules for the library and information services community on the collection
and reporting of statistics
⎯ for the purposes of international reporting,
⎯ to ensure conformity between countries for those statistical measures that are frequently used by library
managers but do not qualify for international reporting,
⎯ to encourage good practice in the use of statistics for the management of library and information services,
⎯ to specify data provision required by ISO 11620.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 11620:1998, Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
ISO 11620:1998/Amd. 1:2003, Information and documentation — Library performance indicators —
Amendment 1: Additional performance indicators for libraries
ISO/TR 20983:2003, Information and documentation — Performance indicators for electronic library services
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Libraries
administrative unit
any independent library, or group of libraries, under a single director or a single administration
NOTE 1 The term “independent” does not imply legal or financial independence but only that the library is a
recognizably separate unit, typically within a larger organization.

1) ISO/TR 20983 and ISO 11620:1998/Amd. 1 will be incorporated into the second edition of ISO 11620.
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SIST ISO 2789:2010
ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 2 Typically, the administrative unit is an organization containing a central/main library, branch libraries and
administrative functions. See the Example in 6.1.1.
branch library
part of a larger administrative unit providing, in separate quarters, a service for a particular user group (e.g.
children, faculties) or for a locally defined clientele
NOTE Institute, departmental and other affiliated libraries are included. Mobile libraries are excluded.
central library
main library
usually that part or those parts of an administrative unit where the main administrative functions and the
important parts of the library collection and services are located
NOTE An administrative unit comprising several branch libraries does not necessarily include a central library.
external service point
point away from library premises at which a certain service is regularly offered to users
NOTE 1 This includes places within a locality at which library material is deposited for informal circulation to a restricted
group of users but without other library services, for example, old peoples' homes, community centres, collections for
hospital patients, etc. Mobile libraries are excluded.
NOTE 2 The points at which mobile libraries stop are not counted as external service points.
NOTE 3 A simple PC connection to a place outside the library (e.g. in a students' home) is not counted as an external
service point.
organization, or part of an organization, the main aims of which are to build and maintain a collection and to
facilitate the use of such information resources and facilities as are required to meet the informational,
research, educational, cultural or recreational needs of its users
NOTE 1 These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and services
incidental to its main purpose.
NOTE 2 Where a library has more than one function (e.g. school library and public library), it generally either decides
what is its primary function or, in extreme cases, divides its functionality and report data accordingly.
library of an institution of higher education
library whose primary function is to serve students, academic and professional staff in universities and other
institutions of education at the third (tertiary) level and above
NOTE It can also serve the general public.
mobile library
library, sometimes a division of a public library, using transport means and furnished to provide documents
and services directly to users as an alternative to access on library premises
NOTE Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.16.
national library
library that is responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all relevant documents in the country in which
the library is located; it may function as a legal deposit library
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.02.
NOTE 2 A national library will also normally perform some or all of the following functions:
⎯ produce the national bibliography,
⎯ hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature including documents about the
⎯ act as a national bibliographic information centre;
⎯ compile union catalogues;
⎯ supervise the administration of other libraries and/or promote collaboration;
⎯ coordinate a research and development service.
NOTE 3 The definition of “national library” allows for more than one national library in a country.
public library
general library that serves the whole population of a local or regional community and is usually financed, in
whole or in part, from public funds
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.15.
NOTE 2 A public library can be intended for the general public or for special groups of users, such as children, visually
impaired persons, hospital patients or prisoners. Its basic services are free of charge or available for a subsidized fee. This
definition includes services provided to schools by a public library organization and services provided to public libraries in
a region by a regional organization.
school library
library attached to all types of schools below the third (tertiary) level of education whose primary function is to
serve the pupils and teachers of such a school
NOTE 1 A school library can also serve the general public.
NOTE 2 This includes libraries and resource collections in all educational institutions below the third level, which can
be described as “Colleges”, “Colleges of Further Education”, “Vocational Institutes”, etc.
special library
independent library covering one discipline or particular field of knowledge or a special regional interest
NOTE 1 The term special library includes libraries primarily serving a specific category of users, or primarily devoted to
a specific form of document, or libraries sponsored by an organization to serve its own work-related objectives.
NOTE 2 The statistics of special libraries are generally collected and presented separately for those in the areas given
in to (differentiated according to funding institutions).
government library
library maintained to serve any government service, department or agency, or parliament, including both
international, national and local (regional) government organizations
health-service library
medical library
library which serves health-service professionals in hospitals or elsewhere, whether in the private or public
NOTE Pharmaceutical company libraries are generally included under
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SIST ISO 2789:2010
ISO 2789:2006(E)
library of professional and learned institutions and associations
library maintained by professional or trade associations, learned societies, trade unions and other similar
bodies whose primary objective is to provide services to the members and practitioners of a specific trade or
industrial and commercial library
library in any industrial enterprise or business firm, maintained by the parent organization to serve the
information needs of its staff
NOTE The term “industrial and commercial library” includes libraries maintained by information and management
consultants, manufacturing and service industries and libraries of commercial legal practices.
media library
library serving media and publishing firms and organizations, including newspapers, publishers, broadcasting,
film and television
regional library
major library serving a particular region whose primary function cannot be described as that of a public, school
or academic library nor as part of a national library network
other special library
any library not included elsewhere, etc.
EXAMPLES Library within voluntary organizations, museums, religious institutions.
storage library
repository library
library whose primary function is to store less-used material from other administrative units
NOTE 1 Storage or repository libraries that are part of or administrated by another library (e.g. national or regional
library) are excluded.
