SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
(Main)Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol; Part 6: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification for the network
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol; Part 6: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification for the network
Digitalno omrežje z integriranimi storitvami (ISDN) - Dopolnilna storitev: konferenca treh (3PTY) - Protokol digitalne naročniške signalizacije št. 1 (DSS1) - 6. del: Niz abstraktnih preskusov (ATS) in delna dodatna informacija za preskušanje izvedbe protokola (PIXIT) - Proformna specifikacija za omrežje
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.VWRULWHYIntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol; Part 6: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma specification for the network33.080Digitalno omrežje z integriranimi storitvami (ISDN)Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN)ICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:ETS 300 188-6 Edition 13SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997en01-RNWREHU-19973SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997SLOVENSKI
SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
EUROPEANETS 300 188-6TELECOMMUNICATIONSeptember 1996STANDARDSource: ETSI TC-SPSReference: DE/SPS-05061-J2-6ICS:33.080Key words:ISDN, DSS1, supplementary service, 3PTY, testing, ATS, PIXIT, networkIntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN);Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service;Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol;Part 6: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial ProtocolImplementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proformaspecification for the networkETSIEuropean Telecommunications Standards InstituteETSI SecretariatPostal address: F-06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCEOffice address: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCEX.400: c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat - Internet: secretariat@etsi.frTel.: +33 92 94 42 00 - Fax: +33 93 65 47 16Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and theforegoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1996. All rights reserved.SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 2ETS 300 188-6: September 1996Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content,typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to"ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 3ETS 300 188-6: September 1996ContentsForeword.71Scope.92Normative references.93Definitions and abbreviations.103.1Definitions.103.2Abbreviations.104Abstract Test Method (ATM).114.1Description of ATM used.114.1.1Conventions for test components and PCOs.114.1.2Conventions for variables and parameters.124.1.3Conventions for the remote user group.134.2Alternative ATM.145Untestable test purposes.156ATS conventions.156.1Declarations part.156.1.1Type definitions. type definitions. type definitions. structured type definitions. structured type definitions. type definitions. ASP type definitions. ASP type definitions. type definitions. PDU type definitions. PDU type definitions.176.1.2Test suite constants.186.1.3Test suite parameters.186.1.4Variables. suite variables. case variables.186.1.5Test suite operation definitions.186.2Constraints part.196.2.1Structured type constraint declaration.196.2.2ASN.1 type constraint declaration. of encoding rules.206.2.3ASP type constraint declaration. ASP type constraint declaration. ASP type constraint declaration.216.2.4PDU type constraint declaration. PDU type constraint declaration. PDU type constraint declaration.216.2.5Chaining of constraints. chaining. chaining.216.2.6Derived constraints.226.2.7Parameterized constraints.226.2.8Value assignment. values. values.22SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 4ETS 300 188-6: September 19966.3Dynamic part.226.3.1Test cases.226.3.2Test steps. to TP map.238PCTR conformance.239PIXIT conformance.2310ATS conformance.23Annex A (normative):Protocol Conformance Test Report (PCTR) proforma.24A.1Identification summary.24A.1.1Protocol conformance test report.24A.1.2IUT identification.24A.1.3Testing environment.24A.1.4Limits and reservations.25A.1.5Comments.25A.2IUT conformance status.25A.3Static conformance summary.25A.4Dynamic conformance summary.25A.5Static conformance review report.26A.6Test campaign report.26A.7Observations.27Annex B (normative):Partial PIXIT proforma.28B.1Identification summary.28B.2Abstract test suite summary.28B.3Test laboratory.28B.4Client (of the test laboratory).29B.5System Under Test (SUT).29B.6Protocol information.30B.6.1Protocol identification.30B.6.2Parameter values.30B.6.3Actions required to stimulate IUT.30B.6.4Configuration of IUT.30B.7Basic call PIXIT items.31B.7.1Parameter values - information element codings.31Annex C (normative):Abstract Test Suite (ATS).32C.1The TTCN Graphical form (TTCN.GR).32C.2The TTCN Machine Processable form (TTCN.MP).32SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 5ETS 300 188-6: September 1996Annex D (informative):General structure of ATS.33History.34SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
