Information processing — Text and office systems — Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 10: Formal specifications — Amendment 4: Formal specification of the geometric graphics content architectures

Traitement de l'information — Bureautique — Architecture des documents de bureau (ODA) et format d'échange — Partie 10: Spécifications formelles — Amendement 4: Spécifications formelles des architectures de contenus graphiques géométriques

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ISO/IEC 8613-10:1991/Amd 4:1992 - Formal specification of the geometric graphics content architectures
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First edition
Information processing -Text and office
systems - Office Document Architecture (ODA)
and interchange format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
AMENDMENT 4: Formal specification of the
geometric graphics content architectures
Traitement de /‘information - Bureautique - Architecture des documents
de bureau (ODA) et format d’khange -
Partie 70: Spkifications formelles
formelles des architectures de contenus
AMENDEMENT 4: Spkcifications
graphiques ggomktriques
Reference number
lSO/IEC 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/IEC 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system f-or worldwide
standardization. National bodies that are members of’ IS0 or IEC participate in the
development of’ International Standards through technical committees established by
the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and
IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also
take part in the work.
In the field of’ information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint
technical committee are circulated to national bodies f-or voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 5% of-the national bodies casting
a vote.
Amendment 4 to International Standard ISO/IEC 86 13- 10: 1991 was prepared by Joint
Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, I~zjb-tndm tdwology.
general ti tie I~~jhm44tio~~
ISO/IEC 8613 consists of the following parts, under the
processi~~g - Text md office systems - Oflice Doclrlneut Archit~ctw-e (ODA) md
inter-chmge jb-inat :
- Pm-t I : If itr-oductioti und general l3rif rciples
- Pm-t 2: Docwnm t strutwzs
- Pm-t 4: Documeru /3wjile
- Pm 5: Otiice Docxmetlt htei-chmge Fw-tmt (ODIF)
- Pm-t 6: CllcrmYer cm teii t cu-dhctur-es
- Purl 7: Rmter- grq3lk.x cotltent err-cizitectwes
- Port 8: Gexmctric grqhics colltmt m-chitectut-es
- Pult 10: Fom~rl specijicatiom
Annex E forms an integral part of ISO/IEC 86 13- 10.
0 lSO/IEC 1992
All rights I-estxved. No part of this publication may be rcproductxl or utilized in any for-rn or by any
~neans, electronic or rnechankxl, including photocopying and rnicr-olllm, without permission in writing
from the publisher.
International Organization for Standar-dization
Case postale 56 l CH- 121 1 Gcn&vt: 20 . Switzerland
Printed in Switzcrkuid

---------------------- Page: 2 ----------------------
IS0 8613=10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
Information processing - Text and office systems -
Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange
format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
AMENDMENT 4: Formal specification of the geometric
graphics content architectures
Insert a new annex E as follows:

