ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015
(Main)Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 12: Sample Variants in the ISO base media file format
Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 12: Sample Variants in the ISO base media file format
ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015 defines the carriage of Sample Variants in the ISO base media file format (ISO/IEC 14496‑12).
Technologies de l'information — Technologies des systèmes MPEG — Partie 12: Variantes d'échantillon dans le format ISO de base pour les fichiers médias
General Information
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STANDARD 23001-12
First edition
Information technology — MPEG
systems technologies —
Part 12:
Sample Variants in the ISO base
media file format
Technologies de l’information — Technologies des systèmes MPEG —
Partie 12: Variantes d’échantillon dans le format ISO de base pour les
fichiers médias
Reference number
ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
ISO/IEC 2015
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
© ISO/IEC 2015, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
ii © ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 2
4 Overview (informative) . 2
5 Variant Constructors . 4
5.1 Overview . 4
5.2 Access to Variant Constructors . 4
5.3 Encryption of Variant Constructors . 5
6 Variant Byte Ranges . 5
6.1 Overview . 5
6.2 Access to Variant Byte Ranges . 5
6.3 Encryption of Variant Byte range information . 6
7 Sample Variants . 6
7.1 Overview . 6
7.2 Access to Sample Variants . 6
7.3 Encryption of Sample Variants . 6
8 ISO storage . 6
8.1 Overview . 6
8.2 Variant tracks . 7
8.2.1 Definition . 7
8.2.2 Association . 7
8.2.3 Variant Metadata Sample Entry . 7
8.3 Sample data . 8
8.3.1 Variant Data . . 8
8.3.2 Variant Constructor list . 8
8.3.3 Variant Constructor . 9
8.3.4 Encryption .11
8.3.5 Association .12
9 Variant Processor Model and Example (Informative) .12
9.1 Variant Processor Model .12
9.2 Example .13
© ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for
the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the
Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, SC 29, Coding of
audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
ISO/IEC 23001 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — MPEG
systems technologies:
— Part 1: Binary MPEG format for XML
— Part 2: Fragment request units
— Part 3: XML IPMP messages
— Part 4: Codec configuration representation
— Part 5: Bitstream Syntax Description Language (BSDL)
— Part 7: Common encryption in ISO base media file format files
— Part 8: Coding-independent code points
— Part 9: Common encryption of MPEG-2 transport streams
— Part 10: Carriage of timed metadata metrics of media in ISO base media file format
— Part 11: Energy-efficient media consumption (green metadata)
— Part 12: Sample Variants in the ISO base media file format
iv © ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved
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Information technology — MPEG systems technologies —
Part 12:
Sample Variants in the ISO base media file format
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 23001 defines the carriage of Sample Variants in the ISO base media file format
(ISO/IEC 14496-12).
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 14496-12:2015 , Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO base
media file format
ISO/IEC 23001-7:2015, Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 7: Common
encryption in ISO base media file format files
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
Double Encrypted
Sample Variant byte range data encrypted by first a Media Key (as part of the encryption of the complete
Sample Variant) and then second a Variant Byte Range key
Note 1 to entry: See 6.1.
Media Key
encryption key associated with one or more media samples
Media KID
encryption KID associated with one or more media samples
Sample Variant
assembled media sample replacing an original sample
Variant Byte Range
location of a sequence of bytes that might constitute a portion of a Sample Variant
1) ISO/IEC 14496-12 is technically identical to ISO/IEC 15444-12.
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
Variant Constructor
Sample Variant metadata that defines how to assemble an individual Sample Variant
Variant Media Data
media data used to construct a Sample Variant, some of which may come from the original sample
media data
Variant Processor
logical module that performs the processing steps that implement the process of assembling Sample
3.2 Abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviated terms apply.
CENC Common ENCryption (as specified by ISO/IEC 23001-7:2015)
DRM Digital Rights Management
ISOBMFF ISO Base Media File Format (as specified by ISO/IEC 14496-12:2015)
IV Initialization Vector
KID Key Identifier
4 Overview (informative)
This part of ISO/IEC 23001 defines a framework for the carriage of Sample Variants in the ISOBMFF.
Sample Variants are typically used to provide forensic information in the rendered sample data that can,
e.g. identify the DRM client. This variant framework is intended to be fully compatible with ISOBMFF
and CENC, and agnostic to the particular forensic marking system used.
