Information technology — JPSearch — Part 1: System framework and components

ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007 specifies a framework for interoperability for still image search and retrieval and identifies an architecture and the components in this framework, the linkages between components, and which of these components and links are to be standardized in ISO/IEC 24800. ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007 specifies the following: Definitions of terms and abbreviations. A review of traditional approaches to image search and from various examples, motivates the importance of the user in the search process, the importance of making explicit the user task and user evaluation, and that meaning in images may be as much added from outside as extracted from the image itself. Real use cases of the various ways searching take place. In particular, there could be multiple entry points into the overall search framework. These include automatic, semi-automatic, and human (user) driven searches. A description of the overall search and management process. This can be considered the requirements specifications for a general search and management architecture. A 4-layer architecture for ISO/IEC 24800 and explicitly identifies the components in the architecture, and their roles and positions in the architecture. The overall structure of ISO/IEC 24800 and the purpose of the subsequent sub-parts: ISO/IEC 24800-2: Schema and ontology registration and identification ISO/IEC 24800-3: ISO/IEC 24800 query format ISO/IEC 24800-4: Metadata embedded in image data (JPEG-1 and JPEG-2000) file format ISO/IEC 24800-5: Data interchange format between image repositories

Technologies de l'information — JPSearch — Partie 1: Cadre système et composants

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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007 - Information technology -- JPSearch
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Information technology — JPSearch —
Part 1:
System framework and components
Technologies de l'information — JPSearch —
Partie 1: Cadre système et composants

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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
ISO/IEC 2007

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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope .1
1.1 Interoperable Image Search and Retrieval.1
1.2 Motivation.1
1.3 Outline of the Technical Report .2
2 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviated Terms .3
2.1 Terms and definitions .3
2.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms .4
3 Background and motivation of a user-centric approach to image search .4
3.1 Traditional Models of Image Search and Retrieval .4
3.2 The user as part of the retrieval system.5
3.3 User task and user evaluation.6
3.4 Meaning also comes from outside.8
4 Use Cases.11
4.1 Introduction.11
4.2 Searching images in stock photo collections for usage in magazines .11
4.3 Searching for and publishing authoritative themed sub-collections of images.11
4.4 Mobile Tourist Information .11
4.5 Surveillance Search from Desktop to Mobile Device with Alerts .11
4.6 Ad hoc search without time-consuming housekeeping tasks.11
4.7 Rights clearance to publish a compliant business document.11
4.8 Tracking an object creation process using a temporal series of photos .11
4.9 Finding illegal or unauthorized use of images .11
4.10 Finding the best shots or filtering out of the worse shots.12
4.11 Context searching without human annotation .12
4.12 Image search based on image quality.12
4.13 Image search with deduplication .12
4.14 Matching images between collections for synchronization.12
4.15 Social metadata updating and sharing of images for searching.12
4.16 Image search in the medical domain.12
4.17 Servants image searchers .12
4.18 Open federated repositories.13
5 Image search and management process .13
5.1 Introduction.13
5.2 Metadata flow .13
5.3 Query process flow.15
6 JPSearch Architecture .18
6.1 Overview of the architecture .18
6.2 Parts to be standardized .20
6.3 Architecture justification with use cases.20
7 Organization of the JPSearch specification .21
7.1 Overall Structure of JPSearch.21
7.2 Part 2: Schema and ontology registration and identification .21
7.3 Part 3: JPSearch query format .22
7.4 Part 4: Metadata embedded in image data (JPEG and JPEG 2000) file format .22
7.5 Part 5: Data interchange format between image repositories .22
Annex A (informative) Use Cases .24
Bibliography .37
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
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— type 1, when the required support cannot be obtained for the publication of an International Standard,
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— type 2, when the subject is still under technical development or where for any other reason there is the
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— type 3, when the joint technical committee has collected data of a different kind from that which is
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1, which is a Technical Report of type [3], was prepared by Joint Technical Committee
ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and
hypermedia information.
ISO/IEC TR 24800 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — JPSearch:
⎯ Part 1: System framework and components
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
JPSearch aims to provide a standard for interoperability for still image search and retrieval systems. There are
many systems that provide image search and retrieval functionality on computer desktops, on the World Wide
Web (i.e. websearch), on imaging devices, and in other consumer and professional applications. Existing
systems are implemented in a way that tightly couples many components of the search process. JPSearch
provides an abstract framework search architecture that decouples the components of image search and
provides a standard interface between these components.
Aligning image search system design to this standard framework facilitates the use and reuse of metadata;
the use and reuse of profiles and ontologies to provide a common context for searching; the provision of a
common query language to search easily across multiple repositories with the same search semantics; allows
image repositories to be independent of particular system implementations; and for users to move easily or
upgrade their image management applications or to move to a different device or upgrade to a new computer.

