Green coffee -- Defect reference chart

This International Standard provides a chart which lists the main five different categories of defects which are considered to be potentially present in green coffee as marketed throughout the world, whatever its species, variety, and after-harvest processing (wet or dry).
This chart shows the influence of such defects on the loss of mass and on the sensorial concern by using the coefficients (0), (0,5) and (1). Each defect is given one of these values depending on how seriously it affects the above-mentioned characteristics. Thus, the final assessment can become a useful tool for the trading parties involved, and also gives a good indication to the purchaser of the quality of the green coffee concerned.
The definitions can be used to specify terms of bilateral purchasing contracts or to classify coffee lots for their presentation to green coffee buyers or at a stock exchange.

Café vert -- Table de référence des défauts

L'ISO 10470:2004 spécifie une table dans laquelle sont classées les cinq principales catégories de défauts qui sont considérées comme pouvant être présentes dans le café vert tel que proposé sur le marché mondial, quelle que soit l'espèce, la variété ou la préparation d'après récolte (méthode sèche ou humide).
Cette table montre l'influence des défauts considérés sur la perte de masse et sur l'aspect sensoriel en utilisant des coefficients de pondération. Chaque défaut est affecté d'une de ces valeurs en tenant compte du degré d'influence sur les caractéristiques mentionnées ci-dessus. Ainsi, l'appréciation finale peut devenir un outil utile pour les parties impliquées dans le commerce, donnant aussi à l'acheteur final une bonne indication de la qualité du café vert concerné.
Les définitions peuvent être utilisées pour spécifier les conditions des contrats d'achat bilatéraux ou pour classer les lots de café aux fins de présentation aux acheteurs de café vert ou à la Bourse.

Surova kava - Prikaz primesi in zrn z napako

Ta mednarodni standard zagotavlja prikaz, kjer je naštetih glavnih pet različnih kategorij primesi in zrn z napako, ki so lahko prisotni v surovi kavi, ki se trži po svetu, ne glede na vrsto, različico in obdelavo po spravilu pridelka (mokra ali suha).
Ta prikaz prikazuje vpliv takih primesi in zrn z napako na izgubo mase in na čutne zaznave z uporabo koeficientov (0), (0,5) and (1). Vsaka napaka je podana z eno od teh vrednosti glede na to, kako resno vpliva na zgoraj navedene značilnosti. Tako lahko končna ocena postane uporabno orodje za vpletene trgovinske partnerje in tudi daje dober znak kupcu glede kakovosti zadevne surove kave.
Definicije se lahko uporabljajo za določanje pogojev bilateralnih kupoprodajnih pogodb ali za klasifikacijo pošiljk kave za njihovo predstavitev kupcem surove kave ali na borzi.

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ISO 10470:2004 - Green coffee -- Defect reference chart
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Standards Content (Sample)

SIST ISO 10470:2011
SIST ISO 10470:1995
Surova kava - Prikaz primesi in zrn z napako
Green coffee -- Defect reference chart
Café vert -- Table de référence des défauts
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 10470:2004
67.140.20 Kava in kavni nadomestki Coffee and coffee substitutes
SIST ISO 10470:2011 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 10470:2011

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SIST ISO 10470:2011

Second edition
Corrected version

Green coffee — Defect reference chart
Café vert — Table de référence des défauts

Reference number
ISO 10470:2004(E)
ISO 2004

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SIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
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SIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Defect reference chart. 2
Annex A (informative) Main causes of defects, their effect on roasting/brew flavour, and
possibilities of removal. 5
Annex B (informative) Application example . 9
Annex C (informative) Defects found in green coffee . 10
Bibliography . 15
© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved iii

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SIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 10470 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee SC 15, Coffee.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10470:1993), which has been technically
revised. Compared to the previous edition, the presentation has been simplified.
The photographs in Annex C are reproduced by kind permission of Nestec Ltd. and Illycaffè s.p.a.
This corrected version of ISO 10470:2004 incorporates the following corrections:
⎯ in 4.9, the value for the loss of mass for spongy beans has been changed to 0,5;
⎯ in Annex B, the values for loss of mass for spongy beans have been corrected to 0,5 and 1,5.

iv © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 10470:2011

Green coffee — Defect reference chart
1 Scope
This International Standard provides a chart which lists the main five different categories of defects which are
considered to be potentially present in green coffee as marketed throughout the world, whatever its species,
variety, and after-harvest processing (wet or dry).
This chart shows the influence of such defects on the loss of mass and on the sensorial concern by using the
coefficients (0), (0,5) and (1). Each defect is given one of these values depending on how seriously it affects
the above-mentioned characteristics. Thus, the final assessment can become a useful tool for the trading
parties involved, and also gives a good indication to the purchaser of the quality of the green coffee
The definitions can be used to specify terms of bilateral purchasing contracts or to classify coffee lots for their
presentation to green coffee buyers or at a stock exchange.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3509, Coffee and its products — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3509 and the following apply.
loss of mass
any loss that can occur in the raw material during the coffee processing, bringing at the end an output loss of
a coffee lot
NOTE This International Standard assesses the influence of the defects on the loss of mass, taking into account that
possibilities to sort out defects exist and are used everywhere. Later revisions will introduce new elements if appropriate
techniques are developed to also remove other defects and if special techniques are made available on a broader basis.
sensorial concern
influence of a defect on the organoleptic properties of the product cup as well as the visual properties of the
coffee presented to the final consumer
normal coffee
beverage that meets consumers' expectations
NOTE Good trade practice agrees that a sound coffee lot is good commercial quality coffee as generally agreed
upon, with the ultimate goal of producing a coffee homogeneously constituted by coffee seeds, excluding the categories of
defects defined in 3.5.
© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 1

