SIST ISO 5436:2001
(Main)Calibration specimens -- Stylus instruments -- Types, calibration and use of specimens
Calibration specimens -- Stylus instruments -- Types, calibration and use of specimens
Specifies the characteristics of specimens for the calibration of stylus instruments and the annexes give information regarding their calibration and application to the calibration and adjustment in laboratories, standards rooms and workshops.
Échantillons d'étalonnage -- Instruments à palpeur -- Type, étalonnage et emploi des échantillons
Vzorci za pomerjanje - Kontaktni instrumenti - Tipi, pomerjanje in uporaba vzorcev
General Information
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Standards Content (Sample)
International Standard
Calibration specimens - Stylus instruments - Types,
calibration and use of specimens
&hantillons d’btalonnage - Instruments EI palpeur - Type, 4 talonnage et emploi des c5chan tillons
First edition - 1985-09-01
UDC 53.089.68 Ref. No. ISO 54364985 (EI
Descriptors : surface condition, roughness, roughness measurement, measuring instruments, prof ile meters, calibration, reference Sample,
specif ications, dimensions, marking .
Price based on 20 pages
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 5436 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 57,
Metrology and properties of surfaces.
0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1985
Printed in Switzerland
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60 5436-1985 (E)
Calibration specimens - Stylus instruments - Types,
calibration and use of specimens
Esch calibrated specimen may have a limited range of applica-
1 Scope and field of application
tion according to its own characteristics and those of the in-
strument to be calibrated. The validity of the calibration of an
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of
specimens for the calibration of stylus instruments (sec instrument will be dependent on the correct association of
ISO 1880 and ISO 3274) and the annexes give information these characteristics.
regarding their calibration and application to the calibration and
adjustment in laboratories, Standards rooms and Workshops.
To cover the range of requirements, four types of specimens
are described, each of which may have a number of variants.
Their principal applications are specified in 4.1 to 4.4 and
dimensions and tolerantes in 7.1 to 7.4.
2 References
ISO 468, Surface roughness - Parameters, their values and
4.1 Type A
general rules for specifying requiremen ts.
These specimens are for checking the vertical magnification of
I S 0 1878, Classifica tion of instruments and devices for
Profile recording instruments having displacement sensitive
measurement and evaluation of the geometrical Parameters of
surface finish.
ISO 1879, Instruments for the measurement of surface rough-
4.1.1 Type Al
ness by the Profile method - Vocabulary.
These specimens have a wide calibrated groove with a flat
ISO 1880, Instruments for the measurement of surface rough-
bottom, or a number of separated grooves of equal or
ness by the Profile method - Contact (stylus) instruments of
increasing depth, each groove being wide enough to be insen-
progressive Profile transforma tion - Profile recording in-
sitive to the shape or condition of the stylus tip.
s trumen ts.
ISO 3274, Instruments for the measurement of surface
4.1.2 Type A2
roughness b y the Profile method - Contact (stylusl in-
strumen ts of consecu tive Profile transforma tion - Con tact
These specimens are similar to type Al, except that the
Profile meters, s ystem NI.
grooves have rounded bottoms of sufficient radius to be insen-
sitive to the shape or condition of the stylus tip.
3 Def initions
4.2 Type B
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions
These specimens are primarily for checking the condition of the
given in ISO 468, ISO 1878, ISO 1879 and ISO 3274, and the
stylus tip.
following apply.
4.2.1 Type BI
Standard instrument calibration specimen : A specimen
having accurately determined standardized characteristics for
These specimens have a narrow groove or a number of separa-
testing or establishing one or more features of the Performance
ted grooves proportioned to be increasingly sensitive to the
of an instrument.
dimensions of the stylus. They are intended for use with instru-
ments having displacement sensitive pick-ups.
4 Types and purposes of instrument
4.2.2 Type B2
cali bration specimens
The calibration of the existing wide range of instruments in all These specimens have two grids of nominally equal R, values,
modes of Operation calls for more than one type of calibration one being sensitive and the other insensitive to the dimensions
specimen. of the stylus tip. These grids are used comparatively for check-
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ISO 54364985 (EI
They have irregular profiles (for example as obtained by
ing the stylus tips of Parameter instruments having motion-
grinding) in the direction of traverse, but they have the conve-
sensitive pick-ups, the ratio of the R, values being taken as the
nience of an approximately constant Cross-section along their
4.3 Type C
The specimens simulate workpieces containing a wide range of
crest spacings, but reduce the number of traverses needed to
These specimens are primarily intended for checking Parameter
give a good average value. They provide, for reassurance, a
final Overall check on calibration.
They have a grid of repetitive grooves of simple shape (either
The accuracy obtainable by averaging a few random traverses
sinusoidal, triangular or arcuate) which have relatively low har-
will generally be less than type C specimens, but may be suffi-
monic amplitudes. They are used primarily for calibrating
cient for Workshop purposes. Higher accuracy tan be obtained
Parameter meters, but they may also be used for checking
by averaging a statistically determined number of appropriately
horizontal magnification if the spacing of the grooves is held
positioned traverses. 1)
within limits acceptable for this purpose.
An essential requirement of type C calibration specimens is that
5 Materials
standardized specimens of diff ering waveform are nevettheless
compatible, in the sense that they will all lead to the same state
The material used shall be hard enough to ensure adequate life
of instrument calibration or verification, provided they are used
in relation to tost. lts surface shall be smooth and flat enough
not to affect the evaluation of the grooves. Glass or quartz or
materials harder than 750 HV are favoured.
The declared Parameter values issued with each specimen refer
to a smooth straight datum and filtered profiles derived from
the trace according to ISO 3274. Although the wider grooves
6 Size of specimen
are generally insensitive to the dimensions of the stylus tip, sen-
sitivity in this respect may become appreciable for the nar-
The operative area shall be large enough to provide for the total
rowest grooves; and for this reason the Parameter values shall
for all intended determ inations.
length of traverse required
be declared with reference to the stylus tip.
One or more than one kind of specimen may be provided on a
Single block. So as to ensure the best possible economic condi-
4.3.1 Use for skidless instruments
tions, Overall dimensions of specimens are not given.
Esch specimen will calibrate a skidless instrument (one which
traces the Profile with respect to a smooth straight datum) with
Mechanical requirements
respect to the particular crest spacing of that specimen.
lt should be noted that, in the tables which follow, the nominal
The purpose of the series of specimens is to enable the
values carry a wide tolerante, and that these values should not
transmission characteristic to be checked for a number of
be used as the basis of instrument calibration (see clause 9,
spacings and amplitudes.
notes 1 and 2).
4.3.2 Use for skid-type instruments
7.1 Type A
The use of type C specimens for calibrating skid-type in-
struments is restricted to those for which the generally indeter-
7.1.1 Type Al : Wide grooves with flat bottoms
minate rise and fall of the skid(s) over the crests makes an in-
(see figure 1 and table 1)
significant contribution to the calibration. This is best assured
by using a specimen having the shortest crest spacing per-
mitted by the stylus, as shown in annex B, and this is the
general practice.
4.4 Type D
Figure 1 - Type Al groove
These specimens are for Overall check of meter calibration.
To ferm the subject of a future international Standard.
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ISO 54364985 (E)
Table 1 - Nominal values of depth and width for type Al
Values in micrometres
Depth, d
0,3 1,o 3,0 10 30 100
Width, w 100 100 200 200 500 500
If a skid is used, it shall not cross a groove at the same time that the stylus crosses the groove being measured.
For tolerantes, see table 2.
Table 2 - Tolerantes for types Al and A2
Tolerante deviation
Nominal of measurement
on nominal
from the
value in calibrated
value calibrated
mean depth
% % %
(Pm) I
I!I 20 +3 ( f 0,Ol)
+2 (I!z 0,021
1 zk 15
3 f 10 +2 (+ 0,061
10 f 10 f2 (AI 0,2)
30 I!I 10 +2 (+ 0,6)
100 AI 10 f2
t* 2)
7.1.2 Type A2: Wide grooves with rounded bottoms (see figure 2 and table 3)
Figure 2 - Type A2 groove
- Nominal values of depth and radius for type A2
Table 3
I Depth, Radius, d, r, (pn) (mm) I 1,o 1,5 3,0 1,5 10 L5 30 0,75 100 0,75 I
If a skid is used, it shall not Cross the groove at the same time that the stylus crosses the groove being measured.
For tolerantes, see table 2.
7.1.3 The basis of assessment for types Al and A2 is given in 8.1; requirements regarding Statements of mean values are given in
clause 9; guidance on calibration is given in clauses A.1 and A.2; guidance on use is given in clauses B.1 and B.2.
7.2 Type B grooves for checking stylus tips
7.2.1 Type Bl
Development of specimens having Single narrow grooves is proceeding, but is not yet sufficiently advanced to permit standardization.
7.2.2 Type B2
These specimens have two grids formed on a common base.
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ISO 5436-1985 (E) Sensitive grid (see figure 3)
Isosceles triangular grooves with sharp peaks and valleys, for testing 10 Fm radius tips.
Figure 3 - Type B2 grooves (sensitive grid)
For 10 Fm radius tips :
a = 150°
= 0,5 Pm * 5 %
- Ra
S, shall be determined by a and R,, and will thus have the mid-limit value of 15 Fm.
For tolerantes, see table 4. Insensitive grid (sec figure 4)
Sinusoidal or arcuate grooves, proportioned to make R, substantially independent of the stylus tip.
Figure 4 - Type B2 grooves (insensitive grid)
For 10 Pm radius tips :
= 0,5 Fm + 5 %
- Ra
- S, = 0,25 mm
For tolerantes, see table 4.
1 Grooves for tips with a radius of less than IO Pm (if such are practical) have still to be developed.
2 For convenience, one or more type C grids may be added for general calibration of R,. Such grids shall be clearly distinguished from the type B2
7.2.3 The basis of assessment for type B2 is given in 8.2, tolerantes are given in 7.2.2 and table 4, and the method of use is
described in B.4.