---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
IS0 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
Annex E
Formal specification of the geometric graphics content architectures
E.l Introduction
This annex gives a formal specification of the geometric graphics content architectures as described in IS0 8613-8.
This annex is composed of 5 clauses:
Clause E.l provides a general introduction, including a list of all definitions which are given in E.2, E.3 and E.4.
Clause E.2 provides the interface to the document profile and its formal specification.
Clauses E.3 and E.4 provide the interface to the document architecture by giving a formal specification of geometric
graphics presentation at,tributes and content portion attributes that, apply to geometric graphics content portions.
Clause E.5 is an index to the terms (definit,ions, operators, attribute names) used in E.2, E.3 and E.4.
At any time a clause number is specified in the semi-formal descriptlions this refers to a clause number in IS0 8613-8.
What follows is the outline of t,he formula which specifies the geometric graphics content architectures. The dots
indicate formal text fragments which have been left out for the sake of readability. The full formula can be obtained
by replacing each line (apart from the clnd) with the definition which is referenced by the superscript of the predicate
symbol or operator symbol, respectively. The variables used in the definition of the predicate have to be replaced
by those appearing in the outline (if they are different). NOTE: A definition is a formula, hence it may never yield
an undefined result, whatever value has been inserted for the variable.
. . . IsProfileDefault ableGeomet,ricGra.phicsContentArchitectureAt,t,riblltles.’ (~0)
. . .
and IsProfileGeometricGraphicsCodingSpecification8*2 (v) . . .
- --’
und . . . IsProfileGeometricGraphicsPresentationFeat,llres.3( v)
. . .
a. n d
Sat,isfiesGeomet,ricGraphicsContentArcl~it,ectllreConst,raint,s~.4(prof, doby) . . .
- ---
a n d
IsGeomet,ricGraphicsContentPortionDescriptions.~ (co&) . . .
- **-
u n d IsGeomet,ricGraphicsContentPresentationAttriblltes.~(~~~~) . . .
- -*-
u n. d IsGeon~et~ricGrapl~icsCoIltelltCotli~~~A~~t~rib~~tes~7( cltt)
. . .
- **-
nn cl
IsGeometricGraphicsContentPortionAttrib~lt,eSet,~.~ ((1s) . . .
- -**
n 1% (1 IsGeomet~ricGrapl~icsEncodingAnnouncerVal~~es~g (11) . . .
- *--
u n d IsDirectColourValuePair8~10( v)
. . .
- *--
Q n d
IsLineRenditionValue8.11 (?I) . . .
- ---
u n d IsSet OfLineBundleSpecifica.tions8*12 (v)
. . .
- *--
0 12 d
IsLineBundleSpecification8*13( u) . . .
- **-
Q n d
IsGeometricGraphicsColourValue8*14 (v> . . .
- --*
and IsWidthValue8*1”(v) . . .
- ***
Q n d IsSpecificationModeValue8*1’ (v) . . .
- .‘.
IsLineTypeValue8*17( v) . . .
- --*
un ) d . . . IsMarker RenditjionValuea.18 (v) . . .
u rh d IsSet OfMarkerBundleSpecifications”.lY (v>
- .’ . . .
und . . .
IsMarkerBundleSpecification8*2” (v) . . .
an d . . . IsMarkerTypeValues.21 (v) . . .
nnd . . . IsTextRenditionValue8*22(v) . . .
IsCharacterSetList”*23(~) . . .
- --*
nnd . . . IsCharacterSetSpecification8*24 (v) . . .
and . . . IsSetOfTextBundleSpecifications8~2’ (v) . . .
uml . . .
IsRegisteredDesignationSequenceTai18*2’(v) . “.

---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
IS0 8613-10:1991/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
und . . . IsTextBundleSpecificatic,n8~27( v)
. . .
un.d . . . IsOrientjationVectorPair”.2”( v)
. . .
und . . .
IsFontjListSet”*2g( v) . . .
und . . .
IsTextAlignmentSpecification”.““( v)
. . .
and . . .
IsFilledAreaRenditionValue8*31 (v) . . .
and . . . IsSet~OfFillBundleSpecifications”.32( v)
. . .
unhi . . . IsFillBundleSpecification”.33( v)
. . .
un d . . . IsSetOfPatternTableSpecifications8*34(v) . . .
and . . .
IsPat ternTableSpecification’*35( v)
. . .
an d . . .
IsSeqOfDirectColourValue8~36( v)
. . .
an d . . . IsHatchIndexValue8*37(v) . . .
and . . .
IsPat ternSizeValue”*3”( v) . . .
and . . .
IsEdgeRenditionValue8*3g (v) . . .
and . . .
IsSet OfEdgeBundleSpecifications”*40 (v)
. . .
(1 n d . . .
IsEdgeBundleSpecification”.41 (v) . . .
and . . .
IsEdgeTypeValue”*42 (v) . . .
and . . .
IsColourRepresent,ationsValue8*43 (v) . . .
und . . . IsSet OfColourTableSpecifications”.44 (v)
. . .
und . . . IsColourTableSpecification”.4” (v) . . .
md . . .
IsTransparencySpecificationValue8*4’( v)
. . .
and . . .
IsTransformationSpecificationValue8*47( v)
. . .
un d . . . IsR.egionOfInt~erest,SpecificationValue8~4”( v)
. . .
and . . . IsPictlureOrient~ationValue8~4g (21)
. . .
un)d . . . IsPictureDimensionsValue8*50( v)
. . .
un, d . . .
IsGeometricGraphicsContlentArchitectureCl~sValue~.51 (v) . . .
and . . .
IsGeometricGraphicsColltentTypeOfCodingV.52( v)
. . .
and . . o IsGeomet,ricGraphicsContentInformationVal~~e~.53( v)
. . .
- l -- IsDirectColourValue8*54 (v) . . .
und . . .
IsVDCPair8*55 (v) . . .
uri d . . .
IsVDCValue’*“” v . . .
unfl . . . IsNnVDCValuea*5
(v) . . .
and . . . IsRegisteredLineType8a5’( v)
. . .
(4 n d . . .
IsRegistjeredMarkerType8*5g( v)
. . .
n11d . . .
IsRegist,eredHatchIndex8*60( v)
. . .
a n d . . .
IsRegist,eredEdgeType8*61 (v) . . .
NOTE: Other predicates or operators which are used here, but are defined in clause 6, are not listed here.