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SIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
anything diverging from the regular, naked sound green coffee beans expected in a coffee lot
NOTE They may be measured as a mass fraction in percent of defective items in the lot.
3.5 Categories of green coffee defects
non-coffee defect
foreign matter not originating from the coffee fruit
NOTE It should be removed at an appropriate stage (e.g. during green coffee cleaning) by sieving, classifying or by
metal removal. The correct removal of these defects leads to a physical loss. Their accidental or fraudulent (presence)
remaining up to the final production of roast and ground or soluble coffee may result in damage to the grinder or even
fraud against the consumer.
defect of non-bean origin
coffee matter not originating from the bean
NOTE Defects of this type (e.g. skins/husks/hulls or dried unpulped cherries) are in general removed by air
classifying, leading to a physical loss. Their accidental or fraudulent remaining presence may result in product
contamination, consumer deception, and trade distortion.
irregularly formed bean
bean divergent in form, shape and integrity
NOTE This may become a defect for those who sell roast coffee as whole beans. Although there might be a loss
when removed and sensorial concern after inappropriate roasting, the overall relevance is small.
bean of irregular visual appearance
bean divergent in colour and surface appearance, and which risks influencing the cup taste
NOTE Whereas the application of general manufacturing practices can often eliminate non-coffee and non-bean
defects, the visually identifiable defects of class 3.5.4 should be removed from the lot by special manufacturing practices,
such as optical sorting techniques. Depending on the defects, sorting techniques can be sophisticated and expensive, or
do not exist.
off-taste coffee
defect of sensory concern, identified after sample roasting and cup testing, with a possible further risk of other
NOTE Purely organoleptic off-tastes are easily sorted out. They can be identified after cupping a roast and ground
coffee sample, following proper roasting and brewing.
4 Defect reference chart
The following coefficients for sensorial concern are used in the chart:
⎯ 0 = no influence
⎯ 0,5 = medium influence
⎯ 1,0 = serious influence
2 © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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SIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
Definition or characteristics Loss of
Name of defect Sensorial concern
of defect mass
1 Defects associated with foreign matter
1.1 Stones Stone of any size found in a green coffee lot 1 0
1.2 Sticks Twig of any size found in a green coffee lot 1 0
1.3 Soil agglomerate Granulated lump of soil particles 1 0
1.4 Metallic matter Metallic particles such as those found on the
drying area after drying the coffee and/or after 1 0
degradation of the industrial equipment
1.5 Foreign matter Foreign matter such as cigarette stubs, plastic
other than particles, bag particles, strings 1 0
2 Defects associated with non-bean matter coming from the coffee fruit
2.1 Bean in parchment Coffee bean entirely or partially enclosed in its
0,5 0
(pergamino) parchment (endocarp)
2.2 Piece of parchment Fragment of dried endocarp (parchment)
0,5 0
2.3 Dried cherry (pod) Dried fruit of the coffee tree, comprising its
0,5 0
external envelopes and one or more beans
2.4 Husk fragment Fragment of the dried external envelope
0,5 0
NOTE These are divisible into small, medium
or large fragments.
3 Defects associated with irregular beans
3.1 Malformed bean; Coffee bean whose abnormal shape makes it
shell and ear clearly distinguishable
NOTE This category includes:
a a
0 0,5
⎯ shell: malformed bean presenting a cavity;
⎯ ear: malformed bean with ear shape.
Both originate from the elephant bean.
3.2 Bean fragment Fragment of a coffee bean of volume less than
0,5 0,5
half a bean
3.3 Broken bean Fragment of a coffee bean of volume equal to
0,5 0,5
or larger than half a bean
3.4 Insect-damaged Coffee bean damaged internally or externally
0 0,5
bean by insect attack
3.5 Insect-Infested Coffee bean harbouring one or more dead or
a a
0 0,5
bean alive insects at any stage of development
3.6 Pulper-nipped Wet-processed coffee bean, cut or bruised 0,5
bean; pulper-cut during pulping, often with brown or blackish

NOTE Sometimes
bean marks
a fermented flavour
may appear.

Второе издание
Исправленная версия

Кофе сырой. Стандартная таблица
Green coffee — Defect reference chart

Ответственность за подготовку русской версии несёт GOST R

(Российская Федерация) в соответствии со статьёй 18.1 Устава ISO
Ссылочный номер
ISO 10470:2004(R)
ISO 2004

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ISO 10470:2004(R)
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ISO 10470:2004(R)
Содержание Страница
Предисловие .iv
1 Область применения .1
2 Нормативные ссылки .1
3 Термины и определения .1
4 Стандартная таблица дефектов .3
Приложение А (информативное) Основные причины дефектов, их влияние на качество
обжаренных зерен, вкус и аромат напитка, и возможности устранения дефектов.7
Приложение В (информативное) Пример применимости метода .11
Приложение С (информативное) Дефекты сырого кофе .12
© ISO 2004 – Все права сохраняются iii