NOTE 2 Libraries whose stock remains the possession of the storing libraries are excluded. The collections and their
use are counted with the proprietary libraries.
3.2 Collection
abstract and indexing database
collection of bibliographic references analysing and presenting, on a continuous basis, periodical and/or other
titles that usually relate to a common discipline or geographic area
NOTE This includes electronic reference and indexing tools which, in print form, would be counted as periodicals.
Databases primarily containing full text are excluded.
access rights
rights for reaching or using the library collection
NOTE For the electronic collection, this implies that the library has secured permanent or temporary access for its
users by law, license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement.
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
document or item added to a collection during the reporting period
NOTE Additions can be obtained, for example, by purchase, licensing, legal deposit, digitization, donation or
audiovisual document
document in which sound and/or pictures are prominent, and which requires the use of special equipment to
be seen and/or heard
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 2.1.19.
NOTE 2 This includes audio documents such as records, tapes, cassettes, audio compact discs, DVDs, files of digital
audio recordings; visual documents such as slides, transparencies, and combined audiovisual documents, such as motion
pictures, video recordings, etc. Microforms are excluded.
NOTE 3 The use of networked audiovisual documents is counted in accordance with Annex A.
non-serial printed document in codex form
cartographic document
conventional representation, on a reduced scale, of concrete or abstract phenomena which can be localized in
space and time
NOTE 1 Adapted from map in ISO 5127:2001, definition
NOTE 2 This includes documents such as two- and three-dimensional maps, globes, plans, topographic models, tactile
maps and aerial representations, but excludes atlases and any other cartographic documents in codex, micro, audiovisual
and electronic form.
compact disc read-only memory
computer-based information storage and retrieval medium based on laser technology that contains data in text
and/or multimedia formats
NOTE CD-ROMs are counted according to their contents as database, digital document, or electronic serial.
computer file
data or software program, e.g. computer game, language course and other application software that is
available on computer-readable disks, tapes or other storage media to users for loan or in-house use
NOTE Adapted from ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004.
content unit
computer-processed uniquely identifiable textual or audiovisual piece of published work that may be original or
a digest of other published work
NOTE 1 Adapted from item in COUNTER code of practice, Release 2:2004.
NOTE 2 Descriptive records are excluded.
NOTE 3 PDF, Postscript, HTML and other formats of the same content unit will be counted as separate items.
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collection of electronically stored descriptive records or content units (including facts, full texts, pictures, and
sound) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data
NOTE 1 The units or records are usually collected with a particular intent and are related to a defined topic. A database
can be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct-access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or
via the internet.
NOTE 2 Licensed databases are counted separately even if access to several licensed database products is effected
through the same interface.
NOTE 3 A common interface providing access to a packet of serials or digital documents, usually offered by a
publisher or vendor, is also to be counted as database. Additionally, the single serials or digital documents need to be
counted as serials or digital documents.
NOTE 4 For further subdivision of databases, see B.2.1.7.
descriptive record
computer-processed bibliographic or other individual record in a standard format that references and/or
describes a document in any physical form or a content unit
NOTE 1 A collection of descriptive records is usually published in the form of a database.
NOTE 2 The record can include elements such as title, author, subject, abstract, date of origin etc.
digital document
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part
of the library collection
NOTE 1 This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g.
reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints, etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 Items incorporated in databases are covered by 3.2.10.
NOTE 3 A digital document can be structured into one or more files.
NOTE 4 A digital document consists of one or more content units.
recorded information or material object, which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process
[ISO 5127:2001, definition 1.2.02]
NOTE Documents can differ in their physical form and characteristics.
digital versatile disk
a type of optical storage medium of the same size as a compact disk, but with significantly greater recording
electronic book
digital document, licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a
print book (monograph)
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 The use of eBooks is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing
NOTE 2 eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the
user's PC for a limited time period.
NOTE 3 Doctoral dissertations in electronic format are included.
NOTE 4 Documents digitized by the library are included.
electronic collection
all resources in electronic form in the library collection
NOTE The electronic collection includes databases, electronic serials, digital documents, and computer files. Free
internet resources which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database need to be counted
separately (see 6.2.16).
electronic serial
serial published in electronic form only or in both electronic and another format
NOTE 1 Comprises serials held locally and remote resources for which access rights have been acquired, at least for a
certain period of time.
NOTE 2 Serials digitized by the library are included.
NOTE 3 Open access journals are regarded as free internet resources (see 3.2.18)
free internet resources
internet resource with unrestricted access
full-text database
digital collection of original texts (monographs, reports, journal articles, etc.), printed music, cartographic or
graphic documents
NOTE 1 Patents and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 A database with a mixture of full texts, moving images or sound and other items need to be counted as a
full-text database.
government document
document published at government expense or as required by law or by an international agency (e.g. United
Nations, European Union and UNESCO)
NOTE Patents are dealt with in 3.2.32. Other government documents are counted in accordance with their format
(see B.3.3.).
graphic document
print document in which pictorial representation is the most prominent feature
NOTE This is pictorial rather than linguistic, musical or cartographic in form. It includes art prints, art originals, art
reproductions, photographs, posters, study prints, technical drawings, etc., but excludes graphic items in codex form or in
microform, audiovisual and electronic form.
library collection
all documents provided by a library for its users
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SIST ISO 2789:2010
ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 Comprises documents held locally and remote resources for which permanent or temporary access rights
have been acquired.
NOTE 2 Access rights can be acquired by the library itself, by a consortium and/or throug

oSIST ISO 2789:2007
Informatika in dokumentacija - Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice
Information and documentation - International library statistics
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
oSIST ISO 2789:2007 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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Fourth edition

Information and documentation —
International library statistics
Information et documentation — Statistiques internationales de