---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
IS0 8613-10: 199UAmd. 4tl992 (E)
E.2 Interface to the Document Profile
1 Semiformal Description 8.1 1
Predicate “is a profile defaultable geometric graphics content architecture attribute”
A profile defaultable geometric graphics content architecture attribute is a geometric graphics content presentation
NOTE: This predicate is used in annex B.
Definition 8.1 ]
1 v ntt
2 (,, IsProfileDefaultableGeometricGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute(utt) iff
3 IsGeomet,ricGraphicsContentPresentationAttribute~.6(~tt) J
1 Semiformal Description 8.2 1
Predicate “is a profile geometric graphics coding specification”
A profile geometric graphics coding specification is a nomination where each element, is a geometric graphics content
coding attribute.
NOTE: This predicate is used in annex B.
1 Definition 8.2 1
1 vv
2 (, IsProfileGeometricGraphicsCodingSpecification( v) #
3 IsNom(v) and
4 V 5 c &v. (IsGeometricGraphicsContentCodingAttrib~~t,e~.7(C b)) ,,)
1 Semiformal Description 8.3 1
Predicate “is a profile geometric graphics presentation feature”
A profile geometric graphics presentation feature is a nomination where each element, is a geometric graphics content
presentation attribute.
NOTE: This predicate is used in annex B.
Definition 8.3
1 vv
2 ((, IsProfileGeometricGraphicsPresent,at,ionFeature( v) #
3 IsNom(v) and
4 wlpv. (IsGeometlricGraphicsContentPresentationAt,t,rib~~te~.6(C b)) ,,)

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IS0 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
E.3 Interface to the Document Architecture
1 Semiformal Description 8.4 1
Predicate “satisfies geometric graphics content architecture constraints”
A document profile prof and a document body doby satisfy the constraints imposed by the geometric graphics
content architecture if the following holds: For all constituents cst and content portions cant in the document body
for which the content portion is described by the constituent and for which the attribute ‘content architecture class’
of the constituent has the value '2 8 2 8 0’ , the content portion is a geometric graphics content portion description
and the value ’ 2 8 2 8 0' appears in the document profile attribute ‘content architecture classes’.
NOTE: This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of IS0 8613.
[ Definition 8.4 1
1 Vprof, ctoby
2 (0 Sat,isfiesGeomet,ricGraphicsContentArchit,ect~lreConst,raint,s(p~o~, doby) ifi
3 V cst, cant E doby
4 (1 (z (cont)DescribesContlPort10f2*153(cst) md
5 c Yxt 8 ’ content architecture class’ = ‘2 8 2 8 0 ’ J impl
6 (3 IsGeometricGrapllicsCoIltentPortionDescript,ion~.5(cont) md
7 ’ content architecture classes ’ ;O Jo)
I Semiformal Description 8.5 1
Predicate “is a geometric graphics content portion description”
A geometric graphics content portion description is a set of geometric graphics content portion attributes.
NOTE: This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of IS0 8613.
1 Definition 8.51
1 V cant
2 (0 IsGeomet,ricGraphicsContentPortionDescription(cont) ifl
3 IsGeomet,ricGrapllicsContentPortionAttrib~~t,eSet~.~(co~) ,,)

