ISO 11620:2008
(Main)Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
ISO 11620:2008 specifies the requirements of a performance indicator for libraries and establishes a set of performance indicators to be used by libraries of all types. It also provides guidance on how to implement performance indicators in libraries where such performance indicators are not already in use. The list and descriptions of the performance indicators are also summarized. ISO 11620:2008 provides a standardized terminology and concise definitions of the performance indicators. Furthermore, ISO 11620:2008 contains concise descriptions of the performance indicators and of the collection and the analysis of data needed. ISO 11620:2008 is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries. However, not all performance indicators are applicable to all libraries. Limitations on the applicability of individual performance indicators are also listed for each performance indicator. ISO 11620:2008 does not specify performance indicators for all services, activities, and uses of the resources of the library, either because such performance indicators had not been proposed and tested at the time of formulation of ISO 11620:2008, or because they did not fulfil the criteria specified.
Information et documentation — Indicateurs de performance des bibliothèques
L'ISO 11620:2008 définit les spécifications d'un indicateur de performance des bibliothèques et établit une série d'indicateurs destinés à être employés par tous types de bibliothèques. Elle donne aussi des conseils sur la manière d'utiliser des indicateurs de performance là où ils ne sont pas encore en usage. La liste des indicateurs de performance est également résumée. L'ISO 11620:2008 offre une terminologie normalisée et une définition concise des indicateurs de performance. De plus, elle décrit précisément les modalités d'élaboration de ces indicateurs ainsi que les processus de collecte et d'analyse des données requises. L'ISO 11620:2008 s'applique à tous les types de bibliothèques dans tous les pays. Cependant tous les indicateurs de performance ne s'appliquent pas à toutes les bibliothèques. Les restrictions apportées à l'application d'indicateurs de performance particuliers sont énumérées pour chaque indicateur de performance. L'ISO 11620:2008 ne spécifie pas certains services, activités et utilisations des ressources de la bibliothèque ne font pas actuellement l'objet d'indicateurs de performance soit parce qu'aucun n'a été proposé et testé au moment de la rédaction de l'ISO 11620:2008, soit parce qu'aucun ne remplit les critères retenus.
Informatika in dokumentacija - Kazalci uspešnosti knjižnic
Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za kazalce uspešnosti knjižnic ter vzpostavlja nabor kazalcev uspešnosti, ki se uporabljajo v vseh vrstah knjižnic. Prav tako zagotavlja napotke, kako kazalce uspešnosti uvesti v knjižnicah, kjer ti kazalci še niso v uporabi. Seznam kazalcev uspešnosti je zbran v dodatku A, podrobnosti o uporabi kazalcev uspešnosti pa so podane v dodatku B. Ta mednarodni standard zagotavlja standardizirano izrazje in koncizne definicije kazalcev uspešnosti. Poleg tega ta mednarodni standard vsebuje jedrnat opis kazalcev uspešnosti ter opise zbiranja in analiziranja potrebnih podatkov. Ta mednarodni standard je uporaben za vse vrste knjižnic v vseh državah, vendar pa ni mogoče vseh kazalcev uspešnosti uporabiti v vseh knjižnicah. Omejitve uporabe posameznih kazalcev uspešnosti so za vsak kazalec uspešnosti posebej navedene v dodatku B. Ta mednarodni standard ne določa kazalcev uspešnosti za vse storitve, aktivnosti in uporabo virov knjižnice, bodisi zato, ker taki kazalci uspešnosti niso bili predlagani in preskušeni v času oblikovanja tega mednarodnega standarda, bodisi zato, ker ne izpolnjujejo določenih meril (glej točko 4.2).
General Information
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Second edition
Information and documentation — Library
performance indicators
Information et documentation — Indicateurs de performance des
Reference number
ISO 11620:2008(E)
ISO 2008
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions. 1
3 Notation . 8
4 Criteria and descriptive framework. 8
4.1 General. 8
4.2 Criteria . 9
4.3 Descriptive framework . 9
4.3.1 General. 9
4.3.2 Balanced Scorecard Approach . 9
4.3.3 Description of performance indicators. 10
5 Uses of performance indicators. 12
5.1 General considerations. 12
5.2 Selection of performance indicators . 12
5.3 Limitations. 13
5.3.1 Optimizing scores on performance indicators . 13
5.3.2 Degree of accuracy. 13
5.3.3 User skills versus library performance . 13
5.3.4 Linking resources to services . 14
5.3.5 Comparability of performance indicator data. 14
Annex A (normative) List of performance indicators for libraries . 15
Annex B (normative) List of descriptions of performance indicators . 19
Bibliography . 85
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 11620 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Quality — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 11620:1998), its Amendment 1
(ISO 11620:1998/Amd.1:2003) and ISO/TR 20983:2003, which have been technically revised. The revision
incorporates performance indicators for electronic and traditional library services and resources into a single
document, and includes technical updates to performance indicators of electronic and traditional library
services and resources.
iv © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
This International Standard is concerned with the evaluation of libraries of all types.
The main purpose of this International Standard is to endorse the use of performance indicators in libraries
and to spread knowledge about how to conduct performance measurement.
This international library community has expressed its commitment to the development of an International
Standard for library performance indicators. By the establishment of this International Standard, the use of
performance indicators can be advanced and libraries in developing and developed countries will benefit from
the knowledge and skills associated with formal planning procedures and data collection processes.
The quality of library services is related to the broader topic of quality management and quality assurance.
This International Standard acknowledges and supports the standards prepared by ISO/TC 176.
Every performance indicator in this International Standard is given a unique name. This name sometimes
differs from the literature upon which its description is based. Such differences are documented in the
descriptions of the performance indicators.
The performance indicators included in this International Standard are either in widespread use or well
documented in the literature. Some of the descriptions of performance indicators incorporate modifications of
performance indicators described elsewhere: these reflect practical experience or the need to generalize.
Input and resource based ratios are very well documented in the literature and provide a context for library
performance indicators as defined in this International Standard.
There are some library activities and services for which, during the development of this International Standard,
there was a general lack of tested and well-documented performance indicators. These include outcome and
impact measures for libraries. Electronic services will continue to develop and evolve, and such evolution will
require monitoring as related to the performance indicators in this International Standard. The library and
information community is encouraged to establish mechanisms and to give a high priority to developing
relevant performance indicators for existing and emerging library services and resources.
This International Standard does not include performance indicators for the evaluation of the outcomes of
library services either on individuals, the communities that libraries serve, or on society at this time. This is an
evolving area of performance measurement for libraries. This International Standard will be maintained and
developments monitored. Additional performance indicators will be incorporated as they are tested and
Performance indicators may be used for comparison over time within the same library. Comparisons between
libraries may also be made, but only with caution. Between library comparisons will need to take into account
any differences in the constituencies of the libraries, with good understanding of the performance indicators
used, and careful interpretation of the data (see 5.3.5).
There are other limitations to the performance indicators in this International Standard that depend on local
factors such as the community the library serves, service mandates, and technology infrastructure
configuration. It is advisable that results from the use of performance indicators listed in this International
Standard be interpreted with regard to these factors.
The performance indicators included in this International Standard do not reflect all possible measures or
evaluation techniques. The International Standard offers accepted, tested, and publicly accessible
methodologies and approaches to measuring a range of library service performance.
This International Standard is not intended to exclude the use of performance indicators that have not been
specified within it (see Clause 5).
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
More detailed information concerning methodology and analysis in establishing performance indicators in
libraries can be found in References [1] to [30] listed in the Bibliography.
A group operating under the auspices of ISO/TC 46/SC 8 is responsible for maintaining this International
Standard. Newly developed performance indicators are vetted by an appointed group of experts and
descriptions are published as amendments to this International Standard as rapidly as possible after ballot
submitted to the national committees.
vi © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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Information and documentation — Library performance
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements of a performance indicator for libraries and establishes
a set of performance indicators to be used by libraries of all types. It also provides guidance on how to
implement performance indicators in libraries where such performance indicators are not already in use. The
list of performance indicators are summarized in Annex A and details given in Annex B.
This International Standard provides a standardized terminology and concise definitions of the performance
indicators. Furthermore, this International Standard contains concise descriptions of the performance
indicators and of the collection and the analysis of data needed.
This International Standard is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries. However, not all performance
indicators are applicable to all libraries. Limitations on the applicability of individual performance indicators are
listed for each performance indicator in Annex B.
This International Standard does not specify performance indicators for all services, activities, and uses of the
resources of the library, either because such performance indicators had not been proposed and tested at the
time of formulation of this International Standard, or because they did not fulfil the criteria specified (see 4.2).
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ease of reaching and using a service or facility
active borrower
registered user who has borrowed at least one item during the reporting period
active user
registered user who has visited or made use of library facilities or services during the reporting period
NOTE This may include the use of electronic library services.
suitability of any given performance indicator for evaluating a specific activity
degree to which content, documents, facilities or services are actually provided by the library at the time
required by users
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
computer file
data or software program, e.g. computer game, language course and other application software that is
available on computer-readable disks, tapes or other storage media to users for loan or in-house use
NOTE Adapted from ANSI/NISO Z39.7:2004.
content downloaded
content unit that is successfully requested from a database, electronic serial or digital document
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.3]
content unit
computer-processed uniquely identifiable textual or audiovisual piece of published work that may be original or
a digest of other published work
NOTE 1 Adapted from item in COUNTER code of practice, Release 2:2004.
NOTE 2 Descriptive records are excluded.
NOTE 3 PDF, Postscript, HTML and other formats of the same content unit will be counted as separate items.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.9]
collection of electronically stored descriptive records or content units (including facts, full texts, pictures, and
sound) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data
NOTE 1 The units or records are usually collected with a particular intent and are related to a defined topic. A database
can be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct-access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or
via the internet.
NOTE 2 Licensed databases are counted separately even if access to several licensed database products is effected
through the same interface.
NOTE 3 A common interface providing access to a packet of serials or digital documents, usually offered by a
publisher or vendor, is also to be counted as database. Additionally, the single serials or digital documents need to be
counted as serials or digital documents.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.10]
descriptive record
computer-processed bibliographic or other individual record in a standard format that references and/or
describes a document in any physical form or a content unit
NOTE 1 A collection of descriptive records is usually published in the form of a database.
NOTE 2 The record can include elements such as title, author, subject, abstract, date of origin, etc.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.11]
digital document
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part
of the library collection
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
NOTE 1 This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g.
reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints, etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 Items incorporated in databases are covered by 2.9.
