ASTM E2299-13(2021)
(Guide)Standard Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Products by Children and Minors
Standard Guide for Sensory Evaluation of Products by Children and Minors
4.1 It is necessary and useful to test with children because they represent the real end-users for many products. Some products are developed specifically for children, and some are dual-purpose products that are intended for adults and children. Examples include: baby foods, diapers, ready-to-eat cereal, juices, food or lunch kits, candy, toys, vitamins and other pharmaceuticals, music and videos, interactive learning tools, and packaging.
4.2 Children have influence over adults' purchase decisions and are responsible for many or some of their own purchase decisions.
4.3 Creating a product for children requires input from children because their wants and needs differ from those of adults. For example, they may differ from adults in preferences or sensory acuity, or both, for sweetness, saltiness, carbonation, and texture. It is impossible to predict the nature of these differences without actual input from the intended target audience.
1.1 This guide provides a framework for understanding the issues relating to conducting sensory and market research studies with children. It recommends and provides examples for developing ethical, safe, and valid testing methods. It focuses specifically on the concerns relevant to testing with children from birth through preadolescence. The guide assumes that minors older than 15 years of age are generally capable of performing sensory tests like adults, and therefore, all standard procedures used with adult subjects apply. The one exception, however, is legal consent where parental/legal guardian permission should be obtained for anyone under 18 years of age.
1.2 This guide will take into account the wide range of children's physical, emotional, and cognitive levels of development. It will prove useful for developing tasks that are understandable to children. It recommends alternative modes for children to communicate their opinions or perceptions back to the researcher, such as appropriate scales and measures.
1.3 The ethical standard presented in this document should be viewed as a minimum requirement for testing with minors. The safety and protection of children as respondents, as well as an attitude of respect for the value of their input should be of primary concern to the researcher.
1.4 The considerations raised in this document may also be useful when testing with the elderly or with adults who have developmental handicaps.
1.5 This document is not intended to be a complete description of reliable sensory testing techniques and methodologies. It focuses instead on special considerations for the specific application of sensory techniques when testing with children. It assumes knowledge of basic sensory and statistical analysis techniques.
1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the
Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
Designation: E2299 − 13 (Reapproved 2021)
Standard Guide for
Sensory Evaluation of Products by Children and Minors
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2299; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Development of International Standards, Guides and Recom-
mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical
1.1 This guide provides a framework for understanding the
Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee.
issues relating to conducting sensory and market research
studies with children. It recommends and provides examples
2. Referenced Documents
for developing ethical, safe, and valid testing methods. It
2.1 ASTM Standards:
focuses specifically on the concerns relevant to testing with
E253 Terminology Relating to Sensory Evaluation of Mate-
children from birth through preadolescence. The guide as-
rials and Products
sumes that minors older than 15 years of age are generally
E1958 Guide for Sensory Claim Substantiation
capable of performing sensory tests like adults, and therefore,
2.2 ASTM Publications:
all standard procedures used with adult subjects apply.The one
STP 758 Guidelines for the Selection and Training of Sen-
exception, however, is legal consent where parental/legal
sory Panel Members
guardian permission should be obtained for anyone under 18
years of age.
3. Summary of Guide—Specific Applications for Testing
1.2 This guide will take into account the wide range of With Children
children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive levels of devel-
3.1 The primary use of children in sensory studies is to
opment. It will prove useful for developing tasks that are
measure the acceptability of foods, beverages, pharmaceutical
understandable to children. It recommends alternative modes
colors and flavors, and other products designed to be marketed
for children to communicate their opinions or perceptions back
to, consumed by, or used by children.
to the researcher, such as appropriate scales and measures.
3.2 In this sense, they answer many of the same questions
1.3 The ethical standard presented in this document should
posed by affective sensory tests with adults. Children are used
be viewed as a minimum requirement for testing with minors.
to measure overall acceptance, liking, or preference between
samples. The resulting information can be used to aid in
an attitude of respect for the value of their input should be of
primary concern to the researcher.
3.3 Sensory testing with children can also be used to
1.4 The considerations raised in this document may also be
useful when testing with the elderly or with adults who have
the effectiveness of childproof safety caps. Other applications
developmental handicaps.
include advertising research or identification of unfilled needs
1.5 This document is not intended to be a complete descrip- orwantsaspartoftheproductdevelopmentprocess(seeGuide
tion of reliable sensory testing techniques and methodologies. E1958).