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IS0 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 8.6 1
Predicate “is a geometric graphics content presentation attribute”
A geometric graphics content presentation attribute is one of the attributes ‘colour representations’, ‘edge rendition’,
‘filled area rendition ’ , * geometric graphics encoding announcer’ , ’ line rendition ’ , ’ marker rendition ’ , ’ picture dimen-
’ transparency specification I and ’ trans-
sions ’ , ’ picture orientation ’ , ’ region of interest specification I, ‘text rendition ’ ,
formation specification ’
with an appropriate value.
NOTE: This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of IS0 8613.
Definition 8.6
1 V att
2 (0 IsGeometricGraphicsContentPresentationAttribut,e( att) ifl
3 32,c
4 (1 utt = [n : c] und
’ edge rendition ’ ;
5 n E [ ’ colour representations ’ ;
6 ‘filled area rendition ’ ; ‘geometric graphics encoding announ
7 ’ line rendition ’ ; ’ marker rendition ’ ;
’ picture orientation * ;
8 * picture dimensions ’ ;
9 ’ region of interest specification ’ ; ’ text rendition ’ ;
10 ‘transformation specification ’ ; ‘transparency specification ‘1 und
= ’ colour representations ’ impl
( 2n
.19 c
12 IsColourRepresent,ationsVaD43( ‘c) of IsPlaceholder’ 2) und
0) 3
( 3
13 - ’ edge rendition ’
( 4n
Placeholderl*‘“(c),) 4) und
14 IsEdgeRenditionVap3’( c) of Is
( 5
15 = ‘filled area rendition ’ imp1
( P
fl IsPlaceholder’*‘” u n d
16 IsFilledAreaRenditionVam.31 (c)
( 7 (c)-r) 6)
17 8n = ’ geometric graphics encoding announcer’ impl
-*l”(c)J o) und
18 (9 IsGeometricGraphicsEncodingAnnouncerVaQg(~) m IsPlaceholder’
19 n - ‘line rendition’ impl
1 1> lo) und
20 IsLineRenditionValue”“(c) or IsPlaceholder’*‘“(c)
( 11
21 n - ’ marker rendition ’ impl
‘(c) 13) 12) untl
22 IsMarkerR.enditionVaD”(c) of IsPlaceholder’*19
( 13
23 n = ’ picture dimensions’ impl
( 14
24 IsPictureDimensionsValue8*ao (c) (,r IsPlaceholderl-
lg(c)lJ 14) cl.ntl
( 15
25 n = ’ picture orientation ’ imp1
( 16
26 IsPictureOrientationVa@4g(c) (,r’ IsPlaceholder’. ‘“(c)~~) J and
( 17
27 n ’ region of interest specification ’ impl
( 18
28 aceholderl*lg(c),,)
IsRegionOfInterestSpecificationValue”.4a(c) x IsPl
( 19 18) clncl
29 = ‘text rendition’ irnpl
( 20
30 (1 IsText,RenditionVa~22(c) 0 IsPlaceholder1*1g(~)2J 2[)) und
31 n= ‘transformation specification ’ impl
32 ‘7 23 IT s ransformationSpecificationValue T47(c) 0 IsPlaceholder1~1g(c)23) 2
9) d
33 - ’ transparency specification ’ impl
34 ‘i” 25 fT s rans p arencySpecificationVaD4Q) or IsPlaceholder
1-1gb92S) 24) 1 > 0 >

---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
IS0 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
I Semiformal Description 8.7 I
Predicate “is a geometric graphics content coding at tribute”
A geometric graphics content coding attribute is the attribute ‘type of coding’ with an appropriate value.
NOTE: This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of IS0 8613.
1 Definition 8.7 1
1 V att
2 (o IsGeometricGraphicsContentCodingAttribute(att) ifl
3 3n,c
(,ntt = [n: c] und
5 n= ’ type of coding * und IsGeometricGraphicsContentTypeOfCodingValue~.52(~) l)o)
E.4 Attributes of the Geometric Graphics Content Architecture
1 Semiformal Description 8.8 1
Predicate “is a geometric graphics content portion attribute set”
For a geometric graphics content portion attribute set the value of the att,ribute * content information * is a geometric
graphics content information value.
1 Definition 8.8 1
1 v c-1s
2 (o IsGeometricGraphicsContentPortionAt,tribllt,eSet,(~~s) ifl
3 IsNeNom1.2 (as) und
4 Va C *as.
5 (I=
’ content information ’ imp1 IsGeometricGraphicsContentInformat,ionValue~.53(C a) Jo)
(N 1

