Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Stationary Coal from Railroad Cars, Barges, Trucks, or Stockpiles

1.1 This practice covers procedures for obtaining a manual gross sample from beneath the surface of coal in railroad cars, barges, trucks, or stockpiles. These procedures are to be used to provide gross samples for estimating the quality of the coal. The gross samples are to be crushed, divided, and further prepared for analysis in accordance with Practice D 2013.
1.2 This practice provides instruction for sampling beneath the exposed surface coal to a depth of approximately 61 cm (24 in.). Samples are collected at this depth to get below the surface of the material, where drying and oxidation may have occurred. The purpose is to avoid collecting increments that are significantly different from the majority of the lot of coal being sampled due to environmental effects. The user is cautioned that samples so obtained do not represent material beyond the point of penetration. Sample increments collected from the surface layer(s) of coal in railroad cars, barges, or stockpiles are classified condition "D" (see Practice D 2234 section 6, Increment Collection Classification). It is a good practice to require that "details of sampling procedure shall be agreed upon in advance by all parties concerned" whenever collection of sample increments falls under condition "D." This practice offers a sampling procedure that parties may use to meet requirements of Practice D 2234 for condition "D." The practice does not produce samples that satisfy precision requirements of Practice D 2234 general-purpose sampling, or Practice D 2234 special-purpose sampling.
1.3 The user is cautioned that samples of this type do not satisfy the minimum requirements for probability sampling and as such cannot be used to draw statistical inferences such as precision, standard error, or bias.
1.4 This sampling method is intended for use only when sampling by more reliable methods that provide a probability sample is not possible.
1.5 The quantities stated in either acceptable SI units or in inch-pound units are regarded separately as standard. The quantities stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other, without combining quantities in any way.
1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D6883-03 - Standard Practice for Manual Sampling of Stationary Coal from Railroad Cars, Barges, Trucks, or Stockpiles
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
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Designation: D 6883 – 03
Standard Practice for
Manual Sampling of Stationary Coal from Railroad Cars,
Barges, Trucks, or Stockpiles
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 6883; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.6 This standard does not purport to address all of the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
1.1 This practice covers procedures for obtaining a manual
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
gross sample from beneath the surface of coal in railroad cars,
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
barges, trucks, or stockpiles. These procedures are to be used to
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
provide gross samples for estimating the quality of the coal.
The gross samples are to be crushed, divided, and further
2. Referenced Documents
prepared for analysis in accordance with Practice D 2013.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.2 This practice provides instruction for sampling beneath
D 121 Terminology of Coal and Coke
the exposed surface coal to a depth of approximately 61 cm (24
D 2013 Practice for Preparing Coal Samples for Analysis
in.). Samples are collected at this depth to get below the surface
D 2234 Practice for Collection of a Gross Sample of Coal
of the material, where drying and oxidation may have occurred.
D 4749 Test Method for Performing Sieve Analysis of Coal
The purpose is to avoid collecting increments that are signifi-
and Designating Coal Size
cantly different from the majority of the lot of coal being
D 4916 Practice for Mechanical Auger Sampling
sampled due to environmental effects. The user is cautioned
E 105 Practice for Probability Sampling of Materials
that samples so obtained do not represent material beyond the
E 177 Practice for Use of the Terms Precision and Bias in
point of penetration. Sample increments collected from the
ASTM Test Methods
surface layer(s) of coal in railroad cars, barges, or stockpiles
E 456 Terminology for Relating to Quality and Statistics
are classified condition “D” (see Practice D 2234 section 6,
Increment Collection Classification). It is a good practice to
3. Terminology
require that “details of sampling procedure shall be agreed
3.1 Definitions:
upon in advance by all parties concerned” whenever collection
3.1.1 consignment, n—a discrete amount of coal, such as a
of sample increments falls under condition “D.” This practice
shipment, a carload, a unit train, or a day’s production. A
offers a sampling procedure that parties may use to meet
consignment may include more than one lot of coal and may
requirements of Practice D 2234 for condition “D.” The
correspond to a specific period of time such as sampling period
practice does not produce samples that satisfy precision re-
or billing period.
quirements of Practice D 2234 general-purpose sampling, or
3.1.2 particle segregation, n—the segregation of sized par-
Practice D 2234 special-purpose sampling.
ticles to specific areas as a result of the particles rolling, falling,
1.3 The user is cautioned that samples of this type do not
or sliding down the sides of a pile or a result of the peculiarities
satisfy the minimum requirements for probability sampling and
of a coal handling system used to build the pile. Particle
as such cannot be used to draw statistical inferences such as
segregation is a process of separation, not exclusively by size,
precision, standard error, or bias.
but by size, shape, and density.