The Sample Variant framework uses three core constructs to define and carry Sample Variant data in
ISOBMFF: Variant Constructors, Variant Byte Ranges and Variant Samples.
NOTE The Variant Process Model described in Clause 9 can also assist in introducing the concepts.
Figure 1 shows a scenario where a sample (Sample 2) has a number of Sample Variants. Figure 1 shows
3 samples in a series left to right, the middle of which has variants. The top row is a conceptual depiction
of what is encoded using ISOBMFF and the bottom row shows what is output after Sample Variant
processing. Access to samples is under the control of KIDs as depicted in the top row of in Figure 1.
For Sample Variants, a hierarchy of KIDs is used to provide access to data, with the higher level KIDs
providing access to Sample Variant Metadata and the lower level KIDs providing access to media data.
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
Figure 1 — Sample Variant structure
The control point for the use of the proposed framework is the content publisher:
— the content publisher will encode encrypted, compressed Sample Variant data into the ISOBMFF file
and ensure that each set of Sample Variant data for a given sample time is encrypted with a different
key and signalled with a different KID.
— the content publisher will work with the DRM to manage the release of KIDs/keys such that the
playback path (the actual sample data used during playback) is controlled and the player can only
decrypt and render the data that it has been authorized to render.
The decoder model for the processing of the file is shown in Figure 2. Critical to the Sample Variant
decoding process is control over if and how the Sample Variants are processed.
NOTE The decrypt and decode steps are standard operations as they would be for any CENC-enabled decoder.
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
Figure 2 — Variant Decoder Model
By operating in the encrypted/compressed domain, secure baseband link operation (e.g. dedicated,
secure video pathways) is preserved and is intended to be fully compatible with CENC.
5 Variant Constructors
5.1 Overview
A Variant Constructor defines which bytes are used to assemble a Sample Variant. There may be one or
more Variant Constructors defined for a given ISOBMFF sample.
The Variant Processor may use a Variant Constructor if the Variant Processor has access to the Variant
Constructor. In addition to the presence of the Variant Constructor, “access” includes cryptographic
access. A Variant Constructor defines which data is used to assemble a Sample Variant and the
associated Media KID and initialization vector for decrypting the Sample Variant.
5.2 Access to Variant Constructors
If the decoder is given access to the Media Key for the sample defined by the ISOBMFF media track,
Sample Variant processing will not occur for this sample. If the decoder does not have access to the
original Media Key for the sample defined by the ISOBMFF media track, the Variant Processor shall be
given access to one Variant Constructor associated with the sample.
The KID/Key associated with the Variant Constructor controls access to a particular Variant Constructor
and is therefore a function of the set of KID/Key value pairs made available to the Variant Processor by
the DRM. Only one Variant Constructor per sample should be made available to the Variant Processor. If
the Variant Processor is given access to a Variant Constructor, the decoder shall also be given access to
the Media Key associated with the Media KID defined in the Variant Constructor.
If the Variant Processor has access to more than one KID/Key associated with Variant Constructor for
a given sample, the Variant Processor utilizes the first Variant Constructor that it has access to in data
encoding order. The Variant Processor uses exactly one Variant Constructor to assemble a Sample Variant.
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
5.3 Encryption of Variant Constructors
Each Variant Constructor shall be encrypted with a “Variant Constructor key”.
As a Variant Processor is provided only with the Variant Constructor keys for the Variant Constructor
that is to be used by that particular Variant Processor, any Variant Constructors not used by that Variant
Processor are not exposed by a security compromise of that Variant Processor.
6 Variant Byte Ranges
6.1 Overview
Each Variant Constructor defines a sequence of one or more Variant Byte Ranges. Each Variant Byte
Range defines the location of a sequence of bytes that might constitute bytes in a Sample Variant.
Variant Byte Ranges can contain unused data.
The sequence of Variant Byte Ranges defined in a Variant Constructor are grouped into one or more
Variant Byte Range groups. Each Variant Byte Range group shall define one or more Variant Byte
Ranges. An individual Variant Byte Range within a Variant Byte Range group:
— May reference bytes of data that constitute bytes in a Sample Variant that is made available to
certain Variant Processors (“real Variant Byte Range”).
— May reference bytes of data that are not made available to any Variant Processor (“fake Variant
Byte Range”).
A “fake Variant Byte Range” can be used to hide the amount of actual “real Variant Byte Ranges” defined
within a Variant Constructor. The Variant Processor uses all Variant Byte Ranges that it has access to.
