ASTM D5582-00(2006)
(Test Method)Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Levels from Wood Products Using a Desiccator
Standard Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Levels from Wood Products Using a Desiccator
Limitations on formaldehyde levels have been established for wood panel building products made with urea-formaldehyde adhesives and permanently installed in homes or used as components in kitchen cabinets and for similar industrial products. This test method is used in conjunction with the test method referenced by HUD Rules and Regulations 24 CFR 3280 for manufactured housing and by Minnesota Statutes Section 144.495 for housing units and building materials. This test method provides a means of testing small-size samples to determine formaldehyde emission potential.
This test method incorporates a desiccator, with the desiccant removed, having a 250-mm (10-in.) inside diameter and a volume of approximately 10.5 L (641 in.) with the desiccator lid in place. Conditions controlled in the procedure are as follows:
3.2.1 Conditioning of panel products prior to testing,
3.2.2 Specified number, size, and edge sealing of wood specimens to be placed in the desiccator,
3.2.3 Test desiccator temperature, and
3.2.4 Samples from the 25-mL distilled water collection medium in the petri dish bottom are analyzed for formaldehyde at the end of a 2-h period in the closed desiccator.
This test method employs a single set of environmental conditions to assess formaldehyde emission potential from certain wood products. When the relationship between desiccator test values and large-chamber test values are to be determined, the values for the specific wood panel product type shall be plotted. This test method does allow a comparison of formaldehyde levels from different products for the same use.
Note 2—Care must be exercised in the extension of the results to actual formaldehyde emission from products under actual use conditions.
1.1 This test method covers a small scale procedure for measuring formaldehyde emission potential from wood products. The formaldehyde level is determined by collecting air-borne formaldehyde in a small distilled water reservoir within a closed desiccator. The quantity of formaldehyde is determined by a modification of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 3500 chromotropic acid test procedure. Other analytical procedures may be used to determine formaldehyde emission potential provided that such methods give similar results to the chromotropic acid procedure. However, the test results and test report must be properly qualified and the analytical procedure employed must be noted. Procedures based on acetylacetone and pararosaniline have been found to give similar results to chromotropic acid in other test methods used in determining formaldehyde emission potential from wood products (see Test Method E 1333).
1.2 Wood products typically evaluated by this test method are made with urea-formaldehyde adhesives and include particleboard, hardwood, plywood, and medium-density fiberboard. This test method is used for product quality control and is a small bench test method that correlates with the large-scale acceptance test for determining formaldehyde levels from wood products, Test Method E 1333. The general desiccator testing procedure may be modified for different conditioning times to accommodate its use in manufacturing quality control. However, the test results must be properly qualified and the conditioning time employed must be noted. Note 1If modifications are made to the conditioning period for quality control purposes, it is important that the modification is consistently applied. Otherwise, the results may not be comparable.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.
This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. F...
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Designation: D5582 − 00(Reapproved 2006)
Standard Test Method for
Determining Formaldehyde Levels from Wood Products
Using a Desiccator
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5582; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
1.1 This test method covers a small scale procedure for
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. For specific hazard
measuring formaldehyde emission potential from wood prod-
statements, see Section 6 and 8.2.5.
ucts. The formaldehyde level is determined by collecting
air-borne formaldehyde in a small distilled water reservoir
2. Referenced Documents
within a closed desiccator. The quantity of formaldehyde is
2.1 ASTM Standards:
determined by a modification of the National Institute for
E77 Test Method for Inspection and Verification of Ther-
Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) 3500 chromotropic
E337 Test Method for Measuring Humidity with a Psy-
determine formaldehyde emission potential provided that such
chrometer (the Measurement of Wet- and Dry-Bulb Tem-
methods give similar results to the chromotropic acid proce-
dure. However, the test results and test report must be properly
E1333 Test Method for Determining Formaldehyde Concen-
trations in Air and Emission Rates from Wood Products
Procedures based on acetylacetone and pararosaniline have
Using a Large Chamber
been found to give similar results to chromotropic acid in other
2.2 HUD Document:
test methods used in determining formaldehyde emission
24 CFR 3280, Manufactured Home Construction and Safety
potential from wood products (see Test Method E1333).
Standards, Federal Register, Vol 49, No. 155
1.2 Wood products typically evaluated by this test method
2.3 NIOSH Document:
are made with urea-formaldehyde adhesives and include
Formaldehyde Method 3500, U.S. Department of Health,
particleboard, hardwood, plywood, and medium-density fiber-
and Human Services
board. This test method is used for product quality control and
2.4 Other Documents:
is a small bench test method that correlates with the large-scale
Minnesota Statutes Section 144.495, 325F.18, and 325F.181,
acceptance test for determining formaldehyde levels from
Formaldehyde Gases in Building Materials
wood products, Test Method E1333. The general desiccator
testing procedure may be modified for different conditioning
3. Significance and Use
times to accommodate its use in manufacturing quality control.
