ASTM D5898/D5898M-96(2005)e1
(Guide)Standard Guide for Standard Details for Adhered Sheet Waterproofing
Standard Guide for Standard Details for Adhered Sheet Waterproofing
This guide illustrates general details for below grade and plaza waterproofing. It serves as a guide that will enable the designer to prepare complete waterproofing details for each specific condition that occurs on a project.
1.1 This guide covers details for typical conditions encountered in adhered sheet waterproofing on below grade structures and plazas.
1.2 This guide does not cover liquid applied waterproofing.
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.
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Designation:D5898/D5898M −96(Reapproved 2005)
Standard Guide for
Standard Details for Adhered Sheet Waterproofing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5898/D5898M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
´ NOTE—Captions in Fig. 1 and units information were editorially updated in March 2012.
1. Scope 3.2.3 fillet, n—liquid applied modified bitumen or mastic
used at internal corners before membrane application to form a
1.1 This guide covers details for typical conditions encoun-
transition of less than 90°.
tered in adhered sheet waterproofing on below grade structures
3.2.4 reinforcement, n—generally, one or more strips of
and plazas.
membrane, felts, or fabrics, installed at corners and over
1.2 This guide does not cover liquid applied waterproofing.
construction joints.
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units
3.3 Abbreviations:
are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in
3.3.1 LAM—liquid applied membrane.
each system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each
3.3.2 SS—stainless steel.
system shall be used independently of the other. Combining
values from the two systems may result in non-conformance
3.3.3 EJ—expansion joint.
with the standard.
3.3.4 NR—not recommended.
3.3.5 MTL—noncorrosive metal.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
4. Significance and Use
D1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing and Waterproofing
4.1 Thisguideillustratesgeneraldetailsforbelowgradeand
plaza waterproofing. It serves as a guide that will enable the
3. Terminology
designer to prepare complete waterproofing details for each
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this guide,
specific condition that occurs on a project.
refer to Terminology D1079.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 5. Drawings
3.2.1 adhered sheet waterproofing, n—a system consisting
5.1 This guide is not all inclusive. The designer should
of one or more plies of organic or glass fiber felts or fabrics
detail all typical and special conditions on the project, paying
applied in hot or cold bitumens or modified bitumens, or one or
particular attention to transitions in plane and intersection of
more plies of a manufactured sheet of modified bitumen that
different details. The applicator should provide shop drawings
may be reinforced or laminated with scrim or polyethylene, or
of each condition to confirm field conditions and to verify his
a polymeric or vulcanized elastomeric membrane. The system
understanding of the design intent.
is applied directly to concrete or masonry surfaces below
5.2 Waterproofing membranes and reinforcement are indi-
cated on the figures as a single thick line, regardless of the
3.2.2 elevated slab, n—a framed or suspended concrete slab
number of plies.
over a habitable or useable space.
5.3 Protection layers have been omitted for clarity. See
Section 6.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D08 on Roofing and
6. Protection
Waterproofing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D08.22 on Water-
proofing and Dampproofing Systems.
6.1 Protection materials are required over all waterproofing
Current edition approved July 1, 2005. Published July 2005. Originally approved
to prevent damage from backfill, reinforcing chairs, and
in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 1996 as D5898 – 96. DOI: 10.1520/
construction traffic, unless the membrane system incorporates
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
an integral protection layer. Protection also is required where
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
membranes terminate above grade and may be exposed to
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. ultraviolet light.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D5898/D5898M−96 (2005)
6.2 Materials for protection include: asphalt composition 8.2 Wearing courses on plaza decks move differentially
boards, plastic drainage panels, low density expanded polysty- from the structural slab. To prevent damage to the drainage
rene boards, and extruded polystyrene insulation. Low density system or flashing rupture from this movement, drains should
expanded polystyrene boards and some types of plastic drain- be installed in the structural slab with inlets in the wearing
age panels are not suitable for protection on horizontal sur- course divorced from the drain body.
faces. Protection materials are loose-laid on horizontal mem-
9. Expansion Joints
branes and attached to vertical membranes with compatible
adhesives. They should be installed as soon as possible after
9.1 Structural expansion joints should be designed to permit
the membrane, or each portion of it, is completed or water
independent movement of structural elements on each side of
the joint. Control joints should be located to permit non-
reversible movement and may be dynamic. The size and
7. Reinforcement
location of expansion and control joints should be determined
by the structural engineer. Expansion joint covers should be
7.1 Reinforcement is required for built-up and modified
designed to maintain continuity at all changes in plane. They
should be designed to prevent displacement when subjected to
corners and at static concrete construction joints and cracks.