In addition to the presence of the Variant Byte Range, “access” includes cryptographic access.
Data for different Sample Variants can be stored non-contiguously as referenced by different Variant
Constructors. Data for a particular Sample Variant can also be stored non-contiguously using a sequence
of two or more Variant Byte Ranges.
6.2 Access to Variant Byte Ranges
If a Variant Byte Range within a Variant Byte Range group signals that the data referenced by the
Variant Byte Range is unencrypted (and the Variant Processor has access to the Variant Constructor),
then the Variant Processor has access to the Variant Byte Range and the associated unencrypted bytes.
If the Variant Byte Range defined within a Variant Byte Range group signals that the data referenced
by the Variant Byte Range is encrypted, then access to the Variant Byte Range and the associated bytes
is controlled by the KID/Key associated with each Variant Byte Range, either the Media Key defined by
the Variant Constructor if no Variant Byte Range key is defined for the particular Variant Byte Range
group or by the Variant Byte Range key if one is defined. Access to the Variant Byte Range and the
associated data referenced by a Variant Byte Range is therefore a function of the set of KID/Key value
pairs made available to the Variant Processor by the DRM. Only one Variant Byte Range within a Variant
Byte Range group should be made available to the Variant Processor.
If the Variant Processor has access to more than one KID/Key associated with Variant Byte Ranges
within the same Variant Byte Range group for a given sample, the Variant Processor uses the first
Variant Byte Range that it has access to in data encoding order. The Variant Processor uses at most one
Variant Byte Range within a Variant Byte Range group to assemble a Sample Variant.
Variant Byte Ranges can be used to efficiently encode only the (typically small) differences in Sample
Variants for a given presentation time without repeating non-difference data or exposing Sample
Variant differences to the Variant Processor. This is achieved through Double Encryption, where the
difference data is first encrypted by the Media Key and then encrypted by the Variant Byte Range key.
The Variant Processor requires access to the Variant Byte Range key to decrypt such difference data and
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
therefore access to the difference data can be controlled via the Variant Byte Range key. This enables
reuse of common data and preserves Sample Variant compatibility with CENC, which requires that only
one Media Key be applied to a given sample. If Variant Byte Ranges did not provide this capability, then
it would be necessary to repeat all data for each Sample Variant, including difference and non-difference
data, so as to protect difference data with a different key; this is inefficient.
6.3 Encryption of Variant Byte range information
Variant Byte Range definitions are not individually encrypted (they are encrypted as part of the Variant
7 Sample Variants
7.1 Overview
The data used for rendering a sample is defined by either a Variant Constructor (if the Variant
Processor has access to the Variant Constructor for the sample per 8.3.3), or by the media data defined
by ISOBMFF. When Variant Constructors are used, the actual data used for reconstructing the sample is
obtained by assembling, in the order of appearance in the Variant Constructor, the byte data referenced
by the Variant Byte Ranges made available to the Variant Processor per Clause 6 and this construction
shall result in a valid encrypted sample for the signalled underlying encryption system; this sample is
a Sample Variant.
7.2 Access to Sample Variants
Once the Sample Variant is assembled from the Variant Byte Ranges, access to the sample data is
controlled by the Media Key defined in the Variant Constructor and is therefore a function of the set of
KID/Key value pairs made available to the Variant Processor by the DRM.
7.3 Encryption of Sample Variants
Sample Variants shall always be encrypted according to the scheme signalling of the associated media
track. Variant Byte Ranges of a Sample Variant may be unencrypted, or may be encrypted with a Media
Key. The Media Key is associated with one or more samples.
When bytes in a Sample Variant are encrypted with a Media Key, one or more byte ranges of the
encrypted Variant Media Data may be further encrypted (Double Encrypted) according to the common
encryption signalling with a “Variant Byte Range key” per 8.3.4.
As a Variant Processor is provided only with the Variant Byte Range keys for Double Encrypted Variant
Media Data that are to be used by that particular Variant Processor, Double Encrypted Variant Media
Data not used by that Variant Processor are not exposed by a compromise of that Variant Processor.
8 ISO storage
8.1 Overview
Variant data is stored in an ISOBMFF metadata tracks (variant track). An ISOBMFF media track (media
track) or variant track may be associated with one or more variant tracks as defined in 8.2.2.
— When an association is established between a media track and a variant track, Sample Variant
processing will occur whenever a decoder does not have access to the KID/key defined for a sample
in the media track as defined in 5.2.
