SIST HD 60364-7-701:2007
(Main)Low-voltage electrical installations -- Part 7-701: Requirements for special installations or locations - Locations containing a bath or shower
Low-voltage electrical installations -- Part 7-701: Requirements for special installations or locations - Locations containing a bath or shower
The particular requirements of this part of HD 60364 apply to the electrical installations in locations containing a fixed bath (bath tub) or shower and to the surrounding zones as described in this standard. This standard does not apply to emergency facilities, e.g. emergency showers used in industrial areas or laboratories.
Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen -- Teil 7-701: Anforderungen für Betriebsstätten, Räume und Anlagen besonderer Art - Räume mit Badewanne oder Dusche
Installations électriques à basse tension -- Partie 7-701: Règles pour les installations et emplacements spéciaux - Emplacements contenant une baignoire ou une douche
Les exigences particulières de la présente partie de la CEI 60364 sont applicables à des installations électriques dans des emplacements contenant une baignoire ou une douche à poste fixe et aux volumes les entourant.
Cette norme ne s'applique pas aux douches en cas d'urgence, par exemple dans des installations industrielles ou dans des laboratoires.
Nizkonapetostne električne inštalacije - 7-701. del: Zahteve za posebne inštalacije ali lokacije - Prostori s kopalno kadjo ali tušem (IEC 60364-7-701:2006, spremenjen)
Nekatere zahteve tega dela HD 60364 veljajo za električne inštalacije na lokacijah, ki vsebujejo fiksno kad (kopalno kad) ali tuš, in na okoliških območjih, kot je določeno v tem standardu. Ta standard ne velja za intervencijska sredstva, npr. intervencijske tuše, ki se uporabljajo v industrijskih območjih ali laboratorijih.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Low-voltage electrical installations -- Part 7-701: Requirements for special installations or
locations - Locations containing a bath or shower
Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen -- Teil 7-701: Anforderungen für Betriebsstätten,
Räume und Anlagen besonderer Art - Räume mit Badewanne oder Dusche
Installations électriques a basse tension -- Partie 7-701: Regles pour les installations et
emplacements spéciaux - Emplacements contenant une baignoire ou une douche
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: HD 60364-7-701:2007
91.140.50 Sistemi za oskrbo z elektriko Electricity supply systems
91.140.70 Sanitarne naprave Sanitary installations
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
HD 60364-7-701
February 2007
ICS 91.140.50; 29.020
English version
Low-voltage electrical installations –
Part 7-701: Requirements for special installations or locations -
Locations containing a bath or shower
(IEC 60364-7-701:2006, modified)
Installations électriques à basse tension – Errichten von Niederspannungsanlagen –
Partie 7-701: Règles pour les installations Teil 7-701: Anforderungen
et emplacements spéciaux - für Betriebsstätten, Räume
Emplacements contenant une baignoire und Anlagen besonderer Art -
ou une douche Räume mit Badewanne oder Dusche
(CEI 60364-7-701:2006, modifiée) (IEC 60364-7-701:2006, modifiziert)
This Harmonization Document was approved by CENELEC on 2006-09-01. CENELEC members are bound to
comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for implementation of this
Harmonization Document at national level.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national implementations may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.
This Harmonization Document exists in three official versions (English, French, German).
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the
Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels
© 2007 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. HD 60364-7-701:2007 E
The text of document 64/1494/FDIS, future edition 2 of IEC 60364-7-701, prepared by IEC TC 64,
Electrical installations and protection against electric shock, was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC
parallel vote.
A draft amendment, prepared by SC 64A, Protection against electric shock, of Technical Committee
CENELEC TC 64, Electrical installations and protection against electric shock, was submitted to the
formal vote.
The combined texts were approved by CENELEC as HD 60364-7-701 on 2006-09-01.
The following dates were fixed:
- latest date by which the existence of the HD (doa) 2007-03-01
has to be announced at national level
- latest date by which the HD has to be implemented (dop) 2007-09-01
at national level by publication of a harmonized
national standard or by endorsement
- latest date by which the national standards conflicting (dow) 2009-09-01
with the HD have to be withdrawn
Annexes ZA and ZB have been added by CENELEC.
In this standard, the common modifications to the International Standard are indicated by a
vertical line in the left margin of the text.