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Information technology — JPSearch —
Part 1:
System framework and components
1 Scope
1.1 Interoperable Image Search and Retrieval
This Technical Report specifies two things. The first is a framework for interoperability for still image search
and retrieval. The second identifies an architecture and the components in this framework, the linkages
between components, and which of these components and links are to be standardized in JPSearch.
The image search and retrieval framework will be determined by real use cases (tasks) and will leverage on
lessons learnt in the long history of text retrieval where, for example, different users issuing the same query
may be looking for (very) different results. This is important because it means that the framework must be
general enough to support many possible approaches to image retrieval, e.g., from using only low-level image
features, to text annotations, to community input, or a mixture of such approaches.
From the framework and components, and the linkages and flow of data between them, the parts of JPSearch
that need to be standardized can be determined.
1.2 Motivation
There are many applications that provide image search and retrieval functionality on computer desktops, on
the World Wide Web (i.e., websearch), on imaging devices, and in other consumer and professional
applications. These implementations are characterized by significant limitations, including:
• Lack of the ability to reuse metadata

The biggest problem in still image management is consistent and complete user or system annotation
(in whatever form) of images. A user makes a heavy investment if and when they annotate an image
or a collection of images. For example, a user adopts System A for storing and managing still images.
The user discovers System B, which provides improved and desirable functionality, but is effectively
prevented from switching to System B because the metadata in System A cannot be easily (or at all)
used in System B. In this example, users are impeded in using the applications or systems that best
suit their needs; and system providers are unable to compete freely with their products.

This problem generalizes in community based image sharing systems, where multiple users may
annotate the shared images. In most cases, however, an image has a single owner and there is a
need for the ability to merge community metadata back into the owner’s image management system.
This ability would help overcome the difficult problem of manual still image annotation.

• Lack of a common query format and search semantics

There is a trend towards shared image repositories. These could be on the web, but there are also
systems that publish user repositories residing on their local (e.g., home) machines for (normally
access controlled) public viewing and annotation. As the number and size of such repositories
increase (a monotonic increasing trend), search becomes an essential function for users to navigate
shared repositories.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
Unfortunately, the various systems providing image search, whether on the desktop or on the
web, do not provide a common way of specifying a search. This is not the same as having a
common user-interface since the look and feel is up to a system provider to provide and for
the user to like or not like. The problem is that a query such as “white car” may be interpreted
as a Boolean “white” AND “car” or “white” OR “car”, or “white car” as a phrase, etc., and the
interpretation may be different when the search is done against the image data or against text
metadata, or against other metadata. Users are confused because different systems return
different results for the same query. System providers need a reference standard to remove
ambiguity and make searching over shared repositories consistent.

• Lack of a common format for handling context in searching

A large adult describing a 5-foot tall man may use the word “short”. A small child looking at
the same person may say “tall”. This does not mean that the person is both “short” and “tall”
at the same time; rather it is the context that has changed. Similarly, when a doctor does a
query using the term “skin cancer”, he or she probably expects a very different set of images
from when a patient searches with the same query term. Searching for images always takes
place in a context. This context may be implicit or explicit.

Some systems allow the user to specify a context and there are other systems that
automatically imply a user’s context. There is no way for the context in one search system to
be used in a different search system. A common format for handling context allows a user to
carry their context with them to different search engines. It also allows the context to be
owned by the user and not by the system, i.e., it protects the user’s privacy.