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Page 7ETS 300 188-6: September 1996ForewordThis European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the Signalling Protocols andSwitching (SPS) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).This ETS is part 6 of a multi-part standard covering the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one(DSS1) protocol specification for the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Three-Party (3PTY)supplementary service, as described below:Part 1:"Protocol specification";Part 2:"Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specification";Part 3:"Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) specification for the user";Part 4:"Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing(PIXIT) proforma specification for the user";Part 5:"TSS&TP specification for the network";Part 6:"ATS and partial PIXIT proforma specification for the network".Transposition datesDate of adoption of this ETS:30 August 1996Date of latest announcement of this ETS (doa):31 December 1996Date of latest publication of new National Standardor endorsement of this ETS (dop/e):30 June 1997Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow):30 June 1997SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
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Page 9ETS 300 188-6: September 19961ScopeThis sixth part of ETS 300 188 specifies the Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol ImplementationeXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma for the Network side of the T reference point or coincidentS and T reference point (as defined in ITU-T Recommendation I.411 [11]) of implementations conformingto the stage three standard for the Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service for the pan-EuropeanIntegrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) by means of the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one(DSS1) protocol, ETS 300 188-1 [2].ETS 300 188-5 [4] specifies the Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) related to this ATSand partial PIXIT proforma specification. Other parts specify the TSS&TP and the ATS and partial PIXITproforma for the User side of the T reference point or coincident S and T reference point ofimplementations conforming to ETS 300 188-1 [2].2Normative referencesThis ETS incorporates by dated and undated reference, provisions from other publications. Thesenormative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listedhereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publicationsapply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latestedition of the publication referred to applies.[1]ETS 300 102-1: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); User-networkinterface layer 3; Specifications for basic call control".[2]ETS 300 188-1 (1993): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party(3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one(DSS1) protocol; Part 1: Protocol specification".[3]ETS 300 188-2 (1995): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party(3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one(DSS1) protocol; Part 2: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement(PICS) proforma specification".[4]ETS 300 188-5: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party(3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one(DSS1) protocol; Part 5: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)specification for the network".[5]ETS 300 196-1 (1993): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Genericfunctional protocol for the support of supplementary services; Digital SubscriberSignalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol; Part 1: Protocol specification".[6]ISO/IEC 9646-1: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance TestingMethodology and Framework; Part 1: General Concepts".[7]ISO/IEC 9646-2: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance TestingMethodology and Framework; Part 2: Abstract Test Suite Specification".[8]ISO/IEC 9646-3: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance TestingMethodology and Framework; Part 3: The Tree and Tabular CombinedNotation".[9]ISO/IEC 9646-4: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance TestingMethodology and Framework; Part 4: Test realization".[10]ISO/IEC 9646-5: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance TestingMethodology and Framework; Part 5: Requirements on test laboratories andclients for the conformance assessment process".[11]ITU-T Recommendation I.411 (1993): "ISDN user-network interfaces -Reference configurations".SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 10ETS 300 188-6: September 1996[12]CCITT Recommendation X.209 (1988): "Specification of Basic Encoding Rulesfor Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)".3Definitions and abbreviations3.1DefinitionsFor the purposes of this ETS, the following definitions apply:Abstract Test Suite (ATS): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].Implementation Under Test (IUT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].Lower Tester (LT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].Point of Control and Observation (PCO): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].PICS proforma: See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].PIXIT proforma: See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].System Under Test (SUT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].Upper Tester (UT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].3.2AbbreviationsFor the purposes of this ETS, the following abbreviations apply:3PTYThree-PartyASPAbstract Service PrimitiveATMAbstract Test MethodATSAbstract Test SuiteBERBasic Encoding RulesCMCo-ordination