Reference number
ISO 2789:2006(E)
ISO 2006

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
3.1 Libraries. 1
3.2 Collection. 4
3.3 Library use and users. 10
3.4 Access and facilities. 15
3.5 Expenditure . 15
3.6 Library staff . 16
4 Uses, benefits and limitations of statistics. 16
4.1 Background . 16
4.2 Developments in library practice . 17
4.3 Selection of statistics for the library. 17
5 Reporting statistical data. 18
5.1 General. 18
5.2 Time period to which data refer . 18
5.3 Data estimated by sample. 18
6 Collecting statistical data . 18
6.1 Libraries. 18
6.2 Collection. 21
6.3 Library use and users. 28
6.4 Access and facilities. 33
6.5 Expenditure (during the reporting period) .35
6.6 Library staff (at the end of the reporting time period) . 37
Annex A (normative) Measuring the use of electronic library services . 39
Annex B (normative) Recommended categories for further statistical analysis. 52
Annex C (normative) Grossing up. 58
Bibliography . 59
Alphabetical index . 60

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ISO 2789:2006(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 2789 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Qualitiy — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 2789:2003), which has been technically revised
to identify and overcome problems in the practical application of ISO 2789:2003 and to take account of the
rapid developments in electronic library services.
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
This International Standard provides guidance to the library and information services community on the
collection and reporting of statistics.
Clauses 3 and 6 form the core of this International Standard. Clause 3 provides definitions for most of the
elements which constitute a library service; these are for statistical purposes only. Clause 6 recommends how
each of these elements should be counted. Users will need to consult both clauses for the complete picture.
In addition to the original purposes of giving general guidance on the keeping of library statistics for the
compilation of national statistics used for international reporting, there is a particular requirement to specify
data provision required by ISO 11620.
This International Standard includes definitions and counting procedures for electronic resources and services.
With regard to those clauses of the body of this International Standard that concern such electronic resources
and services, readers should particularly bear in mind the important explanations and guidelines of Annex A.
The form of an annex was chosen as it allows a more detailed description of methods and problems in
measuring use of electronic library services.
It is recognized that not all measures specified in this International Standard can be collected by libraries of
different type and size. To give greater completeness, several additional measures (important for some
sectors only) are described in Annex B. The aim is to ensure that, where a particular statistic is collected, the
same definitions and methods are used.
All the annexes are normative. Annex C is important for the compilation and publication of national statistics
so that they can be truly comparable between countries and over time.
The strong requirement to describe and publicize library activities can only be satisfied if data collection in
libraries follows the lines of this International Standard. As far as possible, libraries should collect all data
named in this International Standard that concern their activities.
The presentation and publication of statistics always need careful attention but are considered to be beyond
the scope of this International Standard.
This International Standard will be maintained by a Working Group that will monitor developments and
incorporate additional statistical measures as needed.

© ISO 2006 – All rights reserved v

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Information and documentation — International library
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies rules for the library and information services community on the collection
and reporting of statistics
⎯ for the purposes of international reporting,
⎯ to ensure conformity between countries for those statistical measures that are frequently used by library
managers but do not qualify for international reporting,
⎯ to encourage good practice in the use of statistics for the management of library and information services,
⎯ to specify data provision required by ISO 11620.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 11620:1998, Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
ISO 11620:1998/Amd. 1:2003, Information and documentation — Library performance indicators —
Amendment 1: Additional performance indicators for libraries
ISO/TR 20983:2003, Information and documentation — Performance indicators for electronic library services
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 Libraries
administrative unit
any independent library, or group of libraries, under a single director or a single administration
NOTE 1 The term “independent” does not imply legal or financial independence but only that the library is a
recognizably separate unit, typically within a larger organization.

