Standard Guide for Temperature Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Non-Letter Designated Thermocouple Combinations (Withdrawn 2009)

1.1 This guide consists of reference tables that give temperature-electromotive force (EMF) relationships for special purpose, limited use, thermocouple combinations that do not have a letter designation.  
1.2 Extension wire or compensating extension wires are not covered by this guide. ASTM MNL 12 or thermocouple alloy suppliers should be consulted.
This guide consists of reference tables that give temperature-electromotive force (emf) relationships for special purpose, limited use, thermocouple combinations that do not have a letter designation.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee E20 on Temperature Measurement, this guide was withdrawn in March 2009 in accordance with section of the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, which requires that standards shall be updated by the end of the eighth year since the last approval date.

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ASTM E1751-00 - Standard Guide for Temperature Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Non-Letter Designated Thermocouple Combinations (Withdrawn 2009)
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
Designation: E 1751 – 00
Standard Guide for
Temperature Electromotive Force (emf) Tables for Non-
Letter Designated Thermocouple Combinations
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1751; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope tional information is required, consult ASTM MNL 12 or one
of the following thermocouple manufacturers: CarpenterTech-
1.1 This guide consists of reference tables that give
nology, Engelhard Corp. Specialty Metals Div., Hoskins Mfg.
Co., Johnson Matthey, Sigmund Cohn Corp.
purpose, limited use, thermocouple combinations that do not
have a letter designation.
5. Thermocouple Types
1.2 Extension wire or compensating extension wires are not
2 5.1 Letter symbols have not been assigned. Identification is
covered by this guide.ASTM MNL12 or thermocouple alloy
suppliers should be consulted.
material listed first.
2. Terminology 5.1.1 Tungsten versus tungsten−26% rhenium.
5.1.2 Platinel II.
2.1 Definitions:
5.1.3 KP versus gold−0.07% iron.
2.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this guide see Termi-
5.1.4 Platinum−5% molybdenum versus platinum−0.1%
nology E344.
2.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
5.1.5 Platinum−40 % rhodium versus platinum−20 %
2.2.1 matched pairs, n—a set of positive and negative
5.1.6 Nickel−18% molybdenum versus nickel−0.8% co-
these thermoelements will match a specified temperature-
elctromotive force relationship to within a specified tolerance,
5.1.7 Iridium−40% rhodium versus iridium.
at the time of first use.
5.1.8 Gold versus platinum.
3. Source of Data 5.1.9 Platinum versus palladium.
3.1 The data in these tables are based on the SIVolt and the
6. Tolerances on Initial Values of emf versus
International Temperature Scale of 1990.
3.2 Alltemperature–electromotiveforcedatainTables1-18
6.1 Tolerances on initial values of emf versus temperature
have been developed from NIST, NRC, and wire manufactur-
have not been established for the thermocouples in this guide.
ers’ data.
When required, tolerances on initial values of emf versus
3.3 Tables 1-14 give emf values in millivolts to three
temperature should be established by agreement between the
decimal places (1 µV) at 1 °C or 1 °F intervals. Tables 15-18
consumer and the producer.These thermocouple combinations
give emf values in microvolts to one decimal place (0.1 µV) at
are supplied typically as matched pairs.
1 °C or 1 °F intervals. If greater precision is required, refer to
the equation and coefficients listed for each thermocouple
7. Table Information
7.1 The following is a list of emf versus temperature tables
4. Significance and Use included in this guide.
Table Number Thermocouple Type Temperature Range
4.1 These thermocouple combinations have been developed
for specific applications by the wire manufacturer(s). If addi-
Table 1 Tungsten versus Tungsten−26 % Rhenium 0 °C to 2315 °C
Table 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten−26 % Rhenium 32 °F to 4200 °F
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E20 on Temperature
Measurement and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E20.04 on Thermo-
couples. Trademark of Engelhard Corp., Specialty Metals Division.
Current edition approved May 10, 2000. Published August 2000. Originally Alloy compositions are expressed in percentages by mass, except for the
published as E 1751-95. Last previous edition E 1751-95 . gold−0.07% iron alloy, which is given in atomic percent.
2 5
Manual on the Use of Thermocouples in Temperature Measurement, ASTM Nickel−18% molybdenum versus nickel 0.8% cobalt is supplied by Carpenter
Manual 12, ASTM, 1993. Technology as 20 alloy and 19 alloy.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 1751
Table 3 Platinel II 0 °C to 1395 °C
