ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd 1:2017
(Amendment)Information technology — Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) — Part 15: Multimedia preservation application format — Amendment 1: Implementation guidelines for MP-AF
Information technology — Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) — Part 15: Multimedia preservation application format — Amendment 1: Implementation guidelines for MP-AF
Technologies de l'information — Format pour application multimédia (MPEG-A) — Partie 15: Format pour application de la conservation des multimédias — Amendement 1: Lignes directrices pour MP-AF
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 23000-15
First edition
Information technology — Multimedia
application format (MPEG-A) —
Part 15:
Multimedia preservation application
AMENDMENT 1: Implementation
guidelines for MP-AF
Technologies de l’information — Format pour application multimédia
(MPEG-A) —
Partie 15: Format pour application de la conservation des
AMENDEMENT 1: Lignes directrices pour MP-AF
Reference number
ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
ISO/IEC 2017
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
© ISO/IEC 2017, Published in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
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Information technology, SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia information.
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
Information technology — Multimedia application format
(MPEG-A) —
Part 15:
Multimedia preservation application format
AMENDMENT 1: Implementation guidelines for MP-AF
Page 57, Clause 7
Insert Clause 8 and Clause 9
8 Implementation guidelines (non-normative)
8.1 General
8.2 to 8.4 provide an overview of three concrete use cases from professional digital preservation
stakeholders. Their workflows and most relevant metadata are introduced, then MP-AF XML
implementations addressing preservation needs from real-world use cases are reported. Terminology
from Open Archival Information System (OAIS) is used, which defines information packages (IP) at
the ingest (Submission IP - SIP) and delivery (Dissemination IP - DIP) side of a preservation system.
A typical format migration use case is presented in 8.2, which showcases a common necessity in
digital preservation workflows. 8.3 focuses on “Audiovisual Digitization” scenario based on a concrete
project that is currently under deployment at RAI Radiotelevisione Italiana (i.e. the National Italian
Broadcaster). 8.4 deals with digitization of audio content of Short Play (SP) vinyl records and Master
1/2 inch tapes, a concrete activity performed at National Diet Library (NDL) of Japan. MP-AF compliant
XML documents are reported entirely within source code boxes in this document and also included as
separated XML files in the electronic inserts.
8.5 discusses the use of MP-AF in content archival and packaging (i.e. how to tie essences and metadata
8.2 Outsourcing format migration use case
8.2.1 General
This is a generic use case about basic format migration activities. Let’s suppose that the organization
Fred&Alice Limited conceived, commissioned and/or produced an audiovisual work, e.g. a documentary
about the rivers, mountains, and sites of the region where Fred was born. The Work is titled “Fred’s
places” for which Fred&Alice Limited obtained an ISAN identifier, such as ISAN-XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ. The
Work is composed of two parts stored in two HD-XDCAM MXF (50 Mbits/s) files. The first part has
a time length of 37 min and the second part of 23 min, representing the first and second part of the
content. Fred&Alice Limited now needs another representation of the Work as DVD ISO image file for 1
hour of playback, to be later printed on DVDs and commercialized. They decided to rely on an external
company, ACME Preservation for performing the format migration. Additionally, they are asking
information regarding the quality control of the resulting essences and a complete documentation of
media processing activities.
In the following we describe:
— the activities undertaken within the format migration process including the description of
agents/tools and operators;
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
— the specific preservation information created in this scenario, which can be represented by specific
MP-AF preservation descriptors like Fixity, Integrity and Rights.
8.2.2 Process overview
Fred&Alice Limited send to “ACME Preservation” a digital copy of the material, including the checksums
of the involved files. ACME Preservation run an ingest process, verifying the fixity and the integrity
of files by checksum calculation and comparison with the provided values. Ingestion also includes a
format validity check, done by using an automatic tool. ACME Preservation discover that MXF files are
not strictly compliant with some parts of the relevant SMPTE standard specifications, even if they can
be correctly played in practical environments.
ACME Preservation inform Fred&Alice Limited about this minor problem and propose to fix it
performing a simple file trans-wrapping. Fred&Alice Limited accept this proposal and also ask for the
two parts of the programme to be merged in order to have a single MXF file as output.
The following metadata documenting this first part of the process is saved:
— date and venue of the operations;
— the software tool that detected the SMPTE compliance problem;
— the software tool used for performing the merging and trans-wrapping operation;
— tool used for validating the result of the trans-wrapping;
— the location of media files that represent the input and the result of the trans-wrapping operation;
— the time required for executing the trans-wrapping operation.
Table 8 summarizes the sequence of activities carried out. The columns represent the respective
responsibilities of each organization.
Table 8 — Sequence of activities
Activity Fred&Alice Limited ACME preservation
1 DIP creation including essences and
required metadata in MP-AF format
2 Conformance checking of the container with
identification of possible violations
3 Merging files constituting multiple parts of the same
programme; fixing of MXF wrapper in case of SMPTE
standards violations, with logging of the operation in
MP-AF format
4 Transcoding of essence to the target coding schemes
with logging of the operation in MP-AF format
5 Quality control (i.e. formal check) of the resulting file
with logging of the operation results in MP-AF format
6 Ingestion of the updated SIP containing the
transcoded and trans-wrapped essence and
the updated MP-AF metadata
First, Fred&Alice Limited create the DIP to be delivered to ACME Preservation. It contains the following
main entities:
— the essence files;
— the relevant metadata in MP-AF XML format with:
— a DescriptiveMetadataDescriptor containing basic descriptive metadata at preservation
object level;
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
— the description of the representation (XDCAM in MFX) already available with Essence/Components
(i.e. related to the first and second part of the video programme);
— TechnicalMetadataDescriptors containing technical metadata at preservation object and
essence/bitstream level.