— When an association is established from a variant track (original variant track) to another variant
track (other variant track), variant data contained in the other variant track can be utilized by the
original variant track.
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
— Samples within associated tracks are associated if they are time-parallel as defined in 8.3.5.
8.2 Variant tracks
8.2.1 Definition
Variant data shall be stored in an ISOBMFF metadata track that complies with the following constraints:
a) The track shall use the ‘meta’ handler_type in the Handler Reference Box (‘hdlr’) per
ISOBMFF Clause 12.
b) The track shall use the VariantMetaDataSampleEntry() sample entry as defined in 8.2.3.
c) Variant data is stored in the track as samples in accordance with 8.3.
d) The track shall use the same timebase as the corresponding video, audio or other variant tracks.
8.2.2 Association
ISOBMFF tracks may be associated with variant tracks via one of the following means:
— An externally defined context.
— In the source track (e.g. in the original media track), using a Track Reference Type Box in the Track
Reference Box (‘tref’) of the Track Box (‘trak’) which has a reference_type of ‘cvar’
and one or more track_IDs that each correspond to a track_ID of a variant track that is to be
referenced in the same file.
The following additional requirements apply to track_IDs in a Track Reference Type Box of
reference_type ‘cvar’:
a) track_ID may have a value that does not correspond to a track_ID of a track in the same file.
This specification does not define how the referenced file containing such a track is located.
b) If the track_ID does correspond to a track_ID of a track in the same file, the corresponding
track shall be a variant track which complies with 8.2.1.
Variant track references defined for a media track shall be defined in Variant Constructor search
order. The Variant Processor will process variant tracks according to this order when searching for an
accessible Variant Constructor.
8.2.3 Variant Metadata Sample Entry Syntax
class VariantMetaDataSampleEntry() extends MetaDataSampleEntry (‘cvar’) {
unsigned int(32) variant_constructor_scheme_type;
unsigned int(32) variant_constructor_scheme_version;
unsigned int(32) media_track_scheme_type;
unsigned int(32) media_track_scheme_version;
unsigned int(32) IV_Size;
unsigned int(32) variant_byte_range_scheme_type;
unsigned int(32) variant_byte_range_scheme_version;
_} Semantics
variant_constructor_scheme_type – shall be set to the four character code defining the
protection scheme applied to Variant Constructors in the track, per 8.3.4.
variant_constructor_scheme_version – shall be set to the version of the protection scheme
applied to the Variant Constructors in the track, per 8.3.4.
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ISO/IEC 23001-12:2015(E)
media_track_scheme_type – shall be set to the four character code defining the protection scheme
applied to associated media track, as defined for the schema_type field in the associated media
track by ISOBMFF subclause
media_track_scheme_version – shall be set to the version of the protection scheme applied to
associated media track, as defined for the scheme_version field in the associated media track by
ISOBMFF subclause
IV_Size – shall signal the size of the IV in bytes that is applied to the Variant Track (as used in the
VariantConstructorList and VariantConstructor structures). The IV_Size shall match the IV_Size of
the associated media track.
variant_byte_range_scheme_type – shall be set to the four character code defining the protection
scheme applied to the double encryption of bytes referenced by Variant Byte Ranges, per 8.3.4.
variant_byte_range_scheme_version – shall be set to the version of the protection scheme
applied to the double encryption of bytes referenced by Variant Byte Ranges, per 8.3.4.
8.3 Sample data
8.3.1 Variant Data Definition
A sample in a variant track is either empty (zero size) or a VariantData() structure. Syntax
aligned(8) class VariantData
VariantConstructorList() variant_list;
VariantConstructor()[] variant_constructors;
unsigned int(8)[] variant_pool;
} Semantics
variant_list – the Variant Constructor list as defined in 8.3.2.
variant_constructors – the array of Variant Constructors referenced by the Variant Constructor list.
variant_pool – a pool of variant bytes that may be referenced by a Variant Constructor.
8.3.2 Variant Constructor list Definition
The VariantConstructorList() defines sample specific information on the location of potential
Variant Constructors for Sample Variants.