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ISO 10470:2004(R)
Международная организация по стандартизации (ISO) является всемирной федерацией национальных
организаций по стандартизации (комитетов-членов ISO). Разработка международных стандартов
обычно осуществляется техническими комитетами ISO. Каждый комитет-член, заинтересованный в
деятельности, для которой был создан технический комитет, имеет право быть представленным в этом
комитете. Международные правительственные и неправительственные организации, имеющие связи с
ISO, также принимают участие в этой работе. ISO работает в тесном сотрудничестве с Международной
электротехнической комиссией (IEC) по всем вопросам стандартизации в области электротехники.
Проекты международных стандартов разрабатываются в соответствии с правилами, приведенными в
Директивах ISO/IEC, Часть 2.
Основная задача технических комитетов заключается в разработке международных стандартов.
Проекты международных стандартов, принятые техническими комитетами, рассылаются комитетам-
членам на голосование. Их опубликование в качестве международных стандартов требует одобрения
не менее 75 % комитетов-членов, принимающих участие в голосовании.
Следует иметь в виду, что, возможно, некоторые элементы настоящего документа могут быть
объектом патентных прав. ISO не несет ответственности за определение некоторых или всех таких
патентных прав.
Международный стандарт ISO 10470 разработан Техническим комитетом ISO/TC 34, Пищевые
продукты, Подкомитетом SC 15, Кофе.
Настоящее второе издание отменяет и заменяет первое издание (ISO 10470:1993), которое было
технически переработано. По сравнению с прежней редакцией настоящая редакция представляет
собой упрощенный вариант.
Фотографии в Приложении С воспроизводятся с разрешения компании Nestec Ltd. и Illycaffè s.p.a.
Настоящая исправленная версия ISO 10470:2004 включает следующие поправки:
⎯ в 4.9, значение потери массы сморщенного зерна изменено на 0,5;
⎯ в Приложении В значения потери массы сморщенного зерна изменены на 0,5 и 1,5.
iv © ISO 2004 – Все права сохраняются

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Кофе сырой. Сравнительная таблица дефектов
1 Область применения
Настоящий международный стандарт содержит таблицу, в которой приводится перечень пяти
основных категорий дефектов, присутствие которых считается потенциально возможным в сыром
кофе, продаваемом во всем мире, независимо от вида, сорта и способа обработки после сбора урожая
(влажный или сухой).
Таблица показывает влияние таких дефектов на потерю массы и сенсорное восприятие с помощью
коэффициентов (0), (0,5) и (1). Каждому дефекту присваивается одно из этих значений, в зависимости
от того, насколько серьезно данный дефект влияет на вышеуказанные свойства. Таким образом,
окончательная оценка может стать полезным руководством для торговых партнеров, а также
критерием качества сырого кофе для покупателя.
При составлении условий двухсторонних контрактов на закупку или при классификации партий кофе
для их представления покупателям сырого кофе или на фондовой бирже могут использоваться
нижеприведенные определения.
2 Нормативные ссылки
Следующие нормативные документы необходимы для применения настоящего международного
стандарта. Для жестких ссылок применяется только то издание, на которое дается ссылка. Для
плавающих ссылок применяется самое последнее издание нормативного ссылочного документа
(включая любые изменения).
ISO 3509, Кофе и продукты из кофе. Словарь
3 Термины и определения
Применительно к настоящему международному стандарту приняты термины и определения,
приведённые в ISO 3509, а также следующие.
потеря массы
lost of mass
любая потеря, которая может происходить в сырье во время обработки кофе, выражающаяся потерей
в партии кофе на выходе
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Настоящий международный стандарт оценивает влияние дефектов на потерю массы, с учетом
существующих возможностей классификации дефектов, которая используется повсеместно. В последующих
изданиях, в случае разработки специальных методов, будут представлены новые способы устранения других
дефектов, и в случае доступности специальных технических средств, на более широкой основе.
сенсорный фактор
sensorial concern
влияние дефекта на органолептические свойства продукта, а также на визуальные характеристики
кофе, предлагаемого конечному потребителю
© ISO 2004 – Все права сохраняются 1

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ISO 10470:2004(R)
стандартный кофе
normal coffee
напиток, который соответствует ожиданиям потребителя
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ В соответствии с принятой в торговле практикой партия качественного кофе – это, по общему
признанию, кофе стандартного торгового качества. Конечной целью является получение кофе с однородным
составом зерен, исключая категории дефектов, определяемые в 3.5.
любое отклонение от обычных, очищенных качественных зерен сырого кофе, ожидаемое в партии
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Их можно определить как массовую долю дефектных зерен в партии в процентах.
3.5 Категории дефектов сырых зерен кофе
дефект, не относящийся к кофе
non-coffee defect
постороннее вещество, не являющееся производным от кофейного зерна
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Этот дефект можно устранить на определенной стадии (например, при очистке сырого кофе)
путем просеивания, сортировки или удаления металлических включений . Правильное устранение этих дефектов
ведет к физическим потерям. Случайное или намеренное (присутствие) оставление дефекта вплоть до
окончательного получения жареных и молотых зерен или растворимого кофе может привести к повреждению
кофейной мельницы или даже ввести потребителя в заблуждение.
дефект незернового происхождения
defect of non-bean origin
кофейная примесь, не являющаяся зерновым продуктом
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Дефекты этого типа (например, внешняя оболочка/шелуха/кожица или сухие не освобожденные
от плодовой мякоти зерна кофе) обычно устраняются в результате воздушной классификации, которая ведет к
физическим потерям. Их случайное или намеренное остаточное присутствие может привести к загрязнению
продукта, обману покупателя и нарушению правил торговли.
зерно неправильной формы
irregularly formed bean
зерно, отличающееся по форме, профилю и целостности
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Это может стать дефектом для продавцов жареного кофе в виде цельных зерен. Хотя
устранение этого дефекта может привести к потерям и нарушениям сенсорного фактора в результате
неправильного обжаривания зерен, значимость этого дефекта небольшая.
несоответствующий внешний вид зерна
bean of irregular visual appearance
зерно, отличающееся по цвету и виду поверхности, что может повлиять на вкус напитка
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Тогда как общая практика обработки зерен часто может способствовать устранению дефектов,
не связанных с дефектами зерна и плода кофейного дерева, визуально различимые дефекты класса 3.5.4 следует
устранять из партии путем специальной обработки, например, методом оптической сортировки. В зависимости от
дефектов, методы сортировки могут быть сложными и дорогостоящими, или могут вовсе отсутствовать.
2 © ISO 2004 – Все права сохраняются