It focuses instead on special considerations for the specific
3.4 Finally, some organizations are using children for basic
research into the effectiveness of different scaling methods or
assumes knowledge of basic sensory and statistical analysis
sensory testing methodologies with children of varying ages.
4. Significance and Use
1.6 This international standard was developed in accor-
dance with internationally recognized principles on standard-
4.1 It is necessary and useful to test with children because
ization established in the Decision on Principles for the
they represent the real end-users for many products. Some
1 2
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E18 on Sensory For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Evaluation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E18.05 on Sensory contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Applications--General. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved April 15, 2021. Published May 2021. Originally the ASTM website.
approved in 2003. Last previous edition approved in 2013 as E2299 – 13. DOI: Available fromASTM International Headquarters, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO
10.1520/E2299-13R21. Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E2299 − 13 (2021)
products are developed specifically for children, and some are consumption,frequencyanddurationofuse,lengthofattention
dual-purposeproductsthatareintendedforadultsandchildren. span, or the condition of the product before, during and after
Examples include: baby foods, diapers, ready-to-eat cereal, use. In addition, an adult can fill out a simple questionnaire
juices, food or lunch kits, candy, toys, vitamins and other with facial scales as a way to mimic the child’s response and
pharmaceuticals, music and videos, interactive learning tools, aid in interpretation.
and packaging.
5.2.2 Cautions: Due to the limited language, attention span, and
4.2 Children have influence over adults’ purchase decisions
motor skills, the length of the testing session and number of
and are responsible for many or some of their own purchase
products evaluated must be limited. Input from the parent/
primary caregiver as to the amount and length of exposure is
4.3 Creating a product for children requires input from
critical. Consideration may be given to exposing the caregiver
children because their wants and needs differ from those of
adults. For example, they may differ from adults in preferences
a large number of samples. This technique also allows the
caregiver to increase their comfort level about exposing their
and texture. It is impossible to predict the nature of these
child to the product.
differences without actual input from the intended target Caution should be used when the caregiver is asked
to make a subjective judgement for the young child. Primary
caregivers, especially parents, may respond from personal
5. Test Methods
preferences, interpreting for the child their own personal
5.1 Skill Development and Appropriate Testing:
opinion. At other times, primary caregivers or parents may
5.1.1 Testing with children requires special consideration of
unknowingly establish a pattern of responses that they believe
their language development, motor skills, and social and
would present their child in a positive manner to the evaluator.
psychological development. Every child is unique, and there is
An option to reduce potential biases includes providing an
great variation within and across age groups. In developing
environment that fosters honest responses (for example, field-
appropriate test methodologies for children, it is more impor-
ing through a third party agency or non-company identified
tant to consider individual skill development than chronologi-
facility, indicating the importance of the data, or how the data
cal age. Table 1 provides a general guideline for expectations
will be used, or both). Another option is to have the parent/
of skill level and appropriate evaluation techniques for each
primary caregiver feed the child first, record the child’s
age group. For each age group, there is corresponding text
response and then the parent/primary caregiver may be in-
discussing special testing considerations.
structed to taste and record their own response.
5.1.2 The researcher should keep in mind that there are Whether the observer is the primary caregiver, an
many children in each age grouping who will fall below or
experimenter or trained evaluator, adult interpretation of ob-
servational responses are subjective and may be affected by
to verify the ability of the children to complete the task as
factors unrelated to the product in question. For example,
planned or to modify it as required to meet the needs of the
physical discomfort on the part of the child, such as tiredness
children selected for testing. For example, while some second
or illness, may result in behaviors such as refusing to eat or
grade children may be able to read and understand test
pushing products away with hands. An unbiased observer or
instructions, others will need assistance with that task.
videotaping the session, or both, in conjunction with parental/
5.2 Infants(Birthto18Months)andToddlers(18Monthsto primarycaregiverinputcanaidincaseswhereinterpretationof
a response is unclear. Multiple exposures and repeated evalu-
3 Years):
ations may also be helpful.
