Information and documentation -- Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for archive and library use -- Methods and materials

ISO 14416:2003 is applicable to the binding of books, periodicals and archive documents which have special requirements for durability and permanence. The use, as well as the wear and tear, of library and archive documents varies. The choice of binding method should therefore relate to the appropriate requirements of a specific library or archive. The quality as well as the price of the binding is dependent on this choice.
It is applicable to the following general procedures: first-time hard-cover binding of published and unpublished materials, and any other documents requiring this type of protection; rebinding of hard-cover monographs, serials and any other documents.
It is not intended for binding volumes identified by a customer as having high artifactual or historical value, or for any volumes that, because of their physical characteristics, cannot or should not be bound according to ISO 14416:2003. Arrangements for special treatments should be made separately.

Information et documentation -- Prescriptions relatives à la reliure des livres, des périodiques, des publications en série et des autres documents en papier à l'usage des archives et des bibliothèques -- Méthodes et matériaux

L'ISO 14416:2003 est applicable à la reliure des livres, des périodiques et des documents d'archives ayant des exigences particulières de durabilité et de permanence. L'usage, ainsi que l'état des documents de bibliothèques et d'archives varient. Il convient donc de choisir la méthode de reliure en fonction des exigences propres à une bibliothèque ou à un centre d'archives spécifique. La qualité autant que le prix de la reliure dépendent de ce choix.
Elle est applicable aux opérations générales suivantes:
première reliure à couverture rigide de documents publiés ou non publiés, et de tout autre document requérant ce type de protection;
nouvelle reliure à couverture rigide d'ouvrages, de publications en série ou de tout autre document.
Elle n'est pas destinée à la reliure d'ouvrages revêtant pour un client une valeur importante en tant qu'objet ou sur le plan historique, ou pour tous les autres volumes qui, en raison de leurs caractéristiques physiques, ne peuvent pas être reliés conformément à l'ISO 14416:2003 ou pour lesquels cette dernière ne convient pas. Il y a lieu de passer des accords séparés sur des traitements spéciaux.

Informatika in dokumentacija – Zahteve za vezavo knjig, periodike in drugih dokumentov v papirni obliki za potrebe arhiva in knjižnic – Metode in materiali

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Information and documentation —
Requirements for binding of books,
periodicals, serials and other paper
documents for archive and library use —
Methods and materials
Information et documentation — Prescriptions relatives à la reliure des
livres, des périodiques, des publications en série et des autres
documents en papier à l'usage des archives et des bibliothèques —
Méthodes et matériaux

Reference number
ISO 14416:2003(E)
ISO 2003

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ISO 14416:2003(E)
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Principles . 6
5 Materials. 7
6 General rules for all treatments. 11
7 Book-block treatments . 14
Annex A (normative) Binding procedure options . 19
Annex B (informative) Decision check-list. 22
Annex C (informative) Comments on performance tests for double-fan adhesive-bound books, T3. 25
Annex D (informative) Illustrations of bindings and binding techniques. 27
Bibliography . 33
Alphabetical index . 34

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ISO 14416:2003(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 14416 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation.
iv © ISO 2003 — All rights reserved

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ISO 14416:2003(E)
Libraries and archives receive books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents which should remain in
good physical condition for as long as their content is worth preserving.
Based on their judgement of the wear and tear of an item and its expected lifetime, the libraries and archives
decide how each book, periodical, etc. shall be protected. It is the responsibility of an archive to preserve
original documents, which may also involve the task of specifying paper quality for the future archive records.
The binding of library books and archive documents has traditionally been made in a manner complying with
each binder's tradition and varying requirements from the customer. This International Standard serves as a
tool for libraries and archives in comparing and evaluating quality in relation to price in a world of rapidly
changing methods of book production and library use.
This International Standard for binding materials and methods is intended to promote
 appropriate binding qualities,
 to help binderies to rationalize their production including the application of automated systems, and
 to ensure continuity of supply of binding materials.
In order to reduce unit costs, libraries, archives and binderies have a common interest in complying to this
International Standard. Binderies will be able to offer lower prices if they receive larger quantities of similar
work, and libraries and archives will therefore be able to use binding more extensively as a protection for their
Annex A, normative, provides a description of a number of optional procedures that may be chosen as
supplements to the fundamental binding procedures.
Three informative Annexes B, C and D, are included. Annex B provides guidance in choosing a binding
method. Annex C gives information on performance tests for double-fan adhesive bound books. Annex D
contains illustrations that show some of the requirements of this International Standard.

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Information and documentation — Requirements for binding of
books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for
archive and library use — Methods and materials
1 Scope
This International Standard is applicable to the binding of books, periodicals and archive documents which
have special requirements for durability and permanence. The use, as well as the wear and tear, of library and
archive documents varies. The choice of binding method should therefore relate to the appropriate
requirements of a specific library or archive. The quality as well as the price of the binding is dependent on
this choice.
It is applicable to the following general procedures:
 first-time hard-cover binding of published and unpublished materials, and any other documents requiring
this type of protection;
 rebinding of hard-cover monographs, serials and any other documents.
It is not intended for binding volumes identified by a customer as having high artifactual or historical value, or
for any volumes that, because of their physical characteristics, cannot or should not be bound according to
this International Standard. Arrangements for special treatments should be made separately.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 534:1988, Paper and board — Determination of thickness and apparent bulk density or apparent sheet
ISO 536:1995, Paper and board — Determination of grammage
ISO 1139:1973, Textiles — Designation of yarns
ISO 1974:1990, Paper — Determination of tearing resistance (Elmendorf method)
ISO 2062:1993, Textiles — Yarns from packages — Determination of single-end breaking force and
elongation at break
ISO 6588:1981, Paper, board and pulps — Determination of pH of aqueous extracts
ISO 9665:1998, Adhesives — Animal glues — Methods of sampling and testing
ISO 9706:1994, Information and documentation — Paper for documents — Requirements for permanence
© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved 1

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ISO 14416:2003(E)
ANSI L29.1:1977 (R 1984), Fabric for Book Covers
ASTM D 5035-90, Standard test method for breaking force and elongation of textile fabrics (strip force)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
alkaline buffered paper
paper with a pH equal to or greater than 7,0, and containing a compound (e.g. calcium carbonate) at a level
sufficient to neutralize acid generated from degradation of the paper, from adjacent materials, or from
atmospheric pollution
all-along sewing
method of sewing a book where the sewing thread goes from kettle-stitch to kettle-stitch of each successive
section, with one complete length of thread for each section
archive document
record consisting of original documents which are either single units or collected in a series
binding edge
edge of the gathered leaves or sections that is sewn, adhesive bound or otherwise secured
binding margin
distance between the binding edge and the printed area
book block
a gathering of leaves, including printed or written text and all papers added by the bookbinder, that can be or
have been bound
See 3.43.
brittle paper
paper that will break when it is deformed by folding
NOTE The main causes of paper brittleness after long-term ageing are excessive acidity introduced during the
manufacturing process, and unsuitable storage conditions which lead to deteriorative chemical and physical changes in
the paper structure, especially if the paper is not alkaline buffered.
coated and impregnated fabrics having a heavy base

