CEN/TC 278/WG 7 - Geographic road data (GRD)
Geographic road data
Geographic road data (GRD)
Geographic road data
General Information
This document specifies a unified logical data model based on available existing dynamic information standards. The data has precise relative location references to be linked with ISO/TS 22726-1 which specifies the architecture and the logical data model of static map data for connected and automated driving applications. Dynamic event data comes from external systems and has been defined and specified independently by existing standards. Therefore, the logical data model in this document is formed to synthesize contents referring to other standards.
- Draft115 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the conceptual and logical data model in addition to the physical encoding formats for geographic databases for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) applications and services. This document includes a specification of potential contents of such databases (data dictionaries for Features, Attributes and Relationships), a specification of how these contents are to be represented, and how relevant information about the database itself can be specified (metadata). This document further defines map data used in automated driving systems, Cooperative-ITS, and Multi-modal transport.
The focus of this document is firstly on emerging ITS applications and services, such as Cooperative-ITS and automated driving systems, and it emphasizes road, lane and relevant information on road and lane. However, ITS applications and services also require other information in addition to road and road-related information, which are provided as external databases to connect with GDF and to complement each other. Highly defined public transport databases, for instance, are indispensable in multi-modal transport applications and services in particular. Thus, this document focuses secondly on an expansion of the specification to connect with externally existing databases. It is particularly designed to connect a Transmodel (EN 12896-1 and EN 12896-2) conformant public transport database.
Typical ITS applications and services targeted by this document are in-vehicle or portable navigation systems, traffic management centres, or services linked with road management systems, including public transport systems.
The conceptual data model specified here has a broader focus than ITS applications and services. It is application independent, allowing for future harmonization of this model with other geographic database standards.
- Standard604 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document specifies the conceptual and logical data model and physical encoding formats for geographic databases for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) applications and services. It includes a specification of potential contents of such databases (data dictionaries for Features, Attributes and Relationships), a specification of how these contents shall be represented, and of how relevant information about the database itself may be specified (metadata).
The focus of this document is on ITS applications and services and it emphasizes road and road-related information. ITS applications and services, however, also require information in addition to road and road-related information.
EXAMPLE 1 ITS applications and services need information about addressing systems in order to specify locations and/or destinations. Consequently, information about the administrative and postal subdivisions of an area is essential.
EXAMPLE 2 Map display is an important component of ITS applications and services. For proper map display, the inclusion of contextual information such as land and water cover is essential.
EXAMPLE 3 Point-of-Interest (POI) or service information is a key feature of traveller information. It adds value to end-user ITS applications and services.
Typical ITS applications and services targeted by this document are in-vehicle or portable navigation systems, traffic management centres, or services linked with road management systems, including public transport systems.
The Conceptual Data Model has a broader focus than ITS applications and services. It is application independent, allowing for future harmonization of this document with other geographic database standards.
- Standard1077 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This document defines the content specification for the exchange of road-related spatial data, and especially updates thereof. Based on the content specification, this document defines also a physical exchange format (structure and encoding) for the actual data exchange. In addition, it defines web services that are needed to make the coded data on updates available. Exchange of dynamic information is not in the scope of this document.
Although the focus of this document is on providing information on updates, the technology described in this document in principle also enables the exchange of full datasets, either concerning the whole road network in a coverage area, including all geometry and all attributes, or a subset, concerning for instance all instances of one or more specific attributes.
NOTE This specification does not support the provision of updates concerning geometry. The provision of geometry associated with attribution change is supported, in the context of providing the location of attribute change.
- Technical specification171 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
This standard specifies a system for the interchange of digital road related geographic information. It takes into account all the requirements of applications in the road transport and traffic telematics (RTTT) field. Within this field, the standard is application independent.
- Standardization document462 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day