Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI) - XAdES digital signatures - Part 1: Building blocks and XAdES baseline signatures

The present document specifies XAdES digital signatures. XAdES signatures build on XML digital signatures [1], by
incorporation of signed and unsigned qualifying properties, which fulfil certain common requirements (such as the long
term validity of digital signatures, for instance) in a number of use cases.
The present document specifies XML Schema definitions for the aforementioned qualifying properties as well as
mechanisms for incorporating them into XAdES signatures.
The present document specifies formats for XAdES baseline signatures, which provide the basic features necessary for
a wide range of business and governmental use cases for electronic procedures and communications to be applicable to
a wide range of communities when there is a clear need for interoperability of digital signatures used in electronic
The present document defines four levels of XAdES baseline signatures addressing incremental requirements to
maintain the validity of the signatures over the long term, in a way that a certain level always addresses all the
requirements addressed at levels that are below it. Each level requires the presence of certain XAdES qualifying
properties, suitably profiled for reducing the optionality as much as possible.
Procedures for creation, augmentation, and validation of XAdES digital signatures are out of scope and specified in
ETSI EN 319 102-1 [i.6]. Guidance on creation, augmentation and validation of XAdES digital signatures including the
usage of the different properties defined in the present document is provided in ETSI TR 119 100 [i.11].
The present document aims at supporting electronic signatures in different regulatory frameworks.
NOTE: Specifically but not exclusively, XAdES digital signatures specified in the present document aim at
supporting electronic signatures, advanced electronic signatures, qualified electronic signatures,
electronic seals, advanced electronic seals, and qualified electronic seals as per Regulation (EU)
No 910/2014 [i.1].

Elektronski podpisi in infrastrukture zaupanja (ESI) - Digitalni podpisi XAdES - 1. del: Gradniki in izhodiščni podpisi XAdES

Ta dokument določa digitalne podpise XAdES. Podpisi XAdES temeljijo na digitalnih podpisih XML [1] z vključitvijo podpisanih in nepodpisanih kvalificiranih lastnosti, ki izpolnjujejo določene splošne zahteve (kot je dolgoročna veljavnost digitalnih podpisov) v številnih primerih uporabe.
Ta dokument določa definicije sheme XML za zgoraj omenjene kvalificirane lastnosti in tudi mehanizme za njihovo vključevanje v podpise XAdES.
Ta dokument določa specifične formate za izhodiščne podpise XAdES, ki zagotavljajo osnovne funkcije, zaradi katerih se lahko različni poslovni in vladni primeri uporabe za elektronske postopke in komunikacijo uporabijo za širok nabor skupnosti, kadar obstaja jasna potreba po interoperabilnosti digitalnih podpisov, uporabljenih v elektronskih dokumentih.
V tem dokumentu so določene štiri ravni izhodiščnih podpisov XAdES, ki obravnavajo naraščajoče zahteve po dolgoročnem ohranjanju veljavnosti podpisov, pri čemer določena raven vedno obravnava vse zahteve, obravnavane na njenih podravneh. Vsaka raven zahteva prisotnost določenih kvalificiranih lastnosti XAdES,
ki ustrezno zmanjšujejo možnost izbire.
Postopki izdelave, razširitve in potrjevanja digitalnih podpisov XAdES v tem dokumentu niso zajeti, ampak so določeni v standardu ETSI EN 319 102-1 [i.6]. Smernice glede izdelave, razširitve in potrjevanja digitalnih podpisov XAdES, vključno z uporabo različnih lastnosti, določenih v tem dokumentu, so podane v standardu ETSI TR 119 100 [i.11].
Namen tega dokumenta je zagotavljanje podpore za elektronske podpise v različnih regulativnih okvirjih.
OPOMBA: Namen digitalnih podpisov XAdES, določenih v tem dokumentu, je zlasti (vendar ne izključno) zagotavljanje podpore za elektronske podpise, napredne elektronske podpise, kvalificirane elektronske podpise,
elektronske žige, napredne elektronske žige in kvalificirane elektronske žige skladno z Uredbo (EU)
št. 910/2014 [i.1].