NOTE 3 A digital document can be structured into one or more files.
NOTE 4 A digital document consists of one or more content units.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.12]
recorded information or material object, which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process
[ISO 5127:2001, definition 1.2.2]
NOTE Documents may differ in their physical form and characteristics.
successful request of a descriptive record or content unit, e.g. for displaying, printing, saving, or e-mailing
NOTE For web server logs, successful requests are those with specific return codes, as defined by NCSA (National
Center for Supercomputing Applications).
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.4]
measure of the degree to which given objectives are achieved
NOTE An activity is effective if it maximizes the results it was established to produce.
measure of the utilization of resources to realize a given objective
NOTE An activity is efficient if it minimizes the use of resources, or produces better performance with the same
electronic book
digital document, licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a
print book (monograph)
NOTE 1 The use of eBooks is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing
NOTE 2 eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the
user’s PC for a limited time period.
NOTE 3 Doctoral dissertations in electronic format are included.
NOTE 4 Documents digitized by the library are included.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.15]
process of estimating the effectiveness, efficiency, utility and relevance of a service or facility
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
external user
user of a library who does not belong to that library’s population to be served
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.8]
equipment, study places, etc., provided for library users
NOTE Includes photocopiers, online terminals, CD-ROM workstations, seats for reading and study carrels, but
excludes toilets, cafes and public telephones.
free internet resource
internet resource with unrestricted access
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.18]
full-time equivalent
measurement equal to one staff person working a full-time work schedule for one year
EXAMPLE If out of three persons employed as librarians, one works quarter-time, one works half-time, and one
works full-time, then the FTE of these three persons would be 0,25 + 0,5 + 1,0 = 1,75 librarians (FTE).
NOTE Not all libraries may use the same number of hours per year to determine an FTE. Thus, any comparative
measures between libraries may need to consider any differences in hours.
desired state of affairs to be achieved by the implementation of agreed policies
performance indicator
expression (which may be numeric, symbolic or verbal) used to characterize activities (events, objects,
persons) both in quantitative and qualitative terms in order to assess the value of the activities characterized,
and the associated method
organization, or part of an organization, the main aims of which are to build and maintain a collection and to
facilitate the use of such information resources and facilities as are required to meet the informational,
research, educational, cultural or recreational needs of its users
NOTE 1 These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and services
incidental to its main purpose.
NOTE 2 Where a library has more than one function (e.g. school library and public library), it generally either decides
what is its primary function or, in extreme cases, divides its functionality and report data accordingly.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.1.5]
NOTE 3 This may include virtual and/or electronic libraries provided that they adhere to the primary definition of a
4 © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
library website
unique domain on the internet consisting of a collection of web pages that is published by a library to provide
access to the library’s services and resources
NOTE 1 The pages of a website are usually interconnected by the use of hypertext links.
NOTE 2 Excludes documents that fit the definitions of electronic collection and free internet resources that can be
linked from the library website.
NOTE 3 Excludes web services in the library’s domain that are operated on behalf of other organizations.
direct lending or delivery transaction of an item in non-electronic form (e.g. book), of an electronic document
on a physical carrier (e.g. CD-ROM) or other device (e.g. eBook reader), or transmission of an electronic
document to one user for a limited time period (e.g. eBook)
NOTE 1 Loans include user-initiated renewals as well as registered loans within the library (on-site loans). Renewals
need to be counted separately.
NOTE 2 Loans include copied documents supplied in place of original documents (including fax) and printouts of
electronic documents made by library staff for the user.
NOTE 3 Loans of documents in physical form to distance users are included here.
NOTE 4 Mediated electronic transmission of documents is counted as electronic document delivery if their use is
permitted for unlimited time. This includes transmissions to members of the population to be served.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.14]
structured data about data, including data associated with either an information system or an information
object for purposes of description, administration, legal requirements, technical functionality, use and usage,
and preservation
NOTE Adapted from Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
statement approved by the authorities formulating the organization’s goals and its choices in services and
products development
specific target for an activity to be attained as a contribution to achieving the goal of an organization
effectiveness of the provision of services by the library and the efficiency of the allocation and use of
resources in providing services
performance indicator
numerical, symbolic or verbal expression, derived from library statistics and data used to characterize the
performance of a library
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
population to be served
number of individuals for whom the library is set up to provide its services and materials
NOTE For public libraries, this will normally be the population of the legal service area (authority); for libraries of an
institution of higher education, this will normally be the total of academic and professional staff plus students.
degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements
NOTE 1 The term “quality” can be used with adjectives such as poor, good or excellent.
NOTE 2 “Inherent”, as opposed to “assigned”, means existing in something, especially as a permanent characteristic.
[ISO 9000:2005, definition 3.1.1]
record downloaded
descriptive record that is successfully requested from a database or the online catalogue
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.19]
operating expenditure
ordinary expenditure
money spent on staff, and on resources which are used and replaced regularly, excluding capital expenditure
such as main capital items, new buildings, extensions or modifications to existing buildings and computer
NOTE Operating expenditure is calculated in various ways in different institutions, authorities and countries, and it
does not seem possible to prescribe only one way of doing it. Calculation will have to be done according to normal
practice in the context where this measure is applied. This also means that comparisons are only valid when calculations
are done according to the same principles. Operating expenditure normally includes: salaries and wages (including
employee benefits, social costs, etc.), costs of acquiring documents for the collection, administrative costs, maintenance of
buildings, collections, etc., rental costs or depreciation costs of buildings and equipment, and other operating expenses
(heating, lighting, electricity, etc.).Value-added taxes, sales and service taxes or other local taxes are normally included,
unless a performance indicator is used for international comparisons.
registered user
person or organization registered with a library in order to use its collection and/or services within or away
from the library
NOTE Users can be registered upon their request or automatically when enrolling in the institution.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.20]
rejected session
unsuccessful request of a database or the online catalogue by exceeding the simultaneous user limit
NOTE Request failure because of wrong passwords is excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.21]
degree to which a measure repeatedly and consistently produces the same result
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
successful request of a database or the online catalogue
NOTE 1 A session is one cycle of user activities that typically starts when a user connects to a database or the online
catalogue and ends with explicit (by leaving the database through log-out or exit) or implicit (timeout due to user inactivity)
termination of activities in the database. The average timeout period would be 30 min. If another time period is used, this
needs to be reported.
NOTE 2 Sessions on the library website are counted as virtual visits.
NOTE 3 Requests of a general entrance or gateway page needs to be excluded.
NOTE 4 If possible, requests by search engines need to be excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.25]
special grant
grant of a non-recurrent nature to fund (or partly fund) projects
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.5.4]
target population
groups of actual and potential users appropriate to an individual library as the object of a specific service or as
the primary users of specific materials
words at the head of a document thus identifying it and normally distinguishing it from others
[ISO 5127:2001, definition]
NOTE For measuring purposes, “title” describes a document, which forms a separate item with a distinctive title,
whether issued in one or several physical units, and disregarding the number of copies of the document held by the library.
recipient of library services
NOTE The recipient can be a person or an institution, including libraries.
user training
training programme set up with a specified lesson plan, which aims at specific learning outcomes for the use
of library and other information services
NOTE 1 User training can be offered as a tour of the library, as library tuition, or as a web-based service for users.
NOTE 2 The duration of lessons is irrelevant.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.28]
degree to which a performance indicator actually measures what it is intended to measure
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
virtual visit
user’s request on the library website from outside the library premises, regardless of the number of pages or
elements viewed
NOTE 1 A website visitor is either a unique and identified web browser program or an identified IP address that has
accessed pages from the library’s website.
NOTE 2 The interval between two consecutive requests generally is no longer than a time-out period on 30 min if they
are to be counted as part of the same virtual visit. A longer interval initiates a new visit.
NOTE 3 Web servers providing services whose statistics are reported at another site are to be excluded from the
statistics of the library website.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.29]
person (individual) entering the library premises
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.30]
NOTE Includes both simple counts and ratios between counts as long as they are used to characterize the
performance of a library.
3 Notation
By convention, throughout t
SIST ISO 11620:2008
SIST-TP ISO/TR 20983:2005
Informatika in dokumentacija – Kazalci uspešnosti knjižnic
Information and documentation -- Library performance indicators
Information et documentation -- Indicateurs de performance des bibliothèques
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 11620:2008
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
SIST ISO 11620:2008 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 11620:2008
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SIST ISO 11620:2008
Second edition
Information and documentation — Library
performance indicators
Information et documentation — Indicateurs de performance des
Reference number
ISO 11620:2008(E)
ISO 2008
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SIST ISO 11620:2008
ISO 11620:2008(E)
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Published in Switzerland
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---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
SIST ISO 11620:2008
ISO 11620:2008(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions. 1
3 Notation . 8
4 Criteria and descriptive framework. 8
4.1 General. 8
4.2 Criteria . 9
4.3 Descriptive framework . 9
4.3.1 General. 9
4.3.2 Balanced Scorecard Approach . 9
4.3.3 Description of performance indicators. 10
5 Uses of performance indicators. 12
5.1 General considerations. 12
5.2 Selection of performance indicators . 12
5.3 Limitations. 13
5.3.1 Optimizing scores on performance indicators . 13
5.3.2 Degree of accuracy. 13
5.3.3 User skills versus library performance . 13
5.3.4 Linking resources to services . 14
5.3.5 Comparability of performance indicator data. 14
Annex A (normative) List of performance indicators for libraries . 15
Annex B (normative) List of descriptions of performance indicators . 19
Bibliography . 85
© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved iii
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SIST ISO 11620:2008
ISO 11620:2008(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 11620 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation, Subcommittee
SC 8, Quality — Statistics and performance evaluation.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 11620:1998), its Amendment 1
(ISO 11620:1998/Amd.1:2003) and ISO/TR 20983:2003, which have been technically revised. The revision
incorporates performance indicators for electronic and traditional library services and resources into a single
document, and includes technical updates to performance indicators of electronic and traditional library
services and resources.
iv © ISO 2008 – All rights reserved
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SIST ISO 11620:2008
ISO 11620:2008(E)
This International Standard is concerned with the evaluation of libraries of all types.
The main purpose of this International Standard is to endorse the use of performance indicators in libraries
and to spread knowledge about how to conduct performance measurement.
This international library community has expressed its commitment to the development of an International
Standard for library performance indicators. By the establishment of this International Standard, the use of
performance indicators can be advanced and libraries in developing and developed countries will benefit from
the knowledge and skills associated with formal planning procedures and data collection processes.
