CEN/TC 109/WG 3 - Assembly of boiler bodies and forced draught burners
Assembly of boiler bodies and forced draught burners
General Information
This European Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for the construction, the safety and the rational energy usage for gas-fired central heating boilers equipped with a forced draught burner. These boilers are formed of the assembly of a boiler body and a forced draught gas burner achieved on the production site of the manufacturer, the whole being designed and marketed as a complete boiler. The boiler body shall be in accordance with EN 303-1. The construction of the forced draught gas burner shall be in accordance with EN 676.
- Standard61 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
TC - Replace Tables 5 and 6
- Corrigendum7 pagesEnglish, French and German languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Replace the second paragraph by the following text :
"This European Standard applies to standard boilers and low-temperature boilers with a nominal heat output not exceeding 1000 kW and with a water temperature at normal operation not exceeding 105 °C."
Replace the 2nd dash of the third paragraph by the following text :
"- condensing boilers;"
Delete the last but one paragraph of EN 303-3 :
"This European Standard does not contain all the necessary requirements for low temperature boilers. Nevertheless, the testing methods defined by this European Standard for the determination of useful efficiencies can be used for low temperature boilers, after being adapted in accordance with annex H."
- Amendment10 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the requirements and test methods for the construction, the safety and the rational energy usage of an assembly made up of a boiler body complying with EN 303- 11) and a forced draught gas burner complying with EN 676, using combustible gases, hereafter referred to as a "boiler". This European Standard applies to a boiler: - with a nominal output not exceeding 1 000 kW. This European Standard does not contain all the necessary requirements for: - assemblies designed as units; - condensing boilers and low temperature boilers; - boilers intended to be installed in the open; - boilers permanently fitted with more than one flue outlet; - boilers fitted with a draught diverter; - boilers intended to be connected to a common flue having mechanical extraction. This European Standard does not apply to living-space dedicated boilers If the boiler body has already been tested with a liquid fuel burner, in accordance with EN 303-1, EN 303-2 and EN 304, only the tests described in annex G need to be performed. In the case of a range of boilers, see annex F. This European Standard does not contain all the necessary requirements for low temperature boilers. Nevertheless, the testing methods defined by this European Standard for the determination of useful efficiencies can be used for low temperature boilers, after being adapted in accordance with annex H. This European Standard only covers type testing.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day