This document specifies requirements, design and test methods for factory made thermally insulated bonded valve assemblies for directly buried district cooling distribution systems, comprising a steel valve from DN 15 to DN 1200, rigid polyurethane foam insulation and a casing of polyethylene.
The valve assembly can also include the following additional elements: measuring wires, spacers and diffusion barriers.
This document applies only to insulated valve assemblies, for continuous operation with water at various temperatures (1 to 30) °C and a maximum operation pressure of 25 bar.
The design is based on an expected service life with continuous operation of a minimum 50 years.
NOTE   An expected service life of 50 years presupposes that treated water is used.

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This document specifies requirements, design and test methods for factory made thermally insulated bonded fitting assemblies for directly buried district cooling distribution systems, comprising a service fitting from DN 15 to DN 1200, rigid polyurethane foam insulation and a casing of polyethylene.
The fitting assembly can also include the following additional elements: measuring wires, spacers and diffusion barriers.
This document covers the following fitting assemblies: bend, tee, reducer, cap and anchor.
This document applies only to insulated fitting assemblies, for continuous operation with water at various temperatures (1 to 30) °C and a maximum operation pressure of 25 bar.
The design is based on an expected service life with continuous operation of a minimum 50 years.
NOTE   An expected service life of 50 years presupposes that treated water is used.

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    34 pages
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This document specifies requirements, design and test methods for straight lengths of factory made thermally insulated pipe-in-pipe assemblies for directly buried district cooling distribution systems, comprising a service pipe from DN 15 to DN 1200, rigid polyurethane foam insulation and a casing of polyethylene. The pipe assembly can also include the following additional elements: measuring wires, spacers and diffusion barriers.
This document applies only to insulated pipe assemblies, for continuous operation with water at various temperatures (1 to 30) °C and a maximum operation pressure of 25 bar.
The design is based on an expected service life with continuous operation of a minimum 50 years.

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    42 pages
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This document specifies requirements and test methods for factory made thermally insulated bonded flexible pipe-in-pipe assemblies for directly buried district cooling distribution systems, comprising a service pipe and a casing of polyethylene. The pipe assembly can also include the following additional elements: measuring wires, spacers and diffusion barriers.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 17414 1.
This document applies only to insulated pipe assemblies, for continuous operation with water at various temperatures (1 to 30) °C and a maximum operation pressure of 25 bar dependent on material specified.
The design is based on an expected service life with continuous operation of a minimum 50 years.
This document does not cover surveillance systems.
In conjunction with the other parts of EN 17414, this document is applicable to pipes, fittings, their joints and to joints with components made of non-plastics materials intended to be used for district cooling installations.
NOTE   For the transport of other liquids, for example potable water, additional requirements could be applicable.

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    18 pages
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This document specifies requirements and test methods for factory made thermally insulated non bonded flexible pipe-in-pipe assemblies for directly buried district cooling distribution systems, comprising a service pipe from DN 15 to DN 200 and a casing of polyethylene. The pipe assembly may also include the following additional elements: measuring wires, spacers and diffusion barriers.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with prEN 17414-1 ).
This document applies only to insulated pipe assemblies, for continuous operation with water at various temperatures (1 to 30) °C and a maximum operation pressure of 25 bar dependent on material specified.
The design is based on an expected service life with continuous operation of a minimum 50 years.
This document does not cover surveillance systems.
NOTE   For the transport of other liquids, for example potable water, additional requirements may be applicable.

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    16 pages
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This document specifies requirements and test methods for factory made thermally insulated flexible pipe-in-pipe assemblies for directly buried district cooling distribution systems, comprising a service pipe and a casing of polyethylene. The pipe assembly can also include the following additional elements: measuring wires, spacers and diffusion barriers.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with EN 17414‑2 or EN 17414‑3.
This document applies only to insulated pipe assemblies, for continuous operation with water at various temperatures (1 to 30) °C and a maximum operation pressure of 25 bar dependent on material specified.
The design is based on an expected service life with continuous operation of a minimum 50 years. For pipe systems with plastic service pipes, the respective temperature profiles are defined in EN 17414‑2 and EN 17414‑3.
NOTE For the transport of other liquids, for example potable water, additional requirements could be applicable.

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    34 pages
    English language
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