The quality of library services is related to the broader topic of quality management and quality assurance.
This International Standard acknowledges and supports the standards prepared by ISO/TC 176.
Every performance indicator in this International Standard is given a unique name. This name sometimes
differs from the literature upon which its description is based. Such differences are documented in the
descriptions of the performance indicators.
The performance indicators included in this International Standard are either in widespread use or well
documented in the literature. Some of the descriptions of performance indicators incorporate modifications of
performance indicators described elsewhere: these reflect practical experience or the need to generalize.
Input and resource based ratios are very well documented in the literature and provide a context for library
performance indicators as defined in this International Standard.
There are some library activities and services for which, during the development of this International Standard,
there was a general lack of tested and well-documented performance indicators. These include outcome and
impact measures for libraries. Electronic services will continue to develop and evolve, and such evolution will
require monitoring as related to the performance indicators in this International Standard. The library and
information community is encouraged to establish mechanisms and to give a high priority to developing
relevant performance indicators for existing and emerging library services and resources.
This International Standard does not include performance indicators for the evaluation of the outcomes of
library services either on individuals, the communities that libraries serve, or on society at this time. This is an
evolving area of performance measurement for libraries. This International Standard will be maintained and
developments monitored. Additional performance indicators will be incorporated as they are tested and
Performance indicators may be used for comparison over time within the same library. Comparisons between
libraries may also be made, but only with caution. Between library comparisons will need to take into account
any differences in the constituencies of the libraries, with good understanding of the performance indicators
used, and careful interpretation of the data (see 5.3.5).
There are other limitations to the performance indicators in this International Standard that depend on local
factors such as the community the library serves, service mandates, and technology infrastructure
configuration. It is advisable that results from the use of performance indicators listed in this International
Standard be interpreted with regard to these factors.
The performance indicators included in this International Standard do not reflect all possible measures or
evaluation techniques. The International Standard offers accepted, tested, and publicly accessible
methodologies and approaches to measuring a range of library service performance.
This International Standard is not intended to exclude the use of performance indicators that have not been
specified within it (see Clause 5).
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ISO 11620:2008(E)
More detailed information concerning methodology and analysis in establishing performance indicators in
libraries can be found in References [1] to [30] listed in the Bibliography.
A group operating under the auspices of ISO/TC 46/SC 8 is responsible for maintaining this International
Standard. Newly developed performance indicators are vetted by an appointed group of experts and
descriptions are published as amendments to this International Standard as rapidly as possible after ballot
submitted to the national committees.
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SIST ISO 11620:2008
Information and documentation — Library performance
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies the requirements of a performance indicator for libraries and establishes
a set of performance indicators to be used by libraries of all types. It also provides guidance on how to
implement performance indicators in libraries where such performance indicators are not already in use. The
list of performance indicators are summarized in Annex A and details given in Annex B.
This International Standard provides a standardized terminology and concise definitions of the performance
indicators. Furthermore, this International Standard contains concise descriptions of the performance
indicators and of the collection and the analysis of data needed.
This International Standard is applicable to all types of libraries in all countries. However, not all performance
indicators are applicable to all libraries. Limitations on the applicability of individual performance indicators are
listed for each performance indicator in Annex B.
This International Standard does not specify performance indicators for all services, activities, and uses of the
resources of the library, either because such performance indicators had not been proposed and tested at the
time of formulation of this International Standard, or because they did not fulfil the criteria specified (see 4.2).
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ease of reaching and using a service or facility
active borrower
registered user who has borrowed at least one item during the reporting period
active user
registered user who has visited or made use of library facilities or services during the reporting period
NOTE This may include the use of electronic library services.
suitability of any given performance indicator for evaluating a specific activity
degree to which content, documents, facilities or services are actually provided by the library at the time
required by users
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computer file
data or software program, e.g. computer game, language course and other application software that is
available on computer-readable disks, tapes or other storage media to users for loan or in-house use
NOTE Adapted from ANSI/NISO Z39.7:2004.
content downloaded
content unit that is successfully requested from a database, electronic serial or digital document
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.3]
content unit
computer-processed uniquely identifiable textual or audiovisual piece of published work that may be original or
a digest of other published work
NOTE 1 Adapted from item in COUNTER code of practice, Release 2:2004.
NOTE 2 Descriptive records are excluded.
NOTE 3 PDF, Postscript, HTML and other formats of the same content unit will be counted as separate items.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.9]
collection of electronically stored descriptive records or content units (including facts, full texts, pictures, and
sound) with a common user interface and software for the retrieval and manipulation of the data
NOTE 1 The units or records are usually collected with a particular intent and are related to a defined topic. A database
can be issued on CD-ROM, diskette, or other direct-access method, or as a computer file accessed via dial-up methods or
via the internet.
NOTE 2 Licensed databases are counted separately even if access to several licensed database products is effected
through the same interface.
NOTE 3 A common interface providing access to a packet of serials or digital documents, usually offered by a
publisher or vendor, is also to be counted as database. Additionally, the single serials or digital documents need to be
counted as serials or digital documents.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.10]
descriptive record
computer-processed bibliographic or other individual record in a standard format that references and/or
describes a document in any physical form or a content unit
NOTE 1 A collection of descriptive records is usually published in the form of a database.
NOTE 2 The record can include elements such as title, author, subject, abstract, date of origin, etc.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.11]
digital document
information unit with a defined content that has been digitized by the library or acquired in digital form as part
of the library collection
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NOTE 1 This includes eBooks, electronic patents, networked audiovisual documents and other digital documents, e.g.
reports, cartographic and music documents, preprints, etc. Databases and electronic serials are excluded.
NOTE 2 Items incorporated in databases are covered by 2.9.
NOTE 3 A digital document can be structured into one or more files.
NOTE 4 A digital document consists of one or more content units.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.12]
recorded information or material object, which can be treated as a unit in a documentation process
[ISO 5127:2001, definition 1.2.2]
NOTE Documents may differ in their physical form and characteristics.
successful request of a descriptive record or content unit, e.g. for displaying, printing, saving, or e-mailing
NOTE For web server logs, successful requests are those with specific return codes, as defined by NCSA (National
Center for Supercomputing Applications).
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.4]
measure of the degree to which given objectives are achieved
NOTE An activity is effective if it maximizes the results it was established to produce.
measure of the utilization of resources to realize a given objective
NOTE An activity is efficient if it minimizes the use of resources, or produces better performance with the same
electronic book
digital document, licensed or not, where searchable text is prevalent, and which can be seen in analogy to a
print book (monograph)
NOTE 1 The use of eBooks is, in many cases, dependent on a dedicated device and/or a special reader or viewing
NOTE 2 eBooks can be lent to users either on portable devices (eBook readers) or by transmitting the contents to the
user’s PC for a limited time period.
NOTE 3 Doctoral dissertations in electronic format are included.
NOTE 4 Documents digitized by the library are included.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.15]
process of estimating the effectiveness, efficiency, utility and relevance of a service or facility
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external user
user of a library who does not belong to that library’s population to be served
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.8]
equipment, study places, etc., provided for library users
NOTE Includes photocopiers, online terminals, CD-ROM workstations, seats for reading and study carrels, but
excludes toilets, cafes and public telephones.
free internet resource
internet resource with unrestricted access
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.2.18]
full-time equivalent
measurement equal to one staff person working a full-time work schedule for one year
EXAMPLE If out of three persons employed as librarians, one works quarter-time, one works half-time, and one
works full-time, then the FTE of these three persons would be 0,25 + 0,5 + 1,0 = 1,75 librarians (FTE).
NOTE Not all libraries may use the same number of hours per year to determine an FTE. Thus, any comparative
measures between libraries may need to consider any differences in hours.
desired state of affairs to be achieved by the implementation of agreed policies
performance indicator
expression (which may be numeric, symbolic or verbal) used to characterize activities (events, objects,
persons) both in quantitative and qualitative terms in order to assess the value of the activities characterized,
and the associated method
organization, or part of an organization, the main aims of which are to build and maintain a collection and to
facilitate the use of such information resources and facilities as are required to meet the informational,
research, educational, cultural or recreational needs of its users
NOTE 1 These are the basic requirements for a library and do not exclude any additional resources and services
incidental to its main purpose.
NOTE 2 Where a library has more than one function (e.g. school library and public library), it generally either decides
what is its primary function or, in extreme cases, divides its functionality and report data accordingly.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.1.5]
NOTE 3 This may include virtual and/or electronic libraries provided that they adhere to the primary definition of a
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library website
unique domain on the internet consisting of a collection of web pages that is published by a library to provide
access to the library’s services and resources
NOTE 1 The pages of a website are usually interconnected by the use of hypertext links.
NOTE 2 Excludes documents that fit the definitions of electronic collection and free internet resources that can be
linked from the library website.
NOTE 3 Excludes web services in the library’s domain that are operated on behalf of other organizations.
direct lending or delivery transaction of an item in non-electronic form (e.g. book), of an electronic document
on a physical carrier (e.g. CD-ROM) or other device (e.g. eBook reader), or transmission of an electronic
document to one user for a limited time period (e.g. eBook)
NOTE 1 Loans include user-initiated renewals as well as registered loans within the library (on-site loans). Renewals
need to be counted separately.
NOTE 2 Loans include copied documents supplied in place of original documents (including fax) and printouts of
electronic documents made by library staff for the user.
NOTE 3 Loans of documents in physical form to distance users are included here.
NOTE 4 Mediated electronic transmission of documents is counted as electronic document delivery if their use is
permitted for unlimited time. This includes transmissions to members of the population to be served.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.14]
structured data about data, including data associated with either an information system or an information
object for purposes of description, administration, legal requirements, technical functionality, use and usage,
and preservation
NOTE Adapted from Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
statement approved by the authorities formulating the organization’s goals and its choices in services and
products development
specific target for an activity to be attained as a contribution to achieving the goal of an organization
effectiveness of the provision of services by the library and the efficiency of the allocation and use of
resources in providing services
performance indicator
numerical, symbolic or verbal expression, derived from library statistics and data used to characterize the
performance of a library
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population to be served
number of individuals for whom the library is set up to provide its services and materials
NOTE For public libraries, this will normally be the population of the legal service area (authority); for libraries of an
institution of higher education, this will normally be the total of academic and professional staff plus students.
degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfils requirements
NOTE 1 The term “quality” can be used with adjectives such as poor, good or excellent.
NOTE 2 “Inherent”, as opposed to “assigned”, means existing in something, especially as a permanent characteristic.