– 3 – HD 60364-7-701:2007
700.1 Introduction
The requirements of this part of HD 60364 supplement, modify or replace certain of the general
requirements of the other parts of HD 60364.
The clause numbering of Part 7-701 follows the pattern and corresponding references of
HD 60364. The numbers following the particular number of Part 7-701 are those of the
corresponding parts, or clauses of HD 60364.
The absence of reference to a part, a clause or a subclause means that the corresponding
general requirements are applicable.
701 Locations containing a bath or shower
701.1 Scope
The particular requirements of this part of HD 60364 apply to the electrical installations in
locations containing a fixed bath (bath tub) or shower and to the surrounding zones as
described in this standard.
This standard does not apply to emergency facilities, e.g. emergency showers used in
industrial areas or laboratories.
NOTE 1 For locations containing a bath or shower for medical treatment, special requirements may be necessary.
NOTE 2 For prefabricated bath and/or shower units, see also EN 60335-2-105.
701.2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For
dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of
the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
HD 60364-4-41:2007, Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 4-41: Protection for safety –
Protection against electric shock (IEC 60364-4-41:2005, modified)
HD 60364-5-54, Low-voltage electrical installations – Part 5-54: Selection and erection of
electrical equipment – Earthing arrangements, protective conductors and protective bonding
conductors (IEC 60364-5-54, modified)
EN 61558-2-5, Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar – Part 2-5:
Particular requirements for shaver transformers and shaver supply units (IEC 61558-2-5)
701.30 Assessment of general characteristics
701.30.1 General
When applying this standard, the zones specified in 701.30.2 to 701.30.4 shall be taken into
account. For fixed prefabricated bath or shower units, the zones are applied to the situation
when the bath or shower basin is in its usable configuration(s).
Horizontal or inclined ceilings, walls with or without windows, doors, floors and fixed partitions
may limit the extent of locations containing a bath or shower as well as their zones. Where the
dimensions of fixed partitions are smaller than the dimensions of the relevant zones, e.g.
partitions having a height lower than 225 cm, the minimum distance in horizontal and vertical
direction shall be taken into account ( see Figures 701.1 and 701.2 ).
For electrical equipment in parts of walls or ceilings limiting the zones specified in 701.30.2 to
701.30.4, but being part of the surface of that wall or ceiling, the requirements for the
respective zone apply.
701.30.2 Description of zone 0
Zone 0 is the interior of the bath tub or shower basin, see Figure 701.1.
For showers without basin, the height of zone 0 is 10 cm and its surface extent has the same
horizontal extent as zone 1, see Figure 701.2.
– 5 – HD 60364-7-701:2007
701.30.3 Description of zone 1
Zone 1 is limited
a) by the finished floor level and the horizontal plane corresponding to the highest fixed
shower head or water outlet or the horizontal plane lying 225 cm above the finished floor
level, whichever is higher,
b) by the vertical surface:
– circumscribing the bath tub or shower basin (see Figure 701.1),
– at a distance of 120 cm from the centre point of the fixed water outlet on the wall or
ceiling for showers without basin (see Figure 701.2 ).
Zone 1 does not include zone 0.
The space under the bath tub or shower is considered to be zone 1.
701.30.4 Description of zone 2
Zone 2 is limited
a) by the finished floor level and the horizontal plane corresponding to the highest fixed
shower head or water outlet or the horizontal plane lying 225 cm above the finished floor
level, whichever is higher,
b) by the vertical surface at the boundary of zone 1 and the parallel vertical surface at a
distance of 60 cm from the zone 1 border ( see Figure 701.1).
For showers without basin, there is no zone 2 but an increased zone 1 is provided by the
horizontal dimension of 120 cm mentioned in the second dash of 701.30.3 b) (see
Figure 701.2).
701.41 Protection against electric shock
701.410.3 General requirements
To add:
The following protective measures providing basic protection (protection against direct contact)
according to Annex B of HD 60364-4-41:2007 are not permitted: "B.2 Obstacles" and "B.3
Placing out of reach".
The following protective measures according to Annex C of HD 60364-4-41:2007 are not
permitted: "C.1 Non-conducting location" and "C.2 Protection by earth-free local equipotential
701.413 Protective measure: electrical separation
701.413.1 General
To add:
Protection by electrical separation shall only be used for
– circuits supplying one item of current-using equipment; or
– one single socket-outlet.