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ISO 10470:2004(R)
пороки вкуса кофе
off-taste coffee
дефект сенсорного восприятия, определяемый после обжаривания пробы и анализа вкуса напитка, с
последующим риском другого вида загрязнения
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Пороки вкуса легко классифицируется только по органолептическим признакам. Их можно
определить после приготовления напитка из надлежащим образом прожаренных и молотых зерен кофе.
4 Стандартная таблица дефектов
В таблице используются следующие коэффициенты сенсорного восприятия:
⎯ 0 = не влияет
⎯ 0,5 = незначительное влияние
⎯ 1,0 = серьезное влияние
© ISO 2004 – Все права сохраняются 3

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ISO 10470:2004(R)
Наименование дефекта Определение или характеристики дефекта Сенсорный фактор
1 Дефекты, связанные с посторонними примесями
1.1 Камни Камни любого размера, обнаруженные в партии
1 0
сырого кофе
1.2 Палочки Палочки любого размера, обнаруженные в 1 0
партии сырого кофе
1.3 Комки земли Гранулированные комья почвы 1 0
1.4 Металлические Металлические частицы, подобные тем, которые
включения были обнаружены в зоне для сушки после сушки
1 0
кофе и/или после поломки промышленного
1.5 Посторонние при- Посторонние примеси, такие как окурки сигарет,
меси, отличные от частицы пластмассы, части мешка, веревки 1 0
указанных выше
2 Дефекты, связанные с незерновыми включениями, образующимися от плода кофейного дерева
2.1 Зерно в пергамент- Кофейное зерно, полностью или частично
ной оболочке заключенное в пергаментную оболочку
(кофейное зерно с (эндокарп) 0,5 0
неотделенной перга-
ментной оболочкой)
2.2 Часть пергаментной Часть сухого эндокарпа (пергаментная оболочка)
оболочки (кофейное
зерно с не отделен- 0,5 0
ной пергаментной
2.3 Сухой плод (боб) Сухой плод кофейного дерева, состоящий из
0,5 0
внешних оболочек и одного или нескольких зерен
2.4 Часть плодовой Часть сухой внешней плодовой оболочки
оболочки (перикарп)
0,5 0
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Разделяют на мелкие, средние или
крупные части.
3 Дефекты зерен нестандартной формы
3.1 Зерно неправильной Кофейное зерно неправильной формы, четко
формы; раковины и выделяемое в общей массе
ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ Эта категория включает:
⎯ раковины: зерно неправильной формы в виде
a a
0 0,5
⎯ вмятины: зерно неправильной формы в виде
Оба дефекта наблюдаются у слоновых зерен.
3.2 Обломки зерна Часть кофейного зерна, объем которой меньше
0,5 0,5
его половины
3.3 Ломаное зерно Часть кофейного зерна, объем которой равен или
0,5 0,5
больше его половины
4 © ISO 2004 – Все права сохраняются

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ISO 10470:2004(R)
Наименование дефекта Определение или характеристики дефекта Сенсорный фактор
3.4 Зерно, Кофейное зерно, поврежденное внутри или
поврежденное снаружи насекомыми 0 0,5
3.5 Зерно, зараженное Кофейное зерно, зараженное одним или
a a
насекомыми несколькими мертвыми или живыми насекомыми
0 0,5
на любой стадии развития
3.6 Зерно, Обработанное влажным способом кофейное 0,5
поврежденное при зерно, разрезанное или разбитое на стадии

пульпировании; пульпирования, часто с коричневыми или
Иногда может появиться
зерно, разрезанное черными пятнами
дрожжевой привкус.
при пульпировании
4 Дефекты внешнего вида
4.1 Черное зерно и Кофейное зерно, внутренняя часть которого
частично черное частично или полностью черного цвета 0 1
зерно (эндосперм)
4.2 Черно-зеленое Незрелое кофейное зерно, часто сморщенное,
зерно темно-зеленого, почти черного цвета, и с 0 1
блестящей серебристой оболочкой
4.3 Коричневое зерно Кофейное зерно в диапазоне цветов: оч

Second edition
Corrected version

Green coffee — Defect reference chart
Café vert — Table de référence des défauts

Reference number
ISO 10470:2004(E)
ISO 2004

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO 10470:2004(E)

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This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10470:1993), which has been technically
This corrected version of ISO 10470:2004 incorporates the following corrections:
⎯ in 4.9, the value for the loss of mass for spongy beans has been changed to 0,5;
⎯ in Annex B, the values for

Second edition
Corrected version

Green coffee — Defect reference chart
Café vert — Table de référence des défauts

Reference number
ISO 10470:2004(E)
ISO 2004

---------------------- Page: 1 ----------------------
ISO 10470:2004(E)
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Published in Switzerland

ii © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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ISO 10470:2004(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Defect reference chart. 2
Annex A (informative) Main causes of defects, their effect on roasting/brew flavour, and
possibilities of removal. 5
Annex B (informative) Application example . 9
Annex C (informative) Defects found in green coffee . 10
Bibliography . 15
© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved iii

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ISO 10470:2004(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 10470 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee SC 15, Coffee.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10470:1993), which has been technically
revised. Compared to the previous edition, the presentation has been simplified.
The photographs in Annex C are reproduced by kind permission of Nestec Ltd. and Illycaffè s.p.a.
This corrected version of ISO 10470:2004 incorporates the following corrections:
⎯ in 4.9, the value for the loss of mass for spongy beans has been changed to 0,5;
⎯ in Annex B, the values for loss of mass for spongy beans have been corrected to 0,5 and 1,5.