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Draft ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.0 (2024-04)

Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI);
XAdES digital signatures;
Part 1: Building blocks and XAdES baseline signatures

2 Draft ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.0 (2024-04)

electronic signature, security, XAdES, XML
650 Route des Lucioles
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE

Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00  Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16

Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - APE 7112B
Association à but non lucratif enregistrée à la
Sous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° w061004871

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3 Draft ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.0 (2024-04)
Intellectual Property Rights . 6
Foreword . 6
Modal verbs terminology . 7
Introduction . 7
1 Scope . 8
2 References . 8
2.1 Normative references . 8
2.2 Informative references . 9
3 Definition of terms, symbols, abbreviations and terminology . 10
3.1 Terms . 10
3.2 Symbols . 11
3.3 Abbreviations . 11
3.4 Terminology . 12
4 General Syntax . 12
4.1 General requirements . 12
4.2 XML Namespaces . 13
4.3 The QualifyingProperties container . 14
4.3.1 Semantics and syntax . 14
4.3.2 The SignedProperties container . 14
4.3.3 The UnsignedProperties container . 15
4.3.4 The SignedSignatureProperties container . 15
4.3.5 The SignedDataObjectProperties container . 16
4.3.6 The UnsignedSignatureProperties container . 17
4.3.7 The UnsignedDataObjectProperties container. 18
4.4 Incorporating qualifying properties into XAdES signatures . 18
4.4.1 General requirements . 18
4.4.2 Signing properties . 19
4.4.3 The QualifyingPropertiesReference element . 19
4.5 Managing canonicalization of XML nodesets . 20
5 Qualifying properties semantics and syntax . 20
5.1 Auxiliary syntax . 20
5.1.1 The AnyType data type . 20
5.1.2 The ObjectIdentifierType data type . 21
5.1.3 The EncapsulatedPKIDataType data type . 22
5.1.4 Types for electronic time-stamps management. 23 Semantics . 23 Containers for electronic time-stamps . 23 The GenericTimeStampType data type . 23 The XAdESTimeStampType data type . 24 Semantics and syntax . 24 Include mechanism . 25 The OtherTimeStampType data type . 26
5.2 Basic qualifying properties for XAdES signatures . 27
5.2.1 The SigningTime qualifying property . 27
5.2.2 The SigningCertificateV2 qualifying property . 27
5.2.3 The CommitmentTypeIndication qualifying property . 28
5.2.4 The DataObjectFormat qualifying property . 30
5.2.5 The SignatureProductionPlaceV2 qualifying property . 31
5.2.6 The SignerRoleV2 qualifying property . 31
5.2.7 Countersignatures . 32 Countersignature identifier in Type attribute of ds:Reference . 32
4 Draft ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.0 (2024-04) Enveloped countersignatures: the CounterSignature qualifying property . 33
5.2.8 Time-stamps on signed data objects . 34 The AllDataObjectsTimeStamp qualifying property . 34 The IndividualDataObjectsTimeStamp qualifying property . 35
5.2.9 The SignaturePolicyIdentifier qualifying property . 36 Semantics and syntax . 36 Signature policy qualifiers . 38
5.2.10 The SignaturePolicyStore qualifying property . 39
5.3 The SignatureTimeStamp qualifying property . 40
5.4 Qualifying Properties for validation data values . 40
5.4.1 Introduction. 40
5.4.2 The CertificateValues qualifying property . 40
5.4.3 The RevocationValues qualifying property . 41
5.4.4 The AttrAuthoritiesCertValues qualifying property . 43
5.4.5 The AttributeRevocationValues qualifying property . 43
5.4.6 The AnyValidationData qualifying property . 44
5.5 Qualifying properties for long term availability and integrity of validation material . 45
5.5.1 The TimeStampValidationData qualifying property . 45 Semantics and syntax . 45 Use of URI attribute . 46
5.5.2 The ArchiveTimeStamp qualifying property defined in namespace with URI
"http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.4.1#" . 47 Semantics and syntax . 47 Generation and incorporation of ArchiveTimeStamp . 48 Computation of the message digest for not distributed case . 49 Computation of the message digest for distributed case . 50
5.5.3 The RenewedDigestsV2 qualifying property . 50
6 XAdES baseline signatures

Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI);
XAdES digital signatures;
Part 1: Building blocks and XAdES baseline signatures

2 ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.1 (2024-07)

electronic signature, security, XAdES, XML
650 Route des Lucioles
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE

Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00  Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16

Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - APE 7112B
Association à but non lucratif enregistrée à la
Sous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° w061004871