Tolerantes for type B2 sensitive
Table 4 -
and insensitive grids
Nominal value / Toleranc;fnominal /
for sensitive for insensitive
grids grids
a = 150°
R, = 0,5 Pm +5
R, = 0,5 Pm
S, = 15 Pm s, = 0,25 mm
Ratio of mean R, !vaiues
I 1 1
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7.3 Type C
The nominal values given in 7.3.1, 7.3.2 and 7.3.4 are values which assume negligible attenuation by the stylus or filter.
7.3.1 Type Cl : Grooves having a sine wave Profile (sec figure 5 and table 5)
Figure 5 -
Type Cl grooves
Table 5 - Nominal values of R, for type Cl
Mean spacing of Profile irregularities, S,, mm
0,08 1 0~25 I 083 z5 l
w 0,3
1 3
3 IO
For tolerantes, see table 6.
Table 6 - Tolerantes for types Cl to C4
Uncertainty of measure- Standard
Tolerante on
ment of stated mean deviation from
Nominal value of R,
nominal value
mean value
value of R,
% %
OJ AI 25 f3 3
0,3 f 20 +2 2
1 Ik 15 +2 2
3 I!I 10 +2 2
10 -f IO rt2 2
30 * 10 zk2 2
NOTE - The sine wave provides an ideal reference for calibrating a frequency-dependent instrument because the perfett sine wave, having no har-
monics, is not changed in shape by a wave filter and accords directly with the transmission characteristics defined in ISO 3274.
7.3.2 Type C2: Grooves having an isosceles triangular Profile (sec figure 6 and table 7)
Figure 6 - Type C2 grooves
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Table 7 - Nominal values of R, and a for type C2
Mean spacing of Profile irregularities, S,, mm
0,08 1 ao
0,25 W3 23
R,f P-n
0,3 LO 3 178,9
0,3 LO
3 10 176,4
18 3 10
30 168,6
3 IO 30
For tolerantes, see table 6.
7.3.3 Type C3: Simulated sine wave grooves (see figure 7)
These are simulated sine waves, which include triangular profiles with rounded or truncated peaks and valleys, the total r.m.s. har-
monic content of which shall not exceed 10 % of the r.m.s. value of the fundamental.
For tolerantes, see table 6.
Figure 7 - Type C3 grooves
NOTE - calibrating their own instruments, but without commit-
Spetimens of this kind have often been provided by instrument manufacturers for
ment regarding the further use of the specimens.
7.3.4 Type C4: Grooves having an arcuate Profile (see figure 8 and table 8)
Figure 8 - Type C4 grooves
Table 8 - Nominal unfiltered values of R, for type C4
Mean spacing of Profile irregularities, S,, mm
R,f I-rm
12,5 25
For tolerantes, see table 6.
7.4 Type D: Unidirectional irregular profiles (sec figure 9)
These have an irregular ground Profile which is repeated every 4 mm in the longitudinal direction of the specimen. Normal to the
measuring direction of the specimens, the production grooves on the measuring area have a constant Profile form.
The nominal filtered values, R,, of the specimens, in micrometres, are
0,15; 0,5; 1,5 (Cut-off value 0,8 mm)
For tolerantes, see table 9.
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ISO 5436-1985 (El
Table 9 - Tolerantes for type D
Uncertainty of measure-
Standard deviation from
Tolerante on
Nominal value R, ment of stated mean
nominal value mean value
value of R,l)
% %
+5 4
0,15 * 30
* 20 +3 3
z!I3 3
Ik 15
1) From 12 evenly distributed readings.
Type D grooves (Profile repetition at 4 mm intervals)
Figure 9 -
The depth d of the groove shall be assessed perpendicularly
7.5 The basis of assessment for types C and D is given in 8.3.
from the upper mean line to the mid-Point of the lower mean
Guidance on calibration is dealt with in clause A.3, while
clauses B.3 to B.6 refer to use and other relevant matters.
NOTE - The depth das defined here will be equal to the mean of the
Portion C below the upper mean line.
8 Basis of assessment of calibrated values
A significant number, not less than five, of evenly distributed
8.1 Type A
traces shall be taken.
8.1.1 Type Al
8.1.2 Type A2
A continuous straight mean line equal in length to three times
A mean line representing the upper level is drawn over the
the width of the groove is drawn over the groove to represent
groove as described for type Al. The depth shall be assessed
the upper level of the surface and another to represent the
from the upper mean line to the lowest Point of the groove.
lower level, both lines extending symmetrically about the centre
of the groove (see figure 10).
A significant number, not less than five, of evenly distributed
To avoid the influence of any rounding of the corners, the
traces shall be taken.
upper surface on each side of the groove is to be ignored for a
length equal to one-third of the width of the groove. The sur-
8.2 Type B2
face at the bottom of the groove is assessed only over the cen-
tral third of its width. The portions to be used for assessment
The ratio of the mean R, of the sensitive grid and the mean R,
purposes are therefore those shown at A, B and C in figure 10.
of the insensitive grid shall be calibrated using a substantially
sharp tip (<2 Pm nominal radius) and a Standard two C-R 1)
filter having 0,25 mm tut-off according to ISO 3274. (See
clause B .4. )
Not less than 18 evenly distributed traces shall be taken on each
grid, all instrument adjustments remaining constant throughout
the determination.
8.3 Types Cl to C4, and D
The Profile shall be traced by one or more specified stylus tips
with respect to a straight datum, and an R, value shall be deter-
mined, by measurement or computation, after modification of
Figure 10 - Assessment of calibrated values for type Al
“C” Stands for “capacitive”, “R” for “resistive”.
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ISO 5436-1985 (El
e) the permitted uncertainty in the calibrated mean value,
the traced Profile by each of the Standard two C-R filters de-
as given in tables 2, 4, 6, and 9;
fined in ISO 3274 for which the evaluation length is less than
that of the grid, the filter being designated by its tut-off (the
wavelength for which it gives 75 % transmission).
f) any other reference conditions to which each calibration
applies, for exampie the basis of digital evaluation (Ordinate
A significant n Umber ‘, not less than 12, of evenly distributed
discretization, vertical quantization), and whether the
traces shall be taken.
values declared refer to direct measurement or are derived
theref rom.
If the Profile is traced by a 2 Pm tip, values for othe r tips may be
derived by computation this fact being stated.
1 The nominal value is used only as an aid to identification. It carries a
9 Marking
large tolerante as a concession to Problems of economic manufacture.
The differente between the nominal value and the calibrated value
After each specimen has been individually calibrated, it shall be
does not constitute an error.
accompanied by the following Statements as and where ap-
2 The calibrated mean value is the value to be used for calibrating in-
plicable :
struments. lt is the measured mean value of the appointed number and
distribution of traces taken across the operative Portion of the
a) type(s) of specimen;
specimen, corrected for any predetermined errors in the calibrating
b) the nominal valuets); equipment, as far as these are known. (See annex C.)
Some degree of uncertainty in the calibrated mean value is permitted
radius of the stylus tip(s) to
c) the effective which ch
to allow for the possibility of residual errors in the calibrating equip-
calibrated value a pplies;
ment which are unknown and for which correction cannot be made.
d) details of calibration:
3 The stated Standard deviation is the Standard deviation of the
measured values corrected where possible for the estimated Standard
1) for types Al and A2, the calibrated mean value of
deviation of the calibrating equipment.
depth of the groove, the Standard deviation from the
mean, and the number of evenly distributed observa-
In principle, estimation of the random error of the instrument in the
tions taken;
selected mode of use tan be made by traversing a specimen a number
of times over precisely the same track. To ensure that wear of the track
2) for type B2, the calibrated ratio of the mean R, value
does not occur and progressively alter its value, it is generally accep-
of the sensitive grid to that of the insensitive grid for a
table to use several closely adjacent tracks and assume they are iden-
sharp tip (of not more than 2 Pm nominal radius);
tical. For example five tracks spaced 0,l mm apart may each be
traversed f ive times.
3) for types C and D, the calibrated mean value of R,
for each tip used and for each two C-R transmission
As far as possible the required information specified here shall
characteristic (defined by its 75 % transmission tut-off)
be marked on each specimen; but, if there is insufficient space,
for which the specimen may be used, the Standard
deviation from each mean, and the number of observa- the values may be stated separately and uniquely identified with
the specimen, for example by means of a serial number.
tions taken;
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ISO 54364985 (EI
Annex A
Calibration of instrument calibration specimens
A.1 General procedure for type A specimens
A stylus instrument having displacement-sensitive pick-up, or an Optical interferometer tan be used.
The interferometric results are directly traceable to the wavelength of light, but are generally limited to the shallower grooves unless
the instrument is built to allow for Optical desensitization. The surface may have to be metallized to ensure adequate reflectivity, and
the quality of the fringes may limit the attainable accuracy.
The stylus method is indirectly traceable to the wavelength of light, but it tan cover the whole range of specimens without difficulty.
In theory, a very small divergente between the two methods is possible. There may be differentes in the mechanical and Optical pro-
perties of the upper and lower surfaces, and while the stylus method measures normal Cross-sections, the Optical method generally
measures oblique Cross-sections which assume uniformity within the length of the groove occupied by the obliquity. In practice, such
effects are generally negligible.
A.2 Procedure for type A specimens using a stylus instrument
The vertical magnification of the instrument is first calibrated. For this purpose a Step, as nearly as possible equal in size to that of the
specimen, may be formed by two gauge blocks wrung down on an Optical flat. The instrument is then used as a comparator to com-
pare the specimen step with that of the gauge block. In this way residual errors in the instrument tend to cancel out. For highest ac-
curacy, at least five equally spaced traverses should be taken along the marked length of the groove, and a corresponding number
across the gauge block Step.
The adjacent sides of the gauge blocks used are preferably manufactured so that the corners are sharp enough to produce a clearly
defined step on the Profile graph, as shown in figure 11.
/ ( )
Profile graphs
Figure 11 -
A number of gauge blocks tan be wrung down to provide a series of Steps, as shown in figure 12, attention being paid to the flatness,
smoothness and parallelism of the sutfaces. The Steps tan be calibrated directly by interferometry.