1) May be obtained from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) at the following address: ANSI 11 West 42nd.
Street. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036 USA.
2) The Figures in Annex D illustrate some of the definitions.
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
assembled covering material, boards and inlay ready to be attached to the book block
checking for completeness and for putting the leaves, issues or sections of a book or serial publication in the
correct order
double-fan adhesive binding
method of adhering loose leaves together at the binding edge to create a book block by applying glue to the
leaves, first fanned out in one direction and then once again in the opposite direction
folded sheet of paper attached to the book block, with each sheet facing the inner side of its board, adhesive
being applied to the outer page of each endsheet when the book block is cased in
fanning out
process of working out the ends of a pile of sheets preparatory for gluing
flat back
a book that is not rounded or backed, resulting in a flat spine and fore edge
a thin plastic film with a high vacuum deposit of metal or pigment and backed by a pressure and heat sensitive
a strip of cloth or paper used as a hinge for a map, illustration or a single sheet; also referred to as
compensating strips for thick inserts and maps
See also 3.42.
hard cover
cover of a book produced from a flexible material, usually cloth or paper supported by rigid boards
additional element, such as printed leaf, blank paper or card, laid between the leaves of a book and not
exterior juncture of spine and covers
stitch made near the head and tail of a book sewn by hand, and which holds the sections together
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
library corner
corner of the binding's cover in which the covering material, instead of being cut and abutted, has the excess
taken up in one diagonal fold, and two turn-ins
machine direction
direction in a paper or a board corresponding to the direction of travel of the web on the paper or board
NOTE Machine direction is often, but not necessarily always, identical with “grain direction”, the direction in which the
majority of fibres lie in a sheet of machine-produced paper or board.
mechanical process used to roughen the edge of the leaves and/or to separate leaves in the preparation of
the book block, usually for adhesive bindings
grooves cut into the spine across the binding edge, often used to enlarge the contact area between glue and
paper in adhesive binding
covering material extending beyond the edges of the board before turning-in
method of sewing thin sections (i.e. piles) of leaves, one to another in succession, to create a semi-flexible
book block
NOTE Oversewing can be done by hand or machine, almost always the latter in library binding.
See also Figure D.9.
paper covers
covers of the book block produced from an unsupported flexible material, usually paper
one or more serial issues of a title that may be bound together as a single unit
activities undertaken to prolong the life of an item, e.g. better storage conditions, proper handling
process of replacing a binding using either the original or a new method of leaf attachment
process of attaching the undamaged book block to a new case, or attaching an undamaged case to a repaired
book block
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
rounding and backing
shaping of a book block by a special machine (or by hand)
NOTE Rounding results in the characteristic convex spine and concave fore-edge of a hard-cover book. Backing
causes the edges of the signatures to fan out, producing a hinge for the cover boards to turn against after the book is
unit of paper which is folded, hinged, sewn or otherwise held together and which with other like units makes
up a complete book
sewing through the fold
method of attaching separate signatures, with the thread passing through the fold of the sections
ridge on each side of the book block that is formed by the backing process
side sewing
method of securing the leaves of a book with thread near the binding edge, the thread passing through the
entire thickness of the book block
See Figure D.12.
each unit of folded leaves combined into a book
spine inlay
strip of card used to stiffen the spine of the case of a binding
spine lining
process of, or material used, in reinforcing the spine of a book
board edges that extend beyond the book block at the head, tail and fore edges of a book
storage binding
type of binding using minimal intervention, applied to material which is little used
blank papers used as a compensating material to smooth out any unevenness in the book block that would
otherwise distort the book shape
See also 3.16.
text block
a gathering of printed or written leaves that may be or have been bound, excluding all paper to be added by
the bookbinder
See 3.6.
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
method of sewing a book by hand in which two sections are sewn on a single length of thread from kettle-
stitch to kettle-stitch
part of the covering material that extends over to the inside surface of the boards and the spine area
method of hand-sewing single sheets into sections, similar to overcasting
4 Principles
This International Standard has been developed for libraries and archives to help them preserve and make
better use of their collections and records by means of binding.
It is based on specified binding methods and is intended to ensure that the customer gets a satisfactory and
uniform binding, regardless of the bindery selected.
Standards that aim to ensure a certain quality level often describe a method, and/or contain requirements on
test values, that the finished products shall meet. Today's test methods are, however, not sufficiently
conclusive as regards the quality requirements on the finished binding. This International Standard will
therefore be subject to continuous revision based on gained experience and changing requirements.
There is no single test method for all types of books. In order to judge the quality of double-fan adhesive-
bound books, however, a set of test methods that gives some information about the binding quality are
described in Annex C.
This International Standard is directed to all libraries/archives with a need to bind their books and documents.
Institutions have different requirements, which broadly can be identified as four types of use, categories A, B,
C and D. This does not, however, exclude that other requirements or combinations of requirements can be
specified. All treatments should be applied with concern for the integrity of the item. This is particularly
important for category D when the item may demand future treatment intended for long-term storage.
A library or archive wishing to bind its books should first consider a category appropriate to the needs of the
institution. According to the grade of permanence or durability required, a suitable book-block treatment will
then be chosen. The treatments correspond to different binding techniques. For example, in category A, only
one book-block treatment is available but in category B, three treatments are available.
The types of use can be defined as follows, book block treatments being given in Clause 7.
Category A: Permanent retention of material that is acquired with folded sections/signatures intact. Intended
for use by libraries and archives for material which is considered to have a permanent value and for which
binding is selected as the storage method.
Book-block treatment T1: Sewing through the fold
Category B: Permanent retention of material acquired in single-leaf form and which is loose, stapled or glued
together. Intended for use by libraries and archives for material which is considered to have a permanent
value and for which binding is selected as the storage method.
Book-block treatments: T2: Oversewing
T3: Double-fan adhesive binding
T4: Side sewing
6 © ISO 2003 — All rights reserved

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ISO 14416:2003(E)
Category C: Heavy use for short periods of time for material that is acquired with folds intact, in single-sheet
form or is an undamaged book block. Intended for use by libraries and archives for material which needs
protection because it is expected to be subjected to heavy use over short periods of time but which might not
be retained permanently.
Book-block treatments T1: Sewing through the fold
T2: Oversewing
T3: Double-fan adhesive binding
T4: Side sewing
T5: Re-casing
Category D. Intermediate use. Intended for use by libraries and archives for protection of material which is
expected to receive occasional light use but needs some protection during storage.
Book-block treatments T4: Side sewing
T5: Re-casing
T6: Storage binding
5 Materials
5.1 General principles
The materials used in binding shall not contain or produce in the future, either in themselves or through
interaction with other materials or with the environment, any substances which are liable to cause any damage
to the documents.
The specific requirements take precedence over the general requirements which should be seen either
 as additional requirements in conjunction with the specific requirements,
 or as the recommended product where specific requirements are lacking.
Alternative materials may be used provided that they meet or exceed the performance of the specified
5.2 Requirements
5.2.1 Paper and board Endpaper
Specific requirements:
Endpapers shall be made from paper conforming to ISO 9706. They shall have a minimum grammage of
2 2
110 g/m and a maximum grammage of 160 g/m . The tear resistance shall be of a minimum of 1 120 mN as
measured by the Elmendorf method, described in ISO 1974. Grammage shall be determined according to
ISO 536.
© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved 7

