ISO/IEC 8613-10:1991/Amd 1:1991
(Amendment)Information processing — Text and office systems — Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 10: Formal specifications — Amendment 1: Formal specification of the document profile
Information processing — Text and office systems — Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 10: Formal specifications — Amendment 1: Formal specification of the document profile
Traitement de l'information — Bureautique — Architecture des documents de bureau (ODA) et format d'échange — Partie 10: Spécifications formelles — Amendement 1: Spécification formelle du profil de document
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 8613-10
First edition
Information processing - Text and office
systems - Office Document Architecture (ODA)
and interchange format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
AMENDMENT 1: Formal specification of the
document profile
Architecture des documents de
Traitement de l’information - Bureautique -
bureau (ODA) et format d’kchange -
Partie 10: Spkifica tions formelles
AMENDEMENT I: Sptkification formelle du profif de document
Reference number
ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.l : 1991 (E)
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199VAmd.l : 1991 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardiz-
ation. National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development
of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective
organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical
committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint
technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 o/o of the national bodies casting
a vote.
Amendment 1 to International Standard ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1991 was prepared by
Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, information technology.
@ ISO/IEC 1991
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ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Genhe 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC8613-10 : 1991/Amd.l : 1991 (E)
Information processing - Text and office systems -
Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange
format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
AMENDMENT 1 : Formal specification of the document profile
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : ‘W91/Amd.l : 1991 fE)
Formal specification of the document profile
B.l Introduction
This annex gives a formal specification of the document profile as described in part 4 of IS0 8613, This annex is
composed of 4 clauses:
Clause B.1 provides a general introduction, including a list of all definitions which are given in clauses 8.2 and B.3.
Clauses B.2 and B.3 give all the definitions related to the document profile. Clause B.2 contains the definition for
the structure of the document profile; clause B.3 contains the definitions for the attributes which appear in the
document profile.
Clause B.4 is an index to the terms (definitions, operators, attribute names) used in clauses B.2 and B.3.
Any time a clause number is specified in the semi-formal descriptions this refers to a clause number in IS0 8613-4.
What follows is the outline of the formula which specifies the document profile. The dots indicate formal text
fragments which have been left out for the sake of readability. The full formula can be obtained by replacing each
line (apart from the and) with the definition which is referenced by the superscript of the predicate symbol or
operator symbol, respectively. The variables used in the definition of the predicate have to be replaced by those
appearing in the outline (if they are different).
NOTE - A definition is a formula, hence it may never yield an undefined result, whatever value has been inserted for the variable.
. . . IsDocument Profile4*l (cst )
. . .
and . . . IsProfileAttributeSet4-2(as) . . .
and . . . IsSetOfProfCharSeq4*3(v) . . .
and . . . IsProfCharSeq4*4(v) . . .
. . . IsProfileCharacter4*5(v) . . .
and . . . IsExternalReferenceValue4*6 (v) . . .
and . . . IsASN10bjectIdentifier4.7(v) . . .
. . . IsResourcesValue4*8( v) . . .
and . . . IsDocumenthpplicationProfileValue4.9(v) . . .
and . . . IsDocumentApplicationProfileDefaultsValue4*10(~) . . .
and . . . IsProfileDefaultableCharacterContentArchitectureAttribute4.”(v) . . .
and . . . IsProfileDefaultableRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute4.12(~) . . .
and . . . IsProfileDefaultableGeometricGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute4.13(v) .*
. . . IsContentArchitectureClassesValue4*14(v) . . .
and . . . IsODAVersionValue4.15(v) . . .
and . . . IsCharacterSetsValue4*16(v) . . .
and . . . IsPageDimensionsValue4*‘7(v) . . .
and . . . IsMediumTypesValue4*1”( v)
. . .
and . . . IsLayoutPatl~sValue4.‘9(v) . . .
and . . . IsProtectionsValue4*20(~) . . .
and IsBlockAlignmentsValue4*21 (v)
. . .
- l **
. . . IsFil10rdersValue4*22 (v) . . .
and . . . IsTransparen ciesValue4*23 (v)
. . .
and . . . IsColoursValue4*24 (v)
. . I
and . . . IsBordersVal ue4*25 (v) . . .
and .e IsPagePositionsValue4*26(v) . . .