MessageCPCo-ordination PointExTSExecutable Test SuiteIUTImplementation Under TestLTLower TesterMOTMeans Of TestingMTCMain Test ComponentPCOPoint of Control and ObservationPDUProtocol Data UnitPICSProtocol Implementation Conformance StatementPIXITProtocol Implementation eXtra Information for TestingPTCParallel Test ComponentSUTSystem Under TestTCPTest Co-ordination ProceduresTPTest PurposeTTCNTree and Tabular Combined NotationUTUpper TesterSIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 11ETS 300 188-6: September 19964Abstract Test Method (ATM)4.1Description of ATM usedThe requirement for testing the network IUT is to focus on the behaviour of the network IUT at the user-network interface where a T reference point or coincident S and T reference point applies. Thus the IUT isthe network DSS1 protocol entity at a particular user-network interface and is not the whole network.It is possible to specify an ATS based on a Single party (remote) test method for such an IUT. However, itis considered that an ATS based on such an approach is of limited use as the only way to specify IUTgenerated PDUs is to use the "implicit send" statement. Many users of such an ATS would replace the"implicit send" statements with descriptions of the behaviour at other interfaces.An ATS based on a multi-party test method is considered to be more useful in that it is closer to how areal test suite would be constructed. Such a test method specifies behaviour at multiple networkinterfaces. One very important limitation here is that tests are focused on one particular interface. Thusthe test system is made up one Main Test Component (MTC) and one or more Parallel Test Components(PTC), see figure for test components and PCOsMaster partSlave partMTCAPTC2CPA2PTC1CPA1L0 PCOL1 PCOL2 PCOIUTNETWORKFigure 1: Multi-party test methodIn a master/slave arrangement, the MTC is considered to be the master while the PTCs are the slaves.The "slave" testers are only an explicit description of how to deal with the "other" interfaces during thetesting process, i.e. "how to make the IUT send the required message".SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 12ETS 300 188-6: September 1996This means, in particular, that the verdict will only be assigned from the protocol aspects observed on theinterface under test (i.e. by the "master" tester), as it would be observed by a terminal connected to thisinterface. A failure in the correlation between the protocol at the different interfaces to which the differenttesters are connected, i.e. in the mechanism of the functional service itself, will not cause a FAIL verdict.For instance, if the IUT fails to send a message on the tested interface after another interface hasreceived the proper stimulus, the verdict will be INCONCLUSIVE.The MTC MTCA has two functions in this configuration. Firstly, it has the MTC function of controlling theone or more PTCs. Thus it is responsible for starting the PTCs and afterwards co-ordinates activities byexchanging Co-ordination Messages (CM) with the PTCs. Secondly it is responsible for the behaviour ofthe Lower Tester (LT) at PCO L0.A combination of the remote and multi-party test methods is applied. As can be seen from figure 1,several PCOs are used. All PCOs reside at the service access points between layers 2 and 3.MTCSUTPTC1,2Layer 3¾¾¾¾Layer 2¾¾¾¾Layer 1¾L0¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾IUT¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾
¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾L1,2¾¾¾¾¾Layer 3¾¾¾¾Layer 2¾¾¾¾Layer 1Service providerFigure 2: Combination of the remote and multi-party test methodsThe MTC PCO is named "L0" ("L" for Lower). The L0 PCO is used to control and observe the behaviour ofthe IUT and test case verdicts are assigned depending on the behaviour observed at this PCO. The PTCsPTC1, PTC2 etc. use PCOs L1, L2 etc. These PCOs are used to control and, in a limited way, observethe behaviour of the network equipment at interfaces other than the one under test. No verdicts areassigned at these PCOs.As stated in a previous paragraph, the non-receipt of network generated messages at L0, which arestimulated by events at the L1, L2 etc., will result in INCONCLUSIVE rather than FAIL verdicts beingassigned.4.1.2Conventions for variables and parametersMTCAcall referenceCREF1B channel (basic)bch_num1(to PTC1)channel nr (primary)CH_NUM1call referenceCREF2B channel (basic)bch_num2(to PTC2)channel nr (primary)CH_NUM2PCO L0IPN0, LIPN0PTC1call referenceP1CREFB channel (basic)P1_bch_numchannel nr (primary)P1_CH_NUMPCO L1IPN1, LIPN1SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 13ETS 300 188-6: September 1996PTC2call referenceP2CREFB channel (basic)P2_bch_numchannel nr (primary)P2_CH_NUMPCO L2IPN2, LIPN24.1.3Conventions for the remote user groupFor this group, the side of the network which is being tested is where the conference remote user isconnected. The most convenient approach here is to connect PTC1 to the IUT. The MTC is, as for theserved user group test cases, connected at the served user side of the network. This approach allows thereuse of test steps developed for the served user group tests. This approach, representing a slightmodification in the test method, is illustrated in figure 3. This shows that the part of the network consideredto be the IUT is connected to PTC1 rather than MTC1.Master partSlave partMTCAPTC2CPA2PTC1CPA1L0 PCOL1 PCOL2 PCOIUTNETWORKFigure 3: Multi-party test method - modified for remote user testsThe PTC1 is used to observe