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ISO 14416:2003(E) Papers for stubbing, pockets, and setting out inserts
Specific requirements:
Papers used for stubbing, pockets, and setting out inserts shall be made of paper conforming to ISO 9706. Spine inlays
Specific requirements:
Spine inlays shall be made from board with a minimum grammage of 225 g/m . Paper of a grammage below
225 g/m may be used for books with a spine width up to 15 mm. Grammage shall be determined according to
ISO 536. Boards
Specific requirements:
3 3
a) Board density shall be within the range of 0,6 g/cm to 1,0 g/cm when the apparent sheet density is
measured according to ISO 534.
b) pH shall be W 6 as tested by ISO 6588, cold water extract procedure.
General requirements:
All boards shall have adequate an internal bond to resist delamination. Resistance to corner crush, edge
crush and warping are critical factors.
For books which are being considered for both permanent retention and heavy use, a board density higher
than 0,8 g/cm is recommended. Reinforcement paper
Specific requirements:
Reinforcement paper shall meet the requirements of ISO 9706 and have an adequate strength. For books
which are being considered for both permanent retention and heavy use, a grammage of more than 120 g/m
is recommended. Grammage shall be determined in accordance with ISO 536.
5.2.2 Fabrics Cloth for endpapers
Specific requirements:
The warp thread shall have no less than 30 warp threads per centimetre, and not less than 28 filling threads
per centimetre.
The tensile strength of the warp threads shall be not less than 80 N/cm of cloth. The tensile strength of the
filling threads shall be not less than 35 N/cm of cloth. Both shall be measured according to the strip method
described in ISO 5081. Stretchable fabric for lining the spines of double-fan adhesive-bound book blocks
General requirements:
The spines of double-fan adhesive-bound book blocks shall be lined with a fabric, that does not break during
rounding and backing, and which preferably does not rapidly absorb the adhesive.
8 © ISO 2003 — All rights reserved

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ISO 14416:2003(E) Cloth for lining spines after rounding and backing
Specific requirements:
The spines of book blocks shall be lined with a woven fabric.
The tensile strength of the warp threads shall be not less than 95 N/cm of cloth. The tensile strength of the
filling threads shall be not less than 75 N/cm of cloth. Both shall be measured according to the strip method
described in ISO 5081.
Alternative material for lining spines may be substituted for woven fabric, providing that it meets or exceeds
the performance of the woven fabric as specified above.
5.2.3 Covering materials
Specific requirements:
Covering materials, including those that are pre-printed, shall be coated or impregnated with a non-migratory
resinous substance, e.g. acrylic resin and shall conform to the specifications for Group F Buckram in
ANSI L29.1.1977.
General requirements:
Cloths shall be highly resistant to folding, tearing and rubbing. They shall be light resistant and suitable for
direct lettering. The surface shall be non-friable with the surface fibres fully coated.
(For optional procedures, see A.4 and A.5.)
5.2.4 Adhesives Adhesives for all processes
Specific requirements:
Adhesives shall not contain PVC, and have a pH value of W 7.
General requirements:
Adhesives used for all processes shall be capable of forming a durable bond between the surfaces to be
joined. The adhesive force shall be such that the bonded materials cannot be separated without damaging
them, except by the use of specialist techniques. Adhesives shall have a good durability, a good adaptability
to all kinds of paper and good ageing characteristics. They shall also be resistant to biological attack. Adhesive for double-fan adhesive binding
Specific requirements:
The adhesive used for double-fan adhesive binding, gluing the spine and lining up the spine shall be an
internally plasticized polymer e.g. polyvinyl acetate, PVAc, specially formulated for this purpose, that will not
cross-link on long-term ageing at normal indoor temperatures (20 °C to 30 °C). Adhesive for gluing the spine, and lining up the spine
Specific requirements:
The adhesive used for gluing the spine and lining up the spine shall be an internally plasticized polymer e.g.
polyvinyl acetate, PVAc, that will not crosslink on long-term ageing at normal indoor temperatures (20 °C
to 30 °C).
(For options see A.6.)
© ISO 2003 — All rights reserved 9

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ISO 14416:2003(E) Adhesive for making the case/cover
Specific requirements:
The adhesive for making the case shall be an internally plasticized polymer adhesive or animal glue. Adhesive for casing-in
General requirements:
The adhesive for casing-in shall be compatible with the adhesive used to make the case, so that the case
adheres tightly and securely to the book block.
5.2.5 Thread Thread for oversewing
Specific requirements:
Thread for oversewing shall be cotton, nylon or cotton-covered polyester. Breaking strength shall not be less
than 15 N as measured by ISO 2062. Thread for sewing through the fold
Specific requirements:
Thread for sewing through the fold by machine shall be cotton, nylon or cotton-covered polyester, and shall be
of appropriate caliper to control swell. Breaking strength shall be not less than 15 N as measured by ISO 2062.
Threads of the same quality shall be used for sewing through the fold by hand, except that linen (or hemp)
thread may also be used. Thread for side sewing
Specific requirements:
Thread for side sewing shall be cotton, nylon or cotton-covered polyester, and shall be of a thickness
equivalent to cotton thread R 72 tex f4 as described in ISO 1139, and have a breaking strength not less than
15 N as measured by ISO 2062.
5.2.6 Sewing tapes
Specific requirements:
Sewing tapes shall be cotton or linen, shall be not less than 13 mm wide, and shall have not less than 40 warp
threads per centimetre and not less than 13 filling threads per centimetre.
The tensile strength of the warp threads shall be not less than 290 N/cm of cloth. The tensile strength of the
filling threads shall be not less than 107 N/cm of cloth. Both shall be measured according to the strip method
described in ISO 5081.
5.2.7 Stamping foils and inks
General requirements:
Stamping foils must stick well, shall not oxidize and be clearly legible during the lifetime of the binding. Inks
shall be acid free.
10 © ISO 2003 — All rights reserved

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ISO 14416:2003(E)
5.2.8 Plastic lamination materials
Specific requirements:
Plastic lamination materials shall be either polyester or polypropylene foil with an acrylic adhesive.
(For options see A.12.)
General requirements:
Plastic laminat

SIST ISO 14416:2005
Informatika in dokumentacija – Zahteve za vezavo knjig, periodike in drugih
dokumentov v papirni obliki za potrebe arhiva in knjižnic – Metode in materiali
Information and documentation -- Requirements for binding of books, periodicals, serials
and other paper documents for archive and library use -- Methods and materials
Information et documentation -- Prescriptions relatives à la reliure des livres, des
périodiques, des publications en série et des autres documents en papier à l'usage des
archives et des bibliothèques -- Méthodes et matériaux
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 14416:2003
01.140.20 Informacijske vede Information sciences
01.140.40 Založništvo Publishing
SIST ISO 14416:2005 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 14416:2005

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SIST ISO 14416:2005

First edition

Information and documentation —
Requirements for binding of books,
periodicals, serials and other paper
documents for archive and library use —
Methods and materials
Information et documentation — Prescriptions relatives à la reliure des
livres, des périodiques, des publications en série et des autres
documents en papier à l'usage des archives et des bibliothèques —
Méthodes et matériaux

Reference number
ISO 14416:2003(E)
ISO 2003

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SIST ISO 14416:2005
ISO 14416:2003(E)
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SIST ISO 14416:2005
ISO 14416:2003(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Principles . 6
5 Materials. 7
6 General rules for all treatments. 11
7 Book-block treatments . 14
Annex A (normative) Binding procedure options . 19
Annex B (informative) Decision check-list. 22
Annex C (informative) Comments on performance tests for double-fan adhesive-bound books, T3. 25
Annex D (informative) Illustrations of bindings and binding techniques. 27
Bibliography . 33
Alphabetical index . 34

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SIST ISO 14416:2005
ISO 14416:2003(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 14416 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 46, Information and documentation.
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SIST ISO 14416:2005
ISO 14416:2003(E)
Libraries and archives receive books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents which should remain in
good physical condition for as long as their content is worth preserving.
Based on their judgement of the wear and tear of an item and its expected lifetime, the libraries and archives
decide how each book, periodical, etc. shall be protected. It is the responsibility of an archive to preserve
original documents, which may also involve the task of specifying paper quality for the future archive records.
The binding of library books and archive documents has traditionally been made in a manner complying with
each binder's tradition and varying requirements from the customer. This International Standard serves as a
tool for libraries and archives in comparing and evaluating quality in relation to price in a world of rapidly
changing methods of book production and library use.
This International Standard for binding materials and methods is intended to promote
 appropriate binding qualities,
 to help binderies to rationalize their production including the application of automated systems, and
 to ensure continuity of supply of binding materials.
In order to reduce unit costs, libraries, archives and binderies have a common interest in complying to this
International Standard. Binderies will be able to offer lower prices if they receive larger quantities of similar
work, and libraries and archives will therefore be able to use binding more extensively as a protection for their
Annex A, normative, provides a description of a number of optional procedures that may be chosen as
supplements to the fundamental binding procedures.
Three informative Annexes B, C and D, are included. Annex B provides guidance in choosing a binding
method. Annex C gives information on performance tests for double-fan adhesive bound books. Annex D
contains illustrations that show some of the requirements of this International Standard.