iv © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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Green coffee — Defect reference chart
1 Scope
This International Standard provides a chart which lists the main five different categories of defects which are
considered to be potentially present in green coffee as marketed throughout the world, whatever its species,
variety, and after-harvest processing (wet or dry).
This chart shows the influence of such defects on the loss of mass and on the sensorial concern by using the
coefficients (0), (0,5) and (1). Each defect is given one of these values depending on how seriously it affects
the above-mentioned characteristics. Thus, the final assessment can become a useful tool for the trading
parties involved, and also gives a good indication to the purchaser of the quality of the green coffee
The definitions can be used to specify terms of bilateral purchasing contracts or to classify coffee lots for their
presentation to green coffee buyers or at a stock exchange.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3509, Coffee and its products — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3509 and the following apply.
loss of mass
any loss that can occur in the raw material during the coffee processing, bringing at the end an output loss of
a coffee lot
NOTE This International Standard assesses the influence of the defects on the loss of mass, taking into account that
possibilities to sort out defects exist and are used everywhere. Later revisions will introduce new elements if appropriate
techniques are developed to also remove other defects and if special techniques are made available on a broader basis.
sensorial concern
influence of a defect on the organoleptic properties of the product cup as well as the visual properties of the
coffee presented to the final consumer
normal coffee
beverage that meets consumers' expectations
NOTE Good trade practice agrees that a sound coffee lot is good commercial quality coffee as generally agreed
upon, with the ultimate goal of producing a coffee homogeneously constituted by coffee seeds, excluding the categories of
defects defined in 3.5.
© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 1

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ISO 10470:2004(E)
anything diverging from the regular, naked sound green coffee beans expected in a coffee lot
NOTE They may be measured as a mass fraction in percent of defective items in the lot.
3.5 Categories of green coffee defects
non-coffee defect
foreign matter not originating from the coffee fruit
NOTE It should be removed at an appropriate stage (e.g. during green coffee cleaning) by sieving, classifying or by
metal removal. The correct removal of these defects leads to a physical loss. Their accidental or fraudulent (presence)
remaining up to the final production of roast and ground or soluble coffee may result in damage to the grinder or even
fraud against the consumer.
defect of non-bean origin
coffee matter not originating from the bean
NOTE Defects of this type (e.g. skins/husks/hulls or dried unpulped cherries) are in general removed by air
classifying, leading to a physical loss. Their accidental or fraudulent remaining presence may result in product
contamination, consumer deception, and trade distortion.
irregularly formed bean
bean divergent in form, shape and integrity
NOTE This may become a defect for those who sell roast coffee as whole beans. Although there might be a loss
when removed and sensorial concern after inappropriate roasting, the overall relevance is small.
bean of irregular visual appearance
bean divergent in colour and surface appearance, and which risks influencing the cup taste
NOTE Whereas the application of general manufacturing practices can often eliminate non-coffee and non-bean
defects, the visually identifiable defects of class 3.5.4 should be removed from the lot by special manufacturing practices,
such as optical sorting techniques. Depending on the defects, sorting techniques can be sophisticated and expensive, or
do not exist.
off-taste coffee
defect of sensory concern, identified after sample roasting and cup testing, with a possible further risk of other
NOTE Purely organoleptic off-tastes are easily sorted out. They can be identified after cupping a roast and ground
coffee sample, following proper roasting and brewing.
4 Defect reference chart
The following coefficients for sensorial concern are used in the chart:
⎯ 0 = no influence
⎯ 0,5 = medium influence
⎯ 1,0 = serious influence
2 © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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ISO 10470:2004(E)
Definition or characteristics Loss of
Name of defect Sensorial concern
of defect mass
1 Defects associated with foreign matter
1.1 Stones Stone of any size found in a green coffee lot 1 0
1.2 Sticks Twig of any size found in a green coffee lot 1 0
1.3 Soil agglomerate Granulated lump of soil particles 1 0
1.4 Metallic matter Metallic particles such as those found on the
drying area after drying the coffee and/or after 1 0
degradation of the industrial equipment
1.5 Foreign matter Foreign matter such as cigarette stubs, plastic
other than particles, bag particles, strings 1 0
2 Defects associated with non-bean matter coming from the coffee fruit
2.1 Bean in parchment Coffee bean entirely or partially enclosed in its
0,5 0
(pergamino) parchment (endocarp)
2.2 Piece of parchment Fragment of dried endocarp (parchment)
0,5 0
2.3 Dried cherry (pod) Dried fruit of the coffee tree, comprising its
0,5 0
external envelopes and one or more beans
2.4 Husk fragment Fragment of the dried external envelope
0,5 0
NOTE These are divisible into small, medium
or large fragments.
3 Defects associated with irregular beans
3.1 Malformed bean; Coffee bean whose abnormal shape makes it
shell and ear clearly distinguishable
NOTE This category includes:
a a
0 0,5
⎯ shell: malformed bean presenting a cavity;
⎯ ear: malformed bean with ear shape.
Both originate from the elephant bean.
3.2 Bean fragment Fragment of a coffee bean of volume less than
0,5 0,5
half a bean
3.3 Broken bean Fragment of a coffee bean of volume equal to
0,5 0,5
or larger than half a bean
3.4 Insect-damaged Coffee bean damaged internally or externally
0 0,5
bean by insect attack
3.5 Insect-Infested Coffee bean harbouring one or more dead or
a a
0 0,5
bean alive insects at any stage of development
3.6 Pulper-nipped Wet-processed coffee bean, cut or bruised 0,5
bean; pulper-cut during pulping, often with brown or blackish

NOTE Sometimes
bean marks
a fermented flavour
may appear.
© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 3

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ISO 10470:2004(E)
Definition or characteristics Loss of
Name of defect Sensorial concern
of defect mass
4 Defects associated with visual appearance
4.1 Black bean and Coffee bean whose interior is partly or totally
0 1

