(1) This document establishes principles and requirements for the safety, serviceability, robustness and durability of structures, including geotechnical structures, appropriate to the consequences of failure.
(2) This document is also applicable for existing structures
NOTE         Additional provisions are given in prEN 1990-2.
(3) This document is intended to be used in conjunction with the other Eurocodes for buildings and civil engineering works, including temporary structures.
(4) This document describes the basis for structural and geotechnical verification according to the limit state principle.
(5) The verification methods in this document are based primarily on the partial factor method.
NOTE 1   Alternative methods are given in the other Eurocodes for specific applications.
NOTE 2   The Annexes to this document also provide general guidance concerning the use of alternative methods.
(6) This document is also applicable for structures where materials or actions outside the scope of EN 1991 (all parts) to EN 1999 (all parts) are involved.
NOTE   In this case, additional or amended provisions can be necessary.

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(1) This document provides provisions for the assessment of existing structures, including geotechnical structures, and the general principles for interventions, to be used in conjunction with prEN 1990-1.
NOTE This document is based on the general requirements and principles of structural reliability provided in prEN 1990-1.
(2) Unless otherwise specified, prEN 1990-1 applies.
(3) This document covers general principles regarding actions for assessment, complementing EN 1991 (all parts).
NOTE Provisions for seismic actions due to earthquake are provided in EN 1998-3.
(4) This document does not cover the design of new structural parts that will be integrated into an existing structure.
NOTE For the design of new structural parts, see prEN 1990-1.
(5) This document does not provide:
— specific rules for initiation of assessment;
— specific rules on how to undertake interventions that may be carried out as a result of an assessment;
— material-specific technical provisions for existing structures;
— provisions for seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing structures.
NOTE For provisions for seismic assessment and retrofitting of existing structures, see EN 1998-3.

  • Draft
    34 pages
    English language
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