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IS0 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
Semiformal Description 8.9
Predicate “is a geometric graphics encoding announcer value” (clause
The value of the attribute ‘geometric graphics encoding announcer’ is a nomination with the names * Colour In-
dex Precision ’ , Colour Selection Mode’, * Colour Value Extent’, ’ Index Precision I, ’ Integer Preci-
’ Colour Precision * , *
sion *, * * VDC Real Precision * and ‘VDC Type’
Maximum Colour Index * , ’ Real Precision * , * VDC Integer Precision ’ ,
(3-9). For the names * Colour Index Precision * , * Colour Precision ’ , ’ Index Precision ’ and ’ Integer Precision ’ the
value is either 8, 16, 24 or 32 (11, 12). For the name * Colour Selection Mode ’ the value is either ‘indexed * or
‘direct * (13, 14). For the name lColour Value Extent’ the value is a direct colour value pair (15, 16). For the
name ‘M aximum Colour Index * the value is a non-negative integer (17, 18). For the names ’ Real Precision ’ and
‘VDC Real Precision 1 the value is either ‘floating point format, 9, 23’) ‘floating point format, 12, 52’) ‘fixed point
format, 16, 16 * or ‘fixed point format, 32, 32 * (19-22). For the name ‘VDC Integer Precision’ the value is either 16,
‘real’ (25, 26). All parameters are
24 or 32 (23, 24). For the name * VDC Type’ the value is either ‘integer* or
default able.
I Definition 8.9 I
1 vv
(o IsGeometricGraphicsEncodingAnnouncerValue( v) ijf
3 IsNom(v) und
4 NAMS1.18(v) = [I Colour Index Precision ’ ; * Colour Precision ’ ;
5 * Colour Selection Mode ’ ; * Colour Value Extent’ ;
6 * Index Precision ’ ; * Integer Precision * ;
7 * Maximum Colour Index’ ; ’ Real Precision ’ ;
’ VDC Real Precision * ;
8 * VDC Integer Precision ’ ;
9 * VDC Type’] und
10 va ‘$3.
(, (:, N a e [ * Colour Index Precision * ; * Colour Precision * ; * Index Precision ’ ; ’ Integer Precision ‘1 imp1
12 (3 IsPlaceholderll” (C a) - or C a E [8; 16; 24; 321 3)2) cud
13 = * Colour Selection Mode’ irnpl
( N
14 4 (5 IZPlaceholder’.‘” (C n) m C (I E [‘indexed’ ; ’ direct ‘1 5)4) and
15 = * Colour Value Extent’ imp1
(* N
16 ’ (7 ~Placeholder’lg (C (I) 0 IsDirectColourValuePair * selO(C (I),),) and
17 = * Maximum Colour Index’ irrlpl
( N
18 ’ (,IZPlaceholdpr”“(C (I) or’ IsNnInt?7(C (I> ) ) nrd
19 (,,, N (I E [’ Real Precision ‘; TDC Real Precisio; ‘1 imp1
20 (11 IsPlaceholderl*lg(C Q> or
C u E [‘floating point format, 9, 23 * ; ‘floating point format, 12, 52 ’ ;
22 ‘fixed point format, 16, 16’ ; ‘fixed point format, 32, 32’1 II> ,,,) und
23 = ‘VDC Integer Precision ’ imp1
( N
24 l2 (,3~sPlacel~older1~1g (C a) 0 C a E C16; 24;32] 13)12) un.d
25 = ‘VDC Type * im,pl
( N
26 (C a) 0 C (I E [‘integer * ; ‘real ‘I ,,) 14) ,)J
l4 (~5~sPlaceholder1*1g