. . . IsTypesOfCodingValue4*27( v) . . .
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199VAmd.l : 1991 (E)
and . . .
IsProfileCodingAttributesValue4.2”(v) . . .
and . . .
IsProfileCharacterCodingSpecification4*2g(v) . . .
and . . . IsProfileRasterGraphicsCodingSpecification4*30 21
. . .
and . . . IsProfileGeometricGraphicsCodingSpecification4*
l(v) . . .
and . . . IsPresentationFeaturesValue4*32(v) . . .
and . . . IsProfileCharacterPresentationFeature4*33(v) . . .
and . . .
IsProfileRasterGraphicsPresentationFeature4W34 ZJ
. . .
and . . .
‘(v) . . .
and . . .
IsFontsListValue4*36(v) . . .
and . . . IsFont Reference4*37( v)
. . .
and . . . IsSetOfReferenceProperties4*3”(v) . . .
and . . . IsReferencePropertiesValue4.3g(v) . . .
and . . .
IsIS09541Part2AttributeSet4.40(v) . . .
and . . . IsDateAndTimeValue4*41(v) . . .
and . . .
IsRevisionHistoryValue4*42 (v>
. . .
and . . . IsRevisionValue4*43 (v)
. . .
and . . . IsPreparersValue4*44(~) . . .
and . . . IsOwnersValue4*45(21) . . .
and . . .
IsAuthorsValue4W46(v) . . .
and . . .
IsCopyrightValue4*47(v) . . .
and . . .
IsSetOfDatesValue4*4”(v) . . .
and . . . IsDateAndTimeSeq4*4g(v) . . .
and . . . IsDateValue4*50(v) . . .
and . . . IsDistributionListValue4*51(v) . . .
and . . . IsAdditionalInformationValue4*52 (v>
. . .
and . . .
IsSetOfExternalReferences4*53(21) . . .
and . . . IsLocalFileReferenceValue4*54( u)
. . .
and . . . IsAuthorizationValue4*55(zQ . . .
and . . .
IsSetOfPersonalNames4*56(v) . . .
and . . .
IsPersonalName4*57(v) . . .
and . . . IsAlternativeFeaturesSetsValue4*5”(v) . . .
and . . . IsASN10bjectIdentifierSet4.59(v) . . .
and . . . IsEncipheredDocumentProfilesValue4.60(v) . . .
and . . . IsPrivilegedRecipientInformationValue4*61 (u)
. . .
and . . .
IsKeyInformationValue4*62 (v>
. . .
and . . .
IsMethodInformationValue4*63(v) . . .
and . . . IsKeyAddit ionalInformationValue4*64( v)
. . .
and . . . IsKeyMethodValue4-65(v) . . .
and . . .
IsEncipheredDocumentProfileId4*66(v) . . .
and . . . IsODASecurityLabelValue4*67(v) . . .
and . . .
IsPreEncipheredDocumentBodyPartsValue4.6”(v) . . .
and . . . IsPreEncipheredDocumentBodyPartId4.69(v) . . .
and . . .
IsPostEncipheredDocumentBodyPartsValue4*70(v) . . .
and . . .
IsPostEncipheredDocumentBodyPartId471 (v)
. . .
and . . .
IsSealedDocument BodyPartsValue4*72 (u)
. . .
and . . . IsDocumentSealValue4*73( v)
. . .
and . . . IsSeqOfConstituentIds4*74(v) . . .
and . . . IsConstituentId4*75(v) . . .
and . . .
IsSealMethodValue4*76(u) . . .
and . . .
IsSealedInformationValue4-77( u)
. . .
and . . .
IsLocationValue4*78(v) . . .
and . . . IsSealedDocumentProfilesValue4*7g(v) . . .
and . . .
IsSealedDocumentProfileId4~80(v) . . .
- Other predicates or operators which are used here, but are defined in clause 6, are not listed here.
