Standard Test Methods for Bicycle Frames

These tests are used to verify the durability and strength of a bicycle frame.
1.1 These test methods establish procedures for conducting tests to determine the structural performance properties of bicycle frames.
1.2 These test methods describe mechanical tests for determining the following performance properties:
1.2.1 Frame Fatigue—Horizontal Loading,
1.2.2 Frame Fatigue—Vertical Loading, and
1.2.3 Frame Impact Strength.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard.
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM F2711-08 - Standard Test Methods for Bicycle Frames
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Designation: F2711 − 08 AnAmerican National Standard
Standard Test Methods for
Bicycle Frames
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2711; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 3.1.4 bottom bracket shell, n—structural member of the
frame that houses the assembly that supports the bearings,
1.1 These test methods establish procedures for conducting
which support the cranks.
tests to determine the structural performance properties of
bicycle frames. 3.1.5 crank, n—lever arm that receives human energy as
torque to convert into bicycle motion.
1.2 These test methods describe mechanical tests for deter-
mining the following performance properties: 3.1.6 crown race seat, n—position on the fork where the
lower steering axis bearing sits.
1.2.1 Frame Fatigue—Horizontal Loading,
1.2.2 Frame Fatigue—Vertical Loading, and
3.1.7 down tube, n—lower structural connection between
1.2.3 Frame Impact Strength.
the head tube and the bottom bracket shell.
1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
3.1.8 dropout centerline, n—hub-mounting axis that passes
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this
through both right and left dropouts.
3.1.9 front dropout, n—area where the front wheel hub
1.4 This standard does not purport to address all of the
connects to the fork.
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
3.1.10 head tube, n—forward most structural member of the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
frame, which provides an interface through top, and bottom
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bearings for the fork.
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. Discussion—The head tube is connected to the seat
2. Referenced Documents tube through the top tube and the down tube.
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.1.11 initial running displacement, n—average displace-
E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines ment between approximately 500 and 1000 cycles during a
durability fatigue test.
3. Terminology
3.1.12 normal attitude, n—intended position of the bicycle
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.1.1 bicycle, n—two-wheeled, single track, articulated ve-
3.1.13 rake, n—straight-line distance from the front axle
hicle that is solely human powered.
center to the perpendicular of the steering axis.
3.1.2 bicycle fork, n—structural connection between the
3.1.14 rear dropout, n—area where the rear wheel hub
front wheel and the frame.
connects to the lower rear and the upper rear frame members. Discussion—Theforktransmitssteeringtorquefrom
the handlebars to the front wheel.
3.1.15 sag, n—amount of compression in a suspension unit,
given in a percentage.
3.1.3 bicycle frame, n—structural member that supports the
seat with rear connection for the rear wheel, front connection
3.1.16 seat post, n—structural component that connects the
via the head tube for the fork and lower connection for the
seat to the seat tube.
crank/pedal assembly.
3.1.17 seat tube, n—structural member of the frame into
which the seat post inserts.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F08 on Sports
3.1.18 steerer tube, n—section of the bicycle fork that is
Equipment, Playing Surfaces, and Facilities and is the direct responsibility of
Subcommittee F08.10 on Bicycles. housed within the head tube and bearing assemblies.
Current edition approved April 1, 2008. Published May 2008. DOI: 10.1520/
3.1.19 top tube, n—upper structural connection between the
head tube and the seat tube.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
3.2 Acronyms:
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
the ASTM website. 3.2.1 OEM, n—original equipment from manufacturer
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
F2711 − 08
3.3 Symbols: 6.1.3 The deflection of a test fork is measured at the front
L = fork length, a straight-line measure from the crown race axle center, resulting from the application of a vertical 1200 N
seat to the center of the front axle.
load at that point. The fork is fixed in position only at the
δ = deflection of test fork. steerer tube by a v-block with minimum length of 76 mm. The
steerer tube is fixed horizontally with the crown race seat
4. Summary of Test Methods
adjacent to the v-block.
4.1 Horizontal Loading Durability Fatigue Test—This test
6.1.4 ThedeflectionratiofortheTestforkfortheHorizontal
method restrains the frame at the rear dropouts (see Fig. 1). A
not exceed the value of 1.0 when computed as follows:
number of cycles is measured. The magnitude of the load, and
K 310 000 3δ
the minimum number of cycles, are determined by the speci-
Deflection ratio 5
fication standard.
4.2 Vertical Loading Durability Fatigue Test—This test
K (a constant) = 1417 for L and δ in millimetres.
method restrains the frame at the rear dropouts, and allows free
(For example, a fork length of 460 mm, the maximum
Z-axis behind the seat post.The number of cycles is measured.
acceptable fork deflection (δ) would be 6.9 mm. Similarly for
a fork length of 330 mm, the maximum deflection is 2.5 mm.)
are determined by the specification standard.
6.1.5 The deflection ratio for the Test fork for the Impact
4.3 Impact Strength Test—This test method restrains the
test shall not exceed the value of 1.0 when computed as
frame vertically at the rear dropouts (see Fig. 3). A mass is
dropped onto a roller assembly attached to the fork. Permanent
K 310 000 3δ
set is measured. The height of the drop is determined by the
Deflection ratio 5
specification standard.
5. Significance and Use
K = 709 for L and δ in millimetres.
5.1 These tests are used to verify the durability and strength
6.2 Horizontal Loading Durability Fatigue Test:
of a bicycle frame.
6.2.1 A fixture is required to restrain the frame at the rear
6. Apparatus dropouts, while allowing free rotation about the axle (see Fig.
1). In the case of a suspension frame, the suspension must be
6.1 Requirements for Test Forks:
locked in a position equivalent to the manufacturer’s recom-
6.1.1 The test forks shall be designed to mount in a manner
mendation for sag, or 25 % sag if none was recommended. If
similar to the OEM fork, or in a manner using typical bicycle
the suspension does not permit locking, then replace the
assembly procedures.
suspension unit with a solid link providing the equivalent sag
6.1.2 The test forks, when mounted, shall be the same
length, L, as the longest fork designed for use with the frame
6.2.2 A test fork meeting the requirements for this test (see
and have a rake of 45 6 6 mm. When the test fork is used in
6.1) shall be used.
place of an OEM Suspension fork, the length is determined by
the dropout position when the suspension fork is compressed 6.2.3 The fork shall be attached to the bicycle frame head
no more than 20 % of its maximum amount of travel. tube using typical bicycle assembly practices.
FIG. 1 Horizontal Fatigue Test
F2711 − 08
FIG. 2 Vertical Fatigue Test
6.2.4 The fork assembly shall be restrained at the dropouts curely attached to the top of this bar such that its height, h, is
in such a way that allows translation along the X-axis, and equal to the maximum saddle height for that particular frame,
rotation about the Y-axis. as shown in Fig. 2.The extension bar shall permit loading with
6.2.5 The front and rear dropouts are to be equal in height a 70 mm rearward offset.
when the frame and fork assembly is fixtured. 6.3.7 An actuator mounted load cell or equivalent apparatus
6.2.6 An actuator mounted load cell or equivalent apparatus that is capable of providing a reversible load, is attached to the
that is capable of providing a

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