---------------------- Page: 10 ----------------------
IS0 8613-10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 8.10 1
Predicate “is a direct colour value pair” (clause
A direct colour value pair is a sequence of two direct colour values.
1 Definition 8.10 1
1 vu
2 (” IsDirectColourValuePair( v) $
3 v=
[--+z--+r--+] and
4 IsDirectColourValuea*54 (I) clnd IsDirectColourValue8.54 (r) 0)
Semiformal Description 8.11
, l
Predicate “is a line rendition value” (clause
is a nomination with the names ’ line aspect source flags’, ’ line bundle
The value of the attribute ‘line rendition’
’ Line Width ’ and ’ Line Width Specification Mode’.
specifications’ , ’ Line Bundle Index’, ’ Line Colour’, ’ Line Type’,
the value is again a nomination with the names ’ line colour asf’ , ’ line
For the name I line aspect source flags’
type asf’ and I line width asf’ whose values are either ’ bundled ’ or ‘individual’ (9-14). For the name ’ line bundle
’ Line Bundle Index’ the value
specifications ’ the value is a set, of line bundle specifications (15, 16). For the name
’ Line Colour’ the value is a geometric graphics colour value (19, 20).
is a positive integer (17, 18). For the name
the value is a line type value (21, 22). F or the name ‘Line Width’ the value is a width
For the name ’ Line Type’
the value is a specification mode value (25, 26). All
value (23, 24). For the name ’ Line Width Specification Mode ’
parameters are defaultable.
1 Definition 8.11 1
2 (, IsLineRenditionValue( v) @
3 IsNom(v) and
4 NAMS1”(v) = [’ I ine aspect source flags’; ’ line bundle specifications’ ;
5 ’ Line Bundle Index’; ’ Line Colour ’ ;
’ Line Width ’ ;
6 ’ Line Type’ ;
7 ’ Line Width Specification Mode ‘I und
8 vuc-v.
9 ’ line aspect source flags’ impl
(l(2 N n =
10 (:, IsPlaceholder’.lg(C ~1) z
11 (4 IsNom(C u) and
12 NAMSl*ls(C (I) = [I line colour asf’ ; ’ line type asf’ ; ‘line width asf’] and
Vb c -(c (I).
14 (,IsPlaceholderl.lg(C I) m C b E [I bundled ‘; ‘individual ‘]),),),),) and
15 - ’ line bundle specifications’ impl
( N
r3.12(c (I),),) und
16 ’ (7 IIPlaceholder’*‘” (C (I) g IsSetOfLineBundleSpecifications
- ’ Line Bundle Index’ impl
( N
(C u) 0 IsNat(C n),),) and
18 ’ (9 IIiaceholder’-l”
19 - ’ Line Colour’ ZrnpZ
( N
“14(C u) 11) lo> and
20 lo (,,YkPlaceholder”” (C (I) E IsGeometricGraphicsColourValue
21 - ’ Line Type’ ZmpZ
( N
&*17(C u) 13) 12) und
22 l2 (Jskaceholder”” (C n) of IsLineTypeValue
23 - ’ Line Width’ impl
( N
24 l4 (,,;LsFlaceholder’*lg (C n) 0 IsWidt,hValue’*15(C &),,) und
25 - ’ Line Width Specification Mode’ irnpl
( N
26 (C (I) a IsSpecificationModeValue’*“(C (I> J J ,)J
” (,,flsPlaceholrler””

---------------------- Page: 11 ----------------------
IS0 8613-10:1991/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
Semiformal Description 8.12
Predicate “is a set of line bundle specifications” (clause
A set of line bundle specifications is a collect,ion of elements which are line bundle specifications.
Definition 8.12
2 (0 IsSetOfLineBundleSpecifications(v) ifl
3 IsCol( v) und
4 V a E v (IsLineBundleSpecification”.‘3( a)) J
1 Semiformal Description 8.13 1
Predicate “is a line bundle specification” (clause
A line bundle specification is a nomination with the names ‘line bundle representation’ and ’ Line Bundle Index’.
For the name ’ Line Bundle Index’ the value is a positive integer (6). For the name ‘line bundle representation ’ the
value is again a nomination with the names ’ Line Colour’ , ’ Line Type’ and ’ Line Width’ (7-9). For the name
’ Line Type’ the value is a line type
’ Line Colour ’ the value is a geometric graphics colour value (11). For the name
value (12). For the name ’ L’ me Width ’ the value is a width value (13).
1 Definition 8.13 1
1 vu
2 (, IsLineBundleSpecification( v) #
3 IsNom(v) und
4 NAMS1*18(~) = [’ line bundle representation ’ ; ’ Line Bundle Index’] and
5 vu’$-v.
6 (). (2 N u = ’ Line Bundle Index’ impl IsNat(C n),) and
- ’ line bundle representation ’ impl
3 (,ItEm(C u) and
9 NAMSl.l”(C n) = C’ Line Colour’ ; ’ Line Type’ ; ’ Line Width ‘1 und
Vb C -(C (I).
’ Line Colour ’ impl IsGeometricGraphicsColourValue8*14(C b),) und
(5 (6 N b =
12 (,N b= ’ Line Type’ impl IsLineTypeValue”.‘7(C b),) and
13 (,N b= ’ Line Width’ impZ IsWidthValue8*15(C b),),),),),),,)
1 Semiformal Description 8.14 1
Predicate “is a geometric graphics colour value” (clauses,,,,
A geometric graphics colour value is either a non-negative integer or a direct colour value.
NOTE: Since the attribute ’ colour ’ is used within the document structures (IS0 8613-2) and an associated predicate
” GeometricGraphics” has been added
“IsColourValue” is defined in clause 7 of this part of IS0 8613, the qualifier
to the predicate name.
Definition 8.14
1 vv
2 (, IsGeometricGrapl~icsColourValue(v) $
3 IsNnIrk7(v) or IsDirectColourValuem4(v) ,,)