the notifications sent by the network. The test step PTC1_remoteUser_CR1is used to check the receipt of the notification and depending on the result sends a CM back to the MTC.The MTC then issues a verdict depending on the CM received from the PTC1. This is done in order tomaintain the convention that the MTC is only allowed to issue verdicts. However, one consequence of thisis that any behaviour at the served user side which is non-conforming will result in a Fail verdict beingissued even though the focus of the tests is at the remote user side. This constraint is viewed asacceptable given the fact that in any case the network shall provide a conforming served user interface aswell as one or more conforming remote user interfaces.SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 14ETS 300 188-6: September 19964.2Alternative ATMAs stated in subclause 4.1, an ATS based on a single-party (remote) ATM is possible. Such an ATS maybe generated from the one specified in this ETS. The following general steps should be taken:1)remove all PTC behaviour;2)remove all CREATE statements;3)replace CMs which are used to provoke PDUs at the MTC, with implicit send statements.An example, showing the difference between the multi-party ATM and single-party ATM for a single testcase, is given in tables 1 and 2.Table 1: Test case dynamic behaviour table using multi-party ATMTEST CASE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOURTest Case NameHOLD_N04_001GroupRemoteUser_ST_OR_T/Holding/PurposeEnsure that the IUT, while in the Active call state N10, to notifythe non-served user that the call is heldsends a NOTIFY message with a notification indicator coded as"remote hold" to user B and remains in the Active call state.DefaultDF69901(1)ConfigurationCONFIG1Comments9.2.1validoptional Nr| Label| BEHAVIOUR DESCRIPTION| CREF| V| COMMENTS1||CREATE ( PTC1: PTC1_IN_servedUser)|||2|| +PR31002|||preamble N103||
+CS59901(10,1)|||check N106||
+PO49901(1)|||postamble N0DETAILED COMMENTS:Table 2: Test case dynamic behaviour table using single-party ATMTEST CASE DYNAMIC BEHAVIOURTest Case NameHOLD_N04_001GroupRemoteUser_ST_OR_T/Holding/PurposeEnsure that the IUT, while in the Active call state N10, to notifythe non-served user that the call is heldsends a NOTIFY message with a notification indicator coded as"remote hold" to user B and remains in the Active call state.DefaultDF69901(1)ConfigurationComments9.2.1validoptional Nr| Label| BEHAVIOUR DESCRIPTION| CREF| V| COMMENTS1||+PR31002|||preamble N102|| |NO20(CREF1,hold_NID)||3||
+CS59901(10,1)|||check N105||
+PO49901(1)|||postamble N0DETAILED COMMENTS:SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 15ETS 300 188-6: September 19965Untestable test purposesThere are no untestable test cases associated with this ATS and ATM.6ATS conventionsThis clause is structured similarly to the structure of a TTCN ATS. However, the names of the subclausesare arranged in a way more suitable to this ETS.6.1Declarations part6.1.1Type definitions6.1.1.1Simple type definitionsWhere appropriate, simple types have a length, a value list or a range restriction attached.Simple types defined as being of some string type (e.g. BIT STRING, OCTET STRING), have a lengthrestriction or a value list attached.Simple types, defined as being of INTEGER type, have a value list or a range restriction attached. type definitions6. structured type definitionsAll structured type definitions are provided with a full name.All elements in every structured type definition, defined as being of some string type (e.g. BIT STRING,OCTET STRING), have a length restriction attached.If an element in a structured type definition is defined as being of a referenced type, the (possible)restriction is defined in that referenced type.For information elements the identifier, which is unique for each element, has its type defined as a simpletype where the value list is restricted to the single value which is the identifier itself. This has theadvantage that it allows a test system derived from this ATS to easily identify information elementsembedded in messages. An ATS where information element identifiers are represented as unrestrictedtypes can present difficulties for a derived test system in the case where it needs to find one informationelement embedded in a number of others and the constraints for the other elements have the any-or-omitvalue. In such a case the test system cannot easily find the beginning of each information element. structured type definitionsASN.1 has been used for three major reasons. First, types defined in ASN.1 can model problems that"pure" TTCN cannot. For instance, data structures modelling ordered or unordered sequences of data arepreferably defined in ASN.1. Second, ASN.1 provides a better restriction mechanism for type definitionsby using sub-type definitions. Third, it is necessary to use ASN.1 to reproduce the type definitions forremote operation components as specified in the base standards.The fact that ASN.1 provides a better restriction mechanism for type definitions is used for the purpose ofachieving type-compatibility.SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Page 16ETS 300 188-6: September 1996In table 3, the ASN.1 type BIT7OR15 is defined as being of type BIT STRING with a size constraintattached to it. The size is determined by the value of CR_LENGTH, a test suite parameter. It can have thevalue of either 7 or 15. The type BIT7OR15 is used in the structured type CR, field cr_r allowing this typeto represent a Basic Access or a Primary Rate Access call reference. By using this type definition the fieldcr_r is always type compatible with values of type BIT STRING (SIZE(7)) and BIT STRING (SIZE(15)).Another approach to solve this problem would be to define the type BIT7OR15 asBIT STRING (SIZE(7 | 15)). This t
SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service;
Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol; Part 6: Abstract Test
Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT)
proforma specification for the network
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ETS 300 188-6 Edition 1
33.080 Digitalno omrežje z Integrated Services Digital
integriranimi storitvami Network (ISDN)
SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
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SIST ETS 300 188-6:1997
EUROPEAN ETS 300 188-6
Source: ETSI TC-SPS Reference: DE/SPS-05061-J2-6
ICS: 33.080
Key words: ISDN, DSS1, supplementary service, 3PTY, testing, ATS, PIXIT, network
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN);
Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service;
Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol;
Part 6: Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol
Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma
specification for the network
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
ETSI Secretariat
Postal address: F-06921 Sophia Antipolis CEDEX - FRANCE
Office address: 650 Route des Lucioles - Sophia Antipolis - Valbonne - FRANCE
X.400: c=fr, a=atlas, p=etsi, s=secretariat - Internet:
Tel.: +33 92 94 42 00 - Fax: +33 93 65 47 16
Copyright Notification: No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the
foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
© European Telecommunications Standards Institute 1996. All rights reserved.
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Page 2
ETS 300 188-6: September 1996
Whilst every care has been taken in the preparation and publication of this document, errors in content,
typographical or otherwise, may occur. If you have comments concerning its accuracy, please write to
"ETSI Editing and Committee Support Dept." at the address shown on the title page.
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ETS 300 188-6: September 1996
Foreword .7
1 Scope .9
2 Normative references.9
3 Definitions and abbreviations .10
3.1 Definitions .10
3.2 Abbreviations .10
4 Abstract Test Method (ATM).11
4.1 Description of ATM used .11
4.1.1 Conventions for test components and PCOs.11
4.1.2 Conventions for variables and parameters .12
4.1.3 Conventions for the remote user group.13
4.2 Alternative ATM .14
5 Untestable test purposes.15
6 ATS conventions .15
6.1 Declarations part.15
6.1.1 Type definitions .15 Simple type definitions.15 Structured type definitions .15 TTCN structured type definitions .15 ASN.1 structured type definitions.15 ASP type definitions.17 TTCN ASP type definitions .17 ASN.1 ASP type definitions .17 PDU type definitions .17 TTCN PDU type definitions.17 ASN.1 PDU type definitions .17
6.1.2 Test suite constants .18
6.1.3 Test suite parameters .18
6.1.4 Variables .18 Test suite variables.18 Test case variables.18
6.1.5 Test suite operation definitions.18
6.2 Constraints part.19
6.2.1 Structured type constraint declaration.19
6.2.2 ASN.1 type constraint declaration .19 Specification of encoding rules.20
6.2.3 ASP type constraint declaration .21 ASN.1 ASP type constraint declaration .21 TTCN ASP type constraint declaration.21
6.2.4 PDU type constraint declaration.21 ASN.1 PDU type constraint declaration.21 TTCN PDU type constraint declaration .21
6.2.5 Chaining of constraints.21 Static chaining .21 Dynamic chaining .21
6.2.6 Derived constraints.22
6.2.7 Parameterized constraints.22
6.2.8 Value assignment.22 Specific values.22 Matching values.22
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6.3 Dynamic part . 22
6.3.1 Test cases . 22
6.3.2 Test steps . 22 PTC1_IN . 22 PTC1_OUT . 22
6.3.3 Defaults. 22
7 ATS to TP map . 23
8 PCTR conformance. 23
9 PIXIT conformance. 23
10 ATS conformance. 23
Annex A (normative): Protocol Conformance Test Report (PCTR) proforma . 24
A.1 Identification summary. 24
A.1.1 Protocol conformance test report. 24
A.1.2 IUT identification. 24
A.1.3 Testing environment. 24
A.1.4 Limits and reservations . 25
A.1.5 Comments. 25
A.2 IUT conformance status . 25
A.3 Static conformance summary. 25
A.4 Dynamic conformance summary. 25
A.5 Static conformance review report . 26
A.6 Test campaign report. 26
A.7 Observations. 27
Annex B (normative): Partial PIXIT proforma . 28
B.1 Identification summary. 28
B.2 Abstract test suite summary . 28
B.3 Test laboratory. 28
B.4 Client (of the test laboratory) . 29
B.5 System Under Test (SUT) . 29
B.6 Protocol information. 30
B.6.1 Protocol identification . 30
B.6.2 Parameter values . 30
B.6.3 Actions required to stimulate IUT. 30
B.6.4 Configuration of IUT . 30
B.7 Basic call PIXIT items. 31
B.7.1 Parameter values - information element codings. 31
Annex C (normative): Abstract Test Suite (ATS). 32
C.1 The TTCN Graphical form (TTCN.GR) . 32
C.2 The TTCN Machine Processable form (TTCN.MP) . 32
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Annex D (informative): General structure of ATS.33
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This European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) has been produced by the Signalling Protocols and
Switching (SPS) Technical Committee of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI).