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.l : 1991 (E)
EL2 ‘The Document Profile
1 Semiformal Description 4.1 1
Predicate “is a document profile”
‘content architecture classes’, * document architec-
A document profile is a set of profile attributes. The attributes
ture class * , ‘interchange format class’ and ‘ODA version t are mandatory, the other ones are
‘document reference ’ ,
Definition 4.1
1 v cst
(O IsDocument Profile( cst) iff
3 IsProfileAttributeSet4*2(z) and
4 NAM+=(cst) > [ 1 content architecture classes’ ; * document architecture class * ;
‘interchange format class’;
5 1 document reference * ;
6 * ODA version ‘1 and
’ access rights I ;
7 NAMS’.fs(cst) C [ * abstract’ ; -
‘alternative feature sets’ ;
8 ’ additional information ’ ;
9 ’ alternative representation character sets ‘ ; ’ authorization ’ ;
‘authors’; ‘block alignments’;
* coding attributes’ ;
11 ’ borders ’ ;
1 comments character sets 1 ;
12 * colou rs ’ ;
13 ‘content architecture classes’ ; ’ copyright ’ ;
1 distribution list * ;
14 ‘creation date and time’;
‘document application profile defaults’;
15 ‘document application profile’ ;
‘document date and time * ;
16 ‘document architecture class’ ;
’ document reference ’ ; ’ document size * ;
‘enciphered document profiles’ ;
18 1 document type * ;
‘expiry date and time’;
19 1 enciphered profiles ’ ;
*fill orders ’ ;
20 1 external-document class’ ;
21 ‘fonts list’ ; ’ generic layout structure ’ ;
’ generic logical structure ’ ; ‘interchange format class’ ;
’ languages ’ ;
23 * keywords ’ ;
I layout styles ’ ;
24 ‘layout paths’ ;
’ local filing date and time’ ;
25 ’ local file references ’ ;
I medium types * ; ‘number of objects per page’;
’ ODA security label ’ ;
27 ‘number of pages’;
28 * ODA version ’ ; ‘organizations’ ;
29 ‘owners’; * page dimensions i ;
’ post-enciphered body parts’ ;
30 1 page positions ’ ;
31 1 post-enciphered document body parts * ; ’ post-sealed document body parts * ;
I pre-enciphered body parts ’ ; I pre-enciphered document body parts’ ;
* pre-sealed document body parts’ ;
33 1 preparers ’ ;
’ presentation styles ’ ;
34 * presentation features * ;
’ protections ’ ;
35 ’ profile character sets ’ ;
36 ‘purge date and time’; * references to other documents’ ;
’ resource-document * ;
37 ’ release date and time ’ ;
’ revision history’ ;
38 ’ resources * ;
‘sealed profiles’ ;
39 ‘sealed document profiles’ ;
40 1 security classification ’ ; ’ specific layout structure n ;
‘start date and time’ ;
41 ‘specific logical structure ’ ;
42 * status ’ ;
‘title ’ ;
43 ‘superseded documents’;
* types of coding 4 ;
44 ‘transparencies’ ;
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ISWIEC 8613-10 : 19WAmd.l : 1991 (E)
45 t unit scaling’ ; ’ user-specific codes ‘1 and
46 (1 ‘document application profile defaults’ E NAMS’*‘“(cst) imp1
47 ‘document application profile’ E NAMS’*‘“(cst) J,,)
B.3 Attributes of the document profile
Semiformal Description 4.2
Predicate “is a profile attribute set” (clause 5.2, table B.l)
In this definition the attribute names are linked with the ranges of the attribute values.
1 Definition 4.2 1
1 Vas
2 (, IsProfileAttributeSet(as) ifl
3 (1 IsNeNom1*2(as) and .-
Vu e *as.