Deuxième édition
Version corrigée

Café vert — Table de référence des
Green coffee — Defect reference chart

Numéro de référence
ISO 10470:2004(F)
ISO 2004

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ISO 10470:2004(F)
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Version française parue en 2005
Publié en Suisse

ii © ISO 2004 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 10470:2004(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Références normatives . 1
3 Termes et définitions. 1
4 Table de référence de défauts . 3
Annexe A (informative) Principales causes de défauts, effet sur la torréfaction et sur la flaveur du
café boisson et possibilités de les éliminer. 7
Annexe B (informative) Exemple d'application . 11
Annexe C (informative) Défauts trouvés dans le café vert. 12
Bibliographie . 17

© ISO 2004 – Tous droits réservés iii

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ISO 10470:2004(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 10470 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 34, Produits alimentaires, sous-comité SC 15,
Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO 10470:1993), qui a fait l'objet d'une
révision technique. Par rapport à la version précédente, la présentation a été simplifiée.
Les photographies de l'Annexe C sont reproduites grâce à l'aimable permission de Nestec Ltd. et d'Illycaffé
Cette version corrigée de l'ISO 10470:2004 comprend les modifications suivantes:
⎯ en 4.9, la valeur de la perte de masse pour le grain spongieux a été changée en 0,5;
⎯ dans l'Annexe B, les valeurs de la perte de masse pour le grain spongieux ont été changées en 0,5 et
en 1,5.

iv © ISO 2004 – Tous droits réservés

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Café vert — Table de référence des défauts
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Norme internationale spécifie une table dans laquelle sont classées les cinq principales
catégories de défauts qui sont considérées comme pouvant être présentes dans le café vert tel que proposé
sur le marché mondial, quelle que soit l'espèce, la variété ou la préparation d'après récolte (méthode sèche
ou humide).
Cette table montre l'influence des défauts considérés sur la perte de masse et sur l'aspect sensoriel en
utilisant des coefficients de pondération de (0), (0,5) et (1). Chaque défaut est affecté d'une de ces valeurs en
tenant compte du degré d'influence sur les caractéristiques mentionnées ci-dessus. Ainsi, l'appréciation finale
peut devenir un outil utile pour les parties impliquées dans le commerce, donnant aussi à l'acheteur final une
bonne indication de la qualité du café vert concerné.
Les définitions peuvent être utilisées pour spécifier les conditions des contrats d'achat bilatéraux ou pour
classer les lots de café aux fins de présentation aux acheteurs de café vert ou à la Bourse.
2 Références normatives
Les documents de référence suivants sont indispensables pour l'application du présent document. Pour les
références datées, seule l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du
document de référence s'applique (y compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO 3509, Café et dérivés — Vocabulaire
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions donnés dans l'ISO 3509 ainsi que les
suivants s'appliquent.
perte de masse
toute perte pouvant se produire sur la matière première pendant la préparation du café, conduisant à une
perte finale de rendement du lot de café
NOTE La présente Norme Internationale évalue l'influence des défauts sur la perte de masse en tenant compte de
ce que des possibilités de tri des défauts existent et sont utilisées partout. Les révisions ultérieures introduiront de
nouveaux éléments si de nouvelles techniques sont développées pour éliminer d'autres défauts et si des techniques
spéciales sont rendues disponibles pour une utilisation plus large.
impact sensoriel
influence d'un défaut sur les propriétés organoleptiques de la tasse ainsi que sur l'aspect visuel du café
présenté au consommateur final
© ISO 2004 – Tous droits réservés 1

