ISO 17356-1:2005
(Main)Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 1: General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive applications — Part 1: General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
ISO 17356-1:2005 outlines the general structure of, and defines terms and abbreviations used in relation to, the specification of the software open interface for embedded automotive applications given by the other parts of ISO 17356.
Véhicules routiers — Interface ouverte pour applications automobiles embarquées — Partie 1: Structure générale et termes, définitions et termes abrégés
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
STANDARD 17356-1
First edition
Road vehicles — Open interface for
embedded automotive applications —
Part 1:
General structure and terms, definitions
and abbreviated terms
Véhicules routiers — Interface ouverte pour applications automobiles
embarquées —
Partie 1: Structure générale et termes, définitions et termes abrégés
Reference number
ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
ISO 2005
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
1 Scope. 1
2 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms. 1
3 Structure of ISO 17356. 17
Annex A (informative) History and rationale of OSEK/VDX . 19
Bibliography . 21
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 17356-1 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles, Subcommittee SC 3,
Electrical and electronic equipment.
ISO 17356 consists of the following parts, under the general title Road vehicles — Open interface for
embedded automotive applications:
Part 1: General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
Part 2: OSEK/VDX specifications for binding OS,COM and NM
Part 3: OSEK/VDX operating system (OS)
Part 4: OSEK/VDX communication (COM)
Part 5: OSEK/VDX network management (NM)
Part 6: OSEK/VDX implementation language (OIL)
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Road vehicles — Open interface for embedded automotive
applications —
Part 1:
General structure and terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
1 Scope
This part of ISO 17356 outlines the general structure of, and defines terms and abbreviations used in relation
to, the specification of the software open interface for embedded automotive applications given by the other
parts of ISO 17356.
2 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms
For the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions and abbreviated terms apply.
acceptance filtering
mechanism which decides whether each received protocol frame is to be taken into account by the local node
or ignored
action of changing a task from the suspended to the ready state
NOTE The transition is achieved by a system service.
actual configuration
set of all operable nodes to which communication access is possible
NOTE See operability of a node (2.81).
address-related communication
type of communication between nodes using node addresses where each address-related communication
message contains certain data and — either explicitly or implicitly — the node address of the transmitter and
the receiver
NOTE 1 See node addressing (2.76).
NOTE 2 The communication of the network management is based completely on address-related communication.
association between a counter and a task, event or callback such that the task, event or callback occurs when
a particular counter value is reached
NOTE 1 The expiry value can be defined relative to the current counter value or can be an absolute value.
NOTE 2 Alarms can be defined to be either single-shot or cyclic.
NOTE 3 An alarm is statically assigned at system generation time to one counter and a task, event or alarm callback
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
alarm callback
short function, provided by the application, called when an alarm expires but before any task is activated or
event set
alarm management
manipulation of an alarm’s running/cancelled state, and the counter value at which it next expires
NOTE Alarm management is based on the counter concept. Alarms are a way of linking alarm callbacks, task
activation or event setting to counter values.
alive message
message used to announce an initialized and operable node for integration in the actual configuration
NOTE 1 See operability of a node (2.81).
NOTE 2 A dedicated NM message is used for this purpose.
application program interface
description of the application's interface to the operating system, communications and network management
application error
error where the operating system cannot execute the requested service correctly, but assumes the
correctness of its internal data, and calls centralized error treatment
mechanism that guarantees that a simultaneous access made by multiple stations results in contention where
one frame will survive uncorrupted
basic conformance class
conformance class of the operating system in which only basic tasks are permitted
NOTE Two basic conformance classes are distinguished: BCC1 and BCC2.
basic task
task that can only release the processor when it terminates, when the operating system executes a
higher-priority task or when an interrupt occurs
NOTE 1 A basic task can only enter the task states suspended, ready and running.
NOTE 2 It is not possible for a basic task to wait for an event.
case of multicast whereby a single message is addressed to all nodes simultaneously
condition of switching off from the bus so that protocol frames can neither be sent nor received
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
general mechanism, based upon function calls, allowing the behaviour of the interaction layer to be
customized and enhanced
NOTE 1 Callouts are configured statically, are invoked in response to the passage of a message or I-PDU and cannot
be changed at run-time.