Reinforcement also is required where reinforcing bars, pipes,
be raised above the surface. Control joints are not detailed as
and conduits penetrate the membrane. Separate reinforcement
expansion joints but should be reinforced in all membrane
generally is not required for polymeric and vulcanized elasto-
meric membranes.
10. Structural Items
7.2 Reinforcement usually is installed before the membrane
but may be applied over it. Refer to the membrane manufac-
10.1 Water stops, keyways, and other structural elements
turer for details.
that are frequently installed in construction and control joints
are not indicated on the details.
7.3 The minimum reinforcement is one ply. Systems using a
multiple ply membrane usually require two or more reinforce-
11. Mud Mats
ment plies, whereas single ply modified bitumen systems
generally require one. 11.1 Mud mats are cast on the subgrade to support water-
proofing. Protection boards and tamped sand beds may be
7.4 When additional plies are used as reinforcement, they
acceptable alternates with some manufacturers.
should extend at least 150 mm [6 in.] beyond the corner or
penetration and each succeeding ply should extend 75 mm [3
12. Planters, Bench, and Equipment Supports
in.] beyond the previous ply.
12.1 Waterproofing membranes on horizontal surfaces
7.5 Where reinforcing bars penetrate waterproofing, such as
should be carried under planters and supports without inter-
at rock anchors and wall to slab transitions, they should be
ruption. Such items should be installed on the concrete
protection slab. Waterproofing of planters should be indepen-
applied membrane or both.
dent of the slab waterproofing.
7.6 Some manufacturers require cementitious cants or a
13. Explanatory Notes
liquid applied waterproofing or mastic fillet at reentrant angles,
13.1 Fig. 1—Standard details for adhered sheet waterproof-
chamfered external corners, and other special conditions to be
implemented during construction. These should be indicated
on project details.
13.2 Fig. 2—This detail is applicable to tunnels and condi-
tions where the width of excavations is limited.Alternately, the
7.7 Details should recognize the normal sequencing of
mud mat may be omitted and waterproofing applied to the top
construction. Foundation walls may be cast before or after
of a structural slab and turned down to the toe. Then,
slabs on grade. Structural slabs are cast after walls. Water-
waterproofing is covered with a cementitious wearing course.
proofing of individual elements frequently follows this se-
quence, for example, walls are waterproofed before the struc-
13.3 Fig. 3—Slab with mud mat.
tural slab is cast. The resultant cold joints may be dynamic.
13.4 Fig. 4—Footing with mud mat.
13.5 Fig. 5—This detail is applicable to conditions where
8. Penetrations
there is no hydrostatic head below
This document is not an ASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of an ASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:D5898–96 (Reapproved 2005) Designation: D5898/D5898M – 96
(Reapproved 2005)
Standard Guide for
Standard Details for Adhered Sheet Waterproofing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5898/D5898M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
´ NOTE—Captions in Fig. 1 and units information were editorially updated in March 2012.
1. Scope
1.1 This guide covers details for typical conditions encountered in adhered sheet waterproofing on below grade structures and
1.2 This guide does not cover liquid applied waterproofing.
1.3The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
1.3 The values stated in either SI units or inch-pound units are to be regarded separately as standard. The values stated in each
system may not be exact equivalents; therefore, each system shall be used independently of the other. Combining values from the
two systems may result in non-conformance with the standard.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:
D1079 Terminology Relating to Roofing and Waterproofing
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this guide, refer to Terminology D1079.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 adhered sheet waterproofing, n—a system consisting of one or more plies of organic or glass fiber felts or fabrics applied
in hot or cold bitumens or modified bitumens, or one or more plies of a manufactured sheet of modified bitumen that may be
reinforced or laminated with scrim or polyethylene, or a polymeric or vulcanized elastomeric membrane. The system is applied
directly to concrete or masonry surfaces below grade.
3.2.2 elevated slab, n—a framed or suspended concrete slab over a habitable or useable space.
3.2.3 fillet, n—liquid applied modified bitumen or mastic used at internal corners before membrane application to form a
transition of less than 90°.
3.2.4 reinforcement, n—generally, one or more strips of membrane, felts, or fabrics, installed at corners and over construction
3.3 Abbreviations:
3.3.1 LAM—liquid applied membrane.
3.3.2 SS—stainless steel.
3.3.3 EJ—expansion joint.
3.3.4 NR—not recommended.
3.3.5 MTL—noncorrosive metal.
4. Significance and Use
4.1 This guide illustrates general details for below grade and plaza waterproofing. It serves as a guide that will enable the
designer to prepare complete waterproofing details for each specific condition that occurs on a project.
