ISO/IEC 9592-1:1989/Cor 1:1993
(Corrigendum)Information processing systems — Computer graphics — Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) — Part 1: Functional description — Technical Corrigendum 1
Information processing systems — Computer graphics — Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System (PHIGS) — Part 1: Functional description — Technical Corrigendum 1
Systèmes de traitement de l'information — Infographie — Interface de programmation du système graphique hiérarchisé (PHIGS) — Partie 1: Description fonctionnelle — Rectificatif technique 1
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Published 1993-10- 15
Information processing systems - Computer graphics -
Programmer's Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System
Part 1:
Functional descript
Systèmes de traitement de l'information - Infographie - Interface de programmation du système graphique hiérarchisé
Partie 1: Description fonctionnelle
Technical corrigendum 1 to international Standard ISO/IEC 9592-1:1989 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISOlIEC
JTC 1, Information technology.
O Page29
Subclause 4.4.5
Replace the third paragraph with the following:
A function is provided to delete a structure network. The DELETE STRUCTURE NETWORK function will delete the
indicated structure and structures in the structure network originating with the specified structure. The handling of
structures referenced by other structures outside the specified structure network is controlled by a reference handling
flag. When this flag is specified as KEEP, those structures of the specified structure network which have at least one
maximal ancestor path which does not contain the specified structure are not deleted. Those structures of the specified
structure network for which all maximal ancestor paths contain the specified structure are deleted as if DELETE
STRUCTURE were called to delete each structure individually. A maximal ancestor path of a structure S is a path
((Al,EI),(A2,E2), ., (S,O)) where AI is not referenced in any EXECUTE STRUCTURE element in the CSS. When this flag is
specified as DELETE each structure of the specified structure network is deleted as if DELETE STRUCTURE were called to
delete each structure individually. The specified structure is deleted; the effect is the same as if DELETE STRUCTURE
were called with the specified structure.
Ref. No. ISO/IEC 9592-1 : 1989Kor. 1 : 1993 (El
UDC 681.3.01 : 681.3.072.2 (0841
Descriptors : data processing, information interchange, graphic data processing, data handling, data transfer, description.
O ISO/IEC 1993
Printed in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC 9592-1 :1989/Cor.l:1993 (E)
Page 30
Subclause 4.4.6
Third paragraph, change "path order" to "truncation method" in two places.
Page 32
Subclause 4.4.7
Fourth paragraph, change "path order" to "truncation method" in two places.
Page 43
Subclause 4.5.3
Replace the third paragraph with the following:
The linewidth is calculated as a nominal linewidth multiplied by the linewidth scale factor. If necessary, the linewidth
scale factor is adjusted by the workstation to give the nearest available linewidth. For example, if the value is less than or
equal to zero (O), the thinnest available linewidth is used.
Page 44
Subclause 4.5.4
Replace the third paragraph with the following:
The marker size is calculated as a nominal marker size multiplied by the marker size scale factor. If necessary, the marker
size scale factor is adjusted by the workstation to give the nearest available marker size. For example, if the value is less
than or equal to zero (O), the smallest available marker size is used. Marker type 1 is always displayed as the smallest
displayable dot.
Page 60
Subclause 4.5.8
In the sentence beginning "The pattern box is.", insert the words "of equal size" after the word "cells".
Page 65
Subclause 4.5.15
Final paragraph, replace the second and third sentences with the following:
The range of accessible names shall be [O.(number of available names-111 and during traversal, any NAME SET shall be
able to contain all of the names in that range. In addition, workstation filters shall be able to contain all of the names in
that range.
Page 67
Subclause 4.6.1
First paragraph, replace the fifth sentence with the following:
Data in the centralized structure store may be displayed under application control on any open workstation which has
output capability.
Page 76
Subclause 4.6.6
Second paragraph, add the words "or through registration" at the end of the second sentence.
Page 87
Subclause 4.7.5
In the first full paragraph, add the word "boundaries" after "view window" in the fifth line.
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ISO/IEC 9592-1:1989/Cor.l:1993 (E)
Page 92
Subclause 4.7.7
Sixth paragraph, first sentence, insert the text "(without regard to the current clipping indicators)" after the words "clipping
I limits" in the first line.
Page 98
Subclause 4.8.3
Add the following text to the end of the second last paragraph:
1 For the Prompt and Echo Types (PETS) defined in 5.10.2, the measure value is not changed when a trigger is received. For
other registered or implementation-defined PETS, the description of the PET should document the impact on the
I measure value when a trigger is received while in EVENT mode.
I Page 700
, Subclause 4.8.4
Item b), first sentence and item e), first sentence, insert the text "(without regard to the current clipping indicators)" after the
words "clipping limits".
a Page 702
Subciause 4.8.6
Item a), delete the third and fourth sentences.
Page 720
Subclause 5.2 \
Page 734
Subclause 5.4.2
SET LINETYPE Effect section, replace the final paragraph with the following:
When an element of this type is interpreted, if the element's linetype is not available on the workstation, the 'current
linetype' entry in the PHIGS traversal state list is set to 1.
Page 735
Subclause 5.4.2
SET LINEWIDTH SCALE FACTOR Effect section, replace the final paragraph with the following:
When an element of this type is interpreted, the element's linewidth scale factor value is multiplied by the nominal
0 linewidth on a workstation; if the resulting linewidth is not available on the workstation, the linewidth scale factor is
adjusted to give the nearest available linewidth.
SET POLYLINE COLOUR INDEX Effect section, replace the final paragraph with the following:
When an element of this type is interpreted, if the element's polyline colour index is not available on the workstation, the
'current poyline colour index' entry in the PHIGS traversal state list is set to 1.
Page 736
Subclause 5.4.2
SET MARKER SIZE SCALE FACTOR Effect section, replace the final paragraph with the following:
When an element of this type is interpreted, the element's marker size scale factor value is multiplied by the nominal
marker size on a workstation; if the resulting marker size is not available on the workstation, the marker size scale factor
is adjusted to give the nearest available marker size.
Page 749
Subclause 5.4.2
ADD NAMES TO SET Effect section, add a third paragraph as follows:
When an element of this type is interpreted, only those members of the name set associated with the element which are
contained in the range [O.(number of available names - 111 are processed. Any members of the name set ass~ciated with
the element which are outside of the range [O.(number of available names - I)] are ignored.
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ISO/IEC 9592-1 :1989/Cor.l:1993 (E)
REMOVE NAMES FROM §ET Effect section, add a third paragraph as follows:
When an element of this type is interpreted, only those members of the name set associated with the element which are
contained in the range [O.(number of available names - 111 are processed. Any members of the name set associated with
the element which are outside of the range [O.humber of available names - 111 are ignored.
Page 158
Subclause 5.4.5
SET HIGHLIGHTING FILTER Effect section, add the following to the end of the first paragraph:
Only those members of the highlighting filter parameter which are contained in the range [O.humber of available
names - I)] are used to set the 'highlighting filter' entry in the workstation state list of the specified workstation. Any
members of the highlighting filter parameter which are outside of the range IO.(number of available names - I)] are
Page 159
Subclause 5.4.5
SET INVISIBILITY FILTER Effect section, add the following to the end of the first paragraph:
Only those members of the invisibility filter parameter which are contained in the range [O.(number of available
names- I)] are used to set the 'invisibility filter' entry in the workstation state list of the specified workstation. Any
members of the invisibility filter parameter which are outside of the range [O.(number of available names - 111 are
Page 160
Subclause 5.4.7
SET HLHSR IDENTIFIER Effect section, insert the following text between the two paragraphs:
The HLHSR IDENTIFIERS are as follows:
<= O implementati
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