NOTE 2 The prototype for a callout allows it to return a value that determines further treatment by the IL of the
message or I-PDU.
controller area network
protocol originally defined for use as a communication network for control application in vehicles
process of determining whether an implementation is consistent with a given reference model
NOTE The scope of the reference model has to be settled according to the objectives of the project and all
constraints necessary to fulfil those objectives incorporated in the reference model.
short function, provided by the application, which can be called by the interaction layer as a notification
mechanism (class 1)
NOTE No parameters are passed to a COM-callback routine and it does not have a return value. A COM-callback
routine runs either on interrupt level or on task level.
communication layer
set of all entities and elements which constitute a communication layer based on the ISO/OSI reference model
NOTE For the basic model, see ISO 7498-1.
ability to set the parameters of a system in terms of static values
EXAMPLE Number of tasks, RAM size for stack, size of message buffer.
service primitive via which a service provider informs a service user about the result of a preceding service
NOTE The confirmation service primitive is defined by the ISO/OSI reference model (ISO 7498).
conformance class
subset of services chosen by the application
NOTE 1 In each module (operating system, communication, network management), a pool of services is provided, with
each of these being divided into a number of defined subsets. Applications can choose to use a particular subset of the
services in order to reduce demands on the CPU and memory.
NOTE 2 The subsets are upwardly compatible and are described as conformance classes.
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
logical communication channel between a transmitter and a receiver
NOTE A message is sent by exactly one transmitter and is received by exactly one receiver.
constructional element
definition and declaration services for system objects
system object that registers recurring events such as time or angle
NOTE A counter is represented by a count and some counter-specific constants.
critical section
sequence of instructions where mutual exclusion is ensured
NOTE Such a section is called “critical” because shared data is modified within it.
data consistency
content of a given message correlating unambiguously to the operation performed on the message by the
application such that no unforeseen sequence of operations may alter the content and thereby render it
inconsistent with respect to its allowed and expected value
data link layer
communication layer, consisting of the communication hardware and the communication driver software, that
provides services for the transfer of I-PDUs
tasks that block one another so that further processing of the tasks concerned is no longer possible
EXAMPLE Each of two tasks waits for the reception of a message to be sent by the other task before sending its
own message.
direct node monitoring
active monitoring of a node by another node in the network
NOTE For this purpose, the monitored node sends an NM message according to a dedicated and uniform algorithm.
For the network-wide synchronization of NM messages, a logical ring is used.
deadline monitoring
informing of the application via the notification mechanism that a message has not been received from
another node within a specified interval, or if a request to send an I-PDU has not been completed by the DLL
within a specified interval
error handling
error service provided to handle errors detected by the operating system
NOTE The basic framework is predefined and has to be completed by the user, thus giving the user a choice of
efficient centralized or decentralized error handling.
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
error hook
routine (ErrorHook) called when a system service returns a StatusType value not equal to E_OK or when an
error is detected during task activation or event setting
method of task synchronization peculiar to extended task whereby a task may suspend its execution without
NOTE The task suspends its execution by waiting for an event and continues when an appropriate event is set. Basic
tasks cannot use events.
event mechanism
means of task synchronization using events
extended conformance class
conformance class of the operating system in which basic and extended tasks are permitted
NOTE Two extended conformance classes are distinguished: ECC1 and ECC2.
extended task
task that is allowed to use additional operating system services, which may result in a waiting state
NOTE An extended task can enter the task state suspended, ready, running or waiting.
fatal error
error where the operating system can no longer assume correctness of its internal data
NOTE In this case, the operating system calls the centralized system shutdown.
data unit determined according to the data link protocol specifying the arrangement and meaning of bits or bit
fields in the data transferred across the transfer medium
full pre-emptive scheduling
scheduling where a task which is presently running may be pre-empted at any instruction by the occurrence of
a trigger condition pre-set by the operating system that puts the running task into the ready state as soon as a
higher-priority task becomes ready
NOTE The pre-emptee's context is saved so that it can be continued at the location where it was pre-empted.
group addressing
addressing of several receiver nodes, implemented using multicast connections, in a single address-related
NM message
NOTE See address-related communication (2.4).
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
hook routine
user-defined function which will be called by the operating system only under certain circumstances and in a
defined context
NOTE Hook routines may be used for tracing or application-dependent debugging purposes, user-defined extensions
to context switches and in error handling. Most operating system services are not allowed in hook routines.
service primitive where a service provider informs a service user about the occurrence of either an internal
event or a service request issued by another service user
NOTE The indication service primitive is defined by the ISO/OSI reference model (ISO 7498).
indirect node monitoring
monitoring of a node by “listening” to dedicated application communication messages
NOTE Indirect node monitoring is based on monitored state messages which are sent periodically.
interaction layer
communication layer that implements the interface between the application and other potential communication
layers such as the DLL and network layers
NOTE 1 The communication services of the interaction layer are independent of both microcontroller and network
NOTE 2 The interaction layer enables internal and network-wide communication by means of UnQueued messages
and Queued messages.
internal communication
exchange of messages between tasks belonging to the same node
internal resource
resource which is not visible to the user and therefore cannot be addressed by the system functions
GetResource and ReleaseResource
NOTE Internal resources are managed strictly internally within a clearly defined set of system functions.
enforced suspension of the execution of the current program section
interrupt latency
time between the moment an interrupt occurs and the execution of the first instruction of the interrupt service
interrupt level
priority level provided by the CPU for ISRs
NOTE To keep the interrupt latency as short as possible, it is preferable that only absolutely indispensable actions be
performed at interrupt level.