5 a= t abstract 1 imp1 IsProfCharSeq4*4(C a) J and
( N
imp1 IsSetOfProfCharSeq4*3(C a) 3) and
6 a= *access rights’
( 3 N
1 additional information ’ imp1 IsAdditionalInformationValue4.52(C a) 4) and
7 a=
( 4 N
8 a= 1 alternative feature sets ’ imp1 IsAlternativeFeaturesSetsValue4*5”(C a) J and
( 5 N
9 a= 1 alternative representation character sets’ imp1 IsCharacterSetsValue 4S16(C a) 6) and
( 6 N
10 a= 1 authorization 1 imp1 IsAuthorizationValue -(C a) 7) and
( 7 N
11 a= *authors1 imp1 IsAuthorsValue4*46(C a) J and
( 8 N
12 a= 1 block alignments’ imp1 IsBlockAlignmentsValue4*21(C a) ,.J and
( N
13 a= * borders’ imp1 IsBordersValue4*25(C a) lo) and
( 10 N
imp1 IsProfileCodingAttributesValue4.28(C a) J and
14 a= *coding attributes’
( 11 N
1 colours 1 imp1 IsColoursValue4*24(C a). J and
15 a=
( 12 N
16 a= 1 comments character sets’ imp1 IsCharacterSetsValue4*16(C a) 13) and
( 13 N
17 a= 1 content architecture classes * imp1 IsContentArchitectureClassesValue4*14(C a) 14) and
( N
18 a= I copyright I imp1 IsCopyrightValue4*47(C a) lb) and
( 15 N
‘creation date and time’ imp1 IsDateAndTimeValue4*41(C a) 16) and
19 a=
( 16 N
20 a= * distribution list’ imp1 IsDistributionListValue4.51(C a) 17) and
( 17 N
21 a= ’ document application profile’ imp1 IsDocumentApplicationProfileValue4.9(C a) J und
( 10 N
22 a= 1 document application profile defaults 1 imp1
( 19 N
23 IsDocumentApplicationProfileDefaultsValu$*~ a) 19) and
24 a= * document architecture class’ imp1
( 30 N
‘formatted processable ‘1 2o) and
25 C a E [ *formatted 1 ; ’ processable ’ ;
26 document date and time* imp1 IsDateAndTimeValue4*41(Ca) 21) and
( 21 N
27 a= 1 document reference ’ imp1 IsExternalReferenceValue4*6(C a) ,J and
( a2 N
28 a= ‘document size’ imp1 IsNat(C a) 23) and
( 23 N
29 a= ‘document type’ imp1 IsProfCharSeq4*4(C a) 24) und
( a4 N
imp1 IsEncipheredDocumentProfilesValue4.60(C a) 25) and
30 a= ‘enciphered document profiles’
( 35 N
31 a= ‘enciphered profiles’ imp1 C a = I present’ 26) and
( 26 N
32 a= 1 expiry date and time’ imp1 IsDateAndTimeValue4*41 (C a) 27) and
( 27 N
lexternaI-document class’ imp1 IsExternalReferenceValue4*6(C a) 28) and
33 a=
( 38 N
*fill orders’ imp1 IsFil10rdersValue4*22(C a) J and
34 a=
( 29 N
35 a= ‘fonts list’ imp1 IsFontsListValue4*36(C a) 30) and
( 30 N
36 a= ‘generic layout structure’ imp1
( 31 N
37 C a E [‘factor set’; ’ partial generator set’ ; ’ complete generator set ‘1 ,,) and
38 a= ‘generic logical structure ’ imp1
( 32 N
C a E [‘factor set*; ’ partial generator set’ ; *complete generator set1 1 33) and
40 a= ‘interchange format class’ imp1 C a E ['Al; * B1] 33) and
( 33 N
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.l : 1991 (E)
41 a= ‘keywords” imp/ IsSetOfPr~fCharSeq4~4(C a) 34) &
( 34 N
42 a= * languages * Gl IsSetOfProfCharSeq4.S(C a) 35) und
( 35 N
43 a= ‘layout pathsXp1 IsLayoutPathsValue4*“(C a) 36) and
( 36 N
44 a= * layout styles’ ZJ C a = * present * 37) and
( 37 N
45 a=
* local file references imp1 IsLocalFileReferenceValue4*54(C a) 38) and
( 38 N
46 a= *local filing date and tGZ imp1 IsDateAndTimeSeq4*4g(C a) 3,) und
( 39 N
47 a= * medium types * imp1 IsMediumTypesValue4.““(@ a) 40) and
( 40 N
