ISO 9041-1:1990/Amd 2:1992
(Amendment)Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Virtual Terminal Basic Class Protocol — Part 1: Specification — Amendment 2
Information technology — Open Systems Interconnection — Virtual Terminal Basic Class Protocol — Part 1: Specification — Amendment 2
Technologies de l'information — Interconnexion des systèmes ouverts — Protocole de classe de base de terminal virtuel — Partie 1: Spécification — Amendement 2
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
1990-1 1-15
1992-1 0-1 5
Information technology - Open Systems
Interconnection - Virtual Terminal Basic Class
Part 1 :
AMENDMENT 2: Additional functional units
Technologies de I'information - Interconnexion des systèmes ouverts - Protocole
de classe de base de terminal virtuel
Partie I: Spécification
AMENDEMENT 2: Unités fonctionnelles supplémentaires
Reference number
IS0 9041-1 : 1990/Amd.2: 1992 (E)
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IS0 9041-1 : 199WAmd.2 : 1992 (E)
1 Scope . . . 1
2 Normative references . . . . I
3 Definitions . 1
5 Overview.
6 Protocol elements .
7 Primary procedures
8 Switch profile procedures . . .
9 Multiple interaction negotiation procedures . 4
10 Mapping of protocol elements . 4
11 Protocol data unit structure . . . . 4
A State Tables . . .7
O ISO/IEC 1991
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and micro-
film, without permission in writing from the publisher.
ISOllEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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IS0 9041-1 : 199WAmd.2 : 1992 (E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) together form a system for worldwide standardization.
National bodies that are members of IS0 or IEC participate in the development of
International Standards through technical committees established by the respective
organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. IS0 and IEC technical
committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations,
governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with IS0 and IEC, also take part in the
In the field of information technology, IS0 and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint techni-
cal committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an Interna-
tional Standard requires approval by at least 75% of the national bodies casting a vote.
Amendment 2 to International Standard IS0 9041-1 :I990 was prepared by Joint
Technical Committee ISOllEC JTC 1, Information technology.
Annex A forms an integral part of this amendment.
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IS0 9041-1 : 199WAmd.2 : 1992 (E)
This amendment provides the services of the Additional Functional Units of the Basic
Class Virtual Terminal Service defined in IS0 9040: 1990/Amd .2: 1991.
The following clauses and annex in IS0 9041-1:1990 apply unchanged:
Clause 7 Procedures
Clause 12 Conformance
Annex B Defined OBJECT IDENTIFIER names
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IS0 9041-1 : 199WAmd.2 : 1992 (E)
Information technology - Open Systems Interconnection -
Virtual Terminal Basic Class Protocol
I Part I:
I Scope
IS0 9041-1, clause I applies with item a) of subclause 1.1
amended to read:
5 Overview
a) a set of procedures for the connection-oriented transfer
of data and control information between protocol machines
5.1 References
which implement the functions of a provider of the Basic
Class Virtual Terminal service including the Additional
IS0 9041-1, subclause 5.1 (‘Vrfual Terminal Service Sum-
Functional Units;
mary’) is replaced by 5.2 of this amendment; the latter also
amends of IS0 9041-1, table I
2 Normative references
IS0 9041-1, subclauses 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 apply unchanged.
IS0 9041-1, clause 2 applies with the additional reference:
IS0 9041-1, subclause 5.5 (“Functions of the VT Protocol’)
is amended as defined in 5.3 of this amendment.
IS0 9040: 1990iAmd .2: 1992, Information technology - Open
Systems Interconnection - Mrfual Terminal Basic Class Serv-
IS0 9041-1, subclauses 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8 apply unchanged.
ice -Amendment 2: Additional functional units.