Figure 12 - Gauge blocks providing a series of Steps
Gauge block Steps over 2 Pm tan be used directly, but for smaller displacements the calibration error of the gauge block step itself
may represent an excessively large Proportion of the step height. Small displacements down to 0,2 Pm tan be produced by scaling
down larger gauge block Steps with an accurate reducing lever. Reductions of IO or 20 times are used.
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ISO 54364985 (EI
A.3 Procedures for type C specimens (Cl to C4)
A.3.1 Determination of Ra value for the traced Profile
Since type C specimens are periodic and are formed on a base that is substantially straight in the direction of measurement, an R,
value for the Profile traced by a given stylus tan be determined by application of the procedures for graphical determination described
in ISO 468, ISO 1878 and ISO 1880. In practice, it is necessary only for the traced Profile to be evaluated with sufficient accuracy. The
R, value of the trace will refer to the specimen itself, without involving the transmission characteristics of an instrument.
A.3.2 Determination of Ra value for modified Profile
emerge a modified (or transfo Irmed) Profile which will also have
If the traced Profile is passed through a defined wave filter, there will
an R, value. This R, value will refer to the Profile plus filter, and will thus involve the transmission characteristics of th e instrument.
However, when the tut-off wavelength of the filter is around IO times the wavelength of the specimen (sec annex B and figure 16) the
R, value of the modified Profile will differ so little from that of the unfiltered Profile that for practical purposes the differente tan be
As the wavelength of the specimen value will become less than the u nf iltered
approaches the tut-off wavelength, the filtered
value, to an extent that is shown by the transmission curves in figure 16.
A.3.3 Calibration of periodic (type C) specimens with respect to a straight mean line drawn through
each sampling length
In principle, the specimen is traced by a defined (generally sharp) stylus relative to a straight datum, and a Profile graph or digital
record is taken at an accurately known vertical magnification, using a displacement-sensitive recording System (a System that is
uniformly responsive to all frequencies from zero to the highest that is significant). A straight mean line is drawn through each sam-
pling length parallel to the peaks and valleys of the graph, such that the average values of the departures on each side of it, over a
whole number of periods, are equal. The total length of the periods taken should as nearly as possible be equal to the sampling length,
which should then be adjusted to fit a whole number of periods (figure 13). A number of consecutive sampling lengths should be in-
cluded in each trace and according to the uniformity of the defined area several evenly distributed traces are taken and averaged. Thus
the mean R, is found for the given sampling length, without electrical filtering.
The graphical method tan generally be simulated, with greater ease and precision, by digital methods.
Standard sampling length, s
+ 0,5 s,
adjusted up to -
Figure 13 - Choice of sampling length
A.3.4 Calibration of type C and D specimens with respect to the filter characteristics defined in ISO 3274
A.3.4.1 Calibration by comparison
comparison with a specimen having the same waveform,
Calibration tan sometimes be ca rried out with acceptable accuracy by direct
wavelength and comparable R,
value, this value being accurately known.
Precise calibration of the instrument will then be of secondary importante as it is used only as a comparator.
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ISO 54364985 (El
A.3.4.2 Calibration using digital methods
is used , and the vertical magnification of the i nstrument
A displacement sensitive pick-up having a defined stylus is accu rately
calibrated from gauge blocks ot- from a specially calibrated specimen.
tYPe A
The required number of fairly distributed traces is taken, each trace being longer than the traversing length appropriate to the in-
tended meter tut-off. The Profile of each trace is recorded digitally, relative to a straight datum, the Ordinate density and quantization
being sufficient to represent the waveform and give the required accuracy. Use of on-line logging of ordinates is advantageous.
Taking the digi tally recorded ordinates of each trace in turn, the mea n line of the filter to be simulated, and from it the R, value of the
irregular profiles according to definitions in ISO 3274.
corresponding modified Profile, tan be computed both for periodic and for
The filtered R, value is taken to be the mean value of a sufficient number of evenly distributed modified profiles obtained with the
stated stylus and filter.
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ISO 54364985 (El
Annex B
Use of instrument calibration specimens
B.l General
lt is convenient to discuss separately the correct use of:
specimens cali brating graphic or digital Profile recording instruments (sec ISO 1880);
a) type A for
specimens calibrating indicating instruments of consecutive Profile transformation.
b) type C for Parameter
B.2 Use sf type A specimens (wide Single grooves)
These specimens are used for calibrating the vertical magnification of a recording instrument having a displacement-sensitive pick-up.
B.2.1 If a spherical skid is used, care should be taken to see that at the moment when the stylus traverses the groove to be
measured, the skid slides only on a smooth patt of the surrounding surface, and does not traverse the same groove, or any other
groove of significant width.
B.2.2 A sufficient number of traverses across the calibrated part of the length of the groove should be taken and averaged.
B.2.3 The horizontal magnification should be large enough, and hence give sufficient time, for the stylus and recording pen to in-
dicate clearly that the bottom of the groove has been reached (sec figure 14).
Al A2
Not relia ble
Effects of horizontal magnification
Figure 14 -
B.3 Use of type C specimens (grids) for calibrating Parameter meters
B.3.1 These specimens are normally used for calibrating the Parameter meter of a pick-up and amplifying System incorporating a
filter network which transmits a limited range of wavelengths. Such a filter is required for the measurement of workpieces. Its purpose
is t
SIST ISO 5436:2001
Vzorci za pomerjanje - Kontaktni instrumenti - Tipi, pomerjanje in uporaba vzorcev
Calibration specimens -- Stylus instruments -- Types, calibration and use of specimens
Échantillons d'étalonnage -- Instruments à palpeur -- Type, étalonnage et emploi des
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 5436:1985
17.040.20 Lastnosti površin Properties of surfaces
SIST ISO 5436:2001 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
International Standard
Calibration specimens - Stylus instruments - Types,
calibration and use of specimens
&hantillons d’btalonnage - Instruments EI palpeur - Type, 4 talonnage et emploi des c5chan tillons
First edition - 1985-09-01
UDC 53.089.68 Ref. No. ISO 54364985 (EI
Descriptors : surface condition, roughness, roughness measurement, measuring instruments, prof ile meters, calibration, reference Sample,
specif ications, dimensions, marking .
Price based on 20 pages
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 5436 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 57,
Metrology and properties of surfaces.
0 International Organkation for Standardkation, 1985
Printed in Switzerland
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
60 5436-1985 (E)
Calibration specimens - Stylus instruments - Types,
calibration and use of specimens
Esch calibrated specimen may have a limited range of applica-
1 Scope and field of application
tion according to its own characteristics and those of the in-
strument to be calibrated. The validity of the calibration of an
This International Standard specifies the characteristics of
specimens for the calibration of stylus instruments (sec instrument will be dependent on the correct association of
ISO 1880 and ISO 3274) and the annexes give information these characteristics.
regarding their calibration and application to the calibration and
adjustment in laboratories, Standards rooms and Workshops.
To cover the range of requirements, four types of specimens
are described, each of which may have a number of variants.
Their principal applications are specified in 4.1 to 4.4 and
dimensions and tolerantes in 7.1 to 7.4.
2 References
ISO 468, Surface roughness - Parameters, their values and
4.1 Type A
general rules for specifying requiremen ts.
These specimens are for checking the vertical magnification of
I S 0 1878, Classifica tion of instruments and devices for
Profile recording instruments having displacement sensitive
measurement and evaluation of the geometrical Parameters of
surface finish.
ISO 1879, Instruments for the measurement of surface rough-
4.1.1 Type Al
ness by the Profile method - Vocabulary.
These specimens have a wide calibrated groove with a flat
ISO 1880, Instruments for the measurement of surface rough-
bottom, or a number of separated grooves of equal or
ness by the Profile method - Contact (stylus) instruments of
increasing depth, each groove being wide enough to be insen-
progressive Profile transforma tion - Profile recording in-
sitive to the shape or condition of the stylus tip.
s trumen ts.
ISO 3274, Instruments for the measurement of surface
4.1.2 Type A2
roughness b y the Profile method - Contact (stylusl in-
strumen ts of consecu tive Profile transforma tion - Con tact
These specimens are similar to type Al, except that the
Profile meters, s ystem NI.
grooves have rounded bottoms of sufficient radius to be insen-
sitive to the shape or condition of the stylus tip.
3 Def initions
4.2 Type B
For the purposes of this International Standard, the definitions
These specimens are primarily for checking the condition of the
given in ISO 468, ISO 1878, ISO 1879 and ISO 3274, and the
stylus tip.
following apply.
4.2.1 Type BI
Standard instrument calibration specimen : A specimen
having accurately determined standardized characteristics for
These specimens have a narrow groove or a number of separa-
testing or establishing one or more features of the Performance
ted grooves proportioned to be increasingly sensitive to the
of an instrument.
dimensions of the stylus. They are intended for use with instru-
ments having displacement sensitive pick-ups.
4 Types and purposes of instrument
4.2.2 Type B2
cali bration specimens
The calibration of the existing wide range of instruments in all These specimens have two grids of nominally equal R, values,
modes of Operation calls for more than one type of calibration one being sensitive and the other insensitive to the dimensions
specimen. of the stylus tip. These grids are used comparatively for check-
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO 54364985 (EI
They have irregular profiles (for example as obtained by
ing the stylus tips of Parameter instruments having motion-
grinding) in the direction of traverse, but they have the conve-
sensitive pick-ups, the ratio of the R, values being taken as the
nience of an approximately constant Cross-section along their
4.3 Type C
The specimens simulate workpieces containing a wide range of
crest spacings, but reduce the number of traverses needed to
These specimens are primarily intended for checking Parameter
give a good average value. They provide, for reassurance, a
final Overall check on calibration.
They have a grid of repetitive grooves of simple shape (either
The accuracy obtainable by averaging a few random traverses
sinusoidal, triangular or arcuate) which have relatively low har-
will generally be less than type C specimens, but may be suffi-
monic amplitudes. They are used primarily for calibrating
cient for Workshop purposes. Higher accuracy tan be obtained
Parameter meters, but they may also be used for checking
by averaging a statistically determined number of appropriately
horizontal magnification if the spacing of the grooves is held
positioned traverses. 1)
within limits acceptable for this purpose.