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© ETSI 2024.
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3 ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.1 (2024-07)
Intellectual Property Rights . 6
Foreword . 6
Modal verbs terminology . 7
Introduction . 7
1 Scope . 8
2 References . 8
2.1 Normative references . 8
2.2 Informative references . 9
3 Definition of terms, symbols, abbreviations and terminology . 10
3.1 Terms . 10
3.2 Symbols . 11
3.3 Abbreviations . 11
3.4 Terminology . 12
4 General Syntax . 12
4.1 General requirements . 12
4.2 XML Namespaces . 13
4.3 The QualifyingProperties container . 14
4.3.1 Semantics and syntax . 14
4.3.2 The SignedProperties container . 14
4.3.3 The UnsignedProperties container . 15
4.3.4 The SignedSignatureProperties container . 15
4.3.5 The SignedDataObjectProperties container . 16
4.3.6 The UnsignedSignatureProperties container . 17
4.3.7 The UnsignedDataObjectProperties container. 18
4.4 Incorporating qualifying properties into XAdES signatures . 18
4.4.1 General requirements . 18
4.4.2 Signing properties . 19
4.4.3 The QualifyingPropertiesReference element . 19
4.5 Managing canonicalization of XML nodesets . 20
5 Qualifying properties semantics and syntax . 20
5.1 Auxiliary syntax . 20
5.1.1 The AnyType data type . 20
5.1.2 The ObjectIdentifierType data type . 21
5.1.3 The EncapsulatedPKIDataType data type . 22
5.1.4 Types for electronic time-stamps management. 23 Semantics . 23 Containers for electronic time-stamps . 23 The GenericTimeStampType data type . 23 The XAdESTimeStampType data type . 24 Semantics and syntax . 24 Include mechanism . 25 The OtherTimeStampType data type . 26
5.2 Basic qualifying properties for XAdES signatures . 27
5.2.1 The SigningTime qualifying property . 27
5.2.2 The SigningCertificateV2 qualifying property . 27
5.2.3 The CommitmentTypeIndication qualifying property . 28
5.2.4 The DataObjectFormat qualifying property . 30
5.2.5 The SignatureProductionPlaceV2 qualifying property . 31
5.2.6 The SignerRoleV2 qualifying property . 31
5.2.7 Countersignatures . 32 Countersignature identifier in Type attribute of ds:Reference . 32
4 ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.1 (2024-07) Enveloped countersignatures: the CounterSignature qualifying property . 33
5.2.8 Time-stamps on signed data objects . 34 The AllDataObjectsTimeStamp qualifying property . 34 The IndividualDataObjectsTimeStamp qualifying property . 35
5.2.9 The SignaturePolicyIdentifier qualifying property . 36 Semantics and syntax . 36 Signature policy qualifiers . 38
5.2.10 The SignaturePolicyStore qualifying property . 39
5.3 The SignatureTimeStamp qualifying property . 40
5.4 Qualifying Properties for validation data values . 40
5.4.1 Introduction. 40
5.4.2 The CertificateValues qualifying property . 40
5.4.3 The RevocationValues qualifying property . 41
5.4.4 The AttrAuthoritiesCertValues qualifying property . 43
5.4.5 The AttributeRevocationValues qualifying property . 43
5.4.6 The AnyValidationData qualifying property . 44
5.5 Qualifying properties for long term availability and integrity of validation material . 45
5.5.1 The TimeStampValidationData qualifying property . 45 Semantics and syntax . 45 Use of URI attribute . 46
5.5.2 The ArchiveTimeStamp qualifying property defined in namespace with URI
"http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.4.1#" . 47 Semantics and syntax . 47 Generation and incorporation of ArchiveTimeStamp . 48 Computation of the message digest for not distributed case . 49 Computation of the message digest for distributed case . 50
5.5.3 The RenewedDigestsV2 qualifying property . 50
6 XAdES baseline signatures . 52
6.1 Signature levels .