1) ISO/TR 20983 and ISO 11620:1998/Amd. 1 will be incorporated into the second edition of ISO 11620.
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 2 Typically, the administrative unit is an organization containing a central/main library, branch libraries and
administrative functions. See the Example in 6.1.1.
branch library
part of a larger administrative unit providing, in separate quarters, a service for a particular user group (e.g.
children, faculties) or for a locally defined clientele
NOTE Institute, departmental and other affiliated libraries are included. Mobile libraries are excluded.
central library
main library
usually that part or those parts of an administrative unit where the main administrative functions and the
important parts of the library collection and services are located
NOTE An administrative unit comprising several branch libraries does not necessarily include a central library.
external service point
point away from library premises at which a certain service is regularly offered to users
NOTE 1 This includes places within a locality at which library material is deposited for informal circulation to a restricted
group of users but without other library services, for example, old peoples' homes, community centres, collections for
hospital patients, etc. Mobile libraries are excluded.
NOTE 2 The points at which mobile libraries stop are not counted as external service points.
NOTE 3 A simple PC connection to a place outside the library (e.g. in a students' home) is not counted as an external
service point.
organization, or part of an organization, the main aims of which are to build and maintain a collection and to
facilitate the use of such information resources and facilities as are required to meet the informational,
research, educational, cultural or recreational needs of its users
NOTE 1 These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and services
incidental to its main purpose.
NOTE 2 Where a library has more than one function (e.g. school library and public library), it generally either decides
what is its primary function or, in extreme cases, divides its functionality and report data accordingly.
library of an institution of higher education
library whose primary function is to serve students, academic and professional staff in universities and other
institutions of education at the third (tertiary) level and above
NOTE It can also serve the general public.
mobile library
library, sometimes a division of a public library, using transport means and furnished to provide documents
and services directly to users as an alternative to access on library premises
NOTE Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.16.
national library
library that is responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all relevant documents in the country in which
the library is located; it may function as a legal deposit library
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.02.
NOTE 2 A national library will also normally perform some or all of the following functions:
⎯ produce the national bibliography,
⎯ hold and keep up to date a large and representative collection of foreign literature including documents about the
⎯ act as a national bibliographic information centre;
⎯ compile union catalogues;
⎯ supervise the administration of other libraries and/or promote collaboration;
⎯ coordinate a research and development service.
NOTE 3 The definition of “national library” allows for more than one national library in a country.
public library
general library that serves the whole population of a local or regional community and is usually financed, in
whole or in part, from public funds
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 3.2.15.
NOTE 2 A public library can be intended for the general public or for special groups of users, such as children, visually
impaired persons, hospital patients or prisoners. Its basic services are free of charge or available for a subsidized fee. This
definition includes services provided to schools by a public library organization and services provided to public libraries in
a region by a regional organization.
school library
library attached to all types of schools below the third (tertiary) level of education whose primary function is to
serve the pupils and teachers of such a school
NOTE 1 A school library can also serve the general public.
NOTE 2 This includes libraries and resource collections in all educational institutions below the third level, which can
be described as “Colleges”, “Colleges of Further Education”, “Vocational Institutes”, etc.
special library
independent library covering one discipline or particular field of knowledge or a special regional interest
NOTE 1 The term special library includes libraries primarily serving a specific category of users, or primarily devoted to
a specific form of document, or libraries sponsored by an organization to serve its own work-related objectives.
NOTE 2 The statistics of special libraries are generally collected and presented separately for those in the areas given
in to (differentiated according to funding institutions).
government library
library maintained to serve any government service, department or agency, or parliament, including both
international, national and local (regional) government organizations
health-service library
medical library
library which serves health-service professionals in hospitals or elsewhere, whether in the private or public
NOTE Pharmaceutical company libraries are generally included under
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
library of professional and learned institutions and associations
library maintained by professional or trade associations, learned societies, trade unions and other similar
bodies whose primary objective is to provide services to the members and practitioners of a specific trade or
industrial and commercial library
library in any industrial enterprise or business firm, maintained by the parent organization to serve the
information needs of its staff
NOTE The term “industrial and commercial library” includes libraries maintained by information and management
consultants, manufacturing and service industries and libraries of commercial legal practices.
media library
library serving media and publishing firms and organizations, including newspapers, publishers, broadcasting,
film and television
regional library
major library serving a particular region whose primary function cannot be described as that of a public, school
or academic library nor as part of a national library network
other special library
any library not included elsewhere, etc.
EXAMPLES Library within voluntary organizations, museums, religious institutions.
storage library
repository library
library whose primary function is to store less-used material from other administrative units
NOTE 1 Storage or repository libraries that are part of or administrated by another library (e.g. national or regional
library) are excluded.
NOTE 2 Libraries whose stock remains the possession of the storing libraries are excluded. The collections and their
use are counted with the proprietary libraries.
3.2 Collection
abstract and indexing database
collection of bibliographic references analysing and presenting, on a continuous basis, periodical and/or other
titles that usually relate to a common discipline or geographic area
NOTE This includes electronic reference and indexing tools which, in print form, would be counted as periodicals.
Databases primarily containing full text are excluded.
access rights
rights for reaching or using the library collection