An essential requirement of type C calibration specimens is that
5 Materials
standardized specimens of diff ering waveform are nevettheless
compatible, in the sense that they will all lead to the same state
The material used shall be hard enough to ensure adequate life
of instrument calibration or verification, provided they are used
in relation to tost. lts surface shall be smooth and flat enough
not to affect the evaluation of the grooves. Glass or quartz or
materials harder than 750 HV are favoured.
The declared Parameter values issued with each specimen refer
to a smooth straight datum and filtered profiles derived from
the trace according to ISO 3274. Although the wider grooves
6 Size of specimen
are generally insensitive to the dimensions of the stylus tip, sen-
sitivity in this respect may become appreciable for the nar-
The operative area shall be large enough to provide for the total
rowest grooves; and for this reason the Parameter values shall
for all intended determ inations.
length of traverse required
be declared with reference to the stylus tip.
One or more than one kind of specimen may be provided on a
Single block. So as to ensure the best possible economic condi-
4.3.1 Use for skidless instruments
tions, Overall dimensions of specimens are not given.
Esch specimen will calibrate a skidless instrument (one which
traces the Profile with respect to a smooth straight datum) with
Mechanical requirements
respect to the particular crest spacing of that specimen.
lt should be noted that, in the tables which follow, the nominal
The purpose of the series of specimens is to enable the
values carry a wide tolerante, and that these values should not
transmission characteristic to be checked for a number of
be used as the basis of instrument calibration (see clause 9,
spacings and amplitudes.
notes 1 and 2).
4.3.2 Use for skid-type instruments
7.1 Type A
The use of type C specimens for calibrating skid-type in-
struments is restricted to those for which the generally indeter-
7.1.1 Type Al : Wide grooves with flat bottoms
minate rise and fall of the skid(s) over the crests makes an in-
(see figure 1 and table 1)
significant contribution to the calibration. This is best assured
by using a specimen having the shortest crest spacing per-
mitted by the stylus, as shown in annex B, and this is the
general practice.
4.4 Type D
Figure 1 - Type Al groove
These specimens are for Overall check of meter calibration.
To ferm the subject of a future international Standard.
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO 54364985 (E)
Table 1 - Nominal values of depth and width for type Al
Values in micrometres
Depth, d
0,3 1,o 3,0 10 30 100
Width, w 100 100 200 200 500 500
If a skid is used, it shall not cross a groove at the same time that the stylus crosses the groove being measured.
For tolerantes, see table 2.
Table 2 - Tolerantes for types Al and A2
Tolerante deviation
Nominal of measurement
on nominal
from the
value in calibrated
value calibrated
mean depth
% % %
(Pm) I
I!I 20 +3 ( f 0,Ol)
+2 (I!z 0,021
1 zk 15
3 f 10 +2 (+ 0,061
10 f 10 f2 (AI 0,2)
30 I!I 10 +2 (+ 0,6)
100 AI 10 f2
t* 2)
7.1.2 Type A2: Wide grooves with rounded bottoms (see figure 2 and table 3)
Figure 2 - Type A2 groove
- Nominal values of depth and radius for type A2
Table 3
I Depth, Radius, d, r, (pn) (mm) I 1,o 1,5 3,0 1,5 10 L5 30 0,75 100 0,75 I
If a skid is used, it shall not Cross the groove at the same time that the stylus crosses the groove being measured.
For tolerantes, see table 2.
7.1.3 The basis of assessment for types Al and A2 is given in 8.1; requirements regarding Statements of mean values are given in
clause 9; guidance on calibration is given in clauses A.1 and A.2; guidance on use is given in clauses B.1 and B.2.
7.2 Type B grooves for checking stylus tips
7.2.1 Type Bl
Development of specimens having Single narrow grooves is proceeding, but is not yet sufficiently advanced to permit standardization.
7.2.2 Type B2
These specimens have two grids formed on a common base.
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO 5436-1985 (E) Sensitive grid (see figure 3)
Isosceles triangular grooves with sharp peaks and valleys, for testing 10 Fm radius tips.
Figure 3 - Type B2 grooves (sensitive grid)
For 10 Fm radius tips :
a = 150°
= 0,5 Pm * 5 %
- Ra
S, shall be determined by a and R,, and will thus have the mid-limit value of 15 Fm.
For tolerantes, see table 4. Insensitive grid (sec figure 4)
Sinusoidal or arcuate grooves, proportioned to make R, substantially independent of the stylus tip.
Figure 4 - Type B2 grooves (insensitive grid)
For 10 Pm radius tips :
= 0,5 Fm + 5 %
- Ra
- S, = 0,25 mm
For tolerantes, see table 4.
1 Grooves for tips with a radius of less than IO Pm (if such are practical) have still to be developed.
2 For convenience, one or more type C grids may be added for general calibration of R,. Such grids shall be clearly distinguished from the type B2
7.2.3 The basis of assessment for type B2 is given in 8.2, tolerantes are given in 7.2.2 and table 4, and the method of use is
described in B.4.
Tolerantes for type B2 sensitive
Table 4 -
and insensitive grids
Nominal value / Toleranc;fnominal /
for sensitive for insensitive
grids grids
a = 150°
R, = 0,5 Pm +5
R, = 0,5 Pm
S, = 15 Pm s, = 0,25 mm
Ratio of mean R, !vaiues
I 1 1
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
7.3 Type C
The nominal values given in 7.3.1, 7.3.2 and 7.3.4 are values which assume negligible attenuation by the stylus or filter.
7.3.1 Type Cl : Grooves having a sine wave Profile (sec figure 5 and table 5)
Figure 5 -
Type Cl grooves
Table 5 - Nominal values of R, for type Cl
Mean spacing of Profile irregularities, S,, mm
0,08 1 0~25 I 083 z5 l
w 0,3
1 3
3 IO
For tolerantes, see table 6.
Table 6 - Tolerantes for types Cl to C4
Uncertainty of measure- Standard
Tolerante on
ment of stated mean deviation from
Nominal value of R,
nominal value
mean value
value of R,
% %
OJ AI 25 f3 3
0,3 f 20 +2 2
1 Ik 15 +2 2
3 I!I 10 +2 2
10 -f IO rt2 2
30 * 10 zk2 2
NOTE - The sine wave provides an ideal reference for calibrating a frequency-dependent instrument because the perfett sine wave, having no har-
monics, is not changed in shape by a wave filter and accords directly with the transmission characteristics defined in ISO 3274.
7.3.2 Type C2: Grooves having an isosceles triangular Profile (sec figure 6 and table 7)
Figure 6 - Type C2 grooves
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
Table 7 - Nominal values of R, and a for type C2
Mean spacing of Profile irregularities, S,, mm
0,08 1 ao
0,25 W3 23
R,f P-n
0,3 LO 3 178,9
0,3 LO
3 10 176,4
18 3 10
30 168,6
3 IO 30
For tolerantes, see table 6.
7.3.3 Type C3: Simulated sine wave grooves (see figure 7)
These are simulated sine waves, which include triangular profiles with rounded or truncated peaks and valleys, the total r.m.s. har-
monic content of which shall not exceed 10 % of the r.m.s. value of the fundamental.
For tolerantes, see table 6.
Figure 7 - Type C3 grooves
NOTE - calibrating their own instruments, but without commit-
Spetimens of this kind have often been provided by instrument manufacturers for
ment regarding the further use of the specimens.
7.3.4 Type C4: Grooves having an arcuate Profile (see figure 8 and table 8)
Figure 8 - Type C4 grooves
Table 8 - Nominal unfiltered values of R, for type C4
Mean spacing of Profile irregularities, S,, mm
R,f I-rm
12,5 25
For tolerantes, see table 6.
7.4 Type D: Unidirectional irregular profiles (sec figure 9)
These have an irregular ground Profile which is repeated every 4 mm in the longitudinal direction of the specimen. Normal to the
measuring direction of the specimens, the production grooves on the measuring area have a constant Profile form.
The nominal filtered values, R,, of the specimens, in micrometres, are
0,15; 0,5; 1,5 (Cut-off value 0,8 mm)
For tolerantes, see table 9.
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO 5436-1985 (El
Table 9 - Tolerantes for type D
Uncertainty of measure-
Standard deviation from
Tolerante on
Nominal value R, ment of stated mean
nominal value mean value
value of R,l)
% %
+5 4
0,15 * 30
* 20 +3 3
z!I3 3
Ik 15
1) From 12 evenly distributed readings.
Type D grooves (Profile repetition at 4 mm intervals)
Figure 9 -
The depth d of the groove shall be assessed perpendicularly
7.5 The basis of assessment for types C and D is given in 8.3.
from the upper mean line to the mid-Point of the lower mean
Guidance on calibration is dealt with in clause A.3, while
clauses B.3 to B.6 refer to use and other relevant matters.
NOTE - The depth das defined here will be equal to the mean of the
Portion C below the upper mean line.
8 Basis of assessment of calibrated values
A significant number, not less than five, of evenly distributed
8.1 Type A
traces shall be taken.
8.1.1 Type Al
8.1.2 Type A2
A continuous straight mean line equal in length to three times
A mean line representing the upper level is drawn over the
the width of the groove is drawn over the groove to represent
groove as described for type Al. The depth shall be assessed
the upper level of the surface and another to represent the
from the upper mean line to the lowest Point of the groove.
lower level, both lines extending symmetrically about the centre
of the groove (see figure 10).
A significant number, not less than five, of evenly distributed
To avoid the influence of any rounding of the corners, the
traces shall be taken.
upper surface on each side of the groove is to be ignored for a
length equal to one-third of the width of the groove. The sur-
8.2 Type B2
face at the bottom of the groove is assessed only over the cen-
tral third of its width. The portions to be used for assessment
The ratio of the mean R, of the sensitive grid and the mean R,
purposes are therefore those shown at A, B and C in figure 10.
of the insensitive grid shall be calibrated using a substantially
sharp tip (<2 Pm nominal radius) and a Standard two C-R 1)
filter having 0,25 mm tut-off according to ISO 3274. (See
clause B .4. )
Not less than 18 evenly distributed traces shall be taken on each
grid, all instrument adjustments remaining constant throughout
the determination.