1.4 This sampling method is intended for use only when
3.1.3 stockpile, n—material stored or reserved in a stacked
sampling by more reliable methods that provide a probability
pile or heap.
sample is not possible.
1.5 The quantities stated in either acceptable SI units or in
4. Summary of Practice
inch-pound units are regarded separately as standard. The
4.1 Use of this practice is limited to manual collection of
quantities stated in each system may not be exact equivalents;
sample increments from beneath the surface layer(s) of station-
therefore, each system must be used independently of the other,
ary coal from railroad cars, barges, trucks, or stockpiles for the
without combining quantities in any way.
purpose of acquiring a gross sample.
This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D05 on Coal and
Coke and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D05.23 on Sampling. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 05.06
Current edition approved April 10, 2003. Published May 2003. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superceded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
5. Significance and Use precision cannot be obtained for these samples, any multiplier
can be considered valid in place of the number 35 in Eq 1 if
5.1 These guidelines provide procedures for manually col-
agreed upon by the parties concerned.
lecting gross samples from beneath the exposed surface of coal
in railroad cars, barges, trucks, or stockpiles taking into
total lot size ~Mg or tons!
N 5 35 (1)
account the wide variety of conditions that may be encoun-
908 Mg or 1000 tons
tered. The samples are further processed for the laboratory to
provide estimations of the coal quality. The use of this practice
N = number of increments.
is conditional upon agreement among all interested parties
7.5 Increment Collection—Collect increments from a depth
concerning all relevant details of sample collection before
sampling begins. These include, but are not limited to: lot size; of approximately 61 cm (24 in.), on top of conveyances,
number and mass of increments; the size, shape, and manipu- around the base of the stockpile, and up the slopes of the pile.
lation of the increment collection devices; location of incre- The angles of the sides of the holes should be less than the
ment collection site or sites; circumstances under which angle of repose. Place the coal that is removed from the holes
increments are not to be collected or suspended; and safety
away from the sampling area. Remove the increment from the
precautions. It is preferable that such agreements be in writing.
bottom of the hole and place it into the container. Avoid any
The user is cautioned that samples so obtained do not represent
material below the point of penetration.
7.5.1 The pattern of increment placement can be dependent
upon the size and number of conveyances or height and shape
6. Hazards
of the stockpile. Space the increments over the surface of the
6.1 Warning—Stockpile sampling involves exposure to
coal so that each increment will represent equally sized areas.
hazardous operations, conditions, and equipment. Awareness to
This will require different spacing of increments as the size and
personnel safety cannot be overemphasized. Personnel may
number of conveyances or the profile of the pile changes. The
require approved federal and/or state safety training before
Appendix contains a discussion of pattern selection for collec-
taking part in field sampling. Site-specific safety regulations
tion of increments from coal in conveyances.
must be observed. This includes personnel wearing all speci-
7.5.2 As increments are collected, protect them from con-
fied personal protection equipment. The general safety precau-
tamination and moisture change. Place the increments in
tions necessary when working around moving equipment must
plastic-lined canvas bags, metal drums with plastic liners,
be observed. Sampling technicians must never work in coal
plastic buckets with airtight lids, or other moisture impervious
that is piled or in railroad cars over hoppers and/or feeders or
containers. Each sample must be clearly identified. Place a
where there is the possibility of the coal being eroded from
moisture-proof identification tag inside the sample container
beneath them. Sampling should never be performed near a face
and attach another securely on the outside of the sample
of a stockpile where the face extends upward at an angle
container. Sample identification shall include the sampling
greater than the angle of repose of the coal.
technician’s initials, the date, the location, weather conditions,
the number of increments, and the sampling method used. This
7. Procedure
information will become part of the analytical report. Other
7.1 Observations—Before sampling a lot of coal using this
notes or pertinent information can be recorded in the sampling
method, perform a visual inspection for particle distribution
log (see Section 8). This information may or may not be in the
and possible particle segregation within the stockpile. Notes
report, but it shall be retained as a part of the laboratory record.
should be made on the sampling log to reflect these observa-
7.6 Collection Devices—The estimated top size of the coal
tions. These notes could be useful in understanding differences
ascertained in 7.1 should be used to determine the opening size
of analytical test results or in identifying changes in stockpiling
of the increment collection device. It should be a minimum of
characteristics. The approximate top size of the coal on the
two and one half

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