[ISO 9000:2005, definition 3.1.1]
record downloaded
descriptive record that is successfully requested from a database or the online catalogue
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.19]
operating expenditure
ordinary expenditure
money spent on staff, and on resources which are used and replaced regularly, excluding capital expenditure
such as main capital items, new buildings, extensions or modifications to existing buildings and computer
NOTE Operating expenditure is calculated in various ways in different institutions, authorities and countries, and it
does not seem possible to prescribe only one way of doing it. Calculation will have to be done according to normal
practice in the context where this measure is applied. This also means that comparisons are only valid when calculations
are done according to the same principles. Operating expenditure normally includes: salaries and wages (including
employee benefits, social costs, etc.), costs of acquiring documents for the collection, administrative costs, maintenance of
buildings, collections, etc., rental costs or depreciation costs of buildings and equipment, and other operating expenses
(heating, lighting, electricity, etc.).Value-added taxes, sales and service taxes or other local taxes are normally included,
unless a performance indicator is used for international comparisons.
registered user
person or organization registered with a library in order to use its collection and/or services within or away
from the library
NOTE Users can be registered upon their request or automatically when enrolling in the institution.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.20]
rejected session
unsuccessful request of a database or the online catalogue by exceeding the simultaneous user limit
NOTE Request failure because of wrong passwords is excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.21]
degree to which a measure repeatedly and consistently produces the same result
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successful request of a database or the online catalogue
NOTE 1 A session is one cycle of user activities that typically starts when a user connects to a database or the online
catalogue and ends with explicit (by leaving the database through log-out or exit) or implicit (timeout due to user inactivity)
termination of activities in the database. The average timeout period would be 30 min. If another time period is used, this
needs to be reported.
NOTE 2 Sessions on the library website are counted as virtual visits.
NOTE 3 Requests of a general entrance or gateway page needs to be excluded.
NOTE 4 If possible, requests by search engines need to be excluded.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.25]
special grant
grant of a non-recurrent nature to fund (or partly fund) projects
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.5.4]
target population
groups of actual and potential users appropriate to an individual library as the object of a specific service or as
the primary users of specific materials
words at the head of a document thus identifying it and normally distinguishing it from others
[ISO 5127:2001, definition]
NOTE For measuring purposes, “title” describes a document, which forms a separate item with a distinctive title,
whether issued in one or several physical units, and disregarding the number of copies of the document held by the library.
recipient of library services
NOTE The recipient can be a person or an institution, including libraries.
user training
training programme set up with a specified lesson plan, which aims at specific learning outcomes for the use
of library and other information services
NOTE 1 User training can be offered as a tour of the library, as library tuition, or as a web-based service for users.
NOTE 2 The duration of lessons is irrelevant.
[ISO 2789:2006, definition 3.3.28]
degree to which a performance indicator actually measures what it is intended to measure
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ISO 11620:2008(E
Deuxième édition
Information et documentation —
Indicateurs de performance des
Information and documentation — Library performance indicators
Numéro de référence
ISO 11620:2008(F)
ISO 2008
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
Introduction . v
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Termes et définitions. 1
3 Notation . 8
4 Critères et cadre de description. 8
4.1 Généralités . 8
4.2 Critères . 9
4.3 Cadre de description . 9
4.3.1 Généralités . 9
4.3.2 Approche par tableau de bord. 10
4.3.3 Description des indicateurs de performance . 10
5 Emploi des indicateurs de performance . 12
5.1 Considérations générales. 12
5.2 Choix des indicateurs de performance .12
5.3 Limites . 13
5.3.1 Optimisation des résultats des indicateurs de performance. 13
5.3.2 Degré d'exactitude. 13
5.3.3 Compétences des usagers et performance des bibliothèques . 14
5.3.4 Rapport entre les ressources et les services . 14
5.3.5 Comparabilité des données des indicateurs de performance . 14
Annexe A (normative) Liste des indicateurs de performance des bibliothèques . 15
Annexe B (normative) Liste des descriptions des indicateurs de performance . 20
Bibliographie . 90
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 11620 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 46, Information et documentation, sous-comité
SC 8, Qualité — Statistiques et évaluation de la performance.
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO 11620:1998), son Amendement 1
(ISO 11620:1998/Amd.1:2003) et l'ISO/TR 20983:2003, qui ont fait l'objet d'une révision technique. Cette
révision rassemble dans un seul document les indicateurs de performance pour les services et les ressources
de bibliothèque électroniques et traditionnelles et elle comprend des mises à jour techniques de ces
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
La présente Norme internationale traite de l'évaluation de tous les types de bibliothèques.
L'objet principal de la présente Norme internationale est d'encourager l'emploi d'indicateurs de performance
dans les bibliothèques et de faire connaître les moyens d'en mesurer la performance.
La communauté internationale des bibliothèques a décidé de s'engager dans l'élaboration d'une Norme
internationale sur les indicateurs de performance des bibliothèques. Grâce à l'établissement de la présente
Norme internationale, l'emploi d'indicateurs de performance pourra se généraliser dans les bibliothèques des
pays développés ou en voie de développement, qui bénéficieront ainsi des connaissances et des
compétences nécessaires à la mise en œuvre des procédures de planification régulière et de collecte des
La qualité des services de bibliothèque s'inscrit dans la démarche plus large de la gestion et de l'assurance
de la qualité. La présente Norme internationale reconnaît et soutient les normes élaborées par l'ISO/TC 176.
Chaque indicateur se voit attribuer dans la présente Norme internationale une dénomination unique. Cette
dénomination diffère parfois de celle utilisée dans la littérature sur laquelle s'appuie sa description. Ces
différences sont indiquées dans la description des indicateurs.
Les indicateurs de performance qui figurent dans la présente Norme internationale sont soit largement utilisés,
soit bien décrits dans la littérature professionnelle. Certaines descriptions d'indicateurs englobent les
modifications apportées aux descriptions les plus répandues: ces changements résultent de la pratique ou du
besoin de donner à ces indicateurs une portée plus générale. Les rapports fondés sur l'utilisation des
ressources sont très bien décrits dans la littérature; ils servent de cadre aux indicateurs de performance des
bibliothèques définis dans la présente Norme internationale.
Pour certaines activités et certains services de bibliothèque, un manque général d'indicateurs dûment testés
et décrits a été constaté, au cours de l'élaboration de la présente Norme internationale. C'est le cas des
mesures d'impact pour les bibliothèques. Les services électroniques continueront à se répandre et à évoluer,
et cette évolution devra être prise en compte dans les indicateurs de la présente Norme internationale. La
communauté des bibliothèques et des services d'information est invitée à mettre en place des mécanismes et
à accorder la priorité à la mise au point d'indicateurs pertinents pour les services et les ressources de
bibliothèques existants et émergents. La présente Norme internationale sera tenue à jour par un groupe de
travail qui accompagnera les développements et qui ajoutera des indicateurs supplémentaires dès qu'ils
auront été testés et validés.
Actuellement, la présente Norme internationale ne comprend pas d'indicateurs pour l'évaluation de l'impact
des services des bibliothèques sur les individus et les communautés desservies, ou sur la société. C'est un
secteur en évolution de la mesure de la performance dans les bibliothèques. La présente Norme
internationale sera tenue à jour et accompagnée de développements. Des indicateurs supplémentaires seront
ajoutés dès qu'ils auront été testés et validés.
Les indicateurs peuvent servir à effectuer des comparaisons au cours du temps dans la même bibliothèque. Il
est possible, mais en restant prudent, de comparer des bibliothèques entre elles. Il conviendra alors de
prendre en compte toutes les différences dans l'organisation des bibliothèques, de faire preuve d'une bonne
compréhension des indicateurs utilisés et d'interpréter les données avec précaution (voir 5.3.5.).
Les indicateurs de performance de la présente Norme internationale présentent d'autres limites qui dépendent
de facteurs locaux tels que la communauté que la bibliothèque dessert, les missions, l'infrastructure
technologique et sa configuration. Il est conseillé d'interpréter les résultats de l'utilisation des indicateurs de
performance décrits dans la présente Norme internationale en fonction de ces facteurs.
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
Les indicateurs de performance qui figurent dans la présente Norme internationale ne couvrent pas toutes les
mesures ou techniques d'évaluation possibles. La présente Norme internationale offre des méthodes et des
démarches reconnues, testées et accessibles par le public pour mesurer un éventail de performances des
services des bibliothèques.
La présente Norme internationale ne prétend nullement exclure l'utilisation des indicateurs de performance
qui n'y sont pas décrits (voir Article 5).
De plus amples informations concernant la méthodologie et l'analyse nécessaires à l'élaboration des
indicateurs de performance dans les bibliothèques peuvent être trouvées dans les Références [1] à [30] de la
Un groupe fonctionnant sous l'égide de l'ISO/TC 46/SC 8 est responsable de la maintenance de la présente
Norme internationale. Les nouveaux indicateurs créés sont examinés par un groupe d'experts désignés et les
descriptions sont publiées en tant qu'amendements à la présente Norme internationale aussi rapidement que
possible après avoir fait l'objet d'un vote de la part des comités nationaux.
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Information et documentation — Indicateurs de performance
des bibliothèques
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Norme internationale définit les spécifications d'un indicateur de performance des bibliothèques
et établit une série d'indicateurs destinés à être employés par tous types de bibliothèques. Elle donne aussi
des conseils sur la manière d'utiliser des indicateurs de performance là où ils ne sont pas encore en usage.
La liste des indicateurs de performance est résumée dans l'Annexe A et des détails sont donnés dans
l'Annexe B.
La présente Norme internationale offre une terminologie normalisée et une définition concise des indicateurs
de performance. De plus, elle décrit précisément les modalités d'élaboration de ces indicateurs ainsi que les
processus de collecte et d'analyse des données requises.
La présente Norme internationale s'applique à tous les types de bibliothèques dans tous les pays. Cependant,
tous les indicateurs de performance ne s'appliquent pas à toutes les bibliothèques. Les restrictions apportées
à l'application d'indicateurs de performance particuliers sont énumérées pour chaque indicateur de
performance dans l'Annexe B.
Certains services, activités et utilisations des ressources de la bibliothèque ne font pas actuellement l'objet
d'indicateurs de performance soit parce qu'aucun n'a été proposé et testé au moment de la rédaction de la
présente Norme internationale, soit parce qu'aucun ne remplit les critères retenus (voir 4.2).
