ISO/IEC 23090-5:2023
(Main)Information technology — Coded representation of immersive media — Part 5: Visual volumetric video-based coding (V3C) and video-based point cloud compression (V-PCC)
Information technology — Coded representation of immersive media — Part 5: Visual volumetric video-based coding (V3C) and video-based point cloud compression (V-PCC)
This document specifies the syntax, semantics and decoding for visual volumetric media using video‑based coding methods. This document also specifies processes that can be needed for reconstruction of visual volumetric media, which can also include additional processes such as post‑decoding, pre-reconstruction, post‑reconstruction and adaptation.
Technologie de l'information — Représentation codée de média immersifs — Partie 5: Codage basé sur la vidéo volumétrique (V3C) et compression de nuage de points basée sur la vidéo (V-PCC)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 23090-5
Second edition
Information technology — Coded
representation of immersive media —
Part 5:
Visual volumetric video-based coding
(V3C) and video-based point cloud
compression (V-PCC)
Technologie de l'information — Représentation codée de média
immersifs —
Partie 5: Codage basé sur la vidéo volumétrique (V3C) et compression
de nuage de points basée sur la vidéo (V-PCC)
Reference number
© ISO/IEC 2023
© ISO/IEC 2023
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Published in Switzerland
© ISO/IEC 2023 – All rights reserved
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction . vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms .15
5 Conventions .16
5.1 General . 16
5.2 Arithmetic operators . 17
5.3 Logical operators . 17
5.4 Relational operators . 17
5.5 Bit-wise operators . 17
5.6 Assignment operators . 18
5.7 Other operators . 18
5.8 Mathematical functions . 18
5.9 Order of operation precedence . 19
5.10 Variables, syntax elements, and tables . 20
5.11 Text description of logical operations . 21
5.12 Processes . 23
6 Overall V3C characteristics, decoding operations, and post-decoding processes .23
6.1 V3C characteristics .23
6.2 V3C bitstream characteristics, decoding operations, and post-decoding processes .26
7 Bitstream format, partitioning, and scanning processes .27
7.1 General . 27
7.2 V3C bitstream formats . 27
7.3 NAL bitstream formats .28
7.4 Partitioning of atlas frames into tiles .28
7.5 Tile partition scanning process .29
8 Syntax and semantics .30
8.1 Method of specifying syntax in tabular form . .30
8.2 Specification of syntax functions and descriptors . 31
8.3 Syntax in tabular form . 33
8.3.1 General . 33
8.3.2 V3C unit syntax . 35
8.3.3 Byte alignment syntax .36
8.3.4 V3C parameter set syntax . 36
8.3.5 NAL unit syntax . . 42
8.3.6 Raw byte sequence payloads, trailing bits, and byte alignment syntax . 43
8.3.7 Atlas tile data unit syntax .50
8.3.8 Supplemental enhancement information message syntax .54
8.4 Semantics . 55
8.4.1 General . 55
8.4.2 V3C unit semantics .55
8.4.3 Byte alignment semantics . 57
8.4.4 V3C parameter set semantics . 57
8.4.5 NAL unit semantics . 67
8.4.6 Raw byte sequence payloads, trailing bits, and byte alignment semantics .77
8.4.7 Atlas tile data unit semantics . 91
8.4.8 Supplemental enhancement information message semantics .99
9 Decoding process .99
9.1 General decoding process .99
© ISO/IEC 2023 – All rights reserved
9.2 Atlas data decoding process .101
9.2.1 General atlas data decoding process . 101
9.2.2 Decoding process for a coded atlas frame . 101
9.2.3 Atlas NAL unit decoding process .102
9.2.4 Atlas tile header decoding process .103
9.2.5 Decoding process for patch data units .107
9.2.6 Decoding process of the block to patch map .122
9.2.7 Conversion of tile level patch information to atlas level patch information .123
9.3 Occupancy video decoding process .125
9.4 Geometry video decoding process .126
9.5 Attribute video decoding process .129
9.6 Packed video decoding process .131
9.7 Common atlas data decoding process.132
9.7.1 General common atlas data decoding process.132
9.7.2 Decoding process for a coded common atlas frame .133
9.7.3 Common atlas NAL unit decoding process . .133
9.7.4 Common atlas frame order count derivation process . .133
9.8 Sub-bitstream extraction process .135
9.8.1 General .135
9.8.2 V3C unit extraction .135
9.8.3 NAL unit extraction process .136
10 Pre-reconstruction process . 136
11 Reconstruction process . 136
12 Post-reconstruction process . 137
13 Adaptation process . 137
14 Parsing process .
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