E = the emf in millivolts (except for Tables 15-18 where E
Table 4 Platinel II 32 °F to 2543 °F
is in microvolts), and
Table 5 KP versus Gold−0.07 % Iron −273 °C to 7 °C
T = the temperature in °C or °F. The coefficients used to
Table 6 KP versus Gold−0.07 % Iron −459 °F to 44 °F
Table 7 Platinum−5 % Molybdenum versus Plati- 0 °C to 1600 °C calculate each table are given at the end of the table.
num−0.1 % Molybdenum
7.3 Table19givescoefficientsofinverseequationsthatmay
Table 8 Platinum−5 % Molybdenum versus Plati- 32 °F to 2912 °F
num−0.1 % Molybdenum
be used to compute approximate values of temperature (T)in
Table 9 Platinum−40 % Rhodium versus Plati- 0 °C to 1888 °C
either °C or °F for each thermocouple combination. The
num−20 % Rhodium
inverse equations are of the form:
Table 10 Platinum−40 % Rhodium versus Plati- 32 °F to 3430 °F
num−20 % Rhodium
2 n
T 5 b 1 b E 1 b E 1. b E (2)
Table 11 Nickel−18 % Molybdenum versus −50 °C to 1410 °C 0 1 2 n
Nickel−0.8 % Cobalt
except for the gold versus platinum thermocouple in the
Table 12 Nickel−18 % Molybdenum versus −58 °F to 2570 °F
Nickel−0.8 % Cobalt
ranges 209 °C to 1000 °C (408.2 °F to 1832 °F), where the
Table 13 Iridium 40 % Rhodium versus Iridium 0 °C to 2110 °C
inverse equation is of the form:
Table 14 Iridium 40 % Rhodium versus Iridium 32 °F to 3830 °F
Table 15 Gold versus Platinum 0 °C to 1000 °C
E 29645
Table 16 Gold versus Platinum 32 °F to 1832 °F
T 5 b 1 b (3)
0 ( i S D
i 51
Table 17 Platinum versus Palladium 0 °C to 1500 °C
Table 18 Platinum versus Palladium 32 °F to 2732 °F
For these equations, the thermocouple emf (E) is in units of
Table 19 Polynomial Coefficients for the Computa-
tion of Temperatures in °C or °F as a
Function of Thermocouple emf
palladium thermocouples, for which the emf is in units of
7.2 Tables 1-18 were derived from equations of the form:
2 n
7.3.1 Table 19 also gives the temperature range, emf range,
E 5 c 1 c T 1c T 1 . c T (1)
0 1 2 n
and error range of each inverse equation.
E 1751
TABLE 1 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C),
reference junctions at 0°C
E 1751
TABLE 1 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C),
reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 1 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C),
reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 1 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C),
reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 1 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C),
reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 2 Tungsten versus Tungsten–26 % Rhenium thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F),
reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 3 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C), reference junctions at 0°C
E 1751
TABLE 3 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C), reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 3 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C), reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 4 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F
E 1751
TABLE 4 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 4 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 4 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 4 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 4 Platinel II thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 5 K (Positive) versus Gold–0.07 % Iron thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C), reference
junctions at 0°C
E 1751
TABLE 5 K (Positive) versus Gold–0.07 % Iron thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°C), reference
junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 6 K (Positive) versus Gold–0.07 % Iron thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference
junctions at 32°F
E 1751
TABLE 6 K (Positive) versus Gold–0.07 % Iron thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of temperature (°F), reference
junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 7 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°C), reference junctions at 0°C
E 1751
TABLE 7 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°C), reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 7 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°C), reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 7 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°C), reference junctions at 0°C Continued
E 1751
TABLE 8 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F
E 1751
TABLE 8 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 8 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 8 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 8 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 8 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued
E 1751
TABLE 8 Platinum–5 % Molybdenum versus Platinum–0.1 % Molybdenum thermocouples—thermoelectric voltage as a function of
temperature (°F), reference junctions at 32°F Continued

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