3.1 Limitations on formaldehyde levels have been estab-
However, the test results must be properly qualified and the
lished for wood panel building products made with urea-
conditioning time employed must be noted.
formaldehyde adhesives and permanently installed in homes or
NOTE 1—If modifications are made to the conditioning period for
used as components in kitchen cabinets and for similar
quality control purposes, it is important that the modification is consis-
industrial products. This test method is used in conjunction
tently applied. Otherwise, the results may not be comparable.
with the test method referenced by HUD Rules and Regula-
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the
tions 24 CFR 3280 for manufactured housing and by Minne-
standard. The values given in parentheses are for information
sota Statutes Section 144.495 for housing units and building
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website.
1 3
This test method is under the jurisdition of ASTM Committee D07 on Wood Available from Standardization Documents Order Desk, DODSSP, Bldg. 4,
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D07.03 on Panel Products. Section D, 700 Robbins Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19111-5098, http://
Current edition approved Oct. 1, 2006. Published December 2006. Originally
approved in 1994. Last previous edition approved in 2000 as D5582 – 00. DOI: Available from Print Communications, Dept. ofAdministration, 117 University
10.1520/D5582-00R06. Ave., St. Paul, MN 55155.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
D5582 − 00 (2006)
materials. This test method provides a means of testing 6. Hazards
small-size samples to determine formaldehyde emission poten-
6.1 Chromotropic Acid Reagent Treatment (see 8.2.4 and
A3.5)—During this hazardous operation, the operator shall
3.2 This test method incorporates a desiccator, with the wear rubber gloves, apron, and a full face mask or be protected
desiccant removed, having a 250-mm (10-in.) inside diameter from splashing by a transparent shield such as a hood window.
and a volume of approximately 10.5 L (641 in.) with the The solution becomes extremely hot during the addition of
desiccator lid in place. Conditions controlled in the procedure sulfuric acid. Add slowly to avoid loss of sample due to
are as follows: splattering.
3.2.1 Conditioning of panel products prior to testing,
6.2 Cleaning Chemicals for Glassware—Appropriate pre-
3.2.2 Specified number, size, and edge sealing of wood
cautions shall be taken if cleaning chemicals are considered to
specimens to be placed in the desiccator,
be hazardous.
3.2.3 Test desiccator temperature, and
3.2.4 Samples from the 25-mL distilled water collection
7. Test Specimens
7.1 Use eight 70 62by127 6 2-mm (2 ⁄4 by 5-in.) by
at the end of a 2-h period in the closed desiccator.
panel thickness specimens for each desiccator test. Cut speci-
3.3 This test method employs a single set of environmental
mens from the sample panel or panel segment to obtain
conditions to assess formaldehyde emission potential from
adequate representation of areas within the panel or panel
certain wood products. When the relationship between desic-
segment. The fresh cut edges and ends of each specimen shall
cator test values and large-chamber test values are to be
panel or panel segment. When a product has significantly
shall be plotted. This test method does allow a comparison of
different emission characteristics for each surface and has only
formaldehyde levels from different products for the same use.
one surface exposed to the building space, also use sixteen 70
by 127-mm (2 ⁄4 by 5-in.) test pieces to prepare eight 70 by
formaldehyde emission from products under actual use conditions. 127-mm double-piece back-to-back specimens.
7.2 Specimen Edge Sealing—Remove sawdust and loose
4. Interferences
splinters from each test specimen. Coat the edges and ends of
4.1 The NIOSH 3500 analytical method lists phenols as a
each single or double-piece specimen by immersion in melted
negative interference when present at an 8:1 excess over
paraffin wax.Apply at least two coats. The wax shall cover no
formaldehyde. Modifications in the analytical procedure shall 3
more than 5 mm ( ⁄16 in.) of either face around the coated
be made when this test method is used to accurately determine
5, 6 7.3 Specimen Conditioning—Then condition the specimens
with phenol-formaldehyde adhesive systems.
on edge, spaced apart, so air can freely circulate across all
surfaces for seven days 64hat24 6 1.7°C (75 6 3°F) and 50
5. Apparatus
6 10 % relative humidity. The formaldehyde concentration in
5.1 Desiccator—The interior volume of the desiccator shall
the air within 30 cm (12 in.) of where the specimens are
conditioned shall be not more than 0.1 ppm during the
interior of the desiccator thoroughly cleaned, and the porcelain
conditioning period.
the desiccator and desiccator lid shall be greased so that the NOTE 4—Conditioning time less than seven days and specimens with
edges and ends not coated with paraffin wax may be used for quality
container will be air tight during the duration of the 2-h test.
control or informational testing ; however these and other test method
5.2 Petri Dish and Beaker—A clean 400-mL beaker to be
modifications shall be clearly indicated in the test report. Modifications to
conditioning time or edge treatment, or both, will affect the test results;
inverted as a reservoir support and the bottom of a 100 by
therefore, correlation to other test methods may need to be re-established.
20-mm petri as a distilled water reservoir dish shall be
available for each desiccator test.
used for determining or checking the temperature or the relative humidity,
or both, of the conditioning area, see Test Methods E77 and E337.
5.3 Test Room or Area—A room or test area capable of
beingmaintainedat24 61°C(75 62°F)shallbeavailablefor
8. Procedure
conducting desiccator tests.