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
interrupt service routine
function that provides the main processing of an interrupt
intertask communication
mode of information interchange between tasks
NOTE In the course of intertask communication, messages are logically copied from the local area of a task
(transmitter) to the local area of another task (receiver).
collection of messages for simultaneous transfer between nodes in a network
NOTE At the sending node, the interaction layer (IL) is responsible for packing messages into an I-PDU and then
sending it to the underlying layer (transport layer or DLL) for transmission; at the receiving node, the DLL (or transport
layer) rebuilds the I-PDU and passes it to the IL, which then unpacks the messages.
ISR category
trade-off between ISR response time and API complexity
NOTE Interrupt processing is subdivided into two categories of ISRs: Category 1 comprises all ISRs which do not
use operating system services and are, therefore, typically faster for entry and exit than category 2 ISRs. Category 1 ISRs
are only allowed to use a very restricted set of operating system services, whereas category 2 ISRs are allowed to use a
less restricted set but are typically inherently slower.
latency time
time delay between the request of an activity and its execution
limp home
operating mode in NM which is entered in case of an error which cannot be corrected
limp home configuration
set of all nodes which cannot participate in direct node monitoring due to failure
limp home message
dedicated NM message used for notifying a node that the system has entered the limp home state
logical ring
structure imposed by software rather than physical arrangement that orders the nodes within a network such
that every node has exactly one successor and one predecessor and a pathway exists from any node to any
other node
NOTE 1 The nodes are arranged in terms of a ring. The logical ring is used for the network-wide synchronization of NM
messages. In a logical ring, the communication sequence is defined independently of the network structure; therefore,
each node is assigned a logical successor — the first logical node is the successor of the last logical node in the ring.
NOTE 2 A ring message is always sent from a node to its logical successor.
fundamental unit of data transfer between an application and a COM's IL and, therefore, also of intra- and
inter-ECU communications
NOTE A message can be 0 or more bits long and could contain some application-specific data ranging from a bit to a
large array or structure. Therefore, messages can support event and signal-based communication as well as more
complex interfaces.
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
mixed pre-emptive scheduling
scheduling policy which enables the use of both full-pre-emptive and non-pre-emptive scheduling policies for
the execution of different tasks on the same system
NOTE The distinction is made via a task attribute (pre-emptable/non-pre-emptable).
multiple task requesting
property of a task that allows it to have more than one activation outstanding
NOTE 1 See activate (2.2).
NOTE 2 The operating system receives and records activation. On terminating the task (see terminate), the operating
system checks whether any activation are outstanding. If there are any, the task immediately re-enters the running state.
mutual exclusion
prevention by one task of one or more other tasks running for a specified section of code
one–to–N connection
1:N connection
logical communication channel between a transmitter and N receivers
NOTE A message is sent by exactly one transmitter and is received by N receivers.
network configuration
set of nodes in the network
NOTE Within network management (NM), two configurations are distinguished: actual configuration and limp home
network management
ensuring of the safety and availability of a communications network of autonomous control units
EXAMPLE 1 Initialization of the node and network-related (global) activities.
EXAMPLE 2 Co-ordination of global NM operating modes.
NOTE NM distinguishes between node-related (local) and network-related (global) activities.
non-participation in NM communication
NOTE This is an NM operating mode. A request for this mode request must be confirmed by all nodes in the network.
NM callback
short function provided by the application which can be called by the interaction layer as a notification
mechanism (class 1) so that NM can be informed of the network’s state
NOTE 1 A parameter can be passed to an NM-callback routine and does not have a return value.
NOTE 2 An NM-callback routine runs either on interrupt level or on task level.
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
NM infrastructure
order structures and addressing mechanisms (window) which are accessed by the network management,
including a communication infrastructure for the exchange of NM messages, so that each node is able to
communicate with any other node on the network in a straightforward fashion
EXAMPLE Logical ring.
NM operating mode which is entered in case of an error which cannot be remedied
NM message
NMPDU exchanged between NM entities
NOTE The NM distinguishes between regular ring messages, alive messages and limp home messages.
