Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Design and Performance Characteristics of Motorized Treadmills

The purpose of these test methods is to provide reliable and repeatable test methods for the evaluation of motorized treadmills assembled and maintained according to the manufacturer's specifications. Use of these test methods in conjunction with Specification F2115 is intended to insure appropriate performance and reliability of a motorized treadmill and reduce the risk of serious injury from design deficiencies.
1.1 These test methods specify procedures and equipment used for testing and evaluating a motorized treadmill for compliance to Specification F2115. Both design and operational parameters will be evaluated. Where possible and applicable, accepted test methods from other recognized bodies will be used and referenced. In case of a conflict between this document and Specification F2115, Specification F2115 takes precedence.
1.2 Requirements—A motorized treadmill is to be tested for all of the following parameters:
1.2.1 Stability,
1.2.2 Exterior design,
1.2.3 Endurance,
1.2.4 Static loading,
1.2.5 Overheating,
1.2.6 Adjustable incline system function,
1.2.7 User interface parameters,
1.2.8 Motorized drive system operation,
1.2.9 Warning label compliance, and
1.2.10 Documentation.

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ASTM F2106-03(2010) - Standard Test Methods for Evaluating Design and Performance Characteristics of Motorized Treadmills
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation:F2106–03 (Reapproved 2010)
Standard Test Methods for
Evaluating Design and Performance Characteristics of
Motorized Treadmills
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F2106; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
The goal of these test methods is to provide reliable and repeatable methods for the evaluation of
motorized treadmills. Users of the equipment must recognize that conformance to a standard will not
necessarily prevent injuries. Like other physical activities, exercise involving a treadmill involves a
risk of injury, particularly if the equipment is not maintained or used properly.
1. Scope F1749 Specification for Fitness Equipment and Fitness
Facility Safety Signage and Labels
1.1 These test methods specify procedures and equipment
F2115 Specification for Motorized Treadmills
used for testing and evaluating a motorized treadmill for
2.2 UL Standards:
compliance to Specification F2115. Both design and opera-
UL 1439 Test for Sharpness of Edges on Equipment
tional parameters will be evaluated. Where possible and
UL 1647 Motor Operated Massage and Exercise Machines
2.3 European Standard:
will be used and referenced. In case of a conflict between this
EN 957-1 Stationary Training Equipment—Part 1: General
document and Specification F2115, Specification F2115 takes
Safety Requirements and Test Methods
2.4 ISO Standards:
1.2 Requirements—Amotorized treadmill is to be tested for
ISO 4649 Rubber—Determination of Abrasion Resistance
all of the following parameters:
Using a Rotating Cylindrical Drum Device
1.2.1 Stability,
ISO 5904 Gymnastic Equipment—Landing Mats and Sur-
1.2.2 Exterior design,
faces for Floor Exercises—Determination of Resistance to
1.2.3 Endurance,
1.2.4 Static loading,
1.2.5 Overheating,
3. Terminology
1.2.6 Adjustable incline system function,
3.1 Definitions—For definitions applicable to this standard
1.2.7 User interface parameters,
see Specification F2115.
1.2.8 Motorized drive system operation,
1.2.9 Warning label compliance, and
4. Significance and Use
1.2.10 Documentation.
4.1 The purpose of these test methods is to provide reliable
and repeatable test methods for the evaluation of motorized
2. Referenced Documents
2 treadmills assembled and maintained according to the manu-
2.1 ASTM Standards:
facturer’s specifications. Use of these test methods in conjunc-
tion with Specification F2115 is intended to insure appropriate
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F08 on Sports
Equipment and Facilities and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F08.30
the risk of serious injury from design deficiencies.
on Fitness Products.
Current edition approved Feb. 1, 2010. Published May 2010. Originally
approved in 2001. Last previous edition approved in 2003 as F2106 – 03. DOI: Available from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Corporate Progress, 333
10.1520/F2106-03R10. Pfingsten Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062.
2 4
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or Available from CEN Management Centre, 36 rue de Strasse, B-1050, Brussels,
contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM Belgium.
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on Available from International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue de
the ASTM website. Varembé, Case postale 56, CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
F2106–03 (2010)
5. Certification 9.1.1 Apparatus and Set Up—Place treadmill on a non-skid
10° surface in the orientation that is least stable. A method of
5.1 These test methods permit self-certification. It is recom-
applying a steady state force equal to 1.0 3 maximum user
mended that each manufacturer employ an independent labo-
weight in the vertical direction must be provided. Possible
ratory to evaluate and validate that their designs and test
methods of providing force include, but are not limited to,
procedures conform and comply with these test methods and
pneumatic cylinder(s) or dead weights.