In the second stage, ACME Preservation receives the DIP and performs the requested
migration/transcoding including quality control activities. Most importantly, ACME Preservation
updates the MP-AF XML metadata document by adding the new representation given by the ISO image
of the work. The package delivered by ACME Preservation to Fred&Alice Limited includes the following:
— a PreservationObject with two representations:
— the old representation: two essences, each with a/v streams (no locators, as essence is not
— the new representation: one essence with a/v streams (includes the locator of essence);
— TechnicalMetadataDescriptor containing technical metadata at preservation object and
essence/bitstream level;
— DescriptiveMetadataDescriptor containing basic descriptive metadata at preservation object level;
— QualityMetadataDescriptor containing quality metadata for old representations;
— process metadata (i.e. description and configurations of the tools used in the process) documenting
the derivation of the new representation;
— QualityMetadataDescriptor containing quality metadata for the new representation being assessed
by ACME Preservation.
Figure 18 shows a logical representation of the MP-AF document including the updates from ACME
Preservation, reflecting the activities performed and the produced outputs. This updated MP-AF
instance is delivered back to the Fred&Alice Limited’s archive, together with the freshly created DVD
ISO files.
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
D descriptor Ident. identification
DS description scheme Descr. descriptive metadata
QA analysis Tech. technical metadata
Figure 18 — Structure of MP-AF document delivered to Fred&Alice Limited
8.2.3 Preservation Information General
Pre-existing and newly created preservation metadata created by ACME Preservation, are stored in
MP-AF making use of the following specific descriptors: Fixity
Fred&Alice Limited originally recorded the checksum (MD5) of all three provided files, which enables
the verification of their fixity, ensuring that no bit changes have occurred. For a more robust check, they
decided to add an alternative checksum (SHA1). Also they decide to store distinct checksum values for
each component (video and audio) and for each video segment along the timeline.
NOTE The MP-AF Fixity Descriptor supports multiple checksums representations separately for each
essence/component. Integrity
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Fred&Alice Limited is concerned about the fact that one of the two MXF files could get lost and one could
be unaware that a part of the whole programme is missing (i.e. treating the file as a shorter version of
the programme).
Fred&Alice Limited is tempted to concatenate the two files, but the operators are not sure about the
technical quality of the result, so they keep the original parts in separate files.
NOTE MP-AF allows providing information that guarantees the integrity by means of an Integrity Descriptor,
linked to specific Representations of the Preservation Object. Rights
Fred&Alice Limited are the original producers of “Fred’s places” and they hold all the rights including
the exploitation. They also have
— a document with free text description of the work,
— emails exchanged with other companies having technically contributed to the production, and
— the document for the request of ISAN registration.
One year ago, they granted exclusive rights to “Mountains and Rivers Entertainment Limited” for
performing any kind of communication to the public and on any public performances in the country
“Italy” [“ITA”, ISO country code: 380 ]. The material delivered to “Mountains and Rivers Entertainment
Limited” were created by means of transcoding from the MXF files, but no copy of it was kept by
Fred&Alice Limited.
NOTE MP-AF allows providing such information through the Rights Descriptor linked to the specific
Representation. Quality
ACME Preservation performs file format compliance checks for the produced files. This results in a
report containing the checks performed and the outcome reported by the automatic quality analysis
tools. The XML report includes only few recommended tests for MXF wrapper consistency, but many
others can be added.
1) ISO 3166-1 numeric.
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
8.2.4 XML Serialization of MP-AF Metadata
This subclause provides a complete XML serialization of MP-AF Metadata that formally validates
against the normative schema provided by the standard. Useful comments are provided inline.
tion:2015ʺ xmlns:didmodel=ʺurn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:02-DIDMODEL-NSʺ xmlns:mpeg7=ʺurn:mpeg:mpeg7:sche-
ma:2004ʺ xmlns:dii=ʺurn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:01-DII-NSʺ xmlns:dc=ʺʺ
xmlns:ebucore=ʺurn:ebu:metadata-schema:ebuCore_2014ʺ xmlns:xsi=ʺ
stanceʺ xmlns:ipmpinfo=ʺurn:mpeg:mpeg21:2004:01-IPMPINFO-NSʺ xmlns:didl=ʺurn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:02-
DIDL-NSʺ xsi:schemaLocation=ʺurn:mpeg:maf:schema:preservation:2015 mpaf.xsd urn:mpeg:mpeg21:2002:02-
DIDL-NS mpeg21/did/didl.xsdʺ>ʺ>
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mid:060A2B3401010 10501010D12130000000123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF
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ISO/IEC 23000-15:2016/Amd.1:2017(E)
Digital video format
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Video and Audio quality annotations made automati-
Operational Pattern
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