8.3 Types Cl to C4, and D
The Profile shall be traced by one or more specified stylus tips
with respect to a straight datum, and an R, value shall be deter-
mined, by measurement or computation, after modification of
Figure 10 - Assessment of calibrated values for type Al
“C” Stands for “capacitive”, “R” for “resistive”.
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO 5436-1985 (El
e) the permitted uncertainty in the calibrated mean value,
the traced Profile by each of the Standard two C-R filters de-
as given in tables 2, 4, 6, and 9;
fined in ISO 3274 for which the evaluation length is less than
that of the grid, the filter being designated by its tut-off (the
wavelength for which it gives 75 % transmission).
f) any other reference conditions to which each calibration
applies, for exampie the basis of digital evaluation (Ordinate
A significant n Umber ‘, not less than 12, of evenly distributed
discretization, vertical quantization), and whether the
traces shall be taken.
values declared refer to direct measurement or are derived
theref rom.
If the Profile is traced by a 2 Pm tip, values for othe r tips may be
derived by computation this fact being stated.
1 The nominal value is used only as an aid to identification. It carries a
9 Marking
large tolerante as a concession to Problems of economic manufacture.
The differente between the nominal value and the calibrated value
After each specimen has been individually calibrated, it shall be
does not constitute an error.
accompanied by the following Statements as and where ap-
2 The calibrated mean value is the value to be used for calibrating in-
plicable :
struments. lt is the measured mean value of the appointed number and
distribution of traces taken across the operative Portion of the
a) type(s) of specimen;
specimen, corrected for any predetermined errors in the calibrating
b) the nominal valuets); equipment, as far as these are known. (See annex C.)
Some degree of uncertainty in the calibrated mean value is permitted
radius of the stylus tip(s) to
c) the effective which ch
to allow for the possibility of residual errors in the calibrating equip-
calibrated value a pplies;
ment which are unknown and for which correction cannot be made.
d) details of calibration:
3 The stated Standard deviation is the Standard deviation of the
measured values corrected where possible for the estimated Standard
1) for types Al and A2, the calibrated mean value of
deviation of the calibrating equipment.
depth of the groove, the Standard deviation from the
mean, and the number of evenly distributed observa-
In principle, estimation of the random error of the instrument in the
tions taken;
selected mode of use tan be made by traversing a specimen a number
of times over precisely the same track. To ensure that wear of the track
2) for type B2, the calibrated ratio of the mean R, value
does not occur and progressively alter its value, it is generally accep-
of the sensitive grid to that of the insensitive grid for a
table to use several closely adjacent tracks and assume they are iden-
sharp tip (of not more than 2 Pm nominal radius);
tical. For example five tracks spaced 0,l mm apart may each be
traversed f ive times.
3) for types C and D, the calibrated mean value of R,
for each tip used and for each two C-R transmission
As far as possible the required information specified here shall
characteristic (defined by its 75 % transmission tut-off)
be marked on each specimen; but, if there is insufficient space,
for which the specimen may be used, the Standard
deviation from each mean, and the number of observa- the values may be stated separately and uniquely identified with
the specimen, for example by means of a serial number.
tions taken;
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO 54364985 (EI
Annex A
Calibration of instrument calibration specimens
A.1 General procedure for type A specimens
A stylus instrument having displacement-sensitive pick-up, or an Optical interferometer tan be used.
The interferometric results are directly traceable to the wavelength of light, but are generally limited to the shallower grooves unless
the instrument is built to allow for Optical desensitization. The surface may have to be metallized to ensure adequate reflectivity, and
the quality of the fringes may limit the attainable accuracy.
The stylus method is indirectly traceable to the wavelength of light, but it tan cover the whole range of specimens without difficulty.
In theory, a very small divergente between the two methods is possible. There may be differentes in the mechanical and Optical pro-
perties of the upper and lower surfaces, and while the stylus method measures normal Cross-sections, the Optical method generally
measures oblique Cross-sections which assume uniformity within the length of the groove occupied by the obliquity. In practice, such
effects are generally negligible.
A.2 Procedure for type A specimens using a stylus instrument
The vertical magnification of the instrument is first calibrated. For this purpose a Step, as nearly as possible equal in size to that of the
specimen, may be formed by two gauge blocks wrung down on an Optical flat. The instrument is then used as a comparator to com-
pare the specimen step with that of the gauge block. In this way residual errors in the instrument tend to cancel out. For highest ac-
curacy, at least five equally spaced traverses should be taken along the marked length of the groove, and a corresponding number
across the gauge block Step.
The adjacent sides of the gauge blocks used are preferably manufactured so that the corners are sharp enough to produce a clearly
defined step on the Profile graph, as shown in figure 11.
/ ( )
Profile graphs
Figure 11 -
A number of gauge blocks tan be wrung down to provide a series of Steps, as shown in figure 12, attention being paid to the flatness,
smoothness and parallelism of the sutfaces. The Steps tan be calibrated directly by interferometry.
Figure 12 - Gauge blocks providing a series of Steps
Gauge block Steps over 2 Pm tan be used directly, but for smaller displacements the calibration error of the gauge block step itself
may represent an excessively large Proportion of the step height. Small displacements down to 0,2 Pm tan be produced by scaling
down larger gauge block Steps with an accurate reducing lever. Reductions of IO or 20 times are used.
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SIST ISO 5436:2001
ISO 54364985 (EI
A.3 Procedures for type C specimens (Cl to C4)
A.3.1 Determination of Ra value for the traced Profile
Since type C specimens are periodic and are formed on a base that is substantially straight in the direction of measurement, an R,
value for the Profile traced by a given stylus tan be determined by application of the procedures for graphical determination described
in ISO 468, ISO 1878 and ISO 1880. In practice, it is necessary only for the traced Profile to be evaluated with sufficient accuracy. The
R, value of the trace will refer to the specimen itself, without involving the transmission characteristics of an instrument.
A.3.2 Determination of Ra value for modified Profile
emerge a modified (or transfo Irmed) Profile which will also have
If the traced Profile is passed through a defined wave filter, there will
an R, value. This R, value will refer to the Profile plus filter, and will thus involve the transmission characteristics of th e instrument.
However, when the tut-off wavelength of the filter is around IO times the wavelength of the specimen (sec annex B and figure 16) the
R, value of the modified Profile will differ so little from that of the unfiltered Profile that for practical purposes the differente tan be
As the wavelength of the specimen value will become less than the u nf iltered
approaches the tut-off wavelength, the filtered
value, to an extent that is shown by the transmission curves in figure 16.
A.3.3 Calibration of periodic (type C) specimens with respect to a straight mean line drawn through
each sampling length
In principle, the specimen is traced by a defined (generally sharp) stylus relative to a straight datum, and a Profile graph or digital
record is taken at an accurately known vertical magnification, using a displacement-sensitive recording System (a System that is
uniformly responsive to all frequencies from zero to the highest that is significant). A straight mean line is drawn through each sam-
pling length parallel to the peaks and valleys of the graph, such that the average values of the departures on each side of it, over a
whole number of periods, are equal. The total length of the periods taken should as nearly as possible be equal to the sampling length,
which should then be adjusted to fit a whole number of periods (figure 13). A number of consecutive sampling lengths should be in-
cluded in each trace and according to the uniformity of the defined area several evenly distributed traces are taken and averaged. Thus
the mean R, is found for the given sampling length, without electrical filtering.
The graphical method tan generally be simulated, with greater ease and precision, by digital methods.
Standard sampling length, s
+ 0,5 s,
adjusted up to -
Figure 13 - Choice of sampling length
A.3.4 Calibration of type C and D specimens with respect to the filter characteristics defined in ISO 3274
A.3.4.1 Calibration by comparison
comparison with a specimen having the same waveform,
Calibration tan sometimes be ca rried out with acceptable accuracy by direct
wavelength and comparable R,
value, this value being accurately known.
Precise calibration of the instrument will then be of secondary importante as it is used only as a comparator.
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ISO 54364985 (El
A.3.4.2 Calibration using digital methods
is used , and the vertical magnification of the i nstrument
A displacement sensitive pick-up having a defined stylus is accu rately
calibrated from gauge blocks ot- from a specially calibrated specimen.
tYPe A
The required number of fairly distributed traces is taken, each trace being longer than the traversing length appropriate to the in-
tended meter tut-off. The Profile of each trace is recorded digitally, relative to a straight datum, the Ordinate density and quantization
being sufficient to represent the waveform and give the required accuracy. Use of on-line logging of ordinates is advantageous.
Taking the digi tally recorded ordinates of each trace in turn, the mea n line of the filter to be simulated, and from it the R, value of the
irregular profiles according to definitions in ISO 3274.
corresponding modified Profile, tan be computed both for periodic and for
The filtered R, value is taken to be the mean value of a sufficient number of evenly distributed modified profiles obtained with the
stated stylus and filter.
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ISO 54364985 (El
Annex B
Use of instrument calibration specimens
B.l General
lt is convenient to discuss separately the correct use of:
specimens cali brating graphic or digital Profile recording instruments (sec ISO 1880);
a) type A for
specimens calibrating indicating instruments of consecutive Profile transformation.
b) type C for Parameter
B.2 Use sf type A specimens (wide Single grooves)
These specimens are used for calibrating the vertical magnification of a recording instrument having a displacement-sensitive pick-up.
B.2.1 If a spherical skid is used, care should be tak
Norme int.ernationale
khantillons d ’Qtalonnage - Instruments 6 palpeur -
Type, Gtalonnage et emploi des bchantillons
Calibration specimens - Stylus instruments - Types, calibration and use of specimens
Premiere 6dition - 1985-09-01
Mf. no : IS0 54364985 IFI
CDU 53.089.68
Descripteurs : &at de surface, rugosit6, mesurage de rugositc5, instrument de mesurage, profilom&trk, btalonnage, khantillon tbmoin,
spkcif ication, dimension, marquage.
