Rough-terrain trucks - User requirements — Part 1: General requirements

Chariots tout-terrain - Exigences pour l'utilisateur — Partie 1: Exigences générales

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ISO 11525-1:2012 - Rough-terrain trucks - User requirements
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STANDARD 11525-1
First edition
Rough-terrain trucks — User
requirements —
Part 1:
General requirements
Chariots tout-terrain — Exigences pour l’utilisateur —
Partie 1: Exigences générales
Reference number
ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
ISO 2012

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ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
© ISO 2012
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s
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Published in Switzerland
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ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 General safety requirements . 2
4.1 Principles . 2
4.2 Operator’s manual(s) . 3
4.3 Modifications or alterations . 3
4.4 Manufacturer’s bulletins . 3
4.5 Operator qualifications . 3
4.6 Operator’s responsibility for training . 3
4.7 Operator training . 3
4.8 Inspection and maintenance . 6
4.9 Hazardous environments . 8
5 Operating safety rules and precautions . 8
5.1 Operator’s responsibility for safety . 8
5.2 Visual inspection and functional tests . 9
5.3 General operating instructions . 9
5.4 Travelling . 11
5.5 Picking and placing loads .12
5.6 Using attachments .12
Bibliography .14
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ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 11525-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 110, Industrial trucks, Subcommittee SC 4, Rough-
terrain trucks.
ISO 11525 consists of the following parts, under the general title Rough-terrain trucks — User requirements:
— Part 1: General requirements
Slewing trucks and lorry-mounted trucks are to form the subjects of future parts 2 and 3.
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Rough-terrain trucks — User requirements —
Part 1: General requirements
1 Scope
This part of ISO 11525 gives general requirements relating to the use of rough-terrain trucks.
It is intended to achieve the following:
a) the prevention of personal injuries, property damage and accidents;
b) the establishment of criteria for inspection, maintenance, operation and training.
Specific user requirements for rotating trucks, lorry-mounted trucks, personnel work platforms that can be fitted
to rough-terrain trucks, the handling of suspended loads with rough-terrain trucks and agricultural applications
are to be covered by the other parts of ISO 11525.
NOTE National or local requirements can apply, which could be more stringent.
2 Normative references
The following reference documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references,
only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including
any amendments) applies.
ISO 5057, Industrial trucks — Inspection and repair of fork arms in service on fork-lift trucks
ISO 10896-1:2012, Rough-terrain trucks — Safety requirements and verification — Part 1: Variable-reach trucks
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
authorized person
person approved or assigned to perform a specific task or tasks at a specific location or locations at a worksite
competent person (3.7) who tests the competency of the trainee (3.11)
act of upkeep, including inspection, lubrication, cleaning, adjustment and scheduled parts replacement
change to the truck that affects its operation (3.5), stability (3.9), capacity or safety
performance of functions of a truck within the scope of its specifications and in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions, work rules and applicable governmental regulations
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ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
competent (3.7) and authorized person (3.1) who controls the operation (3.5) of the truck
competent person
person who has acquired, through training, qualification, experience or a combination of these, the knowledge
and skill enabling that person to correctly perform the required tasks
attachment bracket
device fitted at the end of the boom to facilitate the quick interchange of attachments
state of the truck in which it does not overturn, described technically as the state in which the sum of the
moments acting to overturn the truck is less than the sum of the moments tending to resist overturning
Note to entry: Conditions that can affect stability include ground and floor conditions, gradient, speed and loading
(trucks equipped with attachments behave as partially loaded trucks even when operated without a load on the attachment),
dynamic and static forces, incorrect tyre inflation and the judgment exercised by the operator (3.6).
competent person (3.7) who conducts the training of the truck operator (3.6)
person who is being trained to become a truck operator (3.6)
person or entity responsible for assigning an operator (3.6) to operate a truck and specifying the tasks to be performed
Note to entry: Depending on national or other regulations, or local practice, this term can refer to one or more of the
following entities: owner, employer, custodian, dealer or entity placing the product on the market.
responsible entity
person or entity with responsibility for the design, specification, procurement, fabrication, manufacture,
assembly, provision of information and testing of a truck
Note to entry: Depending on national or other regulations, or local practice, this term can refer to one or more of the
following entities: manufacturer, installer, custodian, dealer, designer or entity placing the product on the market.
4 General safety requirements
4.1 Principles
This part of ISO 11525 shall be supplemented by good management practices, safety controls and application of
sound principles of safety, training, inspection, maintenance, application selection and operation. All data available
regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment shall be considered. Those with direct
control over the application and operation of the truck shall be responsible for ensuring good safety practices.
NOTE Different operating conditions can require additional safety precautions, training and special safe
operating procedures.
The operation of any truck is subject to certain hazards that can be protected against only by the exercise of
care and common sense. It is essential to have competent persons trained in the intended use, safe operation,
maintenance and service of this equipment.
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ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
The user shall ensure that the operator understands that safe operation of the truck is also the operator’s
The user shall ensure that the operator’s mental or physical condition will not impair his/her ability to
operate the truck.
4.2 Operator’s manual(s)
The user shall ensure that the operator’s manual(s) and any additional safety manual provided by the
manufacturer with the truck are always available to the operator and maintenance personnel.
4.3 Modifications or alterations
