ISO/TR 27926:2024
(Main)Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage — Carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) — Transitioning from EOR to storage
Carbon dioxide capture, transportation and geological storage — Carbon dioxide enhanced oil recovery (CO2-EOR) — Transitioning from EOR to storage
This document examines various CO2 injection operations that involve modifications to CO2-EOR or other complementary hydrocarbon recovery operations that can be conducted in conjunction with CO2 storage. The document also examines potential policy, regulatory or standards development issues that can arise in evaluating such operational changes.
Captage du dioxyde de carbone, transport et stockage géologique — Récupération assistée du pétrole par le dioxyde de carbone (RAP-CO2) — Transition de la RAP au stockage
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/TR 27926
First edition
Carbon dioxide capture,
transportation and geological
storage — Carbon dioxide
enhanced oil recovery (CO -EOR) —
Transitioning from EOR to storage
Captage du dioxyde de carbone, transport et stockage
géologique — Récupération assistée du pétrole par le dioxyde de
carbone (RAP-CO2) — Transition de la RAP au stockage
Reference number
© ISO 2024
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ISO copyright office
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Abbreviated terms and symbols . 3
4.1 Abbreviated terms .3
4.2 Symbols .4
5 Overview . 4
6 CO operational scenarios addressed . 5
7 Technical and operational aspects of transition . 6
7.1 General considerations.6
7.1.1 Storage volume assessment and estimation of pore volume .6
7.1.2 Current fluid saturations, including CO , in the reservoir/storage zone at the
time of transition .7
7.2 Mechanisms for additional storage .8
7.3 A ssessing containment assurance in modified operations .8
7.4 Reservoir management .9
7.4.1 General .9
7.4.2 New CO volumes — Increase of supply .9
7.4.3 Management of displaced water .9
7.4.4 Redesign of patterns .9
7.5 Well operations .10
7.5.1 General .10
7.5.2 Creating a well inventory.10
7.5.3 Repurposing wellbores for storage injection.10
7.6 Application of operational modifications — Illustrative analysis .11
7.6.1 Containment assurance assessment in base case — Typical EOR .11
7.6.2 Assessing containment assurance in modified operations . 12
7.6.3 Project IWR exceeds 1 (case 2) . 12
7.6.4 Change in storage assurance assessment related to long term stabilization
change during transition (case 3) . 13
7.7 Wells . . 13
7.7.1 Re-use . 13
7.7.2 Abandonment .14
7.8 Facility operations .14
7.8.1 Design assessment .14
7.8.2 Facility integrity testing .14
7.8.3 Measurement . 15
7.8.4 Projects that are not currently CO -EOR projects . 15
7.8.5 Recycle compression capacity . 15
7.9 Monitoring .16
7.9.1 M onitoring design .16
7.9.2 Role of baseline .17
7.9.3 Development of model(s) prior to storage .17
7.10 Quantification . . .17
7.10.1 Existing quantification practices .17
7.10.2 Application to transitioning CO storage scenarios .18
8 Case studies .18
8.1 General .18
8.2 Case study no. 1: Optimization of CO storage in an actively producing CO -EOR project .19
2 2
8.2.1 General .19
8.2.2 Storage phase 1: Discontinuation of WAG and implementation of continuous
CO injection . 20
8.2.3 Storage phase 2: Additional pattern development . 20
8.2.4 Storage phase 3: Reservoir operating pressure .21
8.2.5 Wells during the additional storage phases . 23
8.2.6 Other facilities during the additional storage phases . 23
8.3 Case study no. 2: Engineered CO storage following termination of CO -EOR
2 2
hydrocarbon recovery operations .24
8.3.1 General .24
8.3.2 Points to consider in using existing CO -EOR infrastructure . 25
8.3.3 Areas of the oil field considered for transition to engineered CO storage . 26
8.3.4 Analysis of case study no. 2 . 28
8.4 Case study no. 3: Conversion of an off-shore gas field to CO storage with associated
hydrocarbon recovery . 30
8.4.1 General . 30
8.4.2 Initial phase: CO capture and injection .31
9 Comparison of ISO 27914 and ISO 27916 .31
9.1 Purpose .31
9.2 Scope and coverage of ISO 27914 and ISO 27916 .32
9.3 Application of ISO 27916 . 33
9.4 Application of ISO 27914 . . 33
9.5 Conclusion . 34
10 L egal, regulatory and permitting issues .
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