Prix bask sur 20 pages
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L ’ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une federation mondiale
d ’organismes nationaux de normalisation (comites membres de I ’ISO). L ’elaboration
des Normes internationales est confide aux comites techniques de I ’ISO. Chaque
comite membre interesse par une etude a le droit de faire partie du comite technique
tree a cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non gouverne-
mentales, en liaison avec I ’ISO, participent egalement aux travaux.
Les projets de Normes internationales adoptes par les comites techniques sont soumis
aux comites membres pour approbation, avant leur acceptation comme Normes inter-
nationales par le Conseil de I ’ISO. Les Normes internationales sont approuvees confor-
mement aux procedures de I ’ISO qui requierent I ’approbation de 75 % au moins des
comites membres votants.
La Norme internationale IS0 5436 a ete elaboree par le comite technique ISO/TC 57,
IWtrologie et proprih t&s des surfaces.
0 Organisation internationale de normalisation, 1985 0
Imprim en Suisse
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IS0 5436-1985 (F)
khantillons d ’Qtalonnage - Instruments 6 palpeur -
Type, btalonnage et emploi des khantillons
1 Objet et domaine d ’application Chacun des echantillons etalonnes peut avoir un domaine
d ’application limit6 en fonction de ses caracteristiques propres
La presente Norme internationale specific les caracteristiques et de celles de I ’instrument 8 etalonner. La validite de I ’etalon-
des echantillons utilises pour I ’etalonnage des instruments a
nage d ’un instrument donne est done fonction de I ’association
palpeur (voir IS0 1880 et IS0 3274). Les annexes donnent des
correcte de ces caracteristiques.
indications quant a leur Btalonnage et a leur utilisation pour
I ’etalonnage et le reglage des instruments de laboratoires, de
Pour couvrir toute la gamme des besoins, la presente Norme
salles d ’etalonnage et d ’ateliers.
internationale decrit quatre types d ’echantillons dont chacun
peut avoir un certain nombre de variantes. Les principales
applications de ceux-ci sont specifiees en 4.1 a 4.4 et leurs
2 R6f6rences
dimensions et tolerances en 7.1 a 7.4.
IS0 468, Rugosite des surfaces - Parametres, leurs valeurs et
4.1 Type A
/es &g/es genera/es de la determination des specifications.
Ces echantillons servent a verifier le grossissement vertical des
IS 0 1878, Classification des appareils et dispositifs servant a
enregistreurs de profil a capteurs sensibles au deplacement.
mesurer et a &valuer des parametres geome triques des e tats de
4.1.1 Type Al
IS0 1879, Instruments de mesurage de la rugosite des surfaces
par la methode du profil - Vocabulaire. Ces echantillons ont une large rainure etalonnee, a fond plat ou
un certain nombre de rainures &par&es de profondeur identi-
que ou croissante chacune d ’entre elles &ant assez large pour
IS0 1880, Instruments de mesurage de la rugosite des surfaces
etre insensible a la forme ou a l’etat de la pointe du palpeur.
par la methode du profil - Instruments 1;) palpeur) avec con-
tat t 9 transformation progressive du pro fil - Enregistreurs de
pro fil.
4.1.2 Type A2
IS0 3274, Instruments de mesurage de la rugosite des surfaces
Ces echantillons sont similaires a ceux du type Al, mais la ou
par la methode du pro fil - Instruments a palpeur-aiguille, a
les rainures ont un fond arrondi de rayon suffisant pour etre
transformation progressive du pro fil - Pro filome tres a con tat t
insensible a la forme ou a I ’etat de la pointe du palpeur.
du systeme M.
4.2 Type B
3 Dbfinitions
Ces echantillons servent essentiellement a verifier I ’etat de la
pointe du palpeur.
Dans le cadre de la presente Norme internationale, les defini-
tions donnees dans I ’ISO 468, I ’ISO 1878, I ’ISO 1879 et
I ’ISO 3274, ainsi que la definition suivante, sont applicables.
4.2.1 Type Bl
Ces echantillons ont une rainure etroite ou un certain nombre
bchantillon d ’btalonnage des instruments : lkhantillon
de rainures separees de proportions choisies pour etre sensibles
ayant des caracteristiques normalisees determinees avec preci-
de facon croissante aux dimensions du palpeur. Les echantil-
sion et permettant de verifier le fontionnement d ’un instrument
Ions sont destines a etre utilises avec les instruments a capteurs
ou d ’en definir un ou plusieurs elements.
sensibles au deplacement.
4 Types et applications des 6chantillons
4.2.2 Type B2
d ’btalonnage des instruments
Ces echantillons presentent deux grilles de rainures de valeurs
L ’etalonnage de la multitude d ’instruments existants, aux fonc- R, nominalement egales dont I ’une est sensible et I ’autre insen-
tionnements les plus varies, exige plusieurs types d ’echan- sible aux dimensions de la pointe du palpeur. Ces grilles servent
tillons. de point de comparaison pour la verification des pointes de pal-
---------------------- Page: 3 ----------------------
IS0 54364985 IFI
peur des instruments de mesurage des parametres dont les Ils ont des profils irreguliers (obtenus, par exemple, par rectifi-
capteurs sont sensibles au deplacement, le critere pris etant le cation) dans la direction du palpage, mais presentent I ’avantage
d ’une section transversale 8 peu pres constante sur toute leur
rapport des valeurs de R,.
4.3 Type C
Ces etalons simulent des pieces a pas de saillies tres varies mais
reduisent le nombre de palpages necessaires pour obtenir une
Ces echantillons sont destines principalement a la verification
bonne valeur moyenne. Ils permettent la verification finale glo-
des mesureurs de parametres.
bale, en garantie, de I ’etalonnage.
Ils presentent une grille de rainures repetitives de forme simple
La precision susceptible d ’etre obtenue en effectuant la
(sinusdidale, triangulaire ou en arcs de cercle) a proportion en
moyenne de quelques palpages pris au hasard est generalement
harmoniques relativement faible. Ils servent essentiellement a
moindre qu ’avec les echantillons de type C, mais elle peut etre
I ’etalonnage des mesureurs des parametres, mais peuvent ega-
suffisante en atelier. Des precisions superieures peuvent etre
lement servir a verifier le grossissement horizontal si I ’espace-
obtenues si la moyenne se fait sur un nombre statistiquement
ment des rainures est maintenu dans des limites acceptables a
determine de palpages convenablement positionnes.1)
cet effet.
L ’une des caracteristiques essentielles des echantillons de
5 Matbriaux
type C est que des echantillons normalises de forme d ’onde dif-
ferente sont neanmoins compatibles, au sens qu ’ils conduisent
Le materiau doit etre suffisamment dur pour assurer une duree
tous a la meme condition de verification ou d ’etalonnage de
de vie convenable par rapport au cout. La surface doit etre lisse
I ’instrument, pourvu qu ’on les utilise correctement.
et suffisamment plane pour ne pas avoir d ’influence lors de
I ’evaluation des rainures. On utilisera de preference du verre ou
Les valeurs des parametres annoncees, donnees par chaque
du quartz, ou encore un materiau de durete superieure a
echantillon se referent a des profils filtres a reference rectiligne
750 HV.
decoulant de I ’enregistrement obtenu suivant I ’ISO 3274. Bien
que les rainures plus larges soient generalement insensibles aux
dimensions de la pointe du palpeur, cette sensibilite peut deve-
6 Dimensions des bchantillons
nir appreciable avec les rainures les plus etroites. C ’est la raison
pour laquelle les valeurs du parametre doivent etre indiquees
avec reference a la pointe du palpeur. La surface utile doit etre suffisamment grande pour offrir la lon-
gueur totale de palpage requise pour toutes les determinations
4.3.1 Emploi pour des instruments sans patin
Un seul et meme bloc peut cornporter un type d ’echantillons ou
Chaque echantillon permet d ’etalonner les instruments sans
plusieurs. Pour assurer des conditions economiques optimales,
patin (ceux qui tracent le profil par rapport a une reference rec-
les dimensions hors tout des echantillons ne sont pas donnees.
tiligne) en fonction du pas particulier des saillies de I ’echantillon
7 Caractbristiques mbcaniques
L ’objet de cette serie d ’etalons est de permettre la verification
de la caracteristique de transmission sur un certain nombre de
A noter que dans les tableaux qui suivent, les valeurs nominales
pas et d ’amplitudes.
sont affectees d ’une tolerance large et que ces valeurs ne
devraient pas servir de base a I ’etalonnage des instruments (voir
4.3.2 Emploi pour des instruments B patin
chapitre 9, notes 1 et 2). .
L ’emploi des echantillons de type C pour I ’etalonnage des ins-
7.1 Type A
truments a patin se limite aux instruments pour lesquels la mon-
tee ou la descente du ou des patins sur les saillies, dont la
valeur est generalement indeterminee, n ’a qu ’une influence
7.1.1 Type Al : Rainures larges 8 fond plat (voir figure 1 et
minime sur I ’etalonnage. Le meilleur resultat s ’obtient avec
tableau 1)
I ’utilisation d ’echantillons ayant un espacement de saillies mini-
mal, admissible par le palpeur comme c ’est la pratique gene-
rale, et comme il ressort de I ’annexe B.
4.4 Type D
Ces echantillons sont destines a la verification globale de I ’eta-
lonnage des instruments de mesure. Figure 1 - Rainure type Al
1) Ceci fera I ’objet d ’une future Norme internationale.
---------------------- Page: 4 ----------------------
IS0 54364985 (F)
Tableau 1 - Valeurs nominales de la profondeur
et de la largeur pour le type Al
Valeurs en micromktres
I Profondeur, Largeur, w d loo 0,3 loo l,o 200 3,0 200 10 500 30 500 100 I
Si I ’instrument a un patin, celui-ci ne doit pas traverser une rainure en meme temps que le palpew palpe Ia rainure 8 mesurer.
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 2.
