Information technology — Media context and control — Part 7: Conformance and reference software

ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014 specifies the conformance and reference software implementing the normative clauses of all parts of ISO/IEC 23005. The information provided is applicable for determining the reference software modules available for the parts of ISO/IEC 23005, understanding the functionality of the available reference software modules, and utilizing the available reference software modules. The available reference software modules are specified in the form of application programming interfaces (API) according to ISO/IEC 23006-1. Furthermore, ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014 provides means for conformance testing, i.e. bit-streams - XML descriptions - that conform or do not conform to the normative clauses of the other parts of ISO/IEC 23005 and informative descriptions thereof.

Technologies de l'information — Contrôle et contexte de supports — Partie 7: Conformité et logiciel de référence

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014 - Information technology -- Media context and control
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STANDARD 23005-7
Second edition

Information technology — Media context
and control —
Part 7:
Conformance and reference software
Technologies de l'information — Contrôle et contexte de supports —
Partie 7: Conformité et logiciel de référence

Reference number
ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
ISO/IEC 2014

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)


©  ISO/IEC 2014
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission.
Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
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Published in Switzerland

ii © ISO/IEC 2014 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
Contents Page
Foreword . iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 2
4 Reference software for ISO/IEC 23005 . 2
4.1 Introduction . 2
4.2 ISO/IEC 23005-2 APIs . 3
4.3 ISO/IEC 23005-3 APIs . 4
4.4 ISO/IEC 23005-4 APIs . 4
4.5 ISO/IEC 23005-5 APIs . 5
4.6 Binary representation APIs for ISO/IEC 23005 . 6
5 Conformance for ISO/IEC 23005 . 7
5.1 Introduction . 7
5.2 Rule-based Conformance for ISO/IEC 23005 . 7
5.3 Schema-based Conformance for ISO/IEC 23005 . 42
Bibliography . 46

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 23005-7 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO/IEC 23005-7:2011), which has been technically
ISO/IEC 23005 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — Media context
and control:
 Part 1: Architecture
 Part 2: Control information
 Part 3: Sensory information
 Part 4: Virtual world object characteristics
 Part 5: Data formats for interaction devices
 Part 6: Common types and tools
 Part 7: Conformance and reference software
iv © ISO/IEC 2014 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
This part of ISO/IEC 23005 specifies the conformance and reference software. The conformance and
reference software of ISO/IEC 23005 serves three main purposes:
 validation of the written specification of the several parts of ISO/IEC 23005;
 clarification of the written specification of the several parts of ISO/IEC 23005; and
 conformance testing for checking interoperability for the various applications against the reference
software which aims to be compliant with ISO/IEC 23005.

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Information technology — Media context and control —
Part 7:
Conformance and reference software
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 23005 specifies the conformance and reference software implementing the normative
clauses of all parts of ISO/IEC 23005. The information provided is applicable for determining the reference
software modules available for the parts of ISO/IEC 23005, understanding the functionality of the available
reference software modules, and utilizing the available reference software modules. The available reference
software modules are specified in the form of application programming interfaces (API) according to
ISO/IEC 23006-1.
Furthermore, this part of ISO/IEC 23005 provides means for conformance testing, i.e. bit-streams – XML
descriptions – that conform or do not conform to the normative clauses of the other parts of ISO/IEC 23005
and informative descriptions thereof.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 19757-3, Information technology — Document Schema Definition Languages (DSDL) — Part 3:
Rule-based validation — Schematron
ISO/IEC 23005-2, Information technology — Media context and control — Control information
ISO/IEC 23005-3, Information technology — Media context and control — Sensory information
ISO/IEC 23005-4, Information technology — Media context and control — Virtual world object characteristics
ISO/IEC 23005-5, Information technology — Media context and control — Data formats for interaction devices
ISO/IEC 23005-6, Information technology — Media context and control — Common types and tools
ISO/IEC 23006-1, Information technology — Multimedia service platform technologies — Architecture
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO/IEC 23006-1 apply.
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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
3.2 Abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the abbreviated terms given in the following apply.
API application programming interface
CIM control information metadata
MXM MPEG extensible middleware
SEM sensory effect metadata
VWOC virtual world object characteristics
IIM interaction information metadata
4 Reference software for ISO/IEC 23005
4.1 Introduction
This Clause specifies the reference software for ISO/IEC 23005. The ISO/IEC 23005 reference software is
written in Java and follows following package structure:
Name Definition
org Java package name for reference software provided by organizations
such as ISO/IEC, W3C, or similar.
Java package name for reference software provided by ISO/IEC.
org.iso.mpeg Java package name for reference software provided by ISO/IEC JTC
1/SC 29/WG 11.
Java package name for reference software provided in the course of the
development of ISO/IEC 23005.
NOTE 1 Subsequent packages for the individual ISO/IEC 23005 parts use the
uncapitalized abbreviations as defined in 3.2, e.g.,
 org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.cidl, org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.dcdv,
org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.sapv, org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.scdv
and org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.sepv for ISO/IEC 23005-2,
 org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.sedl and org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.sev
for ISO/IEC 23005-3,
 org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.vwoc for ISO/IEC 23005-4, or
 org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.iidl, org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.dcv and
org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.siv for ISO/IEC 23005-5.
 org.iso.mpeg.mpegv.ct for ISO/IEC 23005-6.
NOTE 2 Code included within these packages can be generated automatically by
using tools such as JAXB.
2 © ISO/IEC 2014 – All rights reserved