Each sample definition in a variant track may have one or more Variant Constructor location entries
in the VariantConstructorList(). As required in 5.2, exactly one individual Variant Constructor
location entry is used during playback of a given sample and the Variant Processor uses the first Variant
Constructor that it has access to in order of definition
Information technology — MPEG
Secretariat: JISC
systems technologies —
Voting begins
on: 2015-09-04
Part 12:
Voting terminates
Sample variants in the ISO base
on: 2015-11-04
media file format
Technologies de l’information — Technologies des systèmes MPEG —
Partie 12: Variantes d’échantillon dans le format ISO de base pour les
fichiers médias
Reference number
ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-12:2015(E)
---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-12:2015(E)
© ISO/IEC 2015, Published in Switzerland
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior
written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO’s member body in the country of
the requester.
ISO copyright office
Ch. de Blandonnet 8 • CP 401
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland
Tel. +41 22 749 01 11
Fax +41 22 749 09 47
ii © ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved
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ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-12:2015(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions . 1
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 2
4 Overview (informative) . 2
5 Variant Constructors . 4
5.1 Overview . 4
5.2 Access to Variant Constructors . 4
5.3 Encryption of Variant Constructors . 5
6 Variant Byte Ranges . 5
6.1 Overview . 5
6.2 Access to Variant Byte Ranges . 5
6.3 Encryption of Variant Byte range information . 6
7 Sample Variants . 6
7.1 Overview . 6
7.2 Access to Sample Variants . 6
7.3 Encryption of Sample Variants . 6
8 ISO storage . 6
8.1 Overview . 6
8.2 Variant tracks . 7
8.2.1 Definition . 7
8.2.2 Association . 7
8.2.3 Variant Metadata Sample Entry . 7
8.3 Sample data . 8
8.3.1 Variant Data . . 8
8.3.2 Variant Constructor list . 8
8.3.3 Variant Constructor . 9
8.3.4 Encryption .11
8.3.5 Association .12
9 Variant Processor Model and Example (Informative) .12
9.1 Variant Processor Model .12
9.2 Example .13
© ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved iii
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ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-12:2015(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are
members of ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical
committees established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical
activity. ISO and IEC technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the
work. In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee,
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for
the different types of document should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject
of patent rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent
rights. Details of any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the
Introduction and/or on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the meaning of ISO specific terms and expressions related to conformity
assessment, as well as information about ISO’s adherence to the WTO principles in the Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following URL: Foreword - Supplementary information
The committee responsible for this document is ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology, SC 29, Coding of
audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
ISO/IEC 23001 consists of the following parts, under the general title Information technology — MPEG
systems technologies:
— Part 1: Binary MPEG format for XML
— Part 2: Fragment request units
— Part 3: XML IPMP messages
— Part 4: Codec configuration representation
— Part 5: Bitstream Syntax Description Language (BSDL)
— Part 7: Common encryption in ISO base media file format files
— Part 8: Coding-independent code points
— Part 9: Common encryption of MPEG-2 transport streams
— Part 10: Carriage of timed metadata metrics of media in ISO base media file Format
— Part 11: Energy-efficient media consumption (green metadata)
— Part 12: Sample variants in the ISO base media file format
iv © ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved
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Information technology — MPEG systems technologies —
Part 12:
Sample variants in the ISO base media file format
1 Scope
This part of ISO/IEC 23001 defines the carriage of Sample Variants in the ISO base media file format
(ISO/IEC 14496-12).
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 14496-12, Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 12: ISO base
media file format
ISO/IEC 23001-7, Information technology — MPEG systems technologies — Part 7: Common encryption in
ISO base media file format files
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
3.1 Terms and definitions
Double Encrypted
Sample Variant byte range data encrypted by first a Media Key (as part of the encryption of the complete
Sample Variant) and then second a Variant Byte Range key
Note 1 to entry: See 6.1.
Media Key
encryption key associated with one or more media samples
Media KID
encryption KID associated with one or more media samples
Sample Variant
assembled media sample replacing an original sample
Variant Byte Range
location of a sequence of bytes that might constitute a portion of a Sample Variant
1) ISO/IEC 14496-12 is technically identical to ISO/IEC 15444-12.
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ISO/IEC FDIS 23001-12:2015(E)
Variant Constructor
Sample Variant metadata that defines how to assemble an individual Sample Variant
Variant Media Data
media data used to construct a Sample Variant, some of which may come from the original sample
media data
Variant Processor
logical module that performs the processing steps that implement the process of assembling Sample
3.2 Abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviated terms apply.
CENC Common ENCryption (as specified by ISO/IEC 23001-7)
DRM Digital Rights Management
ISOBMFF ISO Base Media File Format (as specified by ISO/IEC 14496-12)
IV Initialization Vector
KID Key Identifier
4 Overview (informative)
This part of ISO/IEC 23001 defines a framework for the carriage of Sample Variants in the ISOBMFF.