NOTE For the electronic collection, this implies that the library has secured permanent or temporary access for its
users by law, license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement.
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
document or item added to a collection during the reporting period
NOTE Additions can be obtained, for example, by purchase, licensing, legal deposit, digitization, donation or
audiovisual document
document in which sound and/or pictures are prominent, and which requires the use of special equipment to
be seen and/or heard
NOTE 1 Adapted from ISO 5127:2001, definition 2.1.19.
NOTE 2 This includes audio documents such as records, tapes, cassettes, audio compact discs, DVDs, files of digital
audio recordings; visual documents such as slides, transparencies, and combined audiovisual documents, such as motion
pictures, video recordings, etc. Microforms are excluded.
NOTE 3 The use of networked audiovisual documents is counted in accordance with Annex A.
non-serial printed document in codex form
cartographic document
conventional representation, on a reduced scale, of concrete or abstract phenomena which can be localized in
space and time
NOTE 1 Adapted from map in ISO 5127:2001, definition
NOTE 2 This includes documents such as two- and three-dimensional maps, globes, plans, topographic models, tactile
maps and aerial representations, but excludes atlases and any other cartographic documents in codex, micro, audiovisual
and electronic form.
compact disc read-only memory
computer-based information storage and retrieval medium based on laser technology that contains data in text
and/or multimedia formats
NOTE CD-ROMs are counted according to their contents as database, digital document, or electronic serial.
computer file
data or software program, e.g. computer game, language course and other application software that is
available on computer-readable disks, tapes or other storage media to users for loan or in-house use
NOTE Adapted from ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004.
content unit
computer-processed uniquely identifiable textual or audiovisual piece of published work that may be original or
a digest of other published work
NOTE 1 Adapted from item in COUNTER code of practice, Release 2:2004.
NOTE 2 Descriptive records are excluded.
NOTE 3 PDF, Postscript, HTML and other formats of the same content unit will be counted as separate items.
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
collection of electronically stored descriptive records or content units (including facts, full texts, pictures, and
sound) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data
NOTE 1 The units or records are usually collected with a particular intent and are related to a defined topic. A database
can be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct-access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or
via the internet.
NOTE 2 Licensed databases are counted separately even if access to several licensed database products is effected
through the same interface.
NOTE 3 A common interface providing access to a packet of serials or digital documents, usually offered by a
publisher or vendor, is also to be counted as database. Additionally, the single serials or digital documents need to be
counted as serials or digital documents.
NOTE 4 For further subdivision of databases, see B.2.1.7.
descriptive record
computer-processed bibliographic or other individual record in a standard format that references and/or
describes a document in any physical form or a content unit
NOTE 1 A collection of descriptive records is usually published in the form of a database.
NOTE 2 The record can include elements such as title, author, subject, abstract, date of origin etc.
digital document
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part
of the library collection
NOTE 1 This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g.
reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints, etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 Items incorporated in databases are covered by 3.2.10.
NOTE 3 A digital document can be structured into one or more files.
NOTE 4 A digital document consists of one or more content units.
recorded information or material object, which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process
[ISO 5127:2001, definition 1.2.02]
NOTE Documents can differ in their physical form and characteristics.
digital versatile disk
a type of optical storage medium of the same size as a compact disk, but with significantly greater recording
electronic book
digital document, licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a
print book (monograph)
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 The use of eBooks is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing
NOTE 2 eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the
user's PC for a limited time period.
NOTE 3 Doctoral dissertations in electronic format are included.
NOTE 4 Documents digitized by the library are included.
electronic collection
all resources in electronic form in the library collection
NOTE The electronic collection includes databases, electronic serials, digital documents, and computer files. Free
internet resources which have been catalogued by the library in its online catalogue or a database need to be counted
separately (see 6.2.16).
electronic serial
serial published in electronic form only or in both electronic and another format
NOTE 1 Comprises serials held locally and remote resources for which access rights have been acquired, at least for a
certain period of time.
NOTE 2 Serials digitized by the library are included.
NOTE 3 Open access journals are regarded as free internet resources (see 3.2.18)
free internet resources
internet resource with unrestricted access
full-text database
digital collection of original texts (monographs, reports, journal articles, etc.), printed music, cartographic or
graphic documents
NOTE 1 Patents and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 A database with a mixture of full texts, moving images or sound and other items need to be counted as a
full-text database.
government document
document published at government expense or as required by law or by an international agency (e.g. United
Nations, European Union and UNESCO)
NOTE Patents are dealt with in 3.2.32. Other government documents are counted in accordance with their format
(see B.3.3.).
graphic document
print document in which pictorial representation is the most prominent feature
NOTE This is pictorial rather than linguistic, musical or cartographic in form. It includes art prints, art originals, art
reproductions, photographs, posters, study prints, technical drawings, etc., but excludes graphic items in codex form or in
microform, audiovisual and electronic form.
library collection
all documents provided by a library for its users
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ISO 2789:2006(E)
NOTE 1 Comprises documents held locally and remote resources for which permanent or temporary access rights
have been acquired.
NOTE 2 Access rights can be acquired by the library itself, by a consortium and/or through external funding.
NOTE 3 Acquisition is to be understood as deliberately selecting a document, securing access rights and including it in
the online catalogue or other databases of the library. Interlibrary lending and document delivery are excluded.
NOTE 4 Does not include links to internet resources for which the library has not secured access rights by legal
agreements (e.g. legal deposit right), license or other contractual and/or cooperative agreement. Free internet resources
which have b

