SC 28 - Office equipment
Standardization of basic characteristics, test methods and other related items of products such as 2D and 3D Printers/Scanners, Copiers, Projectors, Fax and Systems composed of their combinations, excluding such interfaces as user system interfaces, communication interfaces and protocols.
Equipements de bureau
Pour les systèmes d'alimentation de tensions nominales supérieures à 1 000 V en courant alternatif et 1 500 V en courant continu, préparer des normes internationales concernant: 1. un ensemble de définitions utilisées pour la normalisation et la coordination de l'isolement 2. les principes de base de la coordination de l'isolement 3. les champs d'application 4. la spécification d'une série de niveaux d'isolement normalisés (ne se référant à aucun genre d'appareil en particulier) 5. l'énumération précise des essais à prévoir dans la spécification d'un matériel pour atteindre les niveaux d'isolement en relation avec les possibilités des dispositifs de protection contre les surtensions. 6. des recommandations sur la distance minimale dans l'air entre parties sous tension. 7. Un guide d'application destiné aux usagers du matériel électrique et donnant toutes recommandations concernant le choix des différents niveaux d'isolement en relation avec les possibilités des dispositifs de protection contre les surtensions.
General Information
La CEI 60071-2:1996 donne des recommandations pour la détermination des tensions de tenue assignées pour les gammes I et II de la CEI 60071-1 et justifie l'association de ces valeurs assignées avec les valeurs normalisées des tensions les plus élevées pour le matériel. Traite de l'isolement phase-terre, entre phases et longitudinal des reseaux triphasés de tension nominale supérieure à 1 kV. Elle a le statut d'une norme horizontale conformément au Guide 108 de la CEI.[
]Cette version française découle de la publication d'origine bilingue dont les pages anglaises ont été supprimées. Les numéros de page manquants sont ceux des pages supprimées.
- Standard126 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day
IEC 60071-1:2006 applies to three-phase a.c. systems having a highest voltage for equipment above 1 kV. It specifies the procedure for the selection of the rated withstand voltages for the phase-to-earth, phase-to-phase and longitudinal insulation of the equipment and the installations of these systems. It also gives the lists of the standard withstand voltages from which the rated withstand voltages should be selected. This standard recommends that the selected withstand voltages should be associated with the highest voltage for equipment. This association is for insulation co-ordination purposes only. The requirements for human safety are not covered by this standard. Although the principles of this standard also apply to transmission line insulation, the values of their withstand voltages may be different from the standard rated withstand voltages. The apparatus committees are responsible for specifying the rated withstand voltages and the test procedures suitable for the relevant equipment taking into consideration the recommendations of this standard. NOTE: In IEC 60071-2, Application Guide, all rules for insulation co ordination given in this standard are justified in detail, in particular the association of the standard rated withstand voltages with the highest voltage for equipment. When more than one set of standard rated withstand voltages is associated with the same highest voltage for equipment, guidance is provided for the selection of the most suitable set. The main changes from the previous edition are as follows: - in the definitions (3.26, 3.28 and 3.29) and in the environmental conditions (5.9) taken into account clarification of the atmospheric and altitude corrections involved in the insulation co-ordination process; - in the list of standard rated short-duration power frequency withstand voltages reported in 5.6 addition of 115 kV; - in the list of standard rated impulse withstand voltages reported in 5.7, addition of 200 kV and 380 kV; - in the standard insulation levels for range I (1kV < Um 245 kV) (Table 2) addition of the highest voltage for equipment Um = 100 kV; - in the standard insulation levels for range II (Um 245 kV) (Table 3) replacement of 525 kV by 550 kV and of 765 kV by 800 kV; - in order to remove that part in the next revision of IEC 60071-2, addition of Annex A dealing with clearances in air to assure a specified impulse withstand voltage in installation; - in Annex B, limitation at two Um values for the values of rated insulation levels for 1kV < Um 245 kV for highest voltages for equipment Um not standardized by IEC based on current practice in some countries.
It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 10% offe-Library read for1 day