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
Name Definition
Java package name for binary representation of reference software
.binary provided in the course of the development of ISO/IEC 23005.
the {part} placeholder is replaced by the component of each part, i.e.,
cidl, dvdv, sapv, scdv, sepv, sedl, sev, vwoc, iidl, dcv, siv and
Java package name for reference software provided in the course of the
development of ISO/IEC 23006-1. The actual API is defined within this

4.2 ISO/IEC 23005-2 APIs
4.2.1 Introduction
This clause specifies the API to the ISO/IEC 23005-2 reference software. The API is defined in Java and
follows following package structure:
Name Definition
Java package name for API to the ISO/IEC 23005-2 reference

4.2.2 CIM engine
The CIMEngine interface defines the methods for operating over data structures as defined within ISO/IEC
23005-2. Classes implementing the CIM engine interface act as factories creating instances of classes
performing the following functionalities:
 Classes to create data structures, by means of the CIM creation engine
 Classes to access data contained in data structures, by means of CIM parser engine

4.2.3 CIM creation
Creating CIM structures involves the following interfaces:
 CIMCreator: an interface defining the methods to create CIM structures.

4.2.4 CIM access
Accessing CIM structures involves the following interfaces:
 CIMParser: an interface defining the methods to parse CIM structures.

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
4.3 ISO/IEC 23005-3 APIs
4.3.1 Introduction
This clause specifies the API to the ISO/IEC 23005-3 reference software. The API is defined in Java and
follows following package structure:
Name Definition
Java package name for API to the ISO/IEC 23005-3 reference

4.3.2 SEM engine
The SEMEngine interface defines the methods for operating over data structures as defined within ISO/IEC
23005-3. Classes implementing the SEM engine interface act as factories creating instances of classes
performing the following functionalities:
 Classes to create data structures, by means of the SEM creation engine.
 Classes to access data contained in data structures, by means of SEM parser engine.

4.3.3 SEM creation
Creating SEM structures involves the following interfaces:
 SEMCreator: an interface defining the methods to create SEM structures.

4.3.4 SEM access
Accessing SEM structures involves the following interfaces:
 SEMParser: an interface defining the methods to parse SEM structures.

4.4 ISO/IEC 23005-4 APIs
4.4.1 Introduction
This clause specifies the API to the ISO/IEC 23005-4 reference software. The API is defined in Java and
follows following package structure:
Name Definition
Java package name for API to the ISO/IEC 23005-4
reference software.

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
4.4.2 VWOC engine
The VWOCEngine interface defines the methods for operating over data structures as defined within ISO/IEC
23005-4. Classes implementing the VWOC engine interface act as factories creating instances of classes
performing the following functionalities:
 Classes to create data structures, by means of the VWOC creation engine.
 Classes to access data contained in data structures, by means of VWOC parser engine.

4.4.3 VWOC creation
Creating VWOC structures involves the following interfaces:
 VWOCCreator: an interface defining the methods to create VWOC structures.

4.4.4 VWOC access
Accessing VWOC structures involves the following interfaces:
 VWOCParser: an interface defining the methods to parse VWOC structures.

4.5 ISO/IEC 23005-5 APIs
4.5.1 Introduction
This clause specifies the API to the ISO/IEC 23005-5 reference software. The API is defined in Java and
follows following package structure:
Name Definition
Java package name for API to the ISO/IEC 23005-5 reference

4.5.2 IID engine
The IIDEngine interface defines the methods for operating over data structures as defined within ISO/IEC
23005-2. Classes implementing the IID engine interface act as factories creating instances of classes
performing the following functionalities:
 Classes to create data structures, by means of the IID creation engine
 Classes to access data contained in data structures, by means of IID parser engine

4.5.3 IID creation
Creating IID structures involves the following interfaces:
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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
 IIDCreator: an interface defining the methods to create IID structures.

