CEN/TC 197/SC 4/WG 1 - Circulation pumps
Circulation pumps
General Information
This European Standard specifies a test code for the vibro-acoustic characterization of glandless circulators with pump housing having a rated power input P1 ≤ 200W, intended to be used in heating installations, domestic hot water service installations and cooling systems, and is limited to glandless circulators with threaded connections of 11/2 inch. The test code comprises the test rig, the measurement method and the test conditions.
This European Standard applies to glandless circulators, which are manufactured after the date of issue of this European Standard.
The characterization principle is based on measuring the structure-borne and the fluid-borne power transmitted respectively by vibration and pressure fluctuations in the pipe connected to a glandless circulator.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies general performance requirements and general requirements and procedures for testing and calculation of the energy efficiency index (EEI) for glandless circulators having a rated hydraulic output power of between 1 W and 2500 W designed for use in heating systems or cooling distribution systems.
All known hazards which are likely to occur at normal installation and operation are covered by the European Standards EN 809 and EN 60335-2-51.
As regards safety for electro-technical parts of circulators, EN 60335-2-51 applies.
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the procedure for calculating the energy efficiency index (EEI) of standalone circulators.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This European Standard specifies the procedure for calculating the energy efficiency index (EEI) of circulators integrated in products.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Specifies the main parameters and describes the pump designation which consits of three numbers. The table covers flange sizes from 50 mm up to and including 200 mm. A figure shows the side view and the front view of the pump.
- Standard7 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Specifies basic dimensions and gives alternative numbers and locations of baseplate fixing holes to suit individual installations. Covers the baseplate numbers from 2 to 9. The data given are intended primarily for use with pumps in accordance with ISO 2858, coupled to foot-mounted electric motors for installation on a foundation.
- Standard8 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
Cette partie de l'EN 1151 définit les principes généraux pour la construction, l'utilisation et les essais des circulateurs à rotor noyé de puissance absorbée P1 200 W, destinés aux installations de chauffage et aux installations d'eau chaude sanitaire.
NOTE Les exigences de ce document peuvent s'appliquer aux circulateurs pour utilisation domestique ayant une puissance absorbée supérieure à 200 W jusqu'à et y compris 300 W. Cependant cette décision dépend de l'accord entre le fournisseur et l'acheteur.
Les circulateurs ayant une puissance absorbée supérieure à 200 W pour usage professionnel/domestique ne sont pas couverts par cette norme.
Cette norme s'applique:
a) aux circulateurs à courant alternatif de puissance absorbée P1 200 W destinées aux installations conventionnelles de chauffage par eau avec une température d'entrée maximale admissible de TF 110 °C et une pression maxi de sortie de service p2max o 6 bar.
b) aux circulateurs à courant alternatif de puissance absorbée P1 200 W destinés aux installations d'eau chaude sanitaire avec une température d'entrée admissible de TF 65 °C et une pression de sortie maxi de service p2max o 10 bar.
Cette Norme s'applique aux circulateurs qui sont fabriqués après la date de parution de cette norme.
Cette norme couvre les performances des circulateurs. Tous les risques connus qui sont susceptibles de se produire pour une installation et un fonctionnement normaux sont couverts par les normes européennes EN 809 et EN 60335-2-51.
Concernant les règles de sécurité pour les parties électrotechniques des circulateurs, la norme EN 60335-2-51 s'applique.
- Draft22 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
CMC/TC - Title page/Foreword - Deletion of the superseding note, mistake happened by writing the comment "Revision of EN 1151:1999 into 2 parts (see also WI 053)." into the database. The superseding notes have been added and extended during each publication step and it has always been missed to correct even during CA/7 publication.
- Corrigendum2 pagesEnglish, French and German languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of EN 1151 specifies a test code for the vibro-acoustic characterisation of circulation pumps as defined in EN 1151-1, and is limited to circulation pumps with threaded connections of 1½ inch. The test code comprises the test rig, the measurement method and the test conditions.
The characterisation principle is based on measuring the structure-borne and the fluid-borne power transmitted respectively by vibration and pressure fluctuations in the pipe connected to a circulation pump.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This part of EN 1151 establishes general principles for the construction, use and testing of circulation pumps of the glandless type, having a rated power input P1 £ 200 W, intended to be used in heating installations and domestic hot water service installations.
NOTE The requirements of this document may apply to circulation pumps for domestic use having a rated power input above 200 W up to and including 300 W. However, this decision depends on agreement between the supplier and purchaser.
Circulation pumps with a rated power input above 200 W for professional/commercial use are excluded from the scope of this document.
This document applies to:
a) A.C. circulation pumps having a rated power input P1 £ 200 W intended for use in ordinary heating water systems with a maximum permissible inlet temperature of TF £ 110 °C and a maximum outlet working pressure p2max o £ 6 bar.
b) A.C. circulation pumps having a rated power input P1 £ 200 W intended for use in domestic hot water installations with a permissible inlet temperature of TF £ 65 °C and a maximum outlet working pressure p2max o £ 10 bar.
This document applies to circulation pumps, which are manufactured after the date of issue of this document.
This document covers the performance for circulation pumps. All known hazards which are likely to occur at normal installation and operation are covered by the European Standards EN 809 and EN 60335-2-51:2003.
As regards safety for electrotechnical parts of circulation pumps, EN 60335-2-51:2003 applies.
This document covers the performance for circulation pumps. All known hazards which are likely to occur at normal installation and operation are covered by the European Standards EN 809 and EN 60335-2-51:2003.
As regards safety requirements for electrotechnical parts of circulation pumps EN 60335-2-51:2003 applies.
- Standard16 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day