5.2 Virtual Terminal Service -Additional Func-
I l 3 Definitions
tional Units - summary
The Definitions given in IS0 9041-1, clause 3 apply with the
The protocol specified by this amendment applied to IS0
addition to subclause 3.4 (Wrfual Terminal Service Definifions)
9041-1 provides the Additional Functional Units of the Basic
of the following term defined in IS0 9040iAmd. 2:
Class Virtual Terminal Service defined by IS0 9040/Amd 2
34) Ripple
The primitives of this service are as listed in IS0 9041-1,
table I with the addition of parameters to VT-SWITCH-PRO-
FILE and VT-END-NEG and the addition of VT-P-EXCEPTION
4 Abbreviations
as shown in table 1 of this amendment
The Abbreviations given in IS0 9041-1, clause 4 apply with
the addition to subclause 4.3 (VT Protocol Elements) of the
following abbreviations:
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IS0 9041-1 : 199WAmd.2 : 1992 (E)
g) the addition of a new subclause 6.26 fort32 (Mg-EK
Table 1 - Virtual Terminal Service primitives
CffTION-REQ) as defined by 6.8 of this amendment;
h) the addition of a new subclause 6.27 for EU? (Mg-EK
srimitive Parameters CffTION-i?ïW) as defined by 6.9 of this amendment.
K-SWITCH- request VT-profile-nam e
6.2 WProtocol elements
'ROFILE indication VT-profilearg-offer-list
IS0 9047, table 4 is amended by the addition of a new entry
as defined in table 2 of this amendment.
response VT-profilearg-value-list
confirm VT-result
Table 2 - W Protocol elements
(confirm only)
element reference
JT-ENDNEG Irequest I VT-vte-choice
indication VT-failureallowed
response VT-vtechoice
6.3 ASQ (W-ASSOCIATE-REQ) parameters
confirm VT-resul t
The following functional units are added to IS0 9047-7, sub-
VT-provid er-fai I u re-reason
clause 6.2.2:
(confirm only)
11) Ripple
VT-object-reten tion-iist
12) Exceptions
!T-P-EXCEPTION Indication VT-exception-source
13) Context retention
VT-excep tion-type
The other parameter descriptions are unchanged.
5.3 Functions of the VT Protocol
The functions of the VT protocol defined by IS0 9041-1 with
The following parameter is added to IS0 9047-7, subclause
this amendment are as defined in IS0 9041-1, subclause 5.5.
The Additional Functional Units defined by this amendment:
c) vt-object-retention-list: if present contains a list of DO
a) enhance the capability of the VT-environment which
and CO names whose contents are requested to be re-
may be agreed by use of the Association Establishment or
Negotiation functions;
b) extends the set of objects and operations provided by
the Data Transfer function; and
The following parameter is added to IS0 9047-7, subclause
c) enhances the error handling capabilities of the service
d) vt-object-retention-list: if present contains a list of DO
and CO names whose contents are agreed to be retained,
6 Protocol elements
6.1 References
The following parameter is added to IS0 9041-7, subclause
IS0 9047-7, clause 6 (Protocol elements) applies unchanged
except for
c) vt-object-retention-list: if present contains a list of DO
a) Table 4 which is amended as defined by 6.2 of this
and CO names whose contents are requested to be re-
b) subclause 6.2.2 defining the parameters ofASQ which
is amended as defined by 6.3 of this amendment;
c) subclause 6.9.2 defining the parameters of ENQ which
is amended as defined by 6.4 of this amendment;
The following parameter is added to IS0 9047-7, subclause
d) the subclause 6.70.2 defining the parameters of ENR 6.24.2:
which is amended as defined by 6.5 of this amendment;
d) vt-object-retention-list: if present contains a list of DO
e) subclause 6.23.2 defining the parameters of SPQ which and CO names whose contents are agreed to be retained.
is amended as defined by 6.6 of this amendment;
0 subclause 6.24.2 defining the parameters of SPR which
is amended as defined by 6.7 of this amendment;
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IS0 9041-1 : 199WAmd.2 : 1992 (E)
6.8 EXQ ( VT'P-EXC EPTl ON -REQ) 7.1 Break and Exception
A new subclause 6.26 is added to IS0 9041-1 as follows: Subclause 8.8 (Break) is replaced by
8.8 Break and Exception
6.8.1 Purpose:
The VT-BREAK procedures provide the protocol facilities
to support the VT-BREAK service, which is a destructive
To signal exception conditions between VTPMs
interrupt service available to either VT-user independently
of the mode of operation or the ownership of access-rights.