2 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.
facilité d'accès et d'utilisation d'un service ou d'une installation
emprunteur actif
usager inscrit ayant emprunté au moins un document au cours de la période de référence
usager actif
usager inscrit, entré à la bibliothèque ou ayant utilisé ses équipements ou ses services au cours de la période
de référence
NOTE Peut comprendre l'utilisation des services électroniques de la bibliothèque.
capacité d'un indicateur donné à évaluer une activité déterminée
© ISO 2008 – Tous droits réservés 1
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
degré auquel des contenus, des documents, des installations ou des services sont effectivement fournis par la
bibliothèque au moment où ils sont demandés par les usagers
fichier informatique
données ou programme logiciel, par exemple jeu d'ordinateur, cours de langue ou autre logiciel d'application
offert aux utilisateurs pour le prêt ou la consultation sur place sur disques lisibles par ordinateur, des
cassettes ou tout autre moyen de stockage
NOTE Adapté de l'ANSI/NISOZ39.7:2004.
contenu téléchargé
unité de contenu documentaire obtenue après une demande aboutie dans une base de données, un
périodique électronique ou un document numérique
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.3.3]
unité de contenu documentaire
élément publié sous forme textuelle ou audiovisuelle, identifié de manière unique dans un processus de
traitement informatique, et qui peut être un original ou le résumé d'autres publications
NOTE 1 Adapté du terme item dans le code de bon usage COUNTER, Version 2:2004.
NOTE 2 Les enregistrements descriptifs sont exclus.
NOTE 3 Les formats PDF, Postscript, HTML et autres, de la même unité de contenu documentaire, seront comptés
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.9]
base de données
ensemble d'enregistrements descriptifs ou d'unités de contenu documentaire informatiques (données
factuelles, textes, images et sons), doté d'une interface commune et d'un logiciel pour récupérer ou exploiter
les données
NOTE 1 Les unités ou les enregistrements sont généralement classés avec un objectif précis et concernent un sujet
défini. Une base de données peut être publiée sur cédérom, disquette ou sur d'autres supports ou en tant que fichier
informatique accessible par téléphone ou par l'internet.
NOTE 2 Les bases de données soumises à licence sont comptabilisées à l'unité, même si l'accès à plusieurs bases de
données soumises à licence est proposé par la même interface.
NOTE 3 Il convient aussi de compter comme une seule base de données une interface unique d'accès à un ensemble
de revues ou de documents numériques, habituellement proposée par un éditeur ou un fournisseur. En outre, il convient
de comptabiliser chaque revue ou document numérique en tant que tels.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.10]
enregistrement descriptif
enregistrement bibliographique ou autre, traité en informatique dans un format normalisé, qui référence et/ou
qui décrit un document numérique ou une unité de contenu documentaire
NOTE 1 Une collection d'enregistrements descriptifs est habituellement publiée sous forme de base de données.
NOTE 2 L'enregistrement peut comprendre des éléments tels le titre, l'auteur, le sujet, le résumé, la date ou l'origine,
NOTE 3 Adapté de l'ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.11.
2 © ISO 2008 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
document numérique
unité documentaire numérisée par la bibliothèque ou acquise sous forme numérique comme élément de la
collection de cette bibliothèque
NOTE 1 Comprend les livres électroniques, les brevets électroniques, les documents audiovisuels en réseau et les
autres documents numériques, par exemple les rapports, les documents cartographiques et musicaux, les prépublications,
etc. Les bases de données et les périodiques électroniques sont exclus.
NOTE 2 Les éléments faisant partie des bases de données sont décrits sous la rubrique «base de données» en 2.9.
NOTE 3 Un document numérique peut être structuré en un ou en plusieurs fichiers.
NOTE 4 Un document numérique comprend une ou plusieurs unités de contenu documentaire.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.12]
information enregistrée ou objet matériel qui peut être traité comme une unité dans une chaîne documentaire
[ISO 5127:2001, définition 1.2.2]
NOTE Les documents peuvent varier dans leur forme physique et leurs caractéristiques.
demande aboutie d'un enregistrement descriptif ou d'une unité de contenu documentaire, par exemple pour
affichage à l'écran, impression, sauvegarde ou envoi par messagerie électronique
NOTE Pour les connexions aux fichiers journaux des serveurs de la toile, les demandes abouties sont celles qui ont
des codes de retour spécifiques, tels que définis par le NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications).
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.3.4]
mesure du niveau de réalisation d'objectifs donnés
NOTE Une activité est efficace si elle se rapproche au maximum des résultats qu'elle est censée produire.
mesure de l'utilisation des ressources pour atteindre un objectif donné
NOTE Une activité est efficiente si elle emploie le minimum de ressources ou si elle produit un meilleur résultat avec
les mêmes ressources.
livre électronique
document électronique, sous licence ou non, dans lequel le texte interrogeable occupe une place
prépondérante et qui peut être considéré comme équivalent à un livre imprimé (monographie)
NOTE 1 L'utilisation de livres électroniques est souvent liée à un matériel dédié et/ou à un logiciel de lecture ou de
visionnage spécifique.
NOTE 2 Les livres électroniques peuvent être prêtés aux usagers soit avec un matériel portable (lecteur de livre
électronique), soit en chargeant le contenu sur le micro-ordinateur de l'usager pour une période limitée.
NOTE 3 Les thèses électroniques sont comprises.
NOTE 4 Les livres numérisés par la bibliothèque sont compris.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.15]
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
processus consistant à estimer l'efficacité, l'efficience, l'utilité et la pertinence d'un service ou d'une installation
usager externe
usager d'une bibliothèque qui ne fait pas partie de la population à desservir
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.3.8]
équipements, postes de travail, etc., offerts aux usagers de la bibliothèque
NOTE Comprend les photocopieurs, les terminaux en ligne, les postes de consultation de cédéroms, les places de
lecture et les alvéoles réservées à l'étude, à l'exclusion des installations telles que toilettes, distributeurs de cafés et
téléphones publics.
ressource gratuite de l'internet
ressource de l'internet sans restriction d'accès
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.2.18]
équivalent temps plein
mesurage correspondant à un agent travaillant à plein temps pendant un an
EXEMPLE Si sur trois personnes employées par la bibliothèque, l'une travaille à quart temps, l'autre à mi-temps et la
troisième à plein temps, l'ETP de ces personnes serait 0,25 + 0,5 + 1,0 = 1,75 bibliothécaires (ETP).
NOTE Toutes les bibliothèques ne peuvent faire référence au même nombre d'heures par an pour définir un ETP.
Aussi tout mesurage de comparaison entre bibliothèques peut nécessiter l'examen des différences en heures.
objectif général
situation à atteindre grâce à des plans d'action et à des moyens adaptés
indicateur de performance
expression (numérique, symbolique ou verbale) servant à caractériser des activités (événements, objets,
personnes) en termes quantitatifs et qualitatifs afin d'en déterminer la valeur, accompagnée de la méthode de
calcul associée
organisme ou partie d'un organisme, dont les buts principaux sont de créer et d'entretenir une collection et de
faciliter l'utilisation des ressources documentaires et des installations adaptées aux besoins d'information, de
recherche, d'éducation, de culture et de loisirs de ses usagers
NOTE 1 Ce sont les conditions fondamentales pour une bibliothèque et il ne faut exclure aucun document ou service
offert en complément des buts principaux.
NOTE 2 Quand une bibliothèque assure plus d'une fonction (par exemple bibliothèque scolaire et bibliothèque
publique), il faut soit décider ce qui correspond à sa fonction principale, soit, dans les cas extrêmes, présenter séparément
les rapports et données sur le fonctionnement.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.1.5]
NOTE 3 Comprend des bibliothèques virtuelles et/ou électroniques à la condition qu'elles répondent à la définition
première d'une bibliothèque.
4 © ISO 2008 – Tous droits réservés
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
site électronique de la bibliothèque
service électronique ayant un nom de domaine unique sur l'internet et se composant d'un ensemble de pages,
édité par la bibliothèque, destiné à donner accès aux services et ressources de la bibliothèque
NOTE 1 Les pages du site électronique sont généralement reliées grâce à des liens hypertextes.
NOTE 2 Sont exclus les documents qui répondent à la définition de collection électronique et les ressources libres de
l'internet pour lesquelles un lien a été établi à partir du site électronique de la bibliothèque.
NOTE 3 Sont exclus les services en ligne sous le nom de domaine de la bibliothèque qui sont mis en œuvre au nom
d'autres organisations.
prêt direct ou fourniture à un usager d'un document sous forme non électronique (par exemple un livre) ou
d'un document électronique sur support matériel (par exemple un cédérom) ou d'un autre dispositif (par
exemple un appareil de lecture de livre électronique) ou transmission d'un document électronique à un usager
pour une durée limitée (par exemple un livre électronique)
NOTE 1 Les prêts comprennent les renouvellements effectués à la demande de l'usager ainsi que les prêts enregistrés
dans la bibliothèque (emprunts sur place). Il convient de compter les renouvellements séparément.
NOTE 2 Les prêts comprennent la copie d'un document fourni à la place de l'original (télécopies incluses) et les
impressions de documents électroniques effectuées par le personnel pour un usager.
NOTE 3 Les prêts de documents sous leur forme matérielle à des usagers distants ne sont pas compris.
NOTE 4 La transmission électronique de documents par l'intermédiaire de la bibliothèque est comptée en tant que
fourniture de documents électroniques si l'utilisation en est permise pour un temps illimité. Cela comprend les
transmissions à des membres de la population à desservir.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.3.14]
données structurées sur des données, comprenant les données associées à tout système d'information ou
objet d'information, destinées à la description, administration, prescriptions réglementaires, fonctions
techniques, utilisation et exploitation, et conservation
NOTE Adapté de l'ensemble des éléments de métadonnées du Dublin Core.
objectifs généraux et choix en matière de développement de services et produits, formulés par un organisme
et approuvés par les autorités dans un document officiel
objectif opérationnel
but spécifique qu'une activité doit atteindre afin de contribuer à réaliser l'objectif général d'un organisme
efficacité dans la fourniture de services par la bibliothèque et efficience dans l'affectation et l'emploi des
ressources utilisées pour fournir ces services
indicateur de performance
expression numérique, symbolique ou verbale, dérivée des statistiques de bibliothèques ou de données
servant à caractériser la performance d'une bibliothèque
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ISO 11620:2008(F)
population à desservir
ensemble des personnes auxquels la bibliothèque est censée fournir ses services et ses documents
NOTE En règle générale, pour les bibliothèques publiques, il s'agit de la population relevant de la même collectivité
(autorité) territoriale; pour les bibliothèques, d'un établissement d'enseignement supérieur, englobant l'ensemble des
personnels enseignants et administratifs et des étudiants.
aptitude d'un ensemble de caractéristiques intrinsèques à satisfaire des exigences
NOTE 1 Le terme «qualité» peut être utilisé avec des qualificatifs tels que médiocre, bon ou excellent.