Tableau 2 - Tol6rances pour les types Al et A2
Incertitude de
rolbrance hart-type
mesure admise
Valeur sur la par rapport 6
;ur la profondeur
nominale valeur la moyenne
nominale &alonnbe
% %
% (pm)
f 20 +3 ( h 0,011 3
1 * 15 f2 (AI 0,021
Ik 10 +2 2
3 (+ 0,w
IO Ik 10 +2 (AI 0,2) 2
30 z!I IO *2 (+ 0,6)
2k 10 +2 (f 2) 2
7.1.2 Type AZ: Rainures larges B fond arrondi (voir figure 2 et tableau 3)
Figure 2 - Rainure type A2
Tableau 3 - Valeurs nominales de la profondeur
et du rayon pour le type A2
Profondeur, d (pm) 1,0 3,0
10 30 100
Rayon, r (mm) I,5 1,5 I,5 0,75 0,75
Si I ’instrument a un patin, celui-ci ne doit pas traverser une rainure en m&e temps que le palpeur palpe Ia rainure 3 mesurer.
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 2.
7.1.3 La base d ’evaluation des types Al et A2 figure en 8.1; les exigences relatives % I ’indication des valeurs moyennes sont donnees
au chapitre 9; un guide pour I ’etalonnage est don& aux chapitres A.1 et A.2 et le guide d ’emploi figure aux chapitres B.l et B.2.
7.2 Rainures de type B pour la vkification des pointes de palpeur
7.2.1 Type Bl
La mise au point d ’echantillons a rainures etroites individualisees est en tours mais n ’est pas suffisamment avancee pour permettre
une normalisation.
7.2.2 Type B2
Ces echantillons possedent deux grilles de rainure etablies sur une base commune.
---------------------- Page: 5 ----------------------
1so5436-1985 IFI Grille sensible (voir figure 3)
Rainures formant un triangle isocele a saillies et creux pointus pour verification des rayons de pointe 10 pm.
Rainures type B2 (grille sensible)
Figure 3 -
Pour les pointes de rayon 10 pm:
a = 150”
= 0,5 pm + 5 %
- Rzl
S, doit etre determine par a et R, et a done la valeur-limite moyenne de 15 pm,
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 4. Grille non sensible (voir figure 4)
Rainures sinusoidales ou en arcs de cercle de dimensions choisies pour rendre R, pratiquement independant de la dimension de pointe
du palpeur.
\I\ ,A\- ,/
Figure 4 - Rainures type B2 (grille non sensible)
Pour les pointes de rayon 10 pm:
= 0,5 pm + 5 %
- Ra
- S, = 0,25 mm
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 4.
1 Des rainures spkiales pour pointes 3 rayon infhieur 3 10 pm (si cela est possible) restent encore 8 me&e au point.
2 Pour des raisons pratiques, on peut ajouter pour Mtalonnage de R, une ou plusieurs grilles de type C. Ces grilles doivent 6tre clairement diffhen-
ci6es des deux grilles de type 82.
7.2.3 La base d ’evaluation du type B2 figure en 8.2, les tolerances sont don&es en 7.2.2 et au tableau 4, et le guide d ’emploi figure
au chapitre B.4.
Tableau 4 - Tolkances pour les grilles sensibles
et non sensibles du type B2
Tohkance sur la valeur
Valeur nominale
pour grilles pour grilles
non sensibles %
a = 150°
R, = 0,5 pm
= 0,5 pm
S, = 15 pm s, = 0,25 mm
Rapport des valeurs moyennes de R,
---------------------- Page: 6 ----------------------
7.3 Type C
Les valeurs nominales donnbes en 7.3.1,7.3.2 et 7.3.4 sont des valeurs qui supposent une attenuation negligeable par le palpeur ou le
7.3.1 Type Cl: Rainures A profils sinuso ’idaux (voir figure 5 et tableau 5)
Figure 5 -
Rainures type Cl
Tableau 5 - Valeurs nominales de R, pour le type Cl
Pas moyen des irrbgularith du profil, S,, mm
0,08 0,25 W3 25
R,f IJm
OJ 0,3 1 3
0,3 1 3 IO
1 3 IO 30
3 IO 30 -
Pour les tokrances, voir tableau 6.
Tableau 6
- Toltjrances pour les types Cl 3 C4
Incertitude de mesure Eta rt-type
Tolbrance SW la
Valeur nominale de R,
admise sur la valeur par rapport A la
valeur nominale
I moyenne indiquee de R,
valeur moyenne
k- 25 +3
0,3 * 20
1 z!I 15
3 f 10 +2
10 z!I 10
30 I!I IO +2
NOTE - L ’onde sinusoidale constitue une reference ideale pour I ’etalonnage d ’un instrument sensible a la frequence car I ’onde sinusoidale parfaite,
exempte d ’harmonique, n ’est pas changee de forme par le filtre d ’ondes et corrrespond directement 51 la caracteristique de transmission definie dans
I ’ISO 3274.
7.3.2 Type C2: Rainures & profil de triangle isoc&le (voir figure 6 et tableau 7)
Figure 6 - Rainures type C2
---------------------- Page: 7 ----------------------
Tableau 7 - Valeurs nominales de I?, et a pour le type C2
Pas moyen des irr6gulariths du profil, S,, mm
0,08 0,25 W3 2,5 a0
&I lum
w Or3 LO 3 178,9
Of3 LO 3 10 176,4
J,O 3 IO 30 168,6
3 10 30 - l44,5
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 6.
7.3.3 Type C3: Rainures sinusoi ’dales sirnukes (voir figure 7)
Les ondes sont des simulations d ’ondes sinuso ’idales incluant des profils triangulaires a saillies et creux arrondis ou tronques dont la
teneur totale efficace en harmonique ne doit pas depasser 10 % de la valeur efficace de I ’onde fondamentale.
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 6.
Figure 7 -
Rainures type C4
NOTE - Des kchantillons de ce genre sont souvent fournis par les fabricants d ’instruments pour 6talonner leurs propres instruments, mais sans enga-
gement quant ZI une extension de leur utilisation.
7.3.4 Type C4: Rainures 3 profil en arcs de cercle (voir figure 8 et tableau 8)
~ J-17 IA ~- ,A\ ,/
Rainures type C4
Figure 8 -
Valeurs nominales non filtrhes de R,
Tableau 8 -
pour le type C4
Pas moyen des irr6gulariths du profil, S,, mm
02 32
12,5 25
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 6.
7.4 Type D: Profils unidirectionnels irreguliers (voir figure 9)
II s ’agit de profils de rectification irreguliers se rep&ant tous les 4 mm sur la longueur de I ’echantillon. Perpendiculairement a la direc-
tion de mesurage des echantillons, les rainures de production ont une forme de profil constant sur la surface qui sert a la mesure.
Les valeurs nominales filtrees, R,, des echantillons sont, en micrometres, de: 0,15; 1,5 (longueur d ’onde de coupure 0,8 mm).
Pour les tolerances, voir tableau 9.
---------------------- Page: 8 ----------------------
IS0 5436-1985 (El
Tableau 9 - Tolkances pour le type D
Incertitude de mesure
Tolbrance sur la
hart-type par rapport
Valeur nominale de R, admise sur la valeur
valeur nominale
8 la valeur moyenne
moyenne indiqube de R,
% % %
0,15 IL 30 +5 4
I!I 20 +3 3
* 15 +3 3
1) Sur 12 lectures r6guli&ement reparties.
4mm 4mm
Figure 9 - Rainures type D (repetition du profil tous les 4 mm)
7.5 La base d ’evaluation des types C et D figure en 8.3. Le La profondeur d de la rainure doit etre evaluee perpendiculaire-
ment entre la ligne moyenne superieure et le point-milieu de la
guide pour I ’etalonnage figure dans le chapitre A.3 alors que les
chapitres B.3 8 B.6 se rapportent a I ’emploi et autres questions ligne moyenne inferieure.
NOTE - La profondeur d dhfinie ici est 6gale 81 la profondeur moyenne
de la partie C en dessous de la ligne moyenne supbieure.
8 Base d ’baluation des valeurs 6talonnbes
Le nombre des releves effect&s doit etre significatif, au moins
egal a cinq et les releves doivent etre repartis de facon uniforme.
8.1 Type A
8.1.1 Type Al
8.1.2 Type A2
On trace par dessus la rainure une ligne moyenne rectiligne
On trace au-dessus de la rainure une ligne moyenne represen-
continue, egale en longueur a trois fois la largeur de celle-ci, qui
tant le niveau superieur, comme indique pour le type Al. La
represente le niveau superieur de la surface, et une autre qui
profondeur doit etre evaluee a partir de la ligne moyenne supe-
represente le niveau inferieur. Ces deux lignes s ’etendent de
rieure jusqu ’au point le plus bas de la rainure.
facon symetrique de part et d ’autre de la rainure (voir figure 10).
Pour eviter I ’influence d ’arrondis d ’angle eventuels, on ne tient
Un nombre significatif, au moins egal a cinq, de releves repartis
pas compte de la surface superieure de chaque c&e de la rai-
de facon uniforme doit etre fait.
nure sur une longueur egale au tiers de la largeur de celle-ci. La
surface au fond de la rainure n ’est &al&e que sur le tiers cen-
8.2 Type B2
tral de sa largeur. Les portions servant a I ’evaluation sont done
celles qui sont marquees A, B, et C sur la figure 10.
On etalonne, a I ’aide d ’une pointe relativement aigue (rayon
nominal 2 pm) et d ’un filtre etalon 2 R-Cl) ayant une longueur
d ’onde de coupure de 0,25 mm suivant IWO 3274 le rapport
entre la moyenne R, de la grille sensible et la moyenne R, de la
grille non sensible. (Voir chapitre 8.4.)
Au moins 18 releves egalement repartis doivent etre effectues
sur chaque grille, tous les reglages de I ’instrument &ant main-
tenus constants pendant I ’evaluation.
8.3 Types Cl iI C4 et D
Le profil doit etre palpe par un ou plusieurs palpeurs a pointe
Figure 10 - Evaluation des valeurs 6talonn6es pour le specifiee par rapport a une reference rectiligne. Une valeur R,
type Al
doit etre determinee par mesurage ou calcul apres modification
1) C indiquant la capacit6 et R la resistance.
