PC 126 - Binary power generation systems
Define the normalized conditions that can estimate the power generation efficiency of the binary power generation system based on Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), and specify the safety requirements on the systems with less than 500 kW capacity which are using hot water created by renewable energy or wasted heat in the industrial field NOTE: Projects with applications in the field of rotating machines, steam turbines and solar thermal electric fields will be coordinated with IEC TC 2; Rotating machinery, IEC TC5; Steam turbines, and IEC TC117; Solar thermal electric plant, including their relevant SCs respectively using the cooperation modes defined in the ISO/IEC Directives.
Systèmes de production d'énergie binaire
Définit les conditions normalisées qui permettent d'estimer l'efficacité de la production d'énergie d’un système de production d'énergie binaire. Ce domaine inclut les conditions de source de chaleur (température, débit), les conditions de refroidissement (température, débit). Les applications concernées sont celles dont la capacité est inférieure à 100 kW, qui utilisent de l’eau chaude créée par des énergies renouvelables ou par de la chaleur perdue dans le domaine industriel.
General Information
IEC 63277-3-1:2025 describes the safety requirements of binary power generation systems based on organic Rankine cycle (ORC) with less than 500 kW in output capacity.
This document covers significant hazards, hazardous situations, and events, with the exception of those associated with environmental compatibility (installation conditions), relevant to binary power generation systems (ORC), when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
- Standard30 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 63277:2021(E) specifies the performance test methods for binary power generation systems.
It defines the normalized test conditions and estimates the power generation efficiency of binary power generation systems. It specifies the binary power generation systems having heating medium of non-pressurized hot water, with a maximum temperature less than 100 °C created by renewable energy or wasted heat in the industrial field and cold water as cooling medium. It is applied to binary power generation systems with electric power generation capacity of less than 100 kW. This document specifies performance testing, the standard conditions and the test methods for determining the electric power output and power generation efficiency of binary power generation systems. It includes heating conditions (temperature, flow rate) and cooling conditions (temperature, flow rate).
- Standard17 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off