6.8.2 Parameters
The VT-EXCEPTION procedures provide the protocol fa-
cilities to support the VT-EXCEPTION service, which is a
vt-exception-type: Takes one of the following symbolic val-
destructive interrupt service available to either VTPM inde-
pendently of the mode of operation or the ownership of
"RIO full"
access-rig hts.
"too many fields"
These procedures take precedence over other procedures
"too many field elements"
and may be found in table 15.
'loo many FERS"
"too many FEIS"
8 Switch profile procedures
or a profile defined value of the form tag,value (INTEGER).
IS0 9041-1, clause 9 (Switch profile procedures) applies with
the amendment ofthe subclause 9.8 (Break) as defined in 8. I
vt-information: Takes a value as defined in IS0 90401Amd.2.
ofthis amendment and with the amendment oftable 15 (Break
procedures) as defined in 8.2 of this amendment.
8.1 Break and Exception
A new subclause 6.27 is added to IS0 9041-1 as follows:
Subclause 9.8 (Break) is replaced by:
6.9.1 Purpose
9.8 Break and Exception
To acknowledge an EXQ.
The procedures for switch profile negotiation are the same
as the procedures in subclause 8.8, see table 15.
6.9.2 Parameters
8.2 Break and Exception procedures
Table 75 is replaced by table 3 of this amendment.
7 Primary procedures
IS0 9041-1, clause 8 (Primaty procedures) applies with the
amendment of the subclause 8.8 (Break) as defined in 7.1 of
this amendment.
Event Action
la I VT-BREAK request If EXR is expected, store VT-BREAK parameters. Otherwise set contents of DOS and CO's to that
of the "reset context". Clear out any outstanding wait for acknowledgement. Send BKQ.
2a T BKQ Set contents of DO'S and CO's to that of the reset context. Clear any outstanding wait for
acknowledgement. Clear out any stored VT-Break parameters. Issue VT-BREAK indication.
VT-BREAK response Send BKR. Proceed using data transfer procedures.
3a T
Proceed using data transfer procedures.
4a I BKR
I Exception found Clear out any outstanding wait for acknowledgement. Send EXQ and issue VT-EXCEPTION
2b T EXQ Clear out any outstanding wait for acknowledgement. Send EXR and issue VI-EXCEPTtON
3b I EXR I Process stored VT-BREAK if present as in la and go to 2a.
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IS0 9041-1 : 1990/Amd.2 : 1992 (E)
c) Synchronization point serial number contains val-
9 Multiple interaction negotiation proce-
ues as defined by IS0 8326;
d) For A-mode, Tokens has the value "acceptor
chooses" for the all defined tokens;
The multiple interaction negotiation procedures defined in the
/SO 9041-1, clause 10 (Multiple interaction negotiation proce-
e) For S-mode, Tokens takes values from the initiating
dures7 applies with the amendment of the subclause 10.8
VT-BREAK request primitive or for EXQ the value
(Break) as defined in 9.1 of this amendment. "acceptor chooses".
10.4 P-RESYNCHRONISE response and
9.1 Break and Exception
Subclause 10.8 (Break)is replaced by
The whole of IS0 9041-1, subclause 11.2.4 is replaced by:
10.8 Break and Exception
The P-RESYNCHRONIZE response and confirm primitives
See 8.8.
convey the BKR and EXR protocol elements. This Interna-
tional Standard defines the following content for the P-
10 Mapping of protocol elements
a) User Data contains the BKR-pdu structured as
10.1 References
defined by clause 12, EXR does not require the User
Data field;
IS0 9041-1, clause 11 (Mapping of protocol elements) ap-
b) For A-mode, Tokens takes values from the existing
plies unchanged except for
token position;
a) Table 23 (Protocol element map
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