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D08 on Roofing and Waterproofing and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D08.22 on Waterproofing
and Dampproofing Systems.
Current edition approved July 1, 2005. Published July 2005. Originally approved in 1996. Last previous edition approved in 1996 as D5898 – 96. DOI:
For referencedASTM standards, visit theASTM website,, or contactASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Standards
volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
D5898/D5898M – 96 (2005)
5. Drawings
5.1 This guide is not all inclusive. The designer should detail all typical and special conditions on the project, paying particular
attention to transitions in plane and intersection of different details.The applicator should provide shop drawings of each condition
to confirm field conditions and to verify his understanding of the design intent.
5.2 Waterproofing membranes and reinforcement are indicated on the figures as a single thick line, regardless of the number of
5.3 Protection layers have been omitted for clarity. See Section 6.
6. Protection
6.1 Protection materials are required over all waterproofing to prevent damage from backfill, reinforcing chairs, and
construction traffic, unless the membrane system incorporates an integral protection layer. Protection also is required where
membranes terminate above grade and may be exposed to ultraviolet light.
6.2 Materials for protection include: asphalt composition boards, plastic drainage panels, low density expanded polystyrene
boards, and extruded polystyrene insulation. Low density expanded polystyrene boards and some types of plastic drainage panels
are not suitable for protection on horizontal surfaces. Protection materials are loose-laid on horizontal membranes and attached to
vertical membranes with compatible adhesives. They should be installed as soon as possible after the membrane, or each portion
of it, is completed or water tested.
7. Reinforcement
7.1 Reinforcement is required for built-up and modified bitumen membranes at transitions, such as internal and external corners
and at static concrete construction joints and cracks. Reinforcement also is required where reinforcing bars, pipes, and conduits
penetrate the membrane. Separate reinforcement generally is not required for polymeric and vulcanized elastomeric membranes.
7.2 Reinforcement usually is installed before the membrane but may be applied over it. Refer to the membrane manufacturer
for details.
7.3 The minimum reinforcement is one ply. Systems using a multiple ply membrane usually require two or more reinforcement
plies, whereas single ply modified bitumen systems generally require one.
7.4 When additional plies are used as reinforcement, they should extend at least 150 mm (6 in.)[6 in.] beyond the corner or
penetration and each succeeding ply should extend 75 mm (3 in.)[3 in.] beyond the previous ply.
7.5 Where reinforcing bars penetrate waterproofing, such as at rock anchors and wall to slab transitions, they should be sealed
with reinforcing plies finger cut around the bars or liquid applied membrane or both.
7.6 Some manufacturers require cementitious cants or a liquid applied waterproofing or mastic fillet at reentrant angles,
chamfered external corners, and other special conditions to be implemented during construction. These should be indicated on
project details.
7.7 Detailsshouldrecognizethenormalsequencingofconstruction.Foundationwallsmaybecastbeforeorafterslabsongrade.
Structural slabs are cast after walls. Waterproofing of individual elements frequently follows this sequence, for example, walls are
waterproofed before the structural slab is cast. The resultant cold joints may be dynamic.
8. Penetrations
8.1 Flashing at penetrations should accommodate differential movement between the slab and the pipe, conduit, or drain. For
built-up and modified bitumen membranes, lead reinforcing is recommended where pipes or drains are installed in sleeves but is
optional where they are cast into the wall or slab. Cast iron drains, cast into the slab with flanges flush with or slightly below the
slab, are preferred. Additional plies of reinforcement should be installed at drains.
8.2 Wearing courses on plaza decks move differentially from the structural slab. To prevent damage to the drainage system or
flashing rupture from this movement, drains should be installed in the structural slab with inlets in the wearing course divorced
from the drain body.
9. Expansion Joints
9.1 Structural expansion joints should be designed to permit independent movement of structural elements on each side of the
joint. Control joints should be located to permit non-reversible movement and may be dynamic.The size and location of expansion
and control joints should be determined by the structural engineer. Expansion joint covers should be designed to maintain
continuity at all changes in plane. They should be designed to prevent displacement when subjected to water pressure. Where they
occur in elevated slabs, they should be raised above the surface. Control joints are not detailed as expansion joints but should be
reinforced in all membrane systems.
10. Structural Items
10.1 Water stops, keyways, and other structural elements that are frequently installed in construction and control joints are not
indicated on the details.
D5898/D5898M – 96 (2005)
11. Mud Mats
11.1 Mud mats are cast on the subgrade to support waterproofing. Protection boards and tamped sand beds may be acceptable
alternates with some manufacturers.
12. Planters, Bench, and Equipment Supports
12.1 Waterproofing
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