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SIST ISO 14416:2005

Information and documentation — Requirements for binding of
books, periodicals, serials and other paper documents for
archive and library use — Methods and materials
1 Scope
This International Standard is applicable to the binding of books, periodicals and archive documents which
have special requirements for durability and permanence. The use, as well as the wear and tear, of library and
archive documents varies. The choice of binding method should therefore relate to the appropriate
requirements of a specific library or archive. The quality as well as the price of the binding is dependent on
this choice.
It is applicable to the following general procedures:
 first-time hard-cover binding of published and unpublished materials, and any other documents requiring
this type of protection;
 rebinding of hard-cover monographs, serials and any other documents.
It is not intended for binding volumes identified by a customer as having high artifactual or historical value, or
for any volumes that, because of their physical characteristics, cannot or should not be bound according to
this International Standard. Arrangements for special treatments should be made separately.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 534:1988, Paper and board — Determination of thickness and apparent bulk density or apparent sheet
ISO 536:1995, Paper and board — Determination of grammage
ISO 1139:1973, Textiles — Designation of yarns
ISO 1974:1990, Paper — Determination of tearing resistance (Elmendorf method)
ISO 2062:1993, Textiles — Yarns from packages — Determination of single-end breaking force and
elongation at break
ISO 6588:1981, Paper, board and pulps — Determination of pH of aqueous extracts
ISO 9665:1998, Adhesives — Animal glues — Methods of sampling and testing
ISO 9706:1994, Information and documentation — Paper for documents — Requirements for permanence
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
ANSI L29.1:1977 (R 1984), Fabric for Book Covers
ASTM D 5035-90, Standard test method for breaking force and elongation of textile fabrics (strip force)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the following terms and definitions apply.
alkaline buffered paper
paper with a pH equal to or greater than 7,0, and containing a compound (e.g. calcium carbonate) at a level
sufficient to neutralize acid generated from degradation of the paper, from adjacent materials, or from
atmospheric pollution
all-along sewing
method of sewing a book where the sewing thread goes from kettle-stitch to kettle-stitch of each successive
section, with one complete length of thread for each section
archive document
record consisting of original documents which are either single units or collected in a series
binding edge
edge of the gathered leaves or sections that is sewn, adhesive bound or otherwise secured
binding margin
distance between the binding edge and the printed area
book block
a gathering of leaves, including printed or written text and all papers added by the bookbinder, that can be or
have been bound
See 3.43.
brittle paper
paper that will break when it is deformed by folding
NOTE The main causes of paper brittleness after long-term ageing are excessive acidity introduced during the
manufacturing process, and unsuitable storage conditions which lead to deteriorative chemical and physical changes in
the paper structure, especially if the paper is not alkaline buffered.
coated and impregnated fabrics having a heavy base