a= ‘number of objec=r page* imp1 IsNat(C a) 41) and
( 41 N
49 a= * number of pages’ imp1 IsNnInt’;7(&: a) 41) and
( 43 N
50 a= * ODA security IabelGpl IsODASecurityLabelVaEUe4*67(C a) 43) and
( 43 N
51 a= * ODA version * imp1 IsODAVersionValue4*15(C a) 44) and
( N
52 impl IsSetOfProfCharSeq4*3(C a) 4s) and
a= ‘organizations *
( 45 N
53 a= * owners * imp1 IsOwnersValue4*45(C a) 46) and
( 46 N
54 a= * page dimans * imp1 IsPageDimensionsValue4.‘7(C a) 47) and
( 47 N
55 a= * page positions * imY$XPagePositionsValue4*26 (C a) 48) and
( 48 N
56 a= * post-enciphered body parts* imp1 C a = * present * 49) and
( 49 N
57 * post-enciphered document boGarts * imp1
( 30 N
58 IsPostEncipheredDocumentBod~PartsValue4*~a) 5o) and
59 * post-sealed document body parts’ imp1 IsSealedDocumentBodyPartsValue4*72(C a) ,,) and
( 51 N
60 a= * pre-enciphered body parts’ imp1 CYE * present * aa> und
( N
61 a= * pre-enciphered document boGarts * imp1
( 53 N
62 IsPreEncipheredDocumentBodyPartsValue4.6va) 53) and
63 a= * preparers * imp1 IsPreparersValue4*44( C a) 54) and
( s4 N
64 a= * pre-sealed document body parts’ imp1 IsSealedDocumentBodyPartsValue4*72 (C a) 55) and
( 53 N
65 a= * presentation features * imp1 IsPresentationFeaturesValue4*32(C a) J and
( 36 N
66 a= * presentation styles’ imp a = * present * J and
( 57 N
67 a= * profile character sets’ imp1 IsCharacterSetsValue4*16(C a) 58) and
( 58 N
68 a= * protections * imp1 IsPrZGtionsValue4*20 (C a) ,J and
( 59 N
69 a= *purge date anXme* imp1 IsDateAndTimeValue4-4’ (C a) 6o) un d
( 60 N
a) 61) and
70 a= * references to other docGLts * imp1 IsSetOfExternalReferences 4s53(C
( 61 N
71 a= * release date and time’ imp1 IsDateAndTimeValue4*41(C a) 61) und
( 63 N
72 a= * resou rce-docu men t * imfiExternalReferenceValue4*6 (C a) 63) and
( N
73 a= * resources * imp1 IsResourcesValu$.‘(C a) b4) and
( 64 N
74 a= * revision history * imp1 IsRevisionHistoryValue4*42(C a) ,,) and
( 65 N
75 a= * sealed document profiles * imp1 IsSealedDocumentProfilesValue4.79(C a) 66) and
( 66 N
76 a= ‘sealed profiles’ imp1 C a =‘present * 67) und
( 67 N
77 a= * security classificZG * imp1 IsProfCharSeq4*4(C a) 68) and
( 68 N
78 a= ‘specific layout structure’pl C a = * present * ,J and
( 69 N
79 a= ‘specific logical structure * G&l C a = * present * 70) and
( N
80 a= *start date and time * implIsDateAndTimeValue4*41(C a) 71) and
( 71 N
81 a= *status* imp1 IsProfCGZeq4*4(C a) 71) and
( 72 N
82 a= *subject *imp1 IsProfCharSeq4*4(C a) 73) and
( 73 N
4w53(C a) 74) and
83 a= ‘superseded documents * imp1 IsSetOfExternalReferences
( 74 N
84 a= *title* imp1 IsProfCharSeqY;4(C a) 75) and
( 75 N
85 a= ‘transparencies * imp1 IsTransparenciesValue4*23(C a) 76) and
( 76 N
86 - * types of coding*Xpl IsTypesOfCodingValue4*27(C a) 77) and
77 a-
( N
87 a= *unit scaling’ imp~airOfPosInt’*g(C a) 78) and
( 78 N
imp1 IsSetOfProfCharSeq4*3(C a) 79) l)o)
88 a= * user-specific codes *
( N
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.l : 1991 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 4.3 1
Predicate “is a set of profile character sequences”
A set of profile character sequences is a set where each element is a profile character sequence.