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ISO 10470:2004(F)
café normal
boisson satisfaisant le consommateur
NOTE Selon les bonnes pratiques commerciales, un lot de café acceptable est un café de bonne qualité
commerciale, ainsi que généralement accepté, dans le but ultime de produire un café constitué de manière homogène de
grains de café excluant les catégories de défauts définies en 3.5.
tout écart par rapport aux grains de café vert réguliers, nus et sains tels qu'attendus dans un lot de café.
NOTE Ils peuvent être mesurés comme pourcentage de défauts dans un lot.
3.5 Catégories de défauts du café vert
défauts non-café
matières étrangères ne provenant pas du fruit du caféier
NOTE Il convient d'éliminer ces défauts à un stade approprié (par exemple pendant le nettoyage du café vert) par
tamisage, classification ou élimination des matières métalliques. L'élimination correcte de ces défauts conduit à une perte
physique. Leur maintien accidentel ou frauduleux jusqu'à la production finale de café torréfié moulu ou de café soluble
peut entraîner des dommages aux moulins ou même une fraude envers le consommateur.
défauts ne provenant pas du grain
matières café ne provenant pas du grain lui-même
NOTE Les défauts de ce type (par exemple les coques ou les cerises sèches non dépulpées) sont en général
éliminées par la classification par l'air, conduisant à une perte physique. Leur maintien accidentel ou frauduleux peut
contaminer les produits, tromper les consommateurs et fausser le commerce.
grains de forme irrégulière
grains divergents dans leur forme et leur intégrité
NOTE Ces grains peuvent devenir un défaut pour le secteur commercialisant du café torréfié en grains entiers. Bien
qu'ils puissent conduire à une perte quand ils sont éliminés et avoir une influence sensorielle en cas de torréfaction non
adaptée, leur importance globale est faible.
grains d'apparence visuelle irrégulière
grain divergent en couleur et en apparence de surface, avec des risques d'influence sur le goût à la tasse
NOTE Il convient de retirer du lot des défauts identifiés comme appartenant à la catégorie 3.5.4 en utilisant des
techniques de production spéciales, comme les techniques de triage optique, par exemple, tandis que l'utilisation de
techniques de production générales permet souvent d'éliminer les défauts non-café et les défauts ne provenant pas du
grain. Selon les défauts, les techniques de triage peuvent être sophistiquées et chères ou même ne pas exister.
café au goût hors normes
café présentant un défaut sensoriel, ne pouvant être identifié qu'après torréfaction d'un échantillon et
dégustation; ce café peut également présenter un risque de contamination supplémentaire
NOTE Des goûts hors normes et purement organoleptiques sont difficiles à trier. Ils peuvent être identifiés par
dégustation d'un échantillon de café torréfié et moulu, après utilisation de techniques de torréfaction et de mouture
2 © ISO 2004 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 10470:2004(F)
4 Table de référence de défauts
Les coefficients suivants pour l'impact sensoriel sont utilisés dans la table:
⎯ 0 = aucune influence
⎯ 0,5 = influence moyenne
⎯ 1,0 = influence importante
Nom du défaut Définition ou caractéristiques du Perte de Impact
défaut masse sensoriel
1 Défauts associés aux matières étrangères
1.1 Pierres Pierre de toute grosseur trouvée
1 0
dans un lot de café vert
1.2 Morceaux de bois Brindille de toute taille trouvée dans
1 0
un lot de café vert
1.3 Agglomérats de terre Granulat de particules de terre 1 0
1.4 Matière métallique Particules de métal telles que celles
trouvées après le séchage du café
sur l'aire de séchage et/ou après 1 0
dégradation de l'équipement
1.5 Matières autres que celles Matières étrangères telles que
décrites mégots, particules plastiques, 1 0
morceaux de sac, ficelles
2 Défauts associés à une matière ne provenant pas du grain mais venant du fruit du café
2.1 Grain en parche (pergamino) Grain de café entièrement ou
0,5 0
partiellement enfermé dans son
endocarpe (parche)
2.2 Morceau de parche (pergamino) Fragment d'endocarpe séché
0,5 0
2.3 Cerise sèche Fruit séché du caféier, comprenant
ses enveloppes externes ainsi qu'un 0,5 0
ou plusieurs grains
2.4 Fragment de coque Fragment de l'enveloppe externe
séché (péricarpe)
0,5 0
NOTE Divisible en petits, moyens ou
gros fragments.
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ISO 10470:2004(F)
Table de référence de défauts (suite)
Définition ou caractéristiques du Perte de Impact
Nom du défaut
défaut masse sensoriel
3 Défauts associés aux grains irréguliers
3.1 Grain malformé; coquille et Grain de café nettement distingué
oreille par sa forme anormale
NOTE Cette catégorie comprend:
⎯ Coquille: Grain malformé présentant
a a
0 0,5
une cavité.
⎯ Oreille: Grain en forme d'oreille.
Les deux ont pour origine les grains
3.2 Fragment de grain Fragment de grain de café d'un
0,5 0,5
volume inférieur à la moitié d'un grain
3.3 Grain cassé Fragment de grain de café de volume
égal ou supérieur à la moitié d'un 0,5 0,5
3.4 Grain endommagé par des Grain de café endommagé à
a a
insectes l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur par une 0 0,5
attaque d'insectes
3.5 Grain infesté par des insectes Grain de café renfermant un ou
plusieurs insectes morts ou vivants à
a a
0 0,5
un stade quelconque de
3.6 Grain pincé au dépulpage; grain Grain de café traité par voie humide 0,5
coupé au dépulpage et coupé ou abîmé lors du
NOTE Parfois
dépulpage, présentant souvent des
une flaveur
marques brunes ou noires
fermentée peut

4 © ISO 2004 – Tous droits réservés

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ISO 10470:2004(F)
Table de référence de défauts (suite)
Définition ou caractéristiques du Perte de Impact
Nom du défaut
défaut masse sensoriel
4 Défauts associés à l'apparence visuelle
4.1 Grain noir et grain partiellement Grain

Deuxième édition
Version corrigée

Café vert — Table de référence des
Green coffee — Defect reference chart

Numéro de référence
ISO 10470:2004(F)
ISO 2004

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ISO 10470:2004(F)

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Cette deuxième édition annule et remplace la première édition (ISO 10470:1993), qui a fait l'objet d'une
révision technique.
Cette version corrigée de l'ISO 10470:2004 comprend les modifications suivantes:
⎯ en 4.9, la valeur de la perte de masse pour le grain spongieux a été changée en 0,5;


oSIST ISO 10470:2011
Surova kava - Prikaz primesi in zrn z napako
Green coffee -- Defect reference chart
Café vert -- Table de référence des défauts
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 10470:2004
67.140.20 Kava in kavni nadomestki Coffee and coffee substitutes
oSIST ISO 10470:2011 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011

Second edition
Corrected version

Green coffee — Defect reference chart
Café vert — Table de référence des défauts

Reference number
ISO 10470:2004(E)
ISO 2004

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
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ii © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Defect reference chart. 2
Annex A (informative) Main causes of defects, their effect on roasting/brew flavour, and
possibilities of removal. 5
Annex B (informative) Application example . 9
Annex C (informative) Defects found in green coffee . 10
Bibliography . 15
© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved iii

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 10470 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 34, Food products, Subcommittee SC 15, Coffee.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (ISO 10470:1993), which has been technically
revised. Compared to the previous edition, the presentation has been simplified.
The photographs in Annex C are reproduced by kind permission of Nestec Ltd. and Illycaffè s.p.a.
This corrected version of ISO 10470:2004 incorporates the following corrections:
⎯ in 4.9, the value for the loss of mass for spongy beans has been changed to 0,5;
⎯ in Annex B, the values for loss of mass for spongy beans have been corrected to 0,5 and 1,5.