1) May be obtained from the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) at the following address: ANSI 11 West 42nd.
Street. 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036 USA.
2) The Figures in Annex D illustrate some of the definitions.
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
assembled covering material, boards and inlay ready to be attached to the book block
checking for completeness and for putting the leaves, issues or sections of a book or serial publication in the
correct order
double-fan adhesive binding
method of adhering loose leaves together at the binding edge to create a book block by applying glue to the
leaves, first fanned out in one direction and then once again in the opposite direction
folded sheet of paper attached to the book block, with each sheet facing the inner side of its board, adhesive
being applied to the outer page of each endsheet when the book block is cased in
fanning out
process of working out the ends of a pile of sheets preparatory for gluing
flat back
a book that is not rounded or backed, resulting in a flat spine and fore edge
a thin plastic film with a high vacuum deposit of metal or pigment and backed by a pressure and heat sensitive
a strip of cloth or paper used as a hinge for a map, illustration or a single sheet; also referred to as
compensating strips for thick inserts and maps
See also 3.42.
hard cover
cover of a book produced from a flexible material, usually cloth or paper supported by rigid boards
additional element, such as printed leaf, blank paper or card, laid between the leaves of a book and not
exterior juncture of spine and covers
stitch made near the head and tail of a book sewn by hand, and which holds the sections together
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
library corner
corner of the binding's cover in which the covering material, instead of being cut and abutted, has the excess
taken up in one diagonal fold, and two turn-ins
machine direction
direction in a paper or a board corresponding to the direction of travel of the web on the paper or board
NOTE Machine direction is often, but not necessarily always, identical with “grain direction”, the direction in which the
majority of fibres lie in a sheet of machine-produced paper or board.
mechanical process used to roughen the edge of the leaves and/or to separate leaves in the preparation of
the book block, usually for adhesive bindings
grooves cut into the spine across the binding edge, often used to enlarge the contact area between glue and
paper in adhesive binding
covering material extending beyond the edges of the board before turning-in
method of sewing thin sections (i.e. piles) of leaves, one to another in succession, to create a semi-flexible
book block
NOTE Oversewing can be done by hand or machine, almost always the latter in library binding.
See also Figure D.9.
paper covers
covers of the book block produced from an unsupported flexible material, usually paper
one or more serial issues of a title that may be bound together as a single unit
activities undertaken to prolong the life of an item, e.g. better storage conditions, proper handling
process of replacing a binding using either the original or a new method of leaf attachment
process of attaching the undamaged book block to a new case, or attaching an undamaged case to a repaired
book block
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
rounding and backing
shaping of a book block by a special machine (or by hand)
NOTE Rounding results in the characteristic convex spine and concave fore-edge of a hard-cover book. Backing
causes the edges of the signatures to fan out, producing a hinge for the cover boards to turn against after the book is
unit of paper which is folded, hinged, sewn or otherwise held together and which with other like units makes
up a complete book
sewing through the fold
method of attaching separate signatures, with the thread passing through the fold of the sections
ridge on each side of the book block that is formed by the backing process
side sewing
method of securing the leaves of a book with thread near the binding edge, the thread passing through the
entire thickness of the book block
See Figure D.12.
each unit of folded leaves combined into a book
spine inlay
strip of card used to stiffen the spine of the case of a binding
spine lining
process of, or material used, in reinforcing the spine of a book
board edges that extend beyond the book block at the head, tail and fore edges of a book
storage binding
type of binding using minimal intervention, applied to material which is little used
blank papers used as a compensating material to smooth out any unevenness in the book block that would
otherwise distort the book shape
See also 3.16.
text block
a gathering of printed or written leaves that may be or have been bound, excluding all paper to be added by
the bookbinder
See 3.6.
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
method of sewing a book by hand in which two sections are sewn on a single length of thread from kettle-
stitch to kettle-stitch
part of the covering material that extends over to the inside surface of the boards and the spine area
method of hand-sewing single sheets into sections, similar to overcasting
4 Principles
This International Standard has been developed for libraries and archives to help them preserve and make
better use of their collections and records by means of binding.
It is based on specified binding methods and is intended to ensure that the customer gets a satisfactory and
uniform binding, regardless of the bindery selected.
Standards that aim to ensure a certain quality level often describe a method, and/or contain requirements on
test values, that the finished products shall meet. Today's test methods are, however, not sufficiently
conclusive as regards the quality requirements on the finished binding. This International Standard will
therefore be subject to continuous revision based on gained experience and changing requirements.
There is no single test method for all types of books. In order to judge the quality of double-fan adhesive-
bound books, however, a set of test methods that gives some information about the binding quality are
described in Annex C.
This International Standard is directed to all libraries/archives with a need to bind their books and documents.
Institutions have different requirements, which broadly can be identified as four types of use, categories A, B,
C and D. This does not, however, exclude that other requirements or combinations of requirements can be
specified. All treatments should be applied with concern for the integrity of the item. This is particularly
important for category D when the item may demand future treatment intended for long-term storage.
A library or archive wishing to bind its books should first consider a category appropriate to the needs of the
institution. According to the grade of permanence or durability required, a suitable book-block treatment will
then be chosen. The treatments correspond to different binding techniques. For example, in category A, only
one book-block treatment is available but in category B, three treatments are available.
The types of use can be defined as follows, book block treatments being given in Clause 7.
Category A: Permanent retention of material that is acquired with folded sections/signatures intact. Intended
for use by libraries and archives for material which is considered to have a permanent value and for which
binding is selected as the storage method.
Book-block treatment T1: Sewing through the fold
Category B: Permanent retention of material acquired in single-leaf form and which is loose, stapled or glued
together. Intended for use by libraries and archives for material which is considered to have a permanent
value and for which binding is selected as the storage method.
Book-block treatments: T2: Oversewing
T3: Double-fan adhesive binding
T4: Side sewing
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ISO 14416:2003(E)
Category C: Heavy use for short periods of time for material that is acquired with folds intact, in single-sheet
form or is an undamaged book block. Intended for use by libraries and archives for material which needs
protection because it is expected to be subjected to heavy use over short periods of time but which might not
be retained permanently.
Book-block treatments T1: Sewing through the fold
T2: Oversewing
T3: Double-fan adhesive binding
T4: Side sewing
T5: Re-casing
Category D. Intermediate use. Intended for use by libraries and archives for protection of material which is
expected to receive occasional light use but needs some protection during storage.
Book-block treatments T4: Side sewing
T5: Re-casing
T6: Storage binding
5 Materials
5.1 General principles
The materials used in binding shall not contain or produce in the future, either in themselves or through
interaction with other materials or with the environment, any substances which are liable to cause any damage
to the documents.
The specific requirements take precedence over the general requirements which should be seen either
 as additional requirements in conjunction with the specific requirements,
 or as the recommended product where specific requirements are lacking.
Alternative materials may be used provided that they meet or exceed the performance of the specified
5.2 Requirements
5.2.1 Paper and board Endpaper
Specific requirements:
Endpapers shall be made from paper conforming to ISO 9706. They shall have a minimum grammage of
2 2
110 g/m and a maximum grammage of 160 g/m . The tear resistance shall be of a minimum of 1 120 mN as
measured by the Elmendorf method, described in ISO 1974. Grammage shall be determined according to
ISO 536.
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SIST ISO 14416:2005
ISO 14416:2003(E) Papers for stubbing, pockets, and setting out inserts
Specific requirements:
Papers used for stubbing, pockets, and setting out inserts shall be made of paper conforming to ISO 9706. Spine inlays
Specific requirements:
Spine inlays shall be made from board with a minimum grammage of 225 g/m . Paper of a grammage below
225 g/m may be used for books with a spine width up to 15 mm. Grammage shall be determined according to
ISO 536. Boards
Specific requirements:
3 3
a) Board density shall be within the range of 0,6 g/cm to 1,0 g/cm when the apparent sheet density is
measured according to ISO 534.
b) pH shall be W 6 as tested by ISO 6588, cold water extract procedure.
General requirements:
All boards shall have adequate an internal bond to resist delamination. Resistance to corner crush, edge
crush and warping are critical factors.
For books which are being considered for both permanent retention and heavy use, a board density higher
than 0,8 g/cm is recommended. Reinforcement paper
Specific requirements:
Reinforcement paper shall meet the requirements of ISO 9706 and have an adequate strength. For books
which are being considered for both permanent retention and heavy use, a grammage of more than 120 g/m
is recommended. Grammage shall be determined in accordance with ISO 536.
5.2.2 Fabrics Cloth for endpapers
Specific requirements:
The warp thread shall have no less than 30 warp threads per centimetre, and not less than 28 filling threads
per centimetre.
The tensile strength of the warp threads shall be not less than 80 N/cm of cloth. The tensile strength of the
filling threads shall be not less than 35 N/cm of cloth. Both shall be measured according to the strip method
described in ISO 5081. Stretchable fabric for lining the spines of double-fan adhesive-bound book blocks
General requirements:
The spines of double-fan adhesive-bound book blocks shall be lined with a fabric, that does not break during
rounding and backing, and which preferably does not rapidly absorb the adhesive.
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ISO 14416:2003(E) Cloth for lining spines after rounding and backing
Specific requirements:
The spines of book blocks shall be lined with a woven fabric.
The tensile strength of the warp threads shall be not less than 95 N/cm of cloth. The tensile strength of the
filling threads shall be not less than 75 N/cm of cloth. Both shall be measured according to the strip method
described in ISO 5081.
Alternative material for lining spines may be substituted for woven fabric, providing that it meets or exceeds
the performance of the woven fabric as specified above.
5.2.3 Covering materials
Specific requirements:
Covering materials, including those that are pre-printed, shall be coated or impregnated with a non-migratory
resinous substance, e.g. acrylic resin and shall conform to the specifications for Group F Buckram in
ANSI L29.1.1977.
General requirements:
Cloths shall be highly resistant to folding, tearing and rubbing. They shall be light resistant and suitable for
direct lettering. The surface shall be non-friable with the surface fibres fully coated.
(For optional procedures, see A.4 and A.5.)
5.2.4 Adhesives Adhesives for all processes
Specific requirements:
Adhesives shall not contain PVC, and have a pH value of W 7.
General requirements:
Adhesives used for all processes shall be capable of forming a durable bond between the surfaces to be
joined. The adhesive force shall be such that the bonded materials cannot be separated without damaging
them, except by the use of specialist techniques. Adhesives shall have a good durability, a good adaptability
to all kinds of paper and good ageing characteristics. They shall also be resistant to biological attack. Adhesive for double-fan adhesive binding
Specific requirements:
The adhesive used for double-fan adhesive binding, gluing the spine and lining up the spine shall be an
internally plasticized polymer e.g. polyvinyl acetate, PVAc, specially formulated for this purpose, that will not
cross-link on long-term ageing at normal indoor temperatures (20 °C to 30 °C). Adhesive for gluing the spine, and lining up the spine
Specific requirements:
The adhesive used for gluing the spine and lining up the spine shall be an internally plasticized polymer e.g.
polyvinyl acetate, PVAc, that will not crosslink on long-term ageing at normal indoor temperatures (20 °C
to 30 °C).
(For options see A.6.)
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ISO 14416:2003(E) Adhesive for making the case/cover
Specific requirements:
The adhesive for making the case shall be an internally plasticized polymer adhesive or animal glue. Adhesive for casing-in
General requirements:
The adhesive for casing-in shall be compatible with the adhesive used to make the case, so that the case
adheres tightly and securely to the book block.
5.2.5 Thread Thread for oversewing
Specific requirements:
Thread for oversewing shall be cotton, nylon or cotton-covered polyester. Breaking strength shall not be less
than 15 N as measured by ISO 2062. Thread for sewing through the fold
Specific requirements:
Thread for sewing through the fold by machine shall be cotton, nylon or cotton-covered polyester, and shall be
of appropriate caliper to control swell. Breaking strength shall be not less than 15 N as measured by ISO 2062.
Threads o