Except as provided below, no modifications or alterations to a truck that may affect its capacity, stability
or safe operation shall be made without the prior written approval of the original truck manufacturer or its
successor. When the truck manufacturer or its successor approves a modification or alteration, the user shall
be responsible, prior to operation, for ensuring that appropriate changes are made to information plate(s),
documents, certificates, labels, tags and operator manual(s).
If the truck manufacturer is no longer in business and there is no successor, modifications or alterations to the
truck shall be carried out under the following conditions:
a) the design, testing and implementation of the modification or alteration is made in accordance with the
appropriate part of ISO 10896 by a competent person;
b) a permanent record is kept of the design, tests and implementation of the modification or alteration;
c) appropriate changes are made to the information plate(s), documents, certificates, labels, tags and
operator’s manual(s);
d) a permanent and readily visible label is affixed to the truck stating the manner in which the truck has been
modified or altered, together with the date of the modification or alteration, and the name of the person or
organization responsible for the design, testing and implementation of the modifications.
4.4 Manufacturer’s bulletins
The user shall comply with the applicable bulletins as directed by the responsible entity.
4.5 Operator qualifications
Users shall allow only competent and authorized persons to operate a truck. Truck operators shall be competent
to operate the equipment safely, in addition to being trained in accordance with this part of ISO 11525.
4.6 Operator’s responsibility for training
Before operating any truck, the operator shall be trained in accordance with 4.7 and shall have read and be
familiar with the operator’s manual(s) and any other safety information provided by the manufacturer and user
on the particular truck being operated, the application and environment in which the truck is to be used and
any attachments used.
4.7 Operator training
4.7.1 Operator training programme
Personnel who are not considered competent to operate a truck shall operate the truck only as part of the
operator training programme. This training shall be conducted under the direct supervision of a trainer.
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ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
The operator training programme shall be based on user policies, industry standards, local regulations and
policies, operating conditions and the manufacturer’s instructions.
NOTE Information on operator training is available from sources including users, truck manufacturers, government agencies
dealing with employee safety, trade organizations of truck users, public and private organizations and safety consultants.
The training programme shall emphasize safe and proper operation that avoids injury to the operator and
others and prevents property damage. The training program shall include the following items:
a) information about the truck(s) the trainee will operate:
1) characteristics of the truck(s), including possible variations between the truck and others in the workplace,
2) similarities to, and differences from, other mobile equipment,
3) significance of information plates, load charts, warnings and instructions affixed to the truck,
4) operating and safety instructions in the truck’s operator’s manual(s),
5) instructions for inspection and maintenance to be performed by the operator,
6) engine operation,
7) type of drive system and its characteristics,
8) methods of steering and manoeuvring,
9) braking methods and characteristics, with and without loads,
10) visibility, with and without loads,
11) load charts, how to read and comprehend them and the limitations of the load chart due to the mass
and load centres,
12) explanation of the stability triangle and other stability characteristics affected by speed, acceleration,
braking, raising or lowering loads while travelling, operation/manoeuvring without loads, sharp
cornering, height, attachments, grade/ramps, centre of gravity of the load and truck, combined load
centre of gravity, counterbalance principle, truck stability triangle and trapezoid,
13) controls and instrumentation, including their location, function and method of operation, and the
identification of symbols,
14) load-handling capabilities and proper use of forks and other attachments,
15) refuelling and battery charging,
16) guards and protective devices for the specific type of truck,
17) how to use stabilizing devices, chassis levelling and other stability-related functions, and examples of
improper operation and the risks associated with them,
18) how to correctly use the operator restraints, e.g. seat belt, and other safety devices,
19) basic steps to be taken in the event of a tip-over, e.g. bracing for impact,
20) wheel loadings when loaded and unloaded in static position,
21) when entering and exiting the operator’s station, the need to always maintain three points of contact,
i.e. one hand and two feet or two hands and one foot,
22) types of attachments and their applications/limitations, and
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ISO 11525-1:2012(E)
23) other characteristics, if any, of the particular truck;
b) operation and worksite-related topics:
1) surface conditions on which the truck is to be operated, loaded and unloaded, e.g. floor and ground
conditions, ramps and inclines, trailers;
2) load handling at height and at ground level while picking and placing loads;
3) pedestrian traffic in areas in which the truck is to be used;
4) narrow-aisle and other confined-area operations;
5) potentially hazardous locations where the truck will be operated;
6) ramps and gradients and how the stability of the truck could be affected by them;
7) enclosed environments and other areas where insufficient ventilation could result in a concentration
of carbon monoxide gas from the engine exhaust;
8) other unique or potentially hazardous environmental conditions at the worksite that could affect other
workers and the safe operation of the truck.
4.7.2 Testing, retraining and enforcement Testing
During training, performance and oral and/or written tests shall be given by the examiner to measure the skill
and knowledge of the trainee in meeting the requirements of the operator training programme based on this
part of ISO 11525. Examiners shall establish a pass/fail requirement for such tests. The user shall verify that
the testing has been satisfactorily performed.
Following the completion of instruction and practice, all trainees shall be evaluated.
The evaluation shall be conducted on the specific work tasks and shall include the following items:
a) preoperational inspection;
b) function test;
c) start-up;
d) travelling, with and without a load (including pedestrian safety);
e) load handling;
f) load selection and security;
g) load pickup and placement;
h) stacking/de-stacking;
i) handling specific to docks, trucks and rail cars;
j) driving on ramps and grades;
k) proper use of the truck’s safety features;
l) shutdown;
m) refuelling/

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