Heavy commercial vehicles and buses — Centre of gravity measurements — Axle lift, tilt-table and stable pendulum test methods

This document describes a standard method for measuring a vehicle's longitudinal and lateral (horizontal plane) centre of gravity (CG) positions and three methods for estimating a vehicle's vertical CG position, the axle lift, tilt-table, and stable pendulum methods. It applies to heavy vehicles, that is commercial vehicles and buses as defined in ISO 3833 (trucks and trailers with maximum weight above 3,5 tonnes and buses and articulated buses with maximum weight above 5 tonnes, according to ECE and EC vehicle classification, categories M3, N2, N3, O3 and O4). CG measurements are performed separately for each single unit.

Véhicules utilitaires lourds et autobus — Mesure du centre de gravité — Méthode d'essais du plateau incline, levage d'un essieu et pendule stable

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ISO 19380:2019 - Heavy commercial vehicles and buses -- Centre of gravity measurements -- Axle lift, tilt-table and stable pendulum test methods
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First edition
Heavy commercial vehicles
and buses — Centre of gravity
measurements — Axle lift, tilt-table
and stable pendulum test methods
Véhicules utilitaires lourds et autobus — Mesure du centre de gravité —
Méthode d'essais du plateau incline, levage d'un essieu et pendule stable
Reference number
ISO 2019
© ISO 2019
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Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Principles . 3
5 Variables . 3
5.1 Reference system . 3
5.2 Variables to be measured . 3
5.2.1 Variables to be measured for location of x and y coordinates of centre
of gravity in horizontal plane . 3
5.2.2 Variables to be measured using the axle lift method for location of z
coordinates . 4
5.2.3 Variables to be measured using the tilt-table method for location of z
coordinates . 4
5.2.4 Variables to be measured using the stable pendulum method for location
of z coordinates . . 4
6 Measuring equipment . 5
7 Test conditions . 6
7.1 General . 6
7.2 Ambient conditions . 6
7.3 Test surface . 6
7.4 Test vehicle . 6
7.5 Operating and other liquids . 6
7.6 Loading conditions, suspension and mechanical parts . 6
8 Determination of the centre of gravity in the horizontal plane . 7
8.1 General . 7
8.2 x position of the centre of gravity in the horizontal plane . 7
8.2.1 Two axle vehicles . 7
8.2.2 More than two axles . 7
8.3 y position of the centre of gravity in the horizontal plane . 8
8.3.1 Two axle vehicles . 8
8.3.2 More than two axles . 8
9 Determination of the centre of gravity height . 8
9.1 General . 8
9.2 Axle lift method . 8
9.2.1 General guidance . 8
9.2.2 Procedure .10
9.2.3 Determination of the axle load and inclination angle .11
9.2.4 Location of the centre of gravity above the ground plane with loaded tyre
radius .11
9.3 Tilt-table method .12
9.3.1 General guidance .12
9.3.2 Tilt-table procedures.14
9.3.3 Determination of the centre of gravity height z .15
9.3.4 Data presentation .15
9.4 Stable pendulum method .15
9.4.1 General guidance .15
9.4.2 Stable pendulum procedure .17
9.4.3 Determination of platform properties .17
9.4.4 Determination of the applied torque .17
9.4.5 Consideration of platform deflection .18
9.4.6 Determination of the centre of gravity height, z .18
9.4.7 Data Presentation.18
Annex A (informative) Determination of static loaded radius, r .19
Annex B (informative) Test report — Axle lift method .20
Annex C (informative) Test report — Tilt method (up to 3 axles) .23
Annex D (informative) Test report — Stable pendulum method .26
Bibliography .29
iv © ISO 2019 – All rights reserved

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 33,
Vehicle dynamics and chassis components.
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at www .iso .org/members .html.
Methods are presented for measuring the location of the centre of gravity of an individual vehicle unit
in the horizontal, lateral and vertical planes. Location of the longitudinal and lateral centre of gravity
positions are obtained through successive use of wheel or platform scales. Three different methods
are described for measurement of the vertical centre of gravity – the axle lift method, the tilt-table
method, and the stable pendulum method. The selection of the method to use depends on the facility
and resource availability, as well as constraints imposed by the vehicle design. Knowledge of a vehicle
unit’s centre of gravity supports vehicle modelling work, design validation and planning for other
dynamic tests yet to be performed.
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