1 Definition 4.3 1
1 vv
2 (o IsSetOfProfCharSeq( v) #
3 IsNeCol’*‘(v) and Vm E$ (IsProfCharSeq4*4(m)) o)
I- Semiformal Description 4.4 1
Predicate “is a profile character sequence” (e.g., clause 5.2.7)
A profile character sequence is a catenation of characters from the document profile character set.
1 Definition 4.4 1
1 vv
2 (o IsProfCharSeq(v) ifl
3 IsNeCat1*3(v) undTm c ^v. (IsProfileCharacter4.5(C m)) o)
I Semiformal Description 4.5 I
Predicate “is a profile character” (e.g., clause 5.2.7)
A profile character is considered an atomic construct in the formal specification.
I Definition 4.5 I
1 vv
2 (o IsProfileCharacter(v) in
3 IsAtom(v -
1 Semiformal Description 4.6 I
Predicate “is an external reference value” (e.g., clause 5.2.7)
An external reference value is either an ASN.l object identifier or a sequence of characters from the document
profile character set.
IDefinition 4.6 1
2 (o IsExternalFLeferenceValue( v) #
(l IsASN10bjectIdentifier4*7(v~~ IsProfCharSeq4*4(v) l)o)
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ISOAEC 861340 : 199UAmd.l : 1991 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 4.7 I
Predicate ‘5s an ASN.l object identifier” (e.g., clause 5.2.7)
An ASN.l object identifier is considered an atomic construct in the formal specification.
I Definition 4.7 I
1 vv
2 (o IsASNlObjectIdentifier(v) ifl
3 IsAtom(v
I Semiformal Description 4.8 I
Predicate “is a resources value” (clause 5.2.9)
The value of the attribute * resources’ is a set where each element consists of a pair, the first part being a sequence
of characters from the minimum subrepertoire of IS0 6937-2, the second part being an object class identifier.
I Definition 4.8 I
1 vv
2 (o IsResourcesValue( v) ifl
3 1sNeColl.l (v) and -
4 VaEv31,r -
=[+l--,r--,] and
5 La
(1) and IsObjectClassId2*“3(r) l)o)
6 IsIS06937MSString1*20
I Semiformal Description 4.9 I
Predicate “is a document application profile value” (clause 5.3.1)
The value of the attribute *document application profile * is either an ASN.l object identifier or the integer 2.
I Definition 4.9 I
1 vv
2 (o IsDocumentApplicationProfileValue( v) ifl
(1 IsASN10bjectIdentifier4*7(v) of v = 23,)
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 1991/Amd.l : 1991 (E)
Semiformal Description 4.10
I .
Predicate “is a document application profile defaults value” (clause 5.3.2)
A document application profile defaults value is either a non-empty nomination, where the names are ‘content
architecture class * , * dimensions * , ‘transparency * , * colour * , * border * , * layout path * , * page position I, * medium type I,
* block alignment’ and/or *type of coding * and the component is a value of the corresponding attribute as defined in
IS0 8613-2, or it is a defaultable attribute from the character content architecture, the raster graphics architecture
or the geometric graphics architecture.
1 Definition 4.10 1
1 vv
2 (o IsDocumentApplicationProfileDefaultsValue( v) #
(1 (,IsNeNom’.2(v) and
4 NAMS’*l”(v) C [* content architecture class * ; * dimensions * ; * colour * ; * border * ; * layout path * ;
5 * page position * ; ‘transparency * ; * medium type * ; * block alignment * ;