NOTE 2 «Intrinsèque», par opposition à «attribué», signifie présent dans quelque chose, notamment en tant que
caractéristique permanente.
[ISO 9000:2005, définition 3.1.1]
enregistrement téléchargé
demande aboutie d'un enregistrement descriptif dans une base de données ou dans un catalogue en ligne
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.3.19]
dépenses ordinaires
dépenses de fonctionnement
dépenses consacrées au personnel ainsi qu'aux ressources employées et renouvelées régulièrement, à
l'exclusion des dépenses en capital, telles les constructions neuves, les extensions ou les aménagements de
bâtiments existants et l'équipement informatique
NOTE Les dépenses ordinaires sont calculées de différentes manières selon les institutions, les autorités et les pays.
Il ne semble donc pas possible de prescrire un seul et unique mode de calcul. Elles doivent être calculées, dans chaque
contexte particulier, selon l'usage en cours. Les comparaisons ne sont ainsi valables que là où les calculs sont faits selon
les mêmes principes. Les dépenses ordinaires comprennent normalement: les salaires et traitements (y compris les
rémunérations accessoires et les avantages divers, les charges sociales, etc.), les coûts d'acquisition des documents, les
coûts de gestion, la maintenance des locaux, l'entretien des collections, etc., les coûts de location ou d'amortissement des
locaux et des équipements, et d'autres dépenses de fonctionnement (chauffage, éclairage, électricité, etc.). Les taxes à la
valeur ajoutée, les taxes à la vente et sur les services, ou d'autres taxes locales sont normalement comprises, sauf dans
le cas où un indicateur sert à des comparaisons internationales.
usager inscrit
personne physique ou morale inscrite dans une bibliothèque pour utiliser ses collections et/ou ses services à
l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur des locaux
NOTE Les usagers peuvent être inscrits soit à leur demande, soit automatiquement lors de leur inscription dans
l'institution de rattachement de la bibliothèque.
[ISO 2789:2006, définition 3.3.20]
session rejetée
tentative infructueuse de connexion à une base de donnée ou à un
STANDARD november 2008
Informatika in dokumentacija – Kazalci uspešnosti knjižnic
Information and documentation – Library performance indicators
Information et documentation – Indicateurs de performance des bibliothèques
Referenčna oznaka
ICS 01.140.20 SIST ISO 11620:2008 (sl)
Nadaljevanje na straneh od 2 do 98
© 2013-11 Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo Razmnoževanje ali kopiranje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
Standard SIST ISO 11620 (sl), Informatika in dokumentacija – Kazalci uspešnosti knjižnic, 2008, ima
status slovenskega standarda in je istoveten mednarodnemu standardu ISO 11620 (en), Information
and documentation – Library performance indicators, druga izdaja, 2008-08-15.
Mednarodni standard ISO 11620:2008 je pripravil pododbor tehničnega odbora Mednarodne
organizacije za standardizacijo ISO/TC 46/SC 8 Kakovost – Statistika in vrednotenje uspešnosti.
Slovenski standard SIST ISO 11620:2008 je prevod mednarodnega standarda ISO 11620:2008. V
primeru spora glede besedila slovenskega prevoda je odločilen izvirni mednarodni standard v
angleškem jeziku. Slovenski prevod standarda je pripravil tehnični odbor SIST/TC IDT Informatika,
dokumentacija in splošna terminologija.
Odločitev za izdajo tega standarda je dne 15. oktobra 2008 sprejel SIST/TC IDO Informatika in
– Privzem standarda ISO 11620:2008
– Povsod, kjer se v besedilu standarda uporablja izraz “mednarodni standard”, v SIST ISO
11620:2008 to pomeni “slovenski standard”.
– Nacionalni uvod, nacionalni predgovor in vsebinsko kazalo niso sestavni del standarda. Definicije
pojmov so povzete po mednarodnih standardih ISO 2789, Informatika in dokumentacija –
Mednarodna statistika za knjižnice, ISO 5127, Informatika in dokumentacija – Slovar, in ISO
9000, Sistemi vodenja kakovosti – Osnove in slovar
– V besedilu SIST ISO 11620 so v predgovoru in točkah 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.16,
2.18, 2.20, 2.24, 2,26, 2,33, 2.34, 2.36, 2.37, 2.39, 2.40, 2.42, 2.44, 2.46, 2.47 in dodatku B
navedeni mednarodni standardi ISO 11620, ISO/TR 20983, ISO 9000, ISO 2789 in ISO 5127. Pri
tem je vedno mišljena njihova zadnja izdaja.
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
Predgovor .4
Uvod .5
1 Področje uporabe ….7
2 Izrazi in definicije . .7
3 Oznake . .14
4 Kriteriji in opis ……….14
4.1 Splošno .14
4.2 Kriteriji ………. .15
4.3 Opis . .15
4.3.1 Splošno .15
4.3.2 Pristop uravnoteženega sistema kazalcev . .15
4.3.3 Opis kazalcev uspešnosti. .16
5 Uporaba kazalcev uspešnosti.18
5.1 Splošna priporočila ……. .18
5.2 Izbor kazalcev uspešnosti ……….18
5.3 Omejitve .19
5.3.1 Optimiziranje rezultatov kazalcev uspešnosti. .19
5.3.2 Stopnja točnosti . .19
5.3.3 Uspešnost knjižnice glede na usposobljenost uporabnikov.19
5.3.4 Povezovanje virov in storitev . .20
5.3.5 Primerljivost podatkov kazalca uspešnosti . .20
Dodatek A (normativni): Seznam kazalcev uspešnosti knjižnic ……….………….21
Dodatek B (normativni): Seznam opisov kazalcev uspešnosti knjižnic .26
Literatura .91
Abecedni slovar slovenskih izrazov.94
Abecedni slovar angleških izrazov .95
Slovensko-angleški slovar kazalcev uspešnosti .96
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
ISO (Mednarodna organizacija za standardizacijo) je svetovna zveza nacionalnih organov za
standarde (članov ISO). Mednarodne standarde ponavadi pripravljajo tehnični odbori ISO. Vsak član,
ki želi delovati na določenem področju, za katero je bil ustanovljen tehnični odbor, ima pravico biti
zastopan v tem odboru. Pri delu sodelujejo mednarodne vladne in nevladne organizacije, povezane z
ISO. V vseh zadevah, ki so povezane s standardizacijo na področju elektrotehnike, ISO tesno
sodeluje z Mednarodno elektrotehniško komisijo (IEC).
Mednarodni standardi so pripravljeni v skladu s pravili, podanimi v 2. delu Direktiv ISO/IEC.
Glavna naloga tehničnih odborov je priprava mednarodnih standardov. Osnutki mednarodnih
standardov, ki jih sprejmejo tehnični odbori, se pošljejo vsem članom v glasovanje. Za objavo
mednarodnega standarda je treba pridobiti soglasje najmanj 75 odstotkov članov, ki se udeležijo
Opozoriti je treba na možnost, da je lahko nekaj elementov tega mednarodnega standarda predmet
patentnih pravic. ISO ne prevzema odgovornosti za ugotavljanje katerih koli ali vseh takih patentnih
ISO 11620 je pripravil tehnični odbor ISO/TC 46 Informatika in dokumentacija, pododbor SC 8
Kakovost – Statistika in vrednotenje uspešnosti.
Ta druga izdaja razveljavlja in nadomešča prvo izdajo (ISO 11620:1998), njeno dopolnilo 1 (ISO
11620:1998/Amd.1:2003) in ISO/TR 20983:2003, ki so bili tehnično revidirani. Revizija združuje
kazalce uspešnosti za elektronske in tradicionalne knjižnične storitve in vire v en dokument ter
vključuje tehnične posodobitve teh kazalcev uspešnosti.
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
Ta mednarodni standard se nanaša na vrednotenje vseh vrst knjižnic.
Glavni namen tega mednarodnega standarda je podpirati uporabo kazalcev uspešnosti v knjižnicah in
širiti znanje o izvajanju meritev uspešnosti.
Mednarodna skupnost knjižnic je izrazila svojo zavezanost k sodelovanju pri razvoju mednarodnega
standarda za kazalce uspešnosti knjižnice. Z uveljavitvijo tega mednarodnega standarda uporaba
kazalcev uspešnosti lahko napreduje, knjižnice v deželah v razvoju in knjižnice v razvitih državah pa
bodo lahko uporabljale znanje in veščine, povezane s formalnimi postopki načrtovanja in izvedbe
procesa zbiranja podatkov.
Kakovost knjižničnih storitev je povezana s širšo temo vodenja in zagotavljanja kakovosti. Ta
mednarodni standard priznava in podpira standarde, ki jih je pripravil tehnični odbor ISO/TC 176.
Vsakemu kazalcu uspešnosti v tem mednarodnem standardu je bilo dodeljeno edinstveno ime. To ime
se včasih razlikuje od drugih imen kazalca v literaturi, na podlagi katere je opis narejen. Take razlike
so dokumentirane v opisih kazalcev uspešnosti.
Kazalci uspešnosti, vključeni v ta mednarodni standard, so v splošni rabi ali pa so v literaturi dobro
dokumentirani. Nekateri opisi kazalcev uspešnosti vključujejo modifikacije kazalcev uspešnosti, ki so
bili opisani drugje: ti odražajo praktične izkušnje ali pa potrebo po posplošitvi. Njihova uporaba in
razmerja, zasnovana na virih, so v literaturi zelo dobro dokumentirani in zagotavljajo kontekst
knjižničnim kazalcem uspešnosti, kot so opredeljeni v tem mednarodnem standardu.
Za nekatere kazalce uspešnosti, s katerimi se ocenjujejo aktivnosti in storitve knjižnic, se je v procesu
priprave tega mednarodnega standarda izkazalo, da so na splošno slabo preverjeni in tudi slabo
dokumentirani. Enako velja tudi za merjenje učinkovitosti in vpliva knjižnic. Elektronske storitve bodo
še napredovale in se razvijale, tak razvoj pa bo potreboval spremljanje, povezano s kazalci
uspešnosti, opisanimi v tem mednarodnem standardu. Knjižnična in informacijska skupnost sta pred
izzivom vzpostavitve mehanizmov in prednostnega razvoja ustreznih kazalcev uspešnosti, tako za
obstoječe knjižnične storitve in vire kot tudi za tiste, ki se še razvijajo.