Quatrième édition

Information et documentation —
Statistiques internationales de
Information and documentation — International library statistics

Numéro de référence
ISO 2789:2006(F)
ISO 2006

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ISO 2789:2006(F)
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©  ISO 2006
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Publié en Suisse

ii © ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 2789:2006(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
Introduction . v
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions. 1
3.1 Bibliothèques . 1
3.2 Collection. 5
3.3 Usages et usagers de bibliothèque . 11
3.4 Accès et installations . 16
3.5 Dépenses . 16
3.6 Personnel de la bibliothèque. 17
4 Utilisation, avantages et limites d'utilisation des statistiques. 18
4.1 Contexte. 18
4.2 Progrès de la bibliothéconomie . 19
4.3 Sélection de statistiques pour la bibliothèque . 19
5 Présentation des données statistiques. 19
5.1 Généralités . 19
5.2 Période de référence des données . 20
5.3 Données estimées par échantillonnage . 20
6 Collecte des données statistiques. 20
6.1 Bibliothèques . 20
6.2 Collection. 23
6.3 Usages et usagers de la bibliothèque . 30
6.4 Accès et installations . 35
6.5 Dépenses (durant la période de référence) . 37
6.6 Personnel de la bibliothèque (à la fin de la période de référence) . 39
Annexe A (normative) Mesurage de l'utilisation des services électroniques des bibliothèques. 42
Annexe B (normative) Catégories recommandées pour des analyses statistiques
complémentaires . 56
Annexe C (normative) Extrapolations . 62
Bibliographie . 63
Index alphabétique . 64

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ISO 2789:2006(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 2789 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 46, Information et documentation, sous-comité
SC 8, Qualité — Statistiques et évaluation de la performance.
Cette quatrième édition annule et remplace la troisième édition (ISO 2789:2003), dont elle constitue une
révision technique afin d'identifier et de régler les problèmes d'application pratique de la norme
ISO 2789:2003 et de prendre en compte le développement rapide des services électroniques des
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ISO 2789:2006(F)
La présente Norme internationale fournit des règles à la communauté des bibliothèques et des services
d'information pour la collecte et la présentation de statistiques.
Les Articles 3 et 6 forment le cœur de la présente Norme internationale. L'Article 3 fournit les définitions de la
plupart des éléments composant le service d'une bibliothèque; ces définitions ne s'appliquent que dans une
perspective statistique. L'Article 6 indique comment compter chacun des éléments définis. Les utilisateurs
devront consulter les deux sections pour disposer d'une vue complète.
Aux objectifs initiaux, qui consistent à édicter des règles générales de tenue des statistiques de bibliothèques
en vue de leur recueil à l'échelle nationale puis de l'établissement de synthèses internationales, s'ajoute une
exigence particulière pour spécifier les données requises par l'ISO 11620.
La présente Norme internationale comprend les définitions et les procédures de comptage pour les
ressources et services électroniques. À la lecture des parties de la présente Norme internationale concernant
ces mêmes ressources et services électroniques, il convient que les lecteurs aient particulièrement à l'esprit
les explications et conseils importants de l'Annexe A. La présentation en annexe a été retenue car elle permet
de décrire plus en détail les méthodes et les problèmes concernant la mesure de l'utilisation des services
électroniques des bibliothèques.
Il va sans dire que l'ensemble des données définies dans la présente Norme internationale ne peuvent être
collectées par des bibliothèques de types ou de tailles différents. À titre de complément, l'Annexe B décrit des
données supplémentaires (qui n'ont d'importance que dans certains cas). Ces précisions visent à s'assurer
que l'on utilise bien les mêmes définitions et les mêmes méthodes lors de la collecte de telles données
Toutes les annexes sont normatives. L'Annexe C est importante pour recueillir et publier des statistiques
nationales qui soient véritablement comparables entre les pays et dans le temps.
On ne peut satisfaire la forte demande de description et de diffusion de l'activité des bibliothèques que si la
collecte des données dans les bibliothèques suit les lignes de la présente Norme internationale. Autant que
possible, il convient que les bibliothèques collectent toutes les données de leur activité citées dans la
présente Norme internationale.
La présentation et la diffusion de statistiques nécessitent toujours une attention particulière mais sont
considérées comme demeurant hors du champ d'application de la présente Norme internationale.
La maintenance de la présente Norme internationale sera assurée par un groupe de travail qui en supervisera
les développements et incorporera de nouvelles mesures statistiques en fonction des besoins.
© ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés v