For electric floor heating systems, see 701.753.
701.414 Protective measure: extra-low-voltage provided by SELV and PELV
701.414.1 General
To add:
Protection against direct contact in zones 0, 1 and 2 shall be provided for all electrical
equipment by:
– barriers or enclosures affording a degree of protection of at least IPXXB or IP2X, or
– insulation capable of withstanding a test voltage of 500 V a.c. r.m.s for 1 min.
701.415 Additional protection
701.415.1 Additional protection: residual current protective devices (RCDs)
To add:
In rooms containing a bath or shower, one or more residual current protective devices (RCDs)
with a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 mA shall provide protection of all
circuits. The use of such RCDs is not required for circuits:
– with the protective measure “electrical separation” if any circuit supplies one single current
using equipment;
– with the protective measure “extra-low-voltage provided by SELV and PELV”.
701.415.2 Additional protection: supplementary protective equipotential bonding
Local supplementary equipotential bonding according to 415.2 shall be established, connecting
the protective conductor to the exposed-conductive-parts and accessible extraneous-
conductive-parts within a room containing a bath tub and/or a shower.
Supplementary equipotential bonding may be erected outside or inside rooms containing a bath
or shower, preferably close to the point of entry of extraneous-conductive-parts into such
The cross-sectional area of these local protective equipotential bonding conductors shall be in
accordance with 543.1.3 of HD 60364-5-54.
The following are examples of possible extraneous-conductive-parts:
– metallic parts of water supply systems and metallic parts of waste water systems;
– metallic parts of heating systems and metallic parts of air conditioning systems;
– metallic parts of gas supply systems;
– accessible structural metallic parts.
Plastic sheathed metal pipes are not required to be connected to the local supplementary
equipotential bonding provided they are not accessible in the location and unless they are
connected to accessible conductive parts which are not themselves bonded.
In cases where in a building is no main equipotential bonding, the following extraneous-
conductive-parts which enter into rooms containing a bath or shower shall be part of the
supplementary equipotential bonding:
– parts of fresh water supply systems and waste water systems;
– parts of heating systems and air conditioning systems;
– parts of gas supply systems.
– 7 – HD 60364-7-701:2007
701.5 Selection and erection of electrical equipment
701.512.2 External influences
To add:
Erected electrical equipment (see 701.512.4 and 701.55) shall have at least the following
degrees of protection:
– in zone 0: IPX7;
– in zone 1: IPX4;
– in zone 2: IPX4.
This requirement does not apply to shaver supply units complying with EN 61558-2-5
installed in zone 2 and where direct spray from showers is unlikely.
Electrical equipment exposed to water jets e.g. for cleaning purposes in a public bath shall
have a degree of protection at least IPX5.
701.512.3 Protection of wiring systems according to external influences
To add:
The following requirements apply:
a) Wiring systems supplying electrical equipment in zones 0, 1 or 2 and erected on parts of
walls which are limiting these zones shall be mounted either on the surface or embedded
within a wall at a minimum depth of 5 cm.
Wiring systems supplying current-using equipment in zone 1 shall be erected:
– either vertically from above or horizontally through the wall on the rear of the appliance
when the fixed equipment is mounted above the bath tub (e.g. water heating
– either vertically rising from below or horizontally through the adjacent wall when the
equipment is placed in the space below the bath tub.
b) All other embedded wiring systems including their accessories in parts of walls or partitions
which limit a zone 0, 1 or 2 shall be at least 5 cm deep from the zone limiting wall surface.
c) Where a) or b) are not fulfilled, wiring systems may be erected either if:
– the circuits are protected either by one of the protective measures SELV or PELV or
electrical separation; or
– the circuits are protected by additional protection according to Subclause 415.1 of
HD 60364-4-41 provided by RCDs with a rated residual operating current not exceeding
30 mA. Such circuits shall contain a protective conductor; or
– embedded cable or conductors incorporating an earthed metallic covering which
complies with the requirements for a protective conductor of the circuit concerned, or
the cables or conductors are enclosed in earthed conduit, trunking or ducting satisfying
the requirements of this standard for a protective conductor, or of insulated concentric
construction is used; or
– embedded cable or conductors provided with mechanical protection, e.g. metallic
conduit that is likely to prevent penetration of the cable by nails, screws, drills and the
like is used.
Questions, Comments and Discussion
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