Standard Guide for In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Automatic Pedestrian SNM Monitors (Withdrawn 2021)

SNM monitors are an effective and unobtrusive means to search pedestrians for concealed SNM. Facility security plans use SNM monitors as one means to prevent theft or unauthorized removal of designated quantities of SNM from access areas. Daily testing of the monitors with radioactive sources guarantees only the continuity of alarm circuits. The in-plant evaluation is a way to estimate whether an acceptable level of performance for detecting chosen quantities of SNM is obtained from a monitor in routine service or after repair or calibration.
The evaluation verifies acceptable performance or discloses faults in hardware or calibration.
The evaluation uses test sources shielded only by normal source filters and encapsulation and, perhaps, by intervening portions of the transporting individual's body. The transporting individual also provides another form of shielding when the body intercepts environmental radiation that would otherwise reach the monitor's detectors. Hence, transporting individuals play an important role in the evaluation by reproducing an important condition of routine operation.
The evaluation, when applied as a routine-operational evaluation, provides evidence for continued compliance with the performance goals of security plans or regulatory guidance. It is the responsibility of the users of this evaluation to coordinate its application with the appropriate regulatory authority so that mutually agreeable evaluation frequency, test sources, way of transporting the test source, number of test-source passages, and nuisance-alarm-rate goals are used. Agreed written procedures should be used to document the coordination.
1.1 This guide is affiliated with Guide C1112 on applying special nuclear material (SNM) monitors, Guide C1169 on laboratory performance evaluation, Guide C1189 on calibrating pedestrian SNM monitors, and Guides C1236 and C1237 on in-plant evaluation. This guide to in-plant performance evaluation is a comparatively rapid way to verify whether a pedestrian SNM monitor performs as expected for detecting SNM or SNM-like test sources.  
1.1.1 In-plant performance evaluation should not be confused with the simple daily functional test recommended in Guide C1112. In-plant performance evaluation takes place less often than daily tests, usually at intervals ranging from weekly to once every three months. In-plant evaluations are also more extensive than daily tests and may examine both a monitor's nuisance alarm record and its detection sensitivity for a particular SNM or alternative test source.
1.1.2 In-plant performance evaluation also should not be confused with laboratory performance evaluation. In-plant evaluation is comparatively rapid, takes place in the monitor's routine operating environment, and its results are limited to verifying that a monitor is operating as expected, or to disclosing that it is not and needs repair or recalibration.
1.2 In-plant evaluation is one part of a program to keep SNM monitors in proper operating condition. Every monitor in a facility is evaluated. There are two applications of the in-plant evaluation: one used during routine operation and another used after calibration.
1.2.1 Routine Operational Evaluation—In this form of the evaluation, nuisance alarm records for each monitor are examined, and each monitor's detection sensitivity is estimated during routine operation. The routine operational evaluation is intended to reassure the plant operator, and his regulatory agency, that the monitor is performing as expected during routine operation. This evaluation takes place without pre-testing, recalibration, or other activity that might change the monitor's operation, and the evaluation simulates the normal use of the monitor.  
1.2.2 Post-Calibration Evaluation—This form of the evaluation is part of a maintenance procedure; it should always follow scheduled monitor recalibration, or recalibration connected with ...

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ASTM C993-97(2012) - Standard Guide for In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Automatic Pedestrian SNM Monitors (Withdrawn 2021)
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation: C993 − 97 (Reapproved 2012)
Standard Guide for
In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Automatic Pedestrian
SNM Monitors
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C993; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope testing, recalibration, or other activity that might change the
monitor’s operation, and the evaluation simulates the normal
1.1 This guide is affiliated with Guide C1112 on applying
use of the monitor.
special nuclear material (SNM) monitors, Guide C1169 on
1.2.2 Post-Calibration Evaluation—This form of the evalu-
laboratory performance evaluation, Guide C1189 on calibrat-
ation is part of a maintenance procedure; it should always
ing pedestrian SNM monitors, and Guides C1236 and C1237
follow scheduled monitor recalibration, or recalibration con-
on in-plant evaluation. This guide to in-plant performance
evaluation is a comparatively rapid way to verify whether a
expected detection sensitivity is achieved. Nuisance alarm data
pedestrian SNM monitor performs as expected for detecting
do not apply in this case because the monitor has just been
SNM or SNM-like test sources.
recalibrated. Also, having just been calibrated, the monitor is
1.1.1 In-plant performance evaluation should not be con-
fused with the simple daily functional test recommended in
than its routine operation.
Guide C1112. In-plant performance evaluation takes place less
often than daily tests, usually at intervals ranging from weekly 1.3 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as
to once every three months. In-plant evaluations are also more standard.
extensive than daily tests and may examine both a monitor’s
1.4 This standard does not purport to address the safety
nuisance alarm record and its detection sensitivity for a
problems, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility
particular SNM or alternative test source.
of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and
1.1.2 In-plant performance evaluation also should not be
health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory
confused with laboratory performance evaluation. In-plant
limitations prior to use.
evaluation is comparatively rapid, takes place in the monitor’s
2. Referenced Documents
routine operating environment, and its results are limited to
verifying that a monitor is operating as expected, or to
2.1 The guide is based on ASTM standards that describe
disclosing that it is not and needs repair or recalibration.
application and evaluation of SNM monitors, as well as
technical publications that describe aspects of SNM monitor
1.2 In-plant evaluation is one part of a program to keep
design and use.
SNM monitors in proper operating condition. Every monitor in
a facility is evaluated. There are two applications of the
2.2 ASTM Standards:
in-plant evaluation: one used during routine operation and
C859 Terminology Relating to Nuclear Materials
another used after calibration.
C1112 Guide for Application of Radiation Monitors to the
1.2.1 Routine Operational Evaluation—In this form of the
Control and Physical Security of Special Nuclear Material
evaluation, nuisance alarm records for each monitor are
(Withdrawn 2014)
C1169 Guide for Laboratory Evaluation of Automatic Pe-
during routine operation. The routine operational evaluation is
destrian SNM Monitor Performance
intended to reassure the plant operator, and his regulatory
C1189 Guide to Procedures for Calibrating Automatic Pe-
agency, that the monitor is performing as expected during
destrian SNM Monitors
routine operation. This evaluation takes place without pre-
C1236 Guide for In-Plant Performance Evaluation of Auto-
matic Vehicle SNM Monitors (Withdrawn 2014)
1 2
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee C26 on Nuclear Fuel For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Cycle and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C26.12 on Safeguard contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
Applications. Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Current edition approved Jan. 1, 2012. Published January 2012. Originally the ASTM website.
approvedin1991.Lastpreviouseditionapprovedin1997asC993 – 97(2003).DOI: The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced on
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive

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