01.140.40 - Publishing
General Information
This document establishes the minimum characteristics required for the presentation and identification of periodicals including not only the obvious traditional elements that print periodicals typically display (e.g. title, ISSN, publisher, date), but also the “footprints” of periodicals published on digital dynamic media that enable them to be traced along the path of their history, such as changes of URL and publisher or content provider. Furthermore, this document provides information about p...view more
- Standard26 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard25 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard31 pagesEnglish language
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This document establishes the minimum characteristics required for the presentation and identification of periodicals including not only the obvious traditional elements that print periodicals typically display (e.g. title, ISSN, publisher, date), but also the "footprints" of periodicals published on digital dynamic media that enable them to be traced along the path of their history, such as changes of URL and publisher or content provider. Furthermore, this document provides information about p...view more
- Standard25 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard26 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard31 pagesEnglish language
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This International Standard specifies the interchange format for e-dictionaries among publishers, content creators and manufacturers.
This International Standard does not address the following aspects:
• data formats for reading devices;
• elements necessary for final print reproduction only;
• rendering issues related to physical devices;
- Standard237 pagesEnglish language
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EN IEC 62448 specifies a generic format for multimedia e-publishing employed for e-book data interchange among data preparers and publishers, satisfying a number of publishers requirements: revisable, extensible and heterogeneous logical structure.
- Standard356 pagesEnglish language
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This International Standard specifies the interchange format for e-dictionaries among
publishers, content creators and manufacturers.
This International Standard does not address the following aspects:
• data formats for reading devices;
• elements necessary for final print reproduction only;
• rendering issues related to physical devices;
• security issues such as DRM for document.
- Standard129 pagesEnglish language
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This International Standard specifies a reader’s format for multimedia e-publishing employed for e-book data interchange among publishers and readers, satisfying a number of readers’ requirements such as being non-revisable, equipment-adaptive and application-adaptive.
NOTE This International Standard does not address the following issues:
elements necessary for final print reproduction only;
rendering issues related to physical devices;
metadata issues for document management;
secu...view more
- Standard51 pagesEnglish language
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ISO 14416:2003 is applicable to the binding of books, periodicals and archive documents which have special requirements for durability and permanence. The use, as well as the wear and tear, of library and archive documents varies. The choice of binding method should therefore relate to the appropriate requirements of a specific library or archive. The quality as well as the price of the binding is dependent on this choice.
It is applicable to the following general procedures: first-time hard-co...view more
- Standard34 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard36 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard39 pagesEnglish language
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Gives guidelines for the content, arrangement and presentation of indexes to books, periodicals, reports, patent documents and other written documents, also to non-print materials, such as electronic documents, films, sound and video recordings.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard38 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard38 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard47 pagesEnglish language
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This International Standard gives rules for abbreviating titles of serials and, if appropriate, non-serial documents in
languages using the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets. This International Standard also serves as the basis for the
establishment of title word abbreviations by the ISSN Network.
- Standard11 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard12 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard11 pagesEnglish language
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Applies to all kinds of written documents, for example manuscripts, printed works, books, journal articles, directions for use and standards. Numbering of divisions and subdivisions is advocated if this - clarifies the sequence, importance and interrelation of individual divisions and subdivisions; - simplifies search and retrieval of certain passages in the text; - makes possible the citation of single parts of the text; - facilitates references within a written work.
- Standard2 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesEnglish language
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- Standard – translation5 pagesSlovenian language
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ISO 14416:2003 is applicable to the binding of books, periodicals and archive documents which have special requirements for durability and permanence. The use, as well as the wear and tear, of library and archive documents varies. The choice of binding method should therefore relate to the appropriate requirements of a specific library or archive. The quality as well as the price of the binding is dependent on this choice. It is applicable to the following general procedures: first-time hard-cov...view more
- Standard34 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard36 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard39 pagesEnglish language
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Specifies the requirements for permanent paper intended for documents given in terms of minimum strength measured by a tear test, minimum content of substance (such as calcium carbonate) that neutralize acid action measured by the alkali reserve, maximum content of easily oxidized material measured by the kappa number, maximum and minimum pH values of a cold water extract of the paper. Is applicable to unprinted papers. Is not applicable to boards.
- Standard9 pagesEnglish language
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Specifies the requirements for permanent paper intended for documents given in terms of minimum strength measured by a tear test, minimum content of substance (such as calcium carbonate) that neutralize acid action measured by the alkali reserve, maximum content of easily oxidized material measured by the kappa number, maximum and minimum pH values of a cold water extract of the paper. Is applicable to unprinted papers. Is not applicable to boards.
- Standard9 pagesEnglish language
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- Standard21 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard24 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard21 pagesEnglish language
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This International Standard gives rules for abbreviating titles of serials and, if appropriate, non-serial documents in languages using the Latin, Cyrillic and Greek alphabets. This International Standard also serves as the basis for the establishment of title word abbreviations by the ISSN Network.
- Standard11 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard12 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard11 pagesEnglish language
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Gives guidelines for the content, arrangement and presentation of indexes to books, periodicals, reports, patent documents and other written documents, also to non-print materials, such as electronic documents, films, sound and video recordings.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard38 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard38 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard47 pagesEnglish language
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Establishes rules for the general layout (position and orientation) and use of spine titles and corresponding text used on books, serial publications, periodicals, reports and other forms of documentation such as cases, cassettes, and comparable items intended for placing on shelves. Is applicable only to text with Roman, Greek or Cyrillic characters.
- Standard3 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard3 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard3 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard3 pagesEnglish language
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Describes the elements required for the identification of series and parts thereof and gives rules for the presentation and place of such elements. Its purpose is to enable publishers and editors to identify publications grouped in series, thus facilitating the acquisition and recording of series.
- Standard2 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesEnglish language
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Is applicable to theses in book form, as parts of books, as periodical articles, as typescripts, and as a set of separate publications. Apply to theses reproduced in the following forms: - composed and printed; - in identical form or with reduction (for example from A4 to A5); - in microform.
- Standard10 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard10 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard10 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard10 pagesEnglish language
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Provides rules for the presentation and the position of the contents list of periodicals (see also ISO 8). Cancels and replaces ISO Recommendation R 18-1956, of which it constitutes a technical revision.
- Standard2 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesEnglish language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesFrench language
sale 15% off- Standard2 pagesEnglish language
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