Sample Variants are typically used to provide forensic information in the rendered sample data that can,
e.g. identify the DRM client. This variant framework is intended to be fully compatible with ISOBMFF
and CENC, and agnostic to the particular forensic marking system used.
The Sample Variant framework uses three core constructs to define and carry Sample Variant data in
ISOBMFF: Variant Constructors, Variant Byte Ranges and Variant Samples.
NOTE The Variant Process Model described in Clause 9 can also assist in introducing the concepts.
Figure 1 shows a scenario where a sample (Sample 2) has a number of Sample Variants. Figure 1 shows
3 samples in a series left to right, the middle of which has variants. The top row is a conceptual depiction
of what is encoded using ISOBMFF and the bottom row shows what is output after Sample Variant
processing. Access to samples is under the control of KIDs as depicted in the top row of in Figure 1.
For Sample Variants, a hierarchy of KIDs is used to provide access to data, with the higher level KIDs
providing access to Sample Variant Metadata and the lower level KIDs providing access to media data.
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Figure 1 — Sample Variant structure
The control point for the use of the proposed framework is the content publisher:
— the content publisher will encode encrypted, compressed Sample Variant data into the ISOBMFF file
and ensure that each set of Sample Variant data for a given sample time is encrypted with a different
key and signalled with a different KID.
— the content publisher will work with the DRM to manage the release of KIDs/keys such that the
playback path (the actual sample data used during playback) is controlled and the player can only
decrypt and render the data that it has been authorized to render.
The decoder model for the processing of the file is shown in Figure 2. Critical to the Sample Variant
decoding process is control over if and how the Sample Variants are processed.
NOTE The decrypt and decode steps are standard operations as they would be for any CENC-enabled decoder.
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Figure 2 — Variant Decoder Model
By operating in the encrypted/compressed domain, secure baseband link operation (e.g. dedicated,
secure video pathways) is preserved and is intended to be fully compatible with CENC.
5 Variant Constructors
5.1 Overview
A Variant Constructor defines which bytes are used to assemble a Sample Variant. There may be one or
more Variant Constructors defined for a given ISOBMFF sample.
The Variant Processor may use a Variant Constructor if the Variant Processor has access to the Variant
Constructor. In addition to the presence of the Variant Constructor, “access” includes cryptographic
access. A Variant Constructor defines which data is used to assemble a Sample Variant and the
associated Media KID and initialization vector for decrypting the Sample Variant.
5.2 Access to Variant Constructors
If the decoder is given access to the Media Key for the sample defined by the ISOBMFF media track,
Sample Variant processing will not occur for this sample. If the decoder does not have access to the
original Media Key for the sample defined by the ISOBMFF media track, the Variant Processor shall be
given access to one Variant Constructor associated with the sample.
The KID/Key associated with the Variant Constructor controls access to a particular Variant Constructor
and is therefore a function of the set of KID/Key value pairs made available to the Variant Processor by
the DRM. Only one Variant Constructor per sample should be made available to the Variant Processor. If
the Variant Processor is given access to a Variant Constructor, the decoder shall also be given access to
the Media Key associated with the Media KID defined in the Variant Constructor.
If the Variant Processor has access to more than one KID/Key associated with Variant Constructor for
a given sample, the Variant Processor utilizes the first Variant Constructor that it has access to in data
encoding order. The Variant Processor uses exactly one Variant Constructor to assemble a Sample Variant.
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5.3 Encryption of Variant Constructors
Each Variant Constructor shall be encrypted with a “Variant Constructor key”.
As a Variant Processor is provided only with the Variant Constructor keys for the Variant Constructor
that is to be used by that particular Variant Processor, any Variant Constructors not used by that Variant
Processor are not exposed by a security compromise of that Variant Processor.
6 Variant Byte Ranges
6.1 Overview
Each Variant Constructor defines a sequence of one or more Variant Byte Ranges. Each Variant Byte
Range defines the location of a sequence of bytes that might constitute bytes in a Sample Variant.
Variant Byte Ranges can contain unused data.