iv © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011

Green coffee — Defect reference chart
1 Scope
This International Standard provides a chart which lists the main five different categories of defects which are
considered to be potentially present in green coffee as marketed throughout the world, whatever its species,
variety, and after-harvest processing (wet or dry).
This chart shows the influence of such defects on the loss of mass and on the sensorial concern by using the
coefficients (0), (0,5) and (1). Each defect is given one of these values depending on how seriously it affects
the above-mentioned characteristics. Thus, the final assessment can become a useful tool for the trading
parties involved, and also gives a good indication to the purchaser of the quality of the green coffee
The definitions can be used to specify terms of bilateral purchasing contracts or to classify coffee lots for their
presentation to green coffee buyers or at a stock exchange.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 3509, Coffee and its products — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 3509 and the following apply.
loss of mass
any loss that can occur in the raw material during the coffee processing, bringing at the end an output loss of
a coffee lot
NOTE This International Standard assesses the influence of the defects on the loss of mass, taking into account that
possibilities to sort out defects exist and are used everywhere. Later revisions will introduce new elements if appropriate
techniques are developed to also remove other defects and if special techniques are made available on a broader basis.
sensorial concern
influence of a defect on the organoleptic properties of the product cup as well as the visual properties of the
coffee presented to the final consumer
normal coffee
beverage that meets consumers' expectations
NOTE Good trade practice agrees that a sound coffee lot is good commercial quality coffee as generally agreed
upon, with the ultimate goal of producing a coffee homogeneously constituted by coffee seeds, excluding the categories of
defects defined in 3.5.
© ISO 2004 – All rights reserved 1

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
anything diverging from the regular, naked sound green coffee beans expected in a coffee lot
NOTE They may be measured as a mass fraction in percent of defective items in the lot.
3.5 Categories of green coffee defects
non-coffee defect
foreign matter not originating from the coffee fruit
NOTE It should be removed at an appropriate stage (e.g. during green coffee cleaning) by sieving, classifying or by
metal removal. The correct removal of these defects leads to a physical loss. Their accidental or fraudulent (presence)
remaining up to the final production of roast and ground or soluble coffee may result in damage to the grinder or even
fraud against the consumer.
defect of non-bean origin
coffee matter not originating from the bean
NOTE Defects of this type (e.g. skins/husks/hulls or dried unpulped cherries) are in general removed by air
classifying, leading to a physical loss. Their accidental or fraudulent remaining presence may result in product
contamination, consumer deception, and trade distortion.
irregularly formed bean
bean divergent in form, shape and integrity
NOTE This may become a defect for those who sell roast coffee as whole beans. Although there might be a loss
when removed and sensorial concern after inappropriate roasting, the overall relevance is small.
bean of irregular visual appearance
bean divergent in colour and surface appearance, and which risks influencing the cup taste
NOTE Whereas the application of general manufacturing practices can often eliminate non-coffee and non-bean
defects, the visually identifiable defects of class 3.5.4 should be removed from the lot by special manufacturing practices,
such as optical sorting techniques. Depending on the defects, sorting techniques can be sophisticated and expensive, or
do not exist.
off-taste coffee
defect of sensory concern, identified after sample roasting and cup testing, with a possible further risk of other
NOTE Purely organoleptic off-tastes are easily sorted out. They can be identified after cupping a roast and ground
coffee sample, following proper roasting and brewing.
4 Defect reference chart
The following coefficients for sensorial concern are used in the chart:
⎯ 0 = no influence
⎯ 0,5 = medium influence
⎯ 1,0 = serious influence
2 © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

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oSIST ISO 10470:2011
ISO 10470:2004(E)
Definition or characteristics Loss of
Name of defect Sensorial concern
of defect mass
1 Defects associated with foreign matter
1.1 Stones Stone of any size found in a green coffee lot 1 0
1.2 Sticks Twig of any size found in a green coffee lot 1 0
1.3 Soil agglomerate Granulated lump of soil particles 1 0
1.4 Metallic matter Metallic particles such as those found on the
drying area after drying the coffee and/or after 1 0
degradation of the industrial equipment
1.5 Foreign matter Foreign matter such as cigarette stubs, plastic
other than particles, bag particles, strings 1 0
2 Defects associated with non-bean matter coming from the coffee fruit
2.1 Bean in parchment Coffee bean entirely or partially enclosed in its
0,5 0
(pergamino) parchment (endocarp)
2.2 Piece of parchment Fragment of dried endocarp (parchment)
0,5 0
2.3 Dried cherry (pod) Dried fruit of the coffee tree, comprising its
0,5 0
external envelopes and one or more beans
2.4 Husk fragment Fragment of the dried external envelope
0,5 0
NOTE These are divisible into small, medium
or large fragments.
3 Defects associated with irregular beans
3.1 Malformed bean; Coffee bean whose abnormal shape makes it
shell and ear clearly distinguishable
NOTE This category includes:
a a
0 0,5
⎯ shell: malformed bean presenting a cavity;
⎯ ear: malformed bean with ear shape.
Both originate from the elephant bean.
3.2 Bean fragment Fragment of a coffee bean of volume less than
0,5 0,5
half a bean
3.3 Broken bean Fragment of a coffee bean of volume equal to
0,5 0,5
or larger than half a bean
3.4 Insect-damaged Coffee bean damaged internally or externally
0 0,5
bean by insect attack
3.5 Insect-Infested Coffee bean harbouring one or more dead or
a a
0 0,5
bean alive insects at any stage of development
3.6 Pulper-nipped Wet-processed coffee bean, cut or bruised 0,5
bean; pulper-cut during pulping, often with brown or blackish

NOTE Sometimes
bean marks
a fermented flavour
may appear.
© ISO 2004 –

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