ISO 10303-41:2005
(Main)Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 41: Integrated generic resource: Fundamentals of product description and support
Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 41: Integrated generic resource: Fundamentals of product description and support
ISO 10303-41:2005 specifies the following: generic product description resources; generic management resources; support resources. The schemas that are specified in ISO 10303-41:2005 are organized according to the above subdivisions.
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Représentation et échange de données de produits — Partie 41: Ressources génériques intégrées: Principes de description et de support de produits
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STANDARD 10303-41
Third edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Product data
representation and exchange —
Part 41:
Integrated generic resource:
Fundamentals of product description and
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Représentation
et échange de données de produits —
Partie 41: Ressources génériques intégrées: Principes de description et
de support de produits
Reference number
ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
ISO 2005
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ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
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ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
Contents page
1 Scope.1
1.1 Generic product description resources.1
1.2 Generic management resources .2
1.3 Support resources .2
2 Normative references .3
3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviations .3
3.1 Terms defined in ISO 10303-1 .3
3.2 Terms defined in ISO 8601 .4
3.3 Other terms and definitions .5
3.4 Abbreviations .6
4 Application context.6
4.1 Introduction .7
4.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .7
4.3 Application context entity definitions.7
4.3.1 application_context .7
4.3.2 application_context_element.9
4.3.3 application_context_relationship.9
4.3.4 application_protocol_definition .10
4.3.5 library_context .11
4.3.6 product_concept_context .11
4.3.7 product_context.12
4.3.8 product_definition_context .12
5 Product definition.13
5.1 Introduction .14
5.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .14
5.3 Product definition type definition .16
5.3.1 source .16
5.4 Product definition entity definitions .16
5.4.1 product .16
5.4.2 product_category.17
5.4.3 product_category_relationship .18
5.4.4 product_definition.20
5.4.5 product_definition_context_association.21
5.4.6 product_definition_context_role .22
5.4.7 product_definition_effectivity.22
5.4.8 product_definition_formation .23
5.4.9 product_definition_formation_relationship.24
5.4.10 product_definition_formation_with_specified_source.25
5.4.11 product_definition_relationship.25
5.4.12 product_definition_substitute .27
5.4.13 product_definition_with_associated_documents .28
5.4.14 product_related_product_category.28
5.4.15 product_relationship .29
5.5 Product definition function definitions .30
5.5.1 acyclic_product_category_relationship .30
5.5.2 acyclic_product_definition_formation_relationship.30
5.5.3 acyclic_product_definition_relationship .32
5.5.4 acyclic_product_relationship.33
5.5.5 get_product_definitions.34
6 Product property definition .34
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ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
6.1 Introduction .35
6.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .35
6.3 Product property definition type definitions .36
6.3.1 characterized_definition .36
6.3.2 characterized_product_definition.36
6.3.3 derived_property_select .37
6.3.4 shape_definition .37
6.4 Product property definition entity definitions .37
6.4.1 characterized_object.37
6.4.2 characterized_object_relationship .38
6.4.3 general_property.39
6.4.4 general_property_association .40
6.4.5 general_property_relationship.40
6.4.6 product_definition_shape.41
6.4.7 property_definition.42
6.4.8 shape_aspect.43
6.4.9 shape_aspect_relationship.44
6.5 Product property definition function definitions.46
6.5.1 acyclic_characterized_object_relationship .46
6.5.2 acyclic_general_property_relationship.47
6.5.3 acyclic_shape_aspect_relationship.48
6.5.4 get_shape_aspects .49
7 Product property representation .50
7.1 Introduction .51
7.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .51
7.3 Product property representation type definition.51
7.3.1 represented_definition.51
7.4 Product property representation entity definitions .52
7.4.1 context_dependent_shape_representation .52
7.4.2 item_identified_representation_usage.53
7.4.3 property_definition_representation .54
7.4.4 shape_definition_representation.55
7.4.5 shape_representation .56
7.4.6 shape_representation_relationship .56
7.5 Product property representation function definitions.56
7.5.1 relatives_of_product_definitions.56
7.5.2 relatives_of_shape_representations.57
7.5.3 get_property_definition_representations .58
8 Management resources.59
8.1 Introduction .61
8.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .61
8.3 Management resources type definition .61
8.3.1 attribute_type.61
8.4 Management resources entity definitions.61