NOTE 6—Alist of test apparatus and chemical reagents are provided in
NOTE 3—If liquid-in-glass thermometers are used for determining or Appendix X1.
checking the temperature of the test area, see Test Method E77.
8.1 Test Procedure for Materials:
5.4 Examples of acceptable reagents, materials, and equip-
8.1.1 Conduct tests in a room maintained at 24 6 0.6°C (75
ment are provided in Appendix X1.
6 1°F). Equilibrate the desiccator, petri dish bottom, and
distilled water to 24 6 0.6°C.
5 8.1.2 Before each test, wipe the desiccator with a clean rag
Hakes, D., Johnson, G., and Marhevka, J., Procedure for Elimination of Phenol
or paper towel moistened with distilled water, and then dry
Interference in the Chromotropic Acid Method for Formaldehyde, American
Industrial Hygiene Association, April 1984.
with a clean dry rag or paper towel.
Technical Bulletin No. 415, National Council of the Paper Industry forAir and
Stream Improvement Inc. (NCASI), 1983. NOTE 7—Formaldehyde can be used as a constituent of wet-strength
D5582 − 00 (2006)
resins for paper and of permanent-press resins for fabrics. The type of rag
8.3 Absorbance Readings:
or paper towel selected for cleaning must be formaldehyde-free.
8.3.1 Prior to performing this test method for the first time,
a calibration curve shall be developed. See Annex A3.
8.1.3 Apply a light coating of vacuum grease to the desic-
catorlidanddesiccator.Avoidexcessiveuseofvacuumgrease. 8.3.2 Standardize the spectrophotometer to 100 % transmit-
tance (zero absorbance) using distilled water at 580 nm in
8.1.4 Arrange specimens as prepared in 7.1 and 7.2 and
condition as in 7.3 on top of the porcelain desiccator plate accordance with the instrument’s operating instructions. This
gives an indication that the instrument is in proper working
around an inverted 400-mL beaker as a 100 6 7-mm (4 6
⁄4-in.) high support inside the desiccator for the petri dish order. Read the “blank” against distilled water because an
absorbance above 0.040 (using a 12-mm cell path length) or
bottom distilled water reservoir. Specimens should be arranged
so that air has access to all surfaces and edges. above 0.030 (using a 10-mm cell path length) for the reagent
blank indicates contamination of the reagent blank or improper
8.1.5 Pipet 25 mL of distilled water into the bottom portion
of petri dish. solution preparation.
8.3.3 Zerotheinstrumentonthereagentblankifabsorbance
8.1.6 Carefully lower the petri dish bottom containing
is not greater than 0.040 (12-mm path length) or 0.030 (10-mm
path length) compared to distilled water as zero. Alternately,
400-mL beaker.
leave the instrument zeroed on distilled water, and subtract the
8.1.7 Slide the desiccator lid into place making sure a good
absorbance of the reagent blank from the absorbance of the
seal is obtained.
sample solutions.
8.1.8 Observe and record the time.
8.3.4 Read and record absorbance at 580 nm of each sample
8.1.9 Maintainthedesiccatortestroomat24 60.6°C(75 6
prepared (see 9.1 for calculation).
8.3.5 When a precise desiccator value is required and the
use a continuous temperature recorder. Report any temperature
sample solution is found to fall outside the stated absorbance
range deviations.
range (greater than 1.0 or as determined in A3.12), repeat 8.2.1
8.1.10 After 120 6 1 min, remove the desiccator lid and
– 8.3.4. Otherwise, report the desiccator value associated with
carefully remove the petri dish. Proceed immediately to 8.2.1.
a greater than 1.0 absorbance value. When 8.2.1 – 8.3.4 are
When running multiple desiccator tests, initiate 8.2.1 within 10
repeated, appropriately dilute the sample solution to fall within
min, otherwise cover the petri dish or dishes with parafilm
while awaiting analysis.
dilution by pipetting x mL of text solution to (4-x mL) of
8.2 Analysis of Water Samples:
distilled water for a total of 4 mL (that is, 1 mL of test
8.2.1 Gently swirl the petri dish and pipet 4 mL of the
solution + 3 mL distilled water = 4 mL total). Rerunning the
solution into each of two 16 by 150-mm screw cap test tubes
distilled water“ blank” is not required. Use average sample
for duplicate analysis. Label to avoid subsequent error.
determinations as the sample absorbance. Read micrograms
Alternatively, use three tubes for triplicate analysis.
(µg) of formaldehyde from the calibration curve. (See Annex
8.2.2 Pipet 4 mL of distilled water into a 16 by 150-mm
screw capped test tube to act as a “blank.”
8.2.3 Add 0.1 mLof 1 % chromotropic acid reagent to each
9. Calculation
test tube and shake to mix.
9.1 Calculateformaldehydeconcentrationinweightperunit
8.2.4 Slowly and carefully pipet 6.0 mL concentrated sul-
volume in the solution from the petri dish aliquot in the
furic acid into each test tube (Precaution—See 6.1.) and allow
to flow down the si
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