The sequence of Variant Byte Ranges defined in a Variant Constructor are grouped into one or more
Variant Byte Range groups. Each Variant Byte Range group shall define one or more Variant Byte
Ranges. An individual Variant Byte Range within a Variant Byte Range group:
— May reference bytes of data that constitute bytes in a Sample Variant that is made available to
certain Variant Processors (“real Variant Byte Range”).
— May reference bytes of data that are not made available to any Variant Processor (“fake Variant
Byte Range”).
A “fake Variant Byte Range” can be used to hide the amount of actual “real Variant Byte Ranges” defined
within a Variant Constructor. The Variant Processor uses all Variant Byte Ranges that it has access to.
In addition to the presence of the Variant Byte Range, “access” includes cryptographic access.
Data for different Sample Variants can be stored non-contiguously as referenced by different Variant
Constructors. Data for a particular Sample Variant can also be stored non-contiguously using a sequence
of two or more Variant Byte Ranges.
6.2 Access to Variant Byte Ranges
If a Variant Byte Range within a Variant Byte Range group signals that the data referenced by the
Variant Byte Range is unencrypted (and the Variant Processor has access to the Variant Constructor),
then the Variant Processor has access to the Variant Byte Range and the associated unencrypted bytes.
If the Variant Byte Range defined within a Variant Byte Range group signals that the data referenced
by the Variant Byte Range is encrypted, then access to the Variant Byte Range and the associated bytes
is controlled by the KID/Key associated with each Variant Byte Range, either the Media Key defined by
the Variant Constructor if no Variant Byte Range key is defined for the particular Variant Byte Range
group or by the Variant Byte Range key if one is defined. Access to the Variant Byte Range and the
associated data referenced by a Variant Byte Range is therefore a function of the set of KID/Key value
pairs made available to the Variant Processor by the DRM. Only one Variant Byte Range within a Variant
Byte Range group should be made available to the Variant Processor.
If the Variant Processor has access to more than one KID/Key associated with Variant Byte Ranges
within the same Variant Byte Range group for a given sample, the Variant Processor uses the first
Variant Byte Range that it has access to in data encoding order. The Variant Processor uses at most one
Variant Byte Range within a Variant Byte Range group to assemble a Sample Variant.
Variant Byte Ranges can be used to efficiently encode only the (typically small) differences in Sample
Variants for a given presentation time without repeating non-difference data or exposing Sample
Variant differences to the Variant Processor. This is achieved through Double Encryption, where the
difference data is first encrypted by the Media Key and then encrypted by the Variant Byte Range key.
The Variant Processor requires access to the Variant Byte Range key to decrypt such difference data and
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therefore access to the difference data can be controlled via the Variant Byte Range key. This enables
reuse of common data and preserves Sample Variant compatibility with CENC, which requires that only
one Media Key be applied to a given sample. If Variant Byte Ranges did not provide this capability, then
it would be necessary to repeat all data for each Sample Variant, including difference and non-difference
data, so as to protect difference data with a different key; this is inefficient.
6.3 Encryption of Variant Byte range information
Variant Byte Range definitions are not individually encrypted (they are encrypted as part of the Variant
7 Sample Variants
7.1 Overview
The data used for rendering a sample is defined by either a Variant Constructor (if the Variant
Processor has access to the Variant Constructor for the sample per 8.3.3), or by the media data defined
by ISOBMFF. When Variant Constructors are used, the actual data used for reconstructing the sample is
obtained by assembling, in the order of appearance in the Variant Constructor, the byte data referenced
by the Variant Byte Ranges made available to the Variant Processor per Clause 6 and this construction
shall result in a valid encrypted sample for the signalled underlying encryption system; this sample is
a Sample Variant.
7.2 Access to Sample Variants
Once the Sample Variant is assembled from the Variant Byte Ranges, access to the sample data is
controlled by the Media Key defined in the Variant Constructor and is therefore a function of the set of
KID/Key value pairs made available to the Variant Processor by the DRM.
7.3 Encryption of Sample Variants
Sample Variants shall always be encrypted according to the scheme signalling of the associated media
track. Variant Byte Ranges of a Sample Variant may be unencrypted, or may be encrypted with a Media
Key. The Media Key is associated with one or more samples.
When bytes in a Sample Variant are encrypted with a Media Key, one or more byte ranges of the
encrypted Variant Media Data may be further encrypted (Double Encrypted) according to the common
encryption signalling with a “Variant Byte Range key” per 8.3.4.