Première édition

Information et documentation —
Prescriptions relatives à la reliure des
livres, des périodiques, des publications
en série et des autres documents en
papier à l'usage des archives et des
bibliothèques — Méthodes et matériaux
Information and documentation — Requirements for binding of books,
periodicals, serials and other paper documents for archive and library
use — Methods and materials

Numéro de référence
ISO 14416:2003(F)
ISO 2003

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ISO 14416:2003(F)
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Publié en Suisse

ii © ISO 2003 — Tous droits réservés

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ISO 14416:2003(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos. iv
Introduction . v
1 Domaine d'application. 1
2 Références normatives. 1
3 Termes et définitions . 2
4 Principes . 8
5 Matériaux. 9
6 Règles générales pour tous les traitements . 13
7 Traitements du corps d'ouvrage . 16
Annexe A (normative) Options de procédés de reliure . 21
Annexe B (informative) Liste de contrôle des décisions. 24
Annexe C (informative) Commentaires relatifs aux tests de performance sur les livres reliés par
collage par double berçage, T3 . 27
Annexe D (informative) Illustrations de reliures et de techniques de reliure. 29
Bibliographie . 35
Index alphabétique. 36

© ISO 2003 — Tous droits réservés iii

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ISO 14416:2003(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 14416 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 46, Information et documentation.
iv © ISO 2003 — Tous droits réservés

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ISO 14416:2003(F)
Les bibliothèques et les centres d'archives reçoivent des livres, des périodiques, des publications en série et
d'autres documents sur papier qu'il convient de maintenir dans de bonnes conditions physiques aussi
longtemps que l'exige la valeur de leur contenu.
Selon l'appréciation qu'ils portent sur l'état d'un document et de sa durée de vie attendue, bibliothèques et
centres d'archives décident de quelle manière chaque livre, périodique, etc. doit être protégé. Il est de la
responsabilité d'un centre d'archives de préserver les documents originaux, cette responsabilité pouvant aussi
impliquer la définition des qualités de papier pour les archives futures.
La reliure des livres de bibliothèque et des documents d'archives est habituellement réalisée selon des savoir-
faire relevant des traditions propres à chaque relieur et aux prescriptions variées des clients. La présente
Norme internationale doit servir, pour les bibliothèques et les centres d'archives, de moyen de comparaison et
d'évaluation de la qualité par rapport au prix dans un contexte de transformation rapide des méthodes de
fabrication des livres comme des usages en bibliothèque.
La présente Norme internationale relative aux matériaux et méthodes de reliure est destinée
 à promouvoir des qualités appropriées en matière de reliure,
 à aider les ateliers de reliure à rationaliser leur production en incluant l'application de systèmes
 et à assurer une continuité dans la production des matériaux de reliure.
Afin de réduire les coûts unitaires, les bibliothèques, les centres d'archives et les relieurs ont un intérêt
commun à se conformer à la présente Norme internationale. Les ateliers de reliure seront en mesure de
proposer des prix plus bas s'ils reçoivent des trains de reliure plus importants et homogènes, et les
bibliothèques et les centres d'archives seront alors en mesure de recourir d'une manière plus extensive à la
reliure comme méthode de protection de leurs ouvrages.
L'Annexe A, normative, fournit une description d'un certain nombre de procédés optionnels qui peuvent être
choisis en plus des procédés de reliure de base.
Elle est suivie de trois Annexes informatives, B, C et D. L'Annexe B fournit un guide pour le choix d'une
méthode de reliure. L'Annexe C donne des informations sur des tests de performance effectués sur des
ouvrages reliés par encollage et double berçage. L'Annexe D propose des illustrations qui décrivent
quelques-unes des prescriptions de la présente Norme internationale.

© ISO 2003 — Tous droits réservés v

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Information et documentation — Prescriptions relatives à la
reliure des livres, des périodiques, des publications en série et
des autres documents en papier à l'usage des archives et des
bibliothèques — Méthodes et matériaux
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Norme internationale s'applique à la reliure des livres, des périodiques et des documents
d'archives ayant des prescriptions particulières de durabilité et de permanence. L'usage, ainsi que l'état des
documents de bibliothèques et d'archives varient. Il convient donc de choisir la méthode de reliure en fonction
des prescriptions propres à une bibliothèque ou à un centre d'archives donné. La qualité autant que le prix de
la reliure dépendent de ce choix.
Elle s'applique aux opérations générales suivantes:
 première reliure à couverture rigide de documents publiés ou non publiés, et de tout autre document
requérant ce type de protection;
 nouvelle reliure à couverture rigide d'ouvrages, de publications en série ou de tout autre document.
Elle n'est pas destinée à la reliure d'ouvrages revêtant pour un client une valeur importante en tant qu'objet ou
sur le plan historique, ou pour tous les autres volumes qui, en raison de leurs caractéristiques physiques, ne
peuvent pas être reliés conformément à la présente Norme internationale ou pour lesquels cette dernière ne
convient pas. Il y a lieu de passer des accords séparés sur des traitements spéciaux.
2 Références normatives
Les documents de référence suivants sont indispensables pour l'application du présent document. Pour les
références datées, seule l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du
document de référence s'applique (y compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO 534:1988, Papier et carton — Détermination de l'épaisseur et de la masse volumique des feuilles uniques
ou des feuilles en liasse
ISO 536:1995, Papier et carton — Détermination du grammage
ISO 1139:1973, Textiles — Désignation des fils
ISO 1974:1990, Papier — Détermination de la résistance au déchirement (Méthode Elmendorf)
ISO 2062:1993, Textiles — Fils sur enroulements — Détermination de la force de rupture et de l'allongement
à la rupture des fils individuels
ISO 6588:1981, Papier, carton et pâtes — Détermination du pH des extraits aqueux
ISO 9665:1998, Adhésifs — Colles d'origine animale — Méthodes d'échantillonnage et d'essai
ISO 9706:1994, Information et documentation — Papier pour documents — Prescriptions pour la permanence
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ISO 14416:2003(F)

ANSI L29.1:1977 (R 1984), Fabric for Book Covers
ASTM D 5035-90, Standard test method for breaking force and elongation of textile fabrics (strip force)
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions suivants s'appliquent.
papier tamponné alcalin
papier avec un pH égal ou supérieur à 7,0, contenant un composant (par exemple du carbonate de calcium)
en quantité suffisante pour neutraliser l'acide généré par le vieillissement du papier, par les matériaux voisins
ou par la pollution atmosphérique
(Terme anglais: alkaline buffered paper)
couture tout du long
méthode qui consiste à coudre un corps d'ouvrage le fil allant d'un point de chaînette à l'autre pour chaque
cahier successif, avec une longueur complète de fil pour chaque cahier
(Terme anglais: all along sewing)
document d'archives
document original qui se présente soit sous la forme d'unités simples, soit regroupé dans une série
(Terme anglais: archive documents)
dos du corps d'ouvrage
bord des feuilles ou des cahiers assemblés sur lequel s'effectue la couture, le collage ou tout autre moyen de
(Terme anglais: binding edge)
marge de fond
distance entre le dos du corps d'ouvrage et la zone imprimée
(Terme anglais: binding margin)
corps d'ouvrage
ensemble de feuillets, comportant des textes imprimés ou manuscrits et tous les papiers ajoutés par le relieur,
prêt à être relié ou déjà relié
(Termes anglais: book block, text block)
Voir 3.43.
NOTE Les Anglo-saxons distinguent «text block» qui ne comprend pas les papiers de reliure, et «book block» qui les