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Information et documentation — Statistiques internationales de
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Norme internationale fournit des règles à la communauté des bibliothèques et des services
d'information pour la collecte et la présentation de statistiques
⎯ en vue de l'établissement de synthèses sur le plan international,
⎯ pour assurer la conformité entre pays de mesures statistiques fréquemment utilisées par les
gestionnaires de bibliothèques mais sans pour autant servir à l'établissement de synthèses
⎯ pour encourager une bonne pratique des statistiques dans la gestion des bibliothèques et des services
d'information, et
⎯ pour définir les données exigées par l'ISO 11620.
2 Références normatives
Les documents de référence suivants sont indispensables à l'application du présent document. Pour les
références datées, seule l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du
document de référence (y compris les éventuels amendements) s'applique.
ISO 11620:1998, Information et documentation — Indicateurs de performance des bibliothèques
ISO 11620:1998/Amd. 1:2003, Information et documentation — Indicateurs de performance des
bibliothèques — Indicateurs complémentaires de performance des bibliothèques
ISO/TR 20983:2003, Information et documentation — Indicateurs de performance pour les services
électroniques des bibliothèques
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.
3.1 Bibliothèques
unité administrative
toute bibliothèque indépendante ou tout groupe de bibliothèques ayant un directeur ou une administration

1) L'ISO/TR 20983 et l'ISO 11620:1998/Amd.1 seront intégrés dans la deuxième édition de l'ISO 11620.
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ISO 2789:2006(F)
NOTE 1 Le terme «indépendant» n'implique pas une indépendance juridique ou financière, mais seulement le fait que
la bibliothèque est une unité identifiée comme séparée, en particulier au sein d'un organisme plus grand.
NOTE 2 L'unité administrative caractéristique est un organisme qui comprend une bibliothèque centrale/principale, des
bibliothèques annexes ou des succursales et des services administratifs. Voir l'Exemple en 6.1.1.
bibliothèque annexe (ou succursale)
partie d'une unité administrative plus grande, offrant dans un local séparé un service de bibliothèque pour un
groupe particulier d'usagers (par exemple une bibliothèque pour la jeunesse, une bibliothèque de faculté) ou
pour un public localement défini
NOTE Les bibliothèques d'instituts, de départements et les autres bibliothèques affiliées sont incluses. Les
bibliothèques itinérantes sont exclues.
bibliothèque centrale
bibliothèque principale
habituellement la partie ou les parties d'une unité administrative où sont situées les principales fonctions
administratives et la partie essentielle des collections et des services
NOTE Une unité administrative comprenant plusieurs bibliothèques annexes ne comprend pas nécessairement une
bibliothèque centrale.
point de desserte extérieur
point de desserte à l'extérieur des locaux de la bibliothèque où un service déterminé est régulièrement offert
aux usagers
NOTE 1 Sont compris des lieux, dans un secteur géographique, dans lesquels des documents de la bibliothèque sont
déposés pour un usage informel au sein d'un groupe restreint d'usagers, mais sans autre prestation de bibliothèque, par
exemple des maisons de retraite pour personnes âgées, des maisons de quartier, des collections pour les patients des
hôpitaux, etc. Les bibliothèques itinérantes sont exclues.
NOTE 2 Les points d'arrêt des bibliothèques itinérantes ne sont pas comptés comme des points de desserte extérieurs.
NOTE 3 Une simple connexion à un micro-ordinateur dans un lieu extérieur à la bibliothèque (par exemple dans une
résidence d'étudiants) n'est pas comptée comme un point de desserte extérieur.
organisme ou partie d'un organisme, dont les buts principaux sont de créer et d'entretenir une collection et de
faciliter l'utilisation des ressources documentaires et des installations adaptées aux besoins d'information, de
recherche, d'éducation, de culture et de loisirs de ses usagers
NOTE 1 Ce sont les conditions fondamentales pour une bibliothèque et il ne faut exclure aucun document ou service
offert en complément des buts principaux.
NOTE 2 Quand une bibliothèque assure plus d'une fonction (par exemple bibliothèque scolaire et bibliothèque
publique), il faut soit décider ce qui correspond à sa fonction principale, soit, dans les cas extrêmes, présenter séparément
les rapports et données sur le fonctionnement.
bibliothèque d'établissement d'enseignement supérieur
bibliothèque dont la fonction principale est de desservir les étudiants, le corps enseignant et le personnel
d'une université ou d'une autre institution d'enseignement supérieur
NOTE Elle peut aussi être utilisée comme bibliothèque publique.
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ISO 2789:2006(F)
bibliothèque itinérante
bibliothèque ou parfois service d'une bibliothèque publique, utilisant un véhicule spécialement aménagé pour
mettre à la disposition des usagers des documents et des services, comme alternative à un accès direct aux
locaux de la bibliothèque
NOTE Adapté de l'ISO 5127:2001, définition 3.2.16.
bibliothèque nationale
bibliothèque responsable de l'acquisition et de la conservation d'exemplaires de tous les documents
importants édités dans le pays où la bibliothèque est située; elle peut fonctionner comme une bibliothèque de
dépôt légal
NOTE 1 Adapté de ISO 5127:2001, définiiton 3.2.02.
NOTE 2 Une bibliothèque nationale peut aussi normalement remplir certaines des fonctions suivantes:
⎯ établir la bibliographie nationale;
⎯ conserver et tenir à jour une collection étendue et représentative de la production étrangère comprenant des
documents concernant le pays;
⎯ tenir le rôle de centre national d'information bibliographique;
⎯ établir des catalogues collectifs;
⎯ superviser l'administration d'autres bibliothèques et/ou promouvoir la coopération;
⎯ coordonner un service de recherche et de développement.
NOTE 3 La définition de «bibliothèque nationale» permet son utilisation dans les pays où il y en a plus d'une.
bibliothèque publique
bibliothèque encyclopédique qui dessert l'ensemble de la population d'une communauté locale ou régionale et
qui est habituellement financée, en totalité ou en partie, par des fonds publics
NOTE 1 Adapté de ISO 5127:2001, définition 3.2.15.
NOTE 2 Une bibliothèque publique s'adresse soit à l'ensemble du public soit à certaines catégories d'usagers, telles
que les enfants, les malvoyants, les patients des hôpitaux ou les prisonniers. Ses services de base sont gratuits ou
disponibles moyennant un droit d'inscription. Cette définition comprend les services offerts aux écoles par une
bibliothèque publique ainsi que les services fournis aux bibliothèques publiques par un organisme régional.
bibliothèque scolaire
bibliothèque dépendant d'établissements d'enseignement de n'importe quel type au-dessous du niveau de
l'enseignement supérieur, dont la fonction principale est de desservir les élèves et enseignants de tels
NOTE 1 Une bibliothèque scolaire peut aussi être utilisée comme bibliothèque publique.
NOTE 2 Cela comprend également les bibliothèques et les collections de tout établissement d'enseignement
au-dessous du niveau de l'enseignement supérieur, du type de centres de formation continue, instituts de formation
professionnelle, etc.
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ISO 2789:2006(F)
bibliothèque spécialisée
bibliothèque indépendante couvrant une discipline ou un domaine particulier de la connaissance ou un intérêt
local spécifique
NOTE 1 Ce terme comprend les bibliothèques desservant essentiellement une catégorie particulière d'usagers ou
concernant essentiellement une forme particulière de documents ou les bibliothèques parrainées par un organisme pour
servir aux besoins propres à ses activités.
NOTE 2 Les statistiques concernant les bibliothèques spécialisées sont généralement recueillies et présentées
séparément selon les domaines définis de à (en fonction des types d'institutions qui les financent).
bibliothèque d'administration
bibliothèque gérée pour desservir tout service administratif, ministère ou administration dépendant du
gouvernement ou du parlement, y compris les organismes gouvernementaux internationaux, nationaux ou
locaux (régionaux)
bibliothèque médicale ou de service de santé