Elektronski podpisi in infrastrukture zaupanja (ESI) - Digitalni podpisi XAdES - 1.
del: Gradniki in izhodiščni podpisi XAdES
Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI) - XAdES digital signatures - Part 1:
Building blocks and XAdES baseline signatures
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.1 (2024-07)
35.040.01 Kodiranje informacij na Information coding in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Electronic Signatures and Trust Infrastructures (ESI);
XAdES digital signatures;
Part 1: Building blocks and XAdES baseline signatures

2 ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.1 (2024-07)

electronic signature, security, XAdES, XML
650 Route des Lucioles
F-06921 Sophia Antipolis Cedex - FRANCE

Tel.: +33 4 92 94 42 00  Fax: +33 4 93 65 47 16

Siret N° 348 623 562 00017 - APE 7112B
Association à but non lucratif enregistrée à la
Sous-Préfecture de Grasse (06) N° w061004871

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ETSI Search & Browse Standards application.
The present document may be made available in electronic versions and/or in print. The content of any electronic and/or
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No recommendation as to products and services or vendors is made or should be implied.
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© ETSI 2024.
All rights reserved.
3 ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.1 (2024-07)
Intellectual Property Rights . 6
Foreword . 6
Modal verbs terminology . 7
Introduction . 7
1 Scope . 8
2 References . 8
2.1 Normative references . 8
2.2 Informative references . 9
3 Definition of terms, symbols, abbreviations and terminology . 10
3.1 Terms . 10
3.2 Symbols . 11
3.3 Abbreviations . 11
3.4 Terminology . 12
4 General Syntax . 12
4.1 General requirements . 12
4.2 XML Namespaces . 13
4.3 The QualifyingProperties container . 14
4.3.1 Semantics and syntax . 14
4.3.2 The SignedProperties container . 14
4.3.3 The UnsignedProperties container . 15
4.3.4 The SignedSignatureProperties container . 15
4.3.5 The SignedDataObjectProperties container . 16
4.3.6 The UnsignedSignatureProperties container . 17
4.3.7 The UnsignedDataObjectProperties container. 18
4.4 Incorporating qualifying properties into XAdES signatures . 18
4.4.1 General requirements . 18
4.4.2 Signing properties . 19
4.4.3 The QualifyingPropertiesReference element . 19
4.5 Managing canonicalization of XML nodesets . 20
5 Qualifying properties semantics and syntax . 20
5.1 Auxiliary syntax . 20
5.1.1 The AnyType data type . 20
5.1.2 The ObjectIdentifierType data type . 21
5.1.3 The EncapsulatedPKIDataType data type . 22
5.1.4 Types for electronic time-stamps management. 23 Semantics . 23 Containers for electronic time-stamps . 23 The GenericTimeStampType data type . 23 The XAdESTimeStampType data type . 24 Semantics and syntax . 24 Include mechanism . 25 The OtherTimeStampType data type . 26
5.2 Basic qualifying properties for XAdES signatures . 27
5.2.1 The SigningTime qualifying property . 27
5.2.2 The SigningCertificateV2 qualifying property . 27
5.2.3 The CommitmentTypeIndication qualifying property . 28
5.2.4 The DataObjectFormat qualifying property . 30
5.2.5 The SignatureProductionPlaceV2 qualifying property . 31
5.2.6 The SignerRoleV2 qualifying property . 31
5.2.7 Countersignatures . 32 Countersignature identifier in Type attribute of ds:Reference . 32
4 ETSI EN 319 132-1 V1.3.1 (2024-07) Enveloped countersignatures: the CounterSignature qualifying property . 33
5.2.8 Time-stamps on signed data objects . 34 The AllDataObjectsTimeStamp qualifying property . 34 The IndividualDataObjectsTimeStamp qualifying property . 35
5.2.9 The SignaturePolicyIdentifier qualifying property . 36 Semantics and syntax . 36 Signature policy qualifiers . 38
5.2.10 The SignaturePolicyStore qualifying property . 39
5.3 The SignatureTimeStamp qualifying property . 40
5.4 Qualifying Properties for validation data values . 40
5.4.1 Introduction. 40
5.4.2 The CertificateValues qualifying property . 40
5.4.3 The RevocationValues qualifying property . 41
5.4.4 The AttrAuthoritiesCertValues qualifying property . 43
5.4.5 The AttributeRevocationValues qualifying property . 43
5.4.6 The AnyValidationData qualifying property . 44
5.5 Qualifying properties for long term availability and integrity of validation material . 45
5.5.1 The TimeStampValidationData qualifying property . 45 Semantics and syntax . 45 Use of URI attribute . 46
5.5.2 The ArchiveTimeStamp qualifying property defined in namespace with URI
"http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.4.1#" . 47 Semantics and syntax .

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