ASTM D7568-12
(Specification)Standard Specification for Polyethylene-Based Structural-Grade Plastic Lumber for Outdoor Applications
Standard Specification for Polyethylene-Based Structural-Grade Plastic Lumber for Outdoor Applications
1.1 This specification covers a type of plastic lumber product, defined as polyethylene-based structural-grade plastic lumber (SGPL), for use as main framing members, including joists, stringers, beams, columns; and secondary framing members, including planking, posts and bracing; in outdoor structures such as decks, boardwalks, docks, and platforms.
1.2 This specification is applicable to solid, rectangular SGPL products where polyethylene resin (non cross-linked) is the continuous phase and is at least 50 % of the product (by weight).
1.3 This specification is not applicable to plastic lumber products containing cellulosic materials as additives, fillers or fiber reinforcements.
1.4 SGPL products covered by this specification shall not be used as tensile members.
1.5 SGPL products are produced using several different manufacturing processes. These processes utilize a number of polyethylene resin material systems that include varying proportions of fillers, fiber reinforcements, and other chemical additives.
1.6 Due to thermodynamic effects that result in outer-surface densification during manufacture, SGPL products are typically non-homogeneous in the cross-section. This standard does not address materials that have been modified from their original cross-section.
1.6.1 The cross-section non-homogeneity is addressed in the material property assessments in this document only for applications in which the product cross-section is not modified by cutting, notching, or drilling. For products modified in this manner, additional engineering considerations are required and they are beyond the scope of this document.
1.7 For purposes of this standard, an SGPL product is a specific combination of polyethylene resin, together with fillers, reinforcements, and additives. Each formulation is to be identified as a distinct and different product, to be tested and evaluated separately.
1.8 Diverse and multiple combinations of both virgin and recycled polyethylene material systems are permitted in the manufacture of SGPL products.
1.9 Fiber reinforcements used in SGPL include manufactured materials such as fiberglass (chopped or continuous), carbon, aramid and other polymeric materials.
1.10 A wide variety of chemical additives are typically added to SGPL formulations. Examples include colorants, chemical foaming agents, ultraviolet stabilizers, fire retardants, lubricants, anti-static products, heat stabilizers, and coupling agents.
1.11 Diverse types and combinations of filler systems are permitted in the manufacturing of SGPL products. Fillers that cause the product to fail the requirements of 6.13 are not permitted in the manufacturing of SGPL products.
1.12 In order for a product to be classified as SGPL, it must meet the minimum stress and modulus criteria consistent with the specific product as marked, and additionally the properties specified in Section 6 of this specification.
1.13 This specification pertains to SGPL where any reinforcement is uniformly distributed within the product. When reinforcement is not uniformly distributed, the engineering issues become substantially more complex. For this reason, such products are not covered in this document.
1.14 Products that fail at strains of less than 0.02 (2 %) when tested in flexure in accordance with 6.6 are not compatible with the underlying assumptions of Annex A1 and are beyond the scope of this standard (see Note 1).
Note 1—Calculation of time-dependent properties in Annex A1 is based on the assumption that the product does not fail in a brittle manner. The 2 % strain limit was selected based on the judgment of the task group members that created Annex A1.
1.15 This specification addresses issues relevant to a buyer’s requirements for SGPL products and has therefore been developed in the format of a procurement specification.
1.16 Criteria for design are included as part of this specification for SGPL products.
1.17 Use of...
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Designation:D7568 −12
StandardSpecification for
Polyethylene-Based Structural-Grade Plastic Lumber for
Outdoor Applications
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7568; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope fillers,reinforcements,andadditives.Eachformulationistobe
identified as a distinct and different product, to be tested and
1.1 This specification covers a type of plastic lumber
evaluated separately.
product, defined as polyethylene-based structural-grade plastic
1.8 Diverse and multiple combinations of both virgin and
lumber (SGPL), for use as main framing members, including
recycled polyethylene material systems are permitted in the
joists, stringers, beams, columns; and secondary framing
manufacture of SGPL products.
members, including planking, posts and bracing; in outdoor
structures such as decks, boardwalks, docks, and platforms.
1.9 Fiber reinforcements used in SGPL include manufac-
tured materials such as fiberglass (chopped or continuous),
1.2 This specification is applicable to solid, rectangular
carbon, aramid and other polymeric materials.
SGPL products where polyethylene resin (non cross-linked) is
the continuous phase and is at least 50% of the product (by
1.10 A wide variety of chemical additives are typically
added to SGPL formulations. Examples include colorants,
1.3 This specification is not applicable to plastic lumber
lubricants, anti-static products, heat stabilizers, and coupling
products containing cellulosic materials as additives, fillers or
fiber reinforcements.
1.11 Diverse types and combinations of filler systems are
1.4 SGPLproductscoveredbythisspecificationshallnotbe
permitted in the manufacturing of SGPL products. Fillers that
used as tensile members.
cause the product to fail the requirements of 6.13 are not
1.5 SGPL products are produced using several different
permitted in the manufacturing of SGPL products.
manufacturing processes. These processes utilize a number of
1.12 In order for a product to be classified as SGPL, it must
polyethylene resin material systems that include varying pro-
meet the minimum stress and modulus criteria consistent with
portions of fillers, fiber reinforcements, and other chemical
the specific product as marked, and additionally the properties
specified in Section 6 of this specification.
1.6 Due to thermodynamic effects that result in outer-
1.13 This specification pertains to SGPL where any rein-
surface densification during manufacture, SGPL products are
forcement is uniformly distributed within the product. When
typically non-homogeneous in the cross-section. This standard
reinforcement is not uniformly distributed, the engineering
does not address materials that have been modified from their
issues become substantially more complex. For this reason,
original cross-section.
such products are not covered in this document.
1.6.1 The cross-section non-homogeneity is addressed in
1.14 Products that fail at strains of less than 0.02 (2%)
the material property assessments in this document only for
when tested in flexure in accordance with 6.6 are not compat-
applications in which the product cross-section is not modified
ible with the underlying assumptions of Annex A1 and are
by cutting, notching, or drilling. For products modified in this
beyond the scope of this standard (see Note 1).
they are beyond the scope of this document.
NOTE 1—Calculation of time-dependent properties in Annex A1 is
based on the assumption that the product does not fail in a brittle manner.
1.7 For purposes of this standard, an SGPL product is a
specific combination of polyethylene resin, together with
members that created Annex A1.
1.15 This specification addresses issues relevant to a buy-
er’s requirements for SGPL products and has therefore been
This is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D20 on Plastics and is the developed in the format of a procurement specification.
direct responsibility of Subcommittee D20.20 on Plastic Lumber.
1.16 Criteria for design are included as part of this specifi-
Current edition approved June 1, 2012. Published September 2012.
DOI:10.1520/D7568–12. cation for SGPL products.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
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1.17 Use of SGPL members in application will typically
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