1) Peut être obtenu auprès de l'American National Standards Institute (ANSI) à l'adresse suivante:
ANSI, 11 West 42nd Street, 13th Floor, New York, NY 10036, USA.
2) Les Figures données dans l'Annexe D illustrent certaines des définitions.
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ISO 14416:2003(F)
papier cassant
papier qui casse au pli
(Terme anglais: brittle paper)
NOTE Les principales causes de fragilisation d'un papier lors de son vieillissement sont une acidité excessive
introduite au cours du processus de fabrication, et des conditions de conservation inadéquates qui entraînent des
détériorations chimiques et physiques de la structure du papier, notamment quand le papier ne comporte pas de réserve
toile forte imprégnée et couchée
(Terme anglais: Buckram)
ensemble constitué par le matériau de couvrure, les cartons et le faux-dos, prêt à être fixé au corps d'ouvrage
(Terme anglais: case)
classement des feuilles, des numéros d'une publication en série ou des cahiers d'un livre dans le bon ordre
après avoir vérifié que tout est complet
(Terme anglais: collation)
collage par double berçage
méthode d'assemblage de feuilles libres entre elles, côté dos, pour créer un corps d'ouvrage, en appliquant
de la colle sur les feuillets inclinés et étagés, d'abord dans un sens, puis dans le sens contraire
(Terme anglais: double fan adhesive binding)
feuille de papier pliée attachée au corps d'ouvrage, la face externe du feuillet faisant face à l'intérieur du
carton, la colle étant appliquée sur cette face externe lors de l'emboîtage
(Terme anglais: endpaper)
procédé visant à décaler les bords d'une liasse de feuilles, phase préparatoire pour l'encollage du corps
(Terme anglais: fanning out)
dos carré
ouvrage qui n'est ni arrondi ni endossé, présentant ainsi un dos et une gouttière plans
(Terme anglais: flat back)
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ISO 14416:2003(F)
film de titrage
film de plastique fin recouvert, sous vide poussé, d'une couche de pigment parfois métallisé et enduit d'un
fixatif sensible à la pression et à la chaleur
(Terme anglais: foil)
bande de tissu ou de papier utilisée pour constituer une charnière pour une carte, une illustration ou un feuillet
unique; le terme anglais «guard» désigne aussi une bande de compensation d'épaisseur pour les encarts et
cartes de forte épaisseur
(Terme anglais: guard)
Voir aussi 3.42.
couverture rigide
couverture d'un livre constituée d'un carton rigide recouvert d'un matériau flexible, généralement tissu ou
(Terme anglais: hard cover)
élément additionnel tel que feuille imprimée, carte ou papier vierge, placé entre les feuilles d'un livre et non
(Terme anglais: insert)
mors externe
ligne d'articulation au niveau de la couverture entre le dos et les cartons
(Terme anglais: joint)
point de chaînette
point fait près de la tête et de la queue d'un livre cousu à la main, maintenant les cahiers ensemble
(Terme anglais: kettle-stitch)
coin registre
coin pour lequel le matériau de couvrure, au lieu d'être coupé et contigu, a été plié pour former deux
diagonales avec un pli sous chaque rempli
(Terme anglais: library corner)
sens machine
sens du papier ou du carton qui correspond au sens (sens de déroulement des opérations) du papier ou du
carton dans la machine qui l'a fabriqué
(Terme anglais: machine direction)
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ISO 14416:2003(F)
NOTE Le sens machine correspond souvent au «sens du grain», c'est-à-dire au sens d'alignement de la majorité des
fibres durant la fabrication à la machine d'une feuille de papier ou de carton.
procédé mécanique employé pour rendre rugueux le bord des feuilles et/ou pour séparer les feuilles pour la
préparation du corps d'ouvrage, en général pour la reliure par collage
(Terme anglais: milling)
entailles faites au dos du corps d'ouvrage, souvent utilisées pour augmenter la zone de contact entre le papier
et la colle pour les reliures collées
(Terme anglais: notch)
terme anglais désignant un matériau de couvrure s'étendant au-delà des bords du carton avant de le plier en
méthode qui consiste à coudre latéralement des paquets de feuilles peu épais (c'est-à-dire liasses),
successivement les unes aux autres, pour créer un corps d'ouvrage semi-flexible
(Terme anglais: oversewing)
NOTE Le surjet peut être fait à la main ou à la machine mais, en reliure pour bibliothèque, il est presque toujours fait
à la machine.
Voir aussi la Figure D.9.
couverture souple
couverture d'un corps d'ouvrage constituée d'un matériau flexible, en général de la carte
(Terme anglais: paper covers)
un ou plusieurs numéros d'un même titre d'une publication en série qui peuvent être reliés en une seule unité
(Terme anglais: periodical)
ensemble d'actions entreprises pour prolonger la vie d'un document, par exemple de meilleures conditions de
stockage, une manipulation adéquate
(Terme anglais: preservation)
reliure à nouveau
procédé qui consiste à refaire une reliure en utilisant soit la méthode d'origine d'attachement des feuilles, soit
une nouvelle méthode
(Terme anglais: rebinding)
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ISO 14416:2003(F)
procédé qui consiste à fixer un corps d'ouvrage intact à une nouvelle couverture, ou à fixer une couverture
intacte à un corps d'ouvrage réparé
(Terme anglais: re-casing)
arrondissure et endossure
mise en forme d'un corps d'ouvrage par une machine spéciale (ou à la main)
(Terme anglais: rounding and backing)
NOTE L'arrondissure conduit à former le dos convexe et la gouttière concave caractéristiques d'un livre à couverture
rigide. L'endossure, par la pliure des fonds des cahiers externes, produit un mors dans le creux duquel les cartons de
couvertures viendront se loger, une fois le livre relié.
unité de papier pliée, articulée, cousue ou maintenue avec d'autres unités similaires pour constituer un
ouvrage complet
(Terme anglais: section)
Voir aussi 3.37.
couture cahier
méthode qui consiste à attacher des cahiers séparés, en faisant passer un fil à travers le pli des cahiers
(Terme anglais: sewing through the fold)
arrête formée par le processus d'endossure le long des deux bords externes du dos du corps d'ouvrage
(Terme anglais: shoulder)
couture latérale
méthode qui consiste à attacher les feuilles d'un livre, côté fond, en faisant passer le fil à travers l'épaisseur
complète du corps d'ouvrage
Voir la Figure D.12.
(Terme anglais: side sewing)
chacune des feuilles pliées qui une fois assemblées forment le corps d'ouvrage
(Terme anglais: signature)
Voir aussi 3.33.
carte à dos
bande de carte utilisée pour rigidifier le dos de la couverture de la reliure
(Terme anglais: spine inlay)
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ISO 14416:2003(F)
apprêture du dos
processus ou matériau utilisé pour renforcer le dos d'un ouvrage
(Terme anglais: spine lining)
bords des cartons de couverture qui dépassent du corps d'ouvrage en tête, en queue et en gouttière
(Terme anglais: squares)
reliure d'attente
type de reliure requérant une intervention minimale, appliqué pour les documents peu consultés
(Terme anglais: storage binding)
compensation d'épaisseur
papiers vierges utilisés comme matériau de compensation pour combler toute irrégularité du corps d'ouvrage
qui serait susceptible de déformer l'ouvrage
(Termes anglais: stubbing, guard)
Voir aussi 3.16.
«text block»
terme anglais désignant un ensemble de feuillets imprimés ou manuscrits, prêt à être relié ou déjà relié, à
l'exclusion de la totalité du papier devant être ajoutée par le relieur
Voir 3.6.
NOTE Ce terme est utilisé par les Anglo-saxons, qui distinguent «text block» qui ne comprend pas les papiers de