bibliothèque qui dessert les professionnels des services de santé dans les hôpitaux ou ailleurs, que ce soit
dans le secteur privé ou public
NOTE Les bibliothèques des sociétés pharmaceutiques sont comptées parmi les bibliothèques du secteur industriel
et commercial (voir
bibliothèque d'associations et d'organismes professionnels et savants
bibliothèque gérée par des associations professionnelles ou corporatives, des sociétés savantes, des
syndicats et d'autres structures similaires, dont la fonction principale est d'offrir des services aux membres et
praticiens d'une profession ou d'un métier particulier
bibliothèque du secteur industriel et commercial
bibliothèque de toute entreprise industrielle ou commerciale, gérée par l'organisme parent pour répondre aux
besoins d'information de son personnel
NOTE Ce terme comprend les bibliothèques gérées par les consultants en information et en gestion, par les
industries des secteurs secondaires et tertiaires et les bibliothèques des professions juridiques libérales commerciales.
bibliothèque du secteur de la communication
bibliothèque des sociétés et organismes du secteur de la communication et de l'édition, comprenant la presse,
l'édition, la radio, le cinéma et la télévision
bibliothèque régionale
bibliothèque d'importance majeure desservant une région particulière à l'intérieur d'un pays dont la fonction
principale ne peut être décrite comme celle d'une bibliothèque publique, scolaire ou universitaire ni comme
partie d'un réseau national de bibliothèques
autre bibliothèque spécialisée
toute bibliothèque non comprise ailleurs
EXEMPLES Bibliothèque d'organismes bénévoles, de musées, d'institutions religieuses, etc.
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ISO 2789:2006(F)
bibliothèque de stockage
bibliothèque de dépôt
bibliothèque qui a pour fonction principale de stocker les documents les moins utilisés provenant d'autres
unités administratives
NOTE 1 Les bibliothèques de stockage ou de dépôt qui sont gérées par une autre bibliothèque ou en font partie (par
exemple bibliothèque nationale ou régionale) sont exclues.
NOTE 2 Les bibliothèques dont les fonds restent propriété des bibliothèques déposantes sont exclues. Dans ce cas,
les collections et leur utilisation sont rattachées à la bibliothèque propriétaire.
3.2 Collection
base de données bibliographique
collection de références bibliographiques qui analyse et présente de manière continue des périodiques et/ou
d'autres titres d'une même discipline ou d'une même zone géographique
NOTE Cela comprend les références électroniques et les index qui, sous forme imprimée, seraient comptabilisés
comme périodiques. Les bases de données qui contiennent uniquement du texte intégral sont exclues.
droit d'accès
droit d'accès ou d'utilisation des collections d'une bibliothèque
NOTE En ce qui concerne la collection électronique, cela implique que la bibliothèque ait assuré à ses usagers, par
autorisation légale, par licence, par contrat ou par accord de coopération, le droit permanent ou temporaire d'utiliser ces
document ajouté à une collection durant la période de référence
NOTE Les acquisitions peuvent être obtenues, par exemple, par achat, par licence, par dépôt légal, par numérisation,
par don ou par échange.
document audiovisuel
document qui contient en majorité des sons et/ou des images et qui requiert l'utilisation d'un équipement
spécial pour être écouté et/ou visionné
NOTE 1 Adapté de l'ISO 5127:2001, définition 2.1.19.
NOTE 2 Cela comprend des documents sonores tels que microsillons, cassettes, disques compacts audio, DVD,
fichiers d'enregistrements sonores en mode numérique; des documents visuels tels que diapositives ou transparents et
des documents combinant le son et l'image tels que les films, les enregistrements vidéo etc. Les microformes sont exclues.
NOTE 3 L'utilisation de documents audiovisuels en réseau est comptabilisée conformément à l'Annexe A.
document imprimé non publié en série formé par l'assemblage de feuillets
document cartographique
représentation conventionnelle, à une échelle réduite, de phénomènes concrets ou abstraits qui peuvent être
localisés dans l'espace et le temps
NOTE 1 Adapté de l'ISO 5127:2001, définition
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ISO 2789:2006(F)
NOTE 2 Cela comprend des documents tels que les cartes en deux ou trois dimensions, les globes, les plans, les
modèles topographiques, les cartes en relief et les représentations aériennes, mais exclut les atlas et tous les autres
documents cartographiques sous forme de recueil, en microforme ou sous forme audiovisuelle ou électronique.
disque compact non inscriptible
support informatique qui stocke et restitue des informations à partir de la technologie laser et qui contient des
données textes et/ou multimédia
NOTE Les cédéroms sont comptabilisés selon leur contenu comme base de données, document numérique ou
périodique électronique.
fichier informatique
donnée ou programme logiciel, par exemple jeu d'ordinateur, cours de langue ou autre logiciel d'application,
offerts aux utilisateurs pour le prêt ou la consultation sur place sur des disques lisibles en ordinateur, des
cassettes ou tout autre moyen de stockage
NOTE Adapté de l'ANSI/NISO Z39.7-2004.
unité de contenu documentaire
élément publié sous forme textuelle ou audiovisuelle, identifié de manière unique dans un processus
informatique, et qui peut être un original ou le résumé d'autres publications
NOTE 1 Adapté de item dans le code de bon usage COUNTER, Version 2:2004.
NOTE 2 Les enregistrements descriptifs sont exclus.
NOTE 3 Les formats PDF, Postscript, HTML et autres de la même unité de contenu documentaire, seront comptés
base de données
ensemble d'enregistrements descriptifs ou d'unités de contenu documentaire informatiques (données
factuelles, textes, images et sons), doté d'une interface commune et d'un logiciel pour récupérer ou exploiter
les données
NOTE 1 Les unités ou les enregistrements sont généralement classés avec un objectif précis et concernent un sujet
défini. Une base de données peut être publiée sur cédérom, disquette ou d'autres supports ou en tant que fichier
informatique accessible par téléphone ou par l'internet.
NOTE 2 Les bases de données soumises à licence sont comptabilisées à l'unité, même si l'accès à plusieurs bases de
données soumises à licence est proposé par la même interface.
NOTE 3 Une interface unique d'accès à un bouquet de revues ou de documents numériques, habituellement proposée
par un éditeur ou un fournisseur est également comptée comme une base de données. En outre, chaque revue ou
document numérique a besoin d'être comptabilisé en tant que tel.
NOTE 4 Des catégories supplémentaires sont proposées en B.2.1.7.
enregistrement descriptif
enregistrement bibliographique ou autre, traité en informatique dans un format normalisé, qui référence et/ou
décrit un document numérique ou une unité de contenu documentaire. Un ensemble d'enregistrements
descriptifs est habituellement publié sous forme de base de données
NOTE 1 Une collection d'enregistrements descriptifs est habituellement publiée sous forme de base de données.
6 © ISO 2006 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 2789:2006(F)
NOTE 2 L'enregistrement descriptif peut comprendre des éléments tels que le titre, l'auteur, le sujet, le résumé, la date
ou l'origine, etc.
document numérique
unité documentaire numérisée par la bibliothèque ou acquise sous forme numérique comme élément de la
collection de cette bibliothèque
NOTE 1 Cela comprend les livres électroniques, les brevets électroniques, les documents audiovisuels en réseau et
les autres documents numériques, par exemple les rapports, les documents cartographiques et musicaux, les
prépublications, etc. Les bases de données et les périodiques électroniques sont exclus.
NOTE 2 Les éléments faisant partie des bases de données sont décrits en 3.2.10.
NOTE 3 Un document numérique peut être structuré en un ou plusieurs fichiers.
NOTE 4 Un document numérique comprend une ou plusieurs unités de contenu documentaire.
information enregistrée ou objet matériel qui peut être traité comme une unité dans une chaîne documentaire
[ISO 5127:2001, définition 1.2.02]
NOTE Les documents peuvent varier dans leur forme physique et leurs caractéristiques.
disque numérique polyvalent
catégorie de support de stockage optique de la même dimension qu'un disque compact dont la capacité est
beaucoup plus importante
livre électronique
document électronique, sous licence ou non, dans lequel le texte

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