This ETS is part 6 of a multi-part standard covering the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one
(DSS1) protocol specification for the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) Three-Party (3PTY)
supplementary service, as described below:
Part 1: "Protocol specification";
Part 2: "Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS) proforma specification";
Part 3: "Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) specification for the user";
Part 4: "Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing
(PIXIT) proforma specification for the user";
Part 5: "TSS&TP specification for the network";
Part 6: "ATS and partial PIXIT proforma specification for the network".
Transposition dates
Date of adoption of this ETS: 30 August 1996
Date of latest announcement of this ETS (doa): 31 December 1996
Date of latest publication of new National Standard
or endorsement of this ETS (dop/e): 30 June 1997
Date of withdrawal of any conflicting National Standard (dow): 30 June 1997
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1 Scope
This sixth part of ETS 300 188 specifies the Abstract Test Suite (ATS) and partial Protocol Implementation
eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT) proforma for the Network side of the T reference point or coincident
S and T reference point (as defined in ITU-T Recommendation I.411 [11]) of implementations conforming
to the stage three standard for the Three-Party (3PTY) supplementary service for the pan-European
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) by means of the Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one
(DSS1) protocol, ETS 300 188-1 [2].
ETS 300 188-5 [4] specifies the Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP) related to this ATS
and partial PIXIT proforma specification. Other parts specify the TSS&TP and the ATS and partial PIXIT
proforma for the User side of the T reference point or coincident S and T reference point of
implementations conforming to ETS 300 188-1 [2].
2 Normative references
This ETS incorporates by dated and undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed
hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications
apply to this ETS only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest
edition of the publication referred to applies.
[1] ETS 300 102-1: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); User-network
interface layer 3; Specifications for basic call control".
[2] ETS 300 188-1 (1993): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party
(3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one
(DSS1) protocol; Part 1: Protocol specification".
[3] ETS 300 188-2 (1995): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party
(3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one
(DSS1) protocol; Part 2: Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
(PICS) proforma specification".
[4] ETS 300 188-5: "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Three-Party
(3PTY) supplementary service; Digital Subscriber Signalling System No. one
(DSS1) protocol; Part 5: Test Suite Structure and Test Purposes (TSS&TP)
specification for the network".
[5] ETS 300 196-1 (1993): "Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN); Generic
functional protocol for the support of supplementary services; Digital Subscriber
Signalling System No. one (DSS1) protocol; Part 1: Protocol specification".
[6] ISO/IEC 9646-1: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance Testing
Methodology and Framework; Part 1: General Concepts".
[7] ISO/IEC 9646-2: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance Testing
Methodology and Framework; Part 2: Abstract Test Suite Specification".
[8] ISO/IEC 9646-3: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance Testing
Methodology and Framework; Part 3: The Tree and Tabular Combined
[9] ISO/IEC 9646-4: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance Testing
Methodology and Framework; Part 4: Test realization".
[10] ISO/IEC 9646-5: "Information Technology - OSI Conformance Testing
Methodology and Framework; Part 5: Requirements on test laboratories and
clients for the conformance assessment process".
[11] ITU-T Recommendation I.411 (1993): "ISDN user-network interfaces -
Reference configurations".