---------------------- Page: 9 ----------------------
IS0 5436-1985 (F)
du profil trace par chacun des filtres etalons 2 R-C definis dans 3) pour les types C et D, la valeur moyenne etalonnee
I ’ISO 3274 pour lesquels la longueur d ’evaluation est inferieure de R, pour chaque pointe utilisee et pour chaque carac-
a la longueur de la grille, le filtre &ant design6 par sa longueur teristique de transmission du filtre 2 R-C (le filtre etant
d ’onde de coupure (longueur d ’onde a laquelle il donne une defini par sa longueur d ’onde de coupure a 75 % de
transmission de 75 %I. transmission), - I ’ecart-type par rapport a chaque
moyenne et le nombre d ’observations faites;
Le nombre de releves effect&s doit etre significatif, au moins
egal a 12 et les releves repartis de facon uniforme. e) I ’incertitude admise sur la valeur moyenne etalonnee
donnee aux tableaux 2, 4, 6 et 9;
Si le profil est palpe par une pointe de 2 vrn, les valeurs corres-
pondant a d ’autres pointes peuvent etre deduites par le calcul,
f) toute autre condition de reference de I ’etalonnage, par
mais le fait doit etre mentionne.
exemple la base de I ’evaluation digitale (discretisation des
ordonnees, quantification verticale) et si les valeurs decla-
Le nombre des releves effect&s doit etre significatif, au moins
rees se referent a un mesurage direct ou sont des valeurs
egal a 12 et les releves repartis de facon uniforme.
Si le profil est palpe par une pointe de 2 pm, les valeurs corres-
pondant a d ’autres pointes peuvent etre deduites par le calcul,
1 La valeur nominale ne set? que d ’aide 9 I ’identification. Elle est
mais le fait doit etre mentionne.
affectee d ’une tolerance large en raison de motifs d ’ordre economique
de fabrication. L ’ecart entre la valeur nominale et la valeur etalonnee ne
constitue pas une erreur.
9 Marquage
2 La valeur moyenne etalonnee est la valeur a utiliser pour etalonner
les instruments. C ’est la valeur moyenne mesuree d ’un nombre donne
Chaque echantillon ayant fait I ’objet d ’un etalonnage individuel
de palpages repartis sur la surface de mesure de I ’echantillon, corrigee
doit etre fourni accompagne des indications suivantes,
dans la mesure oti on les connait, des erreurs prealablement determi-
lorsqu ’elles s ’appliquent :
nees du materiel d ’etalonnage (voir annexe C). Un certain degre
d ’incertitude est admis sur la valeur moyenne etalonnee pour permettre
a) le ou les types de I ’echantillon;
des erreurs residuelles non connues et done non corrigeables, du mate-
riel d ’etalonnage.
b) la ou les valeurs nominales;
3 L ’ecart-type indique est I ’ecart-type des valeurs mesurees, corrige
si possible de I ’ecart-type estime du materiel d ’etalonnage.
c) le rayon effectif de la pointe (ou des pointes) de palpeur
auquel s ’applique chaque valeur d ’etalonnage;
En principe, on peut evaluer l ’erreur aleatoire de I ’instrument pour le
mode d ’utilisation choisi en palpant I ’echantillon un certain nombre de
d) details concernant I ’etalonnage :
fois sur une trajectoire chaque fois exactement identique. Pour empe-
cher I ’usure de la trajectoire et son influence progressive sur la valeur, il
1) pour les types Al et A2, la valeur moyenne etalon-
est en general acceptable de palper sur plusieurs trajectoires tres voisi-
nee de la profondeur de rainure, I ’ecart-type par rapport
nes et de supposer qu ’elles sont identiques. On peut par exemple pal-
a la moyenne, et le nombre de releves, uniformement
per cinq fois chacune, cinq trajectoires espacees de 0,l mm.
repartis, eff ectues;
2) pour le type 82, le rapport etalonne des valeurs Les indications mention&es ici doivent si possible toutes figu-
moyennes R, de la grille non sensible et de la grille sensi- rer sur chaque echantillon. Mais si I ’espace disponible est insuf-
ble donnees par une pointe de faible rayon (pas plus de fisant, on pourra indiquer les valeurs separement, en ne repe-
2 pm de rayon nominal); rant l’echantillon que par un numero de serie, par exemple.
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IS0 54364985 (F)
Annexe A
Etalonnage des Gchantillons d ’&alonnage des instruments
A.1 Mode opdratoire general pour les bchantillons de type A
On peut utiliser un instrument a palpeur avec capteur de deplacement, ou un interferometre optique.
Les resultats obtenus par interferometrie peuvent etre rapport& directement a la longueur d ’onde de la lumiere, mais ne portent gene-
ralement que sur des rainures peu profondes, a moins que I ’instrument ne soit concu pour permettre la desensibilisation optique. La
surface peut eventuellement etre metallisee pour donner une reflectivite suffisante et la qualite des franges peut limiter la precision
Les resultats obtenus avec un palpeur sont rapport& indirectement a la longueur d ’onde de la lumiere, mais ce procede couvre sans
difficult6 toute la gamme des echantillons.
II peut en theorie y avoir une tres petite divergence entre les deux methodes. Cela peut etre d2r au fait que les surfaces superieure et
inferieure peuvent presenter des differences de proprietes mecaniques et optiques ou que la methode utilisant le palpeur mesure des
sections transversales normales, et la methode optique mesure en general des sections transversales obliques, ce qui suppose une
uniformite sur la longueur de la rainure prise en compte par obliquite. En pratique toutefois, ces effets sont generalement negligea-
A.2 Mode opkatoire pour les khantillons de type A avec un instrument & palpeur
On etalonne d ’abord le grossissement vertical de I ’instrument. Dans ce but, on peut former un gradin, de taille aussi voisine que possi-
ble de celle de I ’etalon par accollage de deux tales-etalons sur une glace optique. L ’instrument est ensuite utilise comme comparateur
de facon a comparer le gradin de I ’echantillon a celui de la tale-etalon. Ce procede tend a annuler les erreurs residuelles dues a I ’instru-
ment. Pour obtenir la precision maximale, il convient de proceder a au moins cinq palpages repartis de facon uniforme le long de I ’axe
marque de la rainure et a un nombre de palpages correspondants sur le gradin de la tale-etalon.
Les tales-etalons doivent de preference etre concues de telle sorte que leurs cot& adjacents forment des angles suffisamment aigus
pour donner un gradin clairement defini sur le graphique du profil comme le montre la figure 11.
Figure 11 - Graphiques du profil
On peut egalement accoller plusieurs tales-etalons de facon a obtenir une serie de gradins comme le montre la figure 12, en veillant
tout particulierement 8 la planeite et au parallelisme des surfaces. Les gradins peuvent etre etalonnes directement par interferometrie.
Figure 12 - Cales-btalons dormant une sQrie de gradins
Au-dela de 2 pm, les gradins des tales-etalons peuvent etre utilises directement, mais dans le cas de deplacements plus faibles,
I ’erreur d ’etalonnage du gradin des tales peut rep&enter a elle seule une portion excessivement large de la hauteur du gradin. Les
petits deplacements, jusqu ’a 0,2 pm peuvent etre realises par reduction a I ’echelle de gradins plus grands, a I ’aide d ’un levier reduc-
teur p&is. On adopte des reductions de 10 ou 20 fois.
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IS0 5436-1985 (F)
A.3 Mode opbratoire pour les 6chantiIIons de type C (Cl & C4)
Determination de la valeur Ra du profil explore
Les echantillons de type C etant de nature periodique, et form& sur une base relativement rectiligne dans la direction du mesurage,
on peut determiner la valeur R, du profil explore par un palpeur donne par application des procedures graphiques d&rites dans I ’ISO
468, I ’ISO 1878 et I ’ISO 1880. En pratique, il n ’est besoin que d ’evaluer le profil palpe avec suffisamment de precision. La valeur de R,
correspondant au palpage se rapportera a I ’echantillon lui-meme sans tenir compte des caracteristiques de transmission d ’un instru-
A.3.2 Determination de la valeur Ra du profil modifie
Si l ’on fait passer le profil obtenu au travers d ’un filtre d ’ondes donne, il en sortira un profil modifie (ou transforme) ayant lui aussi une
valeur de R,. Cette valeur se rapportera a I ’ensemble profil + filtre et tiendra done compte des caracteristiques de transmission de
I ’instrument. Cependant, lorsque la longueur d ’onde de coupure du filtre est pres de 10 fois la longueur d ’onde de I ’echantillon (voir
annexe B et figure 16), la valeur de R, du profil modifie differ-era si peu de celle du profil non filtre qu ’on pourra en pratique negliger la
Quand la longueur d ’onde de I ’etalon se rapproche de la longueur d ’onde de coupure, la valeur filtree de R, diminue par rapport a la
valeur non filtree d ’une quantite indiquee sur les courbes de transmission de la figure 16.
A.3.3 Etalonnage d ’echantillons periodiques (de type C) par rapport a une ligne moyenne rectiligne tracee
sur chaque longueur de base
En principe, I ’echantillon est palpe par un palpeur defini (generalement du type aiguille) par rapport 5 une reference rectiligne, le gra-
phique du profil ou I ’enregistrement numerique etant effect& avec un grossissement vertical connu avec precision 5 I ’aide d ’un enre-
gistreur sensible au deplacement (systeme ayant une reponse uniforme a toutes les frequences depuis zero jusqu ’a la frequence maxi-
male significative). On trace done sur chaque longueur de base, parallelement aux saillies et aux creux du graphique, une ligne
moyenne rectiligne telle que les valeurs moyennes des &arts de part et d ’autre soient egales sur un nombre entier de periodes (voir
figure 13). La longueur totale des periodes considerees doit, dans toute la mesure du possible, etre egale a la longueur de base conse-
cutive et, selon I ’uniformite de la ligne definie, on prend plusieurs palpages repartis de facon uniforme et on en fait la moyenne. On
trouve ainsi, sans filtrage electrique la valeur moyenne de R, pour la longueur de base consideree.
Une simulation plus facile et plus precise de la methode graphique peut s ’obtenir generalement par des methodes digitales.
Longueur de base etaIon,
S& S, r6gl6 in t 0,s S,
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