NM operating mode
NM mode
specific behaviour of the NM
NOTE 1 The NM can enter different local operating (e.g. Nmoff) and global operating (e.g. sleep) modes. The transition
to a different global operating mode requires a network-wide coordination, i.e. the local NM for each node has to enter the
same global mode. Local operating modes only affect the local NM of a node and are transparent for all the other nodes.
NOTE 2 Operating modes of the application are not managed by the NM.
NM protocol data unit
NM message communicated between the sending and receiving NM entities containing an address field with
source and destination address, a control field with an op-code and an optional data field with
application-specific ring data
NMSleep mode
NM operating mode where the node does not participate in NM communication
NOTE The NM distinguishes between a local sleep mode and a global sleep mode. In both cases, the transition into
the sleep mode is notified network-wide. The difference between the two is that a local sleep mode request must not be
confirmed by the other nodes in the network, whereas a global sleep mode request must be confirmed by all nodes in the
network topological entity where one or more physical data links meet
NOTE Each node is separately addressable on the network.
node addressing
method by which each node on a network is uniquely identified so that it can be referred to by other members
of the network
NOTE 1 Addresses are used to transmit address-related NM messages from one node to another.
NOTE 2 Individual node addressing is implemented using 1:1 connections. Several nodes can be addressed using
group addressing.
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
non-pre-emptive scheduling
scheduling policy in which a task switch is only performed via one of a selection of explicitly defined system
services (explicit rescheduling points)
non-pre-emptable task
task which can not be pre-empted by other tasks
NOTE 1 See pre-empt (2.86).
NOTE 2 Such a task only releases the processor at rescheduling points.
state of the data link layer in which only NM communication is allowed
NOTE This implies that no application communication is possible.
normal state of the data link layer where both application and network management communication are
operability of a node
possibility of a node to participate in the NM’s direct or indirect node monitoring
operating system especially tailored to the needs of time-triggered architectures
OS processing level
processing level for the execution of operating system services
attempt to store data in memory beyond allocated capacity
EXAMPLE Exceeding the length of the queue in a queued message object.
system hook routine called upon leaving a task either due to pre-emption by another task or by termination
change in a task from running to ready state, imposed by the scheduler when it decides to switch to another
NOTE In the case of a non-pre-emptive scheduling policy, pre-emption only occurs at explicit rescheduling points.
pre-emptable task
task which can be pre-empted by any task of higher priority
NOTE See pre-empt (2.86).
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
system hook routine called before entering or returning to a task
priority ceiling protocol
mechanism used to prevent deadlocks and priority inversion within the framework of resource management
formal set of conventions or rules governing the exchange of information between protocol entities comprising
syntax and semantics of the protocol messages as well as the instructions on how to react to them
protocol entity
task or procedure for handling a protocol
data storage area organized so that more than one datum can be inserted and data are removed in their order
of insertion
queued message
message that appears in a queue
state of being prepared to meet all functional prerequisites for a transition into the running state, waiting for
allocation of the processor
NOTE The scheduler decides which ready task is executed next, the state is reached via the state transitions activate,
release and pre-empt, and is exited by start.
function that can be called again during an interruption of its execution where both calls are executed correctly
rescheduling point
operating system calls which cause the activation of the scheduler
EXAMPLE Explicit call of the scheduler, successful termination of a task.
NOTE This exists in full-pre-emptive, mixed pre-emptive system and non-pre-emptive system.
regular ring message
normal NM message, containing network status information, that is also used to indicate a station logoff or
local sleep mode, or to request for global sleep mode
NOTE See NMSleep mode (2.74).
change of a task from waiting to ready state caused by at least one event occurring for which the task has
previously been waiting
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ISO 17356-1:2005(E)
reply message
dedicated NM message for replying to the reception of a request message
NOTE The reply message can be used by a slave of a logical star.
service primitive where a service user requests a service from a service provider
NOTE The service primitive is defined by the ISO/OSI reference model (ISO 7498).
request message
dedicated NM message for requesting the transmission of a reply message
NOTE This can be used by the master of a logical star.
operating system providing abstraction to support task and ISR coordination by mutual exclusion in critical
NOTE 1 A task or ISR that locks a resource cannot be pre-empted or interrupted by any other task or ISR that is also
declared as one that might also lock that resource.
NOTE 2 The assignment of resources to tasks and ISRs is performed at system generation time and cannot be
changed by the application.
resource management
manipulation at run-time of resources either implicitly (in the case of internal resources) or via the
get-and-release calls
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