8.4.1 action_assignment .61
8.4.2 action_method_assignment .62
8.4.3 action_method_role.63
8.4.4 action_request_assignment.63
8.4.5 approval_assignment.64
8.4.6 attribute_classification_assignment.65
8.4.7 attribute_value_assignment.65
8.4.8 attribute_value_role.66
8.4.9 certification_assignment.66
8.4.10 classification_assignment.67
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ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
8.4.11 classification_role .68
8.4.12 contract_assignment.68
8.4.13 date_and_time_assignment .69
8.4.14 date_assignment.69
8.4.15 document_reference.70
8.4.16 document_usage_constraint_assignment .71
8.4.17 document_usage_role .71
8.4.18 effectivity_assignment .72
8.4.19 effectivity_context_assignment.72
8.4.20 effectivity_context_role .73
8.4.21 event_occurrence_assignment.73
8.4.22 event_occurrence_context_assignment.74
8.4.23 experience_assignment .74
8.4.24 experience_role.75
8.4.25 experience_type_assignment.75
8.4.26 experience_type_role .76
8.4.27 external_identification_assignment.76
8.4.28 external_referent_assignment .77
8.4.29 group_assignment .78
8.4.30 identification_assignment .78
8.4.31 identification_assignment_relationship.79
8.4.32 identification_role.80
8.4.33 library_assignment.80
8.4.34 location_assignment.81
8.4.35 location_representation_assignment .81
8.4.36 location_representation_role.82
8.4.37 location_role .82
8.4.38 name_assignment.83
8.4.39 organization_assignment.83
8.4.40 organization_type_assignment.84
8.4.41 organization_type_role.85
8.4.42 organizational_project_assignment.85
8.4.43 organizational_project_role .85
8.4.44 person_and_organization_assignment .86
8.4.45 person_assignment.86
8.4.46 person_type_assignment .87
8.4.47 person_type_definition_assignment.88
8.4.48 person_type_definition_role .88
8.4.49 person_type_role.89
8.4.50 position_in_organization_assignment.89
8.4.51 position_in_organization_role .90
8.4.52 position_in_organization_type_assignment .90
8.4.53 position_in_organization_type_role.91
8.4.54 qualification_assignment .91
8.4.55 qualification_role.92
8.4.56 qualification_type_assignment.92
8.4.57 qualification_type_role .93
8.4.58 security_classification_assignment .93
8.4.59 time_assignment .94
8.4.60 time_interval_assignment .95
8.5 Management resources function definition.95
8.5.1 acyclic_identification_assignment_relationship .95
9 Document.96
9.1 Introduction .97
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ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
9.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .97
9.3 Document type definition .97
9.3.1 product_or_formation_or_definition.97
9.4 Document entity definitions.98
9.4.1 document.98
9.4.2 document_product_association .99
9.4.3 document_relationship .99
9.4.4 document_representation_type.100
9.4.5 document_type .101
9.4.6 document_usage_constraint .101
9.4.7 document_with_class .102
9.5 Document function definition.102
9.5.1 acyclic_document_relationship .102
10 Action.103
10.1 Introduction.104
10.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .104
10.3 Action type definition .104
10.3.1 supported_item .104
10.4 Action entity definitions.105
10.4.1 action .105
10.4.2 action_directive.106
10.4.3 action_method.107
10.4.4 action_method_relationship.107
10.4.5 action_relationship.108
10.4.6 action_request_solution .109
10.4.7 action_request_status .110
10.4.8 action_resource .110
10.4.9 action_resource_relationship .111
10.4.10 action_resource_type .111
10.4.11 action_status .112
10.4.12 directed_action.112
10.4.13 executed_action .113
10.4.14 versioned_action_request.113
10.4.15 versioned_action_request_relationship .114
10.5 Action function definitions .115
10.5.1 acyclic_action_method_relationship.115
10.5.2 acyclic_action_relationship.116
10.5.3 acyclic_action_resource_relationship .117
10.5.4 acyclic_versioned_action_request_relationship .118
11 Certification .119
11.1 Introduction.119
11.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .120
11.3 Certification entity definitions .120
11.3.1 certification .120
11.3.2 certification_type .120
12 Approval .121
12.1 Introduction.122
12.2 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .122
12.3 Approval entity definitions .122
12.3.1 approval .122
12.3.2 approval_date_time.122
12.3.3 approval_person_organization .123
12.3.4 approval_relationship.124
12.3.5 approval_role .124
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ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
12.3.6 approval_status .125
12.4 Approval function definition.126
12.4.1 acyclic_approval_relationship.126
13 Contract.
STANDARD 10303-41
Third edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Product data
representation and exchange —
Part 41:
Integrated generic resource:
Fundamentals of product description and
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Représentation
et échange de données de produits —
Partie 41: Ressources génériques intégrées: Principes de description et
de support de produits
Reference number
ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
ISO 2005
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ISO 10303-41:2005(E)
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