Specification F2115.
9.1.2 Calibration—Using an angle measuring instrument
6. Units of Measure
accurate to within 0.1°, verify the nonskid surface is 10° 6
6.1 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the 0.5°. Calibrate the load measurement apparatus to confirm
accuracy to within 620 N (4.5 lb.) over entire user weight
standard. The values in parenthesis are for information only.
7. Sample Preparation
9.1.3 Procedure—Test the treadmill as follows:
7.1 Assemble and adjust the treadmill on a horizontal Using the aforementioned load apparatus, apply a
surface according to the manufacturer’s instructions. On tread-
vertical load equal to 1.0 3 maximum specified user weight 6
mills that are fully assembled, verify according to the manu-
5 % in a non-impact manner at the point on the foot rail which
facturer’s instructions that the moving surface has been ad-
creates the most instability. Verify that the treadmill does not
justed to the proper tension and alignment. Unless otherwise
tip over.
stated, the treadmill must pass the following tests without Repeat with the treadmill oriented in any
adjustment from this initial condition. Apply power to the
other directions of potential instability.
treadmill and verify that the unit functions properly. If the unit For folding treadmills, the treadmill shall, after
is equipped with an adjustable incline system, operate it
completing and be folded to its storage position
through its full range.
per manufacturer’s instructions and placed on the 10° inclined
7.2 The individual test methods will describe any variations
surface in all orientations that could cause instability. No
or modifications that are required to the test sample.
additional load is to be applied.
8. Report
9.1.4 Pass/Fail Criteria—In none of the above test condi-
tions shall the treadmill tip over.
8.1 Record of Tests—Maintain complete test records and
9.1.5 Precision and Bias—No information is presented
test summary reports for all testing, whether performed by the
manufacturer or an independent laboratory. The records can be about either the precision or bias of test 9.1 for measuring
stability since the test result is non-quantitative.
stored on paper, electronically, and/or on photographs. A copy
of the test summary must be kept by the laboratory that
9.2 Exterior Design:
performed the test for a minimum of five years from the date
9.2.1 Sharp Edges—The purpose of this test is to verify that
there are no edges in the accessible area that would constitute
past the end of production of the model tested. The summary
a risk of injury. Where there is uncertainty, a sharp-edge tester
shall include the signature of the technician(s) performing the
as specified by UL 1439 is to be employed.
tests and a management representative of the laboratory ApparatusandSetUp—Elevatethetreadmillincline
performing the test. The test summary shall include the
to the least favorable position for applying a sharp-edge tester
following information:
as specified in UL 1439.
8.1.1 Manufacturer’s name and location, Calibration—Calibrate sharp-edge tester per
8.1.2 Information provided by the manufacturer to accu-
UL 1439.
rately identify the configuration of, and specific unit provided Procedure—Examine the accessible area by visual
to, the testing agency,
and tactile means to ensure all parts are burr-free, rounded, or
8.1.3 Dates over which the tests were conducted, and
otherwise insufficiently sharp to constitute a risk of injury.
8.1.4 Name and location of the testing laboratory, if differ-
Wherever there may be uncertainty as to the sharpness of an
ent from the manufacturer.
edge, use the edge tester as follows. Cover the tester head with
8.1.5 Summary and results of each test performed including
sensing tape as specified in UL 1439.Application force should
method and apparatus used.This shall include what the desired
be 6.5 N (1.5 lb). Move the head along the test edge for a
requirement was and whether the test sample met that param-
distance of 51 mm (2 in.) and back without tiffing the tester off
eter or failed. If the test requires a specific number of cycles to
the edge. If the available edge for testing is less than 51 mm (2
be met, then the report must include the number of cycles
actually conducted. If the treadmill fails to meet a parameter,
should range from 2 to 5 s. Examine the tape upon completion
then that failure must be noted in clear and accurate terms to
of each edge analysis. If any of the sensing tapes break, record
enable a reader of the report to understand at a later date what
the violation and reapply the sensing tapes accordingly.
transpired. Pass/Fail Criteria—Ifbothouterlayersensingtapes
9. Test Methods and Procedures
have been cut, the edge is unacceptable.