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[12] CCITT Recommendation X.209 (1988): "Specification of Basic Encoding Rules
for Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)".
3 Definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of this ETS, the following definitions apply:
Abstract Test Suite (ATS): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
Implementation Under Test (IUT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
Lower Tester (LT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
Point of Control and Observation (PCO): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement (PICS): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
PICS proforma: See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing (PIXIT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
PIXIT proforma: See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
System Under Test (SUT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
Upper Tester (UT): See ISO/IEC 9646-1 [6].
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this ETS, the following abbreviations apply:
3PTY Three-Party
ASP Abstract Service Primitive
ATM Abstract Test Method
ATS Abstract Test Suite
BER Basic Encoding Rules
CM Co-ordination Message
CP Co-ordination Point
ExTS Executable Test Suite
IUT Implementation Under Test
LT Lower Tester
MOT Means Of Testing
MTC Main Test Component
PCO Point of Control and Observation
PDU Protocol Data Unit
PICS Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement
PIXIT Protocol Implementation eXtra Information for Testing
PTC Parallel Test Component
SUT System Under Test
TCP Test Co-ordination Procedures
TP Test Purpose
TTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation
UT Upper Tester
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4 Abstract Test Method (ATM)
4.1 Description of ATM used
The requirement for testing the network IUT is to focus on the behaviour of the network IUT at the user-
network interface where a T reference point or coincident S and T reference point applies. Thus the IUT is
the network DSS1 protocol entity at a particular user-network interface and is not the whole network.
It is possible to specify an ATS based on a Single party (remote) test method for such an IUT. However, it
is considered that an ATS based on such an approach is of limited use as the only way to specify IUT
generated PDUs is to use the "implicit send" statement. Many users of such an ATS would replace the
"implicit send" statements with descriptions of the behaviour at other interfaces.
An ATS based on a multi-party test method is considered to be more useful in that it is closer to how a
real test suite would be constructed. Such a test method specifies behaviour at multiple network
interfaces. One very important limitation here is that tests are focused on one particular interface. Thus
the test system is made up one Main Test Component (MTC) and one or more Parallel Test Components
(PTC), see figure 1.
4.1.1 Conventions for test components and PCOs
Master part Slave part
Figure 1: Multi-party test method
In a master/slave arrangement, the MTC is considered to be the master while the PTCs are the slaves.
The "slave" testers are only an explicit description of how to deal with the "other" interfaces during the
testing process, i.e. "how to make the IUT send the required message".
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This means, in particular, that the verdict will only be assigned from the protocol aspects observed on the
interface under test (i.e. by the "master" tester), as it would be observed by a terminal connected to this
interface. A failure in the correlation between the protocol at the different interfaces to which the different
testers are connected, i.e. in the mechanism of the functional service itself, will not cause a FAIL verdict.
For instance, if the IUT fails to send a message on the tested interface after another interface has
received the proper stimulus, the verdict will be INCONCLUSIVE.
The MTC MTCA has two functions in this configuration. Firstly, it has the MTC function of controlling the
one or more PTCs. Thus it is responsible for starting the PTCs and afterwards co-ordinates activities by
exchanging Co-ordination Messages (CM) with the PTCs. Secondly it is responsible for the behaviour of
the Lower Tester (LT) at PCO L0.
A combination of the remote and multi-party test methods is applied. As can be seen from figure 1,
several PCOs are used. All PCOs reside at the service access points between layers 2 and 3.
Layer 3 IUT Layer 3
L0 L1,2
Layer 2 Layer 2
Layer 1 Layer 1
Service provider
Figure 2: Combination of the remote and multi-party test methods
The MTC PCO is named "L0" ("L" for Lower). The L0 PCO is used to control and observe the behaviour of
the IUT and test case verdicts are assigned depending on the behaviour observed at this PCO. The PTCs
PTC1, PTC2 etc. use PCOs L1, L2 etc. These PCOs are used to control and, in a limited way, observe
the behaviour of the network equipment at interfaces other than the one under test. No verdicts are
assigned at these PCOs.