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IS0 8613~10:199l/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
Semiformal Description 8.15
Predicate “is a width value” (clauses,,
A width value is either a non-negative real number or a non-negative VDC value.
I Definition 8.15 I
1 vv
2 (” IsWidthValue(v) $
IsNnRea11*24 (v) &%NnVDCValue”*57(v) O)
Iemiformal Description 8.16 I
Predicate “is a specification mode value” (clauses,,
A specification mode value is either ’ absolute’ or ‘scaled ’ .
I Definition 8.16 I
1 vv
2 (,, IsSpecificationModeValue( v) @
v E [‘absolute’ ; ‘scaled ‘I ,,) -
r Semiformal Description 8.17 1
Predicate “is a line type value” (clause 6.1 d-2)
A line type value is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or any other registered line type.
I Definition 8.17 I
1 vv
2 ((’ IsLineTypeValue( v) #
3 v E Cl; 2; 3; 4; 51 nr[sRegisteredLineType”-““(v) ,,)

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IS0 8613-10:1991/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
I Semiformal Description 8.18 I
Predicate “is a marker rendition value” (clause
The value of the attribute 1 marker rendition ’ is a nomination with the names ’ marker aspect source flags’, ’ marker
’ Marker Size Specification Mode’ and
bundle specifications’, I Marker Bundle Index’, ’ Marker Colour’ , ’ Marker Size’,
’ Marker Type’. For the name ’ marker aspect source flags’ the value is again a nomination with the names ’ marker
colow asf’ , ’ bundled’ or ’ individual’ (9-14). For
’ marker size asf’ and I marker type asf’ whose values are either
the value is a set of marker bundle specifications (15, 16). For the name
the ’ marker bundle specifications’
’ Marker Bundle Index’ the value is a positive integer (17, 18). For the name ’ Marker Colour ’ the value is a geometric
the value is a width value (21, 22). For the name
graphics colour value (19, 20). For the name ’ Marker Size’
’ Marker Size Specification Mode I the value is a specification mode value (23, 24). For the name ’ Marker Type’ the
value is a marker type value (25, 26). All parameters are defaultable.
Definition 8.18
1 vv
2 ((I IsMarkerRenditionValue(v) ifl
3 IsNom(v) und
’ marker bundle specifications ’ ;
4 NAM+‘“(v) = [’ marker aspect source flags ’ ;
’ Marker Colour ’ ;
5 ’ Marker Bundle Index’ ;
6 ’ Marker Size’ ; ’ Marker Size Specification Mode’ ;
7 ’ Marker Type’] und
8 VaG3.h
9 ‘marker aspect source flags’ impl
(1 (2 N cL =
10 (3 IsPlaceholderl*lg(C a) 07”
11 (,IsNom(C (I) und
12 NAMS1s(C a) = [’ marker colour asf’ ; ’ marker size asf’ ; ’ marker type asf’ I und
13 Vbc^(Ca).
14 (,IsPlaceholderl*lg(C b) 0 C b E [‘bundled ‘; ‘individual’]),),),),) und
15 ’ marker bundle specifications ’ impl
( N
(C a) 0 IsSetOfMarker BundleSpecifications 8a1g(C a)J6) and
16 ’ (7 IZZPlaceholder’*‘”
17 - ‘Marker Bundle Index’ impl
( N
18 ’ (p IZiaceholder’.‘” (C a) of IsNat(C a),),) and
19 - ’ Marker Colour’ impl
( 10 N
20 (,,~sPlaceholder”” (C CL) of IsGeometricGraphicsColourValue
r3.14(c 4 11) 10) UJzd
21 = ‘Marker Size’ impl
( N
22 l2 (,3YsPlaceholder1*1g (C (I) x IsWidthValue’*15(C (I> 13) 12) ad
23 - ‘Marker Size Specification Mode’ irnpl
( N
(C a) 0 IsSpecificationModeValue’*16( C ~1) J 14) cd
24 l4 (Js~laceholder””
25 - ’ Marker Type’ irnpl
( N
26 l6 (,,(ZsPlaceholder”” (C (I) 0 IsMarkerTypeValue
8-21(c (I> 17) 161 Jo>
Semiformal Description 8.19
Predicate “is a set of marker bundle specifications” (clause
A set of marker bundle specifications is a collection of elements which are marker bundle specifications.
Definition 8.19 1
1 vv
2 (,,IsSetOfM ar k er B undleSpecifications( v) $j
3 IsCol( v) und
4 V a E v ( IsMarkerBundleSpecification’*20 (a)) (,)