As a Variant Processor is provided only with the Variant Byte Range keys for Double Encrypted Variant
Media Data that are to be used by that particular Variant Processor, Double Encrypted Variant Media
Data not used by that Variant Processor are not exposed by a compromise of that Variant Processor.
8 ISO storage
8.1 Overview
Variant data is stored in an ISOBMFF metadata tracks (variant track). An ISOBMFF media track (media
track) or variant track may be associated with one or more variant tracks as defined in 8.2.2.
— When an association is established between a media track and a variant track, Sample Variant
processing will occur whenever a decoder does not have access to the KID/key defined for a sample
in the media track as defined in 5.2.
— When an association is established from a variant track (original variant track) to another variant
track (other variant track), variant data contained in the other variant track can be utilized by the
original variant track.
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— Samples within associated tracks are associated if they are time-parallel as defined in 8.3.5.
8.2 Variant tracks
8.2.1 Definition
Variant data shall be stored in an ISOBMFF metadata track that complies with the following constraints:
a) The track shall use the ‘meta’ handler_type in the Handler Reference Box (‘hdlr’) per
ISOBMFF Clause 12.
b) The track shall use the VariantMetaDataSampleEntry() sample entry as defined in 8.2.3.
c) Variant data is stored in the track as samples in accordance with 8.3.
d) The track shall use the same timebase as the corresponding video, audio or other variant tracks.
8.2.2 Association
ISOBMFF tracks may be associated with variant tracks via one of the following means:
— An externally defined context.
— In the source track (e.g. in the original media track), using a Track Reference Type Box in the Track
Reference Box (‘tref’) of the Track Box (‘trak’) which has a reference_type of ‘cvar’
and one or more track_IDs that each correspond to a track_ID of a variant track that is to be
referenced in the same file.
The following additional requirements apply to track_IDs in a Track Reference Type Box of
reference_type ‘cvar’:
a) track_ID may have a value that does not correspond to a track_ID of a track in the same file.
This specification does not define how the referenced file containing such a track is located.
b) If the track_ID does correspond to a track_ID of a track in the same file, the corresponding
track shall be a variant track which complies with 8.2.1.
Variant track references defined for a media track shall be defined in Variant Constructor search
order. The Variant Processor will process variant tracks according to this order when searching for an
accessible Variant Constructor.
8.2.3 Variant Metadata Sample Entry Syntax
class VariantMetaDataSampleEntry() extends MetaDataSampleEntry (‘cvar’) {
unsigned int(32) variant_constructor_scheme_type;
unsigned int(32) variant_constructor_scheme_version;
unsigned int(32) media_track_scheme_type;
unsigned int(32) media_track_scheme_version;
unsigned int(32) IV_Size;
unsigned int(32) variant_byte_range_scheme_type;
unsigned int(32) variant_byte_range_scheme_version;
_} Semantics
variant_constructor_scheme_type – shall be set to the four character code defining the
protection scheme applied to Variant Constructors in the track, per 8.3.4.
variant_constructor_scheme_version – shall be set to the version of the protection scheme
applied to the Variant Constructors in the track, per 8.3.4.
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media_track_scheme_type – shall be set to the four character code defining the protection scheme
applied to associated media track, as defined for the schema_type field in the associated media
track by ISOBMFF subclause
media_track_scheme_version – shall be set to the version of the protection scheme applied to
associated media track, as defined for the scheme_version field in the associated media track by
ISOBMFF subclause
IV_Size – shall signal the size of the IV in bytes that is applied to the Variant Track (as used in the
VariantConstructorList and VariantConstructor structures). The IV_Size shall match the IV_Size of
the associated media track.
variant_byte_range_scheme_type – shall be set to the four character code defining the protection
scheme applied to the double encryption of bytes referenced by Variant Byte Ranges, per 8.3.4.
variant_byte_range_scheme_version – shall be set to the version of the protection scheme
applied to the double encryption of bytes referenced by Variant Byte Ranges, per 8.3.4.
8.3 Sample data
8.3.1 Variant Data Definition
A sample in a variant track is either empty (zero size) or a VariantData() structure. Syntax
aligned(8) class VariantData
VariantConstructorList() variant_list;
VariantConstructor()[] variant_constructors;
unsigned int(8)[] variant_pool;
} Semantics
variant_list – the Variant Constructor list as defined in 8.3.2.
variant_constructors – the array of Variant Constructors referenced by the Variant Constructor list.
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