Ta mednarodni standard trenutno še ne vključuje kazalcev uspešnosti za vrednotenje učinkov
knjižničnih storitev za posameznike, za skupnosti, ki so jim knjižnice namenjene, ali za celotno družbo.
To področje merjenja uspešnosti knjižnic je še vedno v razvoju. Ta mednarodni standard bo še naprej
predmet vzdrževanja, hkrati pa se bo spremljal razvoj. Dodatni kazalci uspešnosti bodo vključeni, ko
bodo preskušeni in potrjeni.
Kazalci uspešnosti se lahko uporabljajo za primerjavo v daljšem časovnem obdobju znotraj ene
knjižnice. Primerjave med posameznimi knjižnicami so prav tako mogoče, vendar z določeno mero
previdnosti. Pri primerjavi med knjižnicami bo treba upoštevati morebitne razlike v organizaciji in
delovanju knjižnic, pri tem pa sta potrebni tako dobro poznavanje uporabljenih kazalcev uspešnosti kot
tudi pazljiva interpretacija dobljenih podatkov (glej točko 5.3.5).
Za kazalce uspešnosti v tem mednarodnem standardu obstajajo tudi druge omejitve, ki so odvisne od
lokalnih dejavnikov, kot so na primer skupnost, ki ji je knjižnica namenjena, obveznosti izvajanja
knjižničnih storitev in konfiguracija tehnološke strukture. Priporočljivo je, da se rezultati uporabe
kazalcev uspešnosti, navedenih v tem mednarodnem standardu, interpretirajo z upoštevanjem teh
Kazalci uspešnosti, vključeni v ta mednarodni standard, ne prikazujejo vseh možnih načinov merjenja
in vrednotenja. Mednarodni standard ponuja sprejete, preskušene in javno dostopne metodologije in
pristope k merjenju stopnje uspešnosti knjižničnih storitev.
Ta mednarodni standard nima namena izključevati uporabe kazalcev uspešnosti, ki v njem niso
opisani (glej točko 5).
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
Podrobnejše informacije o metodologiji in analizah pri vzpostavljanju rabe kazalcev uspešnosti v
knjižnicah je mogoče najti v referenčnih virih [1] do [30], navedenih v seznamu literature.
Skupina, ki deluje pod okriljem ISO/TC 46/SC 8, je odgovorna za vzdrževanje tega mednarodnega
standarda. Naknadno razvite kazalce uspešnosti preveri posebej imenovana skupina strokovnjakov in
njihovi opisi so objavljeni kot dopolnila k temu mednarodnemu standarda v najkrajšem možnem času
potem, ko so bili predloženi v presojo nacionalnim odborom.
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
Informatika in dokumentacija – Kazalci uspešnosti knjižnic
1 Področje uporabe
Ta mednarodni standard določa zahteve za kazalce uspešnosti knjižnic ter vzpostavlja nabor kazalcev
uspešnosti, ki se uporabljajo v vseh vrstah knjižnic. Prav tako zagotavlja napotke, kako kazalce
uspešnosti uvesti v knjižnicah, kjer ti kazalci še niso v uporabi. Seznam kazalcev uspešnosti je zbran v
dodatku A, podrobnosti o uporabi kazalcev uspešnosti pa so podane v dodatku B.
Ta mednarodni standard zagotavlja standardizirano izrazje in koncizne definicije kazalcev uspešnosti.
Poleg tega ta mednarodni standard vsebuje jedrnat opis kazalcev uspešnosti ter opise zbiranja in
analiziranja potrebnih podatkov.
Ta mednarodni standard je uporaben za vse vrste knjižnic v vseh državah, vendar pa ni mogoče vseh
kazalcev uspešnosti uporabiti v vseh knjižnicah. Omejitve uporabe posameznih kazalcev uspešnosti
so za vsak kazalec uspešnosti posebej navedene v dodatku B.
Ta mednarodni standard ne določa kazalcev uspešnosti za vse storitve, aktivnosti in uporabo virov
knjižnice, bodisi zato, ker taki kazalci uspešnosti niso bili predlagani in preskušeni v času oblikovanja
tega mednarodnega standarda, bodisi zato, ker ne izpolnjujejo določenih meril (glej točko 4.2).
2 Izrazi in definicije
V tem dokumentu se uporabljajo v nadaljevanju navedeni izrazi in definicije.
enostavnost dostopa in uporabe storitve ali prostorov in opreme
aktivni izposojevalec
registrirani uporabnik, ki si je v poročevalskem obdobju izposodil vsaj eno enoto gradiva
aktivni uporabnik
registrirani uporabnik, ki je v poročevalskem obdobju obiskal knjižnico ali uporabil knjižnično opremo
ali storitve
OPOMBA: To lahko vključuje uporabo elektronskih storitev knjižnice znotraj ali zunaj prostorov knjižnice.
primernost katerega koli kazalca uspešnosti za vrednotenje določene dejavnosti
stopnja, do katere so vsebine, dokumenti, prostori in oprema ali storitve, ki jih knjižnica zagotavlja,
uporabnikom dejansko na voljo takrat, ko jih zahtevajo
računalniška datoteka
podatki ali programska oprema, na primer računalniška igra, jezikovni tečaj in druga aplikativna
programska oprema, ki je na računalniško berljivih diskih, trakovih ali drugih medijih za shranjevanje
dostopna uporabnikom za izposojo na dom ali za prezenčno rabo v prostorih knjižnice
OPOMBA: Prirejeno po ANSI/NISO Z39.7:2004.
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
prevzeta vsebina
vsebinska enota, ki je uspešno prevzeta iz podatkovne zbirke, elektronske serijske publikacije ali
digitalnega dokumenta
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.3]
vsebinska enota
računalniško obdelan tekstovni ali avdiovizualni del objavljenega dela, ki omogoča edinstveno
identifikacijo, lahko je original ali priredba drugega objavljenega dela
OPOMBA 1: Prirejeno po item v COUNTER code of practice, izdaja 2:2004.
OPOMBA 2: Formalni deskriptivni zapisi so izključeni.
OPOMBA 3: PDF, Postscript, HTML in drugi formati zapisa iste vsebine se štejejo za ločene enote.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.2.9]
podatkovna zbirka
zbirka elektronsko shranjenih formalnih deskriptivnih zapisov ali vsebinskih enot (vključno s
faktografskimi podatki, celotnimi besedili, slikami in zvokom) s skupnim uporabniškim vmesnikom in
programsko opremo za iskanje in obdelavo podatkov
OPOMBA 1: Enote ali zapisi so navadno razvrščeni po določenem redu v povezavi z opredeljeno temo. Podatkovna zbirka je
lahko dosegljiva na CD-ROM-u, disketi ali kako drugače ali pa kot računalniška datoteka, dostopna preko klicne
povezave ali interneta.
OPOMBA 2: Licencirane podatkovne zbirke se štejejo vsaka posebej, čeprav je dostop do več licenciranih podatkovnih zbirk
omogočen preko istega vmesnika.
OPOMBA 3: Skupni uporabniški vmesnik, ki zagotavlja dostop do paketa serijskih publikacij ali digitalnih dokumentov in ga
navadno nudi založnik ali ponudnik, se prav tako šteje za podatkovno zbirko. Poleg tega je treba posamezne
serijske publikacije ali digitalne dokumente šteti za serijsko publikacijo ali digitalni dokument.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.2.10]
formalni deskriptivni zapis
računalniško oblikovani bibliografski ali drugi posamezni opis v standardnem formatu, ki se nanaša
in/ali opisuje dokument v kateri koli fizični obliki ali vsebinsko enoto
OPOMBA 1: Zbirka formalnih deskriptivnih zapisov je navadno objavljena v obliki podatkovne zbirke.
OPOMBA 2: Zapis lahko vključuje elemente, kot so naslov, avtor, predmetna oznaka, povzetek, datum objave itd.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.2.11]
digitalni dokument
informacijska enota z opredeljeno vsebino, ki jo je knjižnice digitalizirala ali jo je pridobila v digitalni
obliki kot del knjižnične zbirke
OPOMBA 1: Vključene so e-knjige, patenti v elektronski obliki, mrežni avdiovizualni dokumenti ter drugi digitalni dokumenti,
kot so poročila, kartografski in glasbeni dokumenti, preprinti itd. Podatkovne zbirke in elektronske serijske
publikacije niso vključene.
OPOMBA 2: Elementi, ki so vključeni v podatkovne zbirke, so obravnavani v točki 2.9.
OPOMBA 3: Digitalni dokument je lahko strukturiran v eni ali v več datotekah.
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OPOMBA 4: Digitalni dokument je lahko sestavljen iz ene ali iz več vsebinskih enot.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.2.12]
zapisana informacija ali materialni objekt, ki se lahko obravnava kot enota v dokumentacijskem
[ISO 5127:2001, definicija 1.2.2]
OPOMBA: Dokumenti se lahko razlikujejo po svoji fizični obliki in značilnostih.
prevzem podatkov
uspešno izpolnjena zahteva po prenosu formalnega deskriptivnega zapisa ali vsebinske enote, na
primer za prikazovanje na zaslonu, tiskanje, shranjevanje ali pošiljanje po elektronski pošti
OPOMBA: Za dnevniško datoteko spletnega strežnika so uspešno izpolnjene zahteve tiste zahteve s specifično kodo
odgovora, ki jo je definirala NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications).
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.4]
mera za ugotavljanje stopnje doseganja zastavljenih ciljev
OPOMBA: Aktivnost je uspešna, kadar v največji možni meri dosega pričakovane rezultate.
mera za ugotavljanje izkoristka vloženih virov, potrebnih za uresničitev danega cilja
OPOMBA: Aktivnost je učinkovita, če zmanjša uporabo virov do najmanjše možne mere ali daje boljše rezultate z uporabo
enakih virov.
elektronska knjiga
digitalni dokument, ki je licenciran ali ne, v katerem prevladuje iskalno besedilo in ki ga je mogoče
obravnavati po analogiji s tiskano knjigo (monografijo)
OPOMBA 1: Način uporabe e-knjige je v mnogih primerih odvisen od razpoložljive naprave in/ali posebnega bralnika ali
programske opreme, potrebne za ogled.