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IS0 8613=10:1991/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
Semiformal Description 8.20
Predicate “is a marker bundle specification” (clause
A marker bundle specification is a nomination with the names
’ marker bundle representation ’ and ’ Marker Bundle
For the name ’ Marker Bundle Index’ the value is a positive integer (6). For the name ‘marker bundle
representation ’ the value is again a nomination with the names ’ Marker Colour ’ , ’ Marker Size’ and * Marker Type’
(7-9). For the name I Marker Colour ’ the value is a geometric graphics colour value (11). For the name ’ Marker Size’
the value is a width value (12). For the name ’ Marker Type ’ the value is a marker type value (13).
Definition 8.20
1 vv
2 (Cl IsMarkerBundleSpecification(v) ijJ
IsNom(v) und
4 NAMSl.l”(v) = [’ marker bundle representation ’ ; ’ Marker Bundle Index ‘I and
5 v&-v.
6 ’ Marker Bundle Index’ impZ IsNat(C (I),) (I,&
(l(2 N CL =
- ’ marker bundle representation ’ irnpl
8 3 (,It&m(C u) and
9 NAMS1*l’(C n) = [I Marker Colour’ ; ’ Marker Size’ ; ’ Marker Type ‘1 nnd
10 Vb G -(C a).
11 ’ Marker Colour’ impl IsGeometricGraphicsColourValue”
14(C b),) und
(S (6 N b =
12 (7N b= ’ Marker Size ’ impl IsWidthValue’*15(C b),) und
13 ((,N b= ’ Marker Type ’ im>pZ IsMarkerTypeValues*21 (C b) J ,J 4) 3) 1
I Semiformal Description 8.21 I
Predicate “is a marker type value” (clause
A marker type value is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or any other registered marker type.
1 Definition 8.21 1
1 vv
2 ((1 IsMarkerTypeValue( v) ifl
3 v E [l; 2; 3; 4; 51 m IsR.egisteredMarkerTypes.5g(v),,)

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IS0 8613910:1991/Amd. 4:1992 (E)
Iformal Description 8.22 I
Predicate “is a text rendition value” (clause
A text rendition value is a nomination with the names ‘text aspect source flags’, ‘text bundle specifications’
‘Alternate Character Set Index’, ’ Character Coding Announcer’, ’ Character Expansion Factor’
’ Character Height’ ’
’ 7
’ Character Orientation I, ’ Character Set Index’ , ’ Character Set List ’ , ’ Character Spacing ’ ’ Font List ’ , ‘TextAlign-
merit’, ‘Text Bundle Index’, ‘Text Colour’, ‘Text Font Index’ , ‘Text Path ’ and ‘Text brecision I.
For the name
‘text aspect source flags’ the value is again a nomination with the names
’ character expansion factor asf’ , ’ character
spacing asf’ , ‘text colour asf’ , I text font asf’ and I text precision asf’ whose values are either ’ bundled ’ or ’ individual ’
(14-20). For th
e name ‘text bundle specifications’ the value is a set of text bundle specifications (21, 22). For the
name ‘Alternate Character Set Index’ the value is a positive integer (23, 24). For the name ‘Character Coding
Announcer’ the value is eith

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