4.5.4 IID access
Accessing IID structures involves the following interfaces:
 IIDParser: an interface defining the methods to parse IID structures.

4.6 Binary representation APIs for ISO/IEC 23005
4.6.1 Introduction
This clause specifies the API to the ISO/IEC 23005 reference software for binary representation. The API is
defined in Java and follows following package structure:
Name Definition
Java package name for API to the ISO/IEC 23005 reference
software for binary representation.

4.6.2 BinaryIO
The BinaryIO interface defines the methods for operating over data structures as defined within ISO/IEC
23005. Classes implementing the BinaryIO interface act as factories creating instances of classes performing
the following functionalities:
 Classes to generate a binary structure from a MXM object tree, by means of the construct binary structure
 Classes to generate a binary file from a binary structure, by means of the write binary function.
 Classes to generate a binary structure from a binary structure, by means of the read binary function.
 Classes to restore a MXM object tree from a binary structure, by means of the create MXM object

4.6.3 DefaultBinaryIO
DefaultBinaryIO class defines function “Encode” and “Decode”. Root elements of other parts (e.g. Part 2, 3, 4)
can be extended from this DefaultBinaryIO class. DefaultBinaryIO involves the following functions:
 encode: a function defining the methods to create binary file from a MXM object tree.
 decode: a function defining the methods to restore a MXM object tree from a binary file.

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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
5 Conformance for ISO/IEC 23005
5.1 Introduction
This clause defines conformance for ISO/IEC 23005. A bit-stream is compliant to ISO/IEC 23005 if it conforms
to the conformance definitions specified in 5.2 and 5.3.
5.2 Rule-based Conformance for ISO/IEC 23005
5.2.1 Introduction
This clause defines a validation schema based on ISO/IEC 19757-3 to check the conformance bit-streams –
XML descriptions – that conform or do not conform to the normative clauses of the other parts of ISO/IEC
23005 and descriptions thereof. In particular, the additional validation rules as specified in the other parts of
ISO/IEC 23005 are checked with this validation schema. The actual schema can be found in 5.2.2 and a more
readable version of the rules and assertion messages is provided in 5.2.3. The actual conformance bit-
streams – XML descriptions – are defined in 5.2.4. The actual conformance bit-streams and corresponding
code can be found attached to this document.
For transforming the validation schema according to ISO/IEC 19757-3 and for validating the examples
Saxon [1] is used.
5.2.2 Validation schema
 queryBinding='xslt' schemaVersion='ISO19757-3'>
 Schema for validating SEDL/CIDL/IIDL descriptions
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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
    A minValue shall be less than or equal to a maxValue.
    A minValue shall be less than or equal to a maxValue.
    A minValue shall be less than or equal to a maxValue.
    A minValue shall be less than or equal to a maxValue.
    A minValue shall be less than or equal to a maxValue.
    A minValue shall be less than or equal to a maxValue.
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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
    A minValue shall be less than or equal to a maxValue.
    An XminValue shall be less than or equal to an XmaxValue.
    An YminValue shall be less than or equal to an YmaxValue.
    A ZminValue shall be less than or equal to a ZmaxValue.
    An YawMin shall be less than or equal to an YawMax.
    A PitchMin shall be less than or equal to a PitchMax.
    A RollMin shall be less than or equal to a RollMax.

    The SEM element shall have a timeScale attribute.
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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
    A GroupOfEffects outside of a Declarations shall have a timestamp (i.e.,
pts, ptsDelta, or absTime).
    A GroupOfEffects outside of a Declarations shall not have both a pts and
an absTime at the same time.
    A GroupOfEffects within a Declarations shall have only a ptsDelta for a
    At least activate, duration, or fade shall be defined.
    An effect outside of a GroupOfEffects shall have a timestamp (i.e., pts,
ptsDelta, or absTime).
    An effect within a GroupOfEffects shall not have a timestamp (i.e., pts,
ptsDelta, or absTime).
    If duration is defined activate may not be defined.
    If fade and duration are defined activate may not be defined.
    If fade is defined intensity-value and intensity-range shall be defined.
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ISO/IEC 23005-7:2014(E)
    If two (or more) consecutive Effect elements of the same type share the
same timestamp (i.e., pts, ptsDelta, or absTime) and location only the latest in
their order of appearance shall be used.
    If intensity-value is present, intensity-range must be present and vice
    The intensity-value must be within the intensity-range.
    A number of trajectory samples at an update period must have a
timeSamples attribute, but duration attribute must not be desc

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