reliure, et «book block» qui les comprend.
couture «un sur deux»
couture «à cahier sauté»
méthode qui consiste à coudre un corps d'ouvrage à la main et selon laquelle deux cahiers sont cousus sur
une même longueur de fil, d'un point de chaînette à un autre
(Terme anglais: two-on)
partie du matériau de couvrure qui dépasse des cartons des plats et du dos et qui est repliée sur la face
interne de ceux-ci
(Terme anglais: turn-in)
méthode qui consiste à coudre manuellement des feuilles simples en cahiers, comme dans le surjetage
(Terme anglais: whip-stitch)
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ISO 14416:2003(F)
4 Principes
La présente Norme internationale a été élaborée pour les bibliothèques et les centres d'archives afin de les
aider à préserver et à faire le meilleur usage possible de leurs documents et collections par la pratique de la
Elle est fondée sur des méthodes de reliure spécifiées et a pour but d'assurer au client d'obtenir une reliure
satisfaisante et identique, quel que soit le relieur retenu.
Les normes qui ont pour but d'assurer un certain niveau de qualité décrivent souvent une méthode et/ou
contiennent des prescriptions sur les résultats d'essais que les produits finis doivent atteindre. Toutefois, les
méthodes d'essai ne sont pas encore aujourd'hui suffisamment concluantes en ce qui concerne les
prescriptions de qualité du produit fini. La présente Norme internationale sera en conséquence
continuellement sujette à des révisions fondées sur l'expérience acquise et l'évolution des prescriptions.
Il n'existe pas de méthode d'essai unique pour tous les types d'ouvrages. Toutefois, pour juger de la qualité
de livres reliés par collage par double berçage, un ensemble de méthodes d'essai donnant des informations
sur la qualité de la reliure est décrit dans l'Annexe C.
La présente Norme internationale s'adresse à toutes les bibliothèques et tous les centres d'archives qui ont
besoin de faire relier leurs ouvrages et leurs documents. Ces institutions ont des prescriptions différentes qui
peuvent être classées globalement en quatre types d'usage, catégories A, B, C et D. Ceci n'exclut pas,
cependant, la spécification d'autres prescriptions ou combinaisons de prescriptions. Il convient d'appliquer
tous les traitements en portant attention à l'intégrité du document. Ceci est particulièrement important pour la
catégorie D lorsque les documents sont susceptibles de recevoir ultérieurement un traitement pour une
conservation à long terme.
Il est recommandé à une bibliothèque ou un centre d'archives souhaitant faire relier ses ouvrages de choisir
d'abord la catégorie appropriée aux besoins de l'institution. Le traitement adéquat du corps d'ouvrage pourra
ainsi être choisi en fonction du niveau de permanence ou de durabilité exigé. Les traitements correspondent à
différentes techniques de reliure. Par exemple, dans la catégorie A, un seul type de traitement du corps
d'ouvrage est proposé mais dans la catégorie B, trois types de traitement sont possibles (les traitements du
corps d'ouvrage faisant l'objet de l'Article 7).
Les types d'usage se définissent ainsi:
catégorie A: conservation à long terme d'un document formé de cahiers ou feuilles pliées, laissés intacts.
Destinée à être utilisée par les bibliothèques et centres d'archives pour un document considéré comme
présentant une valeur permanente et pour lequel la reliure est choisie comme méthode de conservation.
Traitement du corps d'ouvrage T1: couture cahier
catégorie B: conservation à long terme d'un document formé de feuilles simples libres entre elles ou
attachées ensemble par des agrafes ou de la colle. Destinée à être utilisée par les bibliothèques et centres
d'archives pour un document considéré comme ayant une valeur permanente et pour lequel la reliure est
choisie comme méthode de conservation.
Traitements du corps d'ouvrage T2: surjet
T3: collage par double berçage
T4: couture latérale
catégorie C: usage intensif sur une courte période d'un document qui se présente sous forme de cahiers, de
feuilles simples, ou de corps d'ouvrage intact. Destinée à être utilisée par les bibliothèques et centres
d'archives pour un document qui nécessite une protection parce qu'il est estimé sujet à un usage intensif sur
de courtes périodes mais sans grande probabilité de conservation à long terme.
Traitements du corps d'ouvrage T1: couture cahier
T2: surjet
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ISO 14416:2003(F)
T3: collage par double berçage
T4: couture latérale
T5: réemboîtage
catégorie D: usage moyen. Destinée à être utilisée par les bibliothèques et centres d'archives pour la
protection d'un document supposé n'avoir qu'un usage faible et occasionnel, mais nécessitant une certaine
protection pour son stockage.
Traitements du corps d'ouvrage T4: couture latérale
T5: réemboîtage
T6: reliure de stockage
5 Matériaux
5.1 Principes généraux
Les matériaux entrant dans la confection de la reliure ne doivent ni contenir ni produire à terme de substances
susceptibles d'endommager les documents, soit par eux-mêmes, soit par interaction avec d'autres matériaux
ou avec l'environnement.
Les prescriptions spécifiques sont prioritaires par rapport aux prescriptions générales qu'il convient de
 soit comme des prescriptions complémentaires par rapport aux prescriptions spécifiques,
 soit comme des prescriptions principales lorsque ces prescriptions spécifiques font défaut.
Des matériaux différents ou nouveaux peuvent être utilisés à condition qu'ils permettent d'obtenir des résultats
égaux ou supérieurs à ceux des matériaux prescrits.
5.2 Prescriptions
5.2.1 Papier et carton Gardes
Prescriptions spécifiques:
Les gardes doivent être faites avec un papier conforme à l'ISO 9706. Elles doivent avoir un grammage
2 2
minimal de 110 g/m et un grammage maximal de 160 g/m . Leur résistance minimale à la déchirure doit être
de 1 120 mN, mesurée par la méthode Elmendorf décrite dans l'ISO 1974. Le grammage doit être déterminé
conformément à l'ISO 536. Papier pour les compensations d'épaisseur, la fabrication de pochettes et les montages des
Prescriptions spécifiques:
Les papiers utilisés pour les compensations d'épaisseur, la fabrication de pochettes et les montages des
encarts doivent être conformes à l'ISO 9706.
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ISO 14416:2003(F) Faux-dos/cartes à dos
Prescriptions spécifiques:
Les faux-dos/cartes à dos doivent être faits avec une carte d'un grammage minimal de 225 g/m . Le papier
d'un grammage inférieur à 225 g/m peut être utilisé pour des livres d'une largeur de dos inférieure ou égale à
15 mm. Le grammage doit être déterminé conformément à l'ISO 536. Cartons
Prescriptions spécifiques:
3 3
a) La masse volumique du carton doit être comprise entre 0,6 g/cm et 1,0 g/cm , quand elle est mesurée
conformément à l'ISO 534.
b) Le pH doit être supérieur ou égal à 6 lors de la méthode d'extraction aqueuse à froid conforme à
l'ISO 6588.
Prescriptions générales:
Tous les cartons doivent présenter une bonne liaison interne pour résister à la délamination. La résistance à
la déformation des coins, à la déformation des bords, et au gauchissement est un élément important de
Pour les livres destinés à un usage intensif en même temps qu'à une conservation longue, un carton d'une
masse volumique supérieure à 0,8 g/cm est recommandé. Papier d'apprêture
Prescriptions spécifiques:
Les papiers d'apprêture de dos doivent satisfaire aux prescriptions de l'ISO 9706 et avoir une résistance
appropriée. Pour les livres qui doivent être conservés à long terme et soumis à une utilisation intensive, un
grammage supérieur à

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