9.1 Stability—The treadmill shall be tested by a series of Precision and Bias—No information is presented
load applications in the orientation that is most obviously about either the precision or bias of test 9.2.1 for evaluating
unstable. sharp edges since the test result is non-quantitative.
F2106–03 (2010)
9.2.2 Corners—This test is a visual inspection of the unit to Pass/Fail Criteria—The probe shall not become
insure that all corners in the accessible area are radiused or entrapped in any mechanical hazard. Entrapment is defined to
chamfered. have occurred if the force to pull out the probe is greater than
4.4 N (1 lb). Apparatus and Set Up—The test is to be conducted Precision and Bias—No information is presented
with the treadmill at all inclines and positions possible in
about either the precision or bias of test 9.2.4 for evaluating
normal use and storage.
hazards of rotating parts since the test result is non- Calibration—No calibration required. Visual in-
spection only.
9.2.5 Guarding from Electrical Hazards—The purpose of Procedure—Inspect all corners to verify that the
this test is to verify that all electrical elements are adequately
corners have been radiused or chamfered.
guarded to prevent electric shock from uninsulated live parts Pass/Fail Criteria—All corners in the accessible
and film-coated wire. Methodology entails insertion of an
area shall be radiused or chamfered.
articulate probe that simulates a worst case finger into all Precision and Bias—No information is presented
questionable areas.
about either the precision or bias of test 9.2.2 for evaluating Apparatus and Set Up—This test requires an articu-
comers since the test result is non-quantitative.
late probe as specified in UL 1647. Verify that all guards are
9.2.3 Tube Ends—This test is a visual inspection of the unit
properly positioned and secured and the moving surface is
to insure that all tube ends in the accessible area are closed off.
centered per instructions in the owner’s manual. Treadmill to
be tested in all incline positions and all normal usage positions Apparatus and Set Up—Elevate the treadmill to the
that may present a hazard.
incline(s) that will expose all tube ends to the accessible area. Calibration—Verify articulate probes conform to Calibration—No calibration required. Visual in-
the dimensions of UL 1647.
spection only. Procedure—With no power applied, insert probe at Procedure—Inspect all tube ends in the accessible
any points where contact with electrical elements is possible.
area to verify that they are closed off by other components,
caps, plugs, or covers.
compartment/moving surface gap and any openings in the Pass/Fail Criteria—All tube ends in the accessible
area shall be closed off.
be rotated and bent in all possible configurations and applica- No information is presented about either the preci-
tion force shall not exceed 4.4 N (1 lb). Elevate the treadmill
sion or bias of test 9.2.3 for evaluating tube end closure since
to all other incline positions that may present a hazard and
the test result is non-quantitative.
repeat the insertion test. The components not involved in the
9.2.4 Rotating parts in the accessible area and rear roller insertion area may now be removed to clearly see whether the
area. The purpose of this test is to evaluate the risk of injury
probe can contact any electrical hazard.
due to a moving mechanical part. Methodology entails inser- Pass/Fail Criteria—The probe shall not contact any
tion of an articulate probe that simulates an accepted case
electrical hazard.
finger into all questionable areas. Precision and Bias—No information is presented Apparatus and Set Up—This test requires a probe as
about either the precision or bias of test 9.2.5 for evaluating
specified in Fig. 2, “Test Finger,” of EN 957–1. Verify that all accessibility of electrical components since the test result is
guards are properly positioned and secured and the moving
surface is centered per instructions in the owner’s manual.
9.2.6 Foot Rails—The purpose of this test is to evaluate the
Apply power to the treadmill so that its incline can be elevated
and the moving surface can be run.
they meet specified dimensional requirements. Calibration—Verify the articulate probe conforms Apparatus and Set Up—The treadmill shall be
to the dimensions of Fig. 2, “Test Finger,” of EN 957–1.
placed adjacent to a test device consisting of a roughened
(using60to63grainsizeabrasivepaper)rubbersurfacedblock Procedure—With no power applied, insert probe at
made with standard rubber as defined in clause B.2 ofAnnex B
any pull-in nip points or areas accessible to any mechanical
of ISO 4649, which will apply a vertical force of 30 N (6.6 lb),
hazards on the treadmill. Points of insertion include, but shall
pulled by a rope affixed to a tensile testing apparatus

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