As stated in a previous paragraph, the non-receipt of network generated messages at L0, which are
stimulated by events at the L1, L2 etc., will result in INCONCLUSIVE rather than FAIL verdicts being
4.1.2 Conventions for variables and parameters
call reference CREF1
B channel (basic) bch_num1 (to PTC1)
channel nr (primary) CH_NUM1
call reference CREF2
B channel (basic) bch_num2 (to PTC2)
channel nr (primary) CH_NUM2
call reference P1CREF
B channel (basic) P1_bch_num
channel nr (primary) P1_CH_NUM
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call reference P2CREF
B channel (basic) P2_bch_num
channel nr (primary) P2_CH_NUM
4.1.3 Conventions for the remote user group
For this group, the side of the network which is being tested is where the conference remote user is
connected. The most convenient approach here is to connect PTC1 to the IUT. The MTC is, as for the
served user group test cases, connected at the served user side of the network. This approach allows the
reuse of test steps developed for the served user group tests. This approach, representing a slight
modification in the test method, is illustrated in figure 3. This shows that the part of the network considered
to be the IUT is connected to PTC1 rather than MTC1.
Master part Slave part
Figure 3: Multi-party test method - modified for remote user tests
The PTC1 is used to observe the notifications sent by the network. The test step PTC1_remoteUser_CR1
is used to check the receipt of the notification and depending on the result sends a CM back to the MTC.
The MTC then issues a verdict depending on the CM received from the PTC1. This is done in order to
maintain the convention that the MTC is only allowed to issue verdicts. However, one consequence of this
is that any behaviour at the served user side which is non-conforming will result in a Fail verdict being
issued even though the focus of the tests is at the remote user side. This constraint is viewed as
acceptable given the fact that in any case the network shall provide a conforming served user interface as
well as one or more conforming remote user interfaces.
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4.2 Alternative ATM
As stated in subclause 4.1, an ATS based on a single-party (remote) ATM is possible. Such an ATS may
be generated from the one specified in this ETS. The following general steps should be taken:
1) remove all PTC behaviour;
2) remove all CREATE statements;
3) replace CMs which are used to provoke PDUs at the MTC, with implicit send statements.
An example, showing the difference between the multi-party ATM and single-party ATM for a single test
case, is given in tables 1 and 2.
Table 1: Test case dynamic behaviour table using multi-party ATM
Test Case Name HOLD_N04_001
Group RemoteUser_ST_OR_T/Holding/
Purpose Ensure that the IUT, while in the Active call state N10, to notify
the non-served user that the call is held
sends a NOTIFY message with a notification indicator coded as
"remote hold" to user B and remains in the Active call state.
Default DF69901(1)
Configuration CONFIG1
Comments 9.2.1 valid optional
1 | |CREATE ( PTC1: PTC1_IN_servedUser) | | |
2 | | +PR31002 | | |preamble N10
4 | | L0?NOTIFYr |A_NO20(CREF1,hold_NID) |(P)|
5 | | +CS59901(10,1) | | |check N10
6 | | ?TIMEOUT TWAIT | |(I)|
7 | | +PO49901(1) | | |postamble N0
Table 2: Test case dynamic behaviour table using single-party ATM
Test Case Name HOLD_N04_001
Group RemoteUser_ST_OR_T/Holding/
Purpose Ensure that the IUT, while in the Active call state N10, to notify
the non-served user that the call is held
sends a NOTIFY message with a notification indicator coded as
"remote hold" to user B and remains in the Active call state.
Default DF69901(1)
Comments 9.2.1 valid optional
1 | |+PR31002 | | |preamble N10
2 | | |NO20(CREF1,hold_NID) | |
3 | | L0?NOTIFYr |A_NO20(CREF1,hold_NID) |(P)|
4 | | +CS59901(10,1) | | |check N10
5 | | ?TIMEOUT TWAIT | |(I)|
6 | | +PO49901(1) | | |postamble N0
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5 Untestable test purposes
There are no untestable test cases associated with this ATS and ATM.
6 ATS conventions
This clause is structured similarly to the structure of a TTCN ATS. However, the names of the subclauses
are arranged in a way more suitable to this ETS.
6.1 Declarations part
6.1.1 Type definitions Simple type definitions
Where appropriate, simple types have a length, a value list or a range restriction attached.
Simple types defined as being of some string type (e.g. BIT STRING, OCTET STRING), have a length
restriction or a value list attached.
Simple types, defined as being of INTEGER type, have a value list or a range restriction attached. Structured type definitions TTCN structured type definitions
All structured type definitions are provided with a full name.
All elements in every structured type definition, defined as being of some string type (e.g. BIT STRING,
OCTET STRING), have a length restriction attached.
If an element in a structured type definition is defined as being of a referenced type, the (possible)
restriction is defined in that refe
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