Information technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) — Part 6: Rights Data Dictionary

ISO/IEC 21000-6:2004 describes a Rights Data Dictionary which comprises a set of clear, consistent, structured, integrated and uniquely identified terms to support the MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language (REL), ISO/IEC 21000-5. Annex A specifies the methodology for and structure of the RDD Dictionary, and specifies how further Terms may be defined under the governance of a Registration Authority, requirements for which are described in Annex C. Taken together, these specifications and the RDD Dictionary and Database make up the RDD System. Use of the RDD System will facilitate the accurate exchange and processing of information between interested parties involved in the administration of rights in, and use of, Digital Items, and in particular it is intended to support ISO/IEC 21000-5 (REL). Clause 6 describes how ISO/IEC 21000-6:2004 relates to ISO/IEC 21000-5. As well as providing definitions of terms for use in ISO/IEC 21000-5, the RDD System is designed to support the mapping of terms from different namespaces. Such mapping will enable the transformation of metadata from the terminology of one namespace (or Authority) into that of another namespace. Mapping, to ensure minimum ambiguity or loss of semantic integrity, will be the responsibility of the Registration Authority. Provision of automated trm look-up is also a requirement. The RDD Dictionary is a prescriptive dctionary, in the sense that it defines a single meaning for a trm represented by a particular RddAuthorized TermName, but it is also inclusive in that it can recognize the prescription of other Headwords and definitions by other Authorities and incorporates them through mappings. The RDD Dictionary also supports the circumstance that the same name may have different meanings under different Authorities. ISO/IEC 21000-6:2004describes audit provisions so that additions, amendments and deletions to Terms and their attributes can be tracked. ISO/IEC 21000-6:2004 recognizes legal definitions as and only as Terms from other Authorities that can be mapped into the RDD Dictionary. Therefore Terms that are directly authorized by the RDD Registration Authority neither define nor prescribe intellectual property rights or other legal entities.

Technologies de l'information — Cadre multimédia (MPEG-21) — Partie 6: Dictionnaire de données des droits

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ISO/IEC 21000-6:2004 - Information technology -- Multimedia framework (MPEG-21)
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STANDARD 21000-6
First edition
Information technology — Multimedia
framework (MPEG-21) —
Part 6:
Rights Data Dictionary
Technologies de l'information — Cadre multimédia (MPEG-21) —
Partie 6: Dictionnaire de données des droits

Reference number
ISO/IEC 2004
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Contents Page
1 Scope. 1
1.1 Organization of the Document. 1
1.2 Relationship between this part of ISO/IEC 21000 and other parts of the MPEG-21 Framework
(Informative). 2
1.3 RDD Term Identifier Prefix. 2
2 Normative References . 3
3 Terms and Definitions. 3
4 Documentation Conventions . 4
5 Rights Data Dictionary. 4
5.1 Preamble (Informative) . 4
5.2 Standardized ActTypes supporting REL . 4
5.3 Family Tree . 8
5.4 StandardizedTerms . 9
6 Relationship between this Part of ISO/IEC 21000 and ISO/IEC 21000-5. 181
6.1 REL “Multimedia Extension Rights” as RDD ActTypes . 181
Annex A (normative) Methodology and Structure of the RDD Dictionary . 183
A.1 Preamble . 183
A.2 Term. 183
A.3 MeaningType . 184
A.4 Authority. 184
A.5 RddIdentifier . 185
A.6 TermName. 185
A.7 TermDescription. 186
A.8 TermStatus. 187
A.9 Relationship. 189
A.10 Family . 192
A.11 Genealogy . 206
A.12 ContextView. 209
A.13 TermSet . 211
A.14 Comment. 212
A.15 Language . 212
A.16 AuditAttributes . 212
A.17 AccessStatus. 213
Annex B (normative) Rules and Style Guides for Textual Elements and Headwords. 214
B.1 RDD Definitions . 214
B.2 RDD TermNames . 214
B.3 Textual Elements from Authorities other that RDD . 215
Annex C (normative) Requirements for the Registration Authority for the RDD Dictionary . 216
C.1 Purpose of the RDD System. 216
C.2 Procedure for Registering a Term or TermSet for use within MPEG-21 Framework . 216
C.3 Responsibilities of the Registration Authority. 216
C.4 Contact Information for the Registration Authority. 217
C.5 Responsibilities of Parties requesting an RddIdentifier . 217
C.6 Fees . 217
C.7 Required qualifications. 217
C.8 Appeal Procedure for Denied Applications. 218
Annex D (informative) Examples of the Application of the RDD. 219
D.1 Illustrative Example of an Action Family . 219
D.2 Specialization and Mapping . 222
Annex E (informative) Patent Statements . 228

© ISO/IEC 2004 – All rights reserved iii

ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical Commission)
form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC
participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees established by the
respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical committees
collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have
established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an International
Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights.
ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 21000-6 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
ISO/IEC 21000 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Multimedia
framework (MPEG-21):
 Part 1: Vision, technologies and strategy
 Part 2: Digital item declaration
 Part 3: Digital item identification
 Part 5: Rights expression language
 Part 6: Rights data dictionary
 Part 7: Digital item adaptation
The following parts are under preparation:
 Part 8: Reference software
 Part 9: File format
 Part 10: Digital item processing
 Part 11: Evaluation methods for persistent association technologies

iv © ISO/IEC 2004 – All rights reserved

Today, many elements exist to build an infrastructure for the delivery and consumption of multimedia content.
There is, however, no 'big picture' to describe how these elements, either in existence or under development, relate
to each other. The aim for MPEG-21 is to describe how these various elements fit together. Where gaps exist,
MPEG-21 will recommend which new standards are required. ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) will then
develop new standards as appropriate while other relevant standards may be developed by other bodies. These
specifications will be integrated into the multimedia framework through collaboration between MPEG and these
The result is an open framework for multimedia delivery and consumption, with both the content creator and
content consumer as focal points. This open framework provides content creators and service providers with equal
opportunities in the MPEG-21 enabled open market. This will also be to the benefit of the content consumer
providing them access to a large variety of content in an interoperable manner.
The vision for MPEG-21 is to define a multimedia framework to enable transparent and augmented use of
multimedia resources across a wide range of networks and devices used by different communities.
This sixth part of MPEG-21 (ISO/IEC 21000-6) specifies a Rights Data Dictionary for use within the MPEG-21
Framework. This Rights Data Dictionary forms the basis of all expressions of rights and permissions as defined by
the MPEG-21 Rights Expression Language (specified in ISO/IEC 21000-5).

© ISO/IEC 2004 – All rights reserved v


Information technology — Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) —
Part 6:
Rights Data Dictionary
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 21000 describes a Rights Data Dictionary which comprises a set of clear, consistent,
structured, integrated and uniquely identified Terms (as defined in Clause 5.4) to support the MPEG-21 Rights
Expression Language (REL), ISO/IEC 21000-5. Annex A specifies the methodology for and structure of the RDD
Dictionary, and specifies how further Terms may be defined under the governance of a Registration Authority,
requirements for which are described in Annex C.
Taken together, these specifications and the RDD Dictionary and Database together make up the RDD System.
Use of the RDD System will facilitate the accurate exchange and processing of information between interested
parties involved in the administration of rights in, and use of, Digital Items, and in particular it is intended to support
ISO/IEC 21000-5 (REL). Clause 6 describes how this part of ISO/IEC 21000 relates to ISO/IEC 21000-5.
As well as providing definitions of Terms for use in ISO/IEC 21000-5, the RDD System is designed to support the
mapping of Terms from different namespaces. Such mapping will enable the transformation of metadata from the

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