These are just three examples of where still image search systems can benefit tremendously from
interoperability. Other examples include how metadata can be created, evolved and stored, and also how
image collections can have metadata different from and augmenting the metadata of a single image.
Existing systems are implemented in a way that tightly couples many components of the search process.
JPSearch provides an abstract framework search architecture that allows an alignment of system design to a
standard framework. Among other things, this alignment facilitates the use and reuse of metadata, the use
and reuse of ontologies to provide a common language for contexts, the provision of a common query
language, provide standardized interface to system components, and the ability to provide still image search
and retrieval functionality across multiple repositories.
1.3 Outline of the Technical Report
There will be 7 clauses to this report. They are arranged as follows:
Clause 2 provides definitions of terms and abbreviations.
Clause 3 reviews the traditional approaches to image search and from various examples, motivates the
importance of the user in the search process, the importance of making explicit the user task and user
evaluation, and that meaning in images may be as much added from outside as extracted from the image
itself. This motivates the next clause, which are the real use cases.
Clause 4 describes the real use cases of the various ways searching does take place. In particular, there
could be multiple entry points into the overall search framework. These would include automatic, semi-
automatic, and human (user) driven searches. These would include specific use cases and motivating
examples of searches for images.
Clause 5 describes the overall search and management process. This can be considered the requirements
specifications for a general search and management architecture.
Clause 6 describes the 4-layer architecture for JPSearch and explicitly identifies the components in the
architecture, and what their roles and positions are in the architecture. We will describe how the use cases
described in Section 3 map to the layers of this architecture.
Clause 7 specifies the overall structure of JPSearch.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
2 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviated Terms
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and abbreviated terms apply.
2.1 Terms and definitions

metadata added to an image by way of definition or comment
NOTE It is normally in text and done by a human.
Content based retrieval system
system using non-text features of a content to search for similar contents
NOTE The abbreviated term CBIR is used to represent content-based retrieval system for image.
Communal recommendation systems
Systems which track items viewed by customers, and which groups customers by similar interests then
recommends items viewed by one customer to another customer in the same group
Context of a user
circumstances and conditions of the user during a query
Context of a query
context of the user as well as other circumstances and conditions affecting the query
process of placing a user or a process (e.g. a search) into a context
way of organizing data that improves searching the data
EXAMPLE A library catalogue is an index. It is normally sorted alphabetically to make it more efficient to find an
entry in the index. Indexing is the process of creating an index.
data about data
EXAMPLE An image is a data item. Metadata about the image may include information such as the size of the
image, the date it was created, etc.
model that represents a domain and is used to reason about the objects in that domain and the relations
between them
NOTE This is a form of knowledge representation about the world or some part of it.
leftover part in a theory of language and communication after the syntax and semantics have been taken out
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
request for information from a search and retrieval system
Query expansion
technique in information retrieval that adds terms to a query to improve the accuracy of the search or to
increase the number of useful documents retrieved
type of query where an example of the answer desired is used as the input to the search system
Reverse Index
type of index where, given a word, one can look up the reverse index and locate all the documents where the
word occurs, and optionally, where in the document and how often the word occurs
mapping between elements of a language and the real world
set of rules that govern whether a sentence (or other unit of communication) is well formed
2.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms

ALT: Alternative Text
CBIR: Content-Based Image Retrieval
HTML: Hypertext Markup Language
QBE: Query-by-example
UI: User Interface
USB: Universal Serial Bus

3 Background and motivation of a user-centric approach to image search
3.1 Traditional Models of Image Search and Retrieval
To put things into perspective, we need to start with the field of document or text search and retrieval. This
has a long rich history rooted in the field of library science and has evolved through forms of text processing,
information tracking, through to document “retrieval engines”, leading to the various web search engines.
Figure 1(a) shows the naive system view for document search and retrieval that made up the early retrieval
systems. Documents in the collection to be searched had first to be indexed. This was commonly to treat them
as a “bag of words” that were then efficiently stored in a reverse index. A query is normally a bunch of
keywords that is matched against the index and the appropriate documents retrieved.
Figures 1(b) and 1(c) show the traditional approaches to digital image searching. This has primarily fallen into
two camps. The first, as shown in Figure 1(b), is to search by keywords, i.e., it requires each image to be
associated with one or more keywords. There are various schemes to associate the keywords with the images
but the most effective has been manual annotation, e.g., done by home users for their home photos or by
trained domain experts in more commercial settings. As can be seen from comparing 1(a) and 1(b), it is
essentially the same kind of naive document search system.
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)