OPOMBA 2: E-knjige si lahko uporabniki izposodijo na prenosni napravi (bralnik e-knjig) ali pa se vsebina prenese na
uporabnikov računalnik za omejeno časovno obdobje.
Opomba 3: Doktorske disertacije v elektronski obliki so vključene.
Opomba 4: Dokumenti, ki jih je digitalizira knjižnica, so vključeni.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.2.15]
proces ocenjevanja uspešnosti, učinkovitosti, koristnosti in ustreznosti storitve ali opreme in
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zunanji uporabnik
uporabnik knjižnice, ki ne sodi med potencialne uporabnike knjižnice
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.8]
prostori in oprema
oprema, študijska mesta itd., namenjena uporabnikom knjižnice
OPOMBA: Vključeni so fotokopirni stroji, računalniški terminali, CD-ROM-delovne postaje, sedeži za branje in študijske
celice, izključeni pa sanitarije, kavarne in javni telefoni.
prostodostopni internetni viri
viri na internetu z neomejenim dostopom
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.2.18]
ekvivalent polnega delovnega časa
mera za izražanje dela enega uslužbenca s polnim delovnim časom v enem letu
PRIMER: Če od treh oseb, ki so zaposlene kot bibliotekarji, ena dela za četrtino delovnega časa, ena za polovico
delovnega časa in ena za polni delovni čas, potem je FTE teh oseb 0,25 + 0,50 + 1,0 = 1,75 bibliotekarja (FTE).
OPOMBA: Ni nujno, da vse knjižnice uporabljajo enako število ur na leto za določanje FTE. Zato morajo vse primerjalne
meritve med knjižnicami upoštevati morebitne razlike v urah.
želeno stanje zadev, ki naj bi ga dosegli z izvajanjem dogovorjenih politik
kazalec uspešnosti
izraz (ki je lahko številčni, simbolni ali besedni), ki je uporabljen za predstavitev aktivnosti (dogodkov,
predmetov, oseb), tako v količinskem kot kakovostnem pogledu, za oceno vrednosti značilnih
aktivnosti in z njimi povezanih metod
organizacija ali del organizacije, katere osrednji namen so gradnja in vzdrževanje knjižnične zbirke ter
omogočanje uporabe tistih informacijskih virov, storitev in pripomočkov, ki so potrebni za
zadovoljevanje informacijskih, raziskovalnih, izobraževalnih, kulturnih ali rekreacijskih potreb njenih
OPOMBA 1: To so osnovne zahteve za knjižnico in ne izključujejo dodatnih virov in storitev, ki se pridružujejo njenemu
osnovnemu namenu.
OPOMBA 2: Kadar ima knjižnica več kot eno funkcijo (na primer šolska knjižnica in splošna knjižnica), se knjižnica navadno
sama odloči, katera je njena primarna funkcija, ali pa se, v izjemnih primerih, njene funkcije in podatki za
poročila ustrezno delijo.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.1.5]
OPOMBA 3: Tu so lahko vključene virtualne in/ali elektronske knjižnice, če upoštevajo osnovno definicijo knjižnice.
spletno mesto knjižnice
edinstvena domena na internetu, sestavljena iz vrste spletnih strani, ki jih objavlja knjižnica, da bi
zagotavljala dostop do knjižničnih storitev in virov
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
OPOMBA 1: Strani spletnega mesta so navadno med seboj povezane z uporabo hipertekstnih povezav.
OPOMBA 2: Izključeni so dokumenti, ki ustrezajo definicijam elektronske zbirke ali prostodostopnih internetnih virov, do
katerih se je mogoče povezati s spletnega mesta knjižnice.
OPOMBA 3: Izključene so spletne storitve na domeni knjižnice, katerih operativnost zagotavljajo druge organizacije.
transakcija neposredne izposoje ali dostave enote v neelektronski obliki (na primer knjige),
elektronskega dokumenta na fizičnem nosilcu (na primer CD-ROM-u) ali drugi napravi (na primer
bralniku e-knjig) ali posredovanje elektronskega dokumenta uporabniku za omejeno časovno obdobje
(npr. e-knjiga)
OPOMBA 1: Izposoje vključujejo tako podaljšanja izposoje, ki jih uporabnik zahteva sam, kot tudi evidentirano izposojo
znotraj knjižnice (izposoja v knjižnico). Podaljšanja izposoje je treba šteti ločeno.
OPOMBA 2: Izposoje vključujejo kopije dokumentov, zagotovljene na kraju, kjer se nahaja originalni dokument (vključno s
telefaksom), in izpise elektronskih dokumentov, ki jih osebje knjižnice naredi za uporabnike.
OPOMBA 3: Izposoje dokumentov v fizični obliki oddaljenim uporabnikom so tukaj vključene.
OPOMBA 4: Elektronski prenos dokumentov s posredovanjem knjižnice se šteje za elektronsko dostavo dokumentov, kadar
je njihova uporaba časovno neomejena. Tu so vključena posredovanja potencialnim uporabnikom knjižnice.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.14]
strukturirani podatki o podatkih, vključno s podatki, povezanimi z informacijskim sistemom ali z
informacijskim objektom, za potrebe opisa, administriranja, pravnih zahtev, tehnične funkcionalnosti,
rabe in uporabe ter varstva podatkov
OPOMBA: Povzeto po Dublin Core Metadata Initiative.
izjava, ki jo odobrijo pristojni organi, v kateri so opredeljeni cilji knjižnice in ponudba njenih storitev ter
razvoj proizvodov
usmerjeni cilj aktivnosti, ki z uresničitvijo prispeva k doseganju cilja organizacije
uspešnost zagotavljanja knjižničnih storitev ter učinkovitost pri razporejanju in uporabi virov pri
zagotavljanju storitev
kazalec uspešnosti
številčni, simbolni ali besedni izraz, pridobljen iz knjižnične statistike in podatkov, ki se uporablja za
opis delovanja knjižnice
potencialni uporabniki knjižnice
število posameznikov, za katere je bila knjižnica ustanovljena, da jim zagotavlja storitve in gradivo
OPOMBA: Za splošne knjižnice je to navadno vse prebivalstvo upravnega območja (upravna enota); za knjižnice
visokošolskih izobraževalnih ustanov je to navadno skupno število akademskega in strokovnega osebja ter
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
stopnja, na kateri skupek svojstvenih karakteristik izpolnjuje zahteve
OPOMBA 1: Izraz "kakovost" se lahko uporablja s pridevniki, kot so npr. slaba, dobra ali odlična.
OPOMBA 2: "Svojstven" za razliko od "dodeljen" pomeni, da v nečem ali na njem nekaj obstaja, zlasti kot trajna
[ISO 9000:2005, definicija 3.1.1]
prevzeti zapis
formalni deskriptivni zapis, ki je bil uspešno zahtevan v podatkovni zbirki ali računalniškem katalogu
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.19]
izdatki delovanja
tekoči izdatki
finančna sredstva, izdana za osebje in za vire, ki se uporabljajo in redno obnavljajo; izključeni so
investicijski izdatki, kot so glavne kapitalske postavke, nove stavbe, širitve in prenove obstoječih stavb
ter računalniška oprema
OPOMBA: izdatki delovanja se v različnih ustanovah, organih in državah izračunavajo na različne načine in pri tem očitno
ni mogoče najti enotnega načina za izračunavanje. Izračun bo moral biti izveden v skladu z ustaljeno prakso in
kontekstom, v katerem se izvaja. To tudi pomeni, da so primerjave veljavne le, kadar so izračuni opravljeni po
enakih načelih. Izdatki delovanja navadno vključujejo: plače in nadomestila (vključno z dodatki in drugimi
ugodnostmi za zaposlene), stroške za nabavo gradiva za zbirko, administrativne stroške, stroške vzdrževanja
stavb, zbirk itd., stroške najema ali stroške zavarovanja stavb in opreme ter druge obratovalne stroške
(ogrevanje, osvetljava, električna energija itd.). Kjer je to izvedljivo, se vključijo tudi lokalni in nacionalni davki od
nakupa/prodaje, kot so davek na dodano vrednost (DDV)), razen kadar se kazalec uspešnosti uporablja za
mednarodne primerjave.
registrirani uporabnik
oseba ali organizacija, ki se je včlanila v knjižnico, da bi v skladu z njenimi pravili uporabljala njeno
knjižnično zbirko in/ali storitve v knjižničnih prostorih ali zunaj njih
OPOMBA: Uporabnike je mogoče včlaniti na njihovo zahtevo ali avtomatično z vpisom v institucijo.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.20]
zavrnjena seja
neuspešna zahteva za dostop do podatkovne zbirke ali računalniškega kataloga, zavrnjena zaradi
preseganja trenutne omejitve števila hkratnih uporabnikov
OPOMBA: Zavrnitev zahteve zaradi napačnega uporabniškega gesla je izključena.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.21]
stopnja, do katere ukrep ponovljivo in konsistentno daje enake rezultate
uspešna zahteva po podatkovni zbirki ali računalniškem katalogu
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SIST ISO 11620 : 2008
OPOMBA 1: Seja je en cikel uporabnikove aktivnosti, ki se navadno začne, ko se uporabnik prijavi v podatkovno zbirko ali
računalniški katalog, in se konča z eksplicitno odjavo (z zapustitvijo podatkovne zbirke z odjavo ali izhodom) ali
implicitno (potek časa zaradi uporabnikove neaktivnosti) prekinitvijo aktivnosti v podatkovni zbirki. Povprečno
časovno obdobje neaktivnosti uporabnika je omejeno na 30 minut. Če se uporablja drugačno časovno obdobje,
je treba o tem poročati.
OPOMBA 2: Seje na spletnem mestu knjižnice se štejejo za virtualne obiske.
OPOMBA 3: Zahteve po dostopu do spletne vstopne strani ali portala knjižnice je treba izključiti.
OPOMBA 4: Zahteve spletnih iskalnikov je treba izključiti, kadar je to mogoče.
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.3.25]
posebna dotacija
izredna dotacija za financiranje (ali delno financiranje) projektov
[ISO 2789:2006, definicija 3.5.4]
ciljna populacija
skupine dejanskih in morebitnih uporabnikov, ki jih posamezna knjižnica šteje za primarne uporabnike
specifičnih storitev ali za primarne uporabnike specifičnih gradiv
besedilo v glavi dokumenta, ki ga identificira in ga navadno razlikuje od drugih
[ISO 5127:2001, definicija
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