6 *type of coding’] and
7 VaC”v.
8 a= * content architecture class * imp1 IsContentArchitectureClassValue2*””(C a) 3) and
9 a= * dimensions * imp1 IsDimensionsValue2*gg(C a) 4) and
W 4
10 a= * transparency * imp1 IsTransparencyValue2*103(C a) J and
(N 5
11 a= * colour * imp1 IsColourValue2*104(C a) 6) und
(N 6
12 a= * border * imp1 IsBorderValue2*100(C a) 7) and
* layout path * imp1 IsLayoutPathValue2*102(C a) ,J and
13 a=
(N 8
XLpl IsPairOfNnInt’.“(C a) 9) and
14 a= * page position *
(N 9
15 a= * medium type* T&Y1 IsMediumTypeValue2*105(C a) 1o) and
( 10 N
imp1 IsBlockAlignmentValue2*10’(C a) 11) and
16 a= * block alignment *
( 11 N
*type of coding’ imp1 IsTypeOfCodingValue2*120(C a) JJ of
17 a=
( N
18 IsPr~fileDefaultableCharacterContentArchitectureAttribute4.’l(v) OT
19 IsProfileDefaultableRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute4.(v) or
20 IsProfileDefaultableGeometricGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute4.13~) l)o)
1 Semiformal Description 4.11 1
Predicate “is a profile defaultable character content architecture value” (clause 5.3.2)
A profile defaultable character content architecture value is one of the attributes (name and value) which is classified
as defaultable in IS0 8613-6. It is considered an atomic construct in the formal specification of the document profile.
This predicate is formally defined in annex C, definition 6.1.
1 Definition 4.11 1
1 vv
2 (o IsProfileDefaultableCharacterContentArchitectureAttribute(v) ;$
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1991/Amd.l : 1991 (E)
Predicate “is a profile defaultable raster graphics content architecture value” (clause 5.3.2)
A profile defaultable raster graphics content architecture value is one of the attributes (name and value) which
is classified as defaultable in IS0 8613-7. It is considered an atomic construct in the formal specification of the
document profile. This predicate is formally defined in annex D9 definition 7.6.
1 vv
2 (o IsProfileDefaultableRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute(v) ifl
3 IsAtom o)
1 Semiformal Description 4.13 1
Predicate “is a profile defaultable geometric graphics content architecture value” (clause 5.3.2)
A profile defaultable geometric graphics content architecture value is one of the attributes (name and value) which
is classified as defaultable in IS0 8613-8. It is considered an atomic construct in the formal specification of the
document profile. This predicate is formally defined in annex E, definition 8.1.
I Definition 4.13 I
1 vv
2 (o IsProfileDefaultableGeometricGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute(v) ifl
IsAtom o)
1 Semiformal Description 4.14 ]
Predicate “is a content architecture classes value” (clause 5.3.4)
The value of the attribute * content architecture classes * is a non-empty set where each element is a content archi-
tecture class value.
Definition 4.14
1 vv
(o IsContentArchitectureClassesValue(v) in
3 1sNeColl.l (v) and
V a E v (IsContentArchitectureClassValue2*M(a)) o)
Semiformal Description 4.15
Predicate “is an ODA version value” (clause 5.3.6)
An ODA version value is a catenation of two elements. The first element is a sequence of characters from the
document profile character set, the second element is a date value in accordance with IS0 8601.
1 vv
2 (o IsODAVersionValue( v) i$
4 (lv= [+I--,T+] and
5 IsProfCharSeq4*4( 1) and IsDateValue4*50 (r) 1) o)
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1991/Amd.l : 1991 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 4.16 1
Predicate “is a character sets value” (e.g., clause
This value consists of escape sequences in accordance with IS0 2022 and IS0 2375. It is considered an atomic
construct in the formal specification.
I Definition 4.16 1
2 (o IsCharacterSetsValue( v) in
3 IsAtom o)
1 Semiformal Description 4.17 1
Predicate “is a page dimensions value” (clause
is a set of pairs of positive integers.
The value of the attribute * page dimensions *
I Definition 4.17 1
1 vv
2 (o IsPageDimensionsValue( v) ifl
3 IsNeCol’*‘(v) and -
4 Vu E v (IsPairOfPosInt’~g(a)) o)
I Semiformal Description 4.18 I
Predicate “is a medium types value” (clause
The value of the attribute * medium types * is a set where each element is a medium type value.
