Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) gateway — Part 4-2: Structure — Simple gateway

This document specifies the simple HES gateway, which is one of a set of physical classes introduced in ISO/IEC 15045-1:2004

Technologies de l'information — Entrée des systèmes électroniques domestiques (HES) — Partie 4-2: Titre manque

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ISO/IEC 15045-4-2:2024 - Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) gateway — Part 4-2: Structure — Simple gateway Released:12/11/2024
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ISO/IEC 15045-4-2
Edition 1.0 2024-12
Information technology – Home Electronic System (HES) gateway –
Part 4-2: Structure – Simple gateway

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ISO/IEC 15045-4-2
Edition 1.0 2024-12
Information technology – Home Electronic System (HES) gateway –

Part 4-2: Structure – Simple gateway

ICS 35.200; 35.240.99 ISBN 978-2-8327-0003-7

– 2 – ISO/IEC 15045-4-2:2024 © ISO/IEC 2024
0.1 Overview. 5
0.2 Relation to existing work . 5
0.3 Simple gateway . 5
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 7
3.1 Terms and definitions . 7
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 8
4 Conformance . 8
5 Simple HES gateway family . 8
5.1 Simple HES gateway . 8
5.2 Simple HES gateway alternative configurations. 10
5.2.1 General . 10
5.2.2 Simple HES gateway: HAN-to-HAN (basic translator service) . 10
5.2.3 Simple HES gateway: WAN-to-HAN (basic support service) . 11
Bibliography . 13

Figure 1 – ISO/IEC 15045-4-2 within the core interoperability and HES gateway
standards . 6
Figure 2 – Two HANs . 9
Figure 3 – One WAN and one HAN . 9
Figure 4 – Logical modules for two HANs . 9
Figure 5 – Logical modules for one WAN and one HAN . 9
Figure 6 – Simple HES gateway with two HANs (basic translator service) . 10
Figure 7 – Simple HES gateway with one WAN and one HAN (basic support service) . 11


Part 4-2: Structure – Simple gateway

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ISO/IEC 15045-4-2 has been prepared by subcommittee 25: Interconnection of information
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International Standard.
The text of this International Standard is based on the following documents:
Draft Report on voting
JTC1-SC25/3192/CDV JTC1-SC25/3259/RVC

Full information on the voting for its approval can be found in the report on voting indicated in
the above table.
The language used for the development of this International Standard is English.
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available at and

– 4 – ISO/IEC 15045-4-2:2024 © ISO/IEC 2024
A list of all parts in the ISO/IEC 15045 series, published under the general title Information
technology – Home Electronic System (HES) gateway, can be found on the IEC and
ISO websites.
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0.1 Overview
The Home Electronic System (HES) is a set of standards that supports communication, control,
and monitoring applications for homes and buildings. However, homes and buildings present a
heterogeneous and evolving networked environment, where many of these networks and
applications (including some that are based on HES standards) are not directly interoperable
with each other. HES standards achieve interoperability through the ISO/IEC 15045 series that
relies on the ISO/IEC 18012 series to support functional interworking among the dissimilar
home devices, applications, protocols, and networks found in this environment. The
ISO/IEC 15045 series and ISO/IEC 18012 series were created to render all protocols
The HES gateway enables an open and adaptable market for incompatible products by
specifying a standardized modular system intended to provide interoperability among the
diversity of networks found in homes and buildings. The HES interoperability process does not
require modification of the various networks, applications, or protocols that use it. Appropriate
interworking functions translate network messages through interface modules to a common
lexicon expression that is then exchanged using a private internal network bus protocol. A
protected application platform using a bus protocol supports an expanding array of services for
both the applications and the network.
In summary, the ISO/IEC 15045 series specifies a standardized modular dedicated private
internal network system that includes:
– interfaces (i.e. interface modules) for communication and semantic translation among
dissimilar home area networks (HANs), and between a HAN and external wide area
networks (WANs),
– a platform for supporting a variety of application services (service modules), and
– a secure communication path among these modules with access restricted to the
appropriate modules in order to protect data, safety and privacy.
0.2 Relation to existing work
The ISO/IEC 15045 series provides four classes representing alternative configurations for the
implementation of HES gateway physical modularity and an internal communications path:
a) simple;
b) complex-integral;
c) complex-modular;
d) interconnected.
0.3 Simple gateway
The purpose of this document is to specify requirements for the simple HES gateway that
manages and controls the communications between two networks, either two HANs or one HAN
and one WAN.
Figure 1 shows the core interoperability and HES gateway series of standards, and where this
document fits into the HES gateway series.

– 6 – ISO/IEC 15045-4-2:2024 © ISO/IEC 2024

Figure 1 – ISO/IEC 15045-4-2 within the core interoperability and
HES gateway standards

Part 4-2: Structure – Simple gateway

1 Scope
This document specifies the simple HES gateway, which is one of a set of physical classes
introduced in ISO/IEC 15045-1:2004.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies.
For undated references, the latest edition

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