5.2.1 Recommended Evaluation Techniques and Types of
5.3 Pre-school (Age 3 to 5 Years Old): Information may be gathered from behavioral
5.3.1 Recommended Evaluation Techniques and Types of
observations, diaries, or records from an adult experimenter
who may be a trained evaluator, or the child’s primary Behavioral observations and the diaries used with
caregiver. It is the adult who interprets infant or toddler
infants and toddlers are also appropriate with children 3 to
responses. With toddlers, some verbal responses may also be
5 years old. In addition, preschool children can begin using
obtained. When the primary caregiver is involved, having an
verbal skills to communicate their responses about the prod-
unbiased observer watch the interaction between the child and
ucts. One-on-one interviews in the presence of a primary
adult is beneficial. Video taping the test allows greater flex-
caregiver, paired comparisons, or limited use of sorting and
ibility and opportunity for additional review.
matching techniques using pictures are appropriate. Information may include observations recorded Keeping in mind individual differences, many chil-
before, during, or after product use in either a clinical envi-
dren in this age group can perform simple tasks that provide
ronment or more natural usage situation (such as the home or
quantitative results. Suggested quantitative methods for pre-
a group child care environment). Behavioral observations may
school children include using facial scales to measure liking,
include hand and eye movement, facial expressions, time spent
paired preference, and preference ranking techniques.
playing, amount and time of consumption, or interaction with
the product. Diaries or records can be used to track intake or 5.3.2 Cautions:
E2299 − 13 (2021)
TABLE 1 Summary of Skills and Behaviors of Children and Teens
Beginning Readers Pre-teen Teenage
Infant Toddler Pre-school
Skill/Behavior 5to8 Years 8to12 Years 12 to 15 Years
Birth to 18 Months 18 Months to 3 Years 3to5 Years
nd nd th th th
Kindergarten-2 Grade 2 Grade-6 Grade 6 Grade-12 Grade
Language—Verbal, Reading/ Pre-verbal. Rely on facial Beginning to vocalize, adult Early language development. Moderately developed verbal Increasingly verbal—self- Generally strong language
Written Language, expressions. Cannot read. interpretation still required. Can observe facial and vocabulary skills; expression improves. and vocabulary skills.
Vocabulary Cannot write. Use sounds, Cannot read. Cannot write. expressions, respond to cognitive skills increase. Reading and written Reading and written
very few words. Early word usage questions and pictures. Early reading and writing language skills increase language skills continue to
developing. Generally reading and writing skills vary greatly at this age. rapidly and are sufficient for increase. Adult level in most
skills are not present. Adult assistance is advised. most self-administered tasks respects.
at the upper limits of this age
Attention Span Gauged by eye contact and Gauged by eye contact or Limited, but increasing. Limited by understanding of Attention span is increasing, Similar to adults,
bodily movement. Bright involvement with task, bodily Bright colors, movement are task and interest level, but holding interest is critical involvement and interest
colors, sound, and movement. Bright colors, effective. challenge. Limit tasks to and sometimes difficult. subject to peer pressure.
movements capture sound, and movements <15 min. Taking tests is a familiar
attention. capture attention. activity.
Reasoning Limited to pain and pleasure. Limited, but concept of “no” Limited, but beginning to be Developing with increased Full ability for understanding Reasoning skills are fully
becoming a factor. Definite able to verbalize what is learning, cause/effect and reasoning, capable of developed and similar to
preferences begin to liked and what is not. concepts. decision making. adults.
Decision Making Do not make complex Do not make complex Limited, but concepts of what Ability to decide is Capable of complex Fully capable of adult
decisions. decisions, but “yes”/“no” can is liked and what is not increasing, but influence of decisions, peer influences a decision processes, subject
be decisive. Ability to choose strengthen. Able to choose adult approval is evident. factor. to peer influences.
begins. one thing over another.
Understanding Scales Do not understand scales. Do not understand scales. Understanding of simple Scale understanding Capable of understanding Similar to adults.
scales beginning, sorting or increasing, simple is best, scaling concepts with
identification tasks more use easy vocabulary. adequate instruction.
Motor Skills Possess some gross motor Rapid gains in gross motor Development of gross and Gross motor skills Hand to eye and other fine Similar to adults.
skills, no fine motor skills skills, fine motor skills still fine motor skills increasing. developed, fine skills motor skills developed.
limited. becoming more refined.
Recommended Evaluation Behavioral Observations Previous, plus: Paired Previous, plus: Previous, plus more abstract Capable of all adult
Techniques Diaries Comparison Simple attribute ratings reasoning tasks. evaluation
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