[ Definition 4.18 1
1 vv
2 (o IsMediumTypesValue(v) i$
3 IsNeCol’*‘(v) und -
V a E v ( IsMediumTypeValue2*1 O5 (a)) o)
r Semiformal Description 4.19 1
Predicate “is a layout paths value” (clause
The value of the attribute * layout paths’ is a set where each element is a layout path value.
1 Definition 4.19 I
1 vv
2 (o IsLayoutPathsValue( v) ifl
3 IsNeCol’*‘(v) and -
4 Vu E v (IsLayoutPathValue2*102(a)) o)
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.l : 1991 (E)
Predicate “is a protections value9’ (clause
is a set where each element is a protection value.
The value of the attribute * protections *
I Definition 4.20 I
1 vv
2 (o IsProtectionsValue( v) ifi
3 IsNeCol’*‘(v) and -
4 V a E v (IsProtectionValue2*106 (a)) o)
1 Semiformal Description 4.21 1
Predicate “is a block alignments value” (clause
is a set where each element is a block alignment value.
The value of the attribute * block alignments *
IDefinition 4.21 I
2 (o IsBlockAlignmentsValue(v) in
3 IsNeColl.‘(v) and
4 V a E v (IsBlockAlignmentValue2.10”( a)) o)
I Semiformal Description 4.22 I
Predicate “is a fill orders value” (clause
The value of the attribute *fill orders’ is a set where each element is a fill order value.
Definition 4.22
1 vv
2 (o IsFillOrdersValue(v) ifl
3 IsNeCol’.‘(v) and -
4 V a E v (IsFil10rderValue2.1’O(a)) o)
Irma1 Description 4.23 1
Predicate “is a transparencies value” (clause
The value of the attribute ‘transparencies’ is a set where each element is a transparency value.
1 Definition 4.23 1
1 vv
2 (o IsTransparenciesValue( v) ifl
3 IsNeCol’*‘(v) and
4 V a E v (IsTransparencyValue2.1C3(a)) o)
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1991/Amd.l : 1991 (E)
I Semiformal Description 4.24 I
Predicate “is a colours value” (clause
The value of the attribute * colours * is a set where each element is a colour value.
Definition 4.24
1 vv
2 (o IsColoursValue( v) i$
3 1sNeColl.l (v) and -
4 Vu E v (IsColourValue2*104(a)) o)
ISemiformal Description 4.25 1
Predicate “is a borders value” (clause
The value of the attribute 1 borders’ is a set where each element is a border value.
I Definition 4.25 I
1 vv
2 (o IsBordersValue(v) ifl
3 1sNeColl.l (v) and -
4 Vu E v (IsBorderValue2.100(a)) o)
I Semiformal Description 4.26 I
Predicate “is a page positions value9’ (clause
is a set where each element is a pair of non-negative integers.
The value of the attribute I page positions’
I Definition 4.26 I
1 vv
2 (o IsPagePositionsValue( v) in
3 IsNeCol’*‘(v) and -
4 Vu E v (IsPairOfNnIntl*‘(a)) o)
I Semiformal Description 4.27 I
Predicate “is a types of coding value” (clause
The value of the attribute *types of coding * is a set where each element is a type of coding value.
I Definition 4.27 1
1 vv
2 (o IsTypesOfCodingValue( v) in
3 IsNeCol’.‘(v) and -
4 V a E v (IsTypeOfCodingValue2.120 (a)) o)
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199UAmd.l : 1991 (E)
Semiformal Description 4.28
Predicate “is a profile coding attributes value” (clause
The value of the attribute ‘coding attributes * is a nomination where the name is
8 character coding attributes D,
* raster-graphics coding attributes I and/or * geometric-graphics coding attributes * .
The corresponding component is a
character coding specification, raster graphics coding specification or geometric graphics coding specification.
Definition 4.28
1 vv
2 (o IsProfileCodingAttributesValue(v) i#
IsNeNom’.2(v) and
4 NAMSl*l”(v) cxharacter coding attributes’ ; ‘raster-graphics coding attributes’ ;
5 * geometric-graphics coding attributes * 1 and
7 * character coding attributes * imp1
(1 w b =
8 IsProfileCharacterCodingSpecificatiZ’(C b) J and
9 (,N b= * raster-grap hits coding attributes * imp1
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