Figure 1 — Naive system view of information retrieval, Image search, and CBIR.
The second common form of image retrieval uses an image as a query and the system attempts to retrieve
other images that are similar (Figure 1(c)). This is the accepted state of the art in content-based information
retrieval (CBIR) systems. The primary area of research is oriented around discovering and extracting new
kinds of image features to characterize the image for better performance during retrieval. Some of these
features include color (in the form of color histograms, color moments, color deltas, etc.), edges (whether as
line features or “assembled” into higher-order objects), texture, blobs, regions, etc. While the features have
become more sophisticated, fundamentally the systems follow the model in Figure 1(c). Again as can be seen
by comparing with Figures 1(a) and 1(b), there is little difference with the other naive systems.
There are also hybrid systems that combine text and image queries for searching. Text queries are used as
an entry point into a search or browse space, after which image-to-image matching is used to refine the query
or to retrieve further “similar” results. The system as a whole becomes more complex, but each of the
components still behaves as above.
3.2 The user as part of the retrieval system

Figure 1 showed the similarity of current image retrieval models to the naive models of document retrieval
prevalent about 20 years ago. Since that time, document and text retrieval has improved by leaps and
bounds. One of the clear factors in this evolution is the recognition that the user should be treated as an
integral part of the information retrieval process, i.e., that finding the right information is about much more than
just the search system provided by a library or by a vendor or on a website.

Figure 2 — Adding the user into the system model
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ISO/IEC TR 24800-1:2007(E)
Having the user in the loop provides many advantages to a search system. One of the biggest problems in
search is ambiguity i.e., which meaning of a word, or which aspect of an image, is the one that is appropriate
in a given search situation. Consider a chair. If we were to sit on it, it would be a chair. If we wanted to buy
one, we couldn’t go to a “chair store”; we have to go to a furniture store. And assuming it’s a wooden chair, if
we were stuck in a blizzard and feeling really cold, it would be firewood! Different aspects of an object, or a
picture, or a document are appropriate in different circumstances. These circumstances could depend on the
user’s needs (I want to buy one), the context (I’m really cold), the utility (firewood), or any one or more of a
myriad other conditions. The converse of ambiguity is redundancy where one thing can be referred to by many
names, e.g., the planet Venus was also known as the Morning Star and as the Evening Star, or your portable
computer being a laptop or else a notebook computer.
Having the user as part of the system gives us the model shown in Figure 2. The indexing side hasn’t
changed; the query process is a little more complicated. The user has an initial query (step 1) for which the
system returns a set of results, just as in the naive system. However, here the evaluation of the usefulness of
the results is done by the user (step 2) taking into account his or her own circumstances, etc. If necessary, the
query can be modified (step 3) and the search done again.
The user also has other influences on how the search system operates. One important recognition is that
there is not just one kind of search; that users engage in different Information Seeking Strategies (ISS) [Belkin, 1995]. Four dimensions of ISS were identified, specifically Method of Interaction, Goal of Interaction,
Mode of Retrieval, and Resource Considered. To quote,
“method of interaction, can be understood in terms of the classic distinction
between searching for a known item and looking around, or scanning, for
something interesting among a collection of items. The goal of the interaction
may be learning about some aspect of an item or resource, or selecting
useful items for retrieval. Furthermore, looking for identified items can be
characterized as retrieval by specification, while identifying relevant items
through stimulated association can be characterized as retrieval by
recognition. And interaction with information items themselves can be
contrasted with interaction with meta-information resources that describe the
structure and contents of information objects”. [Belkin, 1995, pg 385]
Each of these dimensions represents a choice by the user as they use the search system. If the